THE MOST COMMON COMPLICATION AFTER CATARACT SURGERY: What is Posterior capsular opacification.

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ก.ค. 2020
  • THE MOST COMMON COMPLICATION AFTER CATARACT SURGERY: What is Posterior capsular opacification and what do you do about it.
    This video will explain what the most common complication after cataract surgery is. This most common complication is called posterior capsular opacification
    Posterior capsular opacification is also known as PCO, posterior capsular haze or secondary cataract. It is a common occurance after cataract surgery and affects 20-50% of individuals anywhere from a few months to a few years after cataract surgery. It will cause symptoms that feel like the cataract is returning. It is treated with a Nd YAG laser which will create an opening in the capsule allowing clear vision.
    Posterior capsule opacification otherwise known as pco sometimes it's also referred to as post-capsular haze and sometimes it's referred to as secondary cataract. This is the most common complication after cataract surgery and when i say complication i don't mean it as a bad thing it's just something that sometimes will occur in a lot of patients after cataract surgery. Okay so to understand how a pco develops it's important to understand what happens in cataract surgery. As a quick anatomy review we've got the cornea on the front of the eye you got the iris and then you've got the lens. Behind the iris this lens is where we develop cataracts and this cataracts develop when this lens goes from being clear to being cloudy and that's what the surgeons remove and replace when they're doing cataract surgery. So during cataract surgery the surgeon is going to make a small incision in the cornea they won't remove the cornea but they'll enter in through the that small incision they're going to dilate your pupil so this opening is really really large so they can get access to the lens that's located behind the iris.
    Now this lens where the cataract develops this lens sits inside what we call a capsule and now the capsule is a clear bag which holds this lens in place. The cataract surgeon when they do the surgery. The first thing you're going to do is they're going to cut a hole not in your iris your iris is very dilated but they're going to cut a hole in that clear capsule in that bag so they can get access to that cataract. Once they have an opening of that front of the capsule they can go in with an instrument that breaks up the lens and sucks out all the little pieces of that cataract lens and pull them out.
    And then you're going to be having remaining that capsule that little bag with an opening in the front and intact in the back and then they're going to take the synthetic lens and they're going to insert that into that bag and so it sits in place and you can see clearly.
    So a pco develops when there's a proliferation of lens epithelial cells so what are lens epithelial cells so lens epithelial cells are the cells that grow into parts of the natural lens so the natural lens is actually growing throughout our lifetime it continues growing so it and it develops from these little cells called lens epithelial cells which keep regenerating and regrowing so part of the cataract surgery is when the cataract surgeon they go in and they break up all that lens and that cataract and remove the cataract there will be little epithelial cells remaining and so they work hard to try to clean out those little epithelial cells they're going to use a vacuum or aspirator to suck out all those little cells to have a very clean capsule and then they're going to put that lens implant in place however those lens epithelial cells they're really really tiny and so occasionally there'll be a few that are stuck in little crevices or little cracks that the surgeon can't remove or can't see to remove and what will happen over time is those lens epithelial cells will start to grow and they'll grow along the back side of that lens capsule and eventually they will start to cloud it over and when it starts to cloud over that's called posterior capsule opacification and so basically what happens is that the back of that capsule is starting to become cloudy and you're going to end up with very similar symptoms as when you first start to develop your cataracts so you're going to notice your vision's going to go blurry you're going to notice you're going to get more glare you're going to notice that it's going to become cloudy and this is why it used to be referred to as secondary cataract or a second cataract because it felt like the cataract was coming back we don't use that term anymore because it's not really accurate and it's a little bit confusing to patients because they think all my cataracts are coming back which your cataracts actually can't come back it but it will feel like they're coming back so we will rather use a term called posterior capsular haze or posterior capsule opacification which more accurately describes that that capsule is clouding over
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  • @himynameisjakeable
    @himynameisjakeable 3 ปีที่แล้ว +217

    A Student from UK doing his dissertation on PCO and an inhibitor - This is such an informative and beautifully-put video, I am astonished. Subscribed in a heart beat

    • @GoodOptometryMorning
      @GoodOptometryMorning  3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Wow thanks for the compliment.

    • @JohnSmith-jf3us
      @JohnSmith-jf3us 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Are you related?

    • @ToddDouglasFox
      @ToddDouglasFox 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@JohnSmith-jf3usrelated to what?

    • @yvon7796
      @yvon7796 2 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @filemon111tabaloc8
      @filemon111tabaloc8 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      ....thank u very indeed waiting for my schedule cataract surgery.may GOD bless you.

  • @scotttrindl1192
    @scotttrindl1192 2 ปีที่แล้ว +330

    I had cataract surgery on both eyes in 1974, when I was 19. At that time, the doctors would not put a replacement lens in my eye, because I was too young and they didn't know how long they would last. I did have later procedures to deal with, what was then called a secondary cataract, in 1977. It wasn't done with a laser, I had to go back to the hospital and have another surgical procedure done on that eye to fix it. That worked until 1993, when I again had a clouding in that same eye. Then they performed a laser procedure in the doctors office that restored my vision in that eye.
    That same eye has had other issues since. A partially detached retina in 2011 required surgery to repair. As a part of that surgery, the surgeon removed the lens capsule in that eye. After a two week recovery period, my vision in that eye was restored. Obviously, since that first surgery in 1974, I had needed very high powered glasses or contact lens in order to have proper vision.
    In 2018, my ophthalmologist suggested I have lens implant surgery so the really thick glasses or high power contact lenses would no longer be needed. I had that surgery done, and the result was 20/20 vision in my right eye with no glasses or contact lens. The surgery took 20 minutes for that eye, and the next morning when the doctor removed the patch, I could see clearly without glasses for the first time in 44 years. My left eye, having no lens capsule, was a bit more complicated. The surgery took over 3 hours, and a followup surgery a couple months later to remove the stitches in the eye. That result was successful. I still wear regular glasses with some astigmatism correction for my left eye when I drive, but I can function just fine without any glasses at most other times.

