Da siciliano è la prima volta che sento questa bellissima lingua rumancia! Ci vuole una coalizione europea per la tutela di tutte queste lingue "minoritarie" e non nel senso dispregiativo. :-)
Come svizzero tedesco che parla anche italiano capisco molto e sarebbe veramente un vero peccato se scomparisse questa nostra bella lingua per via della germanizzazione. L'engadina alta ormai è più tedesco che romancio.
@@RolandodellaValle La germanizzazione è durata una 40ina di anni e ha fatto danni Ma attualmente da qualche anno è partito il processo di revitalizzazione e molti romanci che non parlavano la lingua la stanno studiando. Può solo crescere
Foarte frumos! Îmi doresc să promovați cât mai mult limba reto-romană și vreau să văd când mai multe videoclipuri cu în această limbă minunată . Un salut și o îmbrățișare din România🤗🇷🇴
Grüezi aus Brasilien. Ich war schon mal in Engadin lange her... aber nie Rätoromanisch gehört. Ich kann ca. 70% davon verstehen, da Portugiesisch meine Muttersprache ist.
Hace tiempo me sonó y ahora me gustaría aprenderla pero es poco lo que hay en Español sobre la lengua Rumantsch, me suena fascinante y es esa prima del Español que necesita ser más promovida. No la dejen morir!!! I heard about the language a couple of years ago and now I want to learn it, there's few info in Spanish (maybe in English) about the Rumantsch. I found it fascinating and it's this Spanish cousin that should be more promoted among the Ibero relative languages. Don't let it die!!!
Still a curious language, i'm a native french speaker and speak italian too, what a singing mix! I think i understand around 80% of what they are talking ^^ Hope this will never die. :/
Fascinating to watch, having first seen written Romansh in 1990. I have a passive understanding of Italian, through French, Spanish and Portuguese, so can pick up Romansh through that, and a passive understanding of German, making the subtitles a mixed blessing.
Il Romancio è una lingua bellissima e interessantissima. Continuate a parlarla, scriverla e proteggerla! Trovo molto bello il fatto che mi ricordi altre lingue del Nord Italia e di altre parti dell'Europa latina, come: Ladino, Friulano, Lombardo, Occitano e Catalano. Addirittura ho sentito una espressione che mi è suonata simile a "hoy en dia" in spagnolo, ma magari mi sbaglio. La pronuncia è leggermente influenzata dal tedesco. Veramente interessante, fa venire voglia di impararla. Saluti dall'Italia!
@@sam00374 jeje. This language is really beautiful. There are three languages that I love : occitan, maltese and romantsch, and I dont want them to die
@@renijaviermolinarodriguez933 I love those languages too, I actually speak Piedmontese language which is quite close to Occitan (Which is also spoken in my region in Northern Italy)
Como español y amante de las lenguas románicas, es un placer escuchar por primera vez el retorrománico o romanche. Entiendo relativamente bien la lengua oral y prácticamente todo de la lengua escrita. Me suena similar al italiano.
Bonjour de Lausanne. Je ne comprends pas le Romanche, mais c'est très joli. Et j'entends un mélange de suisse-alémanique et d'italien. Un parfait mélange linguistique. :) Hop Suisse!
Salve! Eu admittidamente considero aquesta lingua la chus singular dentre aquell'outras do grupo italico, aquesto é, las linguas latinas. Eu espero que Tu te dignes de postar chus contento concernente aquesta interessante lingua. Calorosos amplexos a vos todos!
That will never happen. It's a mainly useless language that hasn't even introduced basic grammar rules in most parts. And they can't even communicate with speakers in Italy or elsewhere.
@@multa7053 Maybe a stimulous to take a rumantsch-course? 😛 But of course we're happy to help you with the translation of the text above: /This is not quite correct.. the rumantsch language is a good base to learn other languages, such as italian i.e. Kind regards/
@@rtrfilms880 I live in Trentino, in Italy. I already speak Italian and German. We‘ve got the Ladin language and it‘s basically the local Rumantsch. I don‘t speak it because it‘s simply useless. As far as I can tell, the Ladin language sounds way more German than Rumantsch. And I know for a fact that Ladin people have a hard time when communicating. I think we got 3 different official Ladin dialects in Trentino and they can‘t understand each other. The language didn‘t have grammar rules or anything like that 20 years ago. It‘s not a dead language and I hear it a lot, but it‘s artificial and without money and everything else it would be dead. Ladin is much easier to understand though and has big influences of German and Italian words. Funnily, in some valleys also English words. Even the oldest people use them. No idea where it came from. And translators even had to invent new words when translating books into Ladin etc. lol
Je ne parle pas le romanche mais j'ai l'impression qu'ils n'utilisent pas le même dialect dans cette interview. Est-ce qu'elle utilise le rumantsch grischun et lui, une autre variété de la langue? Son accent à lui me semble plus proche de l'italien.
