My stereotype is far more common than you think. It's the stereotype who watches this video,but has never played criminality once in his life, and we don't plan to play criminality ever.
I played it because flamingo played it and I thought the game when it was pay to play. I felt I had to play it, I eventually played it enough where I got good and got too far in to quit
Medic: -Heals anyone who is injured -Always have all the healing items in the inventory -Rarely Caries a weapon -Friendly to everyone -Have the entire Canadian Healthcare Budget
my stereotype is literally "realistic" like i dress up how almost anyone else would if criminality was real life. stuff like hoodie, something to cover the mouth, backpack (optional) and the behavior is avoid contact with strangers but if a friend is with you then literally attack everything you see.
Chaos creator: - Mainly finds ways to cause or create the most destructive things possible - Chill when I cannot find anything cool or funny to do - Randomly good at games - Learns really fast, very fast
My stereotype probably is kind rare-ish. I mainly just go around as a bright-colored noob avatar and try to make allies with other teams that seem better than me, and I mainly go for the teams that seem more chill that look like they won't attack me as soon as I get within a 100 tick radius of them location.
NPC + never attack first + revenge if get killed ( until they left the server) + saving money + 0 online friend play crim + hop on the game wandering around wait for someone to attack first repeat cycle edit: lowkey ahh psychopath
The F2P -Generally has little to no robux to spend on -Is either somewhat tryhardy but still has fun, or a noob -Made the avatar by going through the free catalog and usually have a good sense of fashion -May have exrta accounts, but they are all baconhairs cuz they are most likely too lazy to change them
Baconhair supporters -wears anything and must have bacon hair in all their avatar -friendly unless provoked (especially if friend got jumped or attacked or in trouble) -uses anything -uses their surroundings to their advantage -determinds the situation before fighting -mostly alone or with a few friends with them
My stereotype is >The person who just found about criminality thanks to you. >Has amazing experience with guns before even trying criminality >will try his absolute best to use loopholes/game problems to his advantage. >Will check every tip and tutorial video about criminality BEFORE even playing it >Will test said watched videos in servers and goof around first >Has a group server with 60+ friends (most are online friends; some are real life friends) who most of the are online 24/7 and ready to play a game if a homie gets ganged on. >The therapist >Has anger management >Will introduce his friends to the game so they can control a server >Nice and kind but toxicity happens, TWC (Toxic waste control) protocol will happen >Avatar style changes (as long as the avatar is worth ZERO robux because I don't like wasting real money on looks and would rather waste it on advantages) >If have enough money, Radio game pass will be the first game pass brought to play music (This will be updated once I test the game for real and see if I truly enjoy it or not)
And they shouldn’t play that shit show of a game. Don’t be fooled, that fucking game is a drug. You try it, you like it, and you get addicted and can’t stop playing it. LET ME OUT LET ME OOOUUUUUUUT
wearing a big hat covering the whole head with comically large mlg glasses, also a suit to fit the hat, trying to be friendly and healing people on casual
Emos: Subset of greyskins and rich - headless - pale skintone - y2k or grunge clothing - stretch resolution - either cheating or insane at the game - buys deagle or m4 - tracks people across the map from rooftops
Ultrakill fan -always type in chat phrase of favorite boss before attacking -have v1/v2 , Gabriel, prime bosses avatars -always use revolvers, shotguns, high fire rate weapon and RPG -if avatar v1 always slide trying to make them faster -if goes in rage change avatar to rage variant of enemy Item asylum/project moon player -always have uncertified combat dummy/any lobotomy corp character skin -if have radio play IA/LC music -they can be chill but sometimes rage -playing in criminality bc of slayer sword and necromancer's scathy but now blame owners bc they made that it removed from IA(f) Variation of IA/LC player -playing only in IA but wears Roland's shirt and pants for Gangnam style Roland edition(me)
-The Lone Survivor -Doesn’t really like toxicity -Absolutely just likes surviving -Wears stuff yiu would see in a COD mission -buys stuff like snipers, assaults, and no explosives. -Try’s to take out gangs and femboys that gang -Slight Rp, but just like an intro to the character or something like that
I am...Blackout: Revival player stereotype, that one who has been banned from Criminality for stupid reasons and decided to move to blackout, ik this is a crim vid, but I'm a blackout tryhard
you forgot one its the killer. They usually get melee like machete or axe and dress up as Jason Voorhees or Michel Myers and will either be really good with that weapon or trash.