    • @bobjacobson858
      @bobjacobson858 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      What an interesting story! My grandmother had a detached retina back in the early 1970s, and back then the repair was done by rather extensive manual surgery (for lack of a better description). She was told afterwards that she now "had a lot of hardware in her eye".
      I had a detached retina in 2007, and I had cryopexy and a scleral buckle, but I was left with extremely distorted vision and extensive scarring. A second surgery involved the introduction of silicone oil to stabilize the retina after removal of as much of the scar tissue as possible, but that had limited benefit and I gradually lost the remaining vision in that eye.
      Silicone oil, from what I've been told, apparently leads to increased pressure in the eye, and I suspect that was what caused m remaining vision to be lost, even with the use of pressure-lowering drops that I still use.
      I ended up needing cataract surgery in that eye because all the "manipulation" typically causes the lens to cloud--but in my case the surgery was needed so that the interior of the eye could be examined, and not to improve vision because it was essentially gone.
      At one point afterward I had YAG treatment in an attempt to remove some of the scar tissue, which it was able to do, but it wouldn't help much with my vision. The ophthalmologist was a bit disappointed because he had used over 300 'blasts' (for lack of a better word) with the laser without satisfactory results.

    • @scotttrindl1192
      @scotttrindl1192 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@bobjacobson858 , The treatment for detached retinas has changed as advances are made. That first one I had in 2011 in my left eye, was major surgery requiring a buckle as yours did. That surgery was successful in that it restored the vision in that eye back to what it was before the retina detachment. I did have a partial retina detachment in my right eye...the one with 20/20 vision after the lens implant, in June of 2020. That was a faster and less traumatic surgery than the earlier one in 2011. The 2011 one took a while to heal and left me with the mother of all shiners for most of three weeks. I had no such issues after the 2020 retina surgery. They put the gas bubble in my eye , the same as they did in 2011, but I didn't have to keep my face pointing down for two weeks like I had to in 2011.
      After a few days the bubble began to shrink and I could begin to look out over the top of it and I noticed right away that my 20/20 vision in that eye was intact. Do you have vision in either eye now? Did you ever ask your surgeon what causes a retinal detachment? I asked my surgeon if taking any sort of vitamins for the eye could help prevent future issues, and he said no.

    • @bobjacobson858
      @bobjacobson858 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@scotttrindl1192 I'm glad your outcome was good--hopedly it will stay that way indefinitely.
      I never had a retinal detachment in my left eye, so that one is "intact" other than being extremely nearsighted as well as the developing cataract. I was extremely nearsighted in both eyes--probably from having read much when I was in grade school, and by the time I was in 4th grade I already was down to 20/80 vision by the time I got eyeglasses. I was told that the nearsightedness was due to the eyeball becoming too long (from front to back), which can put strain on the retina, essentially due to its being stretched. As you might already know, the vitreous fluid tends to detach from the retina (it's somewhat more complicated than I'm describing) generally between the ages of 55 and 70, and in most cases one isn't even aware of it, but occasionally it tears the retina as it comes off. I've been told this process has already taken place in my good eye, as because I will turn 70 next year, I'm hoping I'm past the point of that specific risk. I've also been told that if one eye has a detached retina, there is about a 10% chance the other eye will experience it. In any case, I suppose one thing that can be done is to tell young children not to read excessively (maybe less of an issue with many children these days!), but beyond that, avoiding trauma to the head is about the only other thing that can be done to prevent it.
      I never was given a gas bubble, although I've heard of others having one. BTW, I still have the silicone oil in my right eye. I've wondered if it could be removed and replaced with a solution similar to natural aqueous humor of the eye, but I was told the eye could "go flat" in the process--however, how did they get the silicone oil inside in the first place? Therefore, I'm a bit skeptical. By the way, I have to keep the inside pressure down by using the eyedrops--I was told if the pressure gets too high, it could cause the nerves to become damaged and painful, and the only solution would be enucleation (removal of the eyeball), not something I would want to have done.
      I didn't find the surgeries particularly traumatic. My eye was a bit scratchy after the first one, and tears were pink for a short time. I saw all sorts of light blue lights and brownish areas after the surgery, and the surgeon said I'll see all sorts of strange things in that eye. The surgeon who was to perform the second surgery a month later said she planned to put in a bigger scleral buckle, but after the surgery I didn't feel any discomfort, and when i asked, she said she decided not to add the buckle. I was advised to avoid certain positions with my head for a while which most activity impractical--so acting as if one is sick when not actually so was rather frustrating! As far as the surgery itself, I told people that it was less traumatic than many kinds of dental work although the potential effects on quality of life are obviously much greater.
      I had heard that modern treatment was 'zap, zap' with a laser, so when the retina was detaching, I didn't realize how urgent it was to have it repaired, so when I got to the eye clinic two days after it started detaching, I was surprise to learn that they weren't going to treat it with a laser such that I would just walk out "as good as new". I've talked to various people who have had retinal detachments, and the results ranged from perfectly-restored vision down to blindness. One person who lived in a small town was told to "wait and see if it goes away"--and she ended up blind in that eye.
      I hope this is of some interest; please feel free to comment or ask further questions.

    • @notremembering
      @notremembering 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      You are quite lucky in my opinion. I’ve had surgery for retinal detachment three times. Two times in one eye. This was when very young. Cataract surgery later and it was complicated by retina problems. I ended up with 20/20 in right eye and extremely nearsighted in left. So always need glasses …. I am lazy and shut my left eye when I don’t wanna wear the glasses. Haha however I have two pairs of glasses for driving. Bc of glare or sun or clouds. Glad you don’t need glasses after having them so many years.

    • @scotttrindl1192
      @scotttrindl1192 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@notremembering I feel very fortunate that all the issues I've had with my eyes have been successfully corrected. Not having to feel around on my nightstand every morning for my glasses, putting in contact lenses, and then reversing that process at night, is a real blessing. Opening my eyes in the morning and being able to see clearly right away is far better. I do wear my glasses when I drive, since my left eye vision is a little better with them. When I leave my vehicle and go into a store, for example, I leave the glasses in the car. I don't need them there.

  • @erhabalenca1950
    @erhabalenca1950 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    I m 73 years old grandpa. I just had cataract surgery for both of my eyes. The surgery went well and now I have good vision than I can't imagine before. I live near Capital Jakarta Indonesia. My surgery bill paid by Government Health Insurance.

  • @elaineencke4936
    @elaineencke4936 2 ปีที่แล้ว +229

    What a concise, articulate, beautifully organized presentation! Such a joy to hear such an efficient speech!

  • @CrazyPetez
    @CrazyPetez 2 ปีที่แล้ว +170

    At 80 years old, I just completed my second cataract surgery. So far, so good. My vision is certainly clearer, colors brighter.

    • @barbaracarter6726
      @barbaracarter6726 2 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      amazing isn't it - everything looked like it had been somewhat dyed with tea before.

