Fantastic video as always! I love Lorapetalum and attempted growing Ruby in my zone 7 yard. They were in a wind protected spot, but didn’t thrive and then the deer ate them…lol. Your space is so beautiful and your content is always helpful. Many thanks to you both.
@GardenKath Ditto! I even looked up Purple Pixie to see if by chance it might survive in my yard in central KY which has been “upgraded” from 6b to 7a. It’s rated 7a (0° to 10°) but I do not trust the new zone designations; we had subzero temps in early Winter so I guess loropetalums are a no go for me. ☹️
Because of you introducing me to these plants I now have 5 different varieties in my landscape. Love these plants. They are so hardy and I keep them in full sun her in California zone 9b. I selectively hand prune each one when needed. I have not sheared or thought about it at all yet. My plants are all approximately 3 years old and thriving. Thank you for the introduction to what I would say is my favorite colored shrub in my landscape.
Jim's terrible pruning video earned you a new subscriber! I love this idea of seeing how others use them in their yards and giving us some thoughts on it. I'm looking to train one into a smallish tree. I have several as their natural form, they are so happy in N FL zone 8b. Great plant!
Here in San Diego, Zone 10b, my Purple Daydream Loropetalum is vigorously in full bloom for the first time. It was in a part shade location last year and I was ready to give up on it. Figured I had nothing to lose by moving it to its present sunnier spot. Second chance worked out well.
Such beautiful shrubs. I like pruning mine by hand using pruning shears too, I love preserving the natural form of the plant. My favs are Zhuzhou and Carolina Midnight, my new favorite is the Jazz Hands variegated.
This is a great day for Jim, for Loropetalum is his one true plant love 💘 It’s certainly a beauty though. Mine are all so heavily blooming that I can barely see the foliage.
My mother has many of these around her Durham NC home, in bloom now. Saw a lot of them on our trip back from the beach today too. Some of the ones in this video are stunning!
Thanks to you I have a Purple Diamond in the backyard. I’m adding a Purple Daydream to the front this year. Would love to add Purple Pixie somewhere and that Emerald Snow. They look great all year, the flowering is just a bonus for me.
Chiming in for San Diego zone 10. Yes, these grow very well here. Unfortunately, most are grown around business establishments and their landscaping companies trim them into perfect squares that they are not allowed to bloom. I am currently looking for the Pixie one.
I inherited a group of 3 loropetalum planted about 6ft apart out in the full sun. They've lost most of their purple color but I still love them. I gave up on trying to keep them small a while ago and have been tree-forming them over the past 3 years - they are easily 12+ feet tall and solid pink with flowers right now. Absolutely stunning. 🤩
Yay! One of my absolute favorites! Because of your recommendations, I now have Emerald Snow, Carolina Midnight, and a Red Diamond. I plan to plant as many varieties as I can find. I would love to create a tunnel with some larger varieties, as you described. 😊
I love the loropetalum. Years ago my parents planted them along the fence line for a screen and they are just beautiful. Must be at least 20 feet tall. I planted 3 in my full sun back acre and the summer sun just scorches them. I’ve come to realize that even if something states full sun, unless it is a tree, here in my area of north Fl it will require some afternoon shade.
That wall of ruby loropetalum is gorgeous. I’ve never seen them so thick growing like that. Absolutely amazing with all those blooms. I have the purple diamond and i don’t know if it will bloom this year. It’s still alive in the back yard but only gets afternoon sun. It’s the one I’m going to move next month into the front flower bed as per your advice. I’m in zone 7b SETN and I’ll be honest I don’t see them often here. Now if I go over the state line into GA I see them much more often.
Mine is pruned to a tree. No leaves below 7 ft and an umbrella top about 14 ft wide. It was planted in 2009. It carries blooms for about 3 months late winter into spring and in the fall from about Halloween till New Year's. When I want more I just stick my trimmings in the dirt and walk away. By pruning time next season roughly 50 per entire have rooted and ready to dig and move where I want them. I'm in Bladen county just south East of you.
We have a long tall hedge of lorapetalum overhanging the driveway of our new house. My son scraped his car on them backing out. You answered my question about when to prune. Thanks!