Dear Sundeep, thank you very much for your comment. The best thing to do is watch our series "Metta da fein" on our channel - it has english subtitles. Otherwise we have a lot of material on rtr.ch. Kind regards, Flavio, RTR
Ist rätoromanisch so eine Art italienischer Dialekt? Also z.B. wie Deutsch und Schweizerdeutsch? Also verstehen sich Italiener und Rätoromanen untereinander halbwegs?
Danke für die Frage. Nein, Rätoromanisch ist eine eigene Sprache mit 5 Idiomen. Was dem Italienischen und dem Romanischen gleich ist - sie stammen aus derselben Familie. Beispielsweise heisst es auf romanisch (Sursilvan): buna sera - auf italienisch: buonasera. Solche Ähnlichkeiten gibts es viele. Chars salids
Interessant. Hört sich ein wenig an wie eine Mischung aus Italienisch, Rumänisch und (Schwyzer)Deutsch? Werde ich jetzt gehängt? Mir schienen doch ein paar Worte verwendet zu werden, die eher deutsch als romanisch sind?
hört sich ein bisschen wie Albanisch für mich an :) aber auch sehr ähnlich zu Italienisch und man hört den Bezug zur Schweiz , sehr Schön und authentisch. Grüsse von der deutschen allemanischen Seite des Bodensees 👍🏻
Qualcosa capisco di questa lingua molto molto bella .io che abito in Valsassina vi odo degli echi Lombardi di lingua lombarda di influsso Lombardo quando le genti si muovevano per queste montagne per lavoro per necessità per commercio. bravi!
Secondo Ethnologue, la lingua Lombarda ha 85% di somigliaza lessicale con il romancio. L'italiano ha 75%. L'immigrazione dei romanci in Lombardia porto un'influenza sulla lingua Lombarda.
Als Deutscher,der Latein in der Schule hatte,kann ich doch einiges verstehen,und es hört sich an,als ob deutschsprachiger Schweizer versucht, Italienisch zu sprechen,mit starkem schweizerischen Akzent,gemischt mit Latein! Sehr spannend! As a person from Germany, when I listen to it, sounds like someone from the german part of Switzerland tries to speak a language, something between Italian and Latin,with a strong swiss german accent! Sounds very interesting,and not that much difficult to understand,if you have had Latin classes in school!
Bom dia JV MS Pode aprender romanche no nosso belo cantão de Graubünden. Mas se quiser aprender à distância, pode contactar a Lia Rumantscha (www.liarumantscha.ch). Eles oferecem cursos. Para começar, também posso recomendar o nosso curso de introdução online. Dê uma olhada em www.rtr.ch/radio/tips-trics-e-tacs/pass-per-pass-curs-da-rumantsch-lecziun-10-da-10. (com um piscar de olhos) Melhores cumprimentos, Ursin RTR
The Dacians had a 🧔🏽 beard. The tribe of Dan was the Dacians. Barba means in Roemeens Beard. Those who wear beard are the Barbaren. Why did they wear a beard? Because they were the tribe of Dan, were from the line of Samson and did not cut their hair and beard short. It all makes sense. The Dacians were with beards. The Romanian peasants were beards 🧔🏽 up to the 19th century and spoke Romanians. Roemeens is the Dutch for Romanian, just as this Swiss dialect says it is called. See The Serpent's Trail of the lost tribes of Israel, the tribe of Dan. See also The Hebrew Origin of Serbs, by Stevan Tomovich Ph.D. Published by CNS
(Deutsch weiter unten) Hablo alemán como lengua materna y aprendí latín y francés en la escuela, luego aprendí portugués brasileño y español, además de un poco de italiano. Si la pronunciación es muy clara y no se habla demasiado rápido, entiendo mucho romanche, en este caso más del 90 por ciento. Ich spreche Deutsch als Muttersprache und habe in der Schule Latein und Französisch gelernt, Später habe ich dann brasilianisches Portugiesisch und Spanisch gelernt, dazu ein bisschen Italienisch. Wenn die Aussprache sehr klar ist und nicht zu schnell gesprochen wird, verstehe ich sehr viel Rumantsch, in diesem Fall mehr als 90 Prozent.
