This might be old news but i'll post it anyway: The reason why the Jak games are so hard to emulate (properly) on any device is because they were built using a propietary programming language (g.o.a.l) that was specifically designed to leverage all of the PS2's feature, even using the PS1 co-processor built onto the PS2 mobo that was not authorised by Sony. Andy Gavin was a Smart dude lol.
Thank you for mentioning this, definitely an interesting read! I don't doubt the intelligence of the people involved with this game, as they created world for people to enjoy even many years after their original releases.
@@BoomerStreams It's insane that they got no loading screens, open world, 60 fps and 480p (jak 2 and 3) out of the PS2. There's an interesting documentary that came out around the release of the Jak HD collection called something like "remaking a legend" and the guys who ported the game to PS3 (mass media) were told by Naughty dog that they had an impossible project on their hands and they wern't far wrong. It's a miracle that it even runs on PS3.
In theory, it's generally better to always start back at the source, as porting a port will very likely make the quality even worse. In essence, it's pretty much like photographing a photograph and expecting equal or better quality.
The ps3 has been really hard to emulate properly for years, and if they were to port that its less likely that it would be in working order, it wouod need a lot more work than trying to adapt the original into the ps4 framework
Stumbled upon a reddit thread complaining about the PS3 ports from a year or two ago and found this comment... "The PS4 versions will be the original PS2 games emulated and upscaled, so it should be the same as the original games, but with better graphics. In the PS3 HD Collection, they basically remade the game, but they used original assets from Naughty Dog." Oh lord if only they knew how much worse it'd be
Punch glitch? Input delay? Someone forgot african-ameican Kor, missing music notes, wrong sound effects, and explosions lasting too long. Those need to be fixed too.
I’ll take the PS3 versions flaws because it runs at near-60fps most of the time and doesn’t have awful audio popping, screen tearing, widespread texture rendering issues, etc. the PS3 version has flaws but they are so very minor compared to the litany of problems with the PS4 versions.
@Genreguru Component cables can levitate the problem some, but graphics have never been a deciding factor for me, so long as the gameplay is solid. I've been getting more use out of my PS2 games lately since most modern games are taking the piss.
That really depends on what cables you use. Composite cables are pretty terrible to be honest... SCART or Component cables can improve the quality of the PS2 a lot!
The series needs to be rebooted. Sony is obviously having problems remastering the game. Probably due to software that naughty dog used. The series need to be rebooted to fully use the power of todays systems, plus they know what went wrong with the currently series and can make sure the new series doesn't have it.
This is honestly embarrassing on Sony's part. As a fan of Jak and Daxter, I've always wanted this series to get more exposure and maybe another game in the franchise. This originally gave me a lot of hope for that, but now I don't even want Sony to touch this series anymore. Imagine if they greenlit another game in the series and had it made with the same level of care that went into these poorly emulated, bug filled garbage heaps of ports. Would it be as half assed as this was? I imagine so. It's a shame that they clearly don't give a crap about their older franchises that put them on the map in the past. All I see are a few efforts here and there like the Shadow of the Colossus remake along with that re-imagining of Ratchet and Clank they did, which is fine, but put this much work into ALL of your re-releases and make sure they are up to a quality standard. I originally wasn't aware that people didn't like the HD Remasters of these games on the Ps3, but at least there was some effort put into it. Even if there are some annoyances like the punching glitch and input latency, none of the bugs in that can compare to this monstrosity.
i think you should do some research to look into why it's so difficult to emulate the Jak and Daxter games. it has to do with the language they were coded with and the features they used in the engine that barely any other games were using at the time. these games were built specifically to work for the PS2 and use every bit of power that the machine had, they weren't built with future consoles in mind. even people with super computers have issues emulating the games because the people who have developed emulators such as PSXC2 haven't figured out how to fully work around the games and make them run smoothly due to how oddly they were constructed (not in a bad way, the developers were geniuses and that's why people can't figure out how to emulate what they did when creating the games). long story short, you can't really blame sony for the ports being poorly executed because emulation of these games isn't an easy task, pretty sure someone else commented about there being a documentary from when they ported the games to PS3 and Naughty Dog told the company porting it that it would be "almost impossible" or something along those lines
@@MyNamesRevenge I think Sony is entirely to blame for this. If emulating these games was impossible then they shouldn't have ported it. As it stands, this is just a quick cash grab that they didn't put enough work and effort into to make it work correctly. I know that these games were made with some wacky ass coding in mind and you'd be right that, for the time, these devs were pretty smart since this code let them work around the limitations of the PS2. I specifically remember the short documentary that was made in celebration of the HD Collection coming out where both Naughty Dog and the team that remastered the games said how hard the code was to work with. I believe every bit of that as I'd imagine translating code that used the PS1's co processor couldn't have been easy, especially with emulation. I know how hard it can be to create these emulators, even Microsoft made statements about how difficult it was to create and Xbox 360 emulator for the Xbox One, but none of these things really excuses the poor quality of these conversions. Saying, "you can't really blame Sony" really doesn't make any sense to me because they were the ones that had the final say over if this game would even come out. They saw the state that this was in and released it anyway, all while taking upwards of 40 dollars from gamers who expected to play a functional game. I get that this stuff can take a lot of work, but it's no excuse to throw out poor emulations like this and then only start to slowly patch it after the fact. As far as I'm concerned, this is the same exact thing as these newer AAA games that come out with tons of bugs and glitches, only worse, since they are trampling on a great series that many people care deeply about, including myself.
The only one I bought was Jak X because my ps2 copy has the memory card bug. I saw the update that just said more bug fixes and as soon as I go to race it crashed. Amazing how they managed to break that one specifically even more.
pls tell me the infinite flying glitch in jak 3 is still there (yknow, x & o repeatedly with light jak at a certain rhythm to gain height and then just... fly forever)
I saw the patches downloading and i was completely confused as to what it did. Im glad you made this vid to explain what the patch actually does... or well. What it doesnt do xD
@@BoomerStreams I honestly think it's great! I don't see any why tho they cant just remaster it, I think it would be pretty incredible tbh, what do you think boomer?
@@BoomerStreams yea I agree, maybe if they took the opportunity with all the br games flooding the community they could really make a killing with a remake, I mean it would be the equivalent to kh3, 14 years later they created an incredible game, haven't played kh3 yet but I got a buddy that's obsessed. So I hope they do remake it, it would be legendary!!!!😎😎
Boomer I only watched a video of yours for the first time yesterday as I've just started playing Jak 2 on PS4 and had some problems. Have to say that I love the info you are giving! You have a new subscriber xD
I own the ps3 Version and bought the ps4 Version in a psn Sale. When i started Jak 2 i almost vomited over my TV. Its horrible. I started the ps3 Version to compare the 2 and it is so much better.
Wow, I've noticed maybe 1 or 2 of the small glitches here, but mostly I've never experienced these issues on the NTSC version. I'd be upset too if this was my PS4 Jak experience.
