GUYS! THANK YOU FOR INFORMING! Cosmo should take medkits if everyone is max health. CAN YALL STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT THE FACT IM USING GIGI AS AN EXAMPLE!? IM USING HER AS AN EXAMPLE OF ANY TOON. PLS STOP ITS ANNOYING. Also Cosmo defenders, you are not weak- idk why i added that in the video-
the issue is people dont really play Cosmo right, there wont be a toon at 1 heart while you yourself are at 3 unless you're purposefully not healing them
@@SillyTopHatFrognobody uses shrimpo unless to get mastery, connie can use her ability so she should not even be getting hit, and rnd is rlly useless and i have not seen some1 use them in a rlly long time
An unnecessary story: I was in a run and there was a cosmo and sprout, who seemed to be friends with eachother, but the problem that the cosmo kept taking all the heals, but yet they only healed sprout just bc they’re friends, and the sprout kept healing cosmo, a connie started getting mad and told them to heal others, but then ig the cosmo and sprout got REALLY mad and started attempting to grief connie (Which they failed) The cosmo and sprout then soon left on like floor 10+
@@zeze.capcut I love playing as Connie and watching people try to grief me for the dumbest reason. Then I realize they are trying to grief people for the dumbest reason.
The issue is, Cosmo sometimes heals people at 2. If people are at 2, they are not in danger, which leaves Cosmo to have low health by healing people who dont need it.
Like literally I was at 2 then Cosmo or ginger heal me I don't need heal at 2 hearts because 1 I'm built different so it will take a while for them to hit me 2 I'm not in danger because again I'm built different
Whenever I play as cosmo, I have a system, when i'm on full and someone is on two, I heal them. If im on two and someone is on one, I will heal them. now obviously if i am at full and there is one person on two and another at one, i will heal the person on one because they need it more.
Real, a Coal was on 2 hearts (So was Cosmo) and said "Cosmo heal me😭😭😭😭" (sounds dramatic.) And the Cosmo actually healed them, leaving him with 1 heart, and another i was on 2 hearts and someone healed so i said "Whyd you heal me? " i did not get a response
I just think that distractors when at 2 they should get healed instantly because once ur at 2 as a distractor and you loose one more heart ur cooked, plus chatting while distracting is very hard to do and if the distractor SUCKS then just heal them when they’re at 1
2 in 1 Stories 1. When im cosmo i always heal toons on 1 HP and never a 2 HP toon 2. one time a Cosmo healed me while distracting ( i was Looey at 2 HP ) then i didnt realize it so the slowness from the heal made me lose back to 2 HP, that cosmo really just wasted a Heart without noticing
Heck even having a medkit at all could land you in trouble, example: you got the medkit from dandy, later you get hit and use it, someone hears you use it and tells everyone you "stole" a medkit even though you bought a medkit and everyone else could have also bought it
Something else to point out is- If you, Cosmo is the only 3 hp toon, (or non-main), Even if someone’s hurt, you SHOULD still always take the Medkit if possible, If the Main uses the med, they’ll only be healing 1 heart, whilst if Cosmo takes it, he can heal people using 2 hearts, and then use the medkit. It’s just annoying seeing Mains take meds because they’re hurt, while if Cosmo uses it there’s much more to efficiency, Sorry if i suck at explaining lol
i think he's saying that, if s a other toon is at 1hp and Cosmo is at 3hp, Cosmo should take the medkit and heal the toon to 3hp, Then Cosmo will have 1hp, use the medkit and both will be full hp.@@jessicaolipendo6462
@@jessicaolipendo6462No, he/she is not. She meant that Cosmo should get the med instead of a main, because its more beneficial to give it to him than to the main.
@@jessicaolipendo6462 No, he's just saying mains shouldnt take meds because they have 2 hearts and will only heal 1 heart if they use the med, while if cosmo takes the med, he will gain 2 hearts and be able to give 2 hearts to toons.
In the fourth case, i would let cosmo take the med, as he can heal and then give a heart to me so we both are at two. And if lucky enough, a healing card can appear next floor so both of us are at 3. It happened to me once, i guess it was mostly luck tho
3:43 “I hope this video was not hard to understand” This actually is easy to understand, this is literally common sense, maybe common sense isnt so common nowadays
personally, what i like when i play as cosmo is : I’m not bothered with you taking bands when ur on 1 since it would just be equivalent to me healing u, but please don’t take meds if you and somebody else is on one, since i can heal u both
I sometimes play as cosmo but only take meds if I need them (I take bands sometimes at full health if the rest of the team is doing good with their health)
Nah fr. I was in a run where we kept giving all the medkits and bands to this one Cosmo, except… they just kept getting hit…? Like okay some mistakes can happen. But they wasted every single damn heal. 4 star stealth and 4 star stamina all for WHAT. They then died, without managing to heal even a single person. Bruh.
Few tips about Cosmo: He doesn't necessarily needs Medkits, just keep the 2 hearts you have. Remember that your own safety comes first before ANYONE (until proveen othewise by the distractor having 1 heart). An instant heal is better than a heal that has delay and/or can miss, so sharing medkits and bands for your team it's better. Dandy plush it's a really important trinket for Cosmo during long runs (Reminder that the shop it's randomized whatsoever, so using dandy plush it's somenthing you SHOULD be responsable of for trying your luck on dandy's shop). Thinking Cap, Blue Scarf and Veemote are pretty important trinkets when you can't hit the skillcheck (but understand that then veemote will loose power as the runs becomes longer). Otherwise if you can hit skill checks you can still Veemote, but problably it would be better if you focus on running speed with Pink Bow, Running shoes, Horn&Spool (Loadout), or Vanity Mirror.
When I played ginger once a pebbles told me there was a band! I couldn't find it and a coal got it and healed themself while at 2 hp an do was at full the pebble told me and I said"its fine as long as they weren't at full hp." Such they weren't.
And the next argumentative topic: tapes as a whole! probably would work good, I mean, sprouts acting like they own tapes when they literally don’t pick them up, some characters saying to leave tapes for them so they can BUY FROM DANDY. And a ton of stuff like that.
Exactly. People act like Sprout and Teagan need the tapes bc they need to heal up!! But... NO??? Both Sprout and Teagans ability is completely useless if Dandy gives out a medkit, which is actually way more common the people seem to think, if you're sharing tapes fairly then at-least 3 people in a 8/8 run should be able to buy a med (unless it's on the first 5 floors ofc.), the same goes with a band. Giving tapes to these two are useless because; 1, Teagan can only heal herself, which makes her alright since she doesn't need to be healed by healers, similar to Looey not needing to be healed because of his ability to become one of the fastest toons in game when low on health. 2, Sprout can heal others but has a cool down, it wouldn't be right to give all tapes to Sprout even when he's on cooldown because then, as I mentioned before he won't be able to heal others, and people won't be able to buy from Dandy, which is just screwing the entire team over if Dandy decides to give out healing items (or useful items in general, such as jumpercord, smokebomb, pocket watch, etc.) People are so self entitled and focused on healers it's embarassing like guys.. You need tapes and heal items too!!....
Well this one is not complety true :^ On teagan side(i dont see that much teagan player) her ability is not for all team and she can do machine with decent speed so you dont have to let her all tapes unless its necessary. Sprout on the other hand can heal all the team and he NEEDS tapes on the ground because he cant do machine because of his stats also trust me your gonna have enough or even much more tapes then the sprout after floor 5-10(unless your doing nothing or spending your tapes on trash items. Also everybody talks about cooldowns of healers but if your losing two heart before healers cooldown end tbh its a skill issiue or very unlucky moment)
@@l0v3sick_4_uActually as a Sprout player, the cooldown isn’t bad at all?? By the time it’s over I still need to be collecting tapes becuase 1. I can’t do machines to get tapes since my stats for machines suck and it would be better to give the machine to Vee or something. 2. Seeing twisted’s barely gets you any tapes so I can’t use that strategy meaning the only way to consistently get tapes is by picking them up off the floor. There’s also way less on the floor than you think and taking one or two tapes can mean a Sprout will barely get any. Besides, other players shouldn’t have a problem with getting tapes if they’re extracting since, unlike Sprout, their stats are good for it and they don’t need to get tapes as quickly since the chances of Dandy selling anything good on early floors are really low. Would you rather get healed when you’re at one or have a bunch of tapes and a Sprout who can’t do anything because they don’t have 100 tapes. On later floors whenever I’m playing as Sprout, if the group is good and completely healed and I have 100 tapes already THEN I’ll start letting people take tapes without yelling at them. Any other time I’m literally just trying to do my job as a healer. My two abilities ARE ABOUT HEALING.
@@dreamznotreal Correction, Dandy mostly sells his good items on early floors. I'd rather a medkit then a Sprout. I'd rather be on one heart then have a sprout who can't do anything because.. Guess what??? If I'm dying that early on that they don't have 100 tapes already it's not a good run for me and I'll end up dying earlier then usual anyways. Your point is?? No one cares that you're trying to do your job we're trying to play the game as it is intended by surviving, if they can't survive without a healer then thats a skill issue, many good runs last longer because they don't have a healer constantly worrying about getting bands/meds or getting tapes. You're right, Sprout is useless for extracting. Most of the healers are below average without the right trinkets. (I say most because this really depends on the player, but newer players are never good at the cosmo skill-check and Ginger players I rarely see doing machines.) No one is telling you to extract?? You can still do your job but at least share the tapes and not be rude and greedy about it... We all need tapes, you might be priority but it doesn't matter. You're either a healer whos just standing around doing nothing, a healer whos distracting, or a distractor forgetting to heal. It doesn't matter who gets the tapes beacuse again, WE ALL NEED THEM. "The cooldown isn't bad at all." It's a cooldown of 100 if you don't have any trinkets to change that equipped. In crowded runs people are getting crunched left and right over and over, you don't have that time to waste, perhaps you play either with really lucky finds on groups, or groups you play with over and over, but public runs?? 8/8 players getting past floor 3 is already hard itself, and getting to floor 5+ (which is when you're supposed to heal, common healer courtesy so you don't waste your hearts unless ur sprout, which in this case you are.) Is ever harder, by the time you get there everyones either going to be on low hearts, or on full hearts. That means; - You can let the toons pickup the tapes and hope they make it too Dandy's shop and get a healing item or a eject button, - You can let them pickup the tapes and hope you get a first aid card - You don't let them pick up the tapes, you heal one person and they waste the heart getting hit by some twisted cuz they're not smart with their stamina, and someone ends up dying because of this. - You don't let them pickup the tapes, you heal multiple people, and it's all wins. Which of these do you think is the least common? Obviously the one where it's a win. If you're in a public server, you CANNOT control your teammates, they're just trying to play the game and survive just as you are, if you get mad over them picking up tapes bc u can't use ur ability it's a skill issue on your part, you can't except everyone to leave tapes for you, especially new players. All of your points can be easily contradicted and it seems to me you're just trying to defend an invalid point because ur too petty to admit it's a stupid idea made up by the fanbase. This is an entirely different situation in privately hosted servers, and I can understand where you're coming from there, but public? No.
