No one has to predict the future, meaning the future is always there. Charters, in order to operate one needs to understand charters. More specifically who and what grants it, who and what enforces it. In understanding that, then contracts, treaties and agreements are understood, meaning all possible components involved. Two hypothetical scenarios from the future which is already there in the past with you. One A territory is controlled, before a full on attack throughout it, during a full on attack throughout it, and after a full on attack throughout it, by and off who and what grants and enforces a charter in such regards as a continuous full on attack throughout it. Two A refuge camp, full of refugees is controlled before, during and after a conflict which has initiated, developed maintained and enacted the refuge state of existence, by and off who and what grants and enforces the charter. In both cases civilians have been indiscriminately destroyed in all possible combinations of. There should not be any doubt about such hypothetical scenarios. The reason why charters are important is this. One can only apply a direct or indirect operational contact of any means with who and what grants and enforces the charter, this means even a game theory structure in order to reach an agreement. One cannot apply a game theory, let alone a direct or indirect operational contact of any means to case by case circumstances, because such circumstances are not who and what grants and enforces a charter. In doing so, one helps anyone who gets their thrill's in smelling death from a distance and report about it in the free press always. (Countries need to be awake and think, applying a charter similar to that of the European human rights one, as applicable to their territories, can build up a much larger area of useful compliance, if and when faced with games in game theory. It means one can initiate, develop, maintain and enact protection for all forms of the society, but most importantly highlight the possible volatile points which tend and can be used within a terror and extremists structures in such games, simply because (and this is the key), a charter such the European human rights one, can only be adhered and attacked on a autochthonous basis and concept meaning sovereignty, regarding through internally or externally functions and operations. Despite having been given a bad reputation as a unrealistic utopia for most countries and many instances, the fundamentals of a charter such as the European human rights is the opposite, and it does so by ... One recognising a territory, a place. Two recognising that humans live within such a territory. Three recognising that a concept of bad, good and mediocre will be applied as a consequence. Four recognising that any human within such a territory is at any point any of the concepts and combinations of. Five recognising that as a consequence all humans within such a territory need protection. Six recognising such protection to all humans with a territory can only be fair and equal if and when applied as a right to all. Seven recognising that by protecting such rights to all within a territory is a much easier job and more beneficial then any other alternative.) Entering treaties, agreements and creating strong diplomatic friendships after, can be achieved at a more equal terms, than without. Because a way more stronger unity as state and country would be available)
Today, on the 1st International Day for Victims of Violence based on Religion or Belief, we call attention to the plight of millions of Kashmiris living under brutal Indian Occupation, abuse & violence, deprived of all fundamental rights & freedoms.The Indian Occupation Forces have even denied them their right to observe their religious practices, including Eid ul Azha. As the world shows solidarity for victims of violence based on religion & belief, it must also move to prevent an impending genocide of Kashmiris in IOK.PM PAKISTAN IMRAN KHAN.
