Retinol is the back bone of the ceruloplasmin protein which manages iron metabolism in the body. Retinoic acid makes sure copper get inside Ceruloplasmin. So liver should be ideal for dealing with iron in this regard. Along with blood donations.
@@Byrial can you email me please I am havin a issue My ferritin is 17 the rest of my iron panel looks good but my doctor said I’m at 31% saturation and he says he thinks I have iron overload in the blood I’m confused he wants to put me on IP six which I think might interfere with other nutrients like zinc copper minerals etc. so I’m afraid to use it my email is
My saturation was at 53 percent the last time I checked when I did my physical. The person who looked at my results just looked over it and said I was healthy since everything else was fine. Don’t put complete faith in what people say. I made an appointment with a hematologist to get it straightened out.
@@luke7144 Apparently there is a relationship with Vitamin C and Iron where Vitamin C. I was taking a “healthy greens powder” that had both. You may have to fact check me but a higher presence of vitamin c will cause a higher presence of iron to in the blood especially if you get large dosages of both from supplements. It took a while for it to go down though. Maybe a month.
@@Alesster101 yep spot on I have learned the same. When I found out about my iron and hemochromotosis genes I cut out my daily dose of Vit C for the same reason. Taking it along with a high iron meal simply boosts the amount of iron your body absorbs so it's best avoided if you have too high iron indices. My ferritin is within the normal range currently sat at 223, but my transferrin saturation is 91% LOL!
@@Alesster101 glad you got yours sorted and you saw it go down! I defo have an issue due to my genes for iron overload, so I'm likely soon to do the venesections to reduce my iron and then become a blood donor
Thank you!!! I am post menopausal for over a year now, and I’ve always had mineral absorption issues anyway… I think I’m developing an imbalance between my iron and copper… I made an appointment to donate blood in a couple of weeks and will continue to do that :-) I don’t eat red meat for lifestyle and ethical reasons, but I do like liver. it is good to know what to eat together and to do most of this through nutrition instead of taking random minerals because those are the ones that are very tricky to manage the balances between each of them. Thanks again :-)
I feel that the benefits of IP-6 out weigh the zinc deficiency problem, since it is easy to take supplemental zinc to bring levels up. Additionally, tests on people using IP-6 did not show mineral deficiencies, but showed marginally lower levels that could be managed with proper nutrition or supplementation. It is easier to add minerals than to get rid of iron.
When IP_6 is used properly, it isn't used with food, hence no binding of any minerals, however, taken on an empty stomach allows it to reduce free iron in the blood, and tests have shown no deficiency syndrome with minerals using the IP-6 this way. People like to parrot the 'IP-6 cause mineral deficiency' thing, but the studies have proven otherwise. In fact, since the refining of grains in our diet, we are more mineral deficient now than before when we ate whole grains with phytates, plus heart disease and cancer rates are higher now since we refined grains taking out the phytates. Could the reducing of the iron by phytates, iron reacts causing the fenton reaction and produces free radicals, have kept our disease rates low? If phytates are so bad, why is it when we have refined them out we haven't got healthier? And, please don't tell me because the whole world ferments their grains before they eat them, it is a great idea, but not representative of how the majority of the world eats, or has eaten grains.
The problem is finding actual phytic acid instead of phytate. All the IP6 I am finding is bound to calcium and magnesium(phytate) so it will not chelate any minerals or metals. Every IP6 product uses the same formula of being bound to calcium and magnesium as the product below which clearly states on thewebsite's FAQ that it does not chelate minerals. "Does IP6 chelate minerals? IP6 Gold uses calcium magnesium phytate as its source for IP6. This raw material is extracted though a multi-step process from non-GMO rice bran. It is important to point out that we are using phytate not phytic acid. Since calcium and magnesium are bound to this molecule, it has not been shown to chelate minerals as purified phytic acid does. This is the difference between the two. One has the potential to chelate minerals while the other does not since the minerals calcium and magnesium are already bound to it. The confusion over phytate and phytic acid is very common. If this were in fact true, the FDA would not have granted GRAS Status on IP6 as a dietary supplement. "
Thanks. My ferreting is 93. But my saturation % is high - at 61%. Iron is also a little high outside of range. It seems unlikely I have Hemochrome given my 93 ferretin. What should I do?
Heterozygous C282Y, here. So is our 26yo daughter. I happen to have iron overload.... donating regularly since 8/2016... saturation percentage & serum iron still too high! Argh! Before I knew better, I had elevated levels before then and my Dr NEVER BATTED AN EYE. Convinced they don't know what they don't know. Lab range is acceptable to them. NO! Get the full iron panel and manage yourself--donate blood, as needed.
Probably from a supplement. From systemic iron overload, it’s not a main symptom but you can’t rule out that it could be a secondary or tertiary consequence of other processes. So I wouldn’t think so but if you know you have iron overload you get your answer when you fix the iron overload
Yes I had a friend who was a "tea-nanny" some 30 years ago. He was iron deficient and his doc had him cut back and sure enough his iron level came back up. So coffee would even be better.
