The fp wasn't a camera I was really excited about. Then I got my hands on some 4k 12bit RAW sample footage. I bought the camera the next day and listed my Sony A7III for sale. After a month with the fp, I'm still amazed at the image quality this little thing outputs. I'm loving the color science. I never thought I'd be a Sigma shooter, yet here we are.
I just bought this camera for video capability. I already have Sony a7r3, Sony FS700r, and Fuji XT-3. I needed this camera for low light, RAW recording (cDNG), and its colour science. Amazing camera! I have found out that it can be hooked up to various SSD, and various adaptors (A-mount, F-mount, etc) and as well unlimited power source via dummy battery. This is an ultimate sleeper camera that even professionals don't take the time to critically test it out. I did and I LOVE it!
I use it with a Leica summicron 50mm m-mount. Exceptional. Really. I use a thumb grip and only do stills. No negatives for me. Thanks for the review. I’ve found the images to outperform Leica bodies. More soulful.
Great review, thanks! Something that I think deserves more attention with regard to the fp’s raw recording capabilities is that you can use the program SlimRAW to losslessly compress the fp’s CDNG files, directly from the fp’s external SSD to your editing drive. I typically get compressed files that are around 30-40% of the camera original CDNGs. These are still not small files, but they’re more in line with what you’d get from a Black Magic Raw 3:1 recorder, but with truly lossless compression.
Thank you so much for including the segment where you go through all the ports and open them for us to see closely! I always need such inclusion in any camera/lens reviews, but most TH-camrs lack including. Also, big thanks for filming your reviews with the lens attached to the camera; as a potential buyer, watching your reviews, I need to see how they look together as a whole and being able to see how they look in a hand if I were to use them in the fields.
Kudos to Sigma for trying to do something different with their cameras and I have enjoyed my old Sigma DP1 with the Foveon sensor - it takes a lot of work but the results are worth it.
This is April of '22 and I just discovered the Sigma FP. It intrigues me because of its size, dynamic range, 24.6 mp is enough for me, and with the 45mm lens it seems like a perfect travel camera you can carry with you anywhere. I currently have a Nikon D500, D700, and a Fuji X100F. These cover all my needs but the flexibility to do quality stills and video plus the expandibility of the FP really grabs my attention! Great review, thanks.
I have the Sigma fp, Panasonic S1R, and Leica TL2. I have lenses from all three brands and it is great that they are seamlessly interchangeable on each body. I like the Panasonic 24-105mm on the fp for the image stabilization, lightness, and versatility of that combination. Oddly, I very much like the Leica APS-C TL lenses on the Panasonic S1R - the images from those combinations are terrific and image stabilized, if only at 20mp. I agree with you on the L-mount system. Lots of flexibility and choices. Thank you for your thoughtful video and for giving the Sigma fp a chance - the most underrated camera on the market. It is a gem.
@@eigencorp1285 Hi sad to say only L-mount lenses provide electric stabilization. I sold it because I had trouble with banding caused by LED lights. I replaced with the A7C and the Leica CL. CL is cropped and worse for low light but gives great colors and a better pairing with M lenses
I would love to see more compact ff bodies like the sigma fp, and I really like the heatsink which seems to cool the large sensor in such a small body very effectively!
Great review of the fp. I just bought the 100-400mm today! Your shots with it on the fp look great 👍 Something I might have missed but may not have been mentioned is probably ‘the’ standout feature of this camera... particularly as a primarily video focussed camera, is its ability to shoot cDNG 12bit Raw 4K video via a simple small SSD amounted on top. Grading video in that quality is just amazing (it’s like editing raw stills but Witt your video) and can be done direct from the SSD, you don’t even need to transfer the huge cDNG files unless you want to archive them. In Davinci Resolve they’re super easy to work with on an average computer.
This is a powerful alternative to say one's Canon fixation when it comes to thinking about an upgrade path. It's attractive because it's a no-fuss tool, not a consumer product.
I like the thought you can make this camera into a main cinema camera, b camera, a gopro, drone camera, put it on gimbles, and a pocket (kinda) stills camera.
I got it initially as a form-factor (small) to fit with my smaller M-lenses for street shots and zone focusing. It was a very very nice and probably a true leica cl successor. Thoroughly enjoyable at this point. PErsonally having tried with a recent L-mount Sigma zoom, i do think its a worthy second camera maybe to a big brother like you say the SL2 or a Panasonic. Great review by the way.
