I can't really explain why this race will always hold such a special place in my heart as a gamer. Everything about this HP race was special. The build up from a normal race towards the police interference at the gas station as if they were expecting you in full force. The sudden shift from a sunny desert race to a dark and thunderous highway chase. But what always gets me are the last 7 Kilometers towards the finish line. The dark sky with the thunder roaring in the background, the helicopter flying above and trying to get you in the spotlight, the Police Koenigsegg CCX Interceptors chasing you down towards the road block and your rival racers breathing down your neck.... IT'S JUST NFS FEELING PERFECTED!
Very Lovely described. For me its also one of the best nfs ever. Not for tuning but the Love in Detail with car descriptions and its very satisfying in general to drive. This and mw 2005 and underground 2 are the best nfs for me. Heat is also good but thats the only good from ghost games. So Glad criterion create a new nfs Again now. Would be cool if theres a Hot pursuit 3 in the Future. ❤️🔥
If this game was a movie I think this would be a part where a main character would die. I think this mission almost feels like you have no hope and are going to die.
Woulda been more cool if they labelled this as a Race instead of a Hot Pursuit, changed the opening scene and didn't give you the pursuit tech. The only hints to it being a hot pursuit being the title of this race and the little description in the menu.
The Gauntlet event "Blast From the Past" is like this. No pursuit tech info, so if not giving attention of the menu, player would be fooled to think it is a Time Trial event. FYI: Gauntlet has same objective as Time Trial (get finish line as fast as possible) but with cops involved as obstacle.
@@NFSBeast2365 I was a kid when I played NFS HP2, and I still remember it as a good racing game. NFS Underground games where sort of trendy games when The Fast and the Furious came out, NFS MW was really good as I recall as it combined the old school NFS with the sort of new school (back then). When this NFS HP and NFS Rivals came out (besides the the critics) I enjoyed these games, NFS Payback was ok, I haven't played the Heat that much but it seemed a little bit better than Payback, but not by much. It's more ricer than tuner 😁👍🇦🇺 1:NFS MW 2005 - 2:NFS HP (2010?) - 3:NFS Heat - 4:NFS MW (2012?) 5:NFS Pro Street. My opinion though 😉👍
Hot Pursuit levels are not races, at least not from a technical standpoint. Seacrest Tour is the longest race, Calm Before The Storm is the longest pursuit.
I can't really explain why this race will always hold such a special place in my heart as a gamer.
Everything about this HP race was special. The build up from a normal race towards the police interference at the gas station as if they were expecting you in full force. The sudden shift from a sunny desert race to a dark and thunderous highway chase. But what always gets me are the last 7 Kilometers towards the finish line. The dark sky with the thunder roaring in the background, the helicopter flying above and trying to get you in the spotlight, the Police Koenigsegg CCX Interceptors chasing you down towards the road block and your rival racers breathing down your neck.... IT'S JUST NFS FEELING PERFECTED!
Very Lovely described. For me its also one of the best nfs ever. Not for tuning but the Love in Detail with car descriptions and its very satisfying in general to drive.
This and mw 2005 and underground 2 are the best nfs for me. Heat is also good but thats the only good from ghost games.
So Glad criterion create a new nfs Again now. Would be cool if theres a Hot pursuit 3 in the Future. ❤️🔥
The fact that there was a storm brewing was a nice touch.
4:06 the cop helped him
***** dude, a race like this in real life would be insane as fuck
Oooooooh snap!
***** ikr?! I literally couldn't pass this race the first 5 times
wat man that would be some insane shit!
shaq0071 exactly
+ßɩâckṢţấř ȚħẹĀɓýṣsɯḁɩƙêŗ .........but dangerous
2:03 the cop's coffee was spilled
Was this a time when timestamps didn't exist yet?
@@Reading_Modeler probably. youtube was a lot different back then
youtube should update these to become timestamps imo
HOLY CRAP! That CCX just flew away!
I've seen that a lot of times in this game. Apparently, the SCPD also has a space program.
5:10 kinda disappointed you didn't use the turbo here, would've been more epic
2:03 First day of work
2:04 Last day of work
1:57- KOENIGSEGG: C.C.X. . .
The atmosphere in this race is too good, the thunder is perfect for such intensity. Definitely best after NFS Heat.
Heat is crap compared to this. Ghost games never got it right with any entry into the series.
@@wolfgangvan-uber6515Wait even Rivals? You can give it a pass right?