My thoughts - if youre a main toon normally having 2 hearts give it to cosmo - If youre a normal toon with 1 heart use it for yourself. - If youre a cosmo with 3 movement speed, 4 stamina, and 4 stealth youre the LEAST priority of getting hurt. You have ENOUGH stamina and ENOUGH movement speed to run away from the twisteds to make them lose interest, and you have HIGH stealth to not get targeted first. If you cant run away from a twisted encounter I think thats a skill issue on how you cant do basic skills on being aware of your surrounding and on being able to run away, im not even gonna sugarcoat it. - As I said you have the ability to RUN away and not walk away from the twisteds so dont think that you can distract the twisteds. - When someone calls out medkit or band, it takes time before the cosmo can find the location of the item. Cosmo would normally be on a machine and leaving the machine will just cause 2 players being idle doing nothing, while the distractor uses its resources for distracting or puts into more risk of getting hit. - If you're a cosmo that got hit or died because someone took medkit. If theyre at 1 hp It is NOT their fault, do you know how easy it is to lead twisteds to someone? Or just run away? Just lead them to someone else and maintain losing vision of them. Most cosmos are too entitled to think that medkits belongs to them and half of the other cosmos I met doesnt even heal their teammates and stays at full hp. They rely on medkits for survivability and not improve their ability to not run into a wall or their ability to simply look around if theres a twsited nearby to avoid them. - I dont care if you say "Oh well twisteds can also chase down cosmo and thats why he needs medkit more" like so what? Other toons can also experience the same thing. This is why cosmos are entitled. - If youre a full health cosmo and there is no nearby 1 hp ally near you, take it yourself. Then just go to them and heal them. It will just waste time and probably kill them trying to get to the medkit - I play as Rodger mainly these several days because of the new christmas event and I am confident to not even need tbe medkit at 2 or 1 heart because I KNOW I have improved my skills enough to get away from danger. LASTLY if youre a cosmo, dont heal your allies to 3 health and only to 2 health. Theres a chance the heart card might appear which will save a heart so it doesnt overheal.
Leading twisteds to others is exactly why most runs I see don't make it past floor 5, only lead twisted to distractors since they should be following them in the first place.
@@Manicboy8 You don't need a distractor until like floor 10 - 20 and if there are no distractors, try your best of survival and be aware of your surroundings
actually u don’t need to emphasise the enough speed cuz the new christmas main toon, bobette, as a twisted can outrun 3 star toons :D (I dunno if this is still a thing maybe she got debuffed, but idk) Also like the other person said, you shouldn’t give another person twisteds, as they could be on lower health (maybe ur on cd) or no stam, and it would just be better to find the nearest island and run around it. Plus, once again, like another dude said, even on lower floors (1~5) there can be rare twisteds, as in twisted goob and scraps, gigi, or enraged twisted glisten. Also you could also get finn and when u finish a machine, a non-distracted twisted can attack you when u are debuffed with 3 slow. Maybe even you’ll get lucky, and get mains at floor 5 (but if ur luckier, you can get a blackout too 😭🙏) and some of them, like twisted pebs, vee or bobette, can catch follow u long enough for you to run out of stam, and 3 star speed can’t outwalk many main twisteds.
I feel that Cosmo and Gingers should take meds/bands but if your missing a lot or 1 heart and you see a heal itsm you take it so you can heal the way a lot of players do it is healers get health items first then distractors get then extractors get them since distractors are more likely to get hit especailly if they have a main on the floor
I literally took a BANDAID on accident and everyone started to call me a starter because of it, LIKE WHAT???? I get that the ginger needed it but they were at 2 hearts!! I was at 1!! And they backed up me being a starter because I was playing as Boxten? Like EXCUSE ME??? Also ginger was on cooldown anyways?? AND THEY STILL FLAMED ME??? they started to try and kill me on purpose!! I feel like I just got on a toxic team that relays on healers. in my honest opinion if someone takes an item whether on purpose or accidentally you can’t do anything about it anymore, what’s the point of auguring if they can’t PUT THE DAMN ITEM DOWN??? At this point I’m just gonna avoid doing runs with healers because I’d rather avoid it than defend myself over picking up an item that I can’t put down. Also because this has happened to me multiple times in different ways to a point where it gets annoying and tiring🙏
If they used their ability, then the hearts would be reversed which is obviously bad. However, if you took the bandaid the hearts would be equal which is a much more favorable scenario than swapping hearts. I honestly don't understand why they were so mad. It's like they have been drilled into their brains that healers should get the heal no matter the situation.
finally someone who talks about this, this cosmo main situation made me dislike Cosmo mains and be more greedy and toxic to them (I’m still trying to warm up to them but I’m still aware)
Yeah, but what is the the one of the cosmos were just trying to play and heal other people and give to people healing items, even though they needed it but the other also needed it and you’re just being toxic and greedy to them for no reason that would be kind of sad (I’m not defending the cosmos. I’m just saying)
I feel like the scenario where you’re all full health isn’t really describing it well. You said that it would still be pretty much equally as good if YOU took the medkit, but I think if everyone is full it should always go to Cosmo. Since if two different people get hit, he can heal both of them and then himself so everyone is at full hearts again, but if YOU took it then they’re still missing hearts while you’re just sitting there. Who takes a medkit when the whole team is full health is always a tough dilemma, but if there’s Cosmo it should definitely be him because then you don’t NEED to try to predict who will need it the most, he can just distribute the heals as needed when the time comes. The only person who should really be taking medkits other than Cosmo is distractors, since they’ll be in the front lines and might not be able to call out that they need heals, and as long as nobody is disrupting them, they’ll be the only ones getting hurt. And the scenario where you’re both at one heart, I’d say only take the medkit if Cosmo says it’s okay. Most people prefer the scenario where we’re both at 2 hearts than the one where one of us is 3 and the healer is 1. I really only think you’d take the medkit in that scenario if you’re selfish or Cosmo won’t be able to reach it. I’m saying all of this as a Cosmo main, not the person relying on him. It’s frustrating seeing these toons with medkits that NEVER GET HIT while the rest of the team is DYING while if I got the medkit instead of the ones staying out of danger, I could be keeping everyone safe. I do not condone griefing in any scenario tho, and don’t really get bothered that much and just try to memorize who has heals so I don’t heal them unnecessarily. The REAL problem I have is like. When I’m telling someone to pick up a medkit and they’re all like “NO you’re Cosmo YOU should take it!” Like BUDDY. I would be healing them to full. ITS FASTER IF THEY JUST USE THE MEDKIT. Sometimes I want yall to pick up the medkits cuz if I had it then I would just use it all on them anyways. But NOO they want to wait two whole minutes for me to slowly fill up their health while wasting my inventory space. JUST PICK IT UP AND USE IT 😭 I also can’t stand when people get mad at others for picking up a bandage. Like… I would’ve just given them the heart anyways? Who cares. Unless they’re full health it’s really stupid to get mad at them for it. In the scenario where everyone is full health, it would be ideal to give the bandage to the Cosmo OR the distractor for sure. But like if they needed it then stop yelling at them man. Unless it’s for un-Cosmo related reasons like “Pebble is at 1 and you’re at 2 and you took the bandage” or something lol. Anyways as I already said I don’t condone griefing or anything, when someone does bad strategies like that you just gotta try to work around it.
I was in a dandy run. Had a cosmo on my team along with a few other ppl. As soon as the game started, cosmo said, “I take all the heals.” “Only I get the meds/bands” I’m just gonna type how the conversation went. Me: well, not ALL the heals. Cosmo: but I heal people! I need every single heal! Random: yeah, he needs every heal. You don’t want him to die and then we don’t have a healer, do you? Me: no, but, I just think that if someone’s on one heart and cosmo is full, the person on one should take the medkit. Cosmo: I don’t care if someone’s on one! I NEED THE HEALS!! Random 2: med! Gigi (my bsf: **takes med bc she was at one** Cosmo: WHY DID YOU TAKE THE MED GIGI!? Best friend: well, I was at one, so I took the medkit Random 3: yeah bro. She needed the medkit. Plus, you already have 3 bands Cosmo: THE MEDKIT HEALS ME BY 2! I SHOULD HAVE IT! Random: yeah, greif the stupid Gigi for taking the medkit Random Me: excuse me? That is my best friend and you will not be greifing her over something so simple. Cosmo: FINE! THEN WELL GREIF YOU TOO! Me: great! Your actually helping me since I’m the distractor 😃 Cosmo: FINE THEN WELL LEAD THEM TO GIGI! Me: do you not realize I have 2 star stealth. Cosmo: **runs into the spot I was distracting and SOMEHOW gets the twisteds off of me and onto him** Also cos: GUYS GOOB GREIFED ME!! 😭 Me: mhm. Bsf: girl what do you mean? Cosmo: GOOB LED THE TWISTEDS TO ME AND GOT ME KILLED!! Me: … Bsf:. Me: your still alive- Cosmo: NO IM NOT!! **leaves game** Me:welp ig it’s a duo run now. Bsf: death run? Me: sure JEES… I DIDNT MEAN TO YAP THAT MUCH 😭
this is a good point but a couple things i dont really get, 1. lets say you are at 1 heart, another person has one heart, cosmo is at 1-2 and theres a medkit the smarter and normal choice is for cosmo to take the medkit. he can heal both of you guys using the medkit, resulting in both of u guys being safe and not at low health, and, if you leave heals for cosmo, cosmo regenerates those lost hearts he gave to you guys which allows majority of your team to live when cosmo takes the heals. i say that you are good at 2 hearts because you’re COMPLETELY fine at 2 hearts. tho if ur at 1 i guess you die in one hit but cosmo healing people is basically giving everyone a second chance. tho, if you were to take the medkit (prolly because cosmo was at 2), that results in the other person being at risk at 1 health and dying to twisted at 1 hit and if cosmo healed them cosmo would be vulnerable too unless they have a heal (when writing the first one i realized how weak my point is so you dont have to argue against it if u dont wanna lol-) 2. when youre a cosmo who heals a person at 1 heart, they get 2 right. then lets say they get hit on accident. technically, its not a waste, because you just saved someones life, and, they will probably be way more careful after that. and, if you have heals, you can heal them again. also, this is kinda weird, but since you just saved that persons life, you (sorta) made their day. their happier they didnt die because of you, and, the whole point of a game is to have fun (usually), so being happy in dandys world is probably also having fun so its pretty nice even if they got hit like when you healed them it was still a smart move to do that bc the teamates still lives. tho, if the teammate DIES in the next few minutes, i’d agree, it was a waste since they were gonna die afterwards. 3. what about distractors? when you say people rely on one toon for healing, that made me think of a (probably) more important role than healing, distracting. you prevent people from getting hit, instead of having to sacrifice your own hearts for others to live and also go through the *long cooldown* and *lack of hearts and heals* .speaking of lacks of hearts and heals, it would also be a smart move to give all heals to cosmo in cases when there is no distractor to save everyone. people do rely on that 1 toon for distracting all twisteds (unless you make it to high floors and there are multiple distractors). i dont mention backups (that dont currently distract) bc, the cosmo heals the main distractor. so basically, a distractor and a healer is all you need for floors so ig in that case nobody gets hit and cosmo takes the heals since they heal the distractor. even sometimes on a really bad floor, those extra heals that the cosmo took could help out because you never know, you could get a main on floor 5 but i guess thats rare so its not that big of a deal- im jst saying my point here is with distractors, the rate of people getting hit goes down
If Cosmo is at 3 hearts and if I'm at 1 heart I'll probably get the med. I get it but like it benefit you and Cosmo because for example Cosmo get med then heal u, u guys will be both at 2 heart but if u get tue medkit u and Cosmo will be at 3 hearts. Resulting u guys extra secure and safe y'know
"if u are on the cosmos side, then it makes you look weak and always need assistance." ... Dude... i always say "leave meds and bands for me so i can heal" as cosmo but dude... +1,000,000 aura. You are a legend.
I feel like cosmo should always get the med on the first scenario. if you dont need heals and cosmo has open slots; he can spread out the heals with others instead of you being safe on hearts for awhile. If you are at 3 hearts anyways, you shouldnt have a urgency for medkits especially if cosmo is ready to heal you and other at any given time. We also have to remember that cosmo can get extra tapes for using it, allowing him to spend them on affording more heals for the team. On the third scenario, I think this is right depending on the toon your playing as. if you are a high stealth character, you can just stay out of the twisteds way or hide at the elevator, allowing cosmo to take the medkit and heal you when a floor ends to save on cooldown time. Cosmo would remain at 3 hearts, you would also get 3 hearts, and the health kit tapes would go to cosmo to invest in more heals. 2 minutes of cooldown (or less) to secure you for awhile is not as bad as people think. if you are a low stealth/survivability extractor or main distractor, you should take it. you will save cosmos ability for others and you will be safe to continue your job, instead of overloading cosmo with healing just you. you may have taken away some tapes from cosmo, but atleast you are safe at a small price. While the cooldown argument I made of healing you when a floor ends is still there, time is more vital for you compared to a high stealth support, even if its just 2 minutes. While the points made are strong, I do believe that the skill level of the cosmo and the players that need heals take a major part deciding who gets heals first, aswell as the toon they are playing as; cosmo taking priority most of the time regardless. We also have to remember that cosmo has higher stealth and stamina than usual, which doesnt put a experienced cosmo player at too much risk even if they are at 1-2 hearts, meaning that cosmo is mostly always available to give heals to anyone if they are at full health. A ginger would struggle more with the survivability aspect, but as long as they conserve their stamina and take advantage of their stealth, they should be fine being at 1-2 hearts aswell.