I got blood results Iron 34.8 (10 - 30) urology/L Transferrin 2.87 (2.10 - 3.80) g/L Saturation 49 (15 - 45) % Ferritin 49 (30 - 300) ug/L I’m vegan .. how could I have such high iron ??
Vitamin C and D are potent drivers of iron and other minerals absorption so try to avoid consuming them with iron rich foods if you have an overload issue.
"Vitamin" D.... 😂🙃😂😎😂 It's a powerful hormone. Synthetic D3 is bad news. Why the sudden bandwagon to support any supplement when just 10 or 20 years ago, doctors guffawed the idea?
I have 95% Transferrin Saturation.. but my ferritin levels had dropped back from 433 to 350 in the last 2 months. I did a liver ultrasound and have mild fatty liver. The doctor said fatty liver could cause distorted ferritin but he didn't explain the Transferrin Saturation, do you think I should be concerned?
I recently did a blood test and it revealed that my iron levels are abnormally high. I don’t take iron supplements and I eat a vegan diet. This was the last thing I suspected as I suffered with anemia through my early childhood. I’m somewhat worried since high iron and vegan diets seem like an oxymoron. I’ve also had like 4 blood tests (not for same purposes) in the past 3 months. Still high??
I have Hemochromatosis, and also had low iron as a child. Very Interesting~! Drinking tea with an iron rich meal, over time will help a little. Give Blood
Well... feeling like crap is what haeppens to me, when i stop taking 50mg of iron per day. But i have anemia in my family and had a little low haemoglobin a few times. Iron makes me feel better. It also raises my body temperature.
If someone eats a 100% vegan diet that is very high in phytic acid and eats nothing fortified with iron and no enriched white flour or rice, is it still possible for someone to get iron overload or high ferritin levels?
Iron overload, doubtful. High ferritin, yes. Ferritin is driven up by oxidative stress and inflammation. In such a case, high ferritin could reflect anemia of chronic disease, where infection drives it up and worsens the anemia.
My ferritin was 304 a couple months ago, and I eat no animal foods or anything iron fortified, but I'm not anemic and never have been. When I donated blood a couple months ago and a few days ago, my hemoglobin was completely normal both times and was even higher the second time I donated. I don't have any signs of any infection either and never get sick. Would this mean it's more likely to be iron overload?
Thank you Chris for the video I had my ferritin levels checked and my ferritin serum is over 700 should I be concerned? Or just work on getting it down there results showed that I’m possibly a carrier or more than likely
I've seen this "donate blood" to prevent iron build up a few times before. What I have issue with is why would the body make something that will build up and hurt you eventually? It sounds like the modern version of blood letting!
William Graves Your body doesn't make iron.... it comes from food... including the government mandate (in US, since 1941) to fortify wheat flour... i.e., cereal, bread, pasta, anything with wheat flour! Plus, we don't excrete as much iron as we take in. As we age, iron continues to accumulate, whether it's needed or not. Iron is a toxic metal.
William Graves, when you're constipated, do you assume that your body at that time just so happens to need your colon to be brimming with turds and consequently deny yourself a laxative?
they compete with each other both for digestive tract and cellular absorption. i think with more manganese in your diet you absorb and retain less iron in your body.
Hello, my ferritin has been consistently elevated since I started getting annual bloodwork (as high as 500+ but most recently 414), but my other iron work is completely normal, e.g. my transferrin saturation is 33%. I am 43, physically fit, and exercise quite a bit (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, surfing, etc). All of my other bloodwork is in the optimal range, including measures of liver and kidney function, blood sugar, PSA, and cholesterol. My doctor is unconcerned and thinks the inflammation is from my exercise routine. I haven't done 23 and me. I wonder about hemochromatosis 4A. Any thoughts?
I am Male - i am having IRON- 194 ug/dl , Iron Binding Capacity - 378 , %Transferring Saturation - 51.26%, what is the suggestion to control this , i started having pains in my body , and do not feel fresh and active , please advise
I take a liver supplement for my liver and for copper status , my dr said to keep taking it , but my iron saturation is at 31% so he wanted to put me on ip6 ans I refused because of the other minerals it will disrupt
Chris I’m confused because I have ferritin at 246 , Iron serum at 33 and Transferrin saturation at 12%. I’m high on ferritin but low in iron serum and Transferrin saturation
I have hereditary spherocytosis with a very high ferritin but normal iron...very high retics. How can I lower my ferritin wo decreasing iron? I am post menopause. Donating is out due to the HS. Ferritin is over 650. I only eat red meat once a week. Went to hemotologist but got no answers.
Cheri Hunt Whoa! 650 ferritin is way too high. If you really cannot donate blood, how about rice bran or IP-6? Be sure it's taken two hours after a meal and one hour afterwards. Best wishes.