    • @louiekidd251
      @louiekidd251 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      After surgery, avoid warm temps. Bacteria grows very fast in warm temperatures and can destroy the eye. Should try to have surgery done during winter while it is cool, or stay air-conditioned for two weeks after surgery. May want to apply a cold compress to the eyes

    • @judywright4241
      @judywright4241 2 ปีที่แล้ว +19

      Isn’t that the best feeling!! I had no idea just how blurred my world was until I could see clearly again! So grateful for doctors and technology💕

    • @elainebmack
      @elainebmack ปีที่แล้ว +5

      That's good to hear! I'm going in for cataract surgery in January, and I feel very confident that it will go well. Thanks for the encouraging story!

    • @DrBarrie3
      @DrBarrie3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Likewise at 85 l have this operation done also...Fantastic improvement !

  • @s.davidanantharaj5310
    @s.davidanantharaj5310 3 ปีที่แล้ว +171

    From Chennai city, Tamilnadu State,
    India. Sir I did cataract surgery five years ago. Now I have glare. Your talk was very clear. I was scare to go for the second surgery. After hearing your talk, I have decided to go for the treatment for glare. Please continue to serve the human society. May God bless you.

    • @GoodOptometryMorning
      @GoodOptometryMorning  3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      great. tell us how it turned out.

    • @rgruenhaus
      @rgruenhaus 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      No god we trust!

    • @albertbatfinder5240
      @albertbatfinder5240 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      This sort of comment and outcome is EXACTLY why the TH-cam Eye Doctor makes these videos, I’m sure. Everyone (rightfully) has a bash at the concept of Dr Google, but if a video like this can lead you to a simple effective treatment for what concerns you, then I say “Well done!”

    • @karenmoffitt5495
      @karenmoffitt5495 ปีที่แล้ว

      Do it its painless

  • @marynoonan6111
    @marynoonan6111 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    I had my cataracts done three years ago now. SOOOOO happy with the results. I had one eye done for close vision & one for long. I did need the JAG lazer about 6 months later. All done painlessly in his office like this chap said. When I was sitting in the recovery room, the nurse bought me a cup of tea & a cheese sandwich. They removed the patch and I couldn't believe how nuclear YELLOW the cheese was or how bright all the colors were.
    It was great. I do have to remember to always grab my sunnies when I go outside as it's very glarey without them.

    • @donaldperez7981
      @donaldperez7981 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      It's funny that you had mentioned all of that. I say this because everything that you went through, so did I. I wanted my Right eye 👁️ to be able to see up close (just in case I would lose or forget my glasses) 🤓. And for my Left eye 👁️ to see at a distance.(so that I would have the best of both worlds) to be honest with you, I desperately needed this surgery but I was afraid to have it done at the time when COVID-19 numbers were at its highest. Especially @ the hospital where it was being held; where there would be many patients that had contacted covid. All the hospital employees around me had so much gear on (because of Covid,) that they actually looked like astronauts. Anyway, it took less than 9 min. to have my surgery done only on one eye. I saw them working on my eye 👁️ while I was laying on my back on the table. I felt absolutely No! pain at all. After the surgery, they had me sit in a chair and one of the nurses wheeled me to the corner of the room and handed me a small styrofoam cup of cold Sprite and handed me five small packages of (2) of saltine crackers.

  • @micheldisclafani2343
    @micheldisclafani2343 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    To be clear is the best capacity of a teacher.

  • @carolstanford8294
    @carolstanford8294 3 ปีที่แล้ว +78

    I had cataract surgery. I developed PCO 5 years later and had it successfully removed via laser in my surgeon's office. Both surgeries should be pursued if needed. The rewards are definitely worth it! This is a very good video!

    • @ceciliahink6611
      @ceciliahink6611 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I recommend eyeglasses from Walgreens before having cataract surgery with most doctors it's about the money more than your eyesight.After my cateract surgery ,,the second visit She recommended Walgreen eyeglasses.Even with my insurance I had to pay 600.00 for the Len's for both eyes.

    • @s1dest3p
      @s1dest3p ปีที่แล้ว +1

      How do you compare your vision now after the surgery to when your vision was good because you developed a cataract? 90% as good, 75% as good, better, worse?

    • @meerabakshi2676
      @meerabakshi2676 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      this post gives me a good hope.

    • @pixelphone4457
      @pixelphone4457 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @helenes52
      @helenes52 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I became legally blind because of pco. Thanks to the pandemic. All is good now

  • @johnmontoya7454
    @johnmontoya7454 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +20

    I had a cataract surgery done mid January this year. It went well, was a relief after wearing glasses for 50 over years (hated wearing them). So far so good no complications at all, due for a follow up a year soon. Thanks for the video Doctor. I’m 63 now and enjoying life without glasses 🥂

    • @martintheron1386
      @martintheron1386 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I'm 65 had my cataracts removed 4 & 6 Dec 2023.wore glasses for 59 years

    • @stadleroux
      @stadleroux 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Also 63 and also had cataracts removed from both eyes in the second week of January. Had been wearing glasses for close to 40 years and now I only need them for reading. Still have to go back to the optometrist for a proper eye test and to figure out what type of glasses would suit me best, but not a day, not even a couple of hours go by without me looking at the horizon or something else in the distance and marvelling at how sharp everything is. And being able to drive with just a regular pair of sunglasses, especially after having failed the eye tests at the traffic department twice in the past decade, is something else for which I'm incredibly grateful!

  • @TexasEngineer
    @TexasEngineer 2 ปีที่แล้ว +82

    I had the laser done a week or two after the surgery. My capsule was cloudy after surgery and I had the laser done. This happened for both eyes. It was remarkable, like having your windshield cleaned on your car. Instant results with a laser flash. I would not call this a complication because it was part of the aftercare on a followup visit. I got my vision restored to 20-25 like when I was in my 20’s.

    • @valensiyagames
      @valensiyagames 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      That's good to know. I had my surgery done 5 days ago, and after day 2 my eyes cleared up really nice, but by day 4 i couldn't go outside because the fog created such a strong glare I can't see more than a foot in front of me.
      I"m hoping it's this and nothing more serious tbh.