In my yard, all of the Loropetalum are absolutely our herds of deer resistant which thrills us but I have the white one that you have in your yard and the deer heavily munch on that one. Thank you so much Jim for your wonderful information, I look forward to sitting down and enjoying your great presentations.
I absolutely adore Loropetalum and have quite a collection going! Deer don't eat mine, but they are my dog's favorite plant to snack on 😂. (He's an odd one...probably not something most people have to worry about. 😂)
My loropetalum are blooming the best they’ve ever bloomed this year. I don’t know if it’s because I had to really hard prune them last year after that weird winter weather. I can see one from my front door and when the early morning sun hits it, it just glows. We have never noticed that in the 8 years we’ve lived here. The previous owner definitely planted a lot of them, some not in the best spots, so I have limbed up some. I hope this freeze Monday night doesn’t kill all the flowers.
I love all of the varieties! The recent winter blast destroyed 1/2 of my Loropetalum shrub. I killed the purple Daydream when I moved it into a pot and forgot to water it.
I have four Loropetalum shrubs. I purchased them around 2021. The tag called it Plum Gorgeous, and they are indeed gorgeous! The fringe is a lighter pink than the ones in this video. Other than giving them a haircut when needed, I do nothing at all to them. I don't even water them here in zone 8b. A favorite for sure!
I checked all your videos and decided on a ruby for a screening plant. It’s in a little shade, but still has beautiful flowers. I’m hoping it has enough sun to look good this summer. Beautiful plants.
Love all the information about this wonderful plant!! Here in the Shelby Co. area of west TN, zone 8a we've had some issues the last couple of winters with the single digit temps damaging ours.
Here in Arkansas and also had a really tough last 2 winters. Actually lost 8 mature (10+ years) shrubs over last 2 winters bc of weather. Sad and expensive !
I'm south of Nashville too. I planted them fall of 2022 and the winter blast did a number on them. Mine haven't bloomed yet. When should they bloom around here? I figure the artic blast set them back. @@sheilakethley5351
I have an Ever Red Lotopetalum that is blooming like it was established 4-5 years ago! 🤩🌱 (Just planted it 11/23 in NC). I adore the bright red fringe flowers with the almost black foliage. In hindsight I probably should have bought an ever red mini, but since the one I have is planted under a second story window I think it will still look great in the long run. 🤞🏾
I’ve seen giant loropetalum in Leu Gardens in zone 10a Orlando, FL and they look good but don’t put on quite the flowering show. They still flower but more sporadically throughout the year rather than one big show. Mine in zone 9b a little north of Orlando have put on a small flowering show as well but after this past winter where it only got down to 35° they seemed a bit confused.
Love your channel. Wish you would put the Zone range in the title. It is so hard to see something so pretty and get 3/4 of the way through the video only to find out that I'm too cold
There's a beautiful new variegated variety, "Jazz Hands," I added to my garden last spring. It experienced a bit of transplant shock and has reverted to purple, no varigation at all on this spring's new growth. Very disappointed.
I had to comment again on this one because I keep thinking about that tunnel you described. I’ve seen the cattle panel/t-post idea to create a garden arch (could use those round moon gates if someone had more to spend on it). Someone could get the larger loropetalum and perhaps train them on the arch to create a long tunnel (or short). To me, that seems easy since they are so flexible while growing, so I may just try it! Maybe with Carolina Midnight or Ruby. 🤔 Thanks, again!
Some previous owner of our house planted loropetalums in front of our living room windows and they wanted to be trees unless coerced by a full-time gardener. We replaced them with sasanqua October Magic Ruby. Less maintenance. Some neighbors have new horizontal growing varieties, but I’ve been burned by older varieties.
Love my loropetalums, thanks to you! They don’t care for west winter winds in our 7a. Could you make suggestions for plants that tolerate west winter winds zone 7 in an upcoming q&a or separate video? I learned the hard way with 20 plus encore azaleas.
I have a purple variegated I would have to look at the tag. It’s beautiful though. Lavender flowers with pale white, green, wine colored variegation on leaves. Need to get in ground.
