Do you guys have the old saying: "Gotta eat a little crow"? It's classically used when you really screw up and you have to apologize. Sometimes you gotta apologize to a lot of people. I find myself in that un-desirable position today. I've been very vocal (and adamant) that I based my SmoothFlight tool on the original code base that Muumimorko and Fragtality made. To be very quick about it... I was wrong. I thought I was being careful to only use from that code base until I had explicit permission to use anything from ResetXPDR. But I screwed up and had some cross-pollination. I could come up with lots of reasons how or why that happened ... but let's cut to the chase. I screwed up - and I screwed up with proof right in my code. I'd make a lousy criminal. Freakin' brilliant. It's like committing a crime and leaving your business card at the scene with a blood sample. So it's no wonder that ResetXPDR was upset with me. And I was clueless. Because... as of about an hour ago, I still thought I hadn't used his code. But we had a chat, and there it is. I have to admit that it really makes me look like a scumbag. I humbly ask for forgiveness. I have broken a trust. It's also my first red flag that I might have cognitive decline - so that's a wonderful diagnosis... old age sux but that's a story for another time. At any rate, I need to amend my earlier statements: I have 3 people to thank for my ability to have an idea like this... build the mod, and then share it with you guys. Muumimorko, Fragtality and ResetXPDR. As a famous guy once said: "We stand on the shoulders of Giants"
Thanks for this posting, it clarify the situation. I would be nice that you also describe how you software do better that the 2 others. How do you differentiate?
Thank you for owing up to this, and publicly too. It takes real guts to do that. In response, I am completely satisfied that it was inadvertent and I forgive you. If I can do that being the one most affected, I hope that others can too and continue to use and support your app into the future.
@@eaglefirestudioI'm hoping that in the future, the differences in our 2 approaches will begin to separate us a bit more. Now that we have a more open line of communication, I expect a bit more of a difference to emerge. Also, I've already been in contact with 2 people that tell me my version doesn't do anything for them..and I find it's refreshing to be able to point them to ResetXPDR's version as an alternative. I could agree with the messy comment, except that they both use the exact same "mobiflight-event-module" that goes in the Community folder, so running comparisons with them couldn't be easier. It's kind of the opposite of messy.
@somewhereelsestudio6342 While I was quick to criticise you yesterday, I applaud you for coming back publicly and apologising....well done! After thinking about it more, I believe the VR Flight Sim Guy jumped the gun a bit and could have maybe have done a tad of research before posting....he did that once before with an initial Windows11 and G2 being wiped out video he posted then retracted when he realised he had created unfounded panic....anyway, alls well that ends well eh?
@VRFlightSimGuy mentioned something during his review that I feel I should address: The "Landing Mode" setting caused a quick stutter when he crossed the threshold. and that's due to an intentional decision. If the difference between your current graphics settings and the ones you have selected in the "Landing Mode" are too much, then yes, you will see the change happen. That's because "Landing Mode" is designed to be a "safe space" where no automatic adjustments are allowed. A "Sterile cockpit" if you will... So I give you 2 choices. 1. Force those settings at the altitude threshold (that you can set as high as 500 ft above the runway). Because one quick quarter-second stutter and then butter-smooth for the rest of the landing is better than a slide-show that lasts all the way down. 2. Or...use the "Freeze" option. Freeze will just stop updating graphics as you cross the threshold. The settings might still be too high, but at least you have a choice of how to handle it. On the other hand, the issue that he saw during landing wouldn't have been a problem if he was following a normal glide path, as that would have given the SmoothFlight tool enough time to invisibly adjust the graphic quality on the way. That being said, if this continues to be an issue then I'll be writing a new algorithm for approaches. This is most assuredly a work in progress. The ability to do this kind of a mod has only recently been available. So (as my good friend continues to say: "More to come" on this subject)
Outstanding effort, I’ve tried running both of the apps together, it seemed to work ok, good fps. I’ll give this app a good test tomorrow at some point.
@@goochygoochoutdoors.1913 Definitely don't do this. Both programs will be competing to modify the variables that represent the TLOD and OLOD. One of the other, not both!
Why no admission that you just piggy backed onto the original developers app and the major improvement that Reset XPDR published a few days before you released this...not good to imply its all your work, you should definitely give credit to the 2 guys who were there before you
@@GunPilotI never implied that it was *all* my work. And I have given credit to the 2 guys before me. But you're making accusations you know nothing about. Those 2 guys are Muumimorko and Fragality. With the exception of their code that talks to and from MSFS, this program *is* all mine. My design... my code. Both ResetXPDR and I branched off the same code that was built by Muumimorko (the MobiConnect part) and Fragality (the rest of the proof of concept code known as DynamicLOD) after both of them had abandoned the project and announced there would be no further updates. It was at that point that both of us each created a new fork and began to work on our own ideas. (By the way, I originally asked ResetXPDR to collaborate on the project, but he declined. ) After a short discussion, we agreed that our different approaches were unique enough that it would be difficult to collaborate. At the time, ResetXPDR's version was nearly identical to the latest version of the Fragality code... in that it was all based on AGL with a couple of spreadsheets and hard coded AGL = LOD pairings. The version of the original DynamicLOD that I used as a base for the communication with between the tool and MSFS has none of ResetXPDR's code in in it. So yes, I'm using Muumimorko's very slick communication engine to talk to MSFS. The majority of the remainder of the code I'm assuming belongs to Fragality - and it is pages (and pages) of code to manage the spreadsheets that correlate AGL to LOD settings. And since I was not about to base my idea on AGL, that was entirely discarded. But to claim I piggy-backed off of Reset's code? That has no basis in reality.. You must think I saw Reset's autoFPS tool and then built (and tested) mine in 4 days??? I'm flattered that you think I'm that fast, but no. This took time. It's a design I've had ever since MSFS came out with VR support three and a half years ago. Without Muumimorko's amazing Memory Injection code, it wasn't possible until just recently. While we're on the subject, the original design for this came from a title that Papyrus came out with in 1995 (I think) called Indy Car Racing 2, that would change the number of cars you could see based on FPS. Back then getting 12-14 FPS was considered decent performance.
Yes, Yes, Yes... An explanation of each setting, what it attempts to accomplish, and what reasonable values might be considered for low-end, mid-range, and high-end graphics cards would be helpful. I've been playing with AutoFPS for a few days now with decent results. Now spending time with this new app. Having this capability embedded in the sim would be awesome but KUDOS to the persistence of the author. I will definitely contribute some $$.
Darren; the short answer is this: You should know 3 things about your current settings. Your current Terrain LOD, Object LOD, and what FPS you normally hit with those settings. 1. Set the FPS to a value your video card can hit. It won't do you much good if you set it so high that the SmoothFlight tool continually tries to lower your graphics settings to get you above that FPS threshold. That would look ugly. This doesn't give your computer more power. It does however very intelligently adjust your settings to make the best use of what you have.... all without cooking your video card. (check your video card temperature while this is running - you'll be surprised) 2. In the "Limits" section, set the maximum values to roughly the same as what you now use in normal MSFS flight. In other words, DON"T set these to maximum. This is important, unless all you want is the best visuals at all costs. Note: Once SmoothFlight has found how far it can push the TLOD and OLOD settings without your FPS dropping below your FPS threshold... it will have found the optimum settings for that moment in time. The good news is, it's going to keep double-checking to make sure you are *still* using the optimal settings during your entire flight... so yes, you can go from flying over the ocean to flying low over Lower Manhattan with 3,000 x 3000 supersampling in VR and this beast will auto-compensate and keep you smooth. When you leave the city, the higher graphics come back and you never leave too much power on the table. 3. If you have the maximum values set low enough, and SmoothFlight was able to reach those maximums without dropping below the minimum threshold, the remaining power / headroom is not wasted. It will be converted back into higher FPS. It's not uncommon for me to have my minimum set to 40 FPS, TLOD set to 125 (for scenery out as far as I can see anyway), OLOD set to 85 (because if I miss a baggage cart at the airport, I really don't care) and actual FPS is in the 70's. In VR. Don't be suckered into setting a high FPS number. This number won't limit your FPS. It only sets a threshold by which lots of calculations start happening.