The intenrational humanitairan law must be enforced to enforce hte ruels of the war and the four regional systems of humanr ightslaw must be neforced the Universal System th African System the Arab System th European Sysstema dn nad hte in teramerican System and the CIS system
Islam and Europe اسلام اور یوروپ توہین رسالت ازادی اظہار خیال نہین یورپی یونین کی عدالت برائے حقوق انسانی فرانس کے شہر اسٹراس برگ مین قائم یوروپی یونین کی عدالت برائے انسانی حقوق نے رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی شان مین گستاخی کرنے والی ایک اسٹرین عورت کے خلاف تاریخی فیصلہ سنایا . عدالت نے 47 سالہ الزبتھ سباڈوک وولف کی اپیل مسترد کرتے ہوئے ' ویانہ' کی ضلعی عدالت کی جانب سے اسے سنائی گئی 548 ڈالر جرمانے کی سزا برقرار رکھی . سات ججون پر مشتمل پینل نے اپنے متفقہ فیصلہ مین کہا کہ حضرت محمد (ص) کی شان مین گستاخی ازادی اظہار خیال نہین بلکہ فساد اور انتشار کا باعث ہے . عدالت نے واضح کیا کہ ازادی اظہار خیال اس بات کا نام نہین ہے کہ اس کی اڑ مین دنیا کی ابادی کے ایک بڑے حصے مسلمانون کی دل ازاری کی جائے . الزبتھ سباڈوک وولف 2008 اور 2009 مین " اسلام کے بارے مین بنیادی معلومات " کے عنوان کے تحت اپنی کنی تقریرون مین شان رسالت مین گستاخی کا ارتکاب کیا تھا . مسلمانون نے اس کے خلاف ' ویانا ' کی ضلعی عدالت مین مقدمہ کردیا تھا . ویانا کی ضلعی عدالت نے اسے مجرم قرار دیتے ہوئے 548 ڈالر کا جرمانہ عائد کیا تھا . الزبتھ سباڈوک نے ضلعی عدالت کے فیصلہ کے خلاف پہلے اسٹرین اپیل کورٹ اور پھر یوروپی عدالت مین اپیل دائر کی جو مسترد کردی گئی . نوٹ : یوروپی عدالت کا یہ فیصلہ بہت مستحسن اور خوش ائند ہے . یقینا یہ ایک دانشمندانہ فیصلہ ہے جو بہت دور رس نتائج کا حامل ہے . یوروپ کے ارباب حل وعقد انتہائی سنجیدگی سے اپنی زندگی مین دین اسلام کی اہمیت اور ضرورت کا ادراک حاصل کرین . اس مین ان کا اپنا وسیع تر مفاد مضمر ہے . اہل یوروپ ترقی یافتہ اور ذہنی و فکری طور پر بالغ النظر ہین . میرا سمجھنا ایسا ہے کہ دین اسلام کے عالم انسانیت پر دور رس اثرات کا نتیجہ ہے کہ وہ اج اس بلند مقام پرفائز ہین اصل زندگی اخرت کی زندگی ہے جس پر عیسائیت بھی ایمان و یقین رکھتی ہے . انسانی تاریخ اس کرہ ارض پر اپنی تاریخ کے مختصر سفر حیات کے اخری مرحلہ سے گزر رہی ہے . اب وہ گھڑی اہستہ اہستہ بالکل قریب ہوتی چلی جارہی ہے جس کے بارے مین اللہ جل شانہ نے فرمایا ہے کہ : یوم نطوی السما کطی السجل للکتب , کما بدانا اول خلق نعیدہ , وعدا علینا , ان کنا فاعلین . ( الانبیا :104 ) " وہ دن ( یاد کرنے کے قابل ہے) جس دن ہم اسمان کو یون لپیٹ کر رکھدین گے جیسے طومار مین اوراق لپیٹ دیئے جاتے ہین . جس طرح ہم نے تخلیق کی ابتدا کی تھی اسی طرح ہم اس کا اعادہ کرین گے . یہ ایک وعدہ ہے ہمارے ذمے اور یہ کام بہر حال ہمین کرنا ہے ." The Day that when We will roll up the heaven as a recorder rolleth up books (completed), As We began the first creation, We will repeat it. It is a promise binding upon Us. Lo! We are to repeat it. (Qur'an, 21:104) " And they are to return to Him ". (Qur'an, 2:46) Allah Bless all of us. DR.MOHAMMAD LAEEQUE NADWI
European Court of Human RIghts Interamerican Court of Human Rights African Court of People sand Human Rights UDHR icCPR ICESCR CERD CEDAW CRC CRPD CED CAT African Youth CHarter Maputo Protocol Africna hcarte ron people snad human righs afican isability protocol africna charte ront ehr ights and elfar eof the hcild European Convenrtion on human right sand euroepan cour tof human rights Interamerican COurt of hUman righs 1951 refugee convenrtion
Ana araf hakuk al naseem wa hakuk al naseemi wo zhidao rendao rwnquanfs i know human rights and humanitsrian law je me droits des les et humanitaire Яя знаю международный права человека и гуманитарный права *yo se derecho humanos humanitario
ن رف حكوك سمي في عمي قيس سمفي في م عمية wo zida oujirendao I work fo rinternational umanitiaran law je me droitsn international umantiires я луьуь междунаолдный гумнаиатнвй ава yo se dereco umanitairo
The human rights doctrine is the means by which Christian civilization has been dismantled. Voltaire (among others) set out with John Locke in his hand to destroy the Christian world. Judaeo-Christianity has anchored justice in holiness for four thousand year -- not in human rights. Human rights is a secular doctrine in an aggressive war against holiness. Pornographic rights, abortion rights and sodomite rights are high manifestations of the human right war against Christian civilization. God governs all of His relationships with all His creation by holiness. Mankind is made in His image. We are also to govern all of our relationships by holiness. It is a bare faced lie to assert that human rights are God given. In contrast, if there is no god, then there can be no higher moral law background from which to draw your