Just tried this. Not sure if it's working or if it's simply the extra heat generated by the iron. I realised if you hold the iron long enough on the wire, it'll burn away the casing. The aspirin doesn't really remove it as far as I can tell.
Dutch accent? Nice video. I use 4 parts Lye + 1 part table salt and heat in cast iron cap outside. I dip wire in and rinse in distilled water. My motors are all larger, 40mm x 94mm but wire is still very fragile. I will try your method. Thank you!
Nice tip. I think I'll try this. Normally I just set my iron to 400F or higher and it melts the coating off. By the way - the wire itself is copper. The coating is enamel. You want to remove the enamel and leave the copper.
I used a fine nail file to get the enamel off of my supper fine headphone wires it did a perfect job without breaking the wires I may do a video on it but it’s gonna suck
Thank you, this was driving me crazy
Just tried this. Not sure if it's working or if it's simply the extra heat generated by the iron. I realised if you hold the iron long enough on the wire, it'll burn away the casing. The aspirin doesn't really remove it as far as I can tell.
Dutch accent? Nice video. I use 4 parts Lye + 1 part table salt and heat in cast iron cap outside. I dip wire in and rinse in distilled water. My motors are all larger, 40mm x 94mm but wire is still very fragile. I will try your method. Thank you!
Excellent! I'll try this! Thank you!
Thanks! And how can I enamel copper wire? If you have video about it please share me.
love it absolutely great info
+historyskyz Thanks, glad you found it useful!
i cut the tinned part of the wires and now the motor doesnt work well. if i do this and put tin again will it work? did it work again for you?
Nice tip. I think I'll try this. Normally I just set my iron to 400F or higher and it melts the coating off. By the way - the wire itself is copper. The coating is enamel. You want to remove the enamel and leave the copper.
acid etch, could probably do the same thing by dipping in vinegar, citrus juice, etc...
I used a fine nail file to get the enamel off of my supper fine headphone wires it did a perfect job without breaking the wires
I may do a video on it but it’s gonna suck