One of the best general purpose reviews of this camera I have seen. Nice work! I purchased this camera after regretfully selling my Leica Q (1st gen). I looked closely and strongly considered the Leica Q2, but the FP's more modular approach, price, and unique offering in the marketplace made me reconsider my decision to go with the upgraded Leica. Some say the FP is a the Japanese Leica. I wouldn't go quite as far to say that, but I have been enjoying the camera and the output. I agree with you about the flexibility of using M mount lenses on this camera. Question for you: Which M to L adapter do you prefer? In terms of the L mount alliance. I only have the the kit 45mm lens with this camera and am looking to expand. I want a good wide angle, somewhere closer to a 24mm or 28mm lens as my next purchase. So, I am looking at my options across the L lineup.
Sigma FP is a different animal for different people. For me, instead of upgrading my phone (every few years), I carry (will carry soon) this with a very small lens and it will outperform the phone (or any point shoot cam) with much greater flexibility and picture quality (and the price can be very similar, depending on which phone you plan to purchase in which country).
Hi there, thank you for a good review on a camera that has been floating under the radar. I had a question about the autofocus. Apparently, this camera got an improvement with autofocus from the 2.0 firmware upgrade that game at the end of last June. Were you using the updated firmware for your testing? Also, if you were, did you notice any improvement in the autofocus for video when shooting in the cinema crop mode? Thanks! I'm very curious about this camera and love how Sigma has been listening very closely to its user base for firmware updates.
You're very right Sigma is ahead at compactness and build out the camera to you goals. If there would have been an exchange possibility for the UV-IR block filter with the availability of some astro or UV (visible spectrum block) or IR filters it would be the ultimate Film, astro, scientific and forensic camera. Even on a drone.
Had a chance to fondle one of these at one of those big camera stores in Japan that has every camera currently in production on display (except Leica and Hasselblad which are locked away). This was in January this year. I still have the Japanese brochure somewhere. I loved how the FP felt in the hand. Great size. Great LCD touchscreen. Very unobtrusive - good stealth camera. When I researched it after I got home, I found out about there being no accessory EVF, electronic shutter only, and no IBIS. I don’t do video so I am only interested it as a stills camera, so most of the features wouldn’t get used. Quite impractical really - but I still want one! I hope the price comes down on this one when the next model comes out. In terms of the L mount, it is a brilliant move for each member of the alliance. These medium sized manufacturers all benefit - better to hang together than hang separately as Ben Franklin said.
I am a old Leica M shooter (film days) Now I use a A7s body for all my old M lenses and all the other odd stuff I use. The Sigma FP is on my radar and I am very close to getting one, plus video I have been playing with on the A7s has opened up a new door.
I've heard of this camera, I own this camera! The FP is amazing, quirky and flexible. The other day I used it to film my daughters netball game, that night some excellent stills with friends at a bar and then the next day it was a B camera shooting CDNG on a high end TVC. Amazing!
I saw an interview with a sigma executive who was complaining the sales were low. If they provided an EVF sales will go through the roof because then it will be the.smallest full frame camera that works with M and L mount lenses for still shooters, I would buy it in a heart beat, but at 2000$, without the option of an evf, the price of entry is too high I’m surprised their strategy teams haven’t uncovered this potential appeal for still shooters
You didn't mention the ISO6 setting, which supposedly stacks images in to a single one for long exposures, did it do a good job at smoothing out motion (waves/clouds) and was the dynamic range improved, or did you not test this function?
Yes, I have been lusting after this camera since the new year but have been waiting to purchase just because I have so many cameras and different camera systems already. I have committed to the L mount system and love the new sigma 100-400 zoom paired with my Leica SL, I also just got the 1.4x tele extender this week! My first SL was stolen along with the Sigma 45mm 2.8 DG DN that was on it, which was a great combo for the street and my beloved m4-p:( (a very sad day) I do also own a sigma dp1 and sd Quatro. I am still amazed with the resolution, saturation and general appearance of images of that 10 year old dp. Quirky but great cameras for high resolution work and quality affordable glass! My decision to buy the fp was complicated this week with the introduction of the Lumix S5 - help!
just ordered today as a step to L-mount alliance and would be interesting to compare it with my Sony A7C. I also have a Sigma DP1Q and might sell that once the foveon full-frame comes out. The Lumix S5 II is also exciting together with Sigma's upcoming 70-200mm f2.8.
Leaf shutter (as standard or adapters/proprietary lenses ) for a FF system, on body hot shoe for triggering flash, side mounted EVF accessory with resolution / coverage of a Leica Q. More tweaks to keep the filmmakers happy, but that's my wishlist for the FP.
I owned all the Sigma DPs but sold them when they announced the upcoming new camera only to their having to start over anew last year. I have used the Quattro H and found the images exceptional as well. Hopefully Sigma will soon announce a new Foven sensored camera soon.