Hey Jim I've been pulling out 20yr+ Ruby Loropetalum that haven't aged well throughout our development and replacing them with the variety Red Chocolate it has the year round deep burgundy (chocolate) foliage with red blooms and being a semi- dwarf stays closer to the 6-8 foot range.
Thank you so much for the info on Loropetalum. I have 3, one is Purple Day dream in too much shade and another is a 6 footer whose name I forget. I wondered how to prune them. I also have Pixie which always looks on the edge of death! Possibly not enough water as it is trying to establish? I love finding out more about the plants that I have!
Hi there. Just saw this video and I was thrilled since I am now planning to shop for a loropelatum soon. Can you tell me which variety of a red would grow about 5’? Tops 6’? Thanks for any tips.
Whats great about Loropetalum is even if you sacrifice flowers for shape/size its still a winner with the purple to burgundy foliage...Ive decided to use pixie a little more than daydream in the small gardens. I like the color better on the pixie...
Hi Jim, I love the video and all of the examples! I would like to plant lorapetulum under some giant cedars that were limbed up too high, costing me my privacy from my neighbors. The lorapetulum would get southern sun through the cedars but shade on the north side of them. Do you think that wouid be a good option? I thought about smoke bush or elderberry, too. They would be in a slight slope where rain tends to run off. Zone 8B Dallas. Also, how long do the blooms last? Are they pretty short-lived?
I saw your disclaimer regarding deer, and it brings to mind a theory I've been working on. We are driving deer out of their natural habitats, so they are starving. A starving animal will need to eat, even if it's not what they prefer. I see woodland disappearing at an alarming rate where I live, and it makes me nauseous.
Hi Jim. This video was so timely. We were at the nursery today looking for foundation shrubs that are deer resistant. This is our 4th planting in 10 years. Ended up buying Winter Gem Boxwoods this time and looking at adding the Purple Pixies in front. We live in southern Wake Co and with all the building the deer will eat most anything. My husband does try to keep them sprayed but we see 3-6 in our front yard almost every night. Any suggestions as far a plants or other deterents? Thank you!
I LOVE this plant. I have 2......they both look dead and we were only down in the 20's. I am in zone 8b (in the Willamette Valley in Oregon). Have no idea what happened to them. They are my favorite!! And of course they are nearly impossible to get here. (Salem, OR) My one year old one looks dead and my 3 year old looks dead too. I am so sad. Having purple foliage is just beautiful in the yard. Do you think I did something wrong???
Sadly they are very “iffy” in zone 7 NW TN. I am trying again with Zhou Zhou, which I have been told, is tougher. It’s an older one that gets big. That’s what I needed where I put it. 🤞🏻
I would LOVE to have a Purple Daydream 💜💜💜 but sadly they’re outside my Zone 6 area. Anyone have experience trying them in this zone??? Enjoyed the video anyway 😊
Timely. Earlier this week I attempted to murder a giant Carolina Midnight (I think) on my property line that had overgrown after not being cared for by the previous owner. I’m so glad you’re not the pruning police. When I got into it, there were a lot of crossing branches and the inside just didn’t look healthy. Didn’t help there was a privet trying to invade the back side. Can I just hard prune it and really ‘clean it up’? Or maybe tree form so I can get at the interior and keep it better inspected (I’m in 8b if it matters)
Great vid! I have 2 that were hurt big time in our ‘arctic’ winter(Zone 7b-8a, Arkansas) a couple of years ago.(Also lost my gardenias then😭) I had to do a bunch of cutting back on them after that, but they are now doing beautifully. They are in mostly sun all day. Can’t remember the name, (think they are “Ever Red”), but mine have really dark purple/black leaves and bloom a gorgeous RED! The sun on them makes the flowers absolutely glow! Do I HAVE to prune them after flowering, or can I just leave them alone til maybe next year? If I prune after bloom, will it help them get bushier better? 😃
Great info, thanks! Zone 8a here, upstate SC... I have a variegated loropetalum that was planted 4 years ago as a foundation planting, and has never looked that great since it was planted. It gets full sun from about 1pm on. The beautiful variegated foliage is now only slightly variegated, more of a muddy brown. Am I doing something wrong, or is this just a plant that was a nice idea but not a great plant? 😆 I do fertilize with plant tone. And it's about 4' tall n wide.