So as someone who plays Cosmo I don’t say to give me heals, people tell me to get them, I don’t get mad if someone takes a med but they need it idc they need it!
Hello! Cosmo main here, and I can see the issue in this debate. Now, I see your point in basically "You can take medkits since it'd save Cosmo's ability and he wouldn't have to heal you", which I HAVE thought about, and understand completely! Although, something I've noticed NOT get mentioned is another partial reason WHY Cosmo needs medkits, and bandages and such. If you have a distractor such as Pebble, Sprout, Looey, (or even Goob and flutter), Cosmo needs to be able to heal them at almost all times. Especially main distractors or Looey, since they're more than likely to be against death if they get hit even once. If Cosmo doesn't have a medkit or bandage in his inventory, they won't be able to heal. Now of course, Cosmos arent entitled to healing items, and it's fine for someone else to take them. Now me personally, as a Cosmo main? Distractors, machine rushers, and mains come first. They're important and needed to the team. Well, not really mains, but with their two hearts, they're more likely to die. For example, if I had a distractor pebble and a rodger, both at one heart, I'd heal Pebble first, and get to Rodger ASAP. This is because pebble plays more of an important role (especially if the players heavily rely on the distractor...) If possible, I'll keep most players at two hearts at the least. I'm not healing anyone at two hearts. Now of course, I can still see where you're coming from. I've came across enough Cosmos who won't heal me at one heart, even if im the distractor. Like ATP, im just taking all the heals from you. But yeah, just my take on this !! Edit: Smth I forgot to mention, I wouldn't say heals from Cosmo really go to waste when someone gets hit after being healed. I consider them just as useful, since if they didnt have a heal then, they would've just died. But I do get the mild irritation when someone loses the heart right after you give it away.
What I do when I’m full health as cosmo is I give the other toons an even amount of health so everyone has full or 2 hearts and I stay on 1 if im not healing
just prioritize what you do if you find a healing item. You dont need two of those. There might be someone else who needs it. I got saved in a blackout shelly and Pebble combo, then in was newer as Pebble, who afterwards found it, led them away from me, so we both survived. An cosmo who healed me so as we both reached an new record floor,an Sprout who for the entire round, never spent everything on Dandys shop so they can heal us or looey who after my mistake by taking an item with Bobette around proceeded to take every item of the map and survived with us. Yes, they can be players who aren't like that. i also saw that, but then do i play differently and will also take them if i need those.
personally i think if cosmo is at max health and there are 2+ people on 1 health, i think cosmo should heal them and then take the medkit so that it gets evenly distributed but that also brings the issue of his cooldown, in that case i would heal the distractors first because they obviously need health more, and then i would heal the extractors because they are in less danger i would also allow other toons to take medkits if they are on 1 heart and i already have a medkit additionally i leave bandages to be disputed amongst the team so that i can save my inventory slots to find/buy/blind grab for a medkit i think it really depends on the team to figure out how they want to distribute healing items
That’s usually why whenever I ask ppl to save me heals as Cosmo or ginger I say, “save heals for me pls unless u need it” or if I’m not host I’ll say “can u pls save me heals? If that’s okay?”
FINALLY SOMEONE TALKS ABOUT THIS! its so annoying having to give heals especially when mains take medkits and not bands! i don't wanna give my heals to you and i don't want to fight over it. it especially sucks when the healer heals people at 2. TWO!! i don't care if you can heal me ill heal myself.
There's other things you have to consider for scenerio 3, it's really not as 2 dimensional as "oh me at one and healer full, me take med" It depends what floor you're on, someone who's at one heart on a super early floor probably isn't going to survive much longer, so you'd gain nothing from deadweight taking a medkit. If there's a distractor, cosmo should absolutely take the medkit so they can keep the distractor alive (or if the distractor is a normal toon, they should take the medkit themselves) It also matters what role the toon in question is playing. Extractors like gigi are almost always dead last in healing priority because all toons have the ability to extract. If you want the team to last, prioritze the distractor, followed by the healers, the supports, and then the extractors. Not to mention, *gigi is one of only two toons who have the ability to generate heals for themselves, so she of all toons should not be taking medkits* 😭
@VeeCheeseAgain I figured, but maybe it would be best if you clarified that? Because of gigi's ability, she's the genuinely worst possible toon you could use to represent a scenario where a non-healer should take a healing item over a healer since she can just... get lucky and gamble a medkit or bandage On another note I'm not trying to say that gigis should never be healed; I main Cosmo and I'd absolutely heal a gigi at one if they've been a decent player and the distractor doesn't need healing. All I'm saying is that there's more things you have to consider beyond toons' current health when it comes to heals if you want your team to get anywhere
This is more minor than your points but consider the ability of the toon as well. For example, Vee’s ability is very useful during blackouts (and also she’s shit at surviving in general lol) so it’s good to prioritize her (not as much as distractors but still) Oh and ofc sprout because…sprout
@MiriOSC I never stated that gigi always gets heals 😭I'm well aware of how gigi works; of course there's limits to her ability and she won't always get heals. But the point is that no other toons have the ability gamble a medkit. Thus, gigi's ability- even if it requires some luck- makes her a bad example of a toon who should be taking heals, especially over a healer or anyone else playing a more essential role in the team
i got griefed by an astro and pebble as a rodger bc i took a med without knowing there was a ginger. i legit apologised and astro kept on saying rude stuff to me and etc. pebble barked near me when i extracted machines. did i deserve it?
honestly i feel like cosmo’s ability should be only used whenever someone is at 1 heart and cannot find any sort of heals (and when the medical attention and first aid cards won’t show up)
As a Cosmo main I 100% agree I also let distracters take meds/bands if they want to even if there at 2-3 since there more likely to take hits! But if your at 1 js take the med !
I was once a razzle and dazzle it was an odd floor and I was going so fast I picked up a medkit without realizing the distractor coal needed it, and a Shelly was thinking I did on purpose and I didn’t 😭😭
I frequently play as cosmo a lot! i can say this video is so true. I usually split the meds between distractors and healers since distractors are most likely to lose hearts! But like Gigi if you have the chance to get a medkit or band, I would personally not take it unless you absoutley have to. I also usually let other toons pick up bands instead of meds, since they can heal and healers take meds, so they can heal more toons
I swear my online friends on dandy’s world say “ oh yeah Cosmo takes every healing item!” And then I say a person on 1 and the cosmo's on 3 how would take it? Then they get mad at me for saying the person on 1 would take it and they get absurdly mad??
YES YES YES THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I’VE BEEN THINKING! I remember being in an argument with another player while they were hosting the run, saying that Cosmos should ALWAYS take the medkit, even if they are at full health and others are not, like in scenario 3. I argued that Cosmo’s heal cooldown exists, and can’t heal toons by 2 hearts instantly, unlike Medkits. Although this was an argument that could have been avoided in the lobby, which I probably should have saved for when gameplay starts, which was my fault and I admit that, not all Cosmos should take the medkit ALL the time. Thank you for making this video!
I was playing as ginger and I asked them to leave some medkits for me and someone took a band and then everyone in the server went after them. I told the others to calm down it isn’t a big deal but omg did it feel like I have some attack dogs like goodness it’s not that big of a deal
THANK YOU!! I always play as healer toons, see? Sometimes I've always gotten in debates in runs I'll join in about me getting all the healing items. Even if I made my boundary clear on how anyone can get them too if under a certain condition, my teammates INSISTED that I have to take all of it. It led to alot of arguements to the point of griefing anyone who "steals" the heals. Seriously, it's not much of a bother if anyone else besides healers takes them. If you know what you're doing, then everyone can be happy!
I dont normally play on publics, but my rules as healer are: 1.I heal when you are on 1 or if everyone else is on 2 or max 2:if you are on one you can have heals! 3:if you're max, may I have heals? Yet it is first come first serve! 4:I dont really care if people take heals. 5:I dont have a 5th rule. Those are my rules! Srry if you dont like them 😅
I have a story about this type of case - I was in a run as Poppy trying to complete her mastery tasks. In said run there was a Cosmo, a Sprout, a Tisha and another Poppy (and other toons too, but these ones that I mentioned will be very important). When the run began, Sprout said to not pick any heal items as they were for Cosmo and the group agreed with the rule. However, during the run, one of the Poppies (the one I wasn't playing as) found a medkit and took it for herself. This pissed off almost everyone in the chat and they decided to GRIEF the Poppy that took it. But here's the thing - They knew a Poppy took the medkit, but they didn't know WHICH one was the culprit and since we were both on default skin, they decided to GRIEF US BOTH! I was in shock, since I was innocent and was being punished for something I didn't do. They first griefed the Poppy that took the medkit and then they were out to get me. I still remember Tisha bringing a Twisted to kill me, telling on the chat that she almost killed me and the chat CHEERING on her. Thank Goodness Sprout realized that I wasn't the "bad" Poppy as if I used the medkit, I would be healed rather than being on 1 heart and they stopped trying to grief me. But the damage was already done - A Poppy was dead and I was on low health thanks to their way to bring "justice". Even tho they started to treat me better after the incident, it doesn't change the fact of how they acted previously due to a minor event. Killing other players won't bring the medkit back to the map and your team will have less people there to progress. Thankfully, this was the only time that ever happened to me.
I also think that....griefing only make us wasting times, losing teammates, won't bring us back heal items, risking healths although they took heal items or didnt do machines expect when they grief your friend
ALSO to add onto this, if the cosmo dies or disconnects/leaves the game then all the medkits that could've gone to the rest of the team will be gone with cosmo. And some cosmos just don't heal others
As someone who mains as finn all day everyday (and also plays as cosmo for mastery and just because) I don’t take any healing items unless I’m told to. I always play with just my friends so it’s really easy to be told or not to be told to take the medkit or bandage but I never really take them anyway which is why I don’t get told not to.
The problem is the only way a Cosmo can truly use their ability is by using a med or band. Otherwise they cannot use their ability without eventually going down to one heart and becoming useless to the team. They cannot extract (unless you are a professional skill check hitter or use thinking cap which takes up one of your precious items slots where you could have something more useful. Though either way his stats suck for extracting) and he CAN technically distract but his survivability chances are low. I will say, I haven't seen much of what you're describing considering groups attacking players who accidentally take heals or players who are low taking heals. In fact, in all of my experience, if the Cosmo is healing people well then they tend to ask before taking a heal if someone else is hurt.
another point to make : if cosmo / ginger disconnects with all those medkits, your team will be at an extreme disadvantage. and if cosmo chooses not to heal certain people / not heal at all, then the team will have also wasted medkits.
2:27 - 3:03 i cant agree more with this, SO MANY TIMES when i heal someone, they just get hit like 10 - 30 seconds later, and then i need to use ANOTHER heart on them, and i thought that when i bought sprout this problem would be solved because sprout doesnt need to use his hearts to heal others. nope, still the same issue of people getting hit right after i heal them, still the same issue of my cooldown being too long and my ability's cost being expensive.