I'd love it if they did a ground up proper remaster, like Crash & Spyro, rather than the PS4 Ratchet and Clank, that's a new game rather than an improved version of the original. I haven't played the Spyro remaster yet but did play Crash, if they did that for J&D I hope they'd keep the hitboxes the same, as the new oval hitbox in Crash screwed me over in Crash 1 with that tight platforming. Basically, get the game, remake/remaster it with all new textures and models, but keep them looking the same, none of this "gritty realistic look" style that people post for Jak 4.
@@erichollingback No Clue. I wish Naught Dog would have just ported over the remastered hd collection from the PS3 ot the PS4. Would have saved them and consumers a lot of time and money
I wish the jak trilogy and x would get the crash and Ratchet and clank treatment with a real remake/remaster the ps3 was just a texture boost with solid frame rate and ps4 was just garbage idk man
I wish the original ratchet and clank games would get the crash treatment. I'm not a huge fan of the direction the reboot took. I don't hate it, I just miss the originals
The Crash treatment yes. The Ratchet treatment would be horrible though. That game is a 30fps motion blurred mess with a butchered story and characters, that is the characters that weren't outright axed. The series has become what it once made fun of.
@@BoomerStreams Crash I can forgive because it at least tried to stay faithful to the source material. Ratchet and Clank has none of the original music, they replaced multiple voice actors. They made the animated cutscenes consist of nothing but static talking heads giving eachother dull exposition. The original had a kind of buddy cop premise established between the protagonists. They didn't always get along, but had to learn to set aside their differences. None of that in the remake though. They just get along but act like friends that are just afraid to poke any fun at eachother at the risk of making any cuts too deep. In fact, Ratchet and Clank barely even interact with eachother much at all. Which is kinda a big deal when the game is supposed to be about their origin story
I feel sorry for long time jak and daxter fans. I used to play this quadrillogy alot back in the early 00s to 2008. Jak X is personally the best and it does help I played alot of Burnout games back in the day. Hope future ports/patches or any future installments in this series actually comes out good.
It's odd that I've never had these issues on the PS4 pro. I have the whole collection. (Jak 1 through X) and haven't had any issues except for the zoomer thrusters being off center. That's it.
Did you check if they patched the Stadium Bug in Jak II? I brought this up to one of the devs quite a while ago and he said they were hoping to fix it. Did this latest patch address it? (I also disagree that the PS3 version is better than PS4, because the PS3 versions had TERRIBLE music glitches that were impossible to ignore, unlike most of the PS4 bugs)
I work in microelectronics and data recovery. Pretty sure I can fix a simple console if it was the case 😊 anyway as an update I found it. Bloody dusty as hell.. Memory card snapped in half sadly
I wish you would show examples of the thrusters being misaligned as comparison. I have no idea what you're talking about. Audio misaligned? Visually misaligned? Does one come on before the other? Is one flame misplaced off to the side or something? What does "misaligned" mean?
I made the mistake of buying the PS4 versions on release and stupidly sold my PS3 disc version. Play Jak 1 and have little to no problems. Play Jak 2 after downloading recent patch 1.03 and get hit by the bugs. So I look on the internet to make sure it's not just me and find it's everyone. So what do I do? I buy the PS3 disc version ... Again :/ I think unless we get all the fixes I will be sticking to the PS3 disc version. I hope to come back to the PS4 versions in the not so distant future. I'll be sure to watch your videos for updates and news Boomer!!
I don't know if people here already know but I'll post anyway: to "fix" the camera in Jak 1 go to the graphics options and hold Dpad up and R3. I'm EU and this worked for me. You can see too from Venice beach Gandalf Twitter. Now I Hope they Will do something for Jak x :/
What about the bug in Jack x were the panel for saying, reading and saving memory card grant it it does it for 3 seconds but I don't like hearing the back and forth sound, off the dahm slider every time I load a save load a race back out or enter a custom match
Because those remasters JUST CAME OUT, and they haven't so much as announced anything else like that since, unless you want to count that Medieval remake.
Lugbzurg uhh we ain’t saying it has to be out now more like they should do it in time, the other remasters only got the good after a lot of Polish with time. It’s also not like the same team can be handled for all three games, you can give jak to another competent developer team.
Because there is no point in doing so. The PS4 can't play PS1/PS3 games, so it's only logical that these games get a port, remaster or remake. PS2 games can just go the PS2 Emulator route, which is clearly the case for Jak & Daxter. Also, take GTA San Andreas as an example. It went the exact same route like Jak & Daxter. It was a completely different version for PS3, but chose the PS2 version for PS4.
I've had a very annoying glitch in Jak X; frequently when selecting a race event in Adventure mode, sometimes a car will not appear on the turntable, and when that happens, the game will close itself with an error message if ANY button is pressed. I've sent a report, along with video evidence to Sony through an error report. This has happened to me every other time with Jak X since the patch was installed. On an unrelated note, have you received any updates from Limited Run Games about The Precursor Legacy yet? They said it was due for shipment in February, and it's the first week of March now. Last time I looked on their website, nothing was updated to say anything.
@@BoomerStreams No joke, that glitch happened just before I watched this video. I've never had that problem before the patch, so technically the info lied, "More Bug Fixes" has ironically ADDED more bugs.
I’m lucky I still have all the old PS2 games that I still replay through annually because I still have my PS2 that I keep in my room. Also I love the J&D series. The story, the characters, the gameplay, such a legend. Which is why I’ll never get rid of these games and I will continue to keep them for my grandkids for their grandkids and generations beyond. -Haru Ren
So basically there’s a few problems but honestly, if you’re new to getting a PS4 or already have one, loved the game back on ps2 and haven’t played it since, I would still recommend getting the game. The bugs really aren’t thaaaat bad. The games still very much playable and I enjoyed my play throughs still. Not all of this nitpicking but some of it is. Like the jak sliding super slowly while standing still. Easy fix to this. If you’re getting up to use the restroom or for whatever reason are leaving the game still, PAUSE THE GAME. Or jak 2 crashing when you skip the final cutscene? Sorry I just think that’s hardly anything to complain about because why would you skip the final cutscene in the first place 😂 if you really loved the game enough to play through it wouldn’t you wanna see the ending? Or if you really don’t care about the game enough to skip it then does it really matter if it crashes when skipping the final scene? You’re already done with the game at that point anyways lol
I wonder if the limited run release of the game will have the same crashes. It’s going to be the disc version of the the game, but I’m sure the download will be needed to be put on the ps4
I was upset when i read the patch notes for Jak 1. I learned how to casually speedrun this game on this port, and now i cant do citadel skip :( oh well.
All I can think of is that this may be a sign of a remake ala Crash, Spyro, and Ratchet and Clank. It's almost a sure sign they're working something new when the company gives attention to something that's been dormant for a good while. Was certainly the case when Capcom re-released DMC HD collection out of nowhere
Hey Sony, y'all hear that Xbox One can play select Xbox 360 games through backwards compatibility? Mind doing the same with your system, and have the Ps3 collection be a backwards compatible game on your Ps4? It shouldn't be too hard, just go ask Microsoft for help...oh wait...
It is in fact impossible. The big problem is the ps3's cell processor. The thing is complicated, and requires a lot of power to emulate. Even pc's struggle with it.