@@somewhereelsestudio6342What do you recommend for landing settings? Seeing what Steve set for his landing settings seems a bit low no? Also...for alitude...if I set it to 33 does that mean 3,300 feet is the altitude at which the settings lock in for landing?
@@JM1701ABCDAs mentioned elsewhere, you can disregard the "Landing Mode" and just let it adjust based on performance. but for those who really love tweaking and want a bit more control for landings, the option is there.
What I would really love to see is something that stops MSFS spontaneously adjusting the terrain mesh when close up to mountains - as you are here. There's hardly ever improved visual fidelity when that happens, but it is a total immersion breaker in VR, at least when you're ridge soaring.
100% agree with you @bulversteher. As a creator of some race tracks for MSFS, I find it insane that Asobo can get the X-Y coordinates of those mountain peaks correct from 20 miles away, but is continually adjusting the elevation right up until you get within arms reach. but it's the limitations of the current sim ...and we all deal with them. The only thing you can do to help alleviate that is to set your TLOD setting higher. This will cause the levels of detail to be drawn at a greater distance. (I was able to gather that Asobo has 14 different LOD levels for terrain) But as we all know, if you set that too high, it gets like a slide-show and that's another immersion breaker.
I think with 2024 they've all but given up on 2020. I have high hopes for the new version built from the ground up with the lessons learned. I think we'll come to view 2020 as a paid beta, with 2024 hopefully being absolutely amazing 🙏Shame we have to pay twice, but worth every penny
Thanks so much! This app is amazing. I don't use VR but got only ~20-25 FPS (3080/i5 11400) fsr frame gen pushed it to 40 but still micro stutters, now im at around 70, no stutters at all. Just Amazing.
I would really appreciate a head-to-head or comparison between this and AutoFPS. I assume you can’t run both at the same time, so basically which one is ‘better’ for general uses. Since they both seem brilliant, it’s hard to know which one to go for
Incredible.. Without tweaking the standard settings it made a huge difference in stutter. Not flown it yet but sitting on the tarmac was far better than ever. 3080 Graphics card, Quest 3 VR. First impressions were excellent.
Great video Steve, I also would like a comparison between auto fps and smooth flight with a settings guide. It’s amazing we have these tools to improve our VR.
Hi, Tried this and it only says "Sim running" Connected and Controllable still red. So seems to be doing nothing. Not sure how to get it running properly.
@@somewhereelsestudio6342which HW do you use? And much more interesting what linking SW do you use? I got a quest 2 and have horrible stutters likely due to linking SW
@@Alexander-hk5ke I replied to this hours ago but it's not showing up. I don't know what you mean by HW and linking SW. Please explain. Could you be referring to HardWare and SoftWare? I have a Quest 3 and use the link cable. If you mean something different.. I'll try to answer once I know what HW and SW mean. Also, It's important to realize that stutters are generated by lots of different things. .. and at no time have I ever claimed that this eliminates stuttering. It's true that almost everyone who uses it (and has reviewed it) reports a dramatic decrease in stutters, but in reality, there are causes for stutters that I have no control over. It's designed to automatically adjust graphics within the limitations of your hardware. So the bottom line is: If you set unreasonable expectations of a tool like this, it's going to disappoint ya. :) For instance if you never got more than 30 FPS on medium settings, but you installed SmoothFlight and cranked up your options to "ultra" and then demanded 65 FPS, it's going to get ugly. That's an extreme example, but I want to reiterate that the best setup advice I can give is this: Leave your system options alone and setting a reasonable FPS that your system can hit - - and you'll probably be in the ballpark.
it's good. Still seeing micro stutters at edge of performance limits but the frame pacing seems much better. Low Flying and looking down the Wing cord, you get a smoother experience.
Stuttering has ruined MSFS VR for me so tried both of these. They both report a frame rate of around 40-60 (target 32), don't apply much lowering of details, and the stutter is still wild. Can you have a high frame rate and stutter?
Wow. Sounds amazing, Steve. I will try this, even though I'm very close to 100% stutter free as is, running the 4090 at half, like yourself. A very clever piece of software, and I will definitely donate 🙂 Have a great week, buddy. Love from Norway ♥♥♥♥♥
Thanks to continued updates and optimizations from Asobo, it's true that many of us can run stutter free. However, the settings you use to get stutter free are truthfully only good when flying in the same kind of environment that you created them in. Take those settings to one of the major cities (NYC, Tokyo, Paris, London, etc) and your hard-coded stutter-free existence falls short. Take those same settings to the Alps in nice weather and you're leaving a lot of horsepower on the table and not using to it's full advantage. Do you find yourself wondering if you could add a bit of eye candy?? I know I and many friends do every day. And that's the reason why tools like this exist. So you can be assured you're getting the best performance and/or visuals based on your preference.... no matter where you are. Heavy Rain storm? No problem. Joined a group flight with 30 other planes? Got it covered. :) Myself, I'm very susceptible to low frame-rates, so I set mine to give me blistering FPS numbers in VR. My flying buddy would rather have amazing visuals and happily runs at 10 FPS below me. We use the same tool, different settings, and we are both blissfully happy.
@@somewhereelsestudio6342 Very good point. The feeling of having extra grunt unused can be somewhat annoying sometimes. I am one of those who accepted high 20s in the G2, so for me to be satisfied probably takes less than it does for you. But the settings I use now pretty much allow me to fly a fighter between the skyscrapers in NY with all high/ultra, even clouds. But I know for a fact that I'm missing out on even greater results when in less demanding scenarios. I',m using the Crystal, so that makes up for a lot for it regardless. The clarity is amazing. I will definitely try the software out tomorrow 👍
@@poolhallshark re: "The feeling of having extra grunt unused can be somewhat annoying sometimes." If you had asked me about this in the early days of MSFS2020, I would have denied it. But after tweaking on settings for over 3 years, I suppose the "quest for the perfect setup" is now taking over. It has become a lifestyle.
I’m so out of the loop that I’m so happy you keep me / us In the loop. I’ll have to give this a try but I’m happy I get 25fps so I’ll try 30? and see what performance gain I get at what noticeable details loss. Thanks for showing
Nice job on the approach in Innsbruck! As a pilot, I can't pass by without mentioning, landing must be done from the opposite side. Noise amendment procedures 🙄 Keep up the great work! ✈👏
I love AutoFPS and gave this a try. Both are identical apart from AutoFPS using cloud detail change when needed to maintain FPS. Both great programs and Asobo need to take note !
AFAIK The reason you want 45 fps (half of 90) is for the motion re-projection, consistent interpolated artificial frames. Then MSFS added a triple option so 30/90 IIRC, been a while for me. See vid here from a year ago etc for more details.
@@VRFlightSimGuy Good evening, I just tried this application in VR mode and for me it changes absolutely nothing, I don't see any difference in terms of increase in fps!!!
Thank you for keeping us so informed. Does this one also adjust the clouds like the other one does? And also are you able to minimize so you don't see it in your screen all the time? Thank you
Clouds are not yet implemented. Changing cloud detail is VERY noticeable and was therefore not included ... but the more I read about cloud manipulation, the more I'm tempted to add it. I did some performance testing myself with cloud adjustments, and found the results to be rather un-impressive. That might have to do with the fact that I'm using a 4090 card but I saw no more than one FPS difference between Low detailed clouds and Ultra. Yet I read how everyone else thinks that clouds are "da bomb". So back to the test bench for me. Still, some rather impressive results are possible without such visually obvious changes. And I value invisible mods more than the things that reduce immersion. Yes, this can be minimized... or better yet, the "secret" mini-mode. check the upper left hand corner of the app window. There's a tiny silver button up there that will shrink the app to post-it note size. You can "paste" that anywhere in the cockpit in VR - totally out of the way, but still able to read how it's doing.
Have you tried turning AMD FX Sharpening down? I run mine at zero and I get a much clearer image in VR, especially in the cockpit looking at the instruments.