so-called Universal Human Rights. These two points mean if there is a God there can be no such thing as human rights, and if there is no god, there can be no such thing as human rights. Either way, there can be no such thing as human rights. To pursue human rights is to mock holiness. To mock holiness is to mock God. In turn, to reject holiness is to reject God. The doctrine of human rights has been used to deceive the western world into giving rebirth to the spirit of the most despised culture that has ever existed in the history of the world. By judicial decree, our courts have turned Old Glory into the flag of Sodom. Not one soldier that has died for the United States ever had the thought that he was dying for the birth of New Sodom. Your human rights doctrine is a lie from hell. Your kind are spreading the Satanic lie all over the world. You understand nothing about true justice or you would not be doing what you are doing. You are building the deceptive and morally evil kingdom of darkness, not the kingdom of light. The fact that the United States and much of the western world now governs in the spirit of Sodom proves this point. Your kind would turn the whole world to the spirit of Sodom -- then the firestorm will come. It will be sudden and it will be brimstone, making it three times hotter than a California firestorm. It will be a judgment we well deserve because of our wickedness.
No one has to predict the future, meaning the future is always there.
Charters, in order to operate one needs to understand charters. More specifically who and what grants it, who and what enforces it. In understanding that, then contracts, treaties and agreements are understood, meaning all possible components involved.
Two hypothetical scenarios from the future which is already there in the past with you.
A territory is controlled, before a full on attack throughout it, during a full on attack throughout it, and after a full on attack throughout it, by and off who and what grants and enforces a charter in such regards as a continuous full on attack throughout it.
A refuge camp, full of refugees is controlled before, during and after a conflict which has initiated, developed maintained and enacted the refuge state of existence, by and off who and what grants and enforces the charter.
In both cases civilians have been indiscriminately destroyed in all possible combinations of.
There should not be any doubt about such hypothetical scenarios.
The reason why charters are important is this.
One can only apply a direct or indirect operational contact of any means with who and what grants and enforces the charter, this means even a game theory structure in order to reach an agreement.
One cannot apply a game theory, let alone a direct or indirect operational contact of any means to case by case circumstances, because such circumstances are not who and what grants and enforces a charter.
In doing so, one helps anyone who gets their thrill's in smelling death from a distance and report about it in the free press always.
(Countries need to be awake and think, applying a charter similar to that of the European human rights one, as applicable to their territories, can build up a much larger area of useful compliance, if and when faced with games in game theory. It means one can initiate, develop, maintain and enact protection for all forms of the society, but most importantly highlight the possible volatile points which tend and can be used within a terror and extremists structures in such games, simply because (and this is the key), a charter such the European human rights one, can only be adhered and attacked on a autochthonous basis and concept meaning sovereignty, regarding through internally or externally functions and operations.
Despite having been given a bad reputation as a unrealistic utopia for most countries and many instances, the fundamentals of a charter such as the European human rights is the opposite, and it does so by ...
One recognising a territory, a place.
Two recognising that humans live within such a territory.
Three recognising that a concept of bad, good and mediocre will be applied as a consequence.
Four recognising that any human within such a territory is at any point any of the concepts and combinations of.
Five recognising that as a consequence all humans within such a territory need protection.
Six recognising such protection to all humans with a territory can only be fair and equal if and when applied as a right to all.
