Avery, you are so privileged that you got that deep deep information about Constantine that no one else should have. Remember that knowledge is power.😂😂😂😂😂😂e
Shhh! 🤫 it’s secret knowledge and that is power! Don’t tell anyone else and they go to hell and you don’t! Get the logic and the love in that? No? Well then congrats. You’re a Muslim.
The ending is terrible though he goes on to state that Constantine changed it???? Ok that's fine go ahead completely change it where still gona read the original and not this edited one
😂Muslim😢bruh he’s Muslim, unless God calls them, Satan.. sorry alllah’s veil will still be across their faces, and that’s our prayer as follower of Christ
Chainmail existed 1500 years before it actually did, Roman currency was used in Egypt at the time of Noah or whatever, crucifixion never happened, the moon is actually broken in half, great moral example is beating women and marrying 6 year olds, pregnancy is a blood clot, men’s seed comes from their rib cage. Etc etc The miracle of Islam is that its believers can retcon not just history but every facet of existence itself as if they were all the creator, the greatest shirk
I have a leather page dated to 677 BC written by mohammed stating he was making everything up but his lust consumed him. I can't show it because it's to powerful and the people I've shown it to were sworn to secrecy. It's out there though. 😮
Wow! And does it also have Muhammad's signature on it? (Mine does. It's also signed by Joseph AND his Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, as well as all of Daniel's lions) 😅 I also used to have the Scroll of Laws and Poems by Solomon, (that's what he actually called it, duh) himself, written by his ants, in which he unequivocally states that Muhammad is the messenger of AlLlah. But alas, I sold it during COVID-19 for a can of beans and a six-pack of toilet paper 🧻 (and yeah G, I squoze it!) 😅
His deception is worse than those that flat out deny. He draws listeners in with common sense and then plants seeds of deception with lines like, “I’ll dm you because not everyone should have this knowledge”. Truly a tactic of the great deceiver!
The NT GOSPELS - Evidence of Author's & Dates Written ▪︎ Matthew - A tax collector who became Jesus' apostle and wrote about the life of Jesus as the Messiah for the Jewish community c. 60 AD. ▪︎ Mark - A Jew, and a companion of Peter and Paul, who wrote for both Jews and Gentiles about Christ's death and resurrection c. 60 AD. ▪︎ Luke - A Gentile doctor, and a companion of Peter and Paul who wrote for the Gentiles about Christ the saviour for humankind. c. 60 AD ▪︎ Luke - also wrote the Acts of the Apostles c. 60 AD. ▪︎ John - The 'beloved' apostle of Jesus, wrote in his later years about the Word who took on Flesh (John 1:1,14) c. 80-90 AD. ▪︎ John - also wrote 3 Letters and The Book of Revelations c. 80-90 AD. ▪︎ James - wrote 1 letter c. 35 AD. ▪︎ Paul - wrote 13 letters c.49 - 65 AD. ▪︎ Jude - wrote 1 letter c. 65 AD. ▪︎ Peter - wrote 2 letters c. 67 AD. ▪︎ The author of The Letter to Hebrews is unknown c. 65 AD. (Wikipedia). ▪︎ Jesus Christ's' ministry occurred between 27-30 A.D. ▪︎ Christianity began after the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ when thousands of Jews became followers of 'The Way' (Jesus). ▪︎ The New Testament scholar, F.F. Bruce, gives strong historical evidence that the New Testament was completed by A.D. 100. ▪︎ Most writings of the New Testament were completed twenty to forty years before 100 AD. (Wikipedia). ▪︎ The apostles and their companions wrote the New Testament from their first-hand experiences with Jesus. New Testament integrity is supported by historians, biblical and textual scholars, along with thousands of early codices, manuscripts and the Dead Sea Scrolls, proving the validity and preservation of the Gospels written between c. 35-90 A.D (Eusebius, Church History 111. 39 .15; Irenaeus Against Heresies, 111.1) INTERNAL Evidence: ▪︎ The internal evidence supports these early dates for several reasons. The first three Gospels prophesied the fall of the Jerusalem Temple which occurred in A.D. 70. However, the fulfillment is not mentioned. It is strange that these three Gospels predict this major event but do not record it happening. Why do they not mention such an important prophetic milestone? The most plausible explanation is that it had not yet occurred at the time Matthew, Mark, and Luke were written. ▪︎ In the book of Acts, the Temple plays a central role in the nation of Israel. Luke writes as if the Temple is an important part of Jewish life. He also ends Acts on a strange note: Paul living under house arrest. It is strange that Luke does not record the death of his two chief characters, Peter and Paul. The most plausible reason for this is that Luke finished writing Acts before Peter and Paul's martyrdom in A.D. 64. A significant point to highlight is that the Gospel of Luke precedes Acts, further supporting the traditional dating of c. A.D. 60. Most scholars agree Mark precedes Luke, making Mark's Gospel even earlier. ▪︎ Finally, the majority of New Testament scholars believe that Paul's epistles are written from A.D. 48-60. Paul's outline of the life of Jesus matches that of the Gospels. 