How do I get the LOD settings and such back that I had before trying the app? Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that the app modifies settings somewhere in the sim's files and because of that, even deleting the app doesn't get the default settings back. I really want to go back to how my MSFS was before trying the app, for reference. Am I supposed to reinstall the sim just to get it working the way it used to?
Re-install? That's a bit overly dramatic. The only things that are changed are your Terrain LOD and Object LOD. And it doesn't change it in the files. It only changes the copy of the program while it's in memory and running on your PC. You can easily go back into your settings menu and drag the slider to the desired value. That's the extent of what is changed. I'll make sure this is implemented for my next update. In the meantime, please accept my apology for not including it in this admittedly early access release.
Frame rate and stuttering has never been an issue even with my old 2070 super. The issue is clarity, definition and blurriness. All things that still exist in VR even with my new 4070ti.
Great solutions for getting More FPS and less stutters, but Microsoft shame that your Engine is so bad that we need all those Addons, hopefully MFS 2024 will be much better for VR performance
It would have been so much easier if they had just implemented it inside the box. It's quite a trick to get this to work using an outside application. Imagine how slick it would be if it was embedded??
I am going to try this, I don't know if this will help but I notice that 99% of my stutters in VR come from when I am flying over add on scenery created by users. I feel like a lot of the time the scenery is just not optimized and while it may work OK in 2D mode it is a no go for VR. For example, I had Boston add on scenery from enjoy it fly installed. In 2D it is great but in VR I was getting MASSIVE stutters. I deleted it and added the Boston Scenery from the Modern US Cities add on scenery from the Markey place and just like that 99% of the stutters were gone. I believe we could be looking at a data throughput bottleneck where the sim is trying to download too much data and inject it into the sim and it just can't in real time. That is my working theory at least lol.
Tried this after viewing vid. I wouldn't say game changer, but it seems to help somewhat, worth trying and tinkering with. I'm going to try throwing some real fps killer sceneries at it and see how it does. The concept is great, everyone should try it.
I think its just a coincidence and something else is at play, but after using auto fps, my pimax vr fps has dropped to 19 (smart smoothing), i still need to try to figure out why though. I did the 'uninstall' on autofps and the dynamiclod one too, but something is now amiss.
Is there an "official" support channel for the app? I installed per the instructions (msfs, smoothflight, mobiconnect, net7.0 runtime, no AWS enabled, etc.). Smoothflight reports "Sim Running?" in green text, however "Connected? and "Controllable?" are in red text - and the program has no affect on my TOD or LOD or frame rate. Would really like to get this working :) .
Hi Steve. Thank you for always bringing the VR community cutting edge info. As a big fan of Almalence( i know you don’t care much for it) have you tried running this app with that mod? Ty in advance
I normally limit my frame rate to 40 fps in OpenXR Toolkit. Should I no longer do that if using this App? Also, what is RA under the OLOD on the FPS page of the APP?
Auto FPS was working amazing although i surprisingly had stuttering on my last use of it with a glider in the Alps??? Ill give this a try and look forward to any settings advice you can give?
My best advice would be to set some reasonable limits. The worst thing you can do is set FPS to 90 and TLOD maximum to 400. This will NOT give your video card superpowers and magically give you the ability to run everything on Ultra. So, try this as a starting point. Look at what you currently have your Terrain LOD and Object LOD set to. Set the TLOD max limit and OLOD Max limit to the same numbers. Then set FPS to a value that's a bit lower than what you can normally hit. Set Deadzone to 3 or 4 FPS higher than FPS minimum. This will give you a comfortable zone where no changes are necessary. Then go fly. You should have some room to auto-adjust to varying conditions whether that's higher or lower. Edit for clarification: Some are still confused to the real function of the FPS setting. It does not limit your FPS. It''s merely a directive to SmoothFlight that says: "Please don't let FPS fall below THIS". It's very common for me to have my FPS set to 40 and my actual FPS to be fluctuating between 70 and 80. This is where SmoothFlight really shines. Sometimes I'll just head for a large city and dial up a blizzard to watch SmoothFlight handle it. I can hear it faintly say: "Is that all you got? "
When I try to download this I don't seem to be able to find the app in Google drive. I just get Mobi Connect and a text file for SmoothFlight change log. Can anyone help? Sorry if I'm being dumb
The majority of questions seem to be focused around some type of setup guide, so would it be a benefit if I did a Twitch stream and went through that? I'm not much on making TH-cam videos but a stream would allow for some interaction.... a question and answer session type of thing.
@@VRFlightSimGuyI guess the trick is to find a good time. With users all over the planet, when would be the best time to do this? I suppose the VOD will be around for viewing later, but getting in on the active questions would be beneficial. Anyone have ideas?
Hello can you advise I managed to install auto fps in msfs 20 but I noticed especially in high mountain areas the mountains change slightly is it the auto fps doing that, that, I thought it would be smooth, regards
Hey I noticed your terrain pre-cache is set to "high". What are your thoughts on this instead of the "Ultra" setting? I have found the Ultra helps a lot with the terrain suddenly morphing as you approach, and I haven't seen any hit to FPS or stutter.
More in depth please. Sounds fantastic. Problem with Auto fps is, that it is not aware where and what you fly. Takeoff in the alps with TLOD 50 and flying in mountain regions with GA or helicopter is a difficult to handle usecase
Wow a 3rd utility now, thanks Steve! I use first one: DynamicLOD for VR and works with Fixed FPS play. For me, that's at 30 FPS with MR. First time in years getting this sim to be butter smooth with almost zero micro-stutters; what an awesome feeling while flying now!!! (Cant quite get to 45 consistently in my new rig because of the 3080Ti.) Based on your suggestion, I will try this and see if I can disable Motion Reprojection now at 30 FPS. Thanks again:)
In this current iteration, the SmoothFlight tool is designed to work without motion reprojection only. With ASW or MR, the sim continually reports that it is always at half-native-framerate. So without accurate FPS data coming from the sim, SmoothFlight cannot accurately assist.
So you are auto-varying 3 settings based on the UI window= TLOD, OLOD and RA. What is RA? By the way too; I don't know why on my PC but the utility was accurately picking up the correct Motion Reprojection FPS and was adjusting the 3 variable settings as I flew just fine. So also tried in non MR as well, was auto-correcting in the same fashion in both modes just fine.@@somewhereelsestudio6342
@@MrEDETGood question. Because of the way that all reprojection technologies work, I think they'll all be problematic. Because my experience with them is that they either will report 45 FPS or 90. (assuming this is on a headset that's set to 90hz refresh) . The most important part of this is that no matter which one they report, it will never change. And watching that number change is how SmoothFlight works. So if you MUST use reprojection, then maybe a different solution is better for you. But in my testing, as long as I can set the minimum FPS to 38 or higher, I can have a successful result. YMMV of course... and that's why we pre-release these types of tools so we can get a better handle on what works (hopefully the vast majority of it) and what doesn't.