    • @marierivera5842
      @marierivera5842 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@valensiyagames did you get your eyes cleared up also I just had my right eye done and same thing day 4 post op so cloudy I hope it's just this also

    • @daulatsarnobat3326
      @daulatsarnobat3326 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ...i too had a YAG done 4 wks of the primary surgery but still the haze persisted. A second opinion a mth later indicated leftover cortical tissue/cells/debri. A retinal scan and examination stands completely ok except for the leftover cortical debri. The primary surgeon maintains the same will bodily dissolve with time while the other surgeon suggests a Pars plana victretomy. Its 3 mths to to the right eye surgery to date. meantime i am on eye drops for a little elevated iop (28) . i want to avoid a second surgery. Can a way be suggested? is it true @ bodily dissolution of the left over cortical cells ? How long do i wait? i have a vision in the operated eye but continues to be hazy.....

    • @abundantlyclear
      @abundantlyclear ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I having the exact same problem. Had the right one done. It is clear now. Then immediately after the right one was cleared up, the left one is very cloudy. That procedure is coming up soon. Looking forward, to glasses I don't have to take off every few minutes. I wish they had offered me the mono, or the lenses to see up close. I thought I was going to be glasses free. Nope! After this next procedure, I look forward to glasses that are to the max, with blue blocking, also. Not long from now, I have to take a driver's eye test, in a new state. At 72, the problem keep coming, yet there is less money available. Is there a chance that these lenses can fog up again?

  • @alicelane5263
    @alicelane5263 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Who wants to have complications after cataract surgery? I applaud this Dr for even mentioning this as the Vast majority of eye Drs will never ever mention complications and present this surgery as a walk in the park. Has anyone had success treating their cataracts with a Functional Medicine/Holistic approach like Dr Kondrot's protocol? Thanks

  • @lindahoy7815
    @lindahoy7815 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I had my first cataract surgery when I was 47. My second one before I turned 55. Fortunately, over 20 years later still doing well.

  • @billmoran3812
    @billmoran3812 2 ปีที่แล้ว +49

    I had a PCO in both eyes about 2 years after my cataract surgery. The laser procedure was quick and painless.

  • @sb2333
    @sb2333 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    It scares me hearing the word "complication". PCO is new cells growing over where the surgery was, and very common with surgery in other parts of body, not only just with cataract eye surgery. My optometrist explained PCO to me in my recent annual eye exam. Your explanation and info is very clear, thank you for the video.

  • @maryzambrana7141
    @maryzambrana7141 2 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    Had laser on one eye. Great result. Then came COVID, and I was leary about having the other eye done. Will check with my opthalmologist soon to see if it's safe to have the procedure done on the other eye. Your explanation and calm voice made a difference for me. Thanks for your help. 🐾

    • @ruffian2952
      @ruffian2952 ปีที่แล้ว

      Never mind your reservations. Get it done.

    • @karenkaplin1989
      @karenkaplin1989 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      The sooner the better chance of an excellent result.Good Luck.Karen

  • @johnbirkland6254
    @johnbirkland6254 2 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Yes, I've had the laser treatment described. It was amazing to see a hole open up, then pieces fall away, and have noticably clearer brighter vision immediately following, even with dilation.
    Next day, perfect. No more haze!

  • @randyc8171
    @randyc8171 2 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    I just had the procedure done on both eyes. My cataract surgery was 32 and 33 months ago and my vision started to go bad within 7 months. Covid kept me away from the eye doctor till now. I can see better than I could right after cataract surgery.

    • @rosefargnoli
      @rosefargnoli 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Most informing well presented..

  • @websiteanalyss8217
    @websiteanalyss8217 2 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    I developed PCO after cataract surgeriy in my right eye. The treatment (YAG ) was amazing. NO PAIN whatsoever and brilliant crystal clear vision straight afterwards. Thank you so much for your explanation.
    I've had corneal grafts. My corneal speciaist did the eye which hasn't developed the PCO and it was so different to the right eye cataract surgery which was performed by a different doctor. He seemed to come down from the top if the iris. The other doc came from the side.

    • @lorinajustus1054
      @lorinajustus1054 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I am have cataract surgery and the dr wants to put a stent for my glaucoma cause of my pressure.cwn you

    • @lorinajustus1054
      @lorinajustus1054 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Can you address the stent for galcoma

  • @113stumpy
    @113stumpy 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Have developed cloudiness within a week of surgery, seeing the Dr. in a few days. Description fits perfectly, we’ll see. No pun intended.

  • @gretchendeuble1676
    @gretchendeuble1676 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I had a cataract removed from my right eye which had a detached retina when I was 15. My vision was more colorful but was still cloudy. Three years later the laser was done and full field of vision returned. I was legally blind from age 15 to 72. Just had my left eye done two weeks ago. My vision is very good now.

  • @dwanakolda5560
    @dwanakolda5560 2 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    This happened to me 6 months following my cataract surgery. I returned to the initial surgeon and he said I was “fine” ! It was very disappointing, so I actually went for a second opinion with a different surgeon who then performed the YAG. It was super easy and I could see so much clearer. (Night driving had gotten very difficult.)

    • @judithclemons5457
      @judithclemons5457 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @sandymay4818
      @sandymay4818 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I had surgery Nov 7 and 21 2022, and my eyes are still blurry , every thing on phone, paper, or other if small is blurry, was told to give it time, and to get readers, also was giving glasses to see better at night, I just feel it was a waste of time, I was really hoping to see clear without needing glasses 😢

    • @Sheila_M61
      @Sheila_M61 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​​@@sandymay4818I had cataracts removed in both eyes, one week apart, in November 9th and 16th of 2022 also, and the same exact thing happened to me! After the first cataract was removed it made me so dizzy that I couldn't stand up or function at all. The doctor just kept saying that once the second one was removed that I would be fine. Well it was worse! When I asked what was going on he said he had only corrected my distance vision with the new lens implant. Well that's not what I had discussed with my doctor before surgery! After the second cataract surgery my vision was so bad that it was making me dizzy. I couldn't even see my hands clearly in front of my face without wearing really strong readers!😢
      I went from wearing +1.25 reader before cataract surgery to now wearing a +3.00 after!!! I'm sorry but that just doesn't sound normal! I went back again to the doctor and he said that I had obviously developed dry eye from the cataract surgery, but the cataract surgery didn't cause it, I had already been diagnosed with dry eye years before. So far the only thing the doctor has tried are the different eye drops, and that horrible nose spray that makes you sneeze violently for 30 minutes after spraying it on each side, then the dry eye symptoms are back again. I'll never try that again! Then he put the tear duct plugs in and that hasn't helped either. He refuses to own up to the fact that his cataract removal procedures have only made my vision MUCH worse. It never helped clear up my vision, it hasn't helped with the halo/sparkle vision problem with driving at night. I'm going for a second opinion tomorrow, I pray that something can be done without costing any more money😢

  • @suanhengyeoh2151
    @suanhengyeoh2151 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    My daughter (32 years old) had uveitis and had to have cataract surgery to both eyes. She had cataract surgery to the left eye in 2006 but developed secondary cataract a year later. A YAG was done but the vision deteriorated until it was at 6/60. This vision was maintained until today. Cataract surgery was performed on her right eye in 2008 and that eye developed a secondary cataract. YAG was done but the eye never recovered and she is blinded in this eye. Doctors advised not to do anything as the uveitis might flare and the other eye might also be affected. Cataract surgery is straight forward for those with no other diseases but for those with uveitis, you must be very careful!