TheSnapChick, you mentioned using the various color modes when taking video. I just want to make sure what I'm thinking is how it really works. If recording the video as a MOV file, the camera will "bake" those colors into the video and if you try to do any color corrections in post, you be starting from the point that the camera gave you (based on the bit depth you've selected to record in). For example, if you recorded in the MONO setting, you may be able to adjust brightness and contrast, but the colors of the original scene are totally gone and can't be reproduced. If recording in DNG raw in the MONO mode, for instance, the color data is still in the file and can be recovered as if you never used the MONO setting. Is that how it works?
I would say this is one of the more intriguing cameras out there. It is not perfect but a full frame sensor in a camera this size is really stunning. Sigma seems to get that firmware updates are essential these days. In a way it reminds me of the first BlackMagic Pocket Cinema Camera. Much more refined of course. I continue to be interested, and at some point may opt for one.
I was really taken in by the design - form factor and unique conception of this camera when it came out. However the sony a7r4 came out shortly after and was and continues to be my dream camera. The FP however still interests me beacuse of its desgn and ergonomy -also in working with tone and color which you bring out in your review - really excellent including the imagery and thank you for not using crass sound. A very visually thoughtful review - very well made
Nice review. Are you saying that it won't draw power from a battery bank when shooting a timelapse for example? Also what are the intervals available in the built in intervalometer. Many thanks 👍
I have used a Leica SL (601) since late 2015. A terrific camera. I've used my SL with Leica M and TL lenses, the Sigma 45 L lens and currently the Leica 35 SL lens. I wanted an alternate L camera and was drawn to the FP. However the inability to plug in an EVF was a 100% no-go for me. This week I preordered the Panasonic S5 along with the 20-60 zoom. I am looking forward to working with this new S5 camera. Thanks for this comprehensive review. Enjoy your SL2. Did you sell your Q2? Stay safe!
The L-mount concept is very intriguing. I wish all manufacturers would adopt a common lens mount. However, I am so invested in the Canon EF mount that it would be very costly for me to change systems.
The Sigma fp was in my concideration, but as a beginner too many lacking things like image-stabilization. Yes, I heard from the L-Mount alliance; I was concidering to buy a SL2 for starting photography again, but finally it was cost, that let me choose a different system.
Great video. Yep, have heard of the camera but never really took much notice of it. Seems, though, it's pretty good for both stills and video. Would I buy one...possibly. If I wanted a full frame camera that was small and light, which would be criteria I look at, then it would be on my shopping list. Where something like this would come in handy is with street photography. Though it also looks pretty handy for landscapes and astro as well.
Great Video. I just received mine three days ago and I can't put it down. I'm taking full advantage of the 12bit RAW, using the MC-21 adapter with a fleet of EF mount Art 1.4 primes. This thing creates incredible full frame video and punches well above its weight for photos too. DaVinci Resolve opens the files with no issues and makes color grading a breeze. However, Resolve won't play ProRes RAW files from the Ninja V correctly, all you get is the sound. prepared to spend on SSD's because it makes huge files in 12bit DNG RAW. Keep up the good work!
*Thank you for your excellent and informative review of the Sigma FP. This camera married to the Ninja V and outputting 4K DCI 23.98p RAW to the Atomos recorder/monitor, makes this camera a real high end production workhorse. Outputting 12 Bit RAW Cinema DNG files makes this camera close to a true Digital Cinema Camera. Unfortunately, the Sigma FP is missing a (True 24.001p) recording setting. Although many have complained the camera is too difficult to use without a viewfinder, you certainly can rig up a Zacuto Colour Cinema HD viewfinder via the micro HDMI output socket if you must have a viewfinder. The Panasonic S1H camera came out at around the same time and has partially stole some of the FP's thunder, as the S1H is a full 6K capable full frame sensor camera with both True 24p recording and 12 Bit RAW Prores output to the Atomos Ninja V. The S1H has allot of very well engineered and thought out creature comforts particularily aimed at film production Cinema shooters. However, if you look at the price point of the Sigma FP with the stock 45 mm Sigma L Mount DG lens, then you have a very capable high end video production camera for around 2K$ USD. Both the Panasonic S1H and Sigma FP cameras don't have all that great automatic focusing, but Panasonic has begun to slowly address this with firmware upgrades on the S1H. Perhaps both companies can improve the autofocus performance of their cameras via future firmware tweaks ?*
@@CoveringFish Those who shoot feature films for Cinema release and distribution. 24.00 has long been the standard since the first days of the Red Digital Cinema camera, and before the time of digital cinema in the days of motion picture negative emulsion. There isn't any mistery here. Cinema standard film speed has been and still is 24.00p.
