Women and men need a lawsuit against the non science leftist community especially all those children Google mutilated because of the faith-based belief of left and their gender faith. Sorry the Constitution is clear child human sacrifice AKA abortion is murder
They don't care they quietly passed an illegal law using illegal methods based on a religious and political reasons that have nothing to do with basic human rights. The choice to give birth should involve a debate but ultimately the person affected by this has the right to make that decision.
It's amoral and appalling what the Republicant's have done just because women have become too powerful and independent. In addition, Justice Alito said that the reason for overturning Roe is: There's a decline in domestic babies for adoption. Source: MSNBC
If women tried to deny men their reproductive health care for ED, prostate, and testicular cancer, the outrage would tear the roof off of the Capitol building!
This shouldn’t happen to anyone. I am a father of four healthy boys and I am in tears listening to these stories. These politicians should be voted out of office. WOMEN RISE UP! VOTE!
Have you seen any legislation passed by Republicans that is aimed at making anyone's life better? All they are doing is passing laws to make more vulnerable groups suffer.
I can't hardly stand it, for other women to not even have basic help. My cousin nearly died years ago when she and her husband lost their first child at 7 months. She delivered a perfect little girl; stillborn. This was not an 'unwanted', but she had to endure a weekend and the Monday of great pain BEFORE they decided to induce.
What's always been concerning about this legislation is that medical professionals warned that this was going to risk actual mothers lives but Republicans did it anyway.
Quit electing Republicans so we can possibly get some common sense laws for gun control and quit letting the government practice medicine without a license
They think it is better for women like this to die then the possibility of an optional abortion happening and being disguised as treatment for these situations. They are truly evil people that are convinced they are righteous a horrid combination.
The weird thing about the abortion "issue" is, there are not two sides. One side is, we demand government action to force women to stay fertilized, no matter what. (Even if the "human" inside is dead! How is that "pro-life"???) But there is no other side demanding government action to make any woman have an abortion.
It’s time to rise up, protest, organize….women, men, DOCTORS, HOSPITALS, INSURANCE COMPANIES, everyone & DEMAND OUR RIGHTS BACK. THIS IS BEYOND INHUMANE
@@TryingtoTellYou Maybe watch the video before putting up such an idiotic take? None of your inflammatory language fits at all. You are espousing pure emotionally-charged, unsupported by facts.
Sorry but if one of those ladies had lost her life, that would have been a malpractice or wrongful death lawsuit… for the hospital. The legal action can’t be just one or two people it needs to be collective.
Anyone who can listen to these horrific stories and go off on meaningless tangents like questioning what a woman is, or spout that abortion is murder without acknowledging what they just heard… idk their morals, compassion and just sheer humanity are nonexistent
It's amoral and appalling what the Republicant's have done just because women have become too powerful and independent. In addition, Justice Alito said that the reason for overturning Roe is: There's a decline in domestic babies for adoption. Source: MSNBC
As a man who will never have a pregnancy, I seat in utter desperation to see this injustice. These are people's lives , how many would died because situations like this. It enrages me to no end.
If you will notice there were only white women(hand maidens) standing around DeSantis grinning. I hope ever last one of them go through what these ladies went through. Woman in TX was against abortion until it was here about to lose her life due to a decaying fetus in her body. Now she's full blown advocating for women rights. These lil Billy writes will bet the picture soon enough.
Not always. When it happens late term sometimes the pregnancy can be continued until the fetus is viable. But yes, when it happens early, there is no chance.
As a Canadian my hheart is aching for all women in the red states I am so sorry. As a mom and gramma of girls I cannot imagine one of them in this situation
@@karenneill9109 - In a few more yrs the stark differences we are already starting to see between ones personal rights, workers rights, and so much more in blue and red states will be mind blowing. I can't imagine wanting to live in any Trumper party state. I don't have any desire to live in the 19th century. Those cult 45 voters must all be delusional and are certainly badly misinformed after being brainwashed by trash like Foxed fake news for 25 yrs.
That go through what not being able to murder their baby. Is the second woman even an American citizen. Is she paying for her own health care or is the taxpayer paying. I guess they didn't die after all
It's amoral and appalling what the Republicant's have done just because women have become too powerful and independent. In addition, Justice Alito said that the reason for overturning Roe is: There's a decline in domestic babies for adoption. Source: MSNBC
Abortion is murder. Never heard of a woman dying because she wasn't allowed to murder her baby. Matter of fact I bet way more men have died working being forced to pay for a baby that he didn't want then women have died because they weren't allowed to get an abortion. The woman with the accent should have never moved to America if she doesn't like our constitution. The Constitution tells us abortion is murder. She should have stood on the islands and went to a voodoo priestess and practiced child human sacrifice this doesn't belong in the first world
OMFG!! My heart breaks for these women. What they were FORCED to go through is so incredibly wrong. I can't imagine how hard it must be for them to talk about this on national TV. I'm glad they're brave enough to do it, though. Forced birthers need to understand what they're doing to women. Anyone who isn't fighting for abortion rights needs to hear these stories.
Lol 😂 trying to murder babies isn't brave. Obviously one of the women migrated into America if she doesn't want to live under the constitutional Republic which tells us abortion is illegal she should have stood on the islands and went to a voodoo priestess.
God, can you imagine losing your child and then the doctor telling you he can't help you because of some governor? is this really happening in the US, it feels unreal.
Want a nightmare story? Try working for a company for almost 30 years, then be told that if you don't take an experimental vaccine, you lose your entire career. YOU PEOPLE were just fine with that, so you can go fly a kite in a lightning storm.
@@WalkawayRene12 so it's an equine fetus? No it's a human fetus, Marjorie. Stop being so dishonest. Do you even know what Fetus means? It means offspring/Baby. Happy to educate you.
no matter what people says, these two are grown women who want a kid, but had a MEDICAL REASON, for an abortion. yet people are blaming this for being an open door for something. THIS IS HAPPENING EVERYWHERE AROUND THE NATION. I WORK AT A HOSPITAL. I SEE IT.
Not everywhere, not in States that Recognise Women’s Rights ie the Right for appropriate medical care for Every moment in life, Right to Choose, Right to Decide what’s Best for their Own Individual circumstance, Right to Determine their Own Life Vote Blue, yours, your sister, your friends life depends on it.. Can’t believe this Battle has to be fought, Again!! Wth.. 💙💙💙
@@thebilboshow168 you keyboard warriors are real brave behind your screens, infringing on everyone else’s rights, but once your rights respected that’s the Republican way
Unfortunately the leftist activists on the supreme Court and leftist activists politicians are disobeying the Constitution and practicing child human sacrifice AKA abortion. Sounds to me like these doctors are making excuses not to help these women because they want abortion fully recognized. I've never heard of a woman dying because she wasn't allowed to get an abortion. When women are pregnant in the tubes ending that pregnancy isn't even considered an abortion. There's no was that stop putting an end to ectopic pregnancies. Hopefully we can go back to having legitimate doctors that practice first world medicine not voodoo priestess and Satanist that like to murder innocent babies and practice their satanic mutilation rituals when it comes to their gender faith. PS the second woman with the accent I wonder if she's an American citizen and if not if she's actually paying for this healthcare or it's coming out of the pockets of the American taxpayer. PS let's all keep in mind this story has not been confirmed anybody can make any claims and the left is always making claims that never come true This is a situation created by the left when they ignored the Constitution
I am crying right now. This should not happen to anyone. How inhumane for these women to go through this alone. I’m a nurse. The least they hospital could do is put these women in observation.
That's the problem with the anti-abortion crowd, they see this thing in a simplistic black-and-white lens, "abortion is murder, end of discussion!", but the world is so rarely black-and-white, there are so many shades of grey, an entire rainbow of grey. And I keep saying this, and I will keep saying this: if all you care about is the fetus and not about the welfare of the mother or the child that fetus becomes then you're not Pro Life, you're a hypocrite.