I’ve bought these like 2 weeks ago and haven’t had any problem other than the double jump not responding and the inverted camara Which I just found out how to fix Jak 3 does have frame rate issues
I would be more than happy if they invested a few years making full remake rather than depending on emulation at this point. Probably wouldn’t spend more than $40 per individual game if they invested the time making the proper optimizations.
With Yellow Eco? Square. You can also pretty Triangle to aim more carefully. Besides that, I can't think of any other way to shoot. Maybe the cannons in Sentinel Beach or Misty Island? Those you use by holding down X.
I just bought the games on sale from the Playstation Store the other day. Wasn't aware of all the problems it had when I purchased them. I managed to beat _Jak and Daxter_ and get all the power cells with minimal fuss, but I did notice some weird glitches when I was playing. (I swear to god, it sounded like was playing Jak's death-scream when he falls into a pit at random points and at the wrong pitch at random the first time I went to the Precursor Basin. Scared the crap out of me.) I'm gonna try to tough it out and play through the other three games... but this definitely has me concerned.
I don't know if it's that I have an older PS4 or something but this game ran so badly I couldn't even get past the opening section without having to turn it off from frustration. (15-30 fps) on a console 2 generations above when the game was actually made
its also pretty bad the fact that the games still look for PS2 Memory Card and "Don't touch the Memory Card (PS2)", like they just thew the original ROM on an emulator and NOTHING else. is it also really that bad to ask for NATIVE 1080p with no frame drops? they can definitely do it if they tried
Im REALLY WORRIED cuz i have all original PS2 games, i have the remaster trilogy on PS3, and i already bought on LIMITED RUN the 3 COLLECTORS edition of jak 1 ,2 and 3 im from spain so my region is PAL, but i guest LRG games are NTSC USA so, you think this will happens in that version too?
Recently bought jak and dexter trilogy ntsc versions on ps2 for my modded chip console and damn these games play so well! Thank you boomer for your advice on which version to play :) Having a blast playing them!
I always go in a pattern to make sure i collect all orbs and power cells & scout flies. What areas are incomplete? (I play this game nearly every day on my ps3 so i know where everything is)
There was a time when if a game came out and it didnt work it didnt sell because you couldnt fix it. A company actually had to playtest and fix bugs prior to release. Had to stuff the game with enough content to justify the release. Internet connectivity was bad for gaming. Imo.
@@BoomerStreams I think gaming peak for internet related things was somewhere between 2005-2007. After that it just started rolling downhill. ES4 oblivion is the perfect example of the transition. Had fantastic expansions and overpriced cosmetics. Only a few patches but were necessary. Then came skyrim that required 9 patches before it stopped freezing in water on the ps3....anyways. I think gaming entered its suck phase after that time frame and has only gotten worse as a whole, despite the amazing games like dragon quest 11, god of war reboot, and so on. 1983 cant come fast enough. I love the switch because it reminds me of the ps2 while my ps4 continues to go less and less used. Idk if I'll even bother with next gen at this rate.
I didn't expected the ps4 ports to be this bad, i played and 100% jak 1 on ps4 the same day i bought it and i don't remember experiencing any weird glitches, though, i haven played it in my ps2 in more than a decade (I've played jack 2 and 3 on my ps2 very recently though but i don't own them on os4). About Jack x: i never played that game in my life because it never intrested me so i can't really talk about that game
I love missingo and Daxter Precursor legacy. I love jak 2 Who would've thought he was a heartless From Kingdom Hearts. I'm glach 3 Was good to. And I have real fun memories of smudge X racing!
Just play it on the ps2 or ps3 you'll experience your childhood the same as the first time 11 years ago. To this day i dont fuck with the water in jak the precursor legacy, that Lurker Shark made me fear all in game water.
Hey I really liked your stream and while watching it (couldnt watch everything tho) I have not seen any problems with Jak X, however here in this Video you say that its basically trash. Except for the wheels-bug what else is the Problem there?
Four hours is a lot of time to dedicate to watching a stream, so don't worry about watching the whole thing. The fact that some vehicles just don't work ruins the game for me, just like it crashing consistenly for some people. I haven't had any issues crashing myself, but that's probably because I'm on PS4 Pro.
Im going to be onest with you, im an cheater, i was blocked (for like 5 years) on the last stadium in Jak II. Then when i discovered the Debug Mode, i know it that (finally) i could beat that game. I kick everyone airplane (?. Sorry, im don't know how to spell it in English) to make those ALMOST explode.
Can't agree with your final statement. For those of us who no longer own a ps2 and either no longer own or never owned a ps3, it's enough just to be able to play these games again. They don't perform as well as anyone would like, but even in their best state they wouldn't stand up to modern AAA titles anyway, the fun in these games is in the nostalgia and the simple enjoyment of playing a good game, and the imperfections of the ports are not severe enough to ruin the experience if you don't let it. The culture of whinging over every little detail is growing out of control. I'm not saying that people should take it on the chin when true garbage is shipped, just that there should be a balance between consumer entitlement and understanding. We don't have to spend 100% of the time complaining about frame drops and graphical glitches on an emulated game. Even the most powerful computers can't play these games on pcsx2 without glitches that dwarf the ps4 ones. End of the day, if you still own a ps2, play these games on that. If you still own a ps3 but not a ps2, play these games on that. If you already own these games on either of those systems you'd be silly to buy the ps4 ports even if they were perfect, that's just money down the drain. But if the only machine you own that can play these games is a ps4, then the ports are a perfectly serviceable way to play these games. Edit: I should clarify, since it's not obvious, that I'm not arguing that the ports are good or that you should buy them. All the points made about the bugs are valid, they detract from the experience, and if you have access to a ps2 or ps3, *do not buy these ports, play the better versions.* What I was arguing was Boomer's final claim that the ports should have never been released, because if you have _no other way_ of playing these games, the ports run well enough to have plenty of casual fun, minor frame drops and limited directional inputs don't make the game un-playable. I'm also not arguing that people shouldn't point out these problems or ask for fixes, that is a thing that should always happen, but it can happen without people getting irate and flying off the handle over minor things. The way Boomer does it for most of the video is spot on, constructively reviewing all the problems without blowing them out of proportion.
If a person has no other way of playing the game, what would you recommend? They buy a ps2 or ps3 just to play Jak and Daxter, or that they don't play the games at all? I'm not saying consumers should accept inferior products without a word of complaint, the line does have to be drawn somewhere, I just think these ports haven't crossed that line, particularly when the majority of people do have better options. If you have a ps3 or ps2 still, great, play the games on that, the problems of the ports don't need to have any effect on your life, but if not, then the ports _are_ playable, and you _can_ get a lot of enjoyment from them. It's perfectly reasonable to say that they're not of expected quality, to point out all the flaws that affect the experience, to ask for updates to improve them, and to recommend that people find better ways to play these games if possible. That's something that should be done with any release of any media. The only point I'm arguing is the statement that these games should never have been released on ps4, because to those of us who are only able to play them that way, it would suck if that option wasn't available. If you think Naughtydog and Sony are just being money grubbers, expecting you to buy a game over and over and over, well that's purely down to consumers. If you already have a game, *don't buy it again,* that should be perfectly obvious. If you think they're being lazy and don't care to create a good product, then the answer is economics, they can only afford to put in as much effort to produce a similar profit as if those resources had been devoted other projects. They both have larger, more lucrative projects going than trying to get some old ps2 games to run perfectly on an emulator, a big ask from the start (which by the way was the reason for the comparison to pcsx2, the point being emulators are difficult). Sucks, but that's business, there are probably a lot of people at Naughtydog who're also unhappy with the situation. TL;DR It's good that the ports exist, because for some people it's our only means of playing these games, and while I agree with all the problems being pointed out, I disagree with the statement that the ports should never have been released.