    • @jillmiller9886
      @jillmiller9886 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      So sorry for your daughter. Hopefully she was tested for HLA-B27+ (genetic extra protein that rides on the white blood cells and attacks entire body. Uveitis is a hallmark symptom. Guessing you must already know this but if not …If she has this Human Leukocyte Antigen she should have a rheumatologist and be on meds to try to slow chronic progressive damage to her joints, eyes, lungs, kidneys, and her whole body frankly. Best of luck to her!

  • @dorcasowens1210
    @dorcasowens1210 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I had cataract surgery in 2015 and another procedure in 2019. I had this problem.
    I started taking 1,000 mg of Vitamin C twice a day, plus potassium 100 mg 4x a day and magnesium. Within a day my vision cleared up. As long as I continue the supplements my vision is good. If I stop the supplement the haziness comes back. A side benefit is the potassium and magnesium lowered my blood pressure to normal. I'm so thankful I found this.

  • @brianheard4565
    @brianheard4565 2 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    I got the haze a few years after cataract surgery in Australia. I was in Thailand at the time and went to an eye hospital for investigation. The laser surgery was suggested, so I went away and looked it up on Wiki, not having heard of it before, so decided to have it done. Completely easy and quick, and was amazed how effective it was. So now 2 years later all is well. Thank you for your clear explanation - I understand the whole thing now 😁😁

    • @sharoncampbell4904
      @sharoncampbell4904 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Was it a painful procedure to have done?

    • @brianheard4565
      @brianheard4565 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@sharoncampbell4904 No pain whatsoever. Quick too, done before I realised.

    • @sharoncampbell4904
      @sharoncampbell4904 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@brianheard4565 thank you!

    • @gwendolyncaleb3117
      @gwendolyncaleb3117 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I would like to get in touch with your office where you. I gave had surgery and after many moths i am expecting some of thing you mentioned in this video .. Thanks for the info.

    • @brianheard4565
      @brianheard4565 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@gwendolyncaleb3117 I had the procedure done at St Mary's hospital in Korat, Thailand.

  • @meenakshinowpada7832
    @meenakshinowpada7832 2 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    I underwent cataract surgery for left eye two years back and there was s blurred vision after one year. They did Lazer and now vision is fine. Exactly same thing was explained by you. Thank you

  • @magpie52
    @magpie52 2 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    I had my first cataract surgery completed and at first all seemed fine, then after a few months I realized that my eyesight was beginning to get a little cloudier......I was due for a follow up review from my eye doctor and when I met him I told him of this issue and he arranged for the treatment that you described in your only took less than 10 minutes and my eyesight was restored and it is now nearly six months later and I have still got very clear vision again......hoping that this continues for me and I would recommend anyone needing this procedure to go and have it done.

  • @ntheoret
    @ntheoret 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I had that operation, and afterwards my vision was so clear I could have kissed my ophtalmic doctor. I couldn't believe my eyes... Thanks for the Laser technology...

  • @boatman222345
    @boatman222345 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I had PCOs in both eyes within a few months after cataract surgery. They were treated with lasers. Probably my worst post cataract surgery complication was severe dry eyes which was diagnosed as being caused by Sjogren's syndrome.

  • @patskelton4202
    @patskelton4202 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I had my cataracts removed, after about 1 and 1/2 years later I have PCO and will soon be having the YAG lazier treatment done! Thank you So much for really explaining it so I understand it. Lazor sounded scary at first to me!

  • @warialdasue
    @warialdasue ปีที่แล้ว +11

    This happened to me a few months after my cataract surgery. I thought my cataracts returned. My eye doctor told me that can’t happen and I had developed a milky substance on my lens, and it happened to some people and not others. He fixed it with a laser, which worked perfectly, all like you described.

  • @LenHealsU
    @LenHealsU 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you so much Dr. for the insightful information! Greatly appreciated! Never knew this before. Thank you again for taking the time to share this vital information with all of us!

  • @FamilyFromNapa
    @FamilyFromNapa 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Just had the yag procedure done today! I’m excited to see the results! Had cataract surgery done in March and the film developed within a few months.

  • @beeoneder6799
    @beeoneder6799 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Exactly my case. My PCO happened a couple of years after cataract surgery. A capsulotomy was performed and voila, my eye is not cloudy anymore.

  • @kaloarepo288
    @kaloarepo288 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Never got PCO and it's been about 10 years since my cataract surgery but I know a friend who got it but it was easily corrected.My surgery has been absolutely amazing -recommended it to another friend instead of laser correction and he had splendid results as well.

  • @jtku4057
    @jtku4057 ปีที่แล้ว

    My goodness. You've hit the nail on the head with what I am experiencing. I have a blurry spot in my eye and it's most disconcerting. I will be discussing this with my eye doctor.

  • @leslie7513
    @leslie7513 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Yes it happened to me. Went back to my surgeon and she fixed it right away.., just like you said. Thanks for the video!!

  • @ghittaeibschutz9513
    @ghittaeibschutz9513 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you for this important information presented so well !!👏

  • @jag2333
    @jag2333 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for explaining this. Have a good day too.

  • @papichoku2442
    @papichoku2442 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very helpful video. Thanks for sharing.

  • @gayleskees5101
    @gayleskees5101 3 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Thank you for the information doctor. I had cataract surgery one month ago. The right eye went well but the left eye became very blurry within the two weeks of my follow up visit. My doctor said there was a laser procedure he could do to fix it, but my fear was the mono focal lens would somehow be able to fall into my eye through the hole the laser would make in the back of the capsule! Thank you so much for explaining the process and what it's called. Not every eye doctor will take the time to explain it in terms the lay person can understand!