Red muscle meat is loaded with cysteine, methionine, and tryptophan too. There's really not much to be gained from it as far as I can tell. I switched over to liver, oysters, gelatin, and eggs as my sources of animal protein and have fared much better. Now anytime I eat any muscle meat I get constipated, irritable, and usually suffer an acne breakout
Meat is nutritious and good for you, but it's like medicine --- too much of a good thing can be bad. Methionine and tryptophan are very important amino acids, but it is also easy to over do it with them and a even slightly stressed metabolic state, will lead to larger scale production of serotonin and the other stress hormones, while placing a even greater demand on your body for gelatin. The sulfur amino acids especially in excess can lead to all kinds of metabolic stress-induced pathways. Hunter gather tribes balanced out the methionine and tryptophan with gelatin, which makes up most of the animal. For example, in Israel they would cook the animals in large flesh pots. So it isn't really natural to just be eating large amounts of muscle meats. Even tribes that would eat a pound of meat would often far exceed that amount well above a 5:1 or 10:1 ratio in muscle protein to collagen content. Milk has a better amino acid ratio in my opinion, with none of the iron, so thats why that along with gelatin I make my main protein sources and then usually add in a good meat containing meal for the day. Milk also actually has a decent choline content. If someone is eating meat at each meal 4-5 times throughout the day, I personally think thats going to be bad in the long run. Way too much Iron for the average person, IMO. Also, too much protein in one sitting can cause a lot of people to produce too much ammonia. Studies I have seen show that there is a 25-30 gram threshold per meal for that.
Chris Masterjohn, PhD Agreed. Retinol is needed for ceruloplasmin production; best source for retinol (& B12) is beef liver. (BTW, too much copper in calf liver; chicken liver is lower in retinol than beef liver.)
Can high iron cause feelings of anxiety, make you dizzy, black floaters and just feeling like crap in general? I got transferrin Iron level issues at the moment. I’m 23, I lost about 1st on a diet during summer. I was eating a lot of red meat but stopped for a few weeks got bloods again and it was still high. I know it can be genetic but would I of know by now or can it pop up late in life? My levels in the blood are 40.3 and the normal I got told is 20 mark.
Chris Masterjohn, PhD I’m not shore is your country different with results. But I know for shore I have transferrin Iron saturation which two Doctors have told me now
The last time I have got my iron checked, my ferritin was at 591. For years, it was very high but I did not test positive for the genetic condition, I have only one G on H63D. In 2015, my ferritin was at 536, but my saturation was at only 26% and serum iron was mid-range. What does it mean?
I do suspect to have a chronic infection similar to Lyme. But my doctor says that theere is no sign of inflammation in my blood explaining high ferritin from an infection. I have a lot of chronic join pain. Recently, we suspect candida to be part of the deal as well.
With low iron saturation, inflammation and oxidative stress are both more likely explanations than iron overload. But you should measure serum iron and serum transferrin and, making sure the units of both are the same, divided the iron by the transferrin and multiply by 70.9% and see if it gives a substantially different value from the iron saturation, which is just an estimate and could be impacted by other things, especially abnormal albumin levels.
@@chrismasterjohn Thanks. I can't do that. One is in umol and the other is in g/L. From the same blood draw, the TIBC was at 55.4 umol/L and serum iron 14.4 umol/L. Inflammation OK. Why don't they see it? CRP is negative and sedimentation rate normal. I take also several supplements almost on a continuous basis. Can I mask inflammation with anti-oxydants and Omega3? Inflammation from what cause? I eat no fast food, no sugar and I don't smoke.
Oxidative stress is the other big factor you don't have data on. I don't have time to figure out the conversion factor to equalize the units. I recommend looking it up and figuring it out.
Iron overload causes many health conditions. Google, iron overload and 'X condition' and don't be surprised by the findings. Get rid of the excess iron!
Hi Chris! Thanks for another awesome video! How often do you donate blood, if you don't mind me asking? I have also started to donate after discovering Ray Peat's and Danny Roddy's articles on iron overload. I've been told by a doc who made my health check before donation that for a guy like me (1.89m tall and 71-72kg) they suggest around 2-3 times per year, not more. I wonder how many times per year is enough. I've donated twice so far. Also, you've made me very interested in that 23andme test. I wonder how many other useful details about our health condition and predispositions it can give us...
Chris, thank you for the 23&Me instructions, very very helpful. I was able to determine that I am "G:G" for H63D, and have a ferritin over 300. Going to start donating blood tomorrow and continue until testing indicates
PtrPilot How are you doing now? Sooo glad you were able to see this and take action. DH's younger brother died two years ago from liver complications due to years of undiagnosed hemochromatosis. DH is heterozygous H63D, and his uron panel is optimal (not high!), whereas I am heterozygous C282Y, and have iron overload. Donating regularly (about every 56 days) since 8/2016. Odd that I have the issue and DH does not.... our daughter is like me, too, so will need to watch it at other life stages.