"Sure". By the way, how did those dead women make it the interview? Aren't they meant to be dead because they were denied this "life saving" procedure?
@@TryingtoTellYou Obviously you didn't actually listened to the interview, typical of course for the Hypocrites, never let facts get in the way of your self-righteous views.
@@TryingtoTellYou had you watched the interview, you would have seen that both women gave birth to dead babies one at home and one in the bathroom of a hair salon and needed life saving care afterwards to live.
These awful women standing around his desk are the ones who have the financial mean to go out of state and or country to have their abortions while women in Florida are paying the price.
ive been to pro-life rallies. these women live in another world. A world where they truly believe you only get pregnant if you DECIDE to. they wholeheartedly believe that poor, lost little sl**s go sleeping around and then willy-nilly go about finding an abortion clinic. Or they believe there are cruel, selfish young women who only want a quick, good time but thereafter only care about themselves and their superficial careers. They believe their precious, wholesome daughters would never ever do anything as vile as need an abortion. Ultimately, they honestly think that wielding the power of the state helps evil woman finally find the love of God...and they have the stories to "prove" it. it is sick and it is twisted.
Who’s talking about killing babies? We’re talking about zygotes and fetuses that aren’t much bigger than a pea. You wouldn’t call a seed in your hand a tree. You call it a seed. 😂
@@LarrySinclairAndBarackshut the *uck up!!! You can’t have a child so you don’t get to have that BS opinion. Did you hear what she went through?! YOU should’ve been aborted!
I know how these women feel because I gave birth to a stillborn. I didn’t even know I was pregnant. I was in so much pain I couldn’t breathe .I couldn’t drink water .I had a hard time on my back I couldn’t lie down, I had a hard time walking around until the pain stopped in the middle of the night. I was in pain for a good 10 hours. I went to the hospital the very next day and they told me that I had a stillborn inside of me and they told me I was lucky that I survived.
I worked in the Operating room for 35 years. I have seen literally hundreds of women going thru various stages of miscarriage and needing a procedure (D&C... dilation and curettage) to clean out the Uterus. Some are bleeding a little, some can bleed an excessive amount and have required transfusions. I've seen women come in with post miscarriage or abortion related Uterine infections, these are some very sick women who could have died if not treated promptly. When this whole Anti Abortion and reversal of Roe vs Wade started up I became worried sick. I have a daughter of child bearing age and a daughter in law as well and I worry myself sick about them. Thank God we live close to Kansas where the laws aren't so Draconian, my home state of Missouri has taken us back to scary times. As a grown woman, I've been fortunate enough to have always had access to safe and legal abortion, I cannot imagine not having that right to choose. Problems like what these two brave Women went thru will become more and more common. Wait until the complications from illegal abortions begin.... because they will!!
Complications from illegal abortions have probably already started to happen. We're just not hearing about them yet. I remember well before Roe v. Wade, there were dirty back rooms where abortions were performed by first year medical students, nurses, or just plain old Joe or Mary from the neighborhood. Sometimes they were even self-induced abortions, uterine perforations. Many women bled to death or died from severe infections as they were afraid to go for medical care after having illegal abortions. There were qualified doctors who would perform abortions at great risk to themselves, but they weren't easy to find if you were poor. The wealthy never had a problem, though. If they couldn't find a doctor in the US they just flew to Europe. As always, it is the poor and middle class who suffer the most.
This is so disgusting and terrible. I can't believe we have allowed these politicians in these states to do this to women. I am beyond angry right now. Women need to leave those states in droves. For real
I have rarely been so shocked at a report. Every woman who's had complications with a pregnancy and had to endure something like this because of the new laws, should band together and do a big giant class action law suit against the Supreme Court of the United States for literally murdering women. It's so shocking, so horrible.
I agree with you. I am shocked, sick with grief and livid with rage that a woman had to deliver her child into a *toilet*, knowing that the child will not survive.
Ron DeSantis is evil incarnate. How dare he risk these beautiful, brave women’s lives and make them endure these traumatic experiences simply for political power? It’s disgusting.
It isn't just run around Ron. There are many men who are against women having the right to choose. It starts with one thing and continues until they have their boots on the necks of women telling us what we can and can't do.
@@franklin9400 Ron did not force them to be pregnant but he forced them into a condition when their miscarriages could not be treated with care by medical professionals. These women wanted the children but had miscarriages. They needed some medical care denied to them due to the law criminalizing such care.
Here's what it's going to take: a woman--and her fetus--will have to die so a major lawsuit can be filed to scare the politicians back into their little holy caves. Every person who voted for/supported this bill is going to be guilty of homicide, sooner or later. Huge respect to these 2 courageous heroes who are here telling their story.
The USA already had an abnormally high maternal death rate, compared to other developed nations. Women from minority backgrounds are already hit hardest. And then Roe vs Wade was overturned. I promise you, someone has already died because of these new laws. They just went ignored
Can't these women sue now? Because of denied treatment their chances of getting pregnant again/keeping the the baby have been reduced The law literally took away their chances of having (more) children! (pro-life indeed /s)
Omg this was the most horrible thing I have ever heard both of these women need to sue the entire state of Florida and DeSantis and the entire Republican party needs to go away. They call them selfs the pro life party nothing about what happened to these women is pro life .
Completely barbaric! I bet these same women were upset when the homeless woman delivered her baby on the street. This poor woman had to deliver her baby, that she wanted so badly, into a toilet! Ppl need to record these things and let these lawmakers see what their laws are doing!
THESE WOMEN and all these women should SUE and sue hard at the men who made these decisions. This is a abortion, so you can't use that excuse. These women wanted these babies.
@@TryingtoTellYou medically it's all under the same term. Which is part of the problem. People do not seem to understand that medical terminology and social language use the same words sometimes but do not mean the same thing. Miscarriage is a social term, not a medical one.
They should make these lawmakers go through this experience also, just like they used to make drunk drivers go sit in the emergency room on Friday & Saturday nights. Maybe then they could find an ounce of compassion and see there is a need for these medical procedures!
It's amoral and appalling what the Republicant's have done just because women have become too powerful and independent. In addition, Justice Alito said that the reason for overturning Roe is: There's a decline in domestic babies for adoption. Source: MSNBC
The Republican lawmakers are to a person too cowardly to see any of this. Suggest it and watch the incredible dance maneuvers that Republicans will do to dodge it.
DeSantis’ wife should be required to take a pregnancy test before she’s allowed to leave the state, because ya’ll KNOW she’s gonna get her abortion whenever!
DeSatan's wife will get an abortion if he life was ever in danger because of a pregnancy, these anti abortion laws do not apply to the MAGA Republicans only to the plebs.
This is heartbreaking! As a mum I just can’t imagine the pain of losing a child or having to have an abortion, but to have to face these unacceptable circumstances is obscene! This isn’t “pro-life” it’s pro death!
The baby was dead. They were forced to risk their lives and give birth without medical help for the sake of a *dead* baby. Please pay attention before you type this kind of thing.
No problem anybody who agrees not to get an abortion is guaranteed to have their baby adopted. The number of children in foster care has doubled since abortion was legalized. Stop rewarding single mothers with 12 children and 11 baby Daddy's with welfare and you'll have a lot less unwanted children. Not one child is in foster care today because their mother wasn't able to get an abortion because abortion has been legal for for approximately 6 decades.
It's not that simple. Moving is difficult and expensive. And we need to stay and fight. There's already a question as to how this thug, who almost last his last election to a Black opponent, but won in a landslide in a state that used to be a battleground state. That's where the fight needs to start.
I am so HAPPY that these women are telling of their diabolical experience of not receiving the necessary medical care during their pregnancies. We're not in medieval times... it's disgusting. 🤬
The majority of people who were applauding this Florida governors action, at least in the photograph, appear to be women. They were all applauding and smiling. Perhaps some of our radical progressives are on the wrong side of the issue.