    • @GoodOptometryMorning
      @GoodOptometryMorning  3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Hey Gayle, your doctor is talking about this YAG laser procedure. You are not at risk for the lens implant falling through the hole.

    • @gayleskees5101
      @gayleskees5101 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@GoodOptometryMorning My eyes were great and I only needed glasses to read fine print before the cataract surgery. So to be faced with not seeing well at all, everything is hazy and blurry, it's pretty scary. I'm so glad I found your video on the YAG laser procedure!

    • @GoodOptometryMorning
      @GoodOptometryMorning  3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@gayleskees5101 Yes it can be scary to see well and then have it get worse again. I hope it goes well.

  • @cathygray7492
    @cathygray7492 2 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    I developed PCO after my cataract surgery. My doctor performed the laser procedure and my vision is excellent in that eye now. It was painless and quick. He created about 30 (it seemed) small holes over the surface. Anyway thank you for this video!

    • @goldslinger
      @goldslinger 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      What did it cost?

    • @martinvisokey8958
      @martinvisokey8958 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@goldslinger my yag laser surgery cost me $550 for one eye

    • @goldslinger
      @goldslinger 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@martinvisokey8958 thank You

  • @DrewH789
    @DrewH789 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Good, short, clear video ! thanks a bunch.

  • @carolynfoster8320
    @carolynfoster8320 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Going through this right now. Thank you for your clear explanation.

  • @bettyannwilmott4254
    @bettyannwilmott4254 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you for that explanation! I have had cataract surgery in both eyes and both eyes developed PCO. I had the laser procedure in my doctor’s office in both eyes and I couldn’t believe how easy and fast it was!

  • @judywilliams4852
    @judywilliams4852 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I had exactly what you described. My doctor didn't name it, but he correct it in his office in just a few minutes. My reason for going back in though, was double vision, not just cloudy. I am fine again!

  • @dangcoppock7362
    @dangcoppock7362 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I came across your channel and lucky to be educated by you. You are absolutely amazing and informative about the cataract I had my eye ( cataract) surgery a year ago. Thank you for being on UTUBE. Looking forward to seeing more of you, thank you sir…! Subscribed.

  • @sudhirnair5633
    @sudhirnair5633 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Very informatic,clear and precise. Thanks

  • @charity2275
    @charity2275 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I am a firm believer that there is more than one way to treat any health problem and conventional treatments often fail. I have cataracts and dry eye syndrome, BUT instead of surgery I am doing fine by using a drop of organic, hexane-free, cold-pressed castor oil in each eye at bedtime, and Oclumed nutrient rich eye drops a few times during the day. This approach for more than 3 years has DELAYED any cataract progression. So far so good. I am 82. My only problem is not seeing well driving after dark so I do all my driving daytime. By the way, I can read the tiniest print and don't need reading glasses, never have. Only glasses for driving in recent years.

  • @mariahunter4239
    @mariahunter4239 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Well ! I developed this complication and had the laser treatment. I am good now . Thank you !

  • @skylabby
    @skylabby 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you for this information, I never knew this, i've had surgery 5 months now.. i will definitely keep this in thoughts as my time progresses.

  • @smilinglynn9584
    @smilinglynn9584 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Time for me to make an appointment. Thank you for the EXCELLENT information! There is no doubt that this is what's going on with my eyes.

  • @NeilFiertel
    @NeilFiertel 3 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    I had the yag procedure and it was a wonder! Good description by you and though I knew this already from having the procedure it is good that this is out there for others. It was like magic. Painless and done so rapidly...

  • @lindag3650
    @lindag3650 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Yes I’ve had the laser surgery for PCO. It went completely well & took only 5-10’. Was also done in doc office. Definitely needed to be done.

  • @johannemilsom7503
    @johannemilsom7503 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I have had cataract surgery, but didn’t know about this. Thank you for this information.

  • @pratimaapte1230
    @pratimaapte1230 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks for the subtitles! Good for the hearing challenged, as also those who are stumped by the accent. Thank you for this educative video. 👍🏻❤️🙏

  • @melodyschleicher81
    @melodyschleicher81 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    This was very interesting. I have had cataract surgery on both eyes, one year apart. I am 80 years old. The left eye was done first and the result was brilliant. The right eye, however, now starts to burn when I get tired. I will be watching for any signs of blurring just in case I have this problem. I wasn't warned about the possibility when the surgery was done. Thanks so much for the heads up on it.

  • @catherinewarren4140
    @catherinewarren4140 2 ปีที่แล้ว +37

    Yes...I had this YAG surgery procedure done. I'm still having blurred vision and experiencing much more floaties then ever before. Since my cataract surgery, a moment doesn't go by when I'm not experiencing an irritation. I try blinking to clear up my vision and the outer edge of my eye is constantly bugging me. This irritation is difficult to explain and I've seen the doctor 10 times since my surgery and they see nothing wrong. It's very discouraging.

    • @jaminwithjudie
      @jaminwithjudie 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      Same here! It's like looking through dirty eyeglasses that you can't clean. 😥

    • @cindylou0420
      @cindylou0420 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Same thing here. I don't want to keep going back. I go in for my year eye exam and I will tell him I am not happy with the outcome.

    • @frankcasendino8662
      @frankcasendino8662 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Very Interesting. I'm in the same boat. Had laser done about 6 weeks ago, and no better. Its making me crazy. So sorry for you guys that are experiencing the same.

    • @cindylou0420
      @cindylou0420 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@frankcasendino8662 From what I just heard, there is different levels of lens. What the insurance uses is the cheapest which is the basic lens. Had I known this I would of went into the poor house for the $3,000 lens instead of $1500 per lens. Yes it has been a pain with it.

    • @deeSK8er
      @deeSK8er ปีที่แล้ว

      I have double vision now……not good

  • @carolhieronymus8816
    @carolhieronymus8816 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I had cataract surgery two years ago and got multi focal lenses. It was done by Dr. Ray Galiatis at the Center for LASIK in Margate Florida. I couldn’t be happier. Near,far, and in between. No problems,, no pain, no drops. All completed in two weeks. No glasses after 60 years.

  • @RichardShelton
    @RichardShelton 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I accidentally happened across your video. Thank you!!! My cataract surgeries are nearly 2 years old, but my vision has slowly gotten worse since then. I have an eye appt next week and will definitely be discussing a PCO. Thank you again!