I have a few loropetalums that are really scarce in the middle of them. I noticed last summer they dropped a lot of leaves.. not sure what’s wrong…maybe soil needing some amendments? What kind of soil do they like?
Do they support a lot of pollinators ? I found a loropetalum plant out here in tropical parts of India ! Trying to figure out how to help it thrive here.
Im looking to potentially a get a couple of these for my house but I have a problem area. It’s on the north side of the house so it gets very little sun in the winter and a lot of sun in the summer, in between two trees (the area gets very early morning sun, then mid day sun, and then evening sun broken up by the trees shadows which is about 6 hours of sun total) and then it’s also right on top of pipes that are about 2-3 feet below the soil. I’ve read these ones roots aren’t a problem and I can work around that but would this plant be recommended for that spot? I very much like the color of the leaves, the size, flower and that it’s evergreen.
My lorapetaleum has been struggling for years! I can't figure it out. I have on the SE side of my home, so plenty of sun. Dies all tge way back in winter but comes back in the spring. It was a rescue from a local nursery but its been 4 years and no growth. Zone 7 VA
Would this plant be somewhat salt tolerant? I'm in coastal SC and I see these everywhere. My problem is the cat population in my neighborhood pee and ruin my plants except my wildflower garden. Lost azaleas last year and have been hesitant on planting something new.
Can I grow Loropetalum in my zone? Sadly, no. Did I watch and enjoy the whole video anyway? Yes. 😄
Thank you so much!
Same here. But always, ALWAYS enjoy Jim and Steph's videos!!! Loving the Purple Daydream!! SOOO jelly!!!❤
Fantastic video as always! I love Lorapetalum and attempted growing Ruby in my zone 7 yard. They were in a wind protected spot, but didn’t thrive and then the deer ate them…lol. Your space is so beautiful and your content is always helpful. Many thanks to you both.
@@kathiesimpson571 I'm surprised you had trouble in zone 7. I thought these were hardier than that. Jim is in zone 7b i think.
Ditto! I even looked up Purple Pixie to see if by chance it might survive in my yard in central KY which has been “upgraded” from 6b to 7a. It’s rated 7a (0° to 10°) but I do not trust the new zone designations; we had subzero temps in early Winter so I guess loropetalums are a no go for me. ☹️
As a new landscape designer in East Texas, I’ve learned so much watching your videos over the past several years. I can’t thank you enough!
Because of you introducing me to these plants I now have 5 different varieties in my landscape. Love these plants. They are so hardy and I keep them in full sun her in California zone 9b. I selectively hand prune each one when needed. I have not sheared or thought about it at all yet. My plants are all approximately 3 years old and thriving. Thank you for the introduction to what I would say is my favorite colored shrub in my landscape.
If you don’t mind me asking, where did you find them? Was it at a local nursery, online or lowes/Home Depot type store?
Just wondering if you have acidic soil or more alkaline?
Fantastic video, really appreciate seeing the different varieties with an explanation on how lighting influences its growth habit!
❤hello everyone, Mr Jim putnam and Stephany. Beautiful flowers 😊.
My Favorite plant!! I am in love with the Dwarf Purple Pixie and the Daydream! Love this video! Thank you Jim and Stephanie!
Carolina Midnight, yay! Now I know what variety to use when I replace my forsythia.
Jim's terrible pruning video earned you a new subscriber! I love this idea of seeing how others use them in their yards and giving us some thoughts on it. I'm looking to train one into a smallish tree. I have several as their natural form, they are so happy in N FL zone 8b. Great plant!
Love the term “meatballing”, not heard it before, describes what happens so well!
lol it made me laugh but now I can’t un-see it! Reminds me of the term “meatball surgery” from the show M*A*S*H 😂!
Here in San Diego, Zone 10b, my Purple Daydream Loropetalum is vigorously in full bloom for the first time. It was in a part shade location last year and I was ready to give up on it. Figured I had nothing to lose by moving it to its present sunnier spot. Second chance worked out well.