@@PikminandOatchi I'm not saying not to stir up shit, people should absolutely point out the problems with a release and ask for patches. I'm saying that claiming the ports should never have been released at all is going too far.
As a note to Boomer himself, sorry for the tirade focusing on the only part of any of your videos I've ever disagreed with. You're my go to for Jak news and I love your content. In particular your video showing how to get to sandover village in Jak 2, that was one of my favourite things to do as a kid and it was awesome to be able to do it again on ps4.
@@LunchThyme Why? You don't get assigned a college paper and turn in a children's book. Same concept here. If the game isn't up to snuff either fix it before release or don't release it at all.
Wow. I'd heard the PS4 ports were bad but I didn't expect them to be this bad. That's a darn shame for Jak & Daxter fans. I briefly played Jak 1 back on the PS2 around its release but never played it all the way through. After seeing these videos about how bad the PS3/PS4 versions are, I'm glad I picked up a Debug PS3 recently. This way, I can play the PAL versions with full BC, unlike the PAL 60GB, which has part hardware/part software and issues with this franchise. Seems like either a fully BC PS3 or PS2 is the way to go. Looking forward to finally experiencing this great franchise properly!
First time play Jak & Daxter, played it on the PS4, I enjoyed. Though frame rate issues were distracting since it's a PS2 game on a PS4. Couldn't finsh it for one big reason. It wouldn't let me. Near the end of the game I collect one more power cell and the game crashes. It happens every time.
TPL is fine on PS4 in terms of framerate. Does the crash still occur? They might have fixed it with the recent patch. If it doesn't, mind making a recording of it for me?
@@BoomerStreams the crash happens everytime I collect one more power cell in Gol and Maia's Citedal. Though playing it now I think it's just a corrupted save file.😪
This might be old news but i'll post it anyway:
The reason why the Jak games are so hard to emulate (properly) on any device is because they were built using a propietary programming language (g.o.a.l) that was specifically designed to leverage all of the PS2's feature, even using the PS1 co-processor built onto the PS2 mobo that was not authorised by Sony.
Andy Gavin was a Smart dude lol.
Not defending sony though, these ports seem garbage. The PS3 ports are much better.
Thank you for mentioning this, definitely an interesting read! I don't doubt the intelligence of the people involved with this game, as they created world for people to enjoy even many years after their original releases.
@@BoomerStreams It's insane that they got no loading screens, open world, 60 fps and 480p (jak 2 and 3) out of the PS2. There's an interesting documentary that came out around the release of the Jak HD collection called something like "remaking a legend" and the guys who ported the game to PS3 (mass media) were told by Naughty dog that they had an impossible project on their hands and they wern't far wrong. It's a miracle that it even runs on PS3.
blondbassist I need to watch this documentary now
blondbassist was wondering why this game has no pc port
That no tires glitch in Jak X is actually hilarious.
I honestly don't understand why Sony wasted their time to bring the Ps2 versions of these games over instead of just porting Jak trilogy from last gen
In theory, it's generally better to always start back at the source, as porting a port will very likely make the quality even worse.
In essence, it's pretty much like photographing a photograph and expecting equal or better quality.
@@Lugbzurg The PS3 was a Remastered port specifically for the PS3 anyway.
@@Blurgamer17 Exactly. Porting a port tends to just cause more problems. It's best to work straight from the source; porting from the original.
The ps3 has been really hard to emulate properly for years, and if they were to port that its less likely that it would be in working order, it wouod need a lot more work than trying to adapt the original into the ps4 framework
Stumbled upon a reddit thread complaining about the PS3 ports from a year or two ago and found this comment...
"The PS4 versions will be the original PS2 games emulated and upscaled, so it should be the same as the original games, but with better graphics. In the PS3 HD Collection, they basically remade the game, but they used original assets from Naughty Dog."
Oh lord if only they knew how much worse it'd be
How pathetic is it that a PlayStation 2 runs its games better than an updated version like 10 years and 2 console generations later
these games are really hard to emulate, even pcsx2 has issues
Whole number of reasons really. Since PS2 is a whole other architecture what we see on PS4.
Punch glitch? Input delay?
Someone forgot african-ameican Kor, missing music notes, wrong sound effects, and explosions lasting too long. Those need to be fixed too.
Oh definitely, but those I can overlook almost easily with the solid framerate the game puts up.
I’ll take the PS3 versions flaws because it runs at near-60fps most of the time and doesn’t have awful audio popping, screen tearing, widespread texture rendering issues, etc.
the PS3 version has flaws but they are so very minor compared to the litany of problems with the PS4 versions.
@@TOALEWA466 the ps4 "port" is an abomination plain and simple.
I will give you an educated guess. The game was NOT playtested in its entirety. No one noticed because no one looked.
Yeah, probably... Who knows?
Glad I still got the PS2 versions of these games.
@Genreguru Component cables can levitate the problem some, but graphics have never been a deciding factor for me, so long as the gameplay is solid. I've been getting more use out of my PS2 games lately since most modern games are taking the piss.
I used to have em on ps2 but i sold themand re bought em on ps3
I cant play the ps2 version of 1 cuz of inverted controls.
That really depends on what cables you use. Composite cables are pretty terrible to be honest... SCART or Component cables can improve the quality of the PS2 a lot!
@Genreguru lmao, this guy.
Can they please remake/remaster the trilogy like with Crash and Spyro.
Or make jak 4
That would be the best remaster collection ever.
They already remastered the trilogy in 2013 for the PS3.
The series needs to be rebooted. Sony is obviously having problems remastering the game. Probably due to software that naughty dog used. The series need to be rebooted to fully use the power of todays systems, plus they know what went wrong with the currently series and can make sure the new series doesn't have it.
And so it was that the Jak and Daxter sized hole in our hearts grew emptier. 😔
Jak fans just can't have nice things 😣
Edit: absaloutely love the rant at the end.
Thank you Zenobyte! I linked your video in the description by the way. ❤️
@@BoomerStreams Oh awesome, thanks for that! Didn't notice it 'till now :)
This is honestly embarrassing on Sony's part. As a fan of Jak and Daxter, I've always wanted this series to get more exposure and maybe another game in the franchise. This originally gave me a lot of hope for that, but now I don't even want Sony to touch this series anymore. Imagine if they greenlit another game in the series and had it made with the same level of care that went into these poorly emulated, bug filled garbage heaps of ports. Would it be as half assed as this was? I imagine so.