@@CoveringFish Yeah, so ? Here's a question for you to ponder. Why does the Panasonic Lumix DC-S1H, the Panasonic Veri-Cam, all of the entire ZCAM line, the Arri Digital Camera Line, the Canon Digital Cinema cameras, The Red cameras all have the ability to shoot in 24.00p if there's no need for such a speed ?
Ever since we decided to do a review on this camera I get more and more amazed at how this little thing went almost under the radar. Such a wonderful thing. Great image quality, good colours and easy to use. Love it. Constantly thinking of buying one.
A cool quirky camera for sure. But even better, quirkier is the SD-Quattro!! And you get a viewfinder on this gem! Large sensor, awesome Bayer milt-layer sensor, etc Bit not “compact in any shape or form
I mostly shoot 4K 60p which I don't think is an option on this camera. Otherwise I think it is a great value. Might grab one someday for stealthy walkaround photography or to use with manual focus lenses.
Thank you for the review! I did know the camera and I would have liked to buy it, but I am interested in an FX SMALL camera that's good for shooting photo, not video, so it's not for me. But I enjoyed the review nevertheless.
I have a Sigma DP2 so I've always had an interest in Sigma's weirdo cameras. I was considering this one until I realized it was designed more for video than stills.
While I have heard of the FP it's not for me, I'm just a hobbyist who's photography (Portraits, Pets and Wildlife) benefit from having a more confident AF/tracking system, body that can balance heavier/longer lenses better and a mechanical shutter to prevent rolling shutter.
It does not have a mechanical shutter and that is what makes it only a cinema camera with some photographic functionality only to let videographers make random snapshots.
does not have OIS so its useless for video making, and its portability can go to trash because of that because if i have to carry a stabilizing gyro id rather buy a conventinal sized bigger camera, big let down, the hunt continues..
The fp wasn't a camera I was really excited about. Then I got my hands on some 4k 12bit RAW sample footage. I bought the camera the next day and listed my Sony A7III for sale. After a month with the fp, I'm still amazed at the image quality this little thing outputs. I'm loving the color science. I never thought I'd be a Sigma shooter, yet here we are.
It’s really great tool! Awesome!
Glad you enjoy the camera... Do you shoot photography with the camera?? how is your experience?
@@ahmedwasim8336 I used Sigma dp3m since 2014! I hope my fp finds me in the new year!
Wow! What a great experience!
Out of interest could you share a link for some of the straight from camera video footage as I’d love to see what can be done with it?
I just bought this camera for video capability. I already have Sony a7r3, Sony FS700r, and Fuji XT-3. I needed this camera for low light, RAW recording (cDNG), and its colour science. Amazing camera! I have found out that it can be hooked up to various SSD, and various adaptors (A-mount, F-mount, etc) and as well unlimited power source via dummy battery. This is an ultimate sleeper camera that even professionals don't take the time to critically test it out. I did and I LOVE it!
This thing with the sigma viewfinder is a magical experience. I’ll keep it forever.
Insane colour science
Great in low light
Beautiful form factor.
Just ordered mine with the viewfinder, cage and external storage setup 1tb ssd. Want a wide angle lens next.
I use it with a Leica summicron 50mm m-mount. Exceptional. Really.
I use a thumb grip and only do stills. No negatives for me. Thanks for the review. I’ve found the images to outperform Leica bodies. More soulful.
I know I am kinda randomly asking but does anybody know of a good website to watch newly released series online?
@Isaias Joe i use FlixZone. You can find it by googling =)
Great review, thanks! Something that I think deserves more attention with regard to the fp’s raw recording capabilities is that you can use the program SlimRAW to losslessly compress the fp’s CDNG files, directly from the fp’s external SSD to your editing drive. I typically get compressed files that are around 30-40% of the camera original CDNGs. These are still not small files, but they’re more in line with what you’d get from a Black Magic Raw 3:1 recorder, but with truly lossless compression.
Thank you so much for including the segment where you go through all the ports and open them for us to see closely! I always need such inclusion in any camera/lens reviews, but most TH-camrs lack including. Also, big thanks for filming your reviews with the lens attached to the camera; as a potential buyer, watching your reviews, I need to see how they look together as a whole and being able to see how they look in a hand if I were to use them in the fields.
Kudos to Sigma for trying to do something different with their cameras and I have enjoyed my old Sigma DP1 with the Foveon sensor - it takes a lot of work but the results are worth it.