Politicians Absolutely Don't "Know"! The Government, Federal or State, is simply Not Qualified in Any way, to determine for Any Woman or Girl, readiness physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually (or financially) to carry and birth a child. Neither is the casual observer, the next door neighbor, or the Authoritarian church of "good intentions" Anytown, Anywhere. After Americans have fought and died Generationally to Protect and Defend Against Authoritarianism, Authoritarianism is Not the Future of Humanity or America. Toxic, Inhumane, Power Over Wombs, & Female "Place", Policy, Must be Shut Down Cold.
I feel like they are treating women as baby factories due to declining birth rates. Declining birth rates hurt a country due to less workers to replace jobs and military. It’s really sad. Scary.
Another fine example of pro-life legislation. They completely ignore the most important life in a pregnancy. The mother. Without her there would be no child.
What I would like to see is every woman who is turned away for Reproductive care contact a news agency and immediately tell their story we need to see these hundreds of women who are being denied Medical Care
Yes, this should be made as public as possible. Sadly, I also think that the only way to get legitimate gun legislation passed is to show some 9 year old shot up by an AR15. That would open the eyes of everyone, except Republicans.
Wow this made me cry. My heart hurts for those women and their husbands. Also-it's typically worse for black and brown women. These GOP lawmakers and the ignorant so-called "Christian" right wing are disgusting.
This just brought tears 😭 into my eyes! I truly feel for these two women! 30 years ago, I had an ectopic pregnancy and almost died! Had it not been for medical intervention, to save my life, I wouldn’t be here alive today! These kind of stories are heartbreaking 💔, to know that there’s a great possibility your life will end without medical help!!
It's amoral and appalling what the Republicant's have done just because women have become too powerful and independent. In addition, Justice Alito said that the reason for overturning Roe is: There's a decline in domestic babies for adoption. Source: MSNBC
@@SpeakerOfTruth444 Alito indeed wrote and said that very thing. He gave a speech in Italy last year that Everyone should watch so they can see what the conservative SCOTUSs are wanting to do next, like end interracial marriage and stop women from accessing birth control! The democrats really needed to expand protections for these rights and should have expanded the court size. There is nothing that says how many justices can serve at a time and the court has been of varying sizes through the course of our country.
My god this is a horror story. I am so very sorry for both of you. I know that I’m sorry, and thoughts and prayers mean nothing. Many women will die and I’m glad you survived.
This shows that government needs to let doctor do what need to be done to sustain life these women were not trying to get a six week abortion something went wrong and the moms were at risk😠😠 this should never happen in this day and age it angers me of the ignorance of legistrators
I’m so sorry for these women nobody should have to go through this barbaric treatment. It’s traumatizing as it is. Never should this be happening in this country at this moment in time!!!! Disgusting 🤮
It's not just that though, that state is so terribly gerrymandered dems don't have that much of a shot in a lot of areas because of just how much they've drowned out any left leaning residents' voices and voting power. It was bad before, but DeathSantis's latest map got completely rid of a seat held by a democrat (I forget if it was an african-american man or woman, one of the two) and rendered the state districts gerrymandered to the point where it should have technically been illegal (but his courts upheld it). So even if everyone shows up to vote, it's just that much harder because of how badly the districts were done to favor the republicans
"Ask your doctor if Florida is right for you! (Don't take Florida if you're pregnant or thinking of becoming pregant, as serious complications including death could occur.)
Anyone care to explain to me how is this pro-life? Or how is leaving a body without a life in a woman's body pro-life? At what point does the pregnany considered as a miscarriage? I used to say, as a canadian who is living in Germany, I am blessed with the kind of healthcare that we received and women's right. Healthcare aside, why should women's rights be a "blessing"? Especially when concerning reproductive and abortion rights. I'm not even religious. As a mother who went through misarriages and IVF, I am angry for them. This kind of experience isn't only truamatic for the women, but the whole family, just ask my husband. I had a miscarriage at the end of last year. I went through a rare complication, 8 weeks into our pregnancy my husband found me on the bathroom floor unconcious with blood everywhere. I lost so much blood my body was in shock, was taken to the emergancy imediately for emergancy surgery. When I woke up, the nurse called my husband to my bedside and he was still shaking, he thought he had lost me right there and then. I am forever grateful for the doctors and nurses who saved me that day. It is hard enough to have lost a child, having to go through the fear of dying because the of abortion law is just appalling. My heart goes out to all the women who share the same experience as these 2 beautiful soul.
TW - Same topic Honestly I am a Veterinarian. At least by qualifications in my region of the Caribbean. I made a career change. But as far as I know if a fetus is no longer viable the cervix can start to open up, bacteria can get in there, and infection and honestly rotting happens. That is a very dangerous situation for the mother because if that bacteria gets into the bloodstream as it often can, the body doesn't know how to handle that level of bacteria. Sepsis occurs and the cardiovascular system can start to fail. Sure lucky mothers will survive, but. Anyway many veterinarians see this often out in the field. I've seen it and the dog just plain didn't survive. The owner took to long to bring it in and the dog passed away during the surgery. I was the assistant surgeon holding the uterus for the doctor to cut into it, I saw where even the uterine wall was beginning to rot (saw gas bubbles in it from the bacteria) and the fetus was rotting. I can only imagine how it would be for human mothers.
It will oply stop with the destruction of the Republican party. If you want to do your part, get 5-10 Gen Zers to register to vote and then to vote. Gen Z already sees Republicans as the enemy, and they are the largest (and growing) voting block in America.
Thank you to these brave, optimistic ladies for speaking out. What a nightmare for this to be happening in this country in the 21st century. Thank you to Katie Phang for your honest reporting!
That already happens. Approximately 1,300 women prosecuted from 2006-2020 over miscarriages, stillbirths & self-induced abortions in the USA. Chelsea Becker spent 16 months in jail on manslaughter charges before the case was dismissed. And that was in California, even before RvW was overturned. Fetal harm laws are meant to protect pregnant victims by counting an attack on someone as two separate crimes. But instead, pregnant individuals can be charged for loss of their own pregnancy
@@wtfisthishandlebullshit They do: "Columbus man convicted of murdering teen's unborn baby in 2020 drive-by shooting." - Yahoo news. There are literally pages and pages full of examples. Whats it like to be ignorant?
She sounds so angry with the doctor, but what was he supposed to do? Be angry, absolutely. But be angry with the correct people - the politicians and activists who worked to make this happen to you.
@@ktmac7610 Every state needs more doctors. The good ones will just move to blue states, where they can do their jobs without fear of being targeted for helping women. The red states will be left with Republicans who don't care if their female patients die of sepsis and the incompetent, who can't get hired anywhere else.
The doctors are complicit, they should stop being cowards… Doctors have a lot of power and leverage and if they really follow the Hippocratic oath they'll ignore the draconian laws
@@ktmac7610 Some of those states are closing maternity wards, too. Drs are leaving the states bc they have no choice. These politicians & the people that support them are morally bankrupt.
They should have put them in the hospital immediately. Where they could be monitored. Both should have also been induced so they could manage the delivery. It wasn't just about their fear of medical malpractice, it was also cost saving to not put either of these women in the hospital to prevent infection or hemorrhaging. Basically what they told both of these women is, be your own doctor, deal with this on your own and good luck with that.
@johnJacobjinglehimerSchmidt this conversation has nothing to do with trans 'rights'. Even if we define a woman as an adult human female, it changes nothing about what this is about. You purposefully lump all conservative stand points under one umbrella, instead of evaluating the issues one by one - a practice that conversatives always criticise about the left, so this is not the 'gotcha moment' you think it is
@johnJacobjinglehimerSchmidt for the sake of this argument, let's say women can't be men, and vice versa (which I agree with btw especially when seeing Dylan's bs). And now what? It still has nothing to do with the debate about pro-choice/pro-life. We are talking about biological women here, there is no point in bringing other discussions such as transsexuality into this
@johnJacobjinglehimerSchmidt I see, you don't want to argue in good faith. Nothing changes the fact that a discussion about trans people has nothing to do with a discussion about abortion. I just gave you a definition of a woman, yet here you are, pretending otherwise and still not getting the point. By joining these two issues together, you're making it seem like the issue and the people who stand together, are bigger than they actually are. Exactly like the left lumps everything with feminism for that reason (such as LGBT+ and racism). At the end of day, this remains a separate topic, that cannot be shut down with phrases used to shut down another topic
Two hospitals in Idaho have already closed their labor and delivery departments due to lack of trained personnel and the state's political climate. Red states are becoming death traps for women.
