This saves so much time its incredible.They might actually succeed in getting PVP back up and running.Hopefully they make official Solo , duo trio servers.
If you previously had a thrall in the wheel, your new thrall will be reskined to that one instead of the white hair one. You can even change the gender. That means, if you had a female thrall and you happen to knock down a male skelos bearer, it will be reskined to the 100khp female version
I like using Noxious Gas Arrows to quickly cycle the patrons in my tavern.
This saves so much time its incredible.They might actually succeed in getting PVP back up and running.Hopefully they make official Solo , duo trio servers.
If you previously had a thrall in the wheel, your new thrall will be reskined to that one instead of the white hair one. You can even change the gender. That means, if you had a female thrall and you happen to knock down a male skelos bearer, it will be reskined to the 100khp female version
Wow 😻🤤😘❤️🔥