It's a shame that they clearly don't give a crap about their older franchises that put them on the map in the past. All I see are a few efforts here and there like the Shadow of the Colossus remake along with that re-imagining of Ratchet and Clank they did, which is fine, but put this much work into ALL of your re-releases and make sure they are up to a quality standard.
I originally wasn't aware that people didn't like the HD Remasters of these games on the Ps3, but at least there was some effort put into it. Even if there are some annoyances like the punching glitch and input latency, none of the bugs in that can compare to this monstrosity.
i think you should do some research to look into why it's so difficult to emulate the Jak and Daxter games. it has to do with the language they were coded with and the features they used in the engine that barely any other games were using at the time. these games were built specifically to work for the PS2 and use every bit of power that the machine had, they weren't built with future consoles in mind. even people with super computers have issues emulating the games because the people who have developed emulators such as PSXC2 haven't figured out how to fully work around the games and make them run smoothly due to how oddly they were constructed (not in a bad way, the developers were geniuses and that's why people can't figure out how to emulate what they did when creating the games). long story short, you can't really blame sony for the ports being poorly executed because emulation of these games isn't an easy task, pretty sure someone else commented about there being a documentary from when they ported the games to PS3 and Naughty Dog told the company porting it that it would be "almost impossible" or something along those lines
@@MyNamesRevenge I think Sony is entirely to blame for this. If emulating these games was impossible then they shouldn't have ported it. As it stands, this is just a quick cash grab that they didn't put enough work and effort into to make it work correctly.
I know that these games were made with some wacky ass coding in mind and you'd be right that, for the time, these devs were pretty smart since this code let them work around the limitations of the PS2. I specifically remember the short documentary that was made in celebration of the HD Collection coming out where both Naughty Dog and the team that remastered the games said how hard the code was to work with. I believe every bit of that as I'd imagine translating code that used the PS1's co processor couldn't have been easy, especially with emulation. I know how hard it can be to create these emulators, even Microsoft made statements about how difficult it was to create and Xbox 360 emulator for the Xbox One, but none of these things really excuses the poor quality of these conversions.
Saying, "you can't really blame Sony" really doesn't make any sense to me because they were the ones that had the final say over if this game would even come out. They saw the state that this was in and released it anyway, all while taking upwards of 40 dollars from gamers who expected to play a functional game. I get that this stuff can take a lot of work, but it's no excuse to throw out poor emulations like this and then only start to slowly patch it after the fact. As far as I'm concerned, this is the same exact thing as these newer AAA games that come out with tons of bugs and glitches, only worse, since they are trampling on a great series that many people care deeply about, including myself.
Wow, didn't think Sony could make a port worse than the Vita version
That was made by Mass Media though
The Vita actually looks great...
tell ya start moving 😂😂😂
That Sonic Unleashed avatar pic, though.
@@TheRealBlazingDiamond haha, was wondering when someone would recognize it
@@5persondude I could never forget that face! I played that game a lot when I was a kid. Never beat it, though.
The only one I bought was Jak X because my ps2 copy has the memory card bug. I saw the update that just said more bug fixes and as soon as I go to race it crashed. Amazing how they managed to break that one specifically even more.
The memory card bug is to do with what model of the PS2 your using and a quick heads up of the 8 versions released avoid the slim models.
I...never noticed any of these issues while playing, but now that I've seen them, I'm not sure I'll ever *unsee* them. Thanks? I think?
pls tell me the infinite flying glitch in jak 3 is still there (yknow, x & o repeatedly with light jak at a certain rhythm to gain height and then just... fly forever)
That took my 12 year old mind weeks to master when I discovered it on a forum for game cheats.
I saw the patches downloading and i was completely confused as to what it did. Im glad you made this vid to explain what the patch actually does... or well. What it doesnt do xD
I cant believe they are still updating this game its crazy
Crazy, but in what way? Good or bad?
@@BoomerStreams I honestly think it's great! I don't see any why tho they cant just remaster it, I think it would be pretty incredible tbh, what do you think boomer?
I think it's good that they're updating it, but not what comes with those patches. I also would love to see a remake of the entire series!
Boomer I’d love to see an entire remake or reboot to the series by now
@@BoomerStreams yea I agree, maybe if they took the opportunity with all the br games flooding the community they could really make a killing with a remake, I mean it would be the equivalent to kh3, 14 years later they created an incredible game, haven't played kh3 yet but I got a buddy that's obsessed. So I hope they do remake it, it would be legendary!!!!😎😎
Boomer I only watched a video of yours for the first time yesterday as I've just started playing Jak 2 on PS4 and had some problems. Have to say that I love the info you are giving! You have a new subscriber xD
Thank you, I much appreciate it!
Thank you so much for this video, greatly appreciated! I'd recommend the PS3 versions for anyone wanting to play through the series
I own the ps3 Version and bought the ps4 Version in a psn Sale. When i started Jak 2 i almost vomited over my TV. Its horrible. I started the ps3 Version to compare the 2 and it is so much better.
Wow, I've noticed maybe 1 or 2 of the small glitches here, but mostly I've never experienced these issues on the NTSC version. I'd be upset too if this was my PS4 Jak experience.
Well even after all this it still works way way way better then the PS Vita version
If you turn on airplane mode on the Vita almost all of its problems go away.
@@chasemonk1682 Including the terrible Frame Rate and all that crap? Cause If so I might re-download Jak 2 & 3 and get 2 more Plats
The release for PS Vita is the definitive version... 🙃
@@BoomerStreams Oh yeah most definitely 😂
Man Jak & Daxter, Spore and Rise of Nations were the 3 building blocks of my childhood, such nostalgia hits hard.
I'd love it if they did a ground up proper remaster, like Crash & Spyro, rather than the PS4 Ratchet and Clank, that's a new game rather than an improved version of the original. I haven't played the Spyro remaster yet but did play Crash, if they did that for J&D I hope they'd keep the hitboxes the same, as the new oval hitbox in Crash screwed me over in Crash 1 with that tight platforming.
Basically, get the game, remake/remaster it with all new textures and models, but keep them looking the same, none of this "gritty realistic look" style that people post for Jak 4.
Will you ever do a physical PS4 comparison for the series that is available from limited run games? It would be interesting to know the differences!!
I definitely will. Thanks for the suggestion!
Is this patch being manufactured on disc with the LRG releases?
@@erichollingback We don't know, but I'll look into it once I get my copy!
@@erichollingback No Clue. I wish Naught Dog would have just ported over the remastered hd collection from the PS3 ot the PS4. Would have saved them and consumers a lot of time and money
Fans are mad!
Jak didn't just die, it was murdered
Jak has a problem....
Sad comment that I never seen in my life. 😪
Wait did you just quote Michaeldoeslife? The same guy who tries to sh*t on games and is proven wrong most of the time?
@@KaiBlackstar22 It's just a joke, man.
@@RedVGFox I know xD but I love it.
RedVGFox Don’t think Jak is it an it, I think that... He’s a He.
And hey least he isn’t going to causing issues. He ain’t got no problems.