Seven recognising that by protecting such rights to all within a territory is a much easier job and more beneficial then any other alternative.)
Entering treaties, agreements and creating strong diplomatic friendships after, can be achieved at a more equal terms, than without. Because a way more stronger unity as state and country would be available)
Today, on the 1st International Day for Victims of Violence based on Religion or Belief, we call attention to the plight of millions of Kashmiris living under brutal Indian Occupation, abuse & violence, deprived of all fundamental rights & freedoms.The Indian Occupation Forces have even denied them their right to observe their religious practices, including Eid ul Azha.
As the world shows solidarity for victims of violence based on religion & belief, it must also move to prevent an impending genocide of Kashmiris in IOK.PM PAKISTAN IMRAN KHAN.
Too much informative.. Especially Lex specialis and lex generalis difference.
the european court has some activist judges who have political agendas to fulfil
The intenrational humanitairan law must be enforced to enforce hte ruels of the war and the four regional systems of humanr ightslaw must be neforced the Universal System th African System the Arab System th European Sysstema dn nad hte in teramerican System and the CIS system
Islam and Europe
اسلام اور یوروپ
توہین رسالت ازادی اظہار خیال نہین
یورپی یونین کی عدالت برائے حقوق انسانی
فرانس کے شہر اسٹراس برگ مین قائم یوروپی یونین کی عدالت برائے انسانی حقوق نے رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی شان مین گستاخی کرنے والی ایک اسٹرین عورت کے خلاف تاریخی فیصلہ سنایا .
عدالت نے 47 سالہ الزبتھ سباڈوک وولف کی اپیل مسترد کرتے ہوئے ' ویانہ' کی ضلعی عدالت کی جانب سے اسے سنائی گئی 548 ڈالر جرمانے کی سزا برقرار رکھی .
سات ججون پر مشتمل پینل نے اپنے متفقہ فیصلہ مین کہا کہ حضرت محمد (ص) کی شان مین گستاخی ازادی اظہار خیال نہین بلکہ فساد اور انتشار کا باعث ہے .
عدالت نے واضح کیا کہ ازادی اظہار خیال اس بات کا نام نہین ہے کہ اس کی اڑ مین دنیا کی ابادی کے ایک بڑے حصے مسلمانون کی دل ازاری کی جائے .
الزبتھ سباڈوک وولف 2008 اور 2009 مین " اسلام کے بارے مین بنیادی معلومات " کے عنوان کے تحت اپنی کنی تقریرون مین شان رسالت مین گستاخی کا ارتکاب کیا تھا . مسلمانون نے اس کے خلاف ' ویانا ' کی ضلعی عدالت مین مقدمہ کردیا تھا . ویانا کی ضلعی عدالت نے اسے مجرم قرار دیتے ہوئے 548 ڈالر کا جرمانہ عائد کیا تھا .
الزبتھ سباڈوک نے ضلعی عدالت کے فیصلہ کے خلاف پہلے اسٹرین اپیل کورٹ اور پھر یوروپی عدالت مین اپیل دائر کی جو مسترد کردی گئی .
نوٹ : یوروپی عدالت کا یہ فیصلہ بہت مستحسن اور خوش ائند ہے . یقینا یہ ایک دانشمندانہ فیصلہ ہے جو بہت دور رس نتائج کا حامل ہے .
یوروپ کے ارباب حل وعقد انتہائی سنجیدگی سے اپنی زندگی مین دین اسلام کی اہمیت اور ضرورت کا ادراک حاصل کرین . اس مین ان کا اپنا وسیع تر مفاد مضمر ہے .
اہل یوروپ ترقی یافتہ اور ذہنی و فکری طور پر بالغ النظر ہین . میرا سمجھنا ایسا ہے کہ دین اسلام کے عالم انسانیت پر دور رس اثرات کا نتیجہ ہے کہ وہ اج اس بلند مقام پرفائز ہین
اصل زندگی اخرت کی زندگی ہے جس پر عیسائیت بھی ایمان و یقین رکھتی ہے . انسانی تاریخ اس کرہ ارض پر اپنی تاریخ کے مختصر سفر حیات کے اخری مرحلہ سے گزر رہی ہے . اب وہ گھڑی اہستہ اہستہ بالکل قریب ہوتی چلی جارہی ہے جس کے بارے مین اللہ جل شانہ نے فرمایا ہے کہ :
یوم نطوی السما کطی السجل للکتب , کما بدانا اول خلق نعیدہ , وعدا علینا , ان کنا فاعلین .
