Resident Evil Resistance is Broken

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 2 ต.ค. 2024
  • The game needs another revision before release...
  • บันเทิง

ความคิดเห็น • 22

  • @hellomynameisoz7307
    @hellomynameisoz7307 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Totally agree they should’ve just remade resident evil outbreak

    • @AnIdiotBox1963
      @AnIdiotBox1963  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah I think so too, I mean I like the game as a concept but it needs another draft before they release it

  • @ChubakaSteven
    @ChubakaSteven 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I've mostly played as a survivor, and the game is just awful. Awful performance on console, mastermind can spawn traps and zombies right on top of you, most people in matchmaking don't know what they're doing or use a microphone, horrible hit registry (about 30% of my gunshots register blood but no damage), getting stunlocked and insta-killed, etc.
    I win about 20% of the time when playing with a friend, whether the mastermind is rank 1 or rank 40. Teammates will grab key items and then get lost/go afk, and there's nothing you can do about it.
    Game might work well if and only if you've got 4 people to play as survivors and you're all in communication/have at least an 85 IQ, but otherwise, it just does not work.

    • @AnIdiotBox1963
      @AnIdiotBox1963  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Still sucks now, can't even get into a game

  • @funlovenboy
    @funlovenboy 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    It’s pisses me off that they still put effort into this game while neglecting resident 3 which is one the fans actually wanted.

    • @AnIdiotBox1963
      @AnIdiotBox1963  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Literally, I've basically forgot this game exists

  • @funlovenboy
    @funlovenboy 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It’s broke as hell. The way Nicholai does nothing but shoot you and Daniels controller zombies are basically immortal the game is absolute shit.

  • @waffles836
    @waffles836 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    With full game release I’d say it’s broke the other way around now lol. The matching puts you against people way higher than you who just run through the level knowing all the spawns already

    • @AnIdiotBox1963
      @AnIdiotBox1963  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah learning the maps is normally a fun thing but with this it means you cant hide the keys as the mastermind now

    • @demdankmemes6247
      @demdankmemes6247 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AnIdiotBox1963 Not true completely. Yes there are specific spawns but you can put the keys wherever you want in map presets. Just have to edit them. The main thing is putting them in spots players generally just run by and setting up accordingly to where the survivors are going.