Finally seeing some new Criminality content is really good, we haven't had any impactful content on the main game. The devs look like the Team Cherry team working on Silksong. PLEASE, IT HAS BEEN MORE THAS SIX YEARS, WE NEED NEWS.
i have a retro avatar, more specifically a guest, but don't really play competitive games because I can potentially rage, especially with my ping being over 200. and i think i just played criminality once, and then forgot about it. All i remember was trying to rob some kinda bank idk (and got cooked in the pvp of course)
Random chill guy -their probaly just a chill guy and if you make him mad he would turn into an killing machine -their probaly just new to game and just cheking the game out
You forget one type of stereotype character. Unpredictable. Maybe either chill as hell or the worst person that you may ever met The worst player you Will ever met. Or. A litteral devil menaces that can annihilate gang by themselve. And that is the..... Original characther Avatar player Rarity: common-legendary Combat capability: normal-terminator Behavior: super chill-rabid devils dogs Preffered weapon: all Armor preference: tier 1-3 Tactic: depends on the player How to counter: depends on the type of player
So far, I feel the sweat of some of these stereotypes rubbing all over my face like Vaseline through this screen. It is questioning as well as intriguing.
experienced friendly grinder: -Heals anyone who is an ally -Have healing item's in inventory in case of a fight -Have all kinds of weapons in inventory -always with a lock picker for grinding -never kill without a reason -always chill (sorry if my english is bad, i'm Brazilian, i know english, but not too much)
New Stereotype: OC -you're either ass or really good at the game - You're usually chill unless you're constantly provoked in an toxic environment - You prefer to play casually or like running around causing havoc for no reason
My stereotype is a casual player who uses a simple skin with no robux and is pretty bad with weapons of any kind but tries to dominate any server he is on.
I'm basically that one guy who sees a guy playing or talking about a game, and basically just wants to play the game because they see how cool or amazing the game is.
The Robloxian: has SHIT aim and almost no skills wonders around the map gets scoped by a e-boy or try-harder is ALWAYS in a "normal" looking avatar below level 20 Bloxburg is one of his fav games
I'm dress a guys with a top hat, gas mask, all black, bullet proofs vest, playing with a voice changer tactucal style and i scav and protect The Hangar area as a sort lf guard of the place. I dont think i'm unique but more like a mix of buch of thing but the thing i didnt take any idee on the outfit of someone else. And i forgot i have 3M monney and lvl 24
12:20 so using an E.G.O form of myself in a lore with a anchor, bloodfiend race, a coffin with chains and a sword its a secret steriotype? Cool Btw can you make a guide for newbies? Im kinda new as well with level 6
Stereotype: random Napoleon fan lmfao (me) -wears french regiment clothing -has the messiest hair known to man -has no fucking experience in criminality -no aim -idiotic -yaps in every single game I don't personally think my stereotype is common or rare, I don't see much people just wearing french or napoleonic clothing :P
my stereotype is a green fella mostly like the classic stereotype and I mostly play solo but if I were to find a person the same as me we’d both team up and just chill and chat with eachothers
Im like all over the place because im like - level 85 - has decent skills - sometimes locks in and gets 1200 bounty with fire axe, tec, ithica or other weapon that you dont find with bounties - 3 mil that were legit grinded - likes snipers and melees more then other guns - hates almost 65% of stereotypes that were mentioned - solos or duos or trios the game - opens creates all the time i dont want to waste cash on weapons - is chill when others are chill - spares those who deserves it
Bro homelander in criminality is crazy but I think you should add the samurai type lol because I bet there probably some tho! Lol yo-sincerely eazye01045
my stereotype is the type of person who will try to help people and always try to make freinds but get stabbed in the back and i will still trust them even though it was on perpous but besides that im kinda chill not trying to start fights and just really bad
I'm missing one: this one is not seen much on servers in countries other than Mexico but they are people who dress as if they belonged to a cartel (Northeast cartel or Sinaloa commonly) only use the AKM and hammers and then there are those I call "crazy marines" who are people dressed as Mexican soldiers who kill them with a hammer
If [ you ] are alone?. Grind. If [ you ] got injury. Heal. If [you] got teamed by gang. Kill them If [you] dont have friends No. U have the heart and.. family cares about [you] soo thats why. If u play criminality. This is ur day. I guess :V
Hunter… Weapons: Sniper ride (any kind), MP5, binoculars + going for high bounties only + mostly chill with people (other then bounty) + have 1 or 2 friends to help them + rank 40+