If you run any version of ASW, the sim will report that you're currently getting 45 FPS. (or half of your native refresh rate) If you set the threshold of SmoothFlight lower than that, it will keep turning up your eye candy until you have a slideshow. If you set it higher than 45, it will constantly turn down your graphics until it looks horrible. So no, ASW is assumed to be discarded with this tool. It requires the sim to tell the truth. ASW is not truth. :)
It is so weird with this program in particular how different it runs on similar machines with similar settings. I think the only hardware difference between my rig and yours is I have the high-end Ryzen chip and if I remember correctly, you have a high-end Intel chip. Yet since the last Beta build and tweaking the settings, my experience is butter smooth 98% of the time and this program did nothing to improve it (I think mostly because there is so little left to improve). In fact, my stutters out the side never seemed to be about FPS, as my FPS are almost always within 3 frames of 45. I'll be darned if I know what was causing them, but they are gone! Still, I ROUNDLY applaud the folks making these add-ons to help people still struggling and I applaud you for making such great videos of them! S!
re: "as my FPS are almost always within 3 frames of 45" Is that because you're running ASW or some other frame generation? In that case, you're right. SmoothFlight will not do what you want it to do if the framerate never changes. Edit for clarity: If you use ASW or MR, and your sim reports 45 FPS all the time: One of these 3 things will happen: a) If your minimum FPS slider is set to a value higher than 45, the sim will never reach it. Therefore, SmoothFlight will continually lower the graphics settings until both TLOD and OLOD are at their minimum... because if the FPS never changes, SmoothFlight will not know when to stop. This would look horrible. Don't do it. b) If your minimum FPS Plus Deadzone are LOWER than 45, SmoothFlight will decide that you've got excess power, and you want to put it to use by increasing graphics fidelity. So it will continually raise the TLOD and OLOD settings until they are at their maximum because it won't know when to stop. This would likely become a slide show, and you're not going to like it. Don't do it. c) If your minimum FPS setting is lower than 45 and the upper threshold (FPS + Deadzone) is above 45, then SmoothFLight will do nothing. You will not cross either of the thresholds, so you're in the DeadZone. And you'll complain to me that you don't see any difference. You won't like it. I won't like it. Don't do it. (see a pattern?) :) So turn off MR/ASW, etc. let the sim report what the real FPS is... and then SmoothFlight has a chance to do what it was created to do.
There are so many reasons / causes for stuttering. An overworked graphics engine is only one of them. Another very popular one is connecting to the USA West server on a Friday night. ;) But don't be surprised if the stuttering problem seems to be completely fixed on one day only to return the next. It may not have anything to do with your settings.
I'm not using ASW and it stumps me why currently I am pegged at 45-48 but it is so smooth though I don't want to chase more FPS for no reason! Sometimes after I mess with settings, I get 90fps and it is rock solid on FPS, but the stutters return. Weird. @@somewhereelsestudio6342
Not using ASW and I am stumped as to why I am pegged there now - was getting a solid 90fps before, but there were stutters. It is so butter smooth now at 45 I hate to try and chase any additional FPS for no useable reason!@@somewhereelsestudio6342
yes i would like to see a further in depth tutorial, but please enable the ingame FPS display to show the framerate and info whats still limiting the performance. thanks
Great info and ap! I think I know the answer but wondering if I should still use OpenXR together with Smooth Flight? Smooth Flight is showing 9FPS on my low spec system but seems like it might be getting 3x.
Interesting video. My only question is will these tools work with any gaming - not just flight games? I do SIM racing and other VR sports games and with the Quest 3 now. Looks like these are specific to Flight Sim games.
Great video and potentially very useful tool. Would you be able to make another video of how to set this software, please? Which setting are more important, which are less and so on. Thanks
Did you restart Flight sim after putting the "mobiflight-event-module" folder into your Community Folder? The sim won't load it on the fly. It only looks for it on startup.
It's awfully kludgy - as I don't know how to get a user interface to show up on the in-game ribbon menu... but here's how I've been doing it: First I get all my windows set up and the in-game windows placed where I want them. I don't know how everyone else does it, but I guess we all end up in the same place. But basically, do your normal method to get the SmoothFlight window into the VR space with you. Just before you launch VR, Alt-Tab to the SmoothFlight app by holding the Alt button down and tap Tab until the app is highlighted: then release Alt key. Then one more Alt-tab to go back to MSFS . Because of the default way Microsoft windows works (and has since W95) your most recent 2 windows will always be the default windows to focus. While in VR, you can alt-tab again and it will bring the SmoothFlight app into focus. Alt-tab again to go back to MSFS. I mapped alt-tab to a button on my StreamDeck so I don't have to fumble around to find the keyboard in VR. So yea, it's a bit of a kludgy workaround for now. But it lets me make changes while flying without leaving VR. To be fair though, the main focus of SmoothFlight is that you find your settings and then leave it alone. So hopefully you'll adopt that workflow soon and this will be a non-issue.
@somewhereelsestudio6342 Cool. I will give it a try. To be honest, I was hoping you had some clever way to bring Windows apps into VR. 🙂 I wrote an in-game popup for my app (rsFirstOfficer) but it seems to cause stutters so I don't promote that feature. Thanks for all your efforts on this handy tool.
Do the same clip over London and the Heathrow payware airport. Totally different and imo the additional tools don’t help anything, raw Nvidia power does.
msfs/sim rig dof h3 pimax crystal and all the other open xr pimax xr opencomposite.. to open when I want to start it. thank god for batch files to open them all at once.. another one added to the queue.
Do you guys have the old saying: "Gotta eat a little crow"? It's classically used when you really screw up and you have to apologize. Sometimes you gotta apologize to a lot of people. I find myself in that un-desirable position today.
I've been very vocal (and adamant) that I based my SmoothFlight tool on the original code base that Muumimorko and Fragtality made. To be very quick about it... I was wrong. I thought I was being careful to only use from that code base until I had explicit permission to use anything from ResetXPDR. But I screwed up and had some cross-pollination. I could come up with lots of reasons how or why that happened ... but let's cut to the chase. I screwed up - and I screwed up with proof right in my code. I'd make a lousy criminal. Freakin' brilliant. It's like committing a crime and leaving your business card at the scene with a blood sample.
So it's no wonder that ResetXPDR was upset with me. And I was clueless. Because... as of about an hour ago, I still thought I hadn't used his code. But we had a chat, and there it is. I have to admit that it really makes me look like a scumbag. I humbly ask for forgiveness. I have broken a trust.
It's also my first red flag that I might have cognitive decline - so that's a wonderful diagnosis... old age sux but that's a story for another time.
At any rate, I need to amend my earlier statements: I have 3 people to thank for my ability to have an idea like this... build the mod, and then share it with you guys. Muumimorko, Fragtality and ResetXPDR. As a famous guy once said: "We stand on the shoulders of Giants"
Thanks for this posting, it clarify the situation. I would be nice that you also describe how you software do better that the 2 others. How do you differentiate?
Thank you for owing up to this, and publicly too. It takes real guts to do that. In response, I am completely satisfied that it was inadvertent and I forgive you. If I can do that being the one most affected, I hope that others can too and continue to use and support your app into the future.
It would make a lot of sense to consolidate this FPS project into one sensible project,
It’s messy having two different projects…
@@eaglefirestudioI'm hoping that in the future, the differences in our 2 approaches will begin to separate us a bit more. Now that we have a more open line of communication, I expect a bit more of a difference to emerge. Also, I've already been in contact with 2 people that tell me my version doesn't do anything for them..and I find it's refreshing to be able to point them to ResetXPDR's version as an alternative.
I could agree with the messy comment, except that they both use the exact same "mobiflight-event-module" that goes in the Community folder, so running comparisons with them couldn't be easier. It's kind of the opposite of messy.
@somewhereelsestudio6342 While I was quick to criticise you yesterday, I applaud you for coming back publicly and apologising....well done! After thinking about it more, I believe the VR Flight Sim Guy jumped the gun a bit and could have maybe have done a tad of research before posting....he did that once before with an initial Windows11 and G2 being wiped out video he posted then retracted when he realised he had created unfounded panic....anyway, alls well that ends well eh?
@VRFlightSimGuy mentioned something during his review that I feel I should address: The "Landing Mode" setting caused a quick stutter when he crossed the threshold. and that's due to an intentional decision. If the difference between your current graphics settings and the ones you have selected in the "Landing Mode" are too much, then yes, you will see the change happen. That's because "Landing Mode" is designed to be a "safe space" where no automatic adjustments are allowed. A "Sterile cockpit" if you will...
So I give you 2 choices.
1. Force those settings at the altitude threshold (that you can set as high as 500 ft above the runway). Because one quick quarter-second stutter and then butter-smooth for the rest of the landing is better than a slide-show that lasts all the way down.
2. Or...use the "Freeze" option. Freeze will just stop updating graphics as you cross the threshold. The settings might still be too high, but at least you have a choice of how to handle it.