  • @Izzyreal510
    @Izzyreal510 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Thank you. You explained this very well. I wish I knew this before I had my cataract surgery. It’s been 2 years and I’ve been bothered with blurred vision on my Right eye and thinking that I needed new stronger glasses. I’ve been told before when I had my checkup one month after surgery that the reading is varied with each eye. I made appointment with Optometry for vision check on the 12th of Jan and was told about the opacity on both eyes but the Right eye is more than the left and YAG Capsulotomy is the only way to clear the opacity. And no, unfortunately it can’t be treated with any medication. I was referred to Ophthalmology and the procedure was done on the 19th of January on the Rt. eye. The procedure went well. Was discharge with prescription for eye drops. My vision is good now. Will go for follow up appointment with my optometrist after 4 weeks.

  • @hermiegayondatocaballero7163
    @hermiegayondatocaballero7163 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you for this very informative bv video IT makers me feel beter for my incoming cataract surgery 😊God Bless is all ❤

  • @dareks8000
    @dareks8000 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Loving your funny graphics! This gives me even more confidence in your excellent, informative video.

  • @harnellholliman4265
    @harnellholliman4265 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am having this secondary surgery next week. I did not realize it was so common. Thank God they have treatment for this and it is a relatively non invasive quick procedure…thank you for your video and explaining so completely what it is and what to expect..

  • @duaneswetland8513
    @duaneswetland8513 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I'm getting ready to have surgery and of course nervous with questions. This post surgery information was very helpful to me. Thanks doctor for the advice and explanation.

  • @catyronwode
    @catyronwode 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Thanks for a very informative video. I had cataract surgery 23 days ago -- sight in my right eye is fine (wonderful, really) but sight in my left eye is cloudy, and although the colours are brighter, my acuity of vision in that eye is actually worse than it was before the surgery. I will be going for my one-month post-op check-up and will mention the possibility of posterior capsular opacification to my doctor. I know you do not intend for your video to be taken as a substitute for a diagnosis, but i am grateful that i now know what to ask about.

    • @anniepatra7159
      @anniepatra7159 ปีที่แล้ว

      Whai is the cost of this fter laser? And what do they do in this part? Open the eye? Or only put the laser?

  • @medicropper
    @medicropper 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I had to have cataract surgery after a macular retinal detachment. In pre-op, they explained to me that in about half of all cataract patients, the back of the sack that holds the lens will become cloudy. They said that most people get cataract surgery late enough in life that they die before it becomes a problem, but because I was so young, they suggested I have this surgery done at the same time as my cataract surgery. I did, and it seemed to work just fine. All issues I have with my eye, other than the fixed focal point, are attributed to the macular detachment. I think it’s best to just have the surgery the same time you have your cataract surgery. Why not…

  • @johnreese3762
    @johnreese3762 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    So far, so good for me! Great info/video, even I understood what you said! Thanks a million!!

  • @chetbart488
    @chetbart488 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    About 2 years after cataract surgery I developed PCO in one eye. YAG laser treatment was painless and took about 5 minutes. A complete solution.

  • @vickidame6487
    @vickidame6487 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    It happened to me about 2 months after cataract surgery and my doc performed the laser (YAG) in his office. My vision was clear within hours after. Thanks for your explanation of what happened!

  • @Xarias
    @Xarias 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you! Your video first scared me, and then reassured me. I just did a consult for cataract surgery and was seriously thrown when the surgeon asked me did I want near or far vision. Having had Lasix previously, that was a bitter pill to swallow.

  • @cmack2769
    @cmack2769 ปีที่แล้ว

    Awesome and informative video. Thank you. Definitely, saving this video.

  • @dianehall5345
    @dianehall5345 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    You have put me at ease to have this repair procedure done. I am scheduled for the surgery in a week. My eye has that classic haze after the original cataract surgery three years ago Yes, the symptoms are similar to the cataract.
    A light was shined in my eye and I was asked to read the lines on the chart, past the light. I said , " What chart??"
    I am hopeful to have 20/20 with glasses once again. It was a blessing to be able to read and pursue my art. The books and water color paints are waiting for me. I am grateful this surgery is available.

  • @terrysmith295
    @terrysmith295 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Great news to hear about this. It is something i will watch for because i would have assumed it was just going to take longer to get rid of the cloudiness

  • @brettowen7174
    @brettowen7174 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you...this is exactly what is happening to my right eye. The specialist confirmed this yesterday and I wait for the laser treatment. Your explanation was beautifully clear!

  • @fronniebealer7808
    @fronniebealer7808 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you immensely. I think I have this. I felt like crying, but now feel hope. Just waiting on a schedule opening at my doctor's office.

  • @triciabyrne7761
    @triciabyrne7761 3 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Thank you for this. Very interesting. I am having my initial and hopefully only surgery later this years. Praying there are no complications ... Again, thanks.

    • @GoodOptometryMorning
      @GoodOptometryMorning  3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Hopefully it goes well...let me know how it went after.

  • @claudiapasser3392
    @claudiapasser3392 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I had my left eye done in August and after surgery it was amazing to see clear again...but after month I started to have very heavy eye...itchy and a bit of blurry vision ... actually my appointment to see my doctor is this week...thanks for the very informative video. God bless your work

    • @rgruenhaus
      @rgruenhaus 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      god programming exhibit A! No god we trust!

  • @louiseparenti8570
    @louiseparenti8570 ปีที่แล้ว

    Good to know as I just had cataract surgery. Thanks for the info.

  • @susieisnardy9529
    @susieisnardy9529 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Good information as had cataract surgery recently

  • @Saucyakld
    @Saucyakld 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Makes me feel a bit more confident, thank you!

  • @abigailfoster2467
    @abigailfoster2467 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I grew a film over both of my new lenses after cataract surgery. I had the hole lasered in one, and it was a DISASTER! I experienced massive problems with lights. I won’t explain all of it here, but the most life changing was the starbursts while driving at night. I had to stop night driving because it was just too dangerous. Oncoming headlights would cause large streaks of light to shoot across my vision so I could not see where I was going. The same happened from my wing mirror with cars in the lane next to me. The optometrist advised against having the laser procedure on the other eye. After a couple of years, the problem subsided enough for me to feel safe driving in familiar areas with not much traffic. But by then, the scar tissue had caused the lenses to go out of alignment and I developed astigmatism and needed glasses to correct it. I still only drive short distances close to home at night.

    • @benjaminrush4443
      @benjaminrush4443 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Sounds terrible. Did you go back to that surgeon?