The first ever OS GUI that Microsoft created, was Windows 1.0. The OS was of course run on simple MSDOS under the hood, which did all the GUI. Microsoft knew and said themselves that Windows 1.0 wasn’t even a proper OS, as it was actually just text with specific distance between each other and colored. The next OS, was of course, Windows 2.0. It was released in 1987, and it was basically the same thing, but with a major thing added: Multitasking. It was as barebones as it could be, you couldn't even have 2 windows open on the screen, as there was no concept of "windows" yet. It, as the last OS, was not really used anywhere, while Apple, on the other hand, in 1984, years earlier, released its Macintosh with a proper GUI that was actually competent enough to have 2 windows on the screen at the same time. Going on with Windows, in 1990, Windows finally released a competent OS with actual WINDOWS in it, and it didn’t look like an eyesore to people. It had its own normal color pallet, Paint, Word, and all programs you would want. And actual bloody Internet Explorer, for business only. The internet was very dull and empty at the time, it has no search engine even, because pcs back then costed like a house and people didn’t understand the concept of the internet. Fast forward to 5 years later, Windows 95 came out. The OS was a giant upgrade from the initial Windows 3.0, because it didn’t just have windows, it actually had a first in the world TASKBAR. Yes, the our beloved/hated taskbar came out in 1995, after 3 Windows releases. Windows 95 also had built in browser for home edition too! This is the time when internet kickstarted, people discovered Yahoo, or the full name "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle". The thing we now take for granted, explorer, now had icons! There were none before that (except windows 3.1 of course)! Also, the Start was a revolutionary feature. Like you could just press 1 button and access all your programs?! Wow! Also, at the same time, PCs got cheaper, which was great, because now, more people could find out about PCs! Fast forward 3 years, we have Windows 98. By Microsoft’s words, it wasn’t really like a full Windows, but instead an upgrade. However, the OS had introduced a lot of features, like built in USB support! Previously, you had to go and get the drivers for the USB from somewhere, but not anymore. Also, same year, Google was released to the internet! It was now fighting with Yahoo, that came out earlier. Spoilers, Google won in 2010s. Anyways, The OS now had some other revolutionary features, like Windows Update, Disk Cleanup, and Multi Monitor Support. The OS was so successful, that the next year, Microsoft released Windows 98: Second Edition! I wrote it myself (i got too much reseach on this)
My stereotype is i give out free money like 500 dollars to someone random i call it the money man i either do that to not get enemies or when I am just feeling kind
You Forgot the TF2 types :) there are 2 types 1st : the ones that use the weapons that are in TF2 2nd : the could use what ever weapons they wants so its like the cosplayers but skilled
Honeslty I ain't that kind of guy who likes to cosplay or look like a tryharder and stuff but my avatar is just, literally me, based off of what i like to wear irl
You forgot one very important one, the "headless". Fake headless, maybe korblox. Deagles, aks, and M4s. They seem higher level than they actually are, and they are so sweaty that cars on the road slip on the sweat.
The i dont even know: -never strikes the first hit -Doesnt use op guns like a4 and stuff and mainly uses the main stuff like the uzi etc -Likes to secretly watch all the high level guys fight -tries to make peace and form gangs. i think i can handle my self but i still like having a little buddy to tag along with :D -mainly walcks around the map robbling places and killing a few people
Military avatar stereotype is on point for roblox in general. Several other games Ive gone in Ive seen military acatars either be the chillest dudes in existence or toxic waste dumps, nowhere in between.
My stereotype is just like a chill dude,dark clothing,plays alone (mainly,not always),melee dude,doesn't really kill (can it want),mid with guns,and just a normal player
my avatar is based off of Miles Morales with a santa hat. it has an orange shirt with the Eugene fish from roblox Warm Isolation. I would say this is a 40% rare - 80% legendary
There is also another. Maybe include it in a future video? (this is one i mainly play as.) its a roleplaying one. Called... Civilian. I literally have basic conversations, and rarely kill. And if i were to get downed i would beg for mercy, even telling my attacker that i would give them money, so. Yeah, basically a walking free kill.
“The Normal Noob” Rarity: Rare-Epic -Preety bad at the game -Just trying to have fun -If you attack me I attack you playstyle -Reasonably forgiving Or my second stereotype: “Not the main character” Rarity: Uncommon -Blasts anime music to “lock in” in but almost always fails -Super excited/happy when the “main character stunt or action” works out
Gangsters : +I usually dress up with my friends like gangsters and we usually do what gangsters do and we usually humble some people +money : we have many money like gangsters we usually save up + rank : we have high ranks and we always have runners +strategies : she have best IQ (not like nerds) we sometimes be smart and sometimes dumb but we always have a solution for the problems
I think my avatar stereotype (if it is one) simple and vibrant. This is similar to the classic stereo type but if it was more in a 2018 type of refined look with the outfit and accessories biased around the avatar’s personality and traits! For example as for one of my outfits called Azure has The R6 body with light blue skin, used items like the Blue hair, Glee, John’s Scarf, Oakley’s Shirt, and Black Jeans with Sneakers. Not only does the Glee face represent his personality but also does the blue tropical flower on his head! :]
the dripman: - mysterious - never uses voice chat - can easily get good at the game even if never played once - dangerously manipulative when wanted - gambles his life - making kills without being noticed like sort of an hitman. - always wears a suit, a cap and classic sunglasses - R6 avatar - plays the game for fun and doesn't try hard on everything he sees - friendly . oh I have other 3 stereotypes: Frank: He's frank Bob: He's bob Marcopollo: He's Marcopollo
Hmm, tough choice for me since I change avatars a lot I guess I got to go for Chill Scene -Wears scene outfits mostly all the time -Plays the game just for fun -Say gg every time I get killed -Don't rage at the game at all -Uses just a bit of Robux for in game items -Give someone free stuff randomly (unless their toxic)
my steriotype is the one who wears a normally cool avatar and puts at least one thing goofy on it. I'm scared to fight anyone alone, but the second my friend joins, i grow nuts.