I wish the jak trilogy and x would get the crash and Ratchet and clank treatment with a real remake/remaster the ps3 was just a texture boost with solid frame rate and ps4 was just garbage idk man
nah i'm fine with remaster as your playing it how naughty dog envisioned however rather remaster similar to kh2 or blue point games remasters
I wish the original ratchet and clank games would get the crash treatment. I'm not a huge fan of the direction the reboot took. I don't hate it, I just miss the originals
The Crash treatment yes. The Ratchet treatment would be horrible though. That game is a 30fps motion blurred mess with a butchered story and characters, that is the characters that weren't outright axed. The series has become what it once made fun of.
Crash also runs at 30 FPS on consoles, just saying. PC can do 4K60!
@@BoomerStreams Crash I can forgive because it at least tried to stay faithful to the source material. Ratchet and Clank has none of the original music, they replaced multiple voice actors. They made the animated cutscenes consist of nothing but static talking heads giving eachother dull exposition. The original had a kind of buddy cop premise established between the protagonists. They didn't always get along, but had to learn to set aside their differences. None of that in the remake though. They just get along but act like friends that are just afraid to poke any fun at eachother at the risk of making any cuts too deep. In fact, Ratchet and Clank barely even interact with eachother much at all. Which is kinda a big deal when the game is supposed to be about their origin story
Playing jak x right now and every single time I try to start a race it crashes. Every time :(
I feel sorry for long time jak and daxter fans.
I used to play this quadrillogy alot back in the early 00s to 2008. Jak X is personally the best and it does help I played alot of Burnout games back in the day.
Hope future ports/patches or any future installments in this series actually comes out good.
It's odd that I've never had these issues on the PS4 pro. I have the whole collection. (Jak 1 through X) and haven't had any issues except for the zoomer thrusters being off center. That's it.
Have the games been updated successfully yet or are they still crashing ? I’m tempted to get the PS4 physical copies but only if it’s been fixed?
At the end you said "A series you made almost a decade ago" but it's been 14 years since Jak X came out and 18 for the first. I feel old.
Did you check if they patched the Stadium Bug in Jak II? I brought this up to one of the devs quite a while ago and he said they were hoping to fix it. Did this latest patch address it?
(I also disagree that the PS3 version is better than PS4, because the PS3 versions had TERRIBLE music glitches that were impossible to ignore, unlike most of the PS4 bugs)
Also the ps3 version had the punching glitch which sucked when platforming and speed running
I would still prefer the PS3 remaster over the PS4 version any day of the week. It looks and runs way better and has less bugs overall.
Now... Where did i put my Ps2 *dives into the basement boxes*
Then you find it broken ;)
So you get a new one for $20 on eBay! 😀
I work in microelectronics and data recovery. Pretty sure I can fix a simple console if it was the case 😊 anyway as an update I found it. Bloody dusty as hell.. Memory card snapped in half sadly
Just do one of these "No memory card" playthroughs! 😅
@@BoomerStreams Jak 1? Hell ya. Jak3? Maybe.. Jak2 fffffuuuu nope! Also, happy Easter Boomer! ❤️
I wish you would show examples of the thrusters being misaligned as comparison. I have no idea what you're talking about. Audio misaligned? Visually misaligned? Does one come on before the other? Is one flame misplaced off to the side or something? What does "misaligned" mean?
With the Jak and Daxter ntsc update to greatest hits, there is now a large amount of audio crackle and popping on dialogue and certain sound effects.
I made the mistake of buying the PS4 versions on release and stupidly sold my PS3 disc version. Play Jak 1 and have little to no problems. Play Jak 2 after downloading recent patch 1.03 and get hit by the bugs. So I look on the internet to make sure it's not just me and find it's everyone. So what do I do? I buy the PS3 disc version ... Again :/ I think unless we get all the fixes I will be sticking to the PS3 disc version. I hope to come back to the PS4 versions in the not so distant future.
I'll be sure to watch your videos for updates and news Boomer!!
I don't know if people here already know but I'll post anyway: to "fix" the camera in Jak 1 go to the graphics options and hold Dpad up and R3. I'm EU and this worked for me. You can see too from Venice beach Gandalf Twitter. Now I Hope they Will do something for Jak x :/
Thank you, this actually worked!
@@jhonerycontreras9676 Happy to know :)
Is the orb glitch still around in Jak 3?
Are they still just the PS2 versions for some reason?
They indeed are and I don't seem them changing that.
Is this the patch the took out the precursor orb glitch on the PS4 version?
What about the bug in Jack x were the panel for saying, reading and saving memory card grant it it does it for 3 seconds but I don't like hearing the back and forth sound, off the dahm slider every time I load a save load a race back out or enter a custom match
Glad I still own the original games so I don't gotta deal with those bugs.
That's why Daxter exterminates those bugs. 😂
I recently got the bundle and I did 30% progression of Jak X in one day just to get a corrupted file error the next day... anyone knows how to fix it?
Couldn't have been said better, amazing in depth video Boomer 👍!!
Thank you Axie!
I recall Jak X having its music skip frequently as well
The fact that remastered jak games dont play as well as my ps2 version. Seems I bought these games when they actually were worth the money
Why don’t they remaster Jak 1,2,3 like Crash and spyro?
Squiggly48 09 they could..... No
They should!
Because those remasters JUST CAME OUT, and they haven't so much as announced anything else like that since, unless you want to count that Medieval remake.
Lugbzurg uhh we ain’t saying it has to be out now more like they should do it in time, the other remasters only got the good after a lot of Polish with time. It’s also not like the same team can be handled for all three games, you can give jak to another competent developer team.
Because there is no point in doing so. The PS4 can't play PS1/PS3 games, so it's only logical that these games get a port, remaster or remake. PS2 games can just go the PS2 Emulator route, which is clearly the case for Jak & Daxter.
Also, take GTA San Andreas as an example. It went the exact same route like Jak & Daxter. It was a completely different version for PS3, but chose the PS2 version for PS4.
AllAdeyum destroy all humans is being remaked tho
I've had a very annoying glitch in Jak X; frequently when selecting a race event in Adventure mode, sometimes a car will not appear on the turntable, and when that happens, the game will close itself with an error message if ANY button is pressed.
I've sent a report, along with video evidence to Sony through an error report. This has happened to me every other time with Jak X since the patch was installed.
On an unrelated note, have you received any updates from Limited Run Games about The Precursor Legacy yet? They said it was due for shipment in February, and it's the first week of March now. Last time I looked on their website, nothing was updated to say anything.
No, sadly I don't know when the games are going to be shipped. Thank you for reporting that issue!
No joke, that glitch happened just before I watched this video. I've never had that problem before the patch, so technically the info lied, "More Bug Fixes" has ironically ADDED more bugs.
So did they fix the final boss shock wave glitch?
They clearly cared more about properly aligning the thruster boosts than making it better to play.
The change camera axis on jak 1 you do the button combination on the graphics menu
I’m lucky I still have all the old PS2 games that I still replay through annually because I still have my PS2 that I keep in my room. Also I love the J&D series. The story, the characters, the gameplay, such a legend. Which is why I’ll never get rid of these games and I will continue to keep them for my grandkids for their grandkids and generations beyond.