On the other hand, the issue that he saw during landing wouldn't have been a problem if he was following a normal glide path, as that would have given the SmoothFlight tool enough time to invisibly adjust the graphic quality on the way. That being said, if this continues to be an issue then I'll be writing a new algorithm for approaches. This is most assuredly a work in progress. The ability to do this kind of a mod has only recently been available. So (as my good friend continues to say: "More to come" on this subject)
Outstanding effort, I’ve tried running both of the apps together, it seemed to work ok, good fps. I’ll give this app a good test tomorrow at some point.
@@goochygoochoutdoors.1913Both together? I hate to break it to you, but you're not actually testing what you think you're testing.
@@goochygoochoutdoors.1913 Definitely don't do this. Both programs will be competing to modify the variables that represent the TLOD and OLOD. One of the other, not both!
Why no admission that you just piggy backed onto the original developers app and the major improvement that Reset XPDR published a few days before you released this...not good to imply its all your work, you should definitely give credit to the 2 guys who were there before you
@@GunPilotI never implied that it was *all* my work. And I have given credit to the 2 guys before me. But you're making accusations you know nothing about. Those 2 guys are Muumimorko and Fragality. With the exception of their code that talks to and from MSFS, this program *is* all mine. My design... my code.
Both ResetXPDR and I branched off the same code that was built by Muumimorko (the MobiConnect part) and Fragality (the rest of the proof of concept code known as DynamicLOD) after both of them had abandoned the project and announced there would be no further updates. It was at that point that both of us each created a new fork and began to work on our own ideas. (By the way, I originally asked ResetXPDR to collaborate on the project, but he declined. ) After a short discussion, we agreed that our different approaches were unique enough that it would be difficult to collaborate. At the time, ResetXPDR's version was nearly identical to the latest version of the Fragality code... in that it was all based on AGL with a couple of spreadsheets and hard coded AGL = LOD pairings.
The version of the original DynamicLOD that I used as a base for the communication with between the tool and MSFS has none of ResetXPDR's code in in it. So yes, I'm using Muumimorko's very slick communication engine to talk to MSFS. The majority of the remainder of the code I'm assuming belongs to Fragality - and it is pages (and pages) of code to manage the spreadsheets that correlate AGL to LOD settings. And since I was not about to base my idea on AGL, that was entirely discarded.
But to claim I piggy-backed off of Reset's code? That has no basis in reality.. You must think I saw Reset's autoFPS tool and then built (and tested) mine in 4 days??? I'm flattered that you think I'm that fast, but no. This took time. It's a design I've had ever since MSFS came out with VR support three and a half years ago. Without Muumimorko's amazing Memory Injection code, it wasn't possible until just recently.
While we're on the subject, the original design for this came from a title that Papyrus came out with in 1995 (I think) called Indy Car Racing 2, that would change the number of cars you could see based on FPS. Back then getting 12-14 FPS was considered decent performance.
You wait 4 years for a bus... then 3 come along all at once
Exactly my thoughts!
What’s the third one? I’ve got the autoFPS, what else is there?
@@JanStrojil DynamicLOD Tool
Would love to see more in dept settings video
Yes, Yes, Yes... An explanation of each setting, what it attempts to accomplish, and what reasonable values might be considered for low-end, mid-range, and high-end graphics cards would be helpful. I've been playing with AutoFPS for a few days now with decent results. Now spending time with this new app. Having this capability embedded in the sim would be awesome but KUDOS to the persistence of the author. I will definitely contribute some $$.
Thanks Steve. Great news with these new fps optimisers! Would love a settings guide when you are able to.
They're coming thick and fast now mate, thanks for the support :)
Darren; the short answer is this:
You should know 3 things about your current settings. Your current Terrain LOD, Object LOD, and what FPS you normally hit with those settings.
1. Set the FPS to a value your video card can hit. It won't do you much good if you set it so high that the SmoothFlight tool continually tries to lower your graphics settings to get you above that FPS threshold. That would look ugly. This doesn't give your computer more power. It does however very intelligently adjust your settings to make the best use of what you have.... all without cooking your video card. (check your video card temperature while this is running - you'll be surprised)
2. In the "Limits" section, set the maximum values to roughly the same as what you now use in normal MSFS flight. In other words, DON"T set these to maximum. This is important, unless all you want is the best visuals at all costs.
Note: Once SmoothFlight has found how far it can push the TLOD and OLOD settings without your FPS dropping below your FPS threshold... it will have found the optimum settings for that moment in time. The good news is, it's going to keep double-checking to make sure you are *still* using the optimal settings during your entire flight... so yes, you can go from flying over the ocean to flying low over Lower Manhattan with 3,000 x 3000 supersampling in VR and this beast will auto-compensate and keep you smooth. When you leave the city, the higher graphics come back and you never leave too much power on the table.
3. If you have the maximum values set low enough, and SmoothFlight was able to reach those maximums without dropping below the minimum threshold, the remaining power / headroom is not wasted. It will be converted back into higher FPS. It's not uncommon for me to have my minimum set to 40 FPS, TLOD set to 125 (for scenery out as far as I can see anyway), OLOD set to 85 (because if I miss a baggage cart at the airport, I really don't care) and actual FPS is in the 70's. In VR. Don't be suckered into setting a high FPS number. This number won't limit your FPS. It only sets a threshold by which lots of calculations start happening.
Excellent! Thanks for this explanation!
@@somewhereelsestudio6342What do you recommend for landing settings? Seeing what Steve set for his landing settings seems a bit low no? Also...for alitude...if I set it to 33 does that mean 3,300 feet is the altitude at which the settings lock in for landing?
@@JM1701ABCDAs mentioned elsewhere, you can disregard the "Landing Mode" and just let it adjust based on performance. but for those who really love tweaking and want a bit more control for landings, the option is there.
Absolutely would love a more in-depth look at this, when you have the opportunity. Thanks for sharing!
Very much thank you. Excellent job and I would really enjoy seeing an review of both 'AutoFPS' and 'SmoothFlight'. 👍
Excellent video, a walkthrough setup would be great.
What I would really love to see is something that stops MSFS spontaneously adjusting the terrain mesh when close up to mountains - as you are here. There's hardly ever improved visual fidelity when that happens, but it is a total immersion breaker in VR, at least when you're ridge soaring.
Totally agree 💯
100% agree with you @bulversteher. As a creator of some race tracks for MSFS, I find it insane that Asobo can get the X-Y coordinates of those mountain peaks correct from 20 miles away, but is continually adjusting the elevation right up until you get within arms reach. but it's the limitations of the current sim ...and we all deal with them.
The only thing you can do to help alleviate that is to set your TLOD setting higher. This will cause the levels of detail to be drawn at a greater distance. (I was able to gather that Asobo has 14 different LOD levels for terrain)
But as we all know, if you set that too high, it gets like a slide-show and that's another immersion breaker.
Totally agree. In VR you really notice these changes much more than on a regular monitor.
I think with 2024 they've all but given up on 2020. I have high hopes for the new version built from the ground up with the lessons learned. I think we'll come to view 2020 as a paid beta, with 2024 hopefully being absolutely amazing 🙏Shame we have to pay twice, but worth every penny
@MichaelBarry-gz9xl "From the ground up," now where have we heard of that phrase before? 😂
Thanks for the update mate, very keen to see your more in depth settings review on this and trying it out myself :)
Thanks Steve, will definitely give both a try. Keep em coming!
This works totally fantastic. Go buy the dev a coffee if you use this, he deserves it.
Couldn't agree more!
Thanks so much! This app is amazing. I don't use VR but got only ~20-25 FPS (3080/i5 11400) fsr frame gen pushed it to 40 but still micro stutters, now im at around 70, no stutters at all. Just Amazing.
I would really appreciate a head-to-head or comparison between this and AutoFPS. I assume you can’t run both at the same time, so basically which one is ‘better’ for general uses. Since they both seem brilliant, it’s hard to know which one to go for
Are you using them together? What is the difference between them? Hope to see some test.
Would love a deeper dive into Smooth Flight.
Incredible.. Without tweaking the standard settings it made a huge difference in stutter. Not flown it yet but sitting on the tarmac was far better than ever. 3080 Graphics card, Quest 3 VR. First impressions were excellent.