My stereotype is -didnt know about this game but when find it start playing it -dont really want to try to get into fights or to fight with others noobs just to test the little trashy skill -friendly everytime and would happy to help someone -doesnt have robux but the avatar is cool anyway -is chill and sometimes doesnt care about the others So it just the kind of a chill guy that would help anyone but get anrgy sometimes
My stereotype is far more common than you think. It's the stereotype who watches this video,but has never played criminality once in his life, and we don't plan to play criminality ever.
keep it that way
fuck criminality
@@tvdiskothe good ending, don’t get yourself involved in the acid waste that crim is🫡
@@tvdisko i joined this sinful game because of you're videos
I played it because flamingo played it and I thought the game when it was pay to play. I felt I had to play it, I eventually played it enough where I got good and got too far in to quit
-Heals anyone who is injured
-Always have all the healing items in the inventory
-Rarely Caries a weapon
-Friendly to everyone
-Have the entire Canadian Healthcare Budget
Literally me, but don't mention Canadians, I won't forget what they did to my kameraden in 1918
@@CIvecktor Canned Grenades
@@Danzel_Gaming mmmm yummy explosive filling and shrapnel
Medic gang foreva!
TF2 medics is real
@@loopcheems2153 Jawohl!
my stereotype is literally "realistic" like i dress up how almost anyone else would if criminality was real life. stuff like hoodie, something to cover the mouth, backpack (optional) and the behavior is avoid contact with strangers but if a friend is with you then literally attack everything you see.
That is the random avatar feature in the options menu
That's my Stereotype,.
@@mikeharbath3928 no i think literal casual wear, stuff you'd wear irl, sure the stuff random av offers is similar but they do have masks and stuff
Same. I dress up as the guy based on the intro
Really amazing but there is one problem : i'm poor
Chaos creator:
- Mainly finds ways to cause or create the most destructive things possible
- Chill when I cannot find anything cool or funny to do
- Randomly good at games
- Learns really fast, very fast
You and me both brother
My stereotype probably is kind rare-ish. I mainly just go around as a bright-colored noob avatar and try to make allies with other teams that seem better than me, and I mainly go for the teams that seem more chill that look like they won't attack me as soon as I get within a 100 tick radius of them location.
My only stereotype is that i never kill without a reason. yeah thats it
This is true, except I play blackout.
@@somerandomperson6856and then when you put on operator you get photon acceled, after you do, you unleash hell with the skyfalls
Depends, i kill when my friends are killed an i'm usually pretty chill
do you start wars without reason /ref
damn bro i never kill with a reason
+ never attack first
+ revenge if get killed ( until they left the server)
+ saving money
+ 0 online friend play crim
+ hop on the game wandering around wait for someone to attack first
repeat cycle
edit: lowkey ahh psychopath
introvert be like
@ fr
found my stereo type.
my morality doesnt let me attack people like that
The F2P
-Generally has little to no robux to spend on
-Is either somewhat tryhardy but still has fun, or a noob
-Made the avatar by going through the free catalog and usually have a good sense of fashion
-May have exrta accounts, but they are all baconhairs cuz they are most likely too lazy to change them
Metal cover od Paparazzi by lady gaga@@LALALALALALALALALA_bivch
@ dawg send me a link I CANT FIND IT
thats me and I am not happy
Well done, you explained the noob with extra steps.
Baconhair supporters
-wears anything and must have bacon hair in all their avatar
-friendly unless provoked (especially if friend got jumped or attacked or in trouble)
-uses anything
-uses their surroundings to their advantage
-determinds the situation before fighting
-mostly alone or with a few friends with them
-probably master of dodge and lean
-maybe professional in guns before even playing the game
I'm a noob, and a noob skin, i want to get a job, but when i go into a place to even get a job, they kill me
My stereotype is
>The person who just found about criminality thanks to you.
>Has amazing experience with guns before even trying criminality
>will try his absolute best to use loopholes/game problems to his advantage.