Rumatsch seems to be to italian what portugese is to spanish. (and somewhat also català) Sembra il rumantsch que fosse il portugese del italiano. A lot of words have "em" where italian they would have "n" at that spot, much of that "sh" sound of portugese and then words don't end in a vowel like in italian as it often is in català. But then it sounds like french forced them to pronounce their words like them but the people somewhat refused :D
@@rtrfilms880 i tried translating a rumantsch word once, and it became corsican lmao, i turned my google into romansh, and i saw some german words, and i translated it (detect language), and its tedesco lmao
Sapevo di questa lingua ma non mi ero mai soffermato a seguire un video o ascoltare il parlato per capire a quale lingua ufficiale Svizzera si avvicinasse,bhe per quello che ho sentito in questo video io trovo si avvicina tantissimo più all italiano mischiato con i dialetti nord con cui confina,ecco inganna secondo me la pronuncia che pare un tedesco/svizzero ma al fine di parole tedesche ne ho beccate pochissime Comunque mi auguro non vada con gli anni a scomparire ,le lingue sono sempre una parte di cultura tradizione e storia , sarebbe davvero un peccato non mantenerla viva e non valorizzarla.
Sì, la lingua rumantscha è davvero molto simile alla lingua italiana. Facciamo tutto il possibile per garantire che la lingua continui ad essere usata e parlata - specialmente anche con materiale audiovisivo da RTR. Un altro suggerimento: lei impara il romancio - allora saremmo già una persona in più... 😊
English version below Na, las rumantschas ed ils Rumantschs n'èn betg etnicamain specifics. La cuminanza da la lingua rumantscha è dapi passa 2000 onns ina gruppa fitg eterogena. Il communabel è però la lingua, ma er quella cun differentas varietads e tradiziuns. Ins pudess dir che ils e las Rumantschas fan part da la gruppa etnica pli gronda dals «pievels alpins». Speresch che quai gida tai e giavischel in bel di! - No, rumantsch people are not ethnically a specific group. Since 2000 years the rumantsch community has been a very heterogenic group. The common thing however is the language, but with many varieties and different traditions. One could say that rumantsch people belong to the ethnical group of alpine people. Hope this helps and wish you a nice day! Chars salids, Seraina, RTR social
Bellissima lingua, da friulano che parla anche il tedesco, capisco molto, manteniamo le lingue minoritarie, insegnamole ai nostri figli, che se si perdono si perde anche la cultura, mandi dal friûl!
This is how the transition was made from Romanian to Germanic languages? 🤯 Mind boggling. Btw. All romanic languages developed individually from each other out ofba protoromanian language Pre-Latin. It is not true that languages got Latinized. The best example is LaDin and Romanian having almost exactly the same numbers while in Latin is totally different, and while LaDin Dolomites and Romanians never ever met each other. Even more so is Romanian and Aromanian, Istroromanian and other types of Romanian languages from so called Vlachs that never met each other and developed independently of each other. While the romanic words they speak are exactly as in Romanian and not in Latin. What a huge lie they taught us that we were Latinized by the Romans. Romans occupied only 1/4 of Dacia for only 140 years, while the rest of Dacia was free. And yet the whole Dacian territory south from Danube to Nistru, speak Romanian. Romania was under Ottoman and Austria-Hungarian occupation for 500 respectively 300 years and yet no Romanians spoke any of these languages nor do they speak them today. All romance languages developed from a romanic language. Even Greek developed from Romaniek. But it was not Latin. Maybe even Rome came into existence due to the tribe with a name Roma. Just like the Gypsies. The whole Europe is colonized by the Dacians and Sarmatians that were the Lost tribes of Dan (Dacians) and the Samaritans. The tribe of Dan must have speak Romanian. As the first Jews in Greece call themselves also Romanians. It is complicated, but we all in Europe are a Semitic population. Dacians and the Sarmatians colonized Italy, Sardinia, Corsica, Scandinavia, Danmark, Holland, Ireland and Scotland, as well as Ukraine, Yugo-Slavia, Russia and Greece. Etruscans were Israel lost tribes that fled from Egypt. The tribe of Dan co-existed with Phoenicians. The Jews colonized Iberic Peninsula, France and Wallonia and England. It is a huge mess up. See The Serpent's Trail of the lost tribes of Israel. The lost tribe of Dan. See also The Hebrew Origin of Serbs. The Hebrew Origin of Serbs, by Stevan Tomovich Ph.D. Published by CNS
E' una lingua o un insieme di lingue.che sopravvivono grazie a importanti aiuti finanziari previsti anche dalla Costituzione federale. Poi, in realta' , per i diretti interessati sono idiomi che si sommano alla conoscenza del tedesco.