Take this with a grain of salt as I rarely play Cosmo, but: Situation 1: Cosmo should take. Unless you’re a distractor or otherwise at extremely high risk of being killed quickly (or you’re in a duo run with the Cosmo), it’s a bit selfish to take the medkit at full hp when other toons might end up needing the healing as well. Situation 2: Obviously, Cosmo should take. Situation 3: I agree that you should take, but for a different reason than just “health lower, me take”. If a Cosmo is at full hp while you’re on 1, it’s likely that they just used a medkit or bandage and have their ability on cooldown. If the Cosmo were to take the medkit, they would have to take AT THE VERY LEAST over 50.2 seconds waiting for the cooldown to heal you back to full health (if they have both can of snakes AND sweet charm equipped), and by that point you may or may not just die to a twisted. Situation 4: I agree with the proposed “best solution”, where Cosmo takes the medkit and then immediately heals you so that both of you are at 2.
this is so so so real omg, you may as well take the damn heal instead of letting cosmo heal you, what’s the difference? he gets like 5 ichor?? people should literally think through, though it’s better to give heals to cosmo, take it if you actually need it the community won’t listen to these anyway, they’d rather go on with that “heals for cosmo” rule like snatch 5 tapes form sprout and getting griefed
I play as ginger sometimes, and on one of my runs with other people, everyone was mad at goob and rudie for taking meds. Especially pebble. In the run where i was in, he constantly was leading twisteds TO goob because of that. I personally don't have any issues with someone taking bands and meds, especially because ginger has a really long cooldown. I was trying to stop pebble, but they were still mad at them for doing it. It sad to be honest :(
There’s this thing that sometimes when I’m Cosmo they don’t even call me but instead just take the heals.Then they say it’s my fault for not healing them.(I can’t heal at 1 heart and I’m at 1 heart)
When I play as Cosmo I always say that ppl should save me heals unless multiple ppl are low. Cuz as you said we cant spam our ability. Especially if theres a distractor, I always let distractors take heals.
I normally main Cosmo, in my personal opinion I’d prefer if mains or distractors take bands, as it’s one heal and it’d just take up my inventory. If I’m at one heart but another player is at 1, I’d prefer if they’d take the med kit. I’m not entitled to med kits just because I’m a healer, no healer is.
I never usually play as Cosmo, but I sometimes get mad if people take meds/bands. If they apologize, i will forgive them, but if they don’t, i really don’t care and just tell the healer to not heal them but also tell the others to not grief them.
There was this 1 time, like last week I was playing in a round with my friend, and some other strangers. I was Ginger, my friend was Rodger. Other people in the round was a cosmo, shelly, and brightney. Ok so basically, cosmo healed the brightney, but she just got hit after. Brightney asked me to heal her, so I did. After that, the shelly said that there was a band, and brightney took it. Everyone was yelling at brightney and she got upset, and spammed crying emojis. When the Cosmo heard that, he decided that "ok since u guys steal heals, iam not healing anyone" as u can tell, Cosmo got rly mad. I understand that brightney shouldn't have taken the band, but like.. it's just a band. You can always find 1 on another floor. Plus it's js 1 person who took it. Doesn't mean u have to stop healing. I told the cosmo stop being so mad, and the sheely defended the cosmo saying "why would he not be mad" My friend decided that we should leave the run, so she purposely died. After that, cosmo and shelly are dead too. Then shelly said "if cosmo took the band then he could have saved rodger" then cosmo said "this is why no 1 loves you" and said im a brat 1. Ik, cosmo should have token the band instead of brjghtney, but u need to relax. Its js a virtual item. 2. Like said in the vid, if you defended cosmo like the shelly in my run, it will make you look like u always rely on someone 3. That was really unecessary for cosmo to say "thats why no1 loves u" because they might be a sensetive kid. Even if someone stole a band. Its not ok U can lmk ur opinion if u want, i want to know urs🙂
Reminds me of a time I was Goob and distracting. We were on floor 1 and had 2 medkits. This one annoying Poppy (I'm not getting into that) took 1. They were at 3 and never used it. I took the 2nd one because I was at 1. I told Cosmo I had took it and they were mad. Someone defended me, saying because I was distracting it was fine. "But I could've healed him!" Its like in this video.
I play with people I actually know so my opinions on this are skewed by the fact we aren’t pricks to eachother and work well together; but yeah no we do in-fact give heal priority to cosmos and gingers in all of our runs. I’m usually playing as either sprout or ginger in these runs now, so I’ve got good experience from the healer side of things, so here’s pretty much how we handle healing priority: keep in mind this is with *friends,* and we have long since figured this out between ourselves. Something else might work different for you, and we don’t touch public servers with a ten foot pole. We usually have *two healers* per run - sprout and a ginger or cosmo, so that might skew things a little! - cosmo or ginger (mostly medkits. if the cosmo or ginger already has heals, they *ask* if anyone else wants the next heal when it shows up) - distractor (usually only bands if distracting as a main) - backup distractor (if any) - mains (sprout slightly higher priority if we DO NOT have a ginger or cosmo) - regular toons - teagan (we never see teagans outside of randomised runs, really, but like she’s down here anyways since she can heal herself) if somehow we are at a complete standstill, lower stealth and lower speed are also priority for heals !! Or if they have any items that boost survivability (boc, bop, eject, sbomb- stuff like that) they have *lower* heal priority sounds needlessly complicated, I’m sure, but hey man we’re all used to it!!
I'm a Cosmo main and I can say this is a huge problem. In a server, if I decide to use Cosmo, everyone will say Cosmo should have all meds and band aids and will get angry if anyone takes it. Hence why I don't like using Cosmo as much anymore.
I’m so glad people are talking about this, Cosmo players are genuinely getting worse and worse the more I play with them. ( I can even see some ginger players being pretty toxic but also not as toxic as Cosmo) i don’t know why the fandom suddenly made a rule where once a Cosmo is in your team every healing now his name on it. Also, another thing I see is that when we get a healing card, even if no one needs it but cosmo has 1 or 2 hearts, people will chose it. I have gotten called toxic and griefed for calling this out.
I met a Cosmo once and we also had a sprout so we couldn’t collect tapes,this was one of my first times so I collected like 2-3, and sprout asked to to stop nicely so I did. Cosmo on the other hand said and I quote “ima not heal you idiot” and that kinda made me feel sad. Cosmo didn’t do machines, stole medkits and stayed at elevator.
scenario 5: if you are at one, and cosmo is at two, personally, i'd think its fair if cosmo took the medkit, as he can heal you, heal to full, and with that he'll also get his ichor from using the ability every floor. its still fair if you take the med tho
When I’m playing as a healer, I would say that if ur on 1, you can take bands but medkits I’d say should only be given to non-mains. Yes: it seems unfair that non-mains get meds. Do I want to waste hearts? No.
I didn't know about this.. as i used to be a entitled cosmo i'm glad i found this video to learn that Cosmo's/Gingers should not always takes the meds/bands. I feel like cosmo mains/ginger mains should say something like this "Feel free to take a med kit or band if your at 1! Or if iam at 1 and your at 1 i can take the med kit/band and heal you."
I say cos gets all meds, any mains in the round get bands with sprout being the priority main unless he already has one, and if anyone is at 1 heart they get the med instead to save on the cooldown time- bands could be a waste of a slot for cosmo players if theres a med but their inv is full of bands and everyones full (mostly abt dandys shop but could also include rounds with a determined distractor) I say only take meds unless you can immediately use them *after* cosmo's inv is alr full with them But always remember to check the cosmo's actually doing their job and isn't just there for the mastery or using him as an excuse to hoard
As a (ex) cosmo player. PLS TAKE HEALS IF YOU ARE HURT, PLEASE. If I am on full health and other players are one low health then please take heals, I do not like wasting my hearts. Especially if a player is constantly getting hit.
My problem with cosmo players is that everytime they are at like 2 hearts and have like 2 bands and a medkit and somehow die to a common making all those heals wasted
I feel like it would be good for a cosmo to get the first medkit, so if anybody ever constantly gets hit, cosmo is prepared. While i agree that some players taking heals when needed is fine, especially if the cosmo already has a heal, sometimes you can't really know who needs it. You'd need the person on one heart or a sprout to speak up. If they don't, it's probably a lost cause. And, of course, cosmos should get the medkits if the main is on one heart. Still, this is my opinion, especially as a former healer toon main.
Thanks for making this video because I experienced something similar to this where I was on one and I didn’t know if sprouts could heal me. Then a Tisha called out a band and I asked if I could take it and she said yes so I took it and used it cus I was on one. But then the Astro said it was for sprout but sprout was full so I said I was on one and the next floor the sprout grieved me. Both the Astro and sprout apologized after I little bit.
I used to main as Cosmo and this is a big problem. I would just let anyone take heals if they were at one. No cosmo should be entitled just take Medkits, bands, etc when other toons could heal themselves a lot faster with them. Especially at lower hearts.
As a Cosmo or ginger main, I only ask to please save them if they are low they can take but if they are full and take is when I ask and then I forgive them kinda. Well yea if they are low they can take band or med!
As an old Cosmo main, I didn’t know how to play and when ppl were low, I was fr like running around the map. I decided to be a Rodger main and I still am.
Ty, I can now consider these situations whenever I'm a healer. I don't know if I am wrong for this, but when I was playing as ginger, a looey (not distracting) stole a band when all of us in the run were at 3. I decided not to heal him bc my role was to heal the others, and then they tried to grief me
I'm a Cosmo main but I usually ask if anybody wants the medkit and if they tell me to take I take it and of course I'll heal fairly not just the distractor
I just got yelled at by coal and scraps for taking a medkit, but like I never took a medkit the whole game, scraps tried to grief me but her speed is poop and coal left. Reached floor 11 together with Toodles as Tisha
GUYS! THANK YOU FOR INFORMING! Cosmo should take medkits if everyone is max health.
Also Cosmo defenders, you are not weak- idk why i added that in the video-
@@VeeCheeseAgain Vee. E
Well, have you seen me in the new and old posts, or did you just delete them
can you discuss a stereotype where every toodles and starters take EVERY HEAL POSSIBLE.
I heard cheese
Someone was telling an entitled Cosmo bc I accidentally took a band and they said “Bands heal faster then you.”
ATE AND LEFT NO COSMO (because they ate him)
the issue is people dont really play Cosmo right, there wont be a toon at 1 heart while you yourself are at 3 unless you're purposefully not healing them
-out of range
-Shrimpo, Connie, rnd with no stam
@@SillyTopHatFrognobody uses shrimpo unless to get mastery, connie can use her ability so she should not even be getting hit, and rnd is rlly useless and i have not seen some1 use them in a rlly long time
@ 1. I play Shrimpo
2. Connie on cd?
only heal when their at 1 hrt oh wowiez sooooooooo crazyyy their at 1 hrt for a bit
@@fredericodesousaferreira5020 ppl dont just use shrimpo for mastery. Some ppl also just use him for a challenge.
An unnecessary story:
I was in a run and there was a cosmo and sprout, who seemed to be friends with eachother, but the problem that the cosmo kept taking all the heals, but yet they only healed sprout just bc they’re friends, and the sprout kept healing cosmo, a connie started getting mad and told them to heal others, but then ig the cosmo and sprout got REALLY mad and started attempting to grief connie (Which they failed) The cosmo and sprout then soon left on like floor 10+
They really forgot Connie can turn invisible also don't be a healer toons if you won't heal other
LOL Trying to grief a Connie??? 😭
Failing to grief a literal CONNIE has to be the lowest you can get
Not the lowest, just the dumbest
@@zeze.capcut I love playing as Connie and watching people try to grief me for the dumbest reason. Then I realize they are trying to grief people for the dumbest reason.
Also: cosmo's ability has a ✨cooldown✨
yeah they mentioned it in the video
My experience as sprout: lots of tapes....cooldown is a pain
Ikr as a Cosmo main like- 😭😭
The issue is, Cosmo sometimes heals people at 2. If people are at 2, they are not in danger, which leaves Cosmo to have low health by healing people who dont need it.