Good to know, thank you. I will keep in mind the iron overload for the other stage of life. Right now i want to enjoy once in a while a good quality beef steak and i noticed that it makes me feel stronger.
You need zinc from animal sources, and you can take coffee or green tea to inhibit iron absorption. It's the toxic not bioavailable iron in the enriched foods that's the problem
The problem is finding actual phytic acid instead of phytate. All the IP6 I am finding is bound to calcium and magnesium(phytate) so it will not chelate any minerals or metals. Every IP6 product uses the same formula of being bound to calcium and magnesium as the product below which clearly states on thewebsite's FAQ that it does not chelate minerals. "Does IP6 chelate minerals? IP6 Gold uses calcium magnesium phytate as its source for IP6. This raw material is extracted though a multi-step process from non-GMO rice bran. It is important to point out that we are using phytate not phytic acid. Since calcium and magnesium are bound to this molecule, it has not been shown to chelate minerals as purified phytic acid does. This is the difference between the two. One has the potential to chelate minerals while the other does not since the minerals calcium and magnesium are already bound to it. The confusion over phytate and phytic acid is very common. If this were in fact true, the FDA would not have granted GRAS Status on IP6 as a dietary supplement. "
'Most of the foods that are rich in iron are also rich in other nutrients'. Not even close. Meat is rich in haem iron and is very low in essential nutrients. Vegan foods with low iron are both high in anti-oxidants, vitamins and phytonutrients and low in iron.
Mark, you've got to be kidding me. I eat a lot of plants. The last time I tracked my nutrition intensively ( I was eating steak every day and I was getting 8 milligrams of iron from meat and almost 40 mg from plant foods. Meat is a *lot* higher in certain specific essential nutrients than plants are, like riboflavin, zinc, and the obvious B12.
Veganism and vegans are literally a meme. They live in their own dream world where meat is just heme-iron with zero nutrients and indigestable plant matter, is the holy grail of health. Animal foods have literally ALL NUTRIENTS, in really good amounts, and in their most bioavailable forms, dummy soyboy.
Retinol is the back bone of the ceruloplasmin protein which manages iron metabolism in the body. Retinoic acid makes sure copper get inside Ceruloplasmin. So liver should be ideal for dealing with iron in this regard. Along with blood donations.
So what if Retinol A is high or low? I'm guessing if it's really high then your ferritin will be high??
No when there is sufficient retinol iron is in circulation and ferritin low.
@@Byrial so in other words, adequate vitamin a is needed for proper iron management?
@@dukington101 you got it.
@@Byrial can you email me please I am havin a issue My ferritin is 17 the rest of my iron panel looks good but my doctor said I’m at 31% saturation and he says he thinks I have iron overload in the blood I’m confused he wants to put me on IP six which I think might interfere with other nutrients like zinc copper minerals etc. so I’m afraid to use it my email is
My saturation was at 53 percent the last time I checked when I did my physical. The person who looked at my results just looked over it and said I was healthy since everything else was fine. Don’t put complete faith in what people say. I made an appointment with a hematologist to get it straightened out.
53 is so borderline. Its absolutely fine
@@luke7144 Apparently there is a relationship with Vitamin C and Iron where Vitamin C. I was taking a “healthy greens powder” that had both. You may have to fact check me but a higher presence of vitamin c will cause a higher presence of iron to in the blood especially if you get large dosages of both from supplements. It took a while for it to go down though. Maybe a month.
@@Alesster101 yep spot on I have learned the same. When I found out about my iron and hemochromotosis genes I cut out my daily dose of Vit C for the same reason. Taking it along with a high iron meal simply boosts the amount of iron your body absorbs so it's best avoided if you have too high iron indices. My ferritin is within the normal range currently sat at 223, but my transferrin saturation is 91% LOL!
@@Alesster101 glad you got yours sorted and you saw it go down! I defo have an issue due to my genes for iron overload, so I'm likely soon to do the venesections to reduce my iron and then become a blood donor
@@luke7144 Thank you! I wish you well on your plans to manage it.
Iron added to breakfast cereals should be avoided, especially if you're eating the same cereal every day of your life for 10s of years
I have it on my legs, my doc said don't worry, wear compression socks and it will be gone within a year.. its been a yr and it has not gone away
Get a rebounder. It is a miracle for edema. 10 minutes a day.
Very good explanation. Thank you doctor! Best video about iron overload I have seen on TH-cam so far.
My Daughter Overdosed from Iron Pills and passed away on Dec 12th 2018 .
Iron is a very dangerous supplement, sorry for your loss. By far the most dangerous supplement.
