Just a bit of a correction: Around 4:30 you mention baking items individually, but I do not believe that is something Unity can do. Baking establishes a navigation mesh for your entire scene from all the things which are navigation static. Pressing the bake button is independent from what is selected or anything of the sort, it iterates through everything in your scene.
What about situation like an in game map editor? Say with your planes, the user wants to instantiate a third plane. How does unity connect the navmesh links at runtime?
You would have to rebuild the navigation mesh at runtime to do that. I briefly cover this in part 8, but it would require you to go and build the navmesh links too.
The fuckin' "v" key! How is this not more widely spread? Thats honestly a game changer
Just a bit of a correction:
Around 4:30 you mention baking items individually, but I do not believe that is something Unity can do. Baking establishes a navigation mesh for your entire scene from all the things which are navigation static. Pressing the bake button is independent from what is selected or anything of the sort, it iterates through everything in your scene.
Guess this is about Nav Mesh Offmesh Links, not Nav Mesh Links(Links between Nav Meshes)
great video!
Thankyou, you helped me
What about situation like an in game map editor? Say with your planes, the user wants to instantiate a third plane. How does unity connect the navmesh links at runtime?
You would have to rebuild the navigation mesh at runtime to do that. I briefly cover this in part 8, but it would require you to go and build the navmesh links too.
What about different elevations?
Dude I have tried this 100 different ways 100 times. On my third day now. NOTHING works!
this is more advanced thatn minecraft