>Will check every tip and tutorial video about criminality BEFORE even playing it
>Will test said watched videos in servers and goof around first
>Has a group server with 60+ friends (most are online friends; some are real life friends) who most of the are online 24/7 and ready to play a game if a homie gets ganged on.
>The therapist
>Has anger management
>Will introduce his friends to the game so they can control a server
>Nice and kind but toxicity happens, TWC (Toxic waste control) protocol will happen
>Avatar style changes (as long as the avatar is worth ZERO robux because I don't like wasting real money on looks and would rather waste it on advantages)
>If have enough money, Radio game pass will be the first game pass brought to play music
(This will be updated once I test the game for real and see if I truly enjoy it or not)
I played roblox since 2017 so this is legit me looolllll
(BTW my avatar isn't a furry, but a beacon hair with some cloths that makes it look teenage)
what a nice way to tell 50% of all roblox community not to play this game
And they shouldn’t play that shit show of a game. Don’t be fooled, that fucking game is a drug. You try it, you like it, and you get addicted and can’t stop playing it. LET ME OUT LET ME OOOUUUUUUUT
Gay gooner detected
Yes please don’t play it
10:43 “not much info has been collected on these species” my now favorite quote
“You will never see a furry that is playing by him/herself”
*My ahh who is fighting for my life with a tec-9 and bat all alone*
- find about the game
- plays it
- get abused
- watch tutorial videos
- Prepare for revenge
- go for revenge
- get abused again
wearing a big hat covering the whole head with comically large mlg glasses, also a suit to fit the hat, trying to be friendly and healing people on casual
Subset of greyskins and rich
- headless
- pale skintone
- y2k or grunge clothing
- stretch resolution
- either cheating or insane at the game
- buys deagle or m4
- tracks people across the map from rooftops
Ultrakill fan
-always type in chat phrase of favorite boss before attacking
-have v1/v2 , Gabriel, prime bosses avatars
-always use revolvers, shotguns, high fire rate weapon and RPG
-if avatar v1 always slide trying to make them faster
-if goes in rage change avatar to rage variant of enemy
Item asylum/project moon player
-always have uncertified combat dummy/any lobotomy corp character skin
-if have radio play IA/LC music
-they can be chill but sometimes rage
-playing in criminality bc of slayer sword and necromancer's scathy but now blame owners bc they made that it removed from IA(f)
Variation of IA/LC player
-playing only in IA but wears Roland's shirt and pants for Gangnam style Roland edition(me)
@@Justarandomguy1529 ultrakill mentioned.
pretty sure that ties into cosplayer
-Gabriel avatars have a 20% chance to just be homosexuals who type in gay alternatives to their voice lines
thats just cosplayer
Indie game glaze is crazy
Y'know what's funny, I watched this video, and joined Criminality for the first time, and my pc actually genuinely sucks. Good job bro. (Greyhead)
-The Lone Survivor
-Doesn’t really like toxicity
-Absolutely just likes surviving
-Wears stuff yiu would see in a COD mission
-buys stuff like snipers, assaults, and no explosives.
-Try’s to take out gangs and femboys that gang
-Slight Rp, but just like an intro to the character or something like that
i love being a payday cop or medic, along being able to absolutely fry gojo as the payday medic :fire: (thanks for including me in the final video)
I want to be a cloaker in Roblox
i usually dress up as the murkywater guards
5:36 note: using a female avatar gives you a plus 1.5x difficulty modifier
I am...Blackout: Revival player stereotype, that one who has been banned from Criminality for stupid reasons and decided to move to blackout,
ik this is a crim vid, but I'm a blackout tryhard
What's blackout, some new Dandy's World gamemode?
@@Caning-z5pare you a retard?
Bro what is that currency
I rock classic avatars and you are right I'm pretty humble and a chill guy, great vid and new sub :D
4:48 Fun fact: one of the greyheads has a shirt with "death to snitches" written in Polish
How the fvck bro like hired a lot of Players to show their avatars in the criminality Game??
@Mattthetutel alr.. imma try to join his discord soon..
you forgot one its the killer. They usually get melee like machete or axe and dress up as Jason Voorhees or Michel Myers and will either be really good with that weapon or trash.
I don’t even play criminality, but I do play half life.
Did you buy it during the 100% sale? ( I did )
half life tops
Play crim
@@Cactuskingb3st No.