Sorry about that :(
So sorry
Sory for ur lost
Sorry for your loss 😞
Thank you!!! I am post menopausal for over a year now, and I’ve always had mineral absorption issues anyway… I think I’m developing an imbalance between my iron and copper… I made an appointment to donate blood in a couple of weeks and will continue to do that :-) I don’t eat red meat for lifestyle and ethical reasons, but I do like liver. it is good to know what to eat together and to do most of this through nutrition instead of taking random minerals because those are the ones that are very tricky to manage the balances between each of them. Thanks again :-)
I feel that the benefits of IP-6 out weigh the zinc deficiency problem, since it is easy to take supplemental zinc to bring levels up. Additionally, tests on people using IP-6 did not show mineral deficiencies, but showed marginally lower levels that could be managed with proper nutrition or supplementation. It is easier to add minerals than to get rid of iron.
Sure, but phlebotomy is more iron-specific and a better choice when the choice is available in my opinion.
How about blood donation and ip6 for faster iron reduction
When IP_6 is used properly, it isn't used with food, hence no binding of any minerals, however, taken on an empty stomach allows it to reduce free iron in the blood, and tests have shown no deficiency syndrome with minerals using the IP-6 this way. People like to parrot the 'IP-6 cause mineral deficiency' thing, but the studies have proven otherwise. In fact, since the refining of grains in our diet, we are more mineral deficient now than before when we ate whole grains with phytates, plus heart disease and cancer rates are higher now since we refined grains taking out the phytates. Could the reducing of the iron by phytates, iron reacts causing the fenton reaction and produces free radicals, have kept our disease rates low? If phytates are so bad, why is it when we have refined them out we haven't got healthier? And, please don't tell me because the whole world ferments their grains before they eat them, it is a great idea, but not representative of how the majority of the world eats, or has eaten grains.
The problem is finding actual phytic acid instead of phytate. All the IP6 I am finding is bound to calcium and magnesium(phytate) so it will not chelate any minerals or metals. Every IP6 product uses the same formula of being bound to calcium and magnesium as the product below which clearly states on thewebsite's FAQ that it does not chelate minerals.
"Does IP6 chelate minerals?
IP6 Gold uses calcium magnesium phytate as its source for IP6. This raw material is extracted though a multi-step process from non-GMO rice bran. It is important to point out that we are using phytate not phytic acid. Since calcium and magnesium are bound to this molecule, it has not been shown to chelate minerals as purified phytic acid does. This is the difference between the two. One has the potential to chelate minerals while the other does not since the minerals calcium and magnesium are already bound to it. The confusion over phytate and phytic acid is very common. If this were in fact true, the FDA would not have granted GRAS Status on IP6 as a dietary supplement. "
I heard black tea before iron rich food also oregano oil diluted properly will pull iron?
Thanks. My ferreting is 93. But my saturation % is high - at 61%. Iron is also a little high outside of range. It seems unlikely I have Hemochrome given my 93 ferretin. What should I do?
Heterozygous C282Y, here. So is our 26yo daughter. I happen to have iron overload.... donating regularly since 8/2016... saturation percentage & serum iron still too high! Argh! Before I knew better, I had elevated levels before then and my Dr NEVER BATTED AN EYE. Convinced they don't know what they don't know. Lab range is acceptable to them. NO!
Get the full iron panel and manage yourself--donate blood, as needed.
Joni K. Did you gave any symptoms, what were they, what was your ferritin and what is it now, thank you.
My husband has high iron but not diagnosed with anything. Would supplementing with IP-6 be helpful to remove the iron?
so... this is gross... but im askin outta desperation... can to much iron cause excessive diarrhea inducing mucus in the stool? thank u
Probably from a supplement. From systemic iron overload, it’s not a main symptom but you can’t rule out that it could be a secondary or tertiary consequence of other processes. So I wouldn’t think so but if you know you have iron overload you get your answer when you fix the iron overload
@@chrismasterjohn thank u sir
Can copper supplementation help with this condition?
I would like to know that too
I have heard Ray Peat talked about caffeine inhibits the absorption of iron? Is that so?
Yes I had a friend who was a "tea-nanny" some 30 years ago. He was iron deficient and his doc had him cut back and sure enough his iron level came back up. So coffee would even be better.
I got blood results
Iron 34.8 (10 - 30) urology/L
Transferrin 2.87 (2.10 - 3.80) g/L
Saturation 49 (15 - 45) %
Ferritin 49 (30 - 300) ug/L
I’m vegan .. how could I have such high iron ??
Iron also found in some veges like Spinach.
Vitamin C and D are potent drivers of iron and other minerals absorption so try to avoid consuming them with iron rich foods if you have an overload issue.
Vitamin C promotes absorption of iron from iron-rich plant foods, not iron-rich animal foods. I'm not familiar with the role of vitamin d.
According to this study vitamin D didn't affect iron status
"Vitamin" D.... 😂🙃😂😎😂
It's a powerful hormone. Synthetic D3 is bad news. Why the sudden bandwagon to support any supplement when just 10 or 20 years ago, doctors guffawed the idea?
