Please don't insult the BELA ROOS comparing it to a Dutz. Bought mine brand new in 1993, still have it. My tractor has never, l mean "NEVER" has failed to start, great tractors 💪PS always reinstall cotter pin in bellhousing. The most neglected brand out there
Originally this is T-40. This tractor produced in Russia's Lipetsk. Anyway it's very cool to see soviet tractor in foreign countries.
The best and most reliable tractors 🚜 I have Belarus tractor myself
Yes its t40 u got withaut cab there are ltz 40 and ltz55 they are exsect šiame tracktors aš this One exsept cab sizes
Please don't insult the BELA ROOS comparing it to a Dutz. Bought mine brand new in 1993, still have it. My tractor has never, l mean "NEVER" has failed to start, great tractors 💪PS always reinstall cotter pin in bellhousing. The most neglected brand out there