-Haru Ren
Can u tell me how to fix the touch pad glitch on Jak 1 ps4
So basically there’s a few problems but honestly, if you’re new to getting a PS4 or already have one, loved the game back on ps2 and haven’t played it since, I would still recommend getting the game. The bugs really aren’t thaaaat bad. The games still very much playable and I enjoyed my play throughs still. Not all of this nitpicking but some of it is. Like the jak sliding super slowly while standing still. Easy fix to this. If you’re getting up to use the restroom or for whatever reason are leaving the game still, PAUSE THE GAME. Or jak 2 crashing when you skip the final cutscene? Sorry I just think that’s hardly anything to complain about because why would you skip the final cutscene in the first place 😂 if you really loved the game enough to play through it wouldn’t you wanna see the ending? Or if you really don’t care about the game enough to skip it then does it really matter if it crashes when skipping the final scene? You’re already done with the game at that point anyways lol
A reboot of Jack and daxter will be amazing. 2 and would be amazing aswell but the first one is a must
wonder if they fixed the orb income on jak x where the orbs dont stack you just replace your income making it practically impossible to platinum
I wonder if the limited run release of the game will have the same crashes. It’s going to be the disc version of the the game, but I’m sure the download will be needed to be put on the ps4
I don't think so. You will be able to play the game offline, without any downloads.
Good! That makes the perchases even more sweeter
I was upset when i read the patch notes for Jak 1. I learned how to casually speedrun this game on this port, and now i cant do citadel skip :( oh well.
s t i l l s w e l l .
Skipping parts isn’t a proper legit speedrun in my book anyway.
What is then?
Is the day star still missing on PS4?
All I can think of is that this may be a sign of a remake ala Crash, Spyro, and Ratchet and Clank. It's almost a sure sign they're working something new when the company gives attention to something that's been dormant for a good while. Was certainly the case when Capcom re-released DMC HD collection out of nowhere
Well spoken at the end my man
Hey Sony, y'all hear that Xbox One can play select Xbox 360 games through backwards compatibility? Mind doing the same with your system, and have the Ps3 collection be a backwards compatible game on your Ps4? It shouldn't be too hard, just go ask Microsoft for help...oh wait...
...except there’s been rumors for the PS5 will be backward for all previous ones
It is in fact impossible. The big problem is the ps3's cell processor. The thing is complicated, and requires a lot of power to emulate. Even pc's struggle with it.
Do the games work better on the American versions?
no, they are worse than before
I’ve bought these like 2 weeks ago and haven’t had any problem other than the double jump not responding and the inverted camara
Which I just found out how to fix
Jak 3 does have frame rate issues
Still waiting for that Limited Run Games Jak 1 collector's addition.
Went from February launch date to "whenever we feel like it"
I would be more than happy if they invested a few years making full remake rather than depending on emulation at this point. Probably wouldn’t spend more than $40 per individual game if they invested the time making the proper optimizations.
I'm with you on this one!
They also patched the egg dupe glitch in Jak 2 and 3.
So far I haven't had a problem with any of these issues on my PS4. But I also haven't been able to play all of the games yet.
How do you shoot in jak 1 for ps4 slim
With Yellow Eco? Square. You can also pretty Triangle to aim more carefully. Besides that, I can't think of any other way to shoot. Maybe the cannons in Sentinel Beach or Misty Island? Those you use by holding down X.
Thank you so much about how to fix the camera for jak 2, I was looking it up everywhere and couldn't find out how to fix it, you are amazing 😘
No problem! ☺️
I just bought the games on sale from the Playstation Store the other day. Wasn't aware of all the problems it had when I purchased them. I managed to beat _Jak and Daxter_ and get all the power cells with minimal fuss, but I did notice some weird glitches when I was playing. (I swear to god, it sounded like was playing Jak's death-scream when he falls into a pit at random points and at the wrong pitch at random the first time I went to the Precursor Basin. Scared the crap out of me.)
I'm gonna try to tough it out and play through the other three games... but this definitely has me concerned.
I don't know if it's that I have an older PS4 or something but this game ran so badly I couldn't even get past the opening section without having to turn it off from frustration. (15-30 fps) on a console 2 generations above when the game was actually made
Can some one tell me how he gets the controller to show his inputs in his videos? 😎
its also pretty bad the fact that the games still look for PS2 Memory Card and "Don't touch the Memory Card (PS2)", like they just thew the original ROM on an emulator and NOTHING else. is it also really that bad to ask for NATIVE 1080p with no frame drops? they can definitely do it if they tried
Im REALLY WORRIED cuz i have all original PS2 games, i have the remaster trilogy on PS3, and i already bought on LIMITED RUN the 3 COLLECTORS edition of jak 1 ,2 and 3
im from spain so my region is PAL, but i guest LRG games are NTSC USA
so, you think this will happens in that version too?
We will see... I think the issues remain the same.
Recently bought jak and dexter trilogy ntsc versions on ps2 for my modded chip console and damn these games play so well!
Thank you boomer for your advice on which version to play :)
Having a blast playing them!
PS2 for the win! 👌
I only have the precursor legacy I need about 60 precursor orbs but can't find em to save my life?! I need that platinum Lol.
I always go in a pattern to make sure i collect all orbs and power cells & scout flies. What areas are incomplete? (I play this game nearly every day on my ps3 so i know where everything is)
I can't play my Jak X anymore, anyone else having the same problem?
Don't lie they can't just do that
Delete and redownload?
Why can't ps4 add the hd 4k update?
only issue i ever had was on jak and daxter on release where the game would crash when doing the egg mission
*Makes dark Jak charge up a blast*
Me:just do it, naughty dog already mostly ruined the fans. T^T
GAH- I was excited to see glitch fixes for Jak 2 but they didn't fix the texture bugs :cry:
There was a time when if a game came out and it didnt work it didnt sell because you couldnt fix it. A company actually had to playtest and fix bugs prior to release. Had to stuff the game with enough content to justify the release. Internet connectivity was bad for gaming. Imo.
Hard agree... And I'm glad someone else finally mentions this!
@@BoomerStreams I think gaming peak for internet related things was somewhere between 2005-2007. After that it just started rolling downhill. ES4 oblivion is the perfect example of the transition. Had fantastic expansions and overpriced cosmetics. Only a few patches but were necessary. Then came skyrim that required 9 patches before it stopped freezing in water on the ps3....anyways. I think gaming entered its suck phase after that time frame and has only gotten worse as a whole, despite the amazing games like dragon quest 11, god of war reboot, and so on. 1983 cant come fast enough. I love the switch because it reminds me of the ps2 while my ps4 continues to go less and less used. Idk if I'll even bother with next gen at this rate.
@@vayneglory655 Exactly, i couldn't have said it better myself .
Damn I missed out the stream, nice video tho very informative
Don't worry about it. The stream wasn't really announced, so I can't blame you... And thanks a lot, a lot of effort went into making this video!
Thanks for the update!
