You can read more about the EinscanHX handheld 3D SCanner and QUICKSURFACE reverse engineering software used in the video on our website
Hi, i love your video and i was excited about quicksurface but it is end very later because This program is very very expensive!!! (4000 euro) for hobbiest persons, could u offer any other ways to non-pros, because we need to change 3d scanned objects and print them too
You can read more about the EinscanHX handheld 3D SCanner and QUICKSURFACE reverse engineering software used in the video on our website
Hi, i love your video and i was excited about quicksurface but it is end very later because This program is very very expensive!!! (4000 euro) for hobbiest persons, could u offer any other ways to non-pros, because we need to change 3d scanned objects and print them too
They have a lite version, im looking into trying it, just trying to figure out what features it offers.