Like literally I was at 2 then Cosmo or ginger heal me I don't need heal at 2 hearts because 1 I'm built different so it will take a while for them to hit me 2 I'm not in danger because again I'm built different
Whenever I play as cosmo, I have a system, when i'm on full and someone is on two, I heal them. If im on two and someone is on one, I will heal them. now obviously if i am at full and there is one person on two and another at one, i will heal the person on one because they need it more.
Real, a Coal was on 2 hearts (So was Cosmo) and said "Cosmo heal me😭😭😭😭" (sounds dramatic.) And the Cosmo actually healed them, leaving him with 1 heart, and another i was on 2 hearts and someone healed so i said "Whyd you heal me? " i did not get a response
I just think that distractors when at 2 they should get healed instantly because once ur at 2 as a distractor and you loose one more heart ur cooked, plus chatting while distracting is very hard to do and if the distractor SUCKS then just heal them when they’re at 1
2 in 1 Stories
1. When im cosmo i always heal toons on 1 HP and never a 2 HP toon
2. one time a Cosmo healed me while distracting ( i was Looey at 2 HP ) then i didnt realize it so the slowness from the heal made me lose back to 2 HP, that cosmo really just wasted a Heart without noticing
Heck even having a medkit at all could land you in trouble, example: you got the medkit from dandy, later you get hit and use it, someone hears you use it and tells everyone you "stole" a medkit even though you bought a medkit and everyone else could have also bought it
Something else to point out is-
If you, Cosmo is the only 3 hp toon, (or non-main), Even if someone’s hurt, you SHOULD still always take the Medkit if possible, If the Main uses the med, they’ll only be healing 1 heart, whilst if Cosmo takes it, he can heal people using 2 hearts, and then use the medkit. It’s just annoying seeing Mains take meds because they’re hurt, while if Cosmo uses it there’s much more to efficiency, Sorry if i suck at explaining lol
Sorry, are you saying that you think Cosmo should get every healing item????
i think he's saying that, if s a other toon is at 1hp and Cosmo is at 3hp, Cosmo should take the medkit and heal the toon to 3hp, Then Cosmo will have 1hp, use the medkit and both will be full hp.@@jessicaolipendo6462
@@jessicaolipendo6462No, he/she is not.
She meant that Cosmo should get the med instead of a main, because its more beneficial to give it to him than to the main.
@@jessicaolipendo6462 No, he's just saying mains shouldnt take meds because they have 2 hearts and will only heal 1 heart if they use the med, while if cosmo takes the med, he will gain 2 hearts and be able to give 2 hearts to toons.
@@jessicaolipendo6462 “I like pancakes” “SO YOU HATE WAFFLES?!” Ahh reply
In the fourth case, i would let cosmo take the med, as he can heal and then give a heart to me so we both are at two. And if lucky enough, a healing card can appear next floor so both of us are at 3.
It happened to me once, i guess it was mostly luck tho
3:43 “I hope this video was not hard to understand”
This actually is easy to understand, this is literally common sense, maybe common sense isnt so common nowadays
It is. Common sense is not common sense anymore. I call it "rare sense" and "dumb sense"
@@UsotameblinkerSOOOO-t3z Common sense now requires a 5th rebirth to get it.
you just earned a sub. from literal paper. you did it, you got a inanimate object to sub to you. be proud
(this is a joke lol i know what inanimate means)
@@averagenoobwhy YESSS
@@averagenoobwhy- Not straight guy
personally, what i like when i play as cosmo is :
I’m not bothered with you taking bands when ur on 1 since it would just be equivalent to me healing u, but please don’t take meds if you and somebody else is on one, since i can heal u both
Same except i only heal people on 1
What sucks is u can encounter a Cosmo who takes all the heals but never use them and died which wasted the heals (I encountered that Cosmo before)
Omg that's worse than getting twisted pebble in a blackout 😭
I got twisted pebble in a blackout once at floor 16 🫡
I sometimes play as cosmo but only take meds if I need them (I take bands sometimes at full health if the rest of the team is doing good with their health)
Nah fr. I was in a run where we kept giving all the medkits and bands to this one Cosmo, except… they just kept getting hit…? Like okay some mistakes can happen. But they wasted every single damn heal. 4 star stealth and 4 star stamina all for WHAT. They then died, without managing to heal even a single person. Bruh.
@@BrrmBrrmm that’s such a waste of heals :(
Few tips about Cosmo: He doesn't necessarily needs Medkits, just keep the 2 hearts you have. Remember that your own safety comes first before ANYONE (until proveen othewise by the distractor having 1 heart).
An instant heal is better than a heal that has delay and/or can miss, so sharing medkits and bands for your team it's better.
Dandy plush it's a really important trinket for Cosmo during long runs (Reminder that the shop it's randomized whatsoever, so using dandy plush it's somenthing you SHOULD be responsable of for trying your luck on dandy's shop).
Thinking Cap, Blue Scarf and Veemote are pretty important trinkets when you can't hit the skillcheck (but understand that then veemote will loose power as the runs becomes longer).
Otherwise if you can hit skill checks you can still Veemote, but problably it would be better if you focus on running speed with Pink Bow, Running shoes, Horn&Spool (Loadout), or Vanity Mirror.
When I played ginger once a pebbles told me there was a band! I couldn't find it and a coal got it and healed themself while at 2 hp an do was at full the pebble told me and I said"its fine as long as they weren't at full hp." Such they weren't.
And the next argumentative topic: tapes as a whole!
probably would work good, I mean, sprouts acting like they own tapes when they literally don’t pick them up, some characters saying to leave tapes for them so they can BUY FROM DANDY. And a ton of stuff like that.
Unless of course it’s a dandy run. Then the sprouts and Teagan’s can take all the tapes
Exactly. People act like Sprout and Teagan need the tapes bc they need to heal up!! But... NO??? Both Sprout and Teagans ability is completely useless if Dandy gives out a medkit, which is actually way more common the people seem to think, if you're sharing tapes fairly then at-least 3 people in a 8/8 run should be able to buy a med (unless it's on the first 5 floors ofc.), the same goes with a band. Giving tapes to these two are useless because;
1, Teagan can only heal herself, which makes her alright since she doesn't need to be healed by healers, similar to Looey not needing to be healed because of his ability to become one of the fastest toons in game when low on health.
2, Sprout can heal others but has a cool down, it wouldn't be right to give all tapes to Sprout even when he's on cooldown because then, as I mentioned before he won't be able to heal others, and people won't be able to buy from Dandy, which is just screwing the entire team over if Dandy decides to give out healing items (or useful items in general, such as jumpercord, smokebomb, pocket watch, etc.)
People are so self entitled and focused on healers it's embarassing like guys.. You need tapes and heal items too!!....
Well this one is not complety true :^ On teagan side(i dont see that much teagan player) her ability is not for all team and she can do machine with decent speed so you dont have to let her all tapes unless its necessary. Sprout on the other hand can heal all the team and he NEEDS tapes on the ground because he cant do machine because of his stats also trust me your gonna have enough or even much more tapes then the sprout after floor 5-10(unless your doing nothing or spending your tapes on trash items. Also everybody talks about cooldowns of healers but if your losing two heart before healers cooldown end tbh its a skill issiue or very unlucky moment)
@@l0v3sick_4_uActually as a Sprout player, the cooldown isn’t bad at all?? By the time it’s over I still need to be collecting tapes becuase 1. I can’t do machines to get tapes since my stats for machines suck and it would be better to give the machine to Vee or something. 2. Seeing twisted’s barely gets you any tapes so I can’t use that strategy meaning the only way to consistently get tapes is by picking them up off the floor. There’s also way less on the floor than you think and taking one or two tapes can mean a Sprout will barely get any.
Besides, other players shouldn’t have a problem with getting tapes if they’re extracting since, unlike Sprout, their stats are good for it and they don’t need to get tapes as quickly since the chances of Dandy selling anything good on early floors are really low.
Would you rather get healed when you’re at one or have a bunch of tapes and a Sprout who can’t do anything because they don’t have 100 tapes.
On later floors whenever I’m playing as Sprout, if the group is good and completely healed and I have 100 tapes already THEN I’ll start letting people take tapes without yelling at them.
Any other time I’m literally just trying to do my job as a healer. My two abilities ARE ABOUT HEALING.
@@dreamznotreal Correction, Dandy mostly sells his good items on early floors. I'd rather a medkit then a Sprout.
I'd rather be on one heart then have a sprout who can't do anything because.. Guess what??? If I'm dying that early on that they don't have 100 tapes already it's not a good run for me and I'll end up dying earlier then usual anyways.
Your point is?? No one cares that you're trying to do your job we're trying to play the game as it is intended by surviving, if they can't survive without a healer then thats a skill issue, many good runs last longer because they don't have a healer constantly worrying about getting bands/meds or getting tapes. You're right, Sprout is useless for extracting. Most of the healers are below average without the right trinkets. (I say most because this really depends on the player, but newer players are never good at the cosmo skill-check and Ginger players I rarely see doing machines.) No one is telling you to extract?? You can still do your job but at least share the tapes and not be rude and greedy about it... We all need tapes, you might be priority but it doesn't matter. You're either a healer whos just standing around doing nothing, a healer whos distracting, or a distractor forgetting to heal. It doesn't matter who gets the tapes beacuse again, WE ALL NEED THEM.
"The cooldown isn't bad at all." It's a cooldown of 100 if you don't have any trinkets to change that equipped. In crowded runs people are getting crunched left and right over and over, you don't have that time to waste, perhaps you play either with really lucky finds on groups, or groups you play with over and over, but public runs?? 8/8 players getting past floor 3 is already hard itself, and getting to floor 5+ (which is when you're supposed to heal, common healer courtesy so you don't waste your hearts unless ur sprout, which in this case you are.) Is ever harder, by the time you get there everyones either going to be on low hearts, or on full hearts. That means;
- You can let the toons pickup the tapes and hope they make it too Dandy's shop and get a healing item or a eject button,
- You can let them pickup the tapes and hope you get a first aid card
- You don't let them pick up the tapes, you heal one person and they waste the heart getting hit by some twisted cuz they're not smart with their stamina, and someone ends up dying because of this.
- You don't let them pickup the tapes, you heal multiple people, and it's all wins.
Which of these do you think is the least common? Obviously the one where it's a win.
If you're in a public server, you CANNOT control your teammates, they're just trying to play the game and survive just as you are, if you get mad over them picking up tapes bc u can't use ur ability it's a skill issue on your part, you can't except everyone to leave tapes for you, especially new players. All of your points can be easily contradicted and it seems to me you're just trying to defend an invalid point because ur too petty to admit it's a stupid idea made up by the fanbase.
This is an entirely different situation in privately hosted servers, and I can understand where you're coming from there, but public? No.
My thoughts
- if youre a main toon normally having 2 hearts give it to cosmo
- If youre a normal toon with 1 heart use it for yourself.
- If youre a cosmo with 3 movement speed, 4 stamina, and 4 stealth youre the LEAST priority of getting hurt. You have ENOUGH stamina and ENOUGH movement speed to run away from the twisteds to make them lose interest, and you have HIGH stealth to not get targeted first. If you cant run away from a twisted encounter I think thats a skill issue on how you cant do basic skills on being aware of your surrounding and on being able to run away, im not even gonna sugarcoat it.
- As I said you have the ability to RUN away and not walk away from the twisteds so dont think that you can distract the twisteds.
- When someone calls out medkit or band, it takes time before the cosmo can find the location of the item. Cosmo would normally be on a machine and leaving the machine will just cause 2 players being idle doing nothing, while the distractor uses its resources for distracting or puts into more risk of getting hit.
- If you're a cosmo that got hit or died because someone took medkit. If theyre at 1 hp It is NOT their fault, do you know how easy it is to lead twisteds to someone? Or just run away? Just lead them to someone else and maintain losing vision of them. Most cosmos are too entitled to think that medkits belongs to them and half of the other cosmos I met doesnt even heal their teammates and stays at full hp. They rely on medkits for survivability and not improve their ability to not run into a wall or their ability to simply look around if theres a twsited nearby to avoid them.