( الانبیا :104 )
" وہ دن ( یاد کرنے کے قابل ہے) جس دن ہم اسمان کو یون لپیٹ کر رکھدین گے جیسے طومار مین اوراق لپیٹ دیئے جاتے ہین . جس طرح ہم نے تخلیق کی ابتدا کی تھی اسی طرح ہم اس کا اعادہ کرین گے .
یہ ایک وعدہ ہے ہمارے ذمے اور یہ کام بہر حال ہمین
کرنا ہے ."
The Day that when We will roll up the
heaven as a recorder rolleth up books
As We began the first creation, We will
repeat it. It is a promise binding upon Us.
Lo! We are to repeat it.
(Qur'an, 21:104)
" And they are to return to Him ".
(Qur'an, 2:46)
Allah Bless all of us.
human rihts law humanitairan criminal refugee law
القانون الدولي الإنساني يطبق لزجر الأطراف المتحاربة كي لا يتحول الصراع لمجزرة ...Génocide.
European Court of Human RIghts Interamerican Court of Human Rights African Court of People sand Human Rights UDHR icCPR ICESCR CERD CEDAW CRC CRPD CED CAT African Youth CHarter Maputo Protocol Africna hcarte ron people snad human righs afican isability protocol africna charte ront ehr ights and elfar eof the hcild European Convenrtion on human right sand euroepan cour tof human rights Interamerican COurt of hUman righs 1951 refugee convenrtion
Ana araf hakuk al naseem wa hakuk al naseemi wo zhidao rendao rwnquanfs i know human rights and humanitsrian law je me droits des les et humanitaire Яя знаю международный права человека и гуманитарный права *yo se derecho humanos humanitario
ن رف حكوك سمي في عمي قيس سمفي في م عمية wo zida oujirendao I work fo rinternational umanitiaran law je me droitsn international umantiires я луьуь междунаолдный гумнаиатнвй ава yo se dereco umanitairo
Down down the Saudi regime
The human rights doctrine is the means by which Christian civilization has been dismantled. Voltaire (among others) set out with John Locke in his hand to destroy the Christian world. Judaeo-Christianity has anchored justice in holiness for four thousand year -- not in human rights. Human rights is a secular doctrine in an aggressive war against holiness. Pornographic rights, abortion rights and sodomite rights are high manifestations of the human right war against Christian civilization. God governs all of His relationships with all His creation by holiness. Mankind is made in His image. We are also to govern all of our relationships by holiness. It is a bare faced lie to assert that human rights are God given. In contrast, if there is no god, then there can be no higher moral law background from which to draw your so-called Universal Human Rights. These two points mean if there is a God there can be no such thing as human rights, and if there is no god, there can be no such thing as human rights. Either way, there can be no such thing as human rights. To pursue human rights is to mock holiness. To mock holiness is to mock God. In turn, to reject holiness is to reject God. The doctrine of human rights has been used to deceive the western world into giving rebirth to the spirit of the most despised culture that has ever existed in the history of the world. By judicial decree, our courts have turned Old Glory into the flag of Sodom. Not one soldier that has died for the United States ever had the thought that he was dying for the birth of New Sodom. Your human rights doctrine is a lie from hell. Your kind are spreading the Satanic lie all over the world. You understand nothing about true justice or you would not be doing what you are doing. You are building the deceptive and morally evil kingdom of darkness, not the kingdom of light. The fact that the United States and much of the western world now governs in the spirit of Sodom proves this point. Your kind would turn the whole world to the spirit of Sodom -- then the firestorm will come. It will be sudden and it will be brimstone, making it three times hotter than a California firestorm. It will be a judgment we well deserve because of our wickedness.