I've been on the fence about getting a higher resolution monitor, but my spotting ability is already bad enough in 1080p that I'm afraid I would be practically blind.
@@Checklist_STT I'm near Ramstein airbase. I live in a little town called Gries but I work for the Army at a base called Panzer Kaserne. Been here since Nov. Loving it so far...
@ghostrider1827 Schweinfurt (closed now) was my duty station from '05-'11 when we weren't deployed. Loved every minute of Germany, it's a beautiful place.
@@Checklist_STT Holly molly....you were here for awhile! Now that the winter has passed, I'll be getting out alot more. Not sure I've ever seen so much green. I plan to be here at least 5 years.
This the kind of video were you really want 1440p resolution to be able to tell whats going on through youtube compression :(
I've been on the fence about getting a higher resolution monitor, but my spotting ability is already bad enough in 1080p that I'm afraid I would be practically blind.
Here for it!!!!!
Quality fella 👌
poor Edub
What server is this?
Growling Sidewinder
Damnit! i'm 19 hours late to see this vid... thats what I get for moving to Germany...!
Where'd you end up in Germany?
@@Checklist_STT I'm near Ramstein airbase. I live in a little town called Gries but I work for the Army at a base called Panzer Kaserne. Been here since Nov. Loving it so far...
@ghostrider1827 Schweinfurt (closed now) was my duty station from '05-'11 when we weren't deployed. Loved every minute of Germany, it's a beautiful place.
@@Checklist_STT Holly molly....you were here for awhile! Now that the winter has passed, I'll be getting out alot more. Not sure I've ever seen so much green. I plan to be here at least 5 years.