You should never cut out vitamin c and specially d from your diet, vitamin d should be good for iron overload also
I need help. I can't function ay longer. also suspect lyme. iron is help
Great job. I am now firmly in your fan club
Thank you for the information
I have C282Y only a carrier would taking a good quality green tea extract tablet lower my absorbtion of iron in the gut ?
my brother has h63d homo mutation, his ferritin is 150 but saturation 41%, any ideas what might this mean please
I have 95% Transferrin Saturation.. but my ferritin levels had dropped back from 433 to 350 in the last 2 months. I did a liver ultrasound and have mild fatty liver. The doctor said fatty liver could cause distorted ferritin but he didn't explain the Transferrin Saturation, do you think I should be concerned?
I have the same problem
I recently did a blood test and it revealed that my iron levels are abnormally high. I don’t take iron supplements and I eat a vegan diet. This was the last thing I suspected as I suffered with anemia through my early childhood. I’m somewhat worried since high iron and vegan diets seem like an oxymoron. I’ve also had like 4 blood tests (not for same purposes) in the past 3 months. Still high??
Same dude, getting ip6 and blood donatiobs
I have Hemochromatosis, and also had low iron as a child. Very Interesting~! Drinking tea with an iron rich meal, over time will help a little. Give Blood
So what if you ferritin levels are normal, but iron, hemoglobin and red blood cells are slight elevated?
May mean nothing, may mean erythropoiesis is elevated due to altitude, polycythemia, etc.
Is there a calcium supplement you recommend ?
how well does aubergine chelate iron and remove it from cells?
Well... feeling like crap is what haeppens to me, when i stop taking 50mg of iron per day. But i have anemia in my family and had a little low haemoglobin a few times. Iron makes me feel better. It also raises my body temperature.
@ Chris, do you donate blood? I sent this on to a friend that has this condition .
If someone eats a 100% vegan diet that is very high in phytic acid and eats nothing fortified with iron and no enriched white flour or rice, is it still possible for someone to get iron overload or high ferritin levels?
Iron overload, doubtful. High ferritin, yes. Ferritin is driven up by oxidative stress and inflammation. In such a case, high ferritin could reflect anemia of chronic disease, where infection drives it up and worsens the anemia.
My ferritin was 304 a couple months ago, and I eat no animal foods or anything iron fortified, but I'm not anemic and never have been. When I donated blood a couple months ago and a few days ago, my hemoglobin was completely normal both times and was even higher the second time I donated. I don't have any signs of any infection either and never get sick. Would this mean it's more likely to be iron overload?
Good question.
Good answer by CM!
Thank you Chris for the video I had my ferritin levels checked and my ferritin serum is over 700 should I be concerned? Or just work on getting it down there results showed that I’m possibly a carrier or more than likely
Your update? Curious to know what you did and found the cause
I've seen this "donate blood" to prevent iron build up a few times before. What I have issue with is why would the body make something that will build up and hurt you eventually? It sounds like the modern version of blood letting!
William Graves
Your body doesn't make iron.... it comes from food... including the government mandate (in US, since 1941) to fortify wheat flour... i.e., cereal, bread, pasta, anything with wheat flour!
Plus, we don't excrete as much iron as we take in. As we age, iron continues to accumulate, whether it's needed or not. Iron is a toxic metal.
William Graves, when you're constipated, do you assume that your body at that time just so happens to need your colon to be brimming with turds and consequently deny yourself a laxative?
Tweet Lady I didn’t know that.
What about s65c?
Hi Doc, what does it mean if my TIBC and UIBC are below low normal but my iron is in the normal range and iron saturation is in the normal range?
manganese also is important mineral to control/balance iron in body.
Can you elaborate?
they compete with each other both for digestive tract and cellular absorption.
i think with more manganese in your diet you absorb and retain less iron in your body.
payman z, do u recommend food sources of manganese?
Light P legit?
Manganese can be toxic if taken as supplement especially if you are not defficient in it.
Hello, my ferritin has been consistently elevated since I started getting annual bloodwork (as high as 500+ but most recently 414), but my other iron work is completely normal, e.g. my transferrin saturation is 33%. I am 43, physically fit, and exercise quite a bit (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, surfing, etc). All of my other bloodwork is in the optimal range, including measures of liver and kidney function, blood sugar, PSA, and cholesterol. My doctor is unconcerned and thinks the inflammation is from my exercise routine. I haven't done 23 and me. I wonder about hemochromatosis 4A. Any thoughts?
I am Male - i am having IRON- 194 ug/dl , Iron Binding Capacity - 378 , %Transferring Saturation - 51.26%, what is the suggestion to control this , i started having pains in my body , and do not feel fresh and active , please advise
rajeev sachdeva
Go donate blood! Your levels are too high.
