Hey Barry. Thanks for watching. We have ridden the twisted sisters, and really enjoyed them, and I would say the sisters do have more immediate elevation gains and tighter turns than this road, but this road definitely was not horizontal. Probably dropped about 1000' from rim to river. Had some more wide sweepers than tight turns but it was definitely a fun ride. Its hard to match the twisted sisters though.
Safe fun travels Bill and Carol! Love your videos
Thanks so much for watching.
That really puts me in mind of the twisted sisters in south texas, except the road seemed horizontal and not a rollercoaster.
Hey Barry. Thanks for watching. We have ridden the twisted sisters, and really enjoyed them, and I would say the sisters do have more immediate elevation gains and tighter turns than this road, but this road definitely was not horizontal. Probably dropped about 1000' from rim to river. Had some more wide sweepers than tight turns but it was definitely a fun ride. Its hard to match the twisted sisters though.
Nice trip. Did you guys happen to go through snowflake
Yessir we did go through snowflake.