This is April of '22 and I just discovered the Sigma FP. It intrigues me because of its size, dynamic range, 24.6 mp is enough for me, and with the 45mm lens it seems like a perfect travel camera you can carry with you anywhere. I currently have a Nikon D500, D700, and a Fuji X100F. These cover all my needs but the flexibility to do quality stills and video plus the expandibility of the FP really grabs my attention!
Great review, thanks.
I have the Sigma fp, Panasonic S1R, and Leica TL2. I have lenses from all three brands and it is great that they are seamlessly interchangeable on each body. I like the Panasonic 24-105mm on the fp for the image stabilization, lightness, and versatility of that combination. Oddly, I very much like the Leica APS-C TL lenses on the Panasonic S1R - the images from those combinations are terrific and image stabilized, if only at 20mp. I agree with you on the L-mount system. Lots of flexibility and choices. Thank you for your thoughtful video and for giving the Sigma fp a chance - the most underrated camera on the market. It is a gem.
I purchased this camera to use with Leica M lenses. It gives amazing low light performance.
Question for you! Does the electronic image stabilization work with the M lenses for videos?
@@eigencorp1285 Hi sad to say only L-mount lenses provide electric stabilization. I sold it because I had trouble with banding caused by LED lights. I replaced with the A7C and the Leica CL. CL is cropped and worse for low light but gives great colors and a better pairing with M lenses
@@FarEastSurvival thanks!
Great review. I’ve had this camera since Day 1 and love it.
I would love to see more compact ff bodies like the sigma fp, and I really like the heatsink which seems to cool the large sensor in such a small body very effectively!
Great review of the fp. I just bought the 100-400mm today! Your shots with it on the fp look great 👍 Something I might have missed but may not have been mentioned is probably ‘the’ standout feature of this camera... particularly as a primarily video focussed camera, is its ability to shoot cDNG 12bit Raw 4K video via a simple small SSD amounted on top. Grading video in that quality is just amazing (it’s like editing raw stills but Witt your video) and can be done direct from the SSD, you don’t even need to transfer the huge cDNG files unless you want to archive them. In Davinci Resolve they’re super easy to work with on an average computer.
This is a powerful alternative to say one's Canon fixation when it comes to thinking about an upgrade path. It's attractive because it's a no-fuss tool, not a consumer product.
I also have the SL2 and am thinking of getting this for a video option that I can share M lenses with.
I like the thought you can make this camera into a main cinema camera, b camera, a gopro, drone camera, put it on gimbles, and a pocket (kinda) stills camera.
I got it initially as a form-factor (small) to fit with my smaller M-lenses for street shots and zone focusing. It was a very very nice and probably a true leica cl successor. Thoroughly enjoyable at this point. PErsonally having tried with a recent L-mount Sigma zoom, i do think its a worthy second camera maybe to a big brother like you say the SL2 or a Panasonic. Great review by the way.
Which M-lenses do you shoot on it?
One of the best general purpose reviews of this camera I have seen. Nice work! I purchased this camera after regretfully selling my Leica Q (1st gen). I looked closely and strongly considered the Leica Q2, but the FP's more modular approach, price, and unique offering in the marketplace made me reconsider my decision to go with the upgraded Leica. Some say the FP is a the Japanese Leica. I wouldn't go quite as far to say that, but I have been enjoying the camera and the output.
I agree with you about the flexibility of using M mount lenses on this camera. Question for you: Which M to L adapter do you prefer?
In terms of the L mount alliance. I only have the the kit 45mm lens with this camera and am looking to expand. I want a good wide angle, somewhere closer to a 24mm or 28mm lens as my next purchase. So, I am looking at my options across the L lineup.
Sigma FP is a different animal for different people. For me, instead of upgrading my phone (every few years), I carry (will carry soon) this with a very small lens and it will outperform the phone (or any point shoot cam) with much greater flexibility and picture quality (and the price can be very similar, depending on which phone you plan to purchase in which country).
Same here, almost bought one of the new "1inch" Flagships. Now I keep my LG V30 and just ordered a fp 😁
Hi there, thank you for a good review on a camera that has been floating under the radar. I had a question about the autofocus. Apparently, this camera got an improvement with autofocus from the 2.0 firmware upgrade that game at the end of last June. Were you using the updated firmware for your testing? Also, if you were, did you notice any improvement in the autofocus for video when shooting in the cinema crop mode? Thanks! I'm very curious about this camera and love how Sigma has been listening very closely to its user base for firmware updates.
I wish the autofocus was a little more reliable, and I wish it had a flippy screen. Thanks for the video.
You're very right Sigma is ahead at compactness and build out the camera to you goals. If there would have been an exchange possibility for the UV-IR block filter with the availability of some astro or UV (visible spectrum block) or IR filters it would be the ultimate Film, astro, scientific and forensic camera. Even on a drone.