My stereotype is the one who try to makes friend and just be the good guy, but will make your life a living hell if you messed once
That’s so corny dawg wtf 😭
“My name is dark shadow” ass comment
Finally seeing some new Criminality content is really good, we haven't had any impactful content on the main game. The devs look like the Team Cherry team working on Silksong.
i have a retro avatar, more specifically a guest, but don't really play competitive games because I can potentially rage, especially with my ping being over 200.
and i think i just played criminality once, and then forgot about it. All i remember was trying to rob some kinda bank idk (and got cooked in the pvp of course)
tysm disco for being a man of your words and doing lotta giveaway, i recently had 10K robux from you, i cannot thank you enough
yes !
can she make grilled cheese
I love these stereotypes vids
Where iz giveaway👵🤑
9:56 *Sensei and Hoshino get brutally beaten to their death by gang members, 2024 colourized.*
10:45 everyone but the bucket guy and sunglasses guy look classic, they stick out like sore thumbs
Random chill guy
-their probaly just a chill guy and if you make him mad he would turn into an killing machine
-their probaly just new to game and just cheking the game out
when you are swarmed by toxic furries but you're just a chill guy
@doofus-the-doofus fr that's me i'm new to criminality then i see an gang with tier2-tier3 with automatic guns
10:59 NAH the hell is Curly doing here 🙏😭
You forget one type of stereotype character.
Maybe either chill as hell or the worst person that you may ever met
The worst player you Will
ever met. Or. A litteral devil menaces that can annihilate gang by themselve.
And that is the.....
Original characther Avatar player
Rarity: common-legendary
Combat capability: normal-terminator
Behavior: super chill-rabid devils dogs
Preffered weapon: all
Armor preference: tier 1-3
Tactic: depends on the player
How to counter: depends on the type of player
soooo uhhh whens next dvn uptade comeing
3:20 3 furrys and 1 goofy ahhh tony the tiger
2 furrys, 1 Tony THE Tiger and 1 Gregorya FROM regretevator
Tony the tiger solos🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥@@o_vagaba2.7
Tony tyson vs jaket paul
@@o_vagaba2.7 🤓 urm, actually it's "Gregoriah" 👆🏽
So far, I feel the sweat of some of these stereotypes rubbing all over my face like Vaseline through this screen. It is questioning as well as intriguing.
experienced friendly grinder:
-Heals anyone who is an ally
-Have healing item's in inventory in case of a fight
-Have all kinds of weapons in inventory
-always with a lock picker for grinding
-never kill without a reason
-always chill
(sorry if my english is bad, i'm Brazilian, i know english, but not too much)
Bro Clanners should be in common because of how much they are😭
all skins are good unless tvdisko wears them..
- Sun Tzu
he no say that
New Stereotype: OC
-you're either ass or really good at the game
- You're usually chill unless you're constantly provoked in an toxic environment
- You prefer to play casually or like running around causing havoc for no reason
Literally me
Cool, literally the most vague
Thing I have ever seen
My stereotype is a casual player who uses a simple skin with no robux and is pretty bad with weapons of any kind but tries to dominate any server he is on.
I'm basically that one guy who sees a guy playing or talking about a game, and basically just wants to play the game because they see how cool or amazing the game is.
I’m a mix of a common and a uncommon avatar I’d say cus I got pal hair but I got some edgy special forces clothing on or sum (also a clanner)
6:36 Its not fuel for the channel, its more electricity for your tv head
Its diesel for diesel generator
The Robloxian:
has SHIT aim and almost no skills
wonders around the map
gets scoped by a e-boy or try-harder
is ALWAYS in a "normal" looking avatar
below level 20
Bloxburg is one of his fav games
My stereotype is just a chill dude who just fights normally and some times gets a bit annoyed from getting killed and ALWAYS getting targeted.
I'm dress a guys with a top hat, gas mask, all black, bullet proofs vest, playing with a voice changer tactucal style and i scav and protect The Hangar area as a sort lf guard of the place. I dont think i'm unique but more like a mix of buch of thing but the thing i didnt take any idee on the outfit of someone else. And i forgot i have 3M monney and lvl 24
12:20 so using an E.G.O form of myself in a lore with a anchor, bloodfiend race, a coffin with chains and a sword its a secret steriotype? Cool
Btw can you make a guide for newbies? Im kinda new as well with level 6
bro is not manifesting E.G.O 😭🙏
Stereotype: random Napoleon fan lmfao (me)
-wears french regiment clothing
-has the messiest hair known to man
-has no fucking experience in criminality
-no aim
-yaps in every single game
I don't personally think my stereotype is common or rare, I don't see much people just wearing french or napoleonic clothing :P
Ah yes, The "Historian" a person who dresses like a person who is in the Napleonic wars or American Civil War.