Such beautiful shrubs. I like pruning mine by hand using pruning shears too, I love preserving the natural form of the plant. My favs are Zhuzhou and Carolina Midnight, my new favorite is the Jazz Hands variegated.
This is a great day for Jim, for Loropetalum is his one true plant love 💘
It’s certainly a beauty though. Mine are all so heavily blooming that I can barely see the foliage.
My mother has many of these around her Durham NC home, in bloom now. Saw a lot of them on our trip back from the beach today too. Some of the ones in this video are stunning!
I live in Durham and am about to plant some! That’s good to know.
They are all over Chapel Hill too!
Don’t have any but I am loving that Purple Daydream 💜
Thanks to you I have a Purple Diamond in the backyard. I’m adding a Purple Daydream to the front this year. Would love to add Purple Pixie somewhere and that Emerald Snow. They look great all year, the flowering is just a bonus for me.
I wonder if these. Loropedlun would grow in a big planter
Chiming in for San Diego zone 10. Yes, these grow very well here. Unfortunately, most are grown around business establishments and their landscaping companies trim them into perfect squares that they are not allowed to bloom. I am currently looking for the Pixie one.
I’m just waiting for a zone 6 cultivar. 😁
Zone 10, so cal. Mine are in full bloom. Full sun
I inherited a group of 3 loropetalum planted about 6ft apart out in the full sun. They've lost most of their purple color but I still love them. I gave up on trying to keep them small a while ago and have been tree-forming them over the past 3 years - they are easily 12+ feet tall and solid pink with flowers right now. Absolutely stunning. 🤩
How did they lose their color?
Yay! One of my absolute favorites! Because of your recommendations, I now have Emerald Snow, Carolina Midnight, and a Red Diamond. I plan to plant as many varieties as I can find. I would love to create a tunnel with some larger varieties, as you described. 😊
That's absolutely looks beautiful! Thanks Jim
8ve been shaping my red loropetalum for the past 9 years. Its growing bigger every season. It does need cutting back regularly. Jo from New Zealand 😊
I love the loropetalum. Years ago my parents planted them along the fence line for a screen and they are just beautiful. Must be at least 20 feet tall. I planted 3 in my full sun back acre and the summer sun just scorches them. I’ve come to realize that even if something states full sun, unless it is a tree, here in my area of north Fl it will require some afternoon shade.
Haha, I never even heard of Loropetalum until I subscribed to your channel. Now I have a purple pixie in my yard 😊. Thanks for sharing as always, Jim!
That is a happy loropetalum! Really likes that spot. Beautiful!
You've sold me on Loropetalum. I can't wait until i have a place where I can plant some!
Beautiful! My tree is about 3 ft tall now I just love the dark red leaves 😊
That wall of ruby loropetalum is gorgeous. I’ve never seen them so thick growing like that. Absolutely amazing with all those blooms.
I have the purple diamond and i don’t know if it will bloom this year. It’s still alive in the back yard but only gets afternoon sun. It’s the one I’m going to move next month into the front flower bed as per your advice. I’m in zone 7b SETN and I’ll be honest I don’t see them often here. Now if I go over the state line into GA I see them much more often.
Mine is pruned to a tree. No leaves below 7 ft and an umbrella top about 14 ft wide. It was planted in 2009. It carries blooms for about 3 months late winter into spring and in the fall from about Halloween till New Year's. When I want more I just stick my trimmings in the dirt and walk away. By pruning time next season roughly 50 per entire have rooted and ready to dig and move where I want them. I'm in Bladen county just south East of you.
I love loropetalums. I have 6 (2 varieties) in my landscape. Some of mine are already blooming, too.
Hi, I grow them in zone 10B and they do great, flower during spring and autumn
We have a long tall hedge of lorapetalum overhanging the driveway of our new house. My son scraped his car on them backing out. You answered my question about when to prune. Thanks!
Hi Jim . Your Loropetalum shrubs look amazing . I will plant it in my garden . Have a wonderful day .