Excellent review, spot on! Thank you!
Had a chance to fondle one of these at one of those big camera stores in Japan that has every camera currently in production on display (except Leica and Hasselblad which are locked away). This was in January this year. I still have the Japanese brochure somewhere. I loved how the FP felt in the hand. Great size. Great LCD touchscreen. Very unobtrusive - good stealth camera. When I researched it after I got home, I found out about there being no accessory EVF, electronic shutter only, and no IBIS. I don’t do video so I am only interested it as a stills camera, so most of the features wouldn’t get used. Quite impractical really - but I still want one! I hope the price comes down on this one when the next model comes out.
In terms of the L mount, it is a brilliant move for each member of the alliance. These medium sized manufacturers all benefit - better to hang together than hang separately as Ben Franklin said.
Informative! I need the info on the small grip you used. I just bought this camera for 61MP landscape photography.
How do you use the touch screen menus with view finder attached?
The menus aren't touch screen.
I love the modular features! It's like a full-frame Gopro & media mod. I do think the touch screen will appeal to smart phone videographers.
Wonderful review! Not what I was expecting from this little FF camera!
Absolutely amazing tool! I think it’s really revolutionary product! Low ISO 6, excellent night mode! Super comfortable,compact!
I loved this video Leigh! Thank you! :)
I am a old Leica M shooter (film days) Now I use a A7s body for all my old M lenses and all the other odd stuff I use. The Sigma FP is on my radar and I am very close to getting one, plus video I have been playing with on the A7s has opened up a new door.
I've heard of this camera, I own this camera! The FP is amazing, quirky and flexible. The other day I used it to film my daughters netball game, that night some excellent stills with friends at a bar and then the next day it was a B camera shooting CDNG on a high end TVC. Amazing!
I saw an interview with a sigma executive who was complaining the sales were low. If they provided an EVF sales will go through the roof because then it will be the.smallest full frame camera that works with M and L mount lenses for still shooters, I would buy it in a heart beat, but at 2000$, without the option of an evf, the price of entry is too high I’m surprised their strategy teams haven’t uncovered this potential appeal for still shooters
What do you think about the popular Ricoh GR3, compact and no viewfinder?
How does it work with the 20-60mm?
Yeah, great combo!
You didn't mention the ISO6 setting, which supposedly stacks images in to a single one for long exposures, did it do a good job at smoothing out motion (waves/clouds) and was the dynamic range improved, or did you not test this function?
Yay something different! Like buying a car in the eighties and being able to option the car stereo to any brand you want.
Very nice helpfull review! Thankyou :)
Yes, I have been lusting after this camera since the new year but have been waiting to purchase just because I have so many cameras and different camera systems already. I have committed to the L mount system and love the new sigma 100-400 zoom paired with my Leica SL, I also just got the 1.4x tele extender this week! My first SL was stolen along with the Sigma 45mm 2.8 DG DN that was on it, which was a great combo for the street and my beloved m4-p:( (a very sad day) I do also own a sigma dp1 and sd Quatro. I am still amazed with the resolution, saturation and general appearance of images of that 10 year old dp. Quirky but great cameras for high resolution work and quality affordable glass!
My decision to buy the fp was complicated this week with the introduction of the Lumix S5 - help!
I got the fp and already love it!
just ordered today as a step to L-mount alliance and would be interesting to compare it with my Sony A7C. I also have a Sigma DP1Q and might sell that once the foveon full-frame comes out. The Lumix S5 II is also exciting together with Sigma's upcoming 70-200mm f2.8.
I have been looking at this camera and the descriptions say the screen tilts. Is that only on newer models?
Leaf shutter (as standard or adapters/proprietary lenses ) for a FF system, on body hot shoe for triggering flash, side mounted EVF accessory with resolution / coverage of a Leica Q. More tweaks to keep the filmmakers happy, but that's my wishlist for the FP.
Thank you, you are a great artist.
I owned all the Sigma DPs but sold them when they announced the upcoming new camera only to their having to start over anew last year. I have used the Quattro H and found the images exceptional as well. Hopefully Sigma will soon announce a new Foven sensored camera soon.
this sounds like a very good camera to use underwater, obviously in a housing. you have big variety lenses, camera is small, buttons simple.