2:03 OH GOD!!😂😂
Alessandro Correira I
I did this many times. 😂😂😂
Surprise **********
that was toxic
CBTS was probably my most favorite hot pursuit session of the game. Amazing vid.
Love the EMP sound
Yes, me too 😁👍
2:03 Have to be the best part of this entire video 😂
"Suspect is driving aggressively"
Lmao. Also the other AI racer slams into the back of another cop as he pulls away from the gas station.
5:35 401 KPH = 249.17 MPH
And that isn't even the Agera R! :O
If this game was a movie I think this would be a part where a main character would die. I think this mission almost feels like you have no hope and are going to die.
no let the main character live
+melins derf I really hope they make this a movie! That would be so awesome!!
2:04 that cop just took it hard
* 2:03
Brutal Hit to the first cop of the race 😎😂
2:03 BOINK!!!
6:00 mira ese final, como cruzan todos la meta xd
segg agera and ccxr are my two favorite cars on the game
Woulda been more cool if they labelled this as a Race instead of a Hot Pursuit, changed the opening scene and didn't give you the pursuit tech. The only hints to it being a hot pursuit being the title of this race and the little description in the menu.
The Gauntlet event "Blast From the Past" is like this. No pursuit tech info, so if not giving attention of the menu, player would be fooled to think it is a Time Trial event.
FYI: Gauntlet has same objective as Time Trial (get finish line as fast as possible) but with cops involved as obstacle.
I swear I was doing the same at 2:09. Boosting and hitting the CCX cops lmao 🤣😂
Favorite track 😍
I remember how I was constantly losing and gaining 1st position to the Bugatti Veyron. I had a ccx. It was very tough but also fun.
WTF happened for finished line?!? 5:57
Shirlene Medeiros- They were fighting for being first. XD
Whoever said NFS Underground was the best NFS has clearly never seen this race in NFS Hot Pursuit
Have you watched this race world record video?
@Vita has no sense of humour your opinion.
@@NFSBeast2365 I was a kid when I played NFS HP2, and I still remember it as a good racing game. NFS Underground games where sort of trendy games when The Fast and the Furious came out, NFS MW was really good as I recall as it combined the old school NFS with the sort of new school (back then). When this NFS HP and NFS Rivals came out (besides the the critics) I enjoyed these games, NFS Payback was ok, I haven't played the Heat that much but it seemed a little bit better than Payback, but not by much. It's more ricer than tuner 😁👍🇦🇺 1:NFS MW 2005 - 2:NFS HP (2010?) - 3:NFS Heat - 4:NFS MW (2012?) 5:NFS Pro Street. My opinion though 😉👍
No turbo? D:
You should use the turbo ! I was dying for you to use it on the straights nice racing anyway
This video + We are Young by fun. *Play the song when is at 1:59 * It might be a good combination...
I miss this game
2:25 he speaked so fast
Agera? I always pick this car too!, it's not that bad as you think.
I have seen 404 KM/H on Koenigsegg!Damn!
WOW! In the end even the heli can't keep up!
The only chance to use the EMP on it
Gaming with a Koenigsegg Agera cool map dude keeping going 1st place dude! I will like the video keep going
that was crazy
*Enters in a straight long highway*
TURBO: Am i a joke to you?
Hypercars dont need that garbage
5:58 My class when I open a bag of chips
1:56 It's a Trap!
This is one of those races that just requires so much luck in order to win. Literally so many things are going on at once, especially near the end.
Tip: on the turns stop hitting the gas but right when you get to the middle gun it, it works every time for me
You seem to like the Agera really much
couldve used perfect turbo 3 times on that highway
The longest race of Need for Speed Hot Pursuit.
No, the longest race is Seacrest Tour. It's 70km and 50 miles long
Hot Pursuit levels are not races, at least not from a technical standpoint.
Seacrest Tour is the longest race, Calm Before The Storm is the longest pursuit.
If you can master Hot Pursuit, every other NFS after would be easy
NFS SHIFT would like to know your Location
My timing 5min 3sec
Yo ya pase hístoria porsierto soy un niño me ñamo breiner
404 heli not found XD
haha 2 cops got wrected THATS MY STALE!
New interceptor unit engaging koenigsegg ccx
2:00-2:04 that koenigsegg got raped by *****
new interceptor unit engaging koenisegg ccx
@fishytheawsome He just played some pull xD
booms and hots
It was nonsense
The Buggati is way more easy to handle than Koinisseg...
Stop the cap, I constantly crash, wrecked and hit every corner wall with a buggati but not as much with the Koinisegg
old vs New New ccx winns