Band Leadership: How to Stop the Talking During Rehearsals

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 30 ม.ค. 2025
  • STUDENT LEADERS : Would you like me to personally train, coach and mentor you to become a highly effective student leader, and answer all your questions as they arise?
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    This question came in from a student (drum major I believe). My andswer is in the video:
    "Hey Duane or Mr. Huff I don't know lol. I'm having some difficult times trying to get the bands attention and keeping them focused and I find myself slowly leaning towards the always calling attention or always calling someone out and that's something I don't want to go towards. Do you have any suggestions on trying to get the talking to die down during rehearsals?"
    If you enjoyed this video, then you'll absolutely love my Band Leadership Online™ course! Get all the details and enroll here: bandleadership...
    Learn more about working with me live in your band room, and my other resources that will help you train and develop your leaders at

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