TheSnapChick, you mentioned using the various color modes when taking video. I just want to make sure what I'm thinking is how it really works. If recording the video as a MOV file, the camera will "bake" those colors into the video and if you try to do any color corrections in post, you be starting from the point that the camera gave you (based on the bit depth you've selected to record in). For example, if you recorded in the MONO setting, you may be able to adjust brightness and contrast, but the colors of the original scene are totally gone and can't be reproduced. If recording in DNG raw in the MONO mode, for instance, the color data is still in the file and can be recovered as if you never used the MONO setting. Is that how it works?
hello I would like to buy a Sigma FP... but is the HDMI socket really solid ?????
I would say this is one of the more intriguing cameras out there. It is not perfect but a full frame sensor in a camera this size is really stunning. Sigma seems to get that firmware updates are essential these days. In a way it reminds me of the first BlackMagic Pocket Cinema Camera. Much more refined of course. I continue to be interested, and at some point may opt for one.
I was really taken in by the design - form factor and unique conception of this camera when it came out. However the sony a7r4 came out shortly after and was and continues to be my dream camera. The FP however still interests me beacuse of its desgn and ergonomy -also in working with tone and color which you bring out in your review - really excellent including the imagery and thank you for not using crass sound. A very visually thoughtful review - very well made
Great review
Nice review. Are you saying that it won't draw power from a battery bank when shooting a timelapse for example? Also what are the intervals available in the built in intervalometer. Many thanks 👍
No you can’t charge it with a power bank while using the camera.
I have used a Leica SL (601) since late 2015. A terrific camera. I've used my SL with Leica M and TL lenses, the Sigma 45 L lens and currently the Leica 35 SL lens. I wanted an alternate L camera and was drawn to the FP. However the inability to plug in an EVF was a 100% no-go for me. This week I preordered the Panasonic S5 along with the 20-60 zoom. I am looking forward to working with this new S5 camera.
Thanks for this comprehensive review. Enjoy your SL2. Did you sell your Q2? Stay safe!
Thanks for sharing your experience! I still have the Q2. :)
@@LeighAndRaymond Q2 and SL2… very cool. You're having fun. Life is short, your heels shouldn't be. Enjoy!
Hello Miss Snapckick, does the Sigma have a built-in Intervalometer or do you need to fit a third party one, if so which one. Regards Peter [Tasmania]
The L-mount concept is very intriguing. I wish all manufacturers would adopt a common lens mount. However, I am so invested in the Canon EF mount that it would be very costly for me to change systems.
You can use electronic adapters from Canon EF to L Mount.
The Sigma fp was in my concideration, but as a beginner too many lacking things like image-stabilization.
Yes, I heard from the L-Mount alliance; I was concidering to buy a SL2 for starting photography again, but finally it was cost, that let me choose a different system.
Do you know if the UVC usb mode outputs 4:2:2 or 4:2:0?
Just realised the Sony's A7C is about 10mm longer than the FP but with EVF, IBIS, Flip screen, larger battery and a grip. Sony caught up quick!
Great video. Yep, have heard of the camera but never really took much notice of it. Seems, though, it's pretty good for both stills and video. Would I buy one...possibly. If I wanted a full frame camera that was small and light, which would be criteria I look at, then it would be on my shopping list. Where something like this would come in handy is with street photography. Though it also looks pretty handy for landscapes and astro as well.
i swear this camera is underrated! i wont buy it as im more of a hybrid shooter but i could see cinematographer uses this camera as dp camera.
Great Video. I just received mine three days ago and I can't put it down. I'm taking full advantage of the 12bit RAW, using the MC-21 adapter with a fleet of EF mount Art 1.4 primes. This thing creates incredible full frame video and punches well above its weight for photos too. DaVinci Resolve opens the files with no issues and makes color grading a breeze. However, Resolve won't play ProRes RAW files from the Ninja V correctly, all you get is the sound. prepared to spend on SSD's because it makes huge files in 12bit DNG RAW. Keep up the good work!
Is it any linear manual focus pull option for mirrorles lens? Like in the panasonic S5?
I love the output from this, but come on Sigma, how about a few OIS lenses. It would also be nice if DxO supported this...
Thank you
You can buy this camera used for around $1000 which is amazing value also
Nikon why not lounch new version of 16-35 lens??
