Je krijgt NIET langer wat je ZELF ALLEEN WILT als MENS maar wat er "NODIG" is v GROEI vd ZIEL(en) 💜

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 30 ก.ย. 2024
  • The HIGHER calling vd de ziel.
    All is happening FOR you(not to you) with a reason .
    You still don 't know why?
    But it will be clear in the end. Accept and learn your lessons and heal. Take that action, there you are in controle if you take firm decissions. The spirit(ual) path is about inner strenght, faith, believe, peace, joy, wisdom.
    See the bigger picture and what you need to heal & learn now. Let go of old habits and ways which are not GO(o)D for you and others.
    Go (o)D is asking you to sacrifice someone, friends, partner, family, work, situation, house, etc and hold on to 'him" , accept your suffering feeling crussified like his son, Jezus on the cross, by the people, only to detach and finally freed himself from trying to FREE himself from the burdenss other people forced & projected at him as a humanbeing (their fears and projection) to finally listen to the higher self GO(o)D =his intuition
    .His calling to just BE ALL that hé is. The beloved Child of GO(o)D at heart.
    Listen to his father GO(o)D intuition when it was calling for him. There are allways fearful haters, people who will betray you and sell their Soul for money, or, sex. Cause Whatever. Train your intuition by really healing yourself. The voice of GOD. (T)Rust.
    Nothing to prove to others. Believing in his own GO(o)D heart and trusting his higher Self, God.
    Was enough and learn the lessons on earth how it feels to be HUMAN too . Do you choose to be like all the people (pointing Fingers and being judgemental full of fear and hate wanting to destoy others? Think twice who s side you are on out of fear or out of true love and having faith in what you feel is GO(o)D , wise, loving, warm, Light and joyfull.
    It is your choice now. Do you feel like Jezus or Do you feel like Judas, Petrus and all betrayers who were fearfull of the mysterie off living a brave true unconditional love live full of forgiveness. To become ONE with GO(o)D again? and whole again
    Using his loving hands, love, wisdom and faith, peace , joy, with others healing qualities knowing that hé was good enough after healing.
    Life is a mysterie , everyone will stand AL(L-)ONE
    To learn (y)our own lessenserie like Jezus Christ.
    Do you hear ME CALL your NAME?
    It will FEEL like HOME.
    Nu eerst echt leren thuiskomen in jouw eigen HART(gevoelens) niet steeds weer willen thuiskomen alleen in andermans HART.
    Jumping from one to another Afraid of being alone and not loved.
    Dat is eenzijdig en niet gelijkwaardig en met plezier.
    Van mens(3d) nu naar the HIGHER calling vd ziel op aarde (5 d).
    Life will bring you on your knees.
    Hou niet vast aand de mensen maar houdt het bij jouw eigen persoonlijke groei van angst naar liefde. Van mens naar meer beZIELING.
    De overgave en losbreek proces gewenst aan eigen heling vh eigen lijden. Stoppen met anderen de schuld te geven van jouw gevoelens. Heel jezelf en jouw eigen schaduwkanten en aandeel.v
    Neem deze verantwoordelijkheid en stop met klagen wat je allemaal v de ander deed. Dat deed je dus niet meer van harte💜Wees eerlijk en hou je vast aan GOD, het Licht, de waarheid.
    Do your own job and let orhers Do theirs.
    Moving forward.
    Karma is playing out and will expose , bring to the light what is going on. So it is a good idee to be honest and bring to light who you truely are inside.
    Let god be the judge about what is good or what is evil, justice will be done. You can be sure of that. But you need Patience and faith to heal your own fair share.
    Life will allways bring you justice in Divine timing when you show you are really becoming a better humanbeing in your mind, heart and actions and heal your own pain, anger, fear, jealousy, self hate, addictions , mistakes etc.
    We all make them but we ALL learn in our own time not because you want the other to do what you want onky?
    Take back your GOD given power and start seeing the truth about yourself and heal your own fear, judgement, poor me, insecurity, anger, jealousy erc. The moment you blame the other you give your GOD power away(energy).
    Keep growing yourself that s the only way to more peace and heart connecties.
    If you dont want to be teached life AMD GOD will teach you untill you understand your own fear and projection to others so you have someone to blame but you dont feel better at ALL.
    Be wise and take your fair share for the conflict.
    Believe that you will receive guidance on your path to self discovery and then take action. Do your part. 🙏💚🙏💜
    Liefs Sonja de Heer
    Psychic Medium
    Truth Seeker & Speaker
    Energy Healer & Spiritual Guide

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