Awesome thanks Steve!
Hey Jose, I hope you are well :)
Auto fps didn't stop my big fps fluctuations, but thanks for sharing this, I will definitely be trying this out.
Unfortunately it didn't work for me.
Great video Steve, I also would like a comparison between auto fps and smooth flight with a settings guide. It’s amazing we have these tools to improve our VR.
Please, please explain how to get it working! :)
Thank you very much for the tutorial, this addon also works for those of us who play VR
Great work, keep on rocking! Your work is very much appreciated! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Thankyou so much!
Hi, Tried this and it only says "Sim running" Connected and Controllable still red. So seems to be doing nothing. Not sure how to get it running properly.
Thank you. Trying this now. Would love to see an in-depth settings guide.
Cheers for video mate 👍
Thanks for this video. Will try it asap. Cheers, Ron :))
Hey i use quest 3 for my vr. Not sure how to make it show up when im flying so i can tweak it. Any help would be appreciated please. Thank you.
Off topic I know, but I would really love to know your thoughts of your motion rig having used it for some time. The good but also limitations.
Video coming very soon!
Tested this, but it is not running…no install, just unzip and run?
Hey Steve. This looks really interesting. I can’t wait for the day we get smooth 90fps with high fidelity visuals in vr
I had over 80 this morning with TLOD at 150, 30% supersampling (2500x2100) into a Quest 3 this morning. So we're close. :)
@@somewhereelsestudio6342which HW do you use? And much more interesting what linking SW do you use? I got a quest 2 and have horrible stutters likely due to linking SW
@@Alexander-hk5keYou lost me. I don't know what HW is ... or what linking SW is.
@@Alexander-hk5ke I replied to this hours ago but it's not showing up. I don't know what you mean by HW and linking SW. Please explain. Could you be referring to HardWare and SoftWare? I have a Quest 3 and use the link cable. If you mean something different.. I'll try to answer once I know what HW and SW mean.
Also, It's important to realize that stutters are generated by lots of different things. .. and at no time have I ever claimed that this eliminates stuttering. It's true that almost everyone who uses it (and has reviewed it) reports a dramatic decrease in stutters, but in reality, there are causes for stutters that I have no control over. It's designed to automatically adjust graphics within the limitations of your hardware.
So the bottom line is: If you set unreasonable expectations of a tool like this, it's going to disappoint ya. :) For instance if you never got more than 30 FPS on medium settings, but you installed SmoothFlight and cranked up your options to "ultra" and then demanded 65 FPS, it's going to get ugly. That's an extreme example, but I want to reiterate that the best setup advice I can give is this: Leave your system options alone and setting a reasonable FPS that your system can hit - - and you'll probably be in the ballpark.
Yes please. Love some setting help for this with a 4090.
please settings guide. do we need both?
it's good. Still seeing micro stutters at edge of performance limits but the frame pacing seems much better. Low Flying and looking down the Wing cord, you get a smoother experience.
Stuttering has ruined MSFS VR for me so tried both of these. They both report a frame rate of around 40-60 (target 32), don't apply much lowering of details, and the stutter is still wild.
Can you have a high frame rate and stutter?
Yes. Higher FPS is not always good for VR. Try and match half of your refresh rate
Need something like this in DCS
Wow. Sounds amazing, Steve. I will try this, even though I'm very close to 100% stutter free as is, running the 4090 at half, like yourself. A very clever piece of software, and I will definitely donate 🙂 Have a great week, buddy. Love from Norway ♥♥♥♥♥
Thanks to continued updates and optimizations from Asobo, it's true that many of us can run stutter free. However, the settings you use to get stutter free are truthfully only good when flying in the same kind of environment that you created them in. Take those settings to one of the major cities (NYC, Tokyo, Paris, London, etc) and your hard-coded stutter-free existence falls short. Take those same settings to the Alps in nice weather and you're leaving a lot of horsepower on the table and not using to it's full advantage. Do you find yourself wondering if you could add a bit of eye candy?? I know I and many friends do every day.
And that's the reason why tools like this exist. So you can be assured you're getting the best performance and/or visuals based on your preference.... no matter where you are. Heavy Rain storm? No problem. Joined a group flight with 30 other planes? Got it covered. :) Myself, I'm very susceptible to low frame-rates, so I set mine to give me blistering FPS numbers in VR. My flying buddy would rather have amazing visuals and happily runs at 10 FPS below me. We use the same tool, different settings, and we are both blissfully happy.
@@somewhereelsestudio6342 Very good point. The feeling of having extra grunt unused can be somewhat annoying sometimes. I am one of those who accepted high 20s in the G2, so for me to be satisfied probably takes less than it does for you. But the settings I use now pretty much allow me to fly a fighter between the skyscrapers in NY with all high/ultra, even clouds. But I know for a fact that I'm missing out on even greater results when in less demanding scenarios. I',m using the Crystal, so that makes up for a lot for it regardless. The clarity is amazing. I will definitely try the software out tomorrow 👍
@@poolhallshark re: "The feeling of having extra grunt unused can be somewhat annoying sometimes." If you had asked me about this in the early days of MSFS2020, I would have denied it. But after tweaking on settings for over 3 years, I suppose the "quest for the perfect setup" is now taking over. It has become a lifestyle.
@@somewhereelsestudio6342 Indeed 😅
Thanks for the update. Can you make a video showing us how to set it up please Cheers.
I’m so out of the loop that I’m so happy you keep me / us In the loop. I’ll have to give this a try but I’m happy I get 25fps so I’ll try 30? and see what performance gain I get at what noticeable details loss. Thanks for showing
It will definitely help you out Sven, especially since the software tries to better match frame timing at lower FPS values.
Hope he has plans to develop this for DCS
Nice job on the approach in Innsbruck!
As a pilot, I can't pass by without mentioning, landing must be done from the opposite side. Noise amendment procedures 🙄
Keep up the great work! ✈👏
Thanks for the tips! ❤️😁
Make some noiseeee'😂
@@JGGPilot 🤣
I love AutoFPS and gave this a try. Both are identical apart from AutoFPS using cloud detail change when needed to maintain FPS. Both great programs and Asobo need to take note !
AFAIK The reason you want 45 fps (half of 90) is for the motion re-projection, consistent interpolated artificial frames. Then MSFS added a triple option so 30/90 IIRC, been a while for me.
See vid here from a year ago etc for more details.
But this is no sense because Frame generation brake vsync? No?
Wow, this seems very interesting!
You've discovered something beautiful again :)
I do try :D
@@VRFlightSimGuy Good evening, I just tried this application in VR mode and for me it changes absolutely nothing, I don't see any difference in terms of increase in fps!!!
Thank you for keeping us so informed. Does this one also adjust the clouds like the other one does? And also are you able to minimize so you don't see it in your screen all the time? Thank you
Clouds are not yet implemented. Changing cloud detail is VERY noticeable and was therefore not included ... but the more I read about cloud manipulation, the more I'm tempted to add it. I did some performance testing myself with cloud adjustments, and found the results to be rather un-impressive. That might have to do with the fact that I'm using a 4090 card but I saw no more than one FPS difference between Low detailed clouds and Ultra. Yet I read how everyone else thinks that clouds are "da bomb". So back to the test bench for me. Still, some rather impressive results are possible without such visually obvious changes. And I value invisible mods more than the things that reduce immersion.
Yes, this can be minimized... or better yet, the "secret" mini-mode. check the upper left hand corner of the app window. There's a tiny silver button up there that will shrink the app to post-it note size. You can "paste" that anywhere in the cockpit in VR - totally out of the way, but still able to read how it's doing.
Have you tried turning AMD FX Sharpening down? I run mine at zero and I get a much clearer image in VR, especially in the cockpit looking at the instruments.
Thankyou for the tip, it used to be the other way around. I'll give this a try now 👍
How do I get the LOD settings and such back that I had before trying the app? Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that the app modifies settings somewhere in the sim's files and because of that, even deleting the app doesn't get the default settings back. I really want to go back to how my MSFS was before trying the app, for reference. Am I supposed to reinstall the sim just to get it working the way it used to?