No one tortures women and children like Christians. It is not lost on me that these are black women. That short ugly man sure got rejected a lot, it’s too bad he doesn’t have enough personal strength to get well so he hurts other people. I am grateful that the. Angels and Guides for that beautiful women where there to help her. (They would like me to tell you, that they love you very much, that they are sorry you went through that and one day you will know exactly what to do to create change because of it, they are with you and where all there in that moment and they all are very, very proud of you.)
Even at the thought that she will die- she considered the burdens of that on her family. We cannot understand the immense stress and experience as it truly is for her. We should not pretend to. We need to listen and help. Helping could be as much as not letting others restrict others / force themselves upon others in any form.
I’ve never just cried at a story, this is horrifying. I’ve been scared during delivery and I’m thankful medical staff was there to save us. How crazy is this???
Remember, climate change doesn't exist. Rick Scott, when he was Florida governor, banned those words from being in any official papers. So apparently it just went away. That is why politically, Florida has had that great Red Tide.😊
DeStalin is too busy touring the country-he can’t be bothered to act like the _real_ Christian he claims to be and actually HELP his constituents!* *Note heavy sarcasm!
Women need to have a class action suit against the non science politicians! I hope these women can heal!
Women and men need a lawsuit against the non science leftist community especially all those children Google mutilated because of the faith-based belief of left and their gender faith.
Sorry the Constitution is clear child human sacrifice AKA abortion is murder
I agree 💯% 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Science says Abortion results in the loss of a human life EVERY TIME.
They don't care they quietly passed an illegal law using illegal methods based on a religious and
political reasons that have nothing to do with basic human rights. The choice to give birth should
involve a debate but ultimately the person affected by this has the right to make that decision.
@@entropyeffect4100 Abortion isn't a human right. It's literally the killing of a human being.
And this is what happens when the government interferes with medical care for women 😢
It's amoral and appalling what the Republicant's have done just because women have become too powerful and independent. In addition, Justice Alito said that the reason for overturning Roe is: There's a decline in domestic babies for adoption. Source: MSNBC
This is just the start. The GOP is planning a totalitarian regime
If women tried to deny men their reproductive health care for ED, prostate, and testicular cancer, the outrage would tear the roof off of the Capitol building!
@@SpeakerOfTruth444 *Republic•nts*
This shouldn’t happen to anyone. I am a father of four healthy boys and I am in tears listening to these stories. These politicians should be voted out of office. WOMEN RISE UP! VOTE!
MEN RISE UP WITH US! Every vote against this matters!
Get five Gen Zers to register and vote. Gen Z already views Reublicans as the enemy.
And use birth control if need be!!!!!! ✌️
@@Maya_Pinion did you actually listen? Those women wanted the babies.
The cruelty is the point. How dare these lawmakers interfere with medical care!
I agree and it's all I've seen from the GOP since trump came on the scene.
Have you seen any legislation passed by Republicans that is aimed at making anyone's life better? All they are doing is passing laws to make more vulnerable groups suffer.
So were vaccine mandate. Which we still have to enter the country. I'm assuming you didn't support that cruelty interfering with medical care, right?
I can't hardly stand it, for other women to not even have basic help. My cousin nearly died years ago when she and her husband lost their first child at 7 months. She delivered a perfect little girl; stillborn. This was not an 'unwanted', but she had to endure a weekend and the Monday of great pain BEFORE they decided to induce.
I laugh at the anger of plague rats.
What's always been concerning about this legislation is that medical professionals warned that this was going to risk actual mothers lives but Republicans did it anyway.
CRUELTY is a prominent factor included in any effort by GQP.
Sneaky Governor & his staff!
Quit electing Republicans so we can possibly get some common sense laws for gun control and quit letting the government practice medicine without a license
They think it is better for women like this to die then the possibility of an optional abortion happening and being disguised as treatment for these situations. They are truly evil people that are convinced they are righteous a horrid combination.
This is just outrageous. How can these men with no medical training make laws that control women's bodies...?
Because women with no brains make it necessary for us to
My thoughts exactly!
Because doctors don’t write laws.
Dontcha know the bible gives them all they need?
The weird thing about the abortion "issue" is, there are not two sides. One side is, we demand government action to force women to stay fertilized, no matter what. (Even if the "human" inside is dead! How is that "pro-life"???) But there is no other side demanding government action to make any woman have an abortion.
It’s time to rise up, protest, organize….women, men, DOCTORS, HOSPITALS, INSURANCE COMPANIES, everyone & DEMAND OUR RIGHTS BACK. THIS IS BEYOND INHUMANE
⬆️⬆️ Just a new account troll ⬆️⬆️
@@TryingtoTellYou when was the last time you were pregnant or even had menstrual cycle?
William Wilberforce worked tirelessly to stop another barbaric practice. Stop this one, vote for life.
@@TryingtoTellYou Why haven't you gone through psychotherapy yet? Something sounds deeply wrong with you.
@@TryingtoTellYou Maybe watch the video before putting up such an idiotic take? None of your inflammatory language fits at all. You are espousing pure emotionally-charged, unsupported by facts.
Sue the state of Florida for millions, ladies
Yes sue the state of Floride for.pain and.suffering
Sorry but if one of those ladies had lost her life, that would have been a malpractice or wrongful death lawsuit… for the hospital. The legal action can’t be just one or two people it needs to be collective.
@@Mialamorena1 then the hospital should sue the state for tying their hands in theses situations!
@@Mialamorena1 They can take it to federal court. This is considered federal question jurisdiction.
why ? abortion is murder
Clear example of why abortion is health care.
And their lives were at risk which is allowed. This is outrageous!
@@grenachegirl No, their lives were not at risk. Pregnancy itself puts women's lives at risk, so no, this is not "life threatening" under the law.
@@leagarner3675 yes.
Anyone who can listen to these horrific stories and go off on meaningless tangents like questioning what a woman is, or spout that abortion is murder without acknowledging what they just heard… idk their morals, compassion and just sheer humanity are nonexistent
They are small minded morons that think they know everything, but only spread hate and hardship
First, do NO harm....just flew out the window!
@@jaslady22 Somebody should be saying that to those Drs every day for the rest of their lives!
The Left's contention: Denying a woman abortion will result in her death
Also the Left: Interviews 2 women who were denied abortion that are alive
@@m.g.1391 this is not the fault of these doctors ,it's the fault of christian fascists
The horror, cruelty, and injustice of this fills me with disgust and rage!😢
It's amoral and appalling what the Republicant's have done just because women have become too powerful and independent. In addition, Justice Alito said that the reason for overturning Roe is: There's a decline in domestic babies for adoption. Source: MSNBC
I am so angry, I can't stop being angry! All, I can say is, they will get theirs!
And the law has EXCEPTIONS FOR THE HEALTH OF THE MOTHER. So the doctors could’ve used those exceptions but they chose not to
They chose to stay out of jail and keep their license
Elections matter people vote these people OUT!!!!
As a man who will never have a pregnancy, I seat in utter desperation to see this injustice. These are people's lives , how many would died because situations like this. It enrages me to no end.
Off with baby heads!
If you will notice there were only white women(hand maidens) standing around DeSantis grinning. I hope ever last one of them go through what these ladies went through. Woman in TX was against abortion until it was here about to lose her life due to a decaying fetus in her body. Now she's full blown advocating for women rights. These lil Billy writes will bet the picture soon enough.
@@sdust251977 This affects men too!
This is ridiculous. Once the membranes rupture, the pregnancy is OVER.