    • @jaminwithjudie
      @jaminwithjudie 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I feel so bad for you. That is horrible.

  • @MrPelotero53
    @MrPelotero53 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Great, concise, and easy to understand explanation/education. Thank you … and I’m adding those big words to my vocabulary.

  • @maryjordan3178
    @maryjordan3178 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for the information. I haven’t had this done yet will probably need in a year or so, just not ready yet, so I’ve been told. I will definitely ask about this!

  • @sunitdixit
    @sunitdixit 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I had YAG laser treatment after almost 2 yrs after my cataract surgery.The procedure took about 10-15 minutes with laser shots to my eyes. The light from laser is very very bright yellow and blinding but not painful. My eyesight definitely improved after YAG laser treatment. For few days I did have floaters in my eyes.

  • @Me2Lancer
    @Me2Lancer 3 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    I had cataract surgery on both eyes a couple years ago. So far, no complications.

    • @GoodOptometryMorning
      @GoodOptometryMorning  3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      good to hear

    • @Rich.-
      @Rich.- 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      How was the cataract surgery? I’m having it done in a few months. Very nervous about it.

    • @Me2Lancer
      @Me2Lancer 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Rich.- The procedure went very well. It was great to have clear vision. Before the surgery I had severe astigmatism in both eyes. There was no discomfort at all.

    • @maynerdkrebs1083
      @maynerdkrebs1083 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@Rich.- Fantastic technology. My little weeping stopped in 2 hours. 2 weeks later the left eye. Hass Vision in Colorado Springs. The world is so bright, colorful, crisp and beautiful. I feel like a newborn 3 years after.

  • @georgemullin7772
    @georgemullin7772 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Exalant example and explanation

  • @lokiwolfwood7942
    @lokiwolfwood7942 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you Doc. I had my cataract surgery about 6 months ago and are getting foggy haze again. This kinda makes me feel a bit better. Thank you for all this info.

  • @margarethart7101
    @margarethart7101 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Thank you for the simple explanation!

  • @robertjohn527
    @robertjohn527 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Thank you for your very clear and informative explanation. I have a friend who is experiencing that POC condition you refer to if the cataract surgery. She had the Alcon Vivity lens inserted. Is there any correlation between the type of lens and the propensity to develop POC?

  • @johnpapadopoulos9057
    @johnpapadopoulos9057 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great tutorial good Doctor!
    Enlightening. Thank you very much.

  • @charmvillaver7662
    @charmvillaver7662 ปีที่แล้ว

    Your video is great - has the very important info we need to know about the procedure. Thanks

  • @performancedownunder5773
    @performancedownunder5773 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I had the lot done over a period of 3 months last year. Six weeks between each eye for the lens replacement and at the check up for the second eye I had the laser for the first eye. Six weeks after that I had the second laser on the remaining eye. Brilliant job Lions Eye Institute. No bifocals slowing me down coming down staircases, better all round vision on the road, immensely improved colour appreciation. Everything's better and safer.

  • @scottieontherocks
    @scottieontherocks 3 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    My cataract surgery for my right (dominant) eye has resulted in ongoing blurriness. The problem: the prescription apparently on the lens is too strong for the eye. So the lens they inserted has the wrong prescription, hence the acuity problem. The lens has, however, corrected for my astigmatism. My near vision has improved as a result, but this is not what I ordered. I wanted distance vision with both eyes, so not what I believe is referred to as mono vision. There is still some slight swelling, so the doctor has recommended we wait two weeks for that to go away before deciding the best course of action to rectify the error. I apparently have three options -- resort back to glasses; insert a piggy-back lens; or Larik surgery to reshape the cornea to compensate for the lens with the wrong prescription. The ophthalmologist didn't suggest, however, removing the lens and replacing it with one bearing the proper (and presumably recalculated) prescription. I'm wondering (a) how common this is and (2) which of these options to choose. I haven't had the other eye done yet, so I'm uncertain what to do about that as well.

    • @mkdavo
      @mkdavo 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      This is virtually what has happened to me, asked for distance but now can't see distance but can read up close perfectly, am awaiting follow up to see what my options are.

    • @c.marmion8430
      @c.marmion8430 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The choice if lens (i.e. close-up for reading etc, or long/mid-distance) is something that isn't discussed enough, in my opinion, before cataract surgery. In fact my ophthalmologist didn't mention ANYTHING at all about there being a choice of lens type before my operation, so I didn't therefore realise there were different types. It was only that a friend who had had cataract surgery happened to ask me just one or two days before my surgery if I'd decided which type of lens to go for, that I became aware that there's a choice. When I asked the surgeon on the day of my surgery which lens he was going to insert he said he'd decided on a long-distance one, therefore the choice was completely taken out of my hands.
      The other thing to bear in mind is that until the other eye is done the eye with the new lens might be able to see clearly without glasses for either close-up work (such as reading, etc) or long/mid distance, depending on the choice of lens inserted, the other eye can't. So glasses are needed to correct this unequal balance in the eyes for possibly years.

    • @carmelcorreale3211
      @carmelcorreale3211 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      similar here My vision was not that bad except for the glare my mid to far distance was perfect and in fact was better without the glasses originally only my close reading needed tweezing....instead my close mid distance is affected and I have to thread a needle at arms length...the colours are brighter and my CP vision is good but not my reading a book...only been 5 weeks since the operation will see what happens but I find being in a supermarket isle very disorienting stuff is not sharp here the vision is fuzzy where before it was much clearer or ‘still’

  • @patticollart1136
    @patticollart1136 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you…very precise in the explanation of symptoms that I am experiencing!!!

  • @ketangulmani7930
    @ketangulmani7930 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you Dr. Nelson. Useful information.

  • @pauldegregorio6432
    @pauldegregorio6432 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    This was quite good! I was pleased that you corrected the term “complication” with “common occurrence” or similar language as PCO is NOT a complication to be clear. Then you again called it a complication again.😕

  • @maureenstanton8576
    @maureenstanton8576 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I’m having yag surgery tomorrow. Glad I watched this video. Thank you.

  • @jodythompson4508
    @jodythompson4508 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is so encouraging and extremely informative. I have recently had 2 cataract surgeries and were experiencing the exact symptoms explained. I have just returned from my DRs office being told both eyes would have to have this surgery. I had great concerns fear and even questioned even

  • @changeing1311
    @changeing1311 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Excellent teaching and demonstrating of having a cataract removed.