In my yard, all of the Loropetalum are absolutely our herds of deer resistant which thrills us but I have the white one that you have in your yard and the deer heavily munch on that one. Thank you so much Jim for your wonderful information, I look forward to sitting down and enjoying your great presentations.
Try venison stew. 😉😅
I absolutely adore Loropetalum and have quite a collection going!
Deer don't eat mine, but they are my dog's favorite plant to snack on 😂. (He's an odd one...probably not something most people have to worry about. 😂)
My loropetalum are blooming the best they’ve ever bloomed this year. I don’t know if it’s because I had to really hard prune them last year after that weird winter weather. I can see one from my front door and when the early morning sun hits it, it just glows. We have never noticed that in the 8 years we’ve lived here. The previous owner definitely planted a lot of them, some not in the best spots, so I have limbed up some. I hope this freeze Monday night doesn’t kill all the flowers.
I love all of the varieties! The recent winter blast destroyed 1/2 of my Loropetalum shrub.
I killed the purple Daydream when I moved it into a pot and forgot to water it.
I’m on the hunt for one of those old varieties of green with white flowers that grew 20ft+ I wish they still propagated those.
I have four Loropetalum shrubs. I purchased them around 2021. The tag called it Plum Gorgeous, and they are indeed gorgeous! The fringe is a lighter pink than the ones in this video. Other than giving them a haircut when needed, I do nothing at all to them. I don't even water them here in zone 8b. A favorite for sure!
I checked all your videos and decided on a ruby for a screening plant. It’s in a little shade, but still has beautiful flowers. I’m hoping it has enough sun to look good this summer. Beautiful plants.
Excellent video. Thank you 🍃🌿
Thank you Jim and Stephany. Sure wish they were hardy in my area. 🪻💚🙃
Love all the information about this wonderful plant!! Here in the Shelby Co. area of west TN, zone 8a we've had some issues the last couple of winters with the single digit temps damaging ours.
Those are beautiful. I'll have to get some.
Brilliant very illuminating video. Thanks
Love ours BUT the last 2 winters in East TN have been rough on ours....they defoliate then take a bit to leaf back out
I’m south of Nashville, and my lorapetelums have really had a rough time. I’m sad for my favorite shrub.
Here in Arkansas and also had a really tough last 2 winters. Actually lost 8 mature (10+ years) shrubs over last 2 winters bc of weather. Sad and expensive !
I’m also in East TN and I got two last year. One didn’t make it but one is holding strong. Any advice for them?
I'm south of Nashville too. I planted them fall of 2022 and the winter blast did a number on them. Mine haven't bloomed yet. When should they bloom around here? I figure the artic blast set them back. @@sheilakethley5351
Is this safe in zone 7 nj
Thank you both !!
I have an Ever Red Lotopetalum that is blooming like it was established 4-5 years ago! 🤩🌱 (Just planted it 11/23 in NC). I adore the bright red fringe flowers with the almost black foliage. In hindsight I probably should have bought an ever red mini, but since the one I have is planted under a second story window I think it will still look great in the long run. 🤞🏾
I have enjoyed this video. It was a great help to me.
I’ve seen giant loropetalum in Leu Gardens in zone 10a Orlando, FL and they look good but don’t put on quite the flowering show. They still flower but more sporadically throughout the year rather than one big show. Mine in zone 9b a little north of Orlando have put on a small flowering show as well but after this past winter where it only got down to 35° they seemed a bit confused.
Love your channel. Wish you would put the Zone range in the title. It is so hard to see something so pretty and get 3/4 of the way through the video only to find out that I'm too cold
I just ordered a purple daydream last night!
There's a beautiful new variegated variety, "Jazz Hands," I added to my garden last spring. It experienced a bit of transplant shock and has reverted to purple, no varigation at all on this spring's new growth. Very disappointed.
I didn't mention the variegated one on purpose. I've yet to see one look good in the ground. Better container plant
I had to comment again on this one because I keep thinking about that tunnel you described. I’ve seen the cattle panel/t-post idea to create a garden arch (could use those round moon gates if someone had more to spend on it). Someone could get the larger loropetalum and perhaps train them on the arch to create a long tunnel (or short). To me, that seems easy since they are so flexible while growing, so I may just try it! Maybe with Carolina Midnight or Ruby. 🤔
Thanks, again!