Being denied medical care in this case is insane.
Not always. When it happens late term sometimes the pregnancy can be continued until the fetus is viable. But yes, when it happens early, there is no chance.
As a Canadian my hheart is aching for all women in the red states I am so sorry. As a mom and gramma of girls I cannot imagine one of them in this situation
I’m Canadian too, and the speed of regression of rights in the US is mind blowing…it seems like our two countries are in different centuries.
It's terrifying. And it's meant to be.
@@karenneill9109 - In a few more yrs the stark differences we are already starting to see between ones personal rights, workers rights, and so much more in blue and red states will be mind blowing.
I can't imagine wanting to live in any Trumper party state. I don't have any desire to live in the 19th century. Those cult 45 voters must all be delusional and are certainly badly misinformed after being brainwashed by trash like Foxed fake news for 25 yrs.
Mind your votes. Historically the CONservatives are not pro-choice.
This is absolutely outrageous. My heart goes out to all women that have to go through this
That go through what not being able to murder their baby.
Is the second woman even an American citizen. Is she paying for her own health care or is the taxpayer paying.
I guess they didn't die after all
@Larry Sinclair And Barack
So you are against human rights. Gotcha.
@@LarrySinclairAndBarack Women are not second class citizens, unlike what your superstition leads you to believe.
@@Cliohna Larry is a 2 day old troll acct - ignore them
It's amoral and appalling what the Republicant's have done just because women have become too powerful and independent. In addition, Justice Alito said that the reason for overturning Roe is: There's a decline in domestic babies for adoption. Source: MSNBC
This is horrific. So sad i feel so bad for them. They need to sue.
You need to feel less and think more.
@@LibtardsareFuntotalkto Hmm, over a thousand comments from a TH-cam account less than 4 months old, yawn
Sod off paid troll, blah 😒
@@LibtardsareFuntotalkto 70% of American voters are pro choice.
The more Republicans push an anti-abortion agenda, the more they will lose.
I agree with him not you crazy lady
Abortion is murder.
Never heard of a woman dying because she wasn't allowed to murder her baby.
Matter of fact I bet way more men have died working being forced to pay for a baby that he didn't want then women have died because they weren't allowed to get an abortion.
The woman with the accent should have never moved to America if she doesn't like our constitution. The Constitution tells us abortion is murder. She should have stood on the islands and went to a voodoo priestess and practiced child human sacrifice this doesn't belong in the first world
OMFG!! My heart breaks for these women. What they were FORCED to go through is so incredibly wrong.
I can't imagine how hard it must be for them to talk about this on national TV. I'm glad they're brave enough to do it, though. Forced birthers need to understand what they're doing to women. Anyone who isn't fighting for abortion rights needs to hear these stories.
Forced birthers don't care.
You think they care?
@@BridgetKF According to the Kansas vote, helltotheyes.
Poor baby
@@antoniocasias5545 the laws aren't about babies
Brave women! Stories like this need to be heard!
Lol 😂 trying to murder babies isn't brave. Obviously one of the women migrated into America if she doesn't want to live under the constitutional Republic which tells us abortion is illegal she should have stood on the islands and went to a voodoo priestess.
Get a dictionary
@@antoniocasias5545 What does that even mean?
@@TheRealBlueValhalla are you being deliberately dense?
@@antoniocasias5545 are you?
My heart breaks for these women.
These lawmakers need to be held accountable for this suffering.
God, can you imagine losing your child and then the doctor telling you he can't help you because of some governor? is this really happening in the US, it feels unreal.
It happens in Republican states in the US. In democratic states, women are still considered to be independent human beings.
@@kpokpojiji If they continue to get their way legal abortion may very well disappear countrywide.
I hope more women come forward with their nightmare stories thanks to the Republicans! Vote them out!
Want a nightmare story? Try working for a company for almost 30 years, then be told that if you don't take an experimental vaccine, you lose your entire career. YOU PEOPLE were just fine with that, so you can go fly a kite in a lightning storm.
Too bad the 1,000,000 unborn humans murdered by abortion every year don't have an opportunity to tell their stories...
Yeah come forward with stories about how You Died because you didn't get an abortion.
Oh wait, nobody died and the Left is Lying again.
Fetuses, not humans
@@WalkawayRene12 so it's an equine fetus?
No it's a human fetus, Marjorie. Stop being so dishonest.
Do you even know what Fetus means? It means offspring/Baby.
Happy to educate you.
no matter what people says, these two are grown women who want a kid, but had a MEDICAL REASON, for an abortion. yet people are blaming this for being an open door for something.
No your lying 🤥
Not everywhere, not in States that Recognise Women’s Rights ie the Right for appropriate medical care for Every moment in life, Right to Choose, Right to Decide what’s Best for their Own Individual circumstance, Right to Determine their Own Life
Vote Blue, yours, your sister, your friends life depends on it..
Can’t believe this Battle has to be fought, Again!! Wth..
@@thebilboshow168 you keyboard warriors are real brave behind your screens, infringing on everyone else’s rights, but once your rights respected that’s the Republican way
Unfortunately the leftist activists on the supreme Court and leftist activists politicians are disobeying the Constitution and practicing child human sacrifice AKA abortion.
Sounds to me like these doctors are making excuses not to help these women because they want abortion fully recognized.
I've never heard of a woman dying because she wasn't allowed to get an abortion.
When women are pregnant in the tubes ending that pregnancy isn't even considered an abortion. There's no was that stop putting an end to ectopic pregnancies.
Hopefully we can go back to having legitimate doctors that practice first world medicine not voodoo priestess and Satanist that like to murder innocent babies and practice their satanic mutilation rituals when it comes to their gender faith.
PS the second woman with the accent I wonder if she's an American citizen and if not if she's actually paying for this healthcare or it's coming out of the pockets of the American taxpayer.
PS let's all keep in mind this story has not been confirmed anybody can make any claims and the left is always making claims that never come true
This is a situation created by the left when they ignored the Constitution
@@smikell9997 I'm glad I can't see his comments.
I am crying right now. This should not happen to anyone. How inhumane for these women to go through this alone. I’m a nurse. The least they hospital could do is put these women in observation.
That's the problem with the anti-abortion crowd, they see this thing in a simplistic black-and-white lens, "abortion is murder, end of discussion!", but the world is so rarely black-and-white, there are so many shades of grey, an entire rainbow of grey. And I keep saying this, and I will keep saying this: if all you care about is the fetus and not about the welfare of the mother or the child that fetus becomes then you're not Pro Life, you're a hypocrite.
"Sure". By the way, how did those dead women make it the interview? Aren't they meant to be dead because they were denied this "life saving" procedure?
@@TryingtoTellYou Obviously you didn't actually listened to the interview, typical of course for the Hypocrites, never let facts get in the way of your self-righteous views.
@@FerretJohn Cute! You can't answer a simple question.
@@TryingtoTellYou had you watched the interview, you would have seen that both women gave birth to dead babies one at home and one in the bathroom of a hair salon and needed life saving care afterwards to live.
@@arimermelstein9167 That's funny. They claim to have not received that care.
The awful thing is watching the women standing round his desk when the time was reduced to six weeks. Shame on you. Shame on you.
These awful women standing around his desk are the ones who have the financial mean to go out of state and or country to have their abortions while women in Florida are paying the price.
They want women in government as tokens and only ones who "know their place".
ive been to pro-life rallies. these women live in another world. A world where they truly believe you only get pregnant if you DECIDE to. they wholeheartedly believe that poor, lost little sl**s go sleeping around and then willy-nilly go about finding an abortion clinic. Or they believe there are cruel, selfish young women who only want a quick, good time but thereafter only care about themselves and their superficial careers. They believe their precious, wholesome daughters would never ever do anything as vile as need an abortion. Ultimately, they honestly think that wielding the power of the state helps evil woman finally find the love of God...and they have the stories to "prove" it. it is sick and it is twisted.