I didn't expected the ps4 ports to be this bad, i played and 100% jak 1 on ps4 the same day i bought it and i don't remember experiencing any weird glitches, though, i haven played it in my ps2 in more than a decade (I've played jack 2 and 3 on my ps2 very recently though but i don't own them on os4).
About Jack x: i never played that game in my life because it never intrested me so i can't really talk about that game
So should I update jak X or the game will be worse?
I love missingo and Daxter Precursor legacy. I love jak 2 Who would've thought he was a heartless From Kingdom Hearts. I'm glach 3 Was good to. And I have real fun memories of smudge X racing!
Just play it on the ps2 or ps3 you'll experience your childhood the same as the first time 11 years ago.
To this day i dont fuck with the water in jak the precursor legacy, that Lurker Shark made me fear all in game water.
I haven't seen a Sony port this bad since Ratchet Gladiator/Deadlocked on PS3 :(
I have jak and daxter collection on ps vita y wasn’t the PlayStation vita mentioned with jak games???
Hey I really liked your stream and while watching it (couldnt watch everything tho) I have not seen any problems with Jak X, however here in this Video you say that its basically trash. Except for the wheels-bug what else is the Problem there?
Four hours is a lot of time to dedicate to watching a stream, so don't worry about watching the whole thing. The fact that some vehicles just don't work ruins the game for me, just like it crashing consistenly for some people. I haven't had any issues crashing myself, but that's probably because I'm on PS4 Pro.
@@BoomerStreams ah alright :D thanks for the answer
Im going to be onest with you, im an cheater, i was blocked (for like 5 years) on the last stadium in Jak II. Then when i discovered the Debug Mode, i know it that (finally) i could beat that game. I kick everyone airplane (?. Sorry, im don't know how to spell it in English) to make those ALMOST explode.
Can't agree with your final statement. For those of us who no longer own a ps2 and either no longer own or never owned a ps3, it's enough just to be able to play these games again. They don't perform as well as anyone would like, but even in their best state they wouldn't stand up to modern AAA titles anyway, the fun in these games is in the nostalgia and the simple enjoyment of playing a good game, and the imperfections of the ports are not severe enough to ruin the experience if you don't let it. The culture of whinging over every little detail is growing out of control.
I'm not saying that people should take it on the chin when true garbage is shipped, just that there should be a balance between consumer entitlement and understanding. We don't have to spend 100% of the time complaining about frame drops and graphical glitches on an emulated game. Even the most powerful computers can't play these games on pcsx2 without glitches that dwarf the ps4 ones.
End of the day, if you still own a ps2, play these games on that. If you still own a ps3 but not a ps2, play these games on that. If you already own these games on either of those systems you'd be silly to buy the ps4 ports even if they were perfect, that's just money down the drain. But if the only machine you own that can play these games is a ps4, then the ports are a perfectly serviceable way to play these games.
Edit: I should clarify, since it's not obvious, that I'm not arguing that the ports are good or that you should buy them. All the points made about the bugs are valid, they detract from the experience, and if you have access to a ps2 or ps3, *do not buy these ports, play the better versions.*
What I was arguing was Boomer's final claim that the ports should have never been released, because if you have _no other way_ of playing these games, the ports run well enough to have plenty of casual fun, minor frame drops and limited directional inputs don't make the game un-playable.
I'm also not arguing that people shouldn't point out these problems or ask for fixes, that is a thing that should always happen, but it can happen without people getting irate and flying off the handle over minor things. The way Boomer does it for most of the video is spot on, constructively reviewing all the problems without blowing them out of proportion.
If a person has no other way of playing the game, what would you recommend? They buy a ps2 or ps3 just to play Jak and Daxter, or that they don't play the games at all? I'm not saying consumers should accept inferior products without a word of complaint, the line does have to be drawn somewhere, I just think these ports haven't crossed that line, particularly when the majority of people do have better options. If you have a ps3 or ps2 still, great, play the games on that, the problems of the ports don't need to have any effect on your life, but if not, then the ports _are_ playable, and you _can_ get a lot of enjoyment from them.
It's perfectly reasonable to say that they're not of expected quality, to point out all the flaws that affect the experience, to ask for updates to improve them, and to recommend that people find better ways to play these games if possible. That's something that should be done with any release of any media. The only point I'm arguing is the statement that these games should never have been released on ps4, because to those of us who are only able to play them that way, it would suck if that option wasn't available.
If you think Naughtydog and Sony are just being money grubbers, expecting you to buy a game over and over and over, well that's purely down to consumers. If you already have a game, *don't buy it again,* that should be perfectly obvious. If you think they're being lazy and don't care to create a good product, then the answer is economics, they can only afford to put in as much effort to produce a similar profit as if those resources had been devoted other projects. They both have larger, more lucrative projects going than trying to get some old ps2 games to run perfectly on an emulator, a big ask from the start (which by the way was the reason for the comparison to pcsx2, the point being emulators are difficult). Sucks, but that's business, there are probably a lot of people at Naughtydog who're also unhappy with the situation.
TL;DR It's good that the ports exist, because for some people it's our only means of playing these games, and while I agree with all the problems being pointed out, I disagree with the statement that the ports should never have been released.
Very well. If that's your attitude then don't even think about complaining when crap is delivered. People need to stur up shit or nothing gets fixed.
@@PikminandOatchi I'm not saying not to stir up shit, people should absolutely point out the problems with a release and ask for patches. I'm saying that claiming the ports should never have been released at all is going too far.
As a note to Boomer himself, sorry for the tirade focusing on the only part of any of your videos I've ever disagreed with. You're my go to for Jak news and I love your content. In particular your video showing how to get to sandover village in Jak 2, that was one of my favourite things to do as a kid and it was awesome to be able to do it again on ps4.
@@LunchThyme Why? You don't get assigned a college paper and turn in a children's book. Same concept here. If the game isn't up to snuff either fix it before release or don't release it at all.
Sony please add The Jak and Daxter Collection (PS3 version) to PS Now
Wow. I'd heard the PS4 ports were bad but I didn't expect them to be this bad. That's a darn shame for Jak & Daxter fans. I briefly played Jak 1 back on the PS2 around its release but never played it all the way through. After seeing these videos about how bad the PS3/PS4 versions are, I'm glad I picked up a Debug PS3 recently. This way, I can play the PAL versions with full BC, unlike the PAL 60GB, which has part hardware/part software and issues with this franchise. Seems like either a fully BC PS3 or PS2 is the way to go. Looking forward to finally experiencing this great franchise properly!
What is debug mode code on ps2
The same as it is on all other versions too.
Glad to see the fanbase is talking about this!
First time play Jak & Daxter, played it on the PS4, I enjoyed. Though frame rate issues were distracting since it's a PS2 game on a PS4.
Couldn't finsh it for one big reason. It wouldn't let me. Near the end of the game I collect one more power cell and the game crashes. It happens every time.
TPL is fine on PS4 in terms of framerate. Does the crash still occur? They might have fixed it with the recent patch. If it doesn't, mind making a recording of it for me?
@@BoomerStreams the crash happens everytime I collect one more power cell in Gol and Maia's Citedal. Though playing it now I think it's just a corrupted save file.😪