You aren't the only one y'know? there is one at 12:45
9:34 "who dont know how to play with themselves" interesting choice of wording sir
my stereotype is a green fella mostly like the classic stereotype and I mostly play solo but if I were to find a person the same as me we’d both team up and just chill and chat with eachothers
new stereotype - that guy
- high level
- does not fight unless provoked
- jack of all trades
Im like all over the place because im like
- level 85
- has decent skills
- sometimes locks in and gets 1200 bounty with fire axe, tec, ithica or other weapon that you dont find with bounties
- 3 mil that were legit grinded
- likes snipers and melees more then other guns
- hates almost 65% of stereotypes that were mentioned
- solos or duos or trios the game
- opens creates all the time i dont want to waste cash on weapons
- is chill when others are chill
- spares those who deserves it
Bro homelander in criminality is crazy but I think you should add the samurai type lol because I bet there probably some tho! Lol yo-sincerely eazye01045
my stereotype is the type of person who will try to help people and always try to make freinds but get stabbed in the back and i will still trust them even though it was on perpous but besides that im kinda chill not trying to start fights and just really bad
Clean original:
People that dont want to be associated with anybody or anything and is just a chill guy
Don’t come to school tomorrow.
“i got a M16 an AK47 a SPAS-12 and a P90” -this guy probably
i feel called out and i feel good about it, subscribed
Anime cosplayers get humbled so hard everytime I play crim😭
1:31 I genuinely wasn't expecting them out of all stereotypes 💀
-nuff said
-Never dies
-Tells funny jokes
-Most people dont even fire at bro
“You got a bone to pick with me?”
1:43 Seems like you have been one.
Bro every single time I play a fighting game there’s always a furry/femboy who’s always trynna groom that local bacon like 😔
It's the other way round for me lol everyone tries to smash me when I go afk
I just wanna play dude DX
They r always disgusting ,horrendous, ugly gooners
6:02 probably a guy in disguise
Absolutely true
I'm missing one: this one is not seen much on servers in countries other than Mexico but they are people who dress as if they belonged to a cartel (Northeast cartel or Sinaloa commonly) only use the AKM and hammers and then there are those I call "crazy marines" who are people dressed as Mexican soldiers who kill them with a hammer
3:29 atleast im not mentally unstable 😂, very nice vídeo btw
If [ you ] are alone?. Grind.
If [ you ] got injury. Heal.
If [you] got teamed by gang. Kill them
If [you] dont have friends
No. U have the heart and.. family cares about [you] soo thats why. If u play criminality. This is ur day. I guess :V
do it jiggle when you walk?
Hey bro you russian
no i’m not
feel sigma
Weapons: Sniper ride (any kind), MP5, binoculars
+ going for high bounties only
+ mostly chill with people (other then bounty)
+ have 1 or 2 friends to help them
+ rank 40+
The first ever OS GUI that Microsoft created, was Windows 1.0. The OS was of course run on simple MSDOS under the hood, which did all the GUI. Microsoft knew and said themselves that Windows 1.0 wasn’t even a proper OS, as it was actually just text with specific distance between each other and colored. The next OS, was of course, Windows 2.0. It was released in 1987, and it was basically the same thing, but with a major thing added: Multitasking. It was as barebones as it could be, you couldn't even have 2 windows open on the screen, as there was no concept of "windows" yet. It, as the last OS, was not really used anywhere, while Apple, on the other hand, in 1984, years earlier, released its Macintosh with a proper GUI that was actually competent enough to have 2 windows on the screen at the same time. Going on with Windows, in 1990, Windows finally released a competent OS with actual WINDOWS in it, and it didn’t look like an eyesore to people. It had its own normal color pallet, Paint, Word, and all programs you would want. And actual bloody Internet Explorer, for business only. The internet was very dull and empty at the time, it has no search engine even, because pcs back then costed like a house and people didn’t understand the concept of the internet. Fast forward to 5 years later, Windows 95 came out. The OS was a giant upgrade from the initial Windows 3.0, because it didn’t just have windows, it actually had a first in the world TASKBAR. Yes, the our beloved/hated taskbar came out in 1995, after 3 Windows releases. Windows 95 also had built in browser for home edition too! This is the time when internet kickstarted, people discovered Yahoo, or the full name "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle". The thing we now take for granted, explorer, now had icons! There were none before that (except windows 3.1 of course)! Also, the Start was a revolutionary feature. Like you could just press 1 button and access all your programs?! Wow! Also, at the same time, PCs got cheaper, which was great, because now, more people could find out about PCs! Fast forward 3 years, we have Windows 98. By Microsoft’s words, it wasn’t really like a full Windows, but instead an upgrade. However, the OS had introduced a lot of features, like built in USB support! Previously, you had to go and get the drivers for the USB from somewhere, but not anymore. Also, same year, Google was released to the internet! It was now fighting with Yahoo, that came out earlier. Spoilers, Google won in 2010s. Anyways, The OS now had some other revolutionary features, like Windows Update, Disk Cleanup, and Multi Monitor Support. The OS was so successful, that the next year, Microsoft released Windows 98: Second Edition! I wrote it myself (i got too much reseach on this)
My stereotype is literally just seeing everything i can on youtube and adapting, in order to dominate and become the best
My stereotype is i give out free money like 500 dollars to someone random i call it the money man i either do that to not get enemies or when I am just feeling kind
You Forgot the TF2 types :)
there are 2 types
1st : the ones that use the weapons that are in TF2
2nd : the could use what ever weapons they wants
so its like the cosplayers but skilled
i like my avater and also your content is good keep up the good work.