Re-install? That's a bit overly dramatic. The only things that are changed are your Terrain LOD and Object LOD. And it doesn't change it in the files. It only changes the copy of the program while it's in memory and running on your PC. You can easily go back into your settings menu and drag the slider to the desired value. That's the extent of what is changed.
I'll make sure this is implemented for my next update. In the meantime, please accept my apology for not including it in this admittedly early access release.
Frame rate and stuttering has never been an issue even with my old 2070 super. The issue is clarity, definition and blurriness. All things that still exist in VR even with my new 4070ti.
Reminds me of the days when OpenXR Toolkit came out, and suddenly everything opened up
Great solutions for getting More FPS and less stutters, but Microsoft shame that your Engine is so bad that we need all those Addons, hopefully MFS 2024 will be much better for VR performance
It would have been so much easier if they had just implemented it inside the box. It's quite a trick to get this to work using an outside application. Imagine how slick it would be if it was embedded??
I am going to try this, I don't know if this will help but I notice that 99% of my stutters in VR come from when I am flying over add on scenery created by users. I feel like a lot of the time the scenery is just not optimized and while it may work OK in 2D mode it is a no go for VR. For example, I had Boston add on scenery from enjoy it fly installed. In 2D it is great but in VR I was getting MASSIVE stutters. I deleted it and added the Boston Scenery from the Modern US Cities add on scenery from the Markey place and just like that 99% of the stutters were gone. I believe we could be looking at a data throughput bottleneck where the sim is trying to download too much data and inject it into the sim and it just can't in real time. That is my working theory at least lol.
Have it installed, as per instructions.
But how do I get to see the smooth fight menu in VR in my Aero?
Tried this after viewing vid. I wouldn't say game changer, but it seems to help somewhat, worth trying and tinkering with. I'm going to try throwing some real fps killer sceneries at it and see how it does. The concept is great, everyone should try it.
Heathrow airport and NYC
the last FPS tool would start but would read Not compatible with this version of MSFT flight sim and go into read mode only. Maybe this one will work.
Wow I just installed Auto FPS when I went to sleep and now there's this smooth motion when I woke up😊
Can't find the exe file to run the program :(, only plugin in the zip file.
where can I download the MeeshTrax: SmoothFlight software?
The link you provided does not have the MeeshTrax: SmoothFlight software.
I think its just a coincidence and something else is at play, but after using auto fps, my pimax vr fps has dropped to 19 (smart smoothing), i still need to try to figure out why though. I did the 'uninstall' on autofps and the dynamiclod one too, but something is now amiss.
Is there an "official" support channel for the app? I installed per the instructions (msfs, smoothflight, mobiconnect, net7.0 runtime, no AWS enabled, etc.). Smoothflight reports "Sim Running?" in green text, however "Connected? and "Controllable?" are in red text - and the program has no affect on my TOD or LOD or frame rate. Would really like to get this working :) .
Hi Steve. Thank you for always bringing the VR community cutting edge info. As a big fan of Almalence( i know you don’t care much for it) have you tried running this app with that mod? Ty in advance
My pleasure Kam :) Funny enough, I'm about to try it!
Great find, looks awesome. I'll start messing around with it, but please provide some settings stats, will be really useful.
I'm using quest 3 with virtual desktop. Same results.. No more stutters
It is always good to see such tools🎉🎉🎉
I normally limit my frame rate to 40 fps in OpenXR Toolkit. Should I no longer do that if using this App? Also, what is RA under the OLOD on the FPS page of the APP?
Is there a way to implement this on other VR games?
should it replace fps autolimiter or work with it?
how can help me that if i dnt know which system you have? we have not the same computer ...
Auto FPS was working amazing although i surprisingly had stuttering on my last use of it with a glider in the Alps??? Ill give this a try and look forward to any settings advice you can give?
My best advice would be to set some reasonable limits. The worst thing you can do is set FPS to 90 and TLOD maximum to 400. This will NOT give your video card superpowers and magically give you the ability to run everything on Ultra.
So, try this as a starting point. Look at what you currently have your Terrain LOD and Object LOD set to. Set the TLOD max limit and OLOD Max limit to the same numbers. Then set FPS to a value that's a bit lower than what you can normally hit. Set Deadzone to 3 or 4 FPS higher than FPS minimum. This will give you a comfortable zone where no changes are necessary. Then go fly. You should have some room to auto-adjust to varying conditions whether that's higher or lower.
Edit for clarification: Some are still confused to the real function of the FPS setting. It does not limit your FPS. It''s merely a directive to SmoothFlight that says: "Please don't let FPS fall below THIS". It's very common for me to have my FPS set to 40 and my actual FPS to be fluctuating between 70 and 80. This is where SmoothFlight really shines. Sometimes I'll just head for a large city and dial up a blizzard to watch SmoothFlight handle it. I can hear it faintly say: "Is that all you got? "
So to be clear, one would run this in lieu of AutoFPS, not in tandem? Have you, or can you, do a side by side comparison of the two?
I'm going to do that today and will post video
What resolusion per eye u use ? Thx
When I try to download this I don't seem to be able to find the app in Google drive. I just get Mobi Connect and a text file for SmoothFlight change log. Can anyone help? Sorry if I'm being dumb
Quick question. Are you still using the OpenXR toolkit to do this? And is this add on added on to every game?
I'm not using the Open XR Toolkit to do this, but I do use it in conjunction with this addon. (If that's what you mean)?
I’d love a deeper dive into the possible combinations and optimal use for each.
@@VRFlightSimGuy Yes, that’s what I mean. Thank you for your prompt response! I’ll definitely subscribe to your channel. Great content!
The majority of questions seem to be focused around some type of setup guide, so would it be a benefit if I did a Twitch stream and went through that? I'm not much on making TH-cam videos but a stream would allow for some interaction.... a question and answer session type of thing.
Great idea 😃
@@VRFlightSimGuyI guess the trick is to find a good time. With users all over the planet, when would be the best time to do this? I suppose the VOD will be around for viewing later, but getting in on the active questions would be beneficial. Anyone have ideas?
Through my testing with it in VR the TLOD stays at the minimum setting? It doesn't budge, any idea why?
Hello can you advise I managed to install auto fps in msfs 20 but I noticed especially in high mountain areas the mountains change slightly is it the auto fps doing that, that, I thought it would be smooth, regards
Hey I noticed your terrain pre-cache is set to "high". What are your thoughts on this instead of the "Ultra" setting? I have found the Ultra helps a lot with the terrain suddenly morphing as you approach, and I haven't seen any hit to FPS or stutter.
It used to make a difference to performance, but that was pre SU13 - So I'll try it on ultra many thanks.
Can I run both apps at the same time or only one over the other app?
Will these programs work with FPS games as well?
Please make Video for settings
Hi Steve. I have tried to download the files but I'm having. I have read their instructions but I can't open the files? Any idea's mate.
How do you pull up the Smooth Flight UI? I put it into my community folder but nothing comes up in MSFS.
It works outside of the sim. I've edited this video to show you what it does.
It's no longer available,theres no . exe file to open , probably busy crying about who invented it rather than help people@@VRFlightSimGuy
More in depth please. Sounds fantastic. Problem with Auto fps is, that it is not aware where and what you fly. Takeoff in the alps with TLOD 50 and flying in mountain regions with GA or helicopter is a difficult to handle usecase
With AutoFPS, you can quickly change your TLOD Min to be higher and even a higher Alt TLOD Base if you want for such flights.
I haven't tried either Steve but im sure one of them will help my 2060!
How can I open the MobiFlightWasmModule.wasm file. I did not find any possibility to open it.