- I dont care if you say "Oh well twisteds can also chase down cosmo and thats why he needs medkit more" like so what? Other toons can also experience the same thing. This is why cosmos are entitled.
- If youre a full health cosmo and there is no nearby 1 hp ally near you, take it yourself. Then just go to them and heal them. It will just waste time and probably kill them trying to get to the medkit
- I play as Rodger mainly these several days because of the new christmas event and I am confident to not even need tbe medkit at 2 or 1 heart because I KNOW I have improved my skills enough to get away from danger.
LASTLY if youre a cosmo, dont heal your allies to 3 health and only to 2 health. Theres a chance the heart card might appear which will save a heart so it doesnt overheal.
Leading twisteds to others is exactly why most runs I see don't make it past floor 5, only lead twisted to distractors since they should be following them in the first place.
@@Manicboy8 You don't need a distractor until like floor 10 - 20 and if there are no distractors, try your best of survival and be aware of your surroundings
twisted pebble:🗿
Twisted goob/scraps:🗿(blackout)
Multiple Twisted chasing u:🗿
Unless ur are lucky and didn't meet them
actually u don’t need to emphasise the enough speed cuz the new christmas main toon, bobette, as a twisted can outrun 3 star toons :D
(I dunno if this is still a thing maybe she got debuffed, but idk)
Also like the other person said, you shouldn’t give another person twisteds, as they could be on lower health (maybe ur on cd) or no stam, and it would just be better to find the nearest island and run around it.
Plus, once again, like another dude said, even on lower floors (1~5) there can be rare twisteds, as in twisted goob and scraps, gigi, or enraged twisted glisten. Also you could also get finn and when u finish a machine, a non-distracted twisted can attack you when u are debuffed with 3 slow.
Maybe even you’ll get lucky, and get mains at floor 5 (but if ur luckier, you can get a blackout too 😭🙏) and some of them, like twisted pebs, vee or bobette, can catch follow u long enough for you to run out of stam, and 3 star speed can’t outwalk many main twisteds.
I feel that Cosmo and Gingers should take meds/bands but if your missing a lot or 1 heart and you see a heal itsm you take it so you can heal the way a lot of players do it is healers get health items first then distractors get then extractors get them since distractors are more likely to get hit especailly if they have a main on the floor
I literally took a BANDAID on accident and everyone started to call me a starter because of it, LIKE WHAT???? I get that the ginger needed it but they were at 2 hearts!! I was at 1!! And they backed up me being a starter because I was playing as Boxten? Like EXCUSE ME??? Also ginger was on cooldown anyways?? AND THEY STILL FLAMED ME??? they started to try and kill me on purpose!! I feel like I just got on a toxic team that relays on healers. in my honest opinion if someone takes an item whether on purpose or accidentally you can’t do anything about it anymore, what’s the point of auguring if they can’t PUT THE DAMN ITEM DOWN??? At this point I’m just gonna avoid doing runs with healers because I’d rather avoid it than defend myself over picking up an item that I can’t put down. Also because this has happened to me multiple times in different ways to a point where it gets annoying and tiring🙏
Yeah that was uncalled for in all honesty. If you are at one, The Cosmo or Ginger loses nothing if you heal yourself with a Band-Aid at one heart.
If they used their ability, then the hearts would be reversed which is obviously bad. However, if you took the bandaid the hearts would be equal which is a much more favorable scenario than swapping hearts. I honestly don't understand why they were so mad. It's like they have been drilled into their brains that healers should get the heal no matter the situation.
Wait this is a team game😭🙏-
as a cosmo, i tell people that they CAN take heals, but give them to me when necessary
finally someone who talks about this, this cosmo main situation made me dislike Cosmo mains and be more greedy and toxic to them (I’m still trying to warm up to them but I’m still aware)
Yeah, but what is the the one of the cosmos were just trying to play and heal other people and give to people healing items, even though they needed it but the other also needed it and you’re just being toxic and greedy to them for no reason that would be kind of sad (I’m not defending the cosmos. I’m just saying)
I feel like the scenario where you’re all full health isn’t really describing it well. You said that it would still be pretty much equally as good if YOU took the medkit, but I think if everyone is full it should always go to Cosmo. Since if two different people get hit, he can heal both of them and then himself so everyone is at full hearts again, but if YOU took it then they’re still missing hearts while you’re just sitting there. Who takes a medkit when the whole team is full health is always a tough dilemma, but if there’s Cosmo it should definitely be him because then you don’t NEED to try to predict who will need it the most, he can just distribute the heals as needed when the time comes.
The only person who should really be taking medkits other than Cosmo is distractors, since they’ll be in the front lines and might not be able to call out that they need heals, and as long as nobody is disrupting them, they’ll be the only ones getting hurt.
And the scenario where you’re both at one heart, I’d say only take the medkit if Cosmo says it’s okay. Most people prefer the scenario where we’re both at 2 hearts than the one where one of us is 3 and the healer is 1. I really only think you’d take the medkit in that scenario if you’re selfish or Cosmo won’t be able to reach it.
I’m saying all of this as a Cosmo main, not the person relying on him. It’s frustrating seeing these toons with medkits that NEVER GET HIT while the rest of the team is DYING while if I got the medkit instead of the ones staying out of danger, I could be keeping everyone safe. I do not condone griefing in any scenario tho, and don’t really get bothered that much and just try to memorize who has heals so I don’t heal them unnecessarily.
The REAL problem I have is like. When I’m telling someone to pick up a medkit and they’re all like “NO you’re Cosmo YOU should take it!” Like BUDDY. I would be healing them to full. ITS FASTER IF THEY JUST USE THE MEDKIT. Sometimes I want yall to pick up the medkits cuz if I had it then I would just use it all on them anyways. But NOO they want to wait two whole minutes for me to slowly fill up their health while wasting my inventory space. JUST PICK IT UP AND USE IT 😭
I also can’t stand when people get mad at others for picking up a bandage. Like… I would’ve just given them the heart anyways? Who cares. Unless they’re full health it’s really stupid to get mad at them for it. In the scenario where everyone is full health, it would be ideal to give the bandage to the Cosmo OR the distractor for sure. But like if they needed it then stop yelling at them man. Unless it’s for un-Cosmo related reasons like “Pebble is at 1 and you’re at 2 and you took the bandage” or something lol. Anyways as I already said I don’t condone griefing or anything, when someone does bad strategies like that you just gotta try to work around it.
I read your entire comment and I can confirm you have some valid points.
I did not mention or think of that when editing this video, thanks for informing me.
I was in a dandy run. Had a cosmo on my team along with a few other ppl. As soon as the game started, cosmo said, “I take all the heals.” “Only I get the meds/bands” I’m just gonna type how the conversation went.
Me: well, not ALL the heals.
Cosmo: but I heal people! I need every single heal!
Random: yeah, he needs every heal. You don’t want him to die and then we don’t have a healer, do you?
Me: no, but, I just think that if someone’s on one heart and cosmo is full, the person on one should take the medkit.
Cosmo: I don’t care if someone’s on one! I NEED THE HEALS!!
Random 2: med!
Gigi (my bsf: **takes med bc she was at one**
Best friend: well, I was at one, so I took the medkit
Random 3: yeah bro. She needed the medkit. Plus, you already have 3 bands
Random: yeah, greif the stupid Gigi for taking the medkit Random
Me: excuse me? That is my best friend and you will not be greifing her over something so simple.
Me: great! Your actually helping me since I’m the distractor 😃
Me: do you not realize I have 2 star stealth.
Cosmo: **runs into the spot I was distracting and SOMEHOW gets the twisteds off of me and onto him**
Me: mhm.
Bsf: girl what do you mean?
Me: …
Me: your still alive-
Cosmo: NO IM NOT!! **leaves game**
Me:welp ig it’s a duo run now.
Bsf: death run?
Me: sure
this is a good point but a couple things i dont really get,
lets say you are at 1 heart, another person has one heart, cosmo is at 1-2 and theres a medkit
the smarter and normal choice is for cosmo to take the medkit. he can heal both of you guys using the medkit, resulting in both of u guys being safe and not at low health, and, if you leave heals for cosmo, cosmo regenerates those lost hearts he gave to you guys which allows majority of your team to live when cosmo takes the heals. i say that you are good at 2 hearts because you’re COMPLETELY fine at 2 hearts. tho if ur at 1 i guess you die in one hit but cosmo healing people is basically giving everyone a second chance.
tho, if you were to take the medkit (prolly because cosmo was at 2), that results in the other person being at risk at 1 health and dying to twisted at 1 hit
and if cosmo healed them cosmo would be vulnerable too unless they have a heal
(when writing the first one i realized how weak my point is so you dont have to argue against it if u dont wanna lol-)
when youre a cosmo who heals a person at 1 heart, they get 2 right. then lets say they get hit on accident. technically, its not a waste, because you just saved someones life, and, they will probably be way more careful after that. and, if you have heals, you can heal them again. also, this is kinda weird, but since you just saved that persons life, you (sorta) made their day. their happier they didnt die because of you, and, the whole point of a game is to have fun (usually), so being happy in dandys world is probably also having fun so its pretty nice even if they got hit like when you healed them it was still a smart move to do that bc the teamates still lives. tho, if the teammate DIES in the next few minutes, i’d agree, it was a waste since they were gonna die afterwards.
what about distractors? when you say people rely on one toon for healing, that made me think of a (probably) more important role than healing, distracting. you prevent people from getting hit, instead of having to sacrifice your own hearts for others to live and also go through the *long cooldown* and *lack of hearts and heals* .speaking of lacks of hearts and heals, it would also be a smart move to give all heals to cosmo in cases when there is no distractor to save everyone. people do rely on that 1 toon for distracting all twisteds (unless you make it to high floors and there are multiple distractors). i dont mention backups (that dont currently distract) bc, the cosmo heals the main distractor. so basically, a distractor and a healer is all you need for floors so ig in that case nobody gets hit and cosmo takes the heals since they heal the distractor. even sometimes on a really bad floor, those extra heals that the cosmo took could help out because you never know, you could get a main on floor 5 but i guess thats rare so its not that big of a deal- im jst saying my point here is with distractors, the rate of people getting hit goes down
If Cosmo is at 3 hearts and if I'm at 1 heart I'll probably get the med. I get it but like it benefit you and Cosmo because for example Cosmo get med then heal u, u guys will be both at 2 heart but if u get tue medkit u and Cosmo will be at 3 hearts. Resulting u guys extra secure and safe y'know
A cosmo kept calling us lame and wack and even stopped healing Astro's in a run I was in. He was just being rude to all of us
"if u are on the cosmos side, then it makes you look weak and always need assistance."
... Dude... i always say "leave meds and bands for me so i can heal" as cosmo but dude...
+1,000,000 aura. You are a legend.
I feel like cosmo should always get the med on the first scenario. if you dont need heals and cosmo has open slots; he can spread out the heals with others instead of you being safe on hearts for awhile. If you are at 3 hearts anyways, you shouldnt have a urgency for medkits especially if cosmo is ready to heal you and other at any given time. We also have to remember that cosmo can get extra tapes for using it, allowing him to spend them on affording more heals for the team.
On the third scenario, I think this is right depending on the toon your playing as. if you are a high stealth character, you can just stay out of the twisteds way or hide at the elevator, allowing cosmo to take the medkit and heal you when a floor ends to save on cooldown time. Cosmo would remain at 3 hearts, you would also get 3 hearts, and the health kit tapes would go to cosmo to invest in more heals. 2 minutes of cooldown (or less) to secure you for awhile is not as bad as people think.
if you are a low stealth/survivability extractor or main distractor, you should take it. you will save cosmos ability for others and you will be safe to continue your job, instead of overloading cosmo with healing just you. you may have taken away some tapes from cosmo, but atleast you are safe at a small price. While the cooldown argument I made of healing you when a floor ends is still there, time is more vital for you compared to a high stealth support, even if its just 2 minutes.