I hope they face the consequences of their actions 10x over.
I am never going to be all right with this.
With abortion?
@Larry Sinclair And Barack fetuses are not people under the law. Grow up.
I am never going to be alright with human sacrifice.
Who’s talking about killing babies? We’re talking about zygotes and fetuses that aren’t much bigger than a pea. You wouldn’t call a seed in your hand a tree. You call it a seed. 😂
@@LarrySinclairAndBarackshut the *uck up!!! You can’t have a child so you don’t get to have that BS opinion. Did you hear what she went through?! YOU should’ve been aborted!
I know how these women feel because I gave birth to a stillborn. I didn’t even know I was pregnant. I was in so much pain I couldn’t breathe .I couldn’t drink water .I had a hard time on my back I couldn’t lie down, I had a hard time walking around until the pain stopped in the middle of the night. I was in pain for a good 10 hours. I went to the hospital the very next day and they told me that I had a stillborn inside of me and they told me I was lucky that I survived.
I worked in the Operating room for 35 years. I have seen literally hundreds of women going thru various stages of miscarriage and needing a procedure (D&C... dilation and curettage) to clean out the Uterus. Some are bleeding a little, some can bleed an excessive amount and have required transfusions. I've seen women come in with post miscarriage or abortion related Uterine infections, these are some very sick women who could have died if not treated promptly. When this whole Anti Abortion and reversal of Roe vs Wade started up I became worried sick. I have a daughter of child bearing age and a daughter in law as well and I worry myself sick about them. Thank God we live close to Kansas where the laws aren't so Draconian, my home state of Missouri has taken us back to scary times. As a grown woman, I've been fortunate enough to have always had access to safe and legal abortion, I cannot imagine not having that right to choose. Problems like what these two brave Women went thru will become more and more common. Wait until the complications from illegal abortions begin.... because they will!!
Complications from illegal abortions have probably already started to happen. We're just not hearing about them yet. I remember well before Roe v. Wade, there were dirty back rooms where abortions were performed by first year medical students, nurses, or just plain old Joe or Mary from the neighborhood. Sometimes they were even self-induced abortions, uterine perforations. Many women bled to death or died from severe infections as they were afraid to go for medical care after having illegal abortions. There were qualified doctors who would perform abortions at great risk to themselves, but they weren't easy to find if you were poor. The wealthy never had a problem, though. If they couldn't find a doctor in the US they just flew to Europe. As always, it is the poor and middle class who suffer the most.
This is so disgusting and terrible. I can't believe we have allowed these politicians in these states to do this to women. I am beyond angry right now.
Women need to leave those states in droves. For real
That's easy to say. But picking up and moving is prohibitively expensive for most of us living down here.
Women all over, all parties need to vote these idiots out of office!
I have rarely been so shocked at a report. Every woman who's had complications with a pregnancy and had to endure something like this because of the new laws, should band together and do a big giant class action law suit against the Supreme Court of the United States for literally murdering women. It's so shocking, so horrible.
I wish you could do that unfortunately they are the highest Court also they would just argue they sent it back to the state to make the decision
I agree with you. I am shocked, sick with grief and livid with rage that a woman had to deliver her child into a *toilet*, knowing that the child will not survive.
5 Texas women are doing exactly that. They’re stories are heartbreaking.
@@katherinemonaghan9359 Good. God speed!
This feels like some kind of a nightmare. Like, this is really happening in the U.S. in 2023? How can this be?
Ron DeSantis is evil incarnate. How dare he risk these beautiful, brave women’s lives and make them endure these traumatic experiences simply for political power? It’s disgusting.
It isn't just run around Ron. There are many men who are against women having the right to choose. It starts with one thing and continues until they have their boots on the necks of women telling us what we can and can't do.
@@crackersmom2679Agreed. Unfortunately, there are a lot of “stepford wives” that support the GOP too.
When did Ron force these women to get pregnant? I'm struggling to understand your logic.
@@franklin9400 Ron did not force them to be pregnant but he forced them into a condition when their miscarriages could not be treated with care by medical professionals. These women wanted the children but had miscarriages. They needed some medical care denied to them due to the law criminalizing such care.
@@franklin9400 There is no such thing as birth control that his 100% effective. And again, these women were carrying dead fetuses. You are in a Cult.
How about charging desantis with murder when these women or their unborn die?
I agree!
Go ahead. They won't die.
Too weird
Here's what it's going to take: a woman--and her fetus--will have to die so a major lawsuit can be filed to scare the politicians back into their little holy caves. Every person who voted for/supported this bill is going to be guilty of homicide, sooner or later. Huge respect to these 2 courageous heroes who are here telling their story.
The USA already had an abnormally high maternal death rate, compared to other developed nations.
Women from minority backgrounds are already hit hardest.
And then Roe vs Wade was overturned.
I promise you, someone has already died because of these new laws. They just went ignored
The party of pro life and family values.
Can't these women sue now?
Because of denied treatment their chances of getting pregnant again/keeping the the baby have been reduced
The law literally took away their chances of having (more) children!
(pro-life indeed /s)
Happens in Poland and - nobody of them cares.
Omg this was the most horrible thing I have ever heard both of these women need to sue the entire state of Florida and DeSantis and the entire Republican party needs to go away.
They call them selfs the pro life party nothing about what happened to these women is pro life .
Completely barbaric! I bet these same women were upset when the homeless woman delivered her baby on the street. This poor woman had to deliver her baby, that she wanted so badly, into a toilet! Ppl need to record these things and let these lawmakers see what their laws are doing!
@@ktmac7610 I absolutely agree it's insane and it's not pro life.
THESE WOMEN and all these women should SUE and sue hard at the men who made these decisions. This is a abortion, so you can't use that excuse. These women wanted these babies.
Yes...sue the doctors, Florida, DeSantis...everyone.
Except when its not an abortion. Its a miscarriage.
@@TryingtoTellYou medically it's all under the same term. Which is part of the problem. People do not seem to understand that medical terminology and social language use the same words sometimes but do not mean the same thing. Miscarriage is a social term, not a medical one.
@@rebeccaholcombe9043 Certainly. Allow me to correct myself then. I am opposed to deliberate abortion not spontaneous.
@@FVWhimsy2010 Why sue the Doctors it's is not their fault, it is the fault of those who support anti abortion and voted for the Repblicans.
This is horrifying. God bless you, sweet women.
I am so sorry this happened to you both. Thank you for speaking out on behalf of women.
They should make these lawmakers go through this experience also, just like they used to make drunk drivers go sit in the emergency room on Friday & Saturday nights. Maybe then they could find an ounce of compassion and see there is a need for these medical procedures!
It's amoral and appalling what the Republicant's have done just because women have become too powerful and independent. In addition, Justice Alito said that the reason for overturning Roe is: There's a decline in domestic babies for adoption. Source: MSNBC
This is Actually a good thought, but it will never happen
The Republican lawmakers are to a person too cowardly to see any of this. Suggest it and watch the incredible dance maneuvers that Republicans will do to dodge it.
I just can't believe this is happening. The level of cruelty and lack of humanity is mind numbing.
Just par for the course in the Republican war on women.
DeSantis’ wife should be required to take a pregnancy test before she’s allowed to leave the state, because ya’ll KNOW she’s gonna get her abortion whenever!
DeSatan's wife will get an abortion if he life was ever in danger because of a pregnancy, these anti abortion laws do not apply to the MAGA Republicans only to the plebs.
This is heartbreaking! As a mum I just can’t imagine the pain of losing a child or having to have an abortion, but to have to face these unacceptable circumstances is obscene! This isn’t “pro-life” it’s pro death!
I would have taken the baby to DeSantis and say here you asked for this.
Raise your own kids.
The baby was dead. They were forced to risk their lives and give birth without medical help for the sake of a *dead* baby. Please pay attention before you type this kind of thing.
Aborting an unwanted fetus _is_ taking responsibility.
Yep. Leave it on his doorstep the way he leaves migrants, legally in the country, on the doorsteps of unprepared villages.