Some previous owner of our house planted loropetalums in front of our living room windows and they wanted to be trees unless coerced by a full-time gardener. We replaced them with sasanqua October Magic Ruby. Less maintenance. Some neighbors have new horizontal growing varieties, but I’ve been burned by older varieties.
Love my loropetalums, thanks to you! They don’t care for west winter winds in our 7a. Could you make suggestions for plants that tolerate west winter winds zone 7 in an upcoming q&a or separate video? I learned the hard way with 20 plus encore azaleas.
I got 2 purple pixies for a hillside I hope they take off this spring 🤍🤍🤍
Great video buddy!!👍👍
We just recently got changed from zone 6B to zone 7A…. Think I am safe to grow a Purple Daydream???
5:26 patio construction update? 😊
I have a purple variegated I would have to look at the tag. It’s beautiful though. Lavender flowers with pale white, green, wine colored variegation on leaves. Need to get in ground.
Zone 10a California, I have some dwarf loraptetalum with a red color, they flower fine. Also I don’t water then in our dry summers and they don’t care
Hey Jim I've been pulling out 20yr+ Ruby Loropetalum that haven't aged well throughout our development and replacing them with the variety Red Chocolate it has the year round deep burgundy (chocolate) foliage with red blooms and being a semi- dwarf stays closer to the 6-8 foot range.
Thank you so much for the info on Loropetalum. I have 3, one is Purple Day dream in too much shade and another is a 6 footer whose name I forget. I wondered how to prune them. I also have Pixie which always looks on the edge of death! Possibly not enough water as it is trying to establish? I love finding out more about the plants that I have!
Hi there. Just saw this video and I was thrilled since I am now planning to shop for a loropelatum soon. Can you tell me which variety of a red would grow about 5’? Tops 6’? Thanks for any tips.
Whats great about Loropetalum is even if you sacrifice flowers for shape/size its still a winner with the purple to burgundy foliage...Ive decided to use pixie a little more than daydream in the small gardens. I like the color better on the pixie...
Establishing them is my hardest issue in Oklahoma I have a 50/50 chance over the first 3 years from planting. We have huge temp swings
Hi Jim, I love the video and all of the examples! I would like to plant lorapetulum under some giant cedars that were limbed up too high, costing me my privacy from my neighbors. The lorapetulum would get southern sun through the cedars but shade on the north side of them. Do you think that wouid be a good option? I thought about smoke bush or elderberry, too. They would be in a slight slope where rain tends to run off. Zone 8B Dallas. Also, how long do the blooms last? Are they pretty short-lived?
Oh wow the blooms are so pretty I want the green one with white blooms is their a purple with white blooms 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Now you’re talking. How gorgeous would that be!
I saw your disclaimer regarding deer, and it brings to mind a theory I've been working on. We are driving deer out of their natural habitats, so they are starving. A starving animal will need to eat, even if it's not what they prefer. I see woodland disappearing at an alarming rate where I live, and it makes me nauseous.
Hi Jim. This video was so timely. We were at the nursery today looking for foundation shrubs that are deer resistant. This is our 4th planting in 10 years. Ended up buying Winter Gem Boxwoods this time and looking at adding the Purple Pixies in front. We live in southern Wake Co and with all the building the deer will eat most anything. My husband does try to keep them sprayed but we see 3-6 in our front yard almost every night. Any suggestions as far a plants or other deterents? Thank you!
☕️🌳ENJOYED 🌳☕️
Thank you for showing us how to prune Lorapetulum!!!! Very helpful! You should get a dollar for every time you say L…😂
I LOVE this plant. I have 2......they both look dead and we were only down in the 20's. I am in zone 8b (in the Willamette Valley in Oregon). Have no idea what happened to them. They are my favorite!! And of course they are nearly impossible to get here. (Salem, OR) My one year old one looks dead and my 3 year old looks dead too. I am so sad. Having purple foliage is just beautiful in the yard.
Do you think I did something wrong???