*Thank you for your excellent and informative review of the Sigma FP. This camera married to the Ninja V and outputting 4K DCI 23.98p RAW to the Atomos recorder/monitor, makes this camera a real high end production workhorse. Outputting 12 Bit RAW Cinema DNG files makes this camera close to a true Digital Cinema Camera. Unfortunately, the Sigma FP is missing a (True 24.001p) recording setting. Although many have complained the camera is too difficult to use without a viewfinder, you certainly can rig up a Zacuto Colour Cinema HD viewfinder via the micro HDMI output socket if you must have a viewfinder. The Panasonic S1H camera came out at around the same time and has partially stole some of the FP's thunder, as the S1H is a full 6K capable full frame sensor camera with both True 24p recording and 12 Bit RAW Prores output to the Atomos Ninja V. The S1H has allot of very well engineered and thought out creature comforts particularily aimed at film production Cinema shooters. However, if you look at the price point of the Sigma FP with the stock 45 mm Sigma L Mount DG lens, then you have a very capable high end video production camera for around 2K$ USD. Both the Panasonic S1H and Sigma FP cameras don't have all that great automatic focusing, but Panasonic has begun to slowly address this with firmware upgrades on the S1H. Perhaps both companies can improve the autofocus performance of their cameras via future firmware tweaks ?*
So.. who the fuck shoots 24.01
@@CoveringFish Those who shoot feature films for Cinema release and distribution. 24.00 has long been the standard since the first days of the Red Digital Cinema camera, and before the time of digital cinema in the days of motion picture negative emulsion. There isn't any mistery here. Cinema standard film speed has been and still is 24.00p.
@@markjob6354 yes 24p or 23.98 technically and not since red digital cinema but idk the last 100 years or so. But you said 24.01..
@@markjob6354 also you spelled mystery wrong
@@CoveringFish Yeah, so ? Here's a question for you to ponder. Why does the Panasonic Lumix DC-S1H, the Panasonic Veri-Cam, all of the entire ZCAM line, the Arri Digital Camera Line, the Canon Digital Cinema cameras, The Red cameras all have the ability to shoot in 24.00p if there's no need for such a speed ?
Ever since we decided to do a review on this camera I get more and more amazed at how this little thing went almost under the radar. Such a wonderful thing. Great image quality, good colours and easy to use. Love it. Constantly thinking of buying one.
If it's quirky to have 12bit 4K Cdng in a compact full frame cam, then OK. No one else is offering this.
Nice fair review. Thx
Does the Sigma Fp have a 30 minute recording time limit
I want this camera, with the L-mount Sigma lenses. But no auto-focus. I am not that good.
It isn't that bad from the demonstration in this video review.
A cool quirky camera for sure. But even better, quirkier is the SD-Quattro!! And you get a viewfinder on this gem! Large sensor, awesome Bayer milt-layer sensor, etc Bit not “compact in any shape or form
Dunno about lightest but doesn't RX1RII even smaller? Yeah, fixed lens and such, but anyways.
No FOVEON full color sensor anymore then. Do Sigma still make them?
They have a full-frame foveon L-mount camera in the works for release next year.
Just cmt to express my feeling for how aesthetic the photos and theme sound are!
Thank you! :)
your footage was still footage…try giving examples with motion footage and also see shutter speed issue is a big issue
I mostly shoot 4K 60p which I don't think is an option on this camera. Otherwise I think it is a great value. Might grab one someday for stealthy walkaround photography or to use with manual focus lenses.
Thank you for the review! I did know the camera and I would have liked to buy it, but I am interested in an FX SMALL camera that's good for shooting photo, not video, so it's not for me. But I enjoyed the review nevertheless.
I have a Sigma DP2 so I've always had an interest in Sigma's weirdo cameras. I was considering this one until I realized it was designed more for video than stills.
It is definitely video feature-heavy but I captured a TON of stills with it!
@@LeighAndRaymond I went for the X100V. No regrets.
It’s great for stills.
Please review new kid in town, S5
Why not do now a full frame GoPro camera ?? Imagine a full frame action camera ! The tech is here !! It's 2021 !!
they bought one out decades ago .. when af came out ... yep im an actual dinosaur , but my hands are too big for little cameras .
you look like one of the hot aliens in dude where's my car trying to acquire the continuum transfunctioner.
While I have heard of the FP it's not for me, I'm just a hobbyist who's photography (Portraits, Pets and Wildlife) benefit from having a more confident AF/tracking system, body that can balance heavier/longer lenses better and a mechanical shutter to prevent rolling shutter.
It does not have a mechanical shutter and that is what makes it only a cinema camera with some photographic functionality only to let videographers make random snapshots.
But the stills look amazing. I have taken a lot and haven't had a single issue yet.
Sigma lenses are great - on my Sony! I don't see myself ever purchasing a Sigma camera.
well, Curtis Judd looks different…
Tiny king
does not have OIS so its useless for video making, and its portability can go to trash because of that because if i have to carry a stabilizing gyro id rather buy a conventinal sized bigger camera, big let down, the hunt continues..
You forgot braw
you are really prertty:))
Goodness, you're a handsome woman. Being a skilled and knowledgeable photographer enhances this even more. Oh yeah, Sigma fp, right.