No problem anybody who agrees not to get an abortion is guaranteed to have their baby adopted.
The number of children in foster care has doubled since abortion was legalized.
Stop rewarding single mothers with 12 children and 11 baby Daddy's with welfare and you'll have a lot less unwanted children.
Not one child is in foster care today because their mother wasn't able to get an abortion because abortion has been legal for for approximately 6 decades.
I hope these lovely women have a healthy happy life from now on. And are free forever more from the hands of monsters
"DO NO HARM" !!!!!!!! OMG!!!!! This is inexcusable, inhumane, unforgivable!!!
This is absolutely insane. INSANE!!!!!!
I’m so sorry for what you both experienced!! 😢 this is awful! No one should EVER be denied necessary care.
Move out of Florida lady's. Your life is at risk.
I hear Chicago has lots of rental vacancies. Enjoy and good riddance.
Or all the MEN of Florida get a vasectomy.
@@Mike_Honcho_8653 You are vile
It's not that simple. Moving is difficult and expensive. And we need to stay and fight. There's already a question as to how this thug, who almost last his last election to a Black opponent, but won in a landslide in a state that used to be a battleground state. That's where the fight needs to start.
@@Mike_Honcho_8653 unga! Cities bad! Fox said so
Let's pass another "heartbeat" Law...that if a woman has a heartbeat you can't tell her what to do
So much this!
I am so HAPPY that these women are telling of their diabolical experience of not receiving the necessary medical care during their pregnancies. We're not in medieval times... it's disgusting. 🤬
Right sad
I think medieval times is when they started burning midwives at the stake
If women expect to be treated like human beings, they need to start voting blue.
The unborn babies disagree
And in the short term, stay out of Floriduh.
The majority of people who were applauding this Florida governors action, at least in the photograph, appear to be women. They were all applauding and smiling. Perhaps some of our radical progressives are on the wrong side of the issue.
Pelosi and Obama had a chance with a supermajority to codify Roe. Pelosi killed it to please a priest.
Blue voters can't even define the word woman, ya clown. Change my mind and I'll agree with you.
Doctors have a pre med undergraduate degree and medical school plus on the job training as interns. Yet politicians know more than they do.
Politicians Absolutely Don't "Know"!
The Government, Federal or State, is simply Not Qualified in Any way, to determine for Any Woman or Girl, readiness physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually (or financially) to carry and birth a child. Neither is the casual observer, the next door neighbor, or the Authoritarian church of "good intentions" Anytown, Anywhere.
After Americans have fought and died Generationally to Protect and Defend Against Authoritarianism,
Authoritarianism is Not the Future of Humanity or America.
Toxic, Inhumane, Power Over Wombs, & Female "Place", Policy, Must be Shut Down Cold.
I just want to cry.
I'm crying so hard I can't even breathe, I don't know what to tell my kids they keep catching me like this because this world right now
I feel like they are treating women as baby factories due to declining birth rates. Declining birth rates hurt a country due to less workers to replace jobs and military. It’s really sad. Scary.
Another fine example of pro-life legislation. They completely ignore the most important life in a pregnancy. The mother. Without her there would be no child.
Well said. They aren't pro-life. They are pro-forced birth
What I would like to see is every woman who is turned away for Reproductive care contact a news agency and immediately tell their story we need to see these hundreds of women who are being denied Medical Care
Yes, this should be made as public as possible. Sadly, I also think that the only way to get legitimate gun legislation passed is to show some 9 year old shot up by an AR15. That would open the eyes of everyone, except Republicans.
It is no longer safe to be pregnant in Florida.
Truer words have never been spoken
Or in _any_ red state, no thanks to the Rethuglican Religious Reich and their anti-choice laws!
It's no longer safe to be pregnant, or will very soon be no longer safe, in *24* American states!!!!!
And now with DeathSantis allowing open carry, it’s not safe for anyone.
Wow this made me cry. My heart hurts for those women and their husbands. Also-it's typically worse for black and brown women. These GOP lawmakers and the ignorant so-called "Christian" right wing are disgusting.
This just brought tears 😭 into my eyes! I truly feel for these two women! 30 years ago, I had an ectopic pregnancy and almost died! Had it not been for medical intervention, to save my life, I wouldn’t be here alive today! These kind of stories are heartbreaking 💔, to know that there’s a great possibility your life will end without medical help!!
Mass Abortion kills 1,000,000 unborn human lives every year in America.
keep your legs closed and no pickle tickle for you
It's amoral and appalling what the Republicant's have done just because women have become too powerful and independent. In addition, Justice Alito said that the reason for overturning Roe is: There's a decline in domestic babies for adoption. Source: MSNBC
@@SpeakerOfTruth444 Alito indeed wrote and said that very thing. He gave a speech in Italy last year that Everyone should watch so they can see what the conservative SCOTUSs are wanting to do next, like end interracial marriage and stop women from accessing birth control! The democrats really needed to expand protections for these rights and should have expanded the court size. There is nothing that says how many justices can serve at a time and the court has been of varying sizes through the course of our country.
Because the supposed “pro lifers” are really pro death
My god this is a horror story. I am so very sorry for both of you. I know that I’m sorry, and thoughts and prayers mean nothing. Many women will die and I’m glad you survived.
This shows that government needs to let doctor do what need to be done to sustain life these women were not trying to get a six week abortion something went wrong and the moms were at risk😠😠 this should never happen in this day and age it angers me of the ignorance of legistrators
I’m so sorry for these women nobody should have to go through this barbaric treatment. It’s traumatizing as it is. Never should this be happening in this country at this moment in time!!!!
Disgusting 🤮
Murdering your own baby is what's really barbaric...😆
I’m sorry ladies that your fellow Floridians didn’t find it necessary to go out and vote causing you this distress.
It's not just that though, that state is so terribly gerrymandered dems don't have that much of a shot in a lot of areas because of just how much they've drowned out any left leaning residents' voices and voting power. It was bad before, but DeathSantis's latest map got completely rid of a seat held by a democrat (I forget if it was an african-american man or woman, one of the two) and rendered the state districts gerrymandered to the point where it should have technically been illegal (but his courts upheld it). So even if everyone shows up to vote, it's just that much harder because of how badly the districts were done to favor the republicans
As a single middle age man, not married and no kids: I'm on the verge of tears from this story.
Is this what our country will come too?
This is what many states in our country have came to, present tense, not future tense
"Ask your doctor if Florida is right for you! (Don't take Florida if you're pregnant or thinking of becoming pregant, as serious complications including death could occur.)
😂 I feel bad for laughing at that, but that was some excellent dark humor 👌 👌 👌.
Anyone care to explain to me how is this pro-life? Or how is leaving a body without a life in a woman's body pro-life? At what point does the pregnany considered as a miscarriage?
I used to say, as a canadian who is living in Germany, I am blessed with the kind of healthcare that we received and women's right. Healthcare aside, why should women's rights be a "blessing"? Especially when concerning reproductive and abortion rights. I'm not even religious.
As a mother who went through misarriages and IVF, I am angry for them. This kind of experience isn't only truamatic for the women, but the whole family, just ask my husband. I had a miscarriage at the end of last year. I went through a rare complication, 8 weeks into our pregnancy my husband found me on the bathroom floor unconcious with blood everywhere. I lost so much blood my body was in shock, was taken to the emergancy imediately for emergancy surgery. When I woke up, the nurse called my husband to my bedside and he was still shaking, he thought he had lost me right there and then. I am forever grateful for the doctors and nurses who saved me that day. It is hard enough to have lost a child, having to go through the fear of dying because the of abortion law is just appalling. My heart goes out to all the women who share the same experience as these 2 beautiful soul.
How can you be expected to live like this?
In Republican states, this is now the norm.
This is INSANE! 😢😡😠🤬
What's is insane is that many Republican voting women actually continued to vote Republican after knowing that this 6 week ban was on their agenda.