My baby purple pixie is just budding up. Its its third summer coming up. I planted the area in 2022.
How are they with pollinators? What has been observed visiting if anything?
Sadly they are very “iffy” in zone 7 NW TN. I am trying again with Zhou Zhou, which I have been told, is tougher. It’s an older one that gets big. That’s what I needed where I put it. 🤞🏻
I would LOVE to have a Purple Daydream 💜💜💜 but sadly they’re outside my Zone 6 area. Anyone have experience trying them in this zone??? Enjoyed the video anyway 😊
Can the bacterial gall you talked about be spread to different types of plants as well? For example, a holly or camellia?
There are different galls. This one will get onto to oleander and olives.
@@JimPutnam thanks!!
Do they have any vase life for the blooms you just cut off?
Timely. Earlier this week I attempted to murder a giant Carolina Midnight (I think) on my property line that had overgrown after not being cared for by the previous owner. I’m so glad you’re not the pruning police. When I got into it, there were a lot of crossing branches and the inside just didn’t look healthy. Didn’t help there was a privet trying to invade the back side. Can I just hard prune it and really ‘clean it up’? Or maybe tree form so I can get at the interior and keep it better inspected (I’m in 8b if it matters)
Great vid! I have 2 that were hurt big time in our ‘arctic’ winter(Zone 7b-8a, Arkansas) a couple of years ago.(Also lost my gardenias then😭) I had to do a bunch of cutting back on them after that, but they are now doing beautifully. They are in mostly sun all day. Can’t remember the name, (think they are “Ever Red”), but mine have really dark purple/black leaves and bloom a gorgeous RED! The sun on them makes the flowers absolutely glow! Do I HAVE to prune them after flowering, or can I just leave them alone til maybe next year? If I prune after bloom, will it help them get bushier better? 😃
Just planted a carolina midnight. Hopefully, I can turn it into a tree.
Great info, thanks! Zone 8a here, upstate SC... I have a variegated loropetalum that was planted 4 years ago as a foundation planting, and has never looked that great since it was planted. It gets full sun from about 1pm on. The beautiful variegated foliage is now only slightly variegated, more of a muddy brown. Am I doing something wrong, or is this just a plant that was a nice idea but not a great plant? 😆 I do fertilize with plant tone. And it's about 4' tall n wide.
Can these be started from cuttings?
I have a few loropetalums that are really scarce in the middle of them. I noticed last summer they dropped a lot of leaves.. not sure what’s wrong…maybe soil needing some amendments? What kind of soil do they like?
Do they support a lot of pollinators ? I found a loropetalum plant out here in tropical parts of India ! Trying to figure out how to help it thrive here.
Im looking to potentially a get a couple of these for my house but I have a problem area. It’s on the north side of the house so it gets very little sun in the winter and a lot of sun in the summer, in between two trees (the area gets very early morning sun, then mid day sun, and then evening sun broken up by the trees shadows which is about 6 hours of sun total) and then it’s also right on top of pipes that are about 2-3 feet below the soil. I’ve read these ones roots aren’t a problem and I can work around that but would this plant be recommended for that spot? I very much like the color of the leaves, the size, flower and that it’s evergreen.
Do I need to fertilize my loropetalum?
What brand of pruners do you use?
Is this the same plant as Breynia?
Any purple ones yet for zone 5? or 6?
Which variety grows tallest/biggest in Houston/Texas area?
Not sure of the variety but sent a pic in a message
My lorapetaleum has been struggling for years! I can't figure it out. I have on the SE side of my home, so plenty of sun. Dies all tge way back in winter but comes back in the spring. It was a rescue from a local nursery but its been 4 years and no growth. Zone 7 VA
Would this plant be somewhat salt tolerant? I'm in coastal SC and I see these everywhere. My problem is the cat population in my neighborhood pee and ruin my plants except my wildflower garden. Lost azaleas last year and have been hesitant on planting something new.
I planted 13 purple pixie in about august 2022 along a stone wall (8a). They did great until winter. Temps too cold and they all died. So sad.
Oops purple daydream not pixie.
Can I trim my daydream back to make it fuller?