I take a liver supplement for my liver and for copper status , my dr said to keep taking it , but my iron saturation is at 31% so he wanted to put me on ip6 ans I refused because of the other minerals it will disrupt
Hi, my iron saturation is 32%
Ferritin 134
Looks fine.
Chris I’m confused because I have ferritin at 246 , Iron serum at 33 and Transferrin saturation at 12%. I’m high on ferritin but low in iron serum and Transferrin saturation
I have hereditary spherocytosis with a very high ferritin but normal iron...very high retics. How can I lower my ferritin wo decreasing iron? I am post menopause. Donating is out due to the HS. Ferritin is over 650. I only eat red meat once a week. Went to hemotologist but got no answers.
Cheri Hunt
Whoa! 650 ferritin is way too high. If you really cannot donate blood, how about rice bran or IP-6? Be sure it's taken two hours after a meal and one hour afterwards.
Best wishes.
Does hpu kpu effect this ?
Red muscle meat is loaded with cysteine, methionine, and tryptophan too. There's really not much to be gained from it as far as I can tell. I switched over to liver, oysters, gelatin, and eggs as my sources of animal protein and have fared much better. Now anytime I eat any muscle meat I get constipated, irritable, and usually suffer an acne breakout
Those are necessary amino acids. Red meat is very nutritious, but I would also avoid it if it gave me acne.
Nick B i
Be sure to get your veggies, too!
Meat is nutritious and good for you, but it's like medicine --- too much of a good thing can be bad. Methionine and tryptophan are very important amino acids, but it is also easy to over do it with them and a even slightly stressed metabolic state, will lead to larger scale production of serotonin and the other stress hormones, while placing a even greater demand on your body for gelatin. The sulfur amino acids especially in excess can lead to all kinds of metabolic stress-induced pathways. Hunter gather tribes balanced out the methionine and tryptophan with gelatin, which makes up most of the animal. For example, in Israel they would cook the animals in large flesh pots. So it isn't really natural to just be eating large amounts of muscle meats. Even tribes that would eat a pound of meat would often far exceed that amount well above a 5:1 or 10:1 ratio in muscle protein to collagen content. Milk has a better amino acid ratio in my opinion, with none of the iron, so thats why that along with gelatin I make my main protein sources and then usually add in a good meat containing meal for the day. Milk also actually has a decent choline content. If someone is eating meat at each meal 4-5 times throughout the day, I personally think thats going to be bad in the long run. Way too much Iron for the average person, IMO. Also, too much protein in one sitting can cause a lot of people to produce too much ammonia. Studies I have seen show that there is a 25-30 gram threshold per meal for that.
Chris Masterjohn, PhD
Retinol is needed for ceruloplasmin production; best source for retinol (& B12) is beef liver. (BTW, too much copper in calf liver; chicken liver is lower in retinol than beef liver.)
Can iron overload make rib cage visible and wieght loss?
Can high iron cause feelings of anxiety, make you dizzy, black floaters and just feeling like crap in general? I got transferrin Iron level issues at the moment. I’m 23, I lost about 1st on a diet during summer. I was eating a lot of red meat but stopped for a few weeks got bloods again and it was still high. I know it can be genetic but would I of know by now or can it pop up late in life? My levels in the blood are 40.3 and the normal I got told is 20 mark.
If you mean 40.3% for iron saturation, that is within the physiologically normal range.
Chris Masterjohn, PhD it is 40.: but not shore is that % wise. And it is transferrin saturation. Are the side effects I listed normal?
@@richoc8265 They are not likely a result of iron overload given the lack of evidence of iron overload in what you've reported so far.
Chris Masterjohn, PhD I’m not shore is your country different with results. But I know for shore I have transferrin Iron saturation which two
Doctors have told me now
@@chrismasterjohn also doesn't hard core exercise lower iron levels?
The last time I have got my iron checked, my ferritin was at 591. For years, it was very high but I did not test positive for the genetic condition, I have only one G on H63D. In 2015, my ferritin was at 536, but my saturation was at only 26% and serum iron was mid-range. What does it mean?
I do suspect to have a chronic infection similar to Lyme. But my doctor says that theere is no sign of inflammation in my blood explaining high ferritin from an infection. I have a lot of chronic join pain. Recently, we suspect candida to be part of the deal as well.
With low iron saturation, inflammation and oxidative stress are both more likely explanations than iron overload. But you should measure serum iron and serum transferrin and, making sure the units of both are the same, divided the iron by the transferrin and multiply by 70.9% and see if it gives a substantially different value from the iron saturation, which is just an estimate and could be impacted by other things, especially abnormal albumin levels.
@@chrismasterjohn Thanks. I can't do that. One is in umol and the other is in g/L.
From the same blood draw, the TIBC was at 55.4 umol/L and serum iron 14.4 umol/L.
Inflammation OK. Why don't they see it? CRP is negative and sedimentation rate normal. I take also several supplements almost on a continuous basis. Can I mask inflammation with anti-oxydants and Omega3?