While the points made are strong, I do believe that the skill level of the cosmo and the players that need heals take a major part deciding who gets heals first, aswell as the toon they are playing as; cosmo taking priority most of the time regardless.
We also have to remember that cosmo has higher stealth and stamina than usual, which doesnt put a experienced cosmo player at too much risk even if they are at 1-2 hearts, meaning that cosmo is mostly always available to give heals to anyone if they are at full health.
A ginger would struggle more with the survivability aspect, but as long as they conserve their stamina and take advantage of their stealth, they should be fine being at 1-2 hearts aswell.
So as someone who plays Cosmo I don’t say to give me heals, people tell me to get them, I don’t get mad if someone takes a med but they need it idc they need it!
Hello! Cosmo main here, and I can see the issue in this debate. Now, I see your point in basically "You can take medkits since it'd save Cosmo's ability and he wouldn't have to heal you", which I HAVE thought about, and understand completely! Although, something I've noticed NOT get mentioned is another partial reason WHY Cosmo needs medkits, and bandages and such. If you have a distractor such as Pebble, Sprout, Looey, (or even Goob and flutter), Cosmo needs to be able to heal them at almost all times. Especially main distractors or Looey, since they're more than likely to be against death if they get hit even once. If Cosmo doesn't have a medkit or bandage in his inventory, they won't be able to heal. Now of course, Cosmos arent entitled to healing items, and it's fine for someone else to take them.
Now me personally, as a Cosmo main? Distractors, machine rushers, and mains come first. They're important and needed to the team. Well, not really mains, but with their two hearts, they're more likely to die. For example, if I had a distractor pebble and a rodger, both at one heart, I'd heal Pebble first, and get to Rodger ASAP. This is because pebble plays more of an important role (especially if the players heavily rely on the distractor...)
If possible, I'll keep most players at two hearts at the least. I'm not healing anyone at two hearts.
Now of course, I can still see where you're coming from. I've came across enough Cosmos who won't heal me at one heart, even if im the distractor. Like ATP, im just taking all the heals from you.
But yeah, just my take on this !!
Edit: Smth I forgot to mention, I wouldn't say heals from Cosmo really go to waste when someone gets hit after being healed. I consider them just as useful, since if they didnt have a heal then, they would've just died. But I do get the mild irritation when someone loses the heart right after you give it away.
What I do when I’m full health as cosmo is I give the other toons an even amount of health so everyone has full or 2 hearts and I stay on 1 if im not healing
just prioritize what you do if you find a healing item. You dont need two of those. There might be someone else who needs it. I got saved in a blackout shelly and Pebble combo, then in was newer as Pebble, who afterwards found it, led them away from me, so we both survived. An cosmo who healed me so as we both reached an new record floor,an Sprout who for the entire round, never spent everything on Dandys shop so they can heal us or looey who after my mistake by taking an item with Bobette around proceeded to take every item of the map and survived with us. Yes, they can be players who aren't like that. i also saw that, but then do i play differently and will also take them if i need those.
personally i think if cosmo is at max health and there are 2+ people on 1 health, i think cosmo should heal them and then take the medkit so that it gets evenly distributed
but that also brings the issue of his cooldown, in that case i would heal the distractors first because they obviously need health more, and then i would heal the extractors because they are in less danger
i would also allow other toons to take medkits if they are on 1 heart and i already have a medkit
additionally i leave bandages to be disputed amongst the team so that i can save my inventory slots to find/buy/blind grab for a medkit
i think it really depends on the team to figure out how they want to distribute healing items
the 50 dislikes are the cosmos defenders lol
That’s usually why whenever I ask ppl to save me heals as Cosmo or ginger I say, “save heals for me pls unless u need it” or if I’m not host I’ll say “can u pls save me heals? If that’s okay?”
FINALLY SOMEONE TALKS ABOUT THIS! its so annoying having to give heals especially when mains take medkits and not bands! i don't wanna give my heals to you and i don't want to fight over it. it especially sucks when the healer heals people at 2. TWO!! i don't care if you can heal me ill heal myself.
There's other things you have to consider for scenerio 3, it's really not as 2 dimensional as "oh me at one and healer full, me take med"
It depends what floor you're on, someone who's at one heart on a super early floor probably isn't going to survive much longer, so you'd gain nothing from deadweight taking a medkit. If there's a distractor, cosmo should absolutely take the medkit so they can keep the distractor alive (or if the distractor is a normal toon, they should take the medkit themselves)
It also matters what role the toon in question is playing. Extractors like gigi are almost always dead last in healing priority because all toons have the ability to extract. If you want the team to last, prioritze the distractor, followed by the healers, the supports, and then the extractors. Not to mention, *gigi is one of only two toons who have the ability to generate heals for themselves, so she of all toons should not be taking medkits* 😭
@@xxdipstick I’m using Gigi as an example for any toon
@VeeCheeseAgain I figured, but maybe it would be best if you clarified that? Because of gigi's ability, she's the genuinely worst possible toon you could use to represent a scenario where a non-healer should take a healing item over a healer since she can just... get lucky and gamble a medkit or bandage
On another note I'm not trying to say that gigis should never be healed; I main Cosmo and I'd absolutely heal a gigi at one if they've been a decent player and the distractor doesn't need healing. All I'm saying is that there's more things you have to consider beyond toons' current health when it comes to heals if you want your team to get anywhere
This is more minor than your points but consider the ability of the toon as well. For example, Vee’s ability is very useful during blackouts (and also she’s shit at surviving in general lol) so it’s good to prioritize her (not as much as distractors but still)
Oh and ofc sprout because…sprout
- People need to understand Gigi doesn't always get heal items when gambling .
@MiriOSC I never stated that gigi always gets heals 😭I'm well aware of how gigi works; of course there's limits to her ability and she won't always get heals.
But the point is that no other toons have the ability gamble a medkit. Thus, gigi's ability- even if it requires some luck- makes her a bad example of a toon who should be taking heals, especially over a healer or anyone else playing a more essential role in the team
i got griefed by an astro and pebble as a rodger bc i took a med without knowing there was a ginger. i legit apologised and astro kept on saying rude stuff to me and etc. pebble barked near me when i extracted machines. did i deserve it?
This is why I always play on solo runs so that I dont get bombarded with insults and die to a player's hand
honestly i feel like cosmo’s ability should be only used whenever someone is at 1 heart and cannot find any sort of heals (and when the medical attention and first aid cards won’t show up)
As a Cosmo main I 100% agree I also let distracters take meds/bands if they want to even if there at 2-3 since there more likely to take hits! But if your at 1 js take the med !
Omg I love the new thumbnail!
@@Quinnnx Ty
I was once a razzle and dazzle it was an odd floor and I was going so fast I picked up a medkit without realizing the distractor coal needed it, and a Shelly was thinking I did on purpose and I didn’t 😭😭
I frequently play as cosmo a lot! i can say this video is so true. I usually split the meds between distractors and healers since distractors are most likely to lose hearts! But like Gigi if you have the chance to get a medkit or band, I would personally not take it unless you absoutley have to. I also usually let other toons pick up bands instead of meds, since they can heal and healers take meds, so they can heal more toons
Thank you for sharing!
I swear my online friends on dandy’s world say “ oh yeah Cosmo takes every healing item!” And then I say a person on 1 and the cosmo's on 3 how would take it? Then they get mad at me for saying the person on 1 would take it and they get absurdly mad??
Thanks for make this video 😄 (ngl I like it)
As long as your not the Toodles that takes every heal, there shouldn't be a problem.
Why "toodles"? The stereotyping is crazy
@@Trishany if anything is should be those Rodger’s that don’t know what chat is 😭😭
Toodles? Seriously,have you seen those types of vids that always use toodles to “steal” or smth? Like-be fr
Any toddles I played with took medkits without alerting anyone. At this point, it's not a stereotype, it's an observation.
Every single toodles, brightney, scraps, rudie, rodger, boxten, poppy, tisha and gigi i see, they always take the heals man.
YES YES YES THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I’VE BEEN THINKING! I remember being in an argument with another player while they were hosting the run, saying that Cosmos should ALWAYS take the medkit, even if they are at full health and others are not, like in scenario 3. I argued that Cosmo’s heal cooldown exists, and can’t heal toons by 2 hearts instantly, unlike Medkits. Although this was an argument that could have been avoided in the lobby, which I probably should have saved for when gameplay starts, which was my fault and I admit that, not all Cosmos should take the medkit ALL the time. Thank you for making this video!
I encountered a cosmo that left after getting a medkit when he knew i was on one 😢
There were 3 gingers and 1 cosmo, cosmo got mad whenever a ginger took a med or band, what the fu;
They have the same abbility tho?
I was playing as ginger and I asked them to leave some medkits for me and someone took a band and then everyone in the server went after them. I told the others to calm down it isn’t a big deal but omg did it feel like I have some attack dogs like goodness it’s not that big of a deal
THANK YOU!! I always play as healer toons, see? Sometimes I've always gotten in debates in runs I'll join in about me getting all the healing items. Even if I made my boundary clear on how anyone can get them too if under a certain condition, my teammates INSISTED that I have to take all of it. It led to alot of arguements to the point of griefing anyone who "steals" the heals. Seriously, it's not much of a bother if anyone else besides healers takes them. If you know what you're doing, then everyone can be happy!
I dont normally play on publics, but my rules as healer are:
1.I heal when you are on 1 or if everyone else is on 2 or max
2:if you are on one you can have heals!
3:if you're max, may I have heals? Yet it is first come first serve!
4:I dont really care if people take heals.
5:I dont have a 5th rule.
Those are my rules! Srry if you dont like them 😅
I have a story about this type of case - I was in a run as Poppy trying to complete her mastery tasks. In said run there was a Cosmo, a Sprout, a Tisha and another Poppy (and other toons too, but these ones that I mentioned will be very important).
When the run began, Sprout said to not pick any heal items as they were for Cosmo and the group agreed with the rule. However, during the run, one of the Poppies (the one I wasn't playing as) found a medkit and took it for herself. This pissed off almost everyone in the chat and they decided to GRIEF the Poppy that took it. But here's the thing - They knew a Poppy took the medkit, but they didn't know WHICH one was the culprit and since we were both on default skin, they decided to GRIEF US BOTH!
I was in shock, since I was innocent and was being punished for something I didn't do. They first griefed the Poppy that took the medkit and then they were out to get me. I still remember Tisha bringing a Twisted to kill me, telling on the chat that she almost killed me and the chat CHEERING on her.
Thank Goodness Sprout realized that I wasn't the "bad" Poppy as if I used the medkit, I would be healed rather than being on 1 heart and they stopped trying to grief me. But the damage was already done - A Poppy was dead and I was on low health thanks to their way to bring "justice". Even tho they started to treat me better after the incident, it doesn't change the fact of how they acted previously due to a minor event. Killing other players won't bring the medkit back to the map and your team will have less people there to progress. Thankfully, this was the only time that ever happened to me.
I also think that....griefing only make us wasting times, losing teammates, won't bring us back heal items, risking healths although they took heal items or didnt do machines expect when they grief your friend
ALSO to add onto this, if the cosmo dies or disconnects/leaves the game then all the medkits that could've gone to the rest of the team will be gone with cosmo. And some cosmos just don't heal others
your voice reminds me of those old, really underrated storytime videos, which made me subscribe
As someone who mains as finn all day everyday (and also plays as cosmo for mastery and just because) I don’t take any healing items unless I’m told to. I always play with just my friends so it’s really easy to be told or not to be told to take the medkit or bandage but I never really take them anyway which is why I don’t get told not to.
Honestly felt like all scenarios could've been done with if we can drop items and let people pick them up 😭
My friend cutted out our friendship because he was cosmo and i took an band aid ACCIDENTALLY 💀💀💀💀
The problem is the only way a Cosmo can truly use their ability is by using a med or band. Otherwise they cannot use their ability without eventually going down to one heart and becoming useless to the team.
They cannot extract (unless you are a professional skill check hitter or use thinking cap which takes up one of your precious items slots where you could have something more useful. Though either way his stats suck for extracting) and he CAN technically distract but his survivability chances are low.