  • @demdankmemes6247
    @demdankmemes6247 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Alright. Not ripping on you. But some very constructive criticism coming from someone with 150+ hours in just the beta alone and 85%+ of those matches won on survivor. So I'm going to put things down here from the first beta clip there in order as I watch each section here. First off you won a lot on mastermind because people in beta were so ridiculously inexperience it was insane. However I noticed right away the mistakes not only your teamates but you yourself made. FIRST AREA: Buy the matilda please. There is no excuse to ever not buy matilda and drop MUP right in the starting area. Mup is terribad and you should never use it especially on January. Now. Your teamates wondered around like lost puppies in this area. Its up to you to carry as a more "experienced" player. Your job on Jan is to take out cameras. However the second the mastermind left that first camera you needed to cancel your ability. ALWAYS destroy camera's that have the masttermind in them as they give time back for every kill on top of disabling the mastermind. With January's ability I like to pump fake the mastermind so to speak. So ill start it up and just as the bar gets close to being complete i cancel. Works about 45% of the time and i dont waste my ability. So by going through with that when the mm decided to ditch the camera was a mistake. Now again your job is cams so your ammo should mostly go into Destroying cams. Even against Daniel when he isnt controlling a zombie. Near the exit he whipped out a gun and took out some time and your teamate. Easily countered by you just watching the cam and shooting it as shooting it stuns it every shot PLUS matilda is best weap in the game efficiency wise to taking out camera's. So if you had just watched the cams there you could have prevented the time loss. Yes Your teamate should have been more careful but randos are useless. That's why you need to have the mindset I have. Attack the MM at every corner and babysit the worst sutvivor players you have on your team. Now your complaint with traps. They're traps. Watch your damn feet like jesus. Now, for Daniels zombies. RUN from them. Honestly best thing to do is run. If you need to fight him maintain distance. Stop fighting him in melee range with a damn gun that's just ridiculous. Maintaint distance and time your shots properly. But generally just run in, grab objective. Maybe take a smack or 2 but try to juke out and just close door plus run. Its simple. Another mistake you guys made in that first area was not picking up the supply bag. Opening it gives 30 seconds on the clock 40 total including killing the zombie.
    NOW for AREA 2:You did the right thing off the bat interacting with the terminal. Marking terminals is super great especially if things get hectic or desperate so good to mark them as you find them. Now I disagree with the magnum purchase on Jan. Again Matilda is just beyond the best weapon on Jan so that she can do her job effectively. Magnum just uses too many shots. If you're against an inexperienced MM then magnums fine because you're just going to roll them anyway. Also a nice little backup weapon is the torch. Very good for dealing with Daniel zombies. Again here your team was like lost puppies. Tyrone really did not utilize his kick in either of the areas here very well. Well.... at all. Also another tid bit about traps. No traps dont go off until the dark red hue around it is gone you have about a 2-3 second grace period again, watch your feet and you should be shooting the traps as they give 10 seconds a pop, another counter to your time gripes. Zombie dogs are dumb ill give you that one. All creatures hit boxes are a little glitchy but from what Ive seen only glitchy with lag otherwise generally fine. Need dedicated servers to fix that occassional issue. And incorrect on the bullet spongy. Intended mechanic. If the survivors could just one shot yorick (security zombie with key thats his name in case nobody knows) then THAT would be broken. He has a higher health pool than all other zombies. Tough zombies are tough. Thats how they're supposed to be. Regular zombies can literally be one shot. They're weak so can crawlers. Dogs can generally almost always be one shot. Lickers can be a pain if you dont fight them correctly. Also with X. If one shot released grab even with deagle again; THAT would be broken. It takes a couple shots. ALSO tyrone kick knocks bioweapons out of any animation. There are ways you just need to actually play the game. It comes down to skill level on both sides at the end of the day. Also yes you lose time when you fuck up. You weren't watching your surroundings and you were missing shots. You fucked up. So you went down. Ill admit. Most other players you play with just are stupid. You need to treat them as such and play around it. What you need to do is take charge and carry. When yorrick goes down you should have INSTANTLY bumrushed key and taken it before anyone else.
    NOW AREA 3: My god drop your fucking MUP. Now in that first part yes lickers take that many shots. They're also 7 bloody bio energy so after he drops that he isn't gonna be able to spam much. And they're ez to kill if you hit them. Also easily stun locked by Sam. Bad players absolutely can make or break a team but carrying is more than doable in a lot of situations.Again in all 3 areas your camera game which is your job was nonexistent. a few ttimes in 1st area a few times in last that was it. Now good work on objectives you were doing what needed to be done even when your team wasn't. If they see you doing something even the stupidest people i find follow suite. Now at the end there your biggest mistake. Again. You're Jan. You know he has a gun in his deck. Watch camera's and LOS them. You lost no only from shots but the nail in the coffin was the very slow shambling zombie that you just stood around and let bite you. Thais why you lost.All you had to do was shoot cam, run towards and underneath then shoot it. Then go on bio core and watch that second camera. 30 seconds on the clock, rush stairs hit lever boom 1 min on the clock. hide and destroy cameras then exit should open and you should have plenty of time left. if X gets dropped there, run around and avoid him and if everyone else goes down just ditch them with that much time left. X cant reach through behind the door so you could go in when it opens and escape. Oof another mistake i forgot to mention. Buy bloody grenades. Valerie's passive inst enough Flash grenades are KING vs Daniel. Anyway again I'm not trying to chirp you just explaining what you did wrong. Its so frustrating seeing people complain when they just aren't experienced enough to understand the counter to their complaint, because as long as i have played this game there isnt anything that i've seen that doesn't have some kind of counter or outplay maneuver. Please play more and learn the game better before posting stuff like this. The game is absolutely not perfect. There are flaws even after release but its a very fun game and has a lot of potential. I hope you and others choose to learn and practice this game. Would love to see it grow. Didn't proofread this so sorry for any grammar mistakes its just too long and its 4:30 in the morning right now lol and sorry for the insanely long comment but I felt it was necessary.. Keep up the good work on TH-cam and look forward to a reply if by chance you give one.
    EDIT: obviously things have changed in release however i tried to make this pertain to the beta as thats when this video was played in as much as possible

    • @prince.fatalis
      @prince.fatalis 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Just FYI, Matilda spawning for purchase is random at the start of Area 1. It's either that or Quickdraw. Jan is better suited for Matilda but when you're playing with Becca, Quickdraw is a must, so sometimes RNG plays into factor for luck. You're not going to throw your points immediately for another weapon when the one you actually want will unlock in Area 2.

    • @AnIdiotBox1963
      @AnIdiotBox1963  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      I will fully agree I definitely made some mistakes during this game (although I hate Matilda always been a fan of the Eagle) but what I tried to say with the video even if my angry state was that it focuses too much on a team based group. I definitely don't not enjoy the final game hell I'm level 30ish with Alex Wesker for Mastermind but I don't think the survivor part is even half as good, it's a bit too clunky and the timelimit despite being a main part of the game kinda ruins it at times for me but I definitely see what your saying about using my abilities in all honesty I forgot about them a lot during this game haha

  • @chaindog777
    @chaindog777 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    It is bad but it ain't as bad as your making out just sounds like your abit salty here ...ive not even played mastermind yet and Its buggy but i think it's more due to the server issue's

    • @AnIdiotBox1963
      @AnIdiotBox1963  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I do state at the start of the video I'm talking bout the beta, however some issues are still a problem such as if you get a useless team you've already lost and the timer is still annoying, the other issues have been fixed though

  • @tarjamr2521
    @tarjamr2521 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I feel like they knew people wanted REO and because it is a remake people were expecting mercenaries mode. So maybe their train of thought was let's combine elements of both of them and create something new. Makes sense...the problem is that the mode is neither mercenaries nor is it outbreak therefore it was doomed from the get go. It's a horror game remove the stupid fucking timer, slow the pace down, extend match time, add "real" puzzles, make it so that if you die you cannot be revived, and get rid of those dumbass powerup things. The main mission can still be about trying to escape. Also, they should add the dodge mechanic. I think if they did all of that this game would be actually playable..but as it is right now it's fucking trash.