Inflammation from what cause? I eat no fast food, no sugar and I don't smoke.
Oxidative stress is the other big factor you don't have data on. I don't have time to figure out the conversion factor to equalize the units. I recommend looking it up and figuring it out.
@@chrismasterjohn I did the calculation. It gives 25.4, which is not really far from 26.
The only person on TH-cam who tells people to have lobectomy
can u talk about heamochromatosis type 4 pls
my feritin. is 909...what can i do?
Call an endocrinologist dr and see if s/he can help you. If not, ask what type of dr You need to see.
Donate blood as often as possible, normally it’s every 12wks
great video thank u
How much iron is safe
Can ppl. have seizure if they have to muts iron in the blood ?
I'm not familiar with that phenomenon if it exists.
Iron overload causes many health conditions. Google, iron overload and 'X condition' and don't be surprised by the findings.
Get rid of the excess iron!
kurkumin can also chelate iron
My iron is 700 I am 38 year old how can I do
my doctor didnt order me blood letting. blamed it on alchohol. nobody here will offer me blood letting
Hi Chris! Thanks for another awesome video! How often do you donate blood, if you don't mind me asking? I have also started to donate after discovering Ray Peat's and Danny Roddy's articles on iron overload. I've been told by a doc who made my health check before donation that for a guy like me (1.89m tall and 71-72kg) they suggest around 2-3 times per year, not more. I wonder how many times per year is enough. I've donated twice so far.
Also, you've made me very interested in that 23andme test. I wonder how many other useful details about our health condition and predispositions it can give us...
I shoot for once every 8 weeks but don't always hit that mark.
Chris, thank you for the 23&Me instructions, very very helpful. I was able to determine that I am "G:G" for H63D, and have a ferritin over 300. Going to start donating blood tomorrow and continue until testing indicates
How are you doing now? Sooo glad you were able to see this and take action. DH's younger brother died two years ago from liver complications due to years of undiagnosed hemochromatosis. DH is heterozygous H63D, and his uron panel is optimal (not high!), whereas I am heterozygous C282Y, and have iron overload. Donating regularly (about every 56 days) since 8/2016. Odd that I have the issue and DH does not.... our daughter is like me, too, so will need to watch it at other life stages.
You can donate blood up to 4 times a year.
@Vladimir Erfan that’s not true u can donate every 6wks so that’s 8 times a year
Good to know, thank you. I will keep in mind the iron overload for the other stage of life. Right now i want to enjoy once in a while a good quality beef steak and i noticed that it makes me feel stronger.
NICK COIN if 30% is down to diet, what about the 70% that isn’t caused by diet?
You need zinc from animal sources, and you can take coffee or green tea to inhibit iron absorption. It's the toxic not bioavailable iron in the enriched foods that's the problem
@@solera1109 but wont the coffee take the zinc with it too?
The problem is finding actual phytic acid instead of phytate. All the IP6 I am finding is bound to calcium and magnesium(phytate) so it will not chelate any minerals or metals. Every IP6 product uses the same formula of being bound to calcium and magnesium as the product below which clearly states on thewebsite's FAQ that it does not chelate minerals.
"Does IP6 chelate minerals?
IP6 Gold uses calcium magnesium phytate as its source for IP6. This raw material is extracted though a multi-step process from non-GMO rice bran. It is important to point out that we are using phytate not phytic acid. Since calcium and magnesium are bound to this molecule, it has not been shown to chelate minerals as purified phytic acid does. This is the difference between the two. One has the potential to chelate minerals while the other does not since the minerals calcium and magnesium are already bound to it. The confusion over phytate and phytic acid is very common. If this were in fact true, the FDA would not have granted GRAS Status on IP6 as a dietary supplement. "
So, what is IP6 bound to caclium and magnesium even good for if not to use it to remove all the excess iron the vast majority tends to have?
23 & me is a joke
'Most of the foods that are rich in iron are also rich in other nutrients'.
Not even close. Meat is rich in haem iron and is very low in essential nutrients. Vegan foods with low iron are both high in anti-oxidants, vitamins and phytonutrients and low in iron.
Mark, you've got to be kidding me. I eat a lot of plants. The last time I tracked my nutrition intensively ( I was eating steak every day and I was getting 8 milligrams of iron from meat and almost 40 mg from plant foods. Meat is a *lot* higher in certain specific essential nutrients than plants are, like riboflavin, zinc, and the obvious B12.
Fuck your vegan cult
Veganism and vegans are literally a meme. They live in their own dream world where meat is just heme-iron with zero nutrients and indigestable plant matter, is the holy grail of health. Animal foods have literally ALL NUTRIENTS, in really good amounts, and in their most bioavailable forms, dummy soyboy.
Details/schmetails -- and yet you run a copy and paste gene pattern? Ridiculous! You talk in no way that's simple.
@@ML-yu8hr 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