I will say, I haven't seen much of what you're describing considering groups attacking players who accidentally take heals or players who are low taking heals. In fact, in all of my experience, if the Cosmo is healing people well then they tend to ask before taking a heal if someone else is hurt.
another point to make : if cosmo / ginger disconnects with all those medkits, your team will be at an extreme disadvantage. and if cosmo chooses not to heal certain people / not heal at all, then the team will have also wasted medkits.
2:27 - 3:03 i cant agree more with this, SO MANY TIMES when i heal someone, they just get hit like 10 - 30 seconds later, and then i need to use ANOTHER heart on them, and i thought that when i bought sprout this problem would be solved because sprout doesnt need to use his hearts to heal others. nope, still the same issue of people getting hit right after i heal them, still the same issue of my cooldown being too long and my ability's cost being expensive.
Take this with a grain of salt as I rarely play Cosmo, but:
Situation 1: Cosmo should take. Unless you’re a distractor or otherwise at extremely high risk of being killed quickly (or you’re in a duo run with the Cosmo), it’s a bit selfish to take the medkit at full hp when other toons might end up needing the healing as well.
Situation 2: Obviously, Cosmo should take.
Situation 3: I agree that you should take, but for a different reason than just “health lower, me take”. If a Cosmo is at full hp while you’re on 1, it’s likely that they just used a medkit or bandage and have their ability on cooldown. If the Cosmo were to take the medkit, they would have to take AT THE VERY LEAST over 50.2 seconds waiting for the cooldown to heal you back to full health (if they have both can of snakes AND sweet charm equipped), and by that point you may or may not just die to a twisted.
Situation 4: I agree with the proposed “best solution”, where Cosmo takes the medkit and then immediately heals you so that both of you are at 2.
Tbh the only problem with cosmos taking medkits is that the may have to leave and your meds are gone to the void
this is so so so real omg, you may as well take the damn heal instead of letting cosmo heal you, what’s the difference? he gets like 5 ichor??
people should literally think through, though it’s better to give heals to cosmo, take it if you actually need it
the community won’t listen to these anyway, they’d rather go on with that “heals for cosmo” rule like snatch 5 tapes form sprout and getting griefed
hi viriri :D
I play as ginger sometimes, and on one of my runs with other people, everyone was mad at goob and rudie for taking meds. Especially pebble. In the run where i was in, he constantly was leading twisteds TO goob because of that. I personally don't have any issues with someone taking bands and meds, especially because ginger has a really long cooldown. I was trying to stop pebble, but they were still mad at them for doing it. It sad to be honest :(
2:11 I don’t recommend using Gigi as an example toon because they can roll of healing items maybe something like Finn or Roger would be better
One time some sprout got mad over my brother (ginger) taking a band and they said it was for Cosmo 😭
There’s this thing that sometimes when I’m Cosmo they don’t even call me but instead just take the heals.Then they say it’s my fault for not healing them.(I can’t heal at 1 heart and I’m at 1 heart)
I’m a cosmo main and whenever I get 3 hearts I immediately heals
Once we got THREE MEDKITS on ONE FLOOR, Cosmo took all of them and then died 2 floors later.
I wish qwel could add smth were if you die all your items drop
@@Stolenidentityx_x OMG YES
When I play as Cosmo I always say that ppl should save me heals unless multiple ppl are low. Cuz as you said we cant spam our ability. Especially if theres a distractor, I always let distractors take heals.
I normally main Cosmo, in my personal opinion I’d prefer if mains or distractors take bands, as it’s one heal and it’d just take up my inventory. If I’m at one heart but another player is at 1, I’d prefer if they’d take the med kit.
I’m not entitled to med kits just because I’m a healer, no healer is.
Whenever I use cosmo I always heal anyone who get hurt then when I’m on 1 hp I’ll ask for a medkit/band
I never usually play as Cosmo, but I sometimes get mad if people take meds/bands. If they apologize, i will forgive them, but if they don’t, i really don’t care and just tell the healer to not heal them but also tell the others to not grief them.
There was this 1 time, like last week I was playing in a round with my friend, and some other strangers. I was Ginger, my friend was Rodger. Other people in the round was a cosmo, shelly, and brightney.
Ok so basically, cosmo healed the brightney, but she just got hit after. Brightney asked me to heal her, so I did. After that, the shelly said that there was a band, and brightney took it. Everyone was yelling at brightney and she got upset, and spammed crying emojis. When the Cosmo heard that, he decided that
"ok since u guys steal heals, iam not healing anyone" as u can tell, Cosmo got rly mad.
I understand that brightney shouldn't have taken the band, but like.. it's just a band. You can always find 1 on another floor. Plus it's js 1 person who took it. Doesn't mean u have to stop healing. I told the cosmo stop being so mad, and the sheely defended the cosmo saying "why would he not be mad"
My friend decided that we should leave the run, so she purposely died. After that, cosmo and shelly are dead too. Then shelly said "if cosmo took the band then he could have saved rodger" then cosmo said "this is why no 1 loves you" and said im a brat
1. Ik, cosmo should have token the band instead of brjghtney, but u need to relax. Its js a virtual item.
2. Like said in the vid, if you defended cosmo like the shelly in my run, it will make you look like u always rely on someone
3. That was really unecessary for cosmo to say "thats why no1 loves u" because they might be a sensetive kid. Even if someone stole a band. Its not ok
U can lmk ur opinion if u want, i want to know urs🙂
Reminds me of a time I was Goob and distracting. We were on floor 1 and had 2 medkits. This one annoying Poppy (I'm not getting into that) took 1. They were at 3 and never used it. I took the 2nd one because I was at 1. I told Cosmo I had took it and they were mad. Someone defended me, saying because I was distracting it was fine. "But I could've healed him!" Its like in this video.
I play with people I actually know so my opinions on this are skewed by the fact we aren’t pricks to eachother and work well together; but yeah no we do in-fact give heal priority to cosmos and gingers in all of our runs.
I’m usually playing as either sprout or ginger in these runs now, so I’ve got good experience from the healer side of things, so here’s pretty much how we handle healing priority:
keep in mind this is with *friends,* and we have long since figured this out between ourselves. Something else might work different for you, and we don’t touch public servers with a ten foot pole. We usually have *two healers* per run - sprout and a ginger or cosmo, so that might skew things a little!
- cosmo or ginger (mostly medkits. if the cosmo or ginger already has heals, they *ask* if anyone else wants the next heal when it shows up)
- distractor (usually only bands if distracting as a main)
- backup distractor (if any)
- mains (sprout slightly higher priority if we DO NOT have a ginger or cosmo)
- regular toons
- teagan (we never see teagans outside of randomised runs, really, but like she’s down here anyways since she can heal herself)
if somehow we are at a complete standstill, lower stealth and lower speed are also priority for heals !! Or if they have any items that boost survivability (boc, bop, eject, sbomb- stuff like that) they have *lower* heal priority
sounds needlessly complicated, I’m sure, but hey man we’re all used to it!!
I'm a Cosmo main and I can say this is a huge problem. In a server, if I decide to use Cosmo, everyone will say Cosmo should have all meds and band aids and will get angry if anyone takes it. Hence why I don't like using Cosmo as much anymore.
I’m so glad people are talking about this, Cosmo players are genuinely getting worse and worse the more I play with them. ( I can even see some ginger players being pretty toxic but also not as toxic as Cosmo) i don’t know why the fandom suddenly made a rule where once a Cosmo is in your team every healing now his name on it. Also, another thing I see is that when we get a healing card, even if no one needs it but cosmo has 1 or 2 hearts, people will chose it. I have gotten called toxic and griefed for calling this out.
I met a Cosmo once and we also had a sprout so we couldn’t collect tapes,this was one of my first times so I collected like 2-3, and sprout asked to to stop nicely so I did. Cosmo on the other hand said and I quote “ima not heal you idiot” and that kinda made me feel sad. Cosmo didn’t do machines, stole medkits and stayed at elevator.
One time I died and I took a band from cosmo and they said YES when I died
this is why whenever im ginger/cosmo i say if ur a normal toon u can take meds if ur @ 1 and mains can take bands @ 1, js notify me^^
scenario 5: if you are at one, and cosmo is at two, personally, i'd think its fair if cosmo took the medkit, as he can heal you, heal to full, and with that he'll also get his ichor from using the ability every floor.
its still fair if you take the med tho
When I’m playing as a healer, I would say that if ur on 1, you can take bands but medkits I’d say should only be given to non-mains. Yes: it seems unfair that non-mains get meds. Do I want to waste hearts? No.
I didn't know about this.. as i used to be a entitled cosmo i'm glad i found this video to learn that Cosmo's/Gingers should not always takes the meds/bands. I feel like cosmo mains/ginger mains should say something like this "Feel free to take a med kit or band if your at 1! Or if iam at 1 and your at 1 i can take the med kit/band and heal you."
I’m glad that you are learning from your mistakes and maturing for that you are going to be a very wise cosmo but now I am happy for you buddy :)
I say cos gets all meds, any mains in the round get bands with sprout being the priority main unless he already has one, and if anyone is at 1 heart they get the med instead to save on the cooldown time- bands could be a waste of a slot for cosmo players if theres a med but their inv is full of bands and everyones full (mostly abt dandys shop but could also include rounds with a determined distractor)
I say only take meds unless you can immediately use them *after* cosmo's inv is alr full with them
But always remember to check the cosmo's actually doing their job and isn't just there for the mastery or using him as an excuse to hoard
As a (ex) cosmo player. PLS TAKE HEALS IF YOU ARE HURT, PLEASE. If I am on full health and other players are one low health then please take heals, I do not like wasting my hearts. Especially if a player is constantly getting hit.
Another scenario, Cosmo can take the medkit, heal a one hearted player twice, and use the medkit.
My problem with cosmo players is that everytime they are at like 2 hearts and have like 2 bands and a medkit and somehow die to a common making all those heals wasted
Great vid! But i still get grified alot bc i keep taking "Sprout tapes" idk if i should or just leave them.
I feel like it would be good for a cosmo to get the first medkit, so if anybody ever constantly gets hit, cosmo is prepared. While i agree that some players taking heals when needed is fine, especially if the cosmo already has a heal, sometimes you can't really know who needs it. You'd need the person on one heart or a sprout to speak up. If they don't, it's probably a lost cause. And, of course, cosmos should get the medkits if the main is on one heart. Still, this is my opinion, especially as a former healer toon main.
Thanks for making this video because I experienced something similar to this where I was on one and I didn’t know if sprouts could heal me. Then a Tisha called out a band and I asked if I could take it and she said yes so I took it and used it cus I was on one. But then the Astro said it was for sprout but sprout was full so I said I was on one and the next floor the sprout grieved me. Both the Astro and sprout apologized after I little bit.
I used to main as Cosmo and this is a big problem. I would just let anyone take heals if they were at one. No cosmo should be entitled just take Medkits, bands, etc when other toons could heal themselves a lot faster with them. Especially at lower hearts.
As a Cosmo or ginger main, I only ask to please save them if they are low they can take but if they are full and take is when I ask and then I forgive them kinda. Well yea if they are low they can take band or med!
As an old Cosmo main, I didn’t know how to play and when ppl were low, I was fr like running around the map. I decided to be a Rodger main and I still am.
Ty, I can now consider these situations whenever I'm a healer. I don't know if I am wrong for this, but when I was playing as ginger, a looey (not distracting) stole a band when all of us in the run were at 3. I decided not to heal him bc my role was to heal the others, and then they tried to grief me
I'm a Cosmo main but I usually ask if anybody wants the medkit and if they tell me to take I take it and of course I'll heal fairly not just the distractor
Great animation
Cosmo is 💅slaying rn✨
I just got yelled at by coal and scraps for taking a medkit, but like I never took a medkit the whole game, scraps tried to grief me but her speed is poop and coal left. Reached floor 11 together with Toodles as Tisha