TW - Same topic
Honestly I am a Veterinarian. At least by qualifications in my region of the Caribbean. I made a career change. But as far as I know if a fetus is no longer viable the cervix can start to open up, bacteria can get in there, and infection and honestly rotting happens. That is a very dangerous situation for the mother because if that bacteria gets into the bloodstream as it often can, the body doesn't know how to handle that level of bacteria. Sepsis occurs and the cardiovascular system can start to fail. Sure lucky mothers will survive, but. Anyway many veterinarians see this often out in the field. I've seen it and the dog just plain didn't survive. The owner took to long to bring it in and the dog passed away during the surgery. I was the assistant surgeon holding the uterus for the doctor to cut into it, I saw where even the uterine wall was beginning to rot (saw gas bubbles in it from the bacteria) and the fetus was rotting. I can only imagine how it would be for human mothers.
Apparently it is something that Republicans have no problem exposing women to.
O, my gosh! What in the world is going on. Making women and fathers go through this. How insane!!! Come on people ,please, please this has to stop.
It will oply stop with the destruction of the Republican party. If you want to do your part, get 5-10 Gen Zers to register to vote and then to vote. Gen Z already sees Republicans as the enemy, and they are the largest (and growing) voting block in America.
This is insane
I hope the women of Florida are listening, and remove de Santis & his despicable cronies at the next election.
This is happening to a lot of women, and I hope they speak up asap .
To all of the men who are commenting how many times have you been pregnant ❓️
@@MyLife-ij4tf We’re talking about the cishet men who make these asinine laws!
I am crying for these beautiful threatened women. Patriarchy is evil.
Thank you to these brave, optimistic ladies for speaking out. What a nightmare for this to be happening in this country in the 21st century. Thank you to Katie Phang for your honest reporting!
This is medieval. Actually it is worse than that.
Women of Florida if you stay in your state you have a huge possibility of dying remember that!
As a SWM, I’m truly sorry…the balance of power between the life-givers and us knuckle-draggers needs to be reset
You might want to consider getting a vasectomy.
So sorry for these women. Ignorance is a real problem for the self-righteous!
I’m afraid that they will even start punishing these women for having a miscarriage in the first place - like in some other countries. 😢
That already happens. Approximately 1,300 women prosecuted from 2006-2020 over miscarriages, stillbirths & self-induced abortions in the USA.
Chelsea Becker spent 16 months in jail on manslaughter charges before the case was dismissed. And that was in California, even before RvW was overturned.
Fetal harm laws are meant to protect pregnant victims by counting an attack on someone as two separate crimes. But instead, pregnant individuals can be charged for loss of their own pregnancy
Her body. Her choice.
Unless it comes to taking an experimental vaccine.
Why do police charge someone with murder if a fetus is killed in commission of a crime?
@@douglasreagan4979 They don't.
@@wtfisthishandlebullshit They do: "Columbus man convicted of murdering teen's unborn baby in 2020 drive-by shooting." - Yahoo news. There are literally pages and pages full of examples. Whats it like to be ignorant?
@@douglasreagan4979 Doesn't happen.
She sounds so angry with the doctor, but what was he supposed to do?
Be angry, absolutely. But be angry with the correct people - the politicians and activists who worked to make this happen to you.
Doctors are going to quit. It must be horrific for them also, knowing they could help but literally having their hands tied by these stupid laws.
@@ktmac7610 Every state needs more doctors. The good ones will just move to blue states, where they can do their jobs without fear of being targeted for helping women. The red states will be left with Republicans who don't care if their female patients die of sepsis and the incompetent, who can't get hired anywhere else.
The doctors are complicit, they should stop being cowards… Doctors have a lot of power and leverage and if they really follow the Hippocratic oath they'll ignore the draconian laws
@@ktmac7610 Some of those states are closing maternity wards, too. Drs are leaving the states bc they have no choice. These politicians & the people that support them are morally bankrupt.
They should have put them in the hospital immediately. Where they could be monitored. Both should have also been induced so they could manage the delivery. It wasn't just about their fear of medical malpractice, it was also cost saving to not put either of these women in the hospital to prevent infection or hemorrhaging. Basically what they told both of these women is, be your own doctor, deal with this on your own and good luck with that.
This takes my breath away. Yes, women are the ones affected, therefore we make the decisions. Nothing else is acceptable.
@johnJacobjinglehimerSchmidt this conversation has nothing to do with trans 'rights'. Even if we define a woman as an adult human female, it changes nothing about what this is about. You purposefully lump all conservative stand points under one umbrella, instead of evaluating the issues one by one - a practice that conversatives always criticise about the left, so this is not the 'gotcha moment' you think it is
@johnJacobjinglehimerSchmidt for the sake of this argument, let's say women can't be men, and vice versa (which I agree with btw especially when seeing Dylan's bs). And now what? It still has nothing to do with the debate about pro-choice/pro-life. We are talking about biological women here, there is no point in bringing other discussions such as transsexuality into this
@johnJacobjinglehimerSchmidt I see, you don't want to argue in good faith. Nothing changes the fact that a discussion about trans people has nothing to do with a discussion about abortion.
I just gave you a definition of a woman, yet here you are, pretending otherwise and still not getting the point. By joining these two issues together, you're making it seem like the issue and the people who stand together, are bigger than they actually are. Exactly like the left lumps everything with feminism for that reason (such as LGBT+ and racism). At the end of day, this remains a separate topic, that cannot be shut down with phrases used to shut down another topic
@johnJacobjinglehimerSchmidt If you have to ask what a woman is, then you are not ready to know. Come back when you are more mature.
Physicians are packing up and leaving these draconian forced-birth states, and there already is a shortage of OB/GYN's.
Two hospitals in Idaho have already closed their labor and delivery departments due to lack of trained personnel and the state's political climate. Red states are becoming death traps for women.
Absolutely infuriating!!!! They never should have experienced these situations like this.
No one tortures women and children like Christians. It is not lost on me that these are black women. That short ugly man sure got rejected a lot, it’s too bad he doesn’t have enough personal strength to get well so he hurts other people. I am grateful that the. Angels and Guides for that beautiful women where there to help her. (They would like me to tell you, that they love you very much, that they are sorry you went through that and one day you will know exactly what to do to create change because of it, they are with you and where all there in that moment and they all are very, very proud of you.)
Vote Blue America 🇺🇸 freedom 💙!!!
“The guy that showers with his own daughter, says now YOU are the bad person.”- Tucker.
The only way this horror show will end is to vote Republicans out !!
That is the saddest thing i ever heard.
Consequences of misguided legislation.
Even at the thought that she will die- she considered the burdens of that on her family. We cannot understand the immense stress and experience as it truly is for her. We should not pretend to. We need to listen and help. Helping could be as much as not letting others restrict others / force themselves upon others in any form.
This is horrible. More people need to hear this, elections have consequences
This is heartbreaking. No one should be forced to go through this.
I’ve never just cried at a story, this is horrifying. I’ve been scared during delivery and I’m thankful medical staff was there to save us. How crazy is this???
May I recommend 'Children of the decree', a documentary about what happend in Romania when abortion became illegal.
Thank for the recommendation, I will definitely check it out.
I have never been able to hear a baby's heartbeat until 10 weeks and even then you sometimes don't hear it yet.
We don’t want women needing to fly to another state for care and them having miscarriages on the plane.
This is happening in Alabama too. Someone needs to do something about this !!!!
How horrific. Poor women. 😢
Fort Lauderdale is underwater and even the airport is closed. Has DeSatan called yet, or is he still campaigning in Iowa?
Remember, climate change doesn't exist. Rick Scott, when he was Florida governor, banned those words from being in any official papers. So apparently it just went away. That is why politically, Florida has had that great Red Tide.😊
He was on a book tour promoting his new book. Who wants to buy it. Certainly not me!
DeStalin is too busy touring the country-he can’t be bothered to act like the _real_ Christian he claims to be and actually HELP his constituents!*
*Note heavy sarcasm!