Nossa lingua è dapli che be ina lingua finanziada - e tut auter ch'il tudestg, il rumantsch deriva dal latin. Il rumantsch è ina lingua fitg particulara che vegn discurrida e vivida fermamain, cunzunt en il Grischun.
Da Italiano capisco quasi tutto è una lingua stupenda!
Viva la Svizra 🇨🇭 viva il Rumanch! Proteggete il Romancio!
Faciamo! Anche piace a noi 😀
Da siciliano è la prima volta che sento questa bellissima lingua rumancia! Ci vuole una coalizione europea per la tutela di tutte queste lingue "minoritarie" e non nel senso dispregiativo. :-)
Ciao Jei Sea, tanti saluti da Coira... noi diciamo sempre: tgi che sa rumantsch sa dapli! :)
Jau emprend il rumantsch da chasa, i èn passads dua u trais dis e jau poss gia dir insatge! Quest linguatg è mirveglius, u bellezza! 🦁🇨🇭
che bella lingua il romancio!! spero che la quantità di parlanti non la smetta di crescere. molto amore per la Svizzera, dall'Argentina
Tanti saluti nell'Argentina! Blers salids en l'Argentina. 🥰
Come svizzero tedesco che parla anche italiano capisco molto e sarebbe veramente un vero peccato se scomparisse questa nostra bella lingua per via della germanizzazione. L'engadina alta ormai è più tedesco che romancio.
@@RolandodellaValle La germanizzazione è durata una 40ina di anni e ha fatto danni
Ma attualmente da qualche anno è partito il processo di revitalizzazione e molti romanci che non parlavano la lingua la stanno studiando. Può solo crescere
Foarte frumos! Îmi doresc să promovați cât mai mult limba reto-romană și vreau să văd când mai multe videoclipuri cu în această limbă minunată . Un salut și o îmbrățișare din România🤗🇷🇴
Grüezi aus Brasilien. Ich war schon mal in Engadin lange her... aber nie Rätoromanisch gehört. Ich kann ca. 70% davon verstehen, da Portugiesisch meine Muttersprache ist.
More content on romantsch language.
We will give our best! A lot more content you find on www.rtr.ch/play
Remarkable language. It is definitly a Latin language, yet you hear many German influences. You also hear a German-Swiss tinge.
Sounds like a mix of German, Italian and Latin and perhaps some other languages...
Hace tiempo me sonó y ahora me gustaría aprenderla pero es poco lo que hay en Español sobre la lengua Rumantsch, me suena fascinante y es esa prima del Español que necesita ser más promovida. No la dejen morir!!!
I heard about the language a couple of years ago and now I want to learn it, there's few info in Spanish (maybe in English) about the Rumantsch. I found it fascinating and it's this Spanish cousin that should be more promoted among the Ibero relative languages. Don't let it die!!!
Still a curious language, i'm a native french speaker and speak italian too, what a singing mix! I think i understand around 80% of what they are talking ^^ Hope this will never die. :/
Grazia fitg per tes commentari... Tgi che sa rumantsch sa dapli :)
Desde Asturies con amor, guapa, guapísima esta llingua, gracies por enseñarnos la y suerte para conserva ya.
Fascinating to watch, having first seen written Romansh in 1990. I have a passive understanding of Italian, through French, Spanish and Portuguese, so can pick up Romansh through that, and a passive understanding of German, making the subtitles a mixed blessing.
Tgi che sa rumantsch sa dapli.... :)
Il Romancio è una lingua bellissima e interessantissima. Continuate a parlarla, scriverla e proteggerla! Trovo molto bello il fatto che mi ricordi altre lingue del Nord Italia e di altre parti dell'Europa latina, come: Ladino, Friulano, Lombardo, Occitano e Catalano. Addirittura ho sentito una espressione che mi è suonata simile a "hoy en dia" in spagnolo, ma magari mi sbaglio. La pronuncia è leggermente influenzata dal tedesco. Veramente interessante, fa venire voglia di impararla. Saluti dall'Italia!