1 Corinthians is one of the least disputed books regarding its dating and Pauline authorship. In 1Corinthians chapter 15, Paul summarizes the gospel and reinforces the premise that this is the same gospel preached by the apostles. Paul quotes from Luke's Gospel in 1 Timothy 5:18, showing us that Luke's Gospel was indeed completed in Paul's lifetime. This would move the time of the completion of Luke's Gospel along with Mark and Matthew. This Internal Evidence presents a strong case for the early dating of the Gospels. EXTERNAL Evidence - Gospel Dates: ▪︎ Were the Gospels written by eyewitnesses of the events, or were they not recorded until centuries later? As with the internal evidence, the external evidence also supports a first century date. ▪︎ Fortunately, New Testament scholars have an enormous amount of ancient manuscript evidence. The documentary evidence for the New Testament far surpasses any other work of its time, with over 5000 manuscripts, and many are dated within a few years of their authors' lives. KEY documents: ▪︎ Chester Beatty Papyri contains most of the N.T. writings, and is dated around A.D. 250. ▪︎ The Bodmer Papyri contains most of John, and dates to A.D. 200. ▪︎ Rylands Papyri that was found in Egypt and contains large fragments of John, and dates to A.D. 130. From this fragment we can conclude that John was completed well before A.D. 130 because, not only did the gospel have to be written, it had to be hand copied and make its way down from Greece to Egypt. The majority of scholars agree that John is the last gospel written, so we can affirm its first century date along with the other three with greater assurance. EARLY New Testament Papyrus Manuscripts: ▪︎ Dead Sea Scrolls, the Full Text of Isaiah 53 and a portion of every book, c. 250 BC. ▪︎ Old Testament Greek Septuagint c. 200 BC. ▪︎ P52 (John Rylands Fragment) - John 18:31-33; 37-38 c. 96 AD ▪︎ P90 (Oxyrhynchus) - John 18:36; 19:7 c. 96 AD ▪︎ P104 (Oxyrhynchus) - Matthew 21:34-37, 43, 45 c. 60-65 AD ▪︎ P46 (Chester Beatty Papyrus) - Romans 5:17-6; 5-14; 8:15-25; 27-35; 10:1-11, 22, 24-33, 35; 16:1-23; 25-27. And Hebrews; 1 & 2; Corinthians; Ephesians; Galatians; Philippians; Colossians; 1 Thessalonians 1:1, 9-10; 2:1-3; 5:5-9, 23-28 c. 50’s-70’s AD ▪︎ P98 (IFAO) - Revelation 1:13; 2:1 c. 90 AD ▪︎ P66 (Bodmer Papyrus) - John 1:1-6,11; 6:35; 14:26; fragment of 14:29; 21:9 c. 70’s AD ▪︎ P67 Matthew 3:9, 15; 5:20-22; 25-28 c. 60-65 AD ▪︎ Evidence also comes from the Dead Sea Scrolls Cave 7. Jose Callahan discovered a large fragment of the Gospel of Mark and dated it to have been written in A.D. 50. Also large fragments of Acts and other epistles and dated them to have been written slightly after A.D. 50.4 Another line of evidence is the writings of the church fathers. ▪︎ CLEMENT of Rome sent a letter to the Corinthian church in A.D. 95. in which he quoted from the Gospels and other portions of the N.T. ▪︎ IGNATIUS, Bishop of Antioch, wrote a letter before his martyrdom in Rome in A.D. 115, quoting all the Gospels and other N.T. letters. ▪︎ POLYCARP wrote to the Philippians in A.D. 120 and quoted from the Gospels and N.T. letters. ▪︎ JUSTIN MARTYR, A.D. 150 quotes John 3. Church fathers of the early second century were familiar with the apostle's writings and quoted them as inspired Scripture. ▪︎ Early dating is important for two reasons. The closer a historical record is to the date of the event, the more likely the record is accurate. Early dating allows for eyewitnesses to still be alive when the Gospels were circulating to attest to their accuracy. The apostles often appeal to the witness of the hostile crowd, pointing to their knowledge of the facts as well (Acts 2:22, 26:26). Also, the time is too short for legends to develop. Historians agree it takes about two generations, or eighty years, for legendary accounts to establish themselves. From the evidence, we can conclude the Gospels were indeed written by the authors they are attributed to. THE First Fully Bound Bible Books/Codices ▪︎ Codex Vaticanus: Origin 1st century M/S - first Codex, 280 - 330 AD ▪︎ Codex Siniaticus: Origin 1st century M/S - first Codex, 300 - 350 AD ▪︎ Codex Alexandrius: Origin 1st century M/S - first Codex, 350 - 400 AD ▪︎ Codex Vulgate: Origin 1st century M/S - first Codex, 380 - 400 AD JESUS and the Jews were multilingual ▪︎ "Pilate had a notice prepared and fastened to the cross. It read: 'JESUS Of NAZARETH, THE KING Of THE JEWS'. Many of the Jews read this sign, for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and the sign was written in Hebrew, Latin and Greek" (John 19:19-20) ▪︎ The Gospels were written in Koine Greek being the World's language in the 1st century The Hebrew Bible was translated into Greek (Septuagint) c.200 BC for the many Greek speaking Jews It is well known that first-century Jerusalem was inhabited by Greek speaking Jews who were at least bilingual. And Jesus most likely was trilingual apart from the ability to read minds. So the original Gospels were written in Koine Greek and sent throughout the World.. ▪︎ Jewish culture was heavily influenced by Hellenistic culture, and Koine Greek was used not only for international communication but also as the first language of many Jews. This development was furthered by the fact that the largest Jewish community in the world lived