Honeslty I ain't that kind of guy who likes to cosplay or look like a tryharder and stuff but my avatar is just, literally me, based off of what i like to wear irl
You forgot one very important one, the "headless". Fake headless, maybe korblox. Deagles, aks, and M4s. They seem higher level than they actually are, and they are so sweaty that cars on the road slip on the sweat.
The i dont even know:
-never strikes the first hit
-Doesnt use op guns like a4 and stuff and mainly uses the main stuff like the uzi etc
-Likes to secretly watch all the high level guys fight
-tries to make peace and form gangs. i think i can handle my self but i still like having a little buddy to tag along with :D
-mainly walcks around the map robbling places and killing a few people
5:21 is so real with the phantom forces mascot tho and i cant lie phantom forces is amazing
The introvert
Usually play alone
Are generally pros
Very chill dudes
chill guy: doesnt have any weapons, is chill with anyone, says gg's when killed
Military avatar stereotype is on point for roblox in general. Several other games Ive gone in Ive seen military acatars either be the chillest dudes in existence or toxic waste dumps, nowhere in between.
very chill and meme guy
also the video was great
My stereotype is just like a chill dude,dark clothing,plays alone (mainly,not always),melee dude,doesn't really kill (can it want),mid with guns,and just a normal player
Damn, that's a pretty good video!
my avatar is based off of Miles Morales with a santa hat.
it has an orange shirt with the Eugene fish from roblox Warm Isolation.
I would say this is a 40% rare - 80% legendary
There is also another. Maybe include it in a future video? (this is one i mainly play as.) its a roleplaying one. Called... Civilian. I literally have basic conversations, and rarely kill. And if i were to get downed i would beg for mercy, even telling my attacker that i would give them money, so. Yeah, basically a walking free kill.
“The Normal Noob”
Rarity: Rare-Epic
-Preety bad at the game
-Just trying to have fun
-If you attack me I attack you playstyle
-Reasonably forgiving
Or my second stereotype:
“Not the main character”
Rarity: Uncommon
-Blasts anime music to “lock in” in but almost always fails
-Super excited/happy when the “main character stunt or action” works out
Gangsters :
+I usually dress up with my friends like gangsters and we usually do what gangsters do and we usually humble some people
+money : we have many money like gangsters we usually save up
+ rank : we have high ranks and we always have runners
+strategies : she have best IQ (not like nerds) we sometimes be smart and sometimes dumb but we always have a solution for the problems
Fun fact about retro: 99% of people who use retro avatars have a INSANELY BUFFED chance of being a child under 10
I think my avatar stereotype (if it is one) simple and vibrant. This is similar to the classic stereo type but if it was more in a 2018 type of refined look with the outfit and accessories biased around the avatar’s personality and traits! For example as for one of my outfits called Azure has The R6 body with light blue skin, used items like the Blue hair, Glee, John’s Scarf, Oakley’s Shirt, and Black Jeans with Sneakers. Not only does the Glee face represent his personality but also does the blue tropical flower on his head! :]
the dripman:
- mysterious
- never uses voice chat
- can easily get good at the game even if never played once
- dangerously manipulative when wanted
- gambles his life
- making kills without being noticed like sort of an hitman.
- always wears a suit, a cap and classic sunglasses
- R6 avatar
- plays the game for fun and doesn't try hard on everything he sees
- friendly
oh I have other 3 stereotypes:
He's frank
He's bob
He's Marcopollo
Hmm, tough choice for me since I change avatars a lot
I guess I got to go for Chill Scene
-Wears scene outfits mostly all the time
-Plays the game just for fun
-Say gg every time I get killed
-Don't rage at the game at all
-Uses just a bit of Robux for in game items
-Give someone free stuff randomly (unless their toxic)
my steriotype is the one who wears a normally cool avatar and puts at least one thing goofy on it. I'm scared to fight anyone alone, but the second my friend joins, i grow nuts.
Basically: You want to watch out for the retros, they tend to have played for a long time and thus have plenty of awareness
My stereotype is
-didnt know about this game but when find it start playing it
-dont really want to try to get into fights or to fight with others noobs just to test the little trashy skill
-friendly everytime and would happy to help someone
-doesnt have robux but the avatar is cool anyway
-is chill and sometimes doesnt care about the others
So it just the kind of a chill guy that would help anyone but get anrgy sometimes