Grazie mile! ❤ If you want to hear rumantsch daily, we suggest you to listen to our radiostation Radio RTR: rtr.ch/audio 📻
É uma língua bonita!.
Grazia fitg:)
It sounds like a drunk Swiss-German speaker trying to speak Italian, I love it
I don't agree. This language is really cute. It has a very interesting mixture. I love it !
@@renijaviermolinarodriguez933 that was supposed to be a joke :)
@@sam00374 jeje. This language is really beautiful. There are three languages that I love : occitan, maltese and romantsch, and I dont want them to die
@@renijaviermolinarodriguez933 I love those languages too, I actually speak Piedmontese language which is quite close to Occitan (Which is also spoken in my region in Northern Italy)
@@renijaviermolinarodriguez933 We agree on that!
Entendo algumas palavras e frases em romanche
Eu posso dizer o mesmo quando sou uma pessoa falante de catalão, castelão de português-galego e muito pouco de francês.
Como español y amante de las lenguas románicas, es un placer escuchar por primera vez el retorrománico o romanche. Entiendo relativamente bien la lengua oral y prácticamente todo de la lengua escrita. Me suena similar al italiano.
Cun nus va quai sumegliant, ins chapescha bain inqual chaussa ord linguas parentas a la nossa 😀 - Chars salids da Cuira 👋
Bonjour de Lausanne. Je ne comprends pas le Romanche, mais c'est très joli. Et j'entends un mélange de suisse-alémanique et d'italien. Un parfait mélange linguistique. :)
Hop Suisse!
Very interesting video, very interesting language.
King Regards from Upper Swabia (once part of raetia - a very long time ago)
Eu admittidamente considero aquesta lingua la chus singular dentre aquell'outras do grupo italico, aquesto é, las linguas latinas.
Eu espero que Tu te dignes de postar chus contento concernente aquesta interessante lingua.
Calorosos amplexos a vos todos!
Nus dain tut #perVus - adina 🙂
(We give everything for you - always)
I hope this language will be promoted in other countries, like Peru, in order to be known in the future. Really. Greetings from Lima, Peru.
That will never happen. It's a mainly useless language that hasn't even introduced basic grammar rules in most parts. And they can't even communicate with speakers in Italy or elsewhere.
Quai na constat betg dal tut.. la lingua rumantscha è ina buna basa per emprender autras linguas, sco p.ex. il talian. Chars salids
@@rtrfilms880 It makes a lot of sense to respond in a foreign language that can't even be translated (easily). Well done!
@@multa7053 Maybe a stimulous to take a rumantsch-course? 😛
But of course we're happy to help you with the translation of the text above:
/This is not quite correct.. the rumantsch language is a good base to learn other languages, such as italian i.e. Kind regards/
@@rtrfilms880 I live in Trentino, in Italy. I already speak Italian and German. We‘ve got the Ladin language and it‘s basically the local Rumantsch. I don‘t speak it because it‘s simply useless. As far as I can tell, the Ladin language sounds way more German than Rumantsch. And I know for a fact that Ladin people have a hard time when communicating. I think we got 3 different official Ladin dialects in Trentino and they can‘t understand each other. The language didn‘t have grammar rules or anything like that 20 years ago. It‘s not a dead language and I hear it a lot, but it‘s artificial and without money and everything else it would be dead. Ladin is much easier to understand though and has big influences of German and Italian words. Funnily, in some valleys also English words. Even the oldest people use them. No idea where it came from. And translators even had to invent new words when translating books into Ladin etc. lol
sound beautiful the romache,, is there one romanche book to learn?
The Hobbit is now being translated
Forza Romanci (e Romancio)! Una bellissima storia di sopravvivenza e orgoglio tra lingue più forti
Vocês compreendem arpitan e franco-contês?
Mi piace, molto familiare.
Viva le piccole grandi lingue 👍
Amur per las linguas - amore per le lingue
Je ne parle pas le romanche mais j'ai l'impression qu'ils n'utilisent pas le même dialect dans cette interview. Est-ce qu'elle utilise le rumantsch grischun et lui, une autre variété de la langue? Son accent à lui me semble plus proche de l'italien.
Il y a 5 dialects dans le romanche. Les mots peuvent changer fermement entre les langues.