Wow a 3rd utility now, thanks Steve! I use first one: DynamicLOD for VR and works with Fixed FPS play. For me, that's at 30 FPS with MR. First time in years getting this sim to be butter smooth with almost zero micro-stutters; what an awesome feeling while flying now!!! (Cant quite get to 45 consistently in my new rig because of the 3080Ti.) Based on your suggestion, I will try this and see if I can disable Motion Reprojection now at 30 FPS. Thanks again:)
In this current iteration, the SmoothFlight tool is designed to work without motion reprojection only. With ASW or MR, the sim continually reports that it is always at half-native-framerate. So without accurate FPS data coming from the sim, SmoothFlight cannot accurately assist.
Understood; the plan was to try it with no MR anyways, thanks.@@somewhereelsestudio6342
So you are auto-varying 3 settings based on the UI window= TLOD, OLOD and RA. What is RA? By the way too; I don't know why on my PC but the utility was accurately picking up the correct Motion Reprojection FPS and was adjusting the 3 variable settings as I flew just fine. So also tried in non MR as well, was auto-correcting in the same fashion in both modes just fine.@@somewhereelsestudio6342
@@somewhereelsestudio6342Is that also the case when enabling MR in ToolkitXR and not in FS2020 itself?
@@MrEDETGood question. Because of the way that all reprojection technologies work, I think they'll all be problematic. Because my experience with them is that they either will report 45 FPS or 90. (assuming this is on a headset that's set to 90hz refresh) . The most important part of this is that no matter which one they report, it will never change. And watching that number change is how SmoothFlight works. So if you MUST use reprojection, then maybe a different solution is better for you. But in my testing, as long as I can set the minimum FPS to 38 or higher, I can have a successful result. YMMV of course... and that's why we pre-release these types of tools so we can get a better handle on what works (hopefully the vast majority of it) and what doesn't.
Anyone with a Quest 2 know how to make the UI appear in the cockpit once in VR mode?
How do you change that camera position?
Do I still force 45fps in the ASW 'spacewarp' setting in the debug tool, or just leave that at 'disabled'?
I've yet to try it using ASW, give it a go and let us know 👍
If you run any version of ASW, the sim will report that you're currently getting 45 FPS. (or half of your native refresh rate) If you set the threshold of SmoothFlight lower than that, it will keep turning up your eye candy until you have a slideshow. If you set it higher than 45, it will constantly turn down your graphics until it looks horrible. So no, ASW is assumed to be discarded with this tool. It requires the sim to tell the truth. ASW is not truth. :)
It is so weird with this program in particular how different it runs on similar machines with similar settings. I think the only hardware difference between my rig and yours is I have the high-end Ryzen chip and if I remember correctly, you have a high-end Intel chip. Yet since the last Beta build and tweaking the settings, my experience is butter smooth 98% of the time and this program did nothing to improve it (I think mostly because there is so little left to improve). In fact, my stutters out the side never seemed to be about FPS, as my FPS are almost always within 3 frames of 45. I'll be darned if I know what was causing them, but they are gone! Still, I ROUNDLY applaud the folks making these add-ons to help people still struggling and I applaud you for making such great videos of them! S!
Oh and I forgot to mention I'm using the Quest Pro as well. That may just have something to do with it!
re: "as my FPS are almost always within 3 frames of 45" Is that because you're running ASW or some other frame generation? In that case, you're right. SmoothFlight will not do what you want it to do if the framerate never changes.
Edit for clarity: If you use ASW or MR, and your sim reports 45 FPS all the time: One of these 3 things will happen:
a) If your minimum FPS slider is set to a value higher than 45, the sim will never reach it. Therefore, SmoothFlight will continually lower the graphics settings until both TLOD and OLOD are at their minimum... because if the FPS never changes, SmoothFlight will not know when to stop. This would look horrible. Don't do it.
b) If your minimum FPS Plus Deadzone are LOWER than 45, SmoothFlight will decide that you've got excess power, and you want to put it to use by increasing graphics fidelity. So it will continually raise the TLOD and OLOD settings until they are at their maximum because it won't know when to stop. This would likely become a slide show, and you're not going to like it. Don't do it.
c) If your minimum FPS setting is lower than 45 and the upper threshold (FPS + Deadzone) is above 45, then SmoothFLight will do nothing. You will not cross either of the thresholds, so you're in the DeadZone. And you'll complain to me that you don't see any difference. You won't like it. I won't like it. Don't do it. (see a pattern?) :)
So turn off MR/ASW, etc. let the sim report what the real FPS is... and then SmoothFlight has a chance to do what it was created to do.
There are so many reasons / causes for stuttering. An overworked graphics engine is only one of them. Another very popular one is connecting to the USA West server on a Friday night. ;) But don't be surprised if the stuttering problem seems to be completely fixed on one day only to return the next. It may not have anything to do with your settings.
I'm not using ASW and it stumps me why currently I am pegged at 45-48 but it is so smooth though I don't want to chase more FPS for no reason! Sometimes after I mess with settings, I get 90fps and it is rock solid on FPS, but the stutters return. Weird. @@somewhereelsestudio6342
Not using ASW and I am stumped as to why I am pegged there now - was getting a solid 90fps before, but there were stutters. It is so butter smooth now at 45 I hate to try and chase any additional FPS for no useable reason!@@somewhereelsestudio6342
yes i would like to see a further in depth tutorial, but please enable the ingame FPS display to show the framerate and info whats still limiting the performance. thanks
Hi thanks, I usually would be there is currently a bug in SU15 whereas enabling the FPS counter causes stutters. How ironic.
@@VRFlightSimGuyironic. maybe the frametime display within MSI afterburner works as a workaround.
@@VRFlightSimGuyI'm shaking my head at that one.
Great info and ap! I think I know the answer but wondering if I should still use OpenXR together with Smooth Flight? Smooth Flight is showing 9FPS on my low spec system but seems like it might be getting 3x.
Do we set and forget, or must we start it up before each session?
You need to start it each time.
Interesting video. My only question is will these tools work with any gaming - not just flight games?
I do SIM racing and other VR sports games and with the Quest 3 now.
Looks like these are specific to Flight Sim games.
Great video and potentially very useful tool. Would you be able to make another video of how to set this software, please? Which setting are more important, which are less and so on. Thanks
I can only get Sim Running to turn green. Connected and Controllable are red, and it doesn't seem to be working. Did I install it wrong?
Did you restart Flight sim after putting the "mobiflight-event-module" folder into your Community Folder? The sim won't load it on the fly. It only looks for it on startup.
Thanks for the info Steve. Is there a way to open the Smooth Flight window while in VR? (Quest 3)
It's awfully kludgy - as I don't know how to get a user interface to show up on the in-game ribbon menu... but here's how I've been doing it:
First I get all my windows set up and the in-game windows placed where I want them. I don't know how everyone else does it, but I guess we all end up in the same place. But basically, do your normal method to get the SmoothFlight window into the VR space with you.
Just before you launch VR, Alt-Tab to the SmoothFlight app by holding the Alt button down and tap Tab until the app is highlighted: then release Alt key. Then one more Alt-tab to go back to MSFS . Because of the default way Microsoft windows works (and has since W95) your most recent 2 windows will always be the default windows to focus.
While in VR, you can alt-tab again and it will bring the SmoothFlight app into focus. Alt-tab again to go back to MSFS. I mapped alt-tab to a button on my StreamDeck so I don't have to fumble around to find the keyboard in VR.
So yea, it's a bit of a kludgy workaround for now. But it lets me make changes while flying without leaving VR.
To be fair though, the main focus of SmoothFlight is that you find your settings and then leave it alone. So hopefully you'll adopt that workflow soon and this will be a non-issue.
Cool. I will give it a try.
To be honest, I was hoping you had some clever way to bring Windows apps into VR. 🙂
I wrote an in-game popup for my app (rsFirstOfficer) but it seems to cause stutters so I don't promote that feature.
Thanks for all your efforts on this handy tool.
Great video!!
Thankyou :)
Do the same clip over London and the Heathrow payware airport. Totally different and imo the additional tools don’t help anything, raw Nvidia power does.
msfs/sim rig dof h3 pimax crystal and all the other open xr pimax xr opencomposite.. to open when I want to start it. thank god for batch files to open them all at once.. another one added to the queue.