Toutes les deux parlent "Sursilvan".
Cousins with romanian , italian , aromanian, Catalan, Ladin. Istro-romanian, portuguese, etc.
una famiglia
If I want to learn Romantsch, where can I learn it
Dear Sundeep, thank you very much for your comment. The best thing to do is watch our series "Metta da fein" on our channel - it has english subtitles. Otherwise we have a lot of material on rtr.ch. Kind regards, Flavio, RTR
@@rtrfilms880 thanks for the direction , currently I have knowledge of French , interested in learning Romansh
@@sundeepkumarpaulraj8381 Keep in touch!
Ist rätoromanisch so eine Art italienischer Dialekt? Also z.B. wie Deutsch und Schweizerdeutsch? Also verstehen sich Italiener und Rätoromanen untereinander halbwegs?
Danke für die Frage. Nein, Rätoromanisch ist eine eigene Sprache mit 5 Idiomen. Was dem Italienischen und dem Romanischen gleich ist - sie stammen aus derselben Familie. Beispielsweise heisst es auf romanisch (Sursilvan): buna sera - auf italienisch: buonasera. Solche Ähnlichkeiten gibts es viele. Chars salids
Thank you so much for the video. It's been my dream to listen to Romantsch since 1999. Such a beautiful language! This video has made my day
Grazia fitgun! Quai fa plaschair! 👍
Interessant. Hört sich ein wenig an wie eine Mischung aus Italienisch, Rumänisch und (Schwyzer)Deutsch? Werde ich jetzt gehängt? Mir schienen doch ein paar Worte verwendet zu werden, die eher deutsch als romanisch sind?
Intgins pleds vegnan en nossa lingua era dal tudestg, gea.
hört sich ein bisschen wie Albanisch für mich an :) aber auch sehr ähnlich zu Italienisch und man hört den Bezug zur Schweiz , sehr Schön und authentisch. Grüsse von der deutschen allemanischen Seite des Bodensees 👍🏻
È simile al rumeno e al friulano
Would love English subtitles…
Are they speaking Rumantsch?
Yes they're speaking rumantsch, the subtitles are in German 🙂
@@rtrfilms880 Yes, I just don't speak either but I am interested in what the documentary talks about. Such an interesting topic!
Qualcosa capisco di questa lingua molto molto bella .io che abito in Valsassina vi odo degli echi Lombardi di lingua lombarda di influsso Lombardo quando le genti si muovevano per queste montagne per lavoro per necessità per commercio. bravi!
Grazie ubain per rumantsch: Grazia :)
Secondo Ethnologue, la lingua Lombarda ha 85% di somigliaza lessicale con il romancio. L'italiano ha 75%. L'immigrazione dei romanci in Lombardia porto un'influenza sulla lingua Lombarda.
Mia mamma è di origine valsassinese, di dove sei? Io amo tanto il romanico! 😃
Als Deutscher,der Latein in der Schule hatte,kann ich doch einiges verstehen,und es hört sich an,als ob deutschsprachiger Schweizer versucht, Italienisch zu sprechen,mit starkem schweizerischen Akzent,gemischt mit Latein! Sehr spannend!
As a person from Germany, when I listen to it, sounds like someone from the german part of Switzerland tries to speak a language, something between Italian and Latin,with a strong swiss german accent! Sounds very interesting,and not that much difficult to understand,if you have had Latin classes in school!
Danke dir! Eine spannende Beschreibung unserer Sprache. 👍😉
@@rtrfilms880 Sehr gerne!😀👍
Ich sehe es eher umgekehrt, die heute deutschsprachigen Bündner haben immer noch einen starken romanischen Akzent ihrer ursprünglichen Sprache.
Klingt wie wenn ein Deutsch-Schweizer Italienisch spricht :D
Onde posso aprender essa língua?
Bom dia JV MS
Pode aprender romanche no nosso belo cantão de Graubünden. Mas se quiser aprender à distância, pode contactar a Lia Rumantscha (www.liarumantscha.ch). Eles oferecem cursos.
Para começar, também posso recomendar o nosso curso de introdução online. Dê uma olhada em www.rtr.ch/radio/tips-trics-e-tacs/pass-per-pass-curs-da-rumantsch-lecziun-10-da-10. (com um piscar de olhos)
Melhores cumprimentos, Ursin RTR
The Dacians had a 🧔🏽 beard.
The tribe of Dan was the Dacians.
Barba means in Roemeens Beard.
Those who wear beard are the Barbaren.
Why did they wear a beard? Because they were the tribe of Dan, were from the line of Samson and did not cut their hair and beard short.
It all makes sense.
The Dacians were with beards. The Romanian peasants were beards 🧔🏽 up to the 19th century and spoke Romanians.
Roemeens is the Dutch for Romanian, just as this Swiss dialect says it is called.
See The Serpent's Trail of the lost tribes of Israel, the tribe of Dan.
See also
The Hebrew Origin of Serbs, by Stevan Tomovich Ph.D. Published by CNS
(Deutsch weiter unten) Hablo alemán como lengua materna y aprendí latín y francés en la escuela, luego aprendí portugués brasileño y español, además de un poco de italiano.
Si la pronunciación es muy clara y no se habla demasiado rápido, entiendo mucho romanche, en este caso más del 90 por ciento.
Ich spreche Deutsch als Muttersprache und habe in der Schule Latein und Französisch gelernt, Später habe ich dann brasilianisches Portugiesisch und Spanisch gelernt, dazu ein bisschen Italienisch.
Wenn die Aussprache sehr klar ist und nicht zu schnell gesprochen wird, verstehe ich sehr viel Rumantsch, in diesem Fall mehr als 90 Prozent.
ich liewe di rumantsch Sprache, ❤️
Grazia fitg! Mehr zur Sprache findest auf unserer Website: rtr.ch
Rumatsch seems to be to italian what portugese is to spanish. (and somewhat also català)
Sembra il rumantsch que fosse il portugese del italiano.
A lot of words have "em" where italian they would have "n" at that spot, much of that "sh" sound of portugese and then words don't end in a vowel like in italian as it often is in català.
But then it sounds like french forced them to pronounce their words like them but the people somewhat refused :D
Per dapli infurmaziuns davart il rumantsch: rtr.ch
@@rtrfilms880 Much evidence Romansh is more Italian since the Raetian language and culture was developed from the Etruscans.
Ich kann das genug verstehen weil Ich Katalanisch und Italienisch spreche, wow
Quai fa grond plaschair! Chars salids
@@rtrfilms880 Quoi fais grand plaisir (Das klingt als Französisch jetzt)
Können sich eigentlich Rumantsch- und Ladinischsprachige verständigen ?
Je nach Wille :)
Da italiano, amo il romancio!
so the video is in romansh, but the youtube subtitles are in italian...
TH-cam creates automatically subtitles in italian, because italian is very close to rumantsch ;-) The integrated subtitles are in german though.
@@rtrfilms880 i tried translating a rumantsch word once, and it became corsican lmao, i turned my google into romansh, and i saw some german words, and i translated it (detect language), and its tedesco lmao
i wanna visit switzerland someday and try my multilingualism
bella lingua, ma mi sembra a volte di risentire la badante de mi' nonna quando telefonava alla madre in romania.
are they speaking romantsch?
Yes, they are speaking the 4th national language in Switzerland - Rumantsch! 😍
@@rtrfilms880 Wow, I'd like to learn it. Really. Greetings from Lima, Peru.
@@12341430 Check rtr.ch - there you'll find news in rumantsch!
Sapevo di questa lingua ma non mi ero mai soffermato a seguire un video o ascoltare il parlato per capire a quale lingua ufficiale Svizzera si avvicinasse,bhe per quello che ho sentito in questo video io trovo si avvicina tantissimo più all italiano mischiato con i dialetti nord con cui confina,ecco inganna secondo me la pronuncia che pare un tedesco/svizzero ma al fine di parole tedesche ne ho beccate pochissime
Comunque mi auguro non vada con gli anni a scomparire ,le lingue sono sempre una parte di cultura tradizione e storia , sarebbe davvero un peccato non mantenerla viva e non valorizzarla.
Sì, la lingua rumantscha è davvero molto simile alla lingua italiana. Facciamo tutto il possibile per garantire che la lingua continui ad essere usata e parlata - specialmente anche con materiale audiovisivo da RTR. Un altro suggerimento: lei impara il romancio - allora saremmo già una persona in più... 😊
As a romanian understand 50%.🎉
very nice! Tgi che sa rumantsch sa dapli...
AreRumantsch people ethnically specific
English version below
Na, las rumantschas ed ils Rumantschs n'èn betg etnicamain specifics. La cuminanza da la lingua rumantscha è dapi passa 2000 onns ina gruppa fitg eterogena. Il communabel è però la lingua, ma er quella cun differentas varietads e tradiziuns. Ins pudess dir che ils e las Rumantschas fan part da la gruppa etnica pli gronda dals «pievels alpins». Speresch che quai gida tai e giavischel in bel di!
- No, rumantsch people are not ethnically a specific group. Since 2000 years the rumantsch community has been a very heterogenic group. The common thing however is the language, but with many varieties and different traditions. One could say that rumantsch people belong to the ethnical group of alpine people. Hope this helps and wish you a nice day!
Chars salids, Seraina, RTR social
Bellissima lingua, da friulano che parla anche il tedesco, capisco molto, manteniamo le lingue minoritarie, insegnamole ai nostri figli, che se si perdono si perde anche la cultura, mandi dal friûl!
you speak latin for you are ceasar's heir of his empire♥️♥️♥️
Molto simile al friulano
Rico Valar = rich valah / romanian. In roamanian = roman avut.
Retoromaniche live most on mountains like old shepered romanians.
parece italiano y catalán a la vez.
Bella lingua, ricorda un po' il gardenese e sotto sotto si sente pure il friulano.
Gea, il friulan è era parent cun il rumantsch (sco era il ladin che vegn discurrì en las Dolomitas)
This is how the transition was made from Romanian to Germanic languages? 🤯
Mind boggling.
All romanic languages developed individually from each other out ofba protoromanian language Pre-Latin. It is not true that languages got Latinized.
The best example is LaDin and Romanian having almost exactly the same numbers while in Latin is totally different, and while LaDin Dolomites and Romanians never ever met each other.
Even more so is Romanian and Aromanian, Istroromanian and other types of Romanian languages from so called Vlachs that never met each other and developed independently of each other. While the romanic words they speak are exactly as in Romanian and not in Latin.
What a huge lie they taught us that we were Latinized by the Romans.
Romans occupied only 1/4 of Dacia for only 140 years, while the rest of Dacia was free. And yet the whole Dacian territory south from Danube to Nistru, speak Romanian.
Romania was under Ottoman and Austria-Hungarian occupation for 500 respectively 300 years and yet no Romanians spoke any of these languages nor do they speak them today.
All romance languages developed from a romanic language. Even Greek developed from Romaniek. But it was not Latin. Maybe even Rome came into existence due to the tribe with a name Roma. Just like the Gypsies.
The whole Europe is colonized by the Dacians and Sarmatians that were the Lost tribes of Dan (Dacians) and the Samaritans.
The tribe of Dan must have speak Romanian. As the first Jews in Greece call themselves also Romanians.
It is complicated, but we all in Europe are a Semitic population.
Dacians and the Sarmatians colonized Italy, Sardinia, Corsica, Scandinavia, Danmark, Holland, Ireland and Scotland, as well as Ukraine, Yugo-Slavia, Russia and Greece.
Etruscans were Israel lost tribes that fled from Egypt.
The tribe of Dan co-existed with Phoenicians.
The Jews colonized Iberic Peninsula, France and Wallonia and England.
It is a huge mess up.
See The Serpent's Trail of the lost tribes of Israel. The lost tribe of Dan.
See also
The Hebrew Origin of Serbs.
The Hebrew Origin of Serbs, by Stevan Tomovich Ph.D. Published by CNS
Salüc da les dolomits :)
Bun di! 😍
It sounds like Portuguese and German Swiss combined.
Far away from the mother language. Yet carrying the same name.
E' una lingua o un insieme di lingue.che sopravvivono grazie a importanti aiuti finanziari previsti anche dalla Costituzione federale. Poi, in realta' , per i diretti interessati sono idiomi che si sommano alla conoscenza del tedesco.
Nossa lingua è dapli che be ina lingua finanziada - e tut auter ch'il tudestg, il rumantsch deriva dal latin. Il rumantsch è ina lingua fitg particulara che vegn discurrida e vivida fermamain, cunzunt en il Grischun.
A lè un Lumbard streecc cunt un 30% de parol tudesk. Salut da Milano.
Chars salids enavos da Cuira 👋
Entende bem o romenche e o romeno...
Sembra rumeno con qualche parola italiana e qualche parole tedesca
tgi che sa rumantsch sa dapli
con tutto il riaspetto ma e' quasi peggio dello svizzero tedesco
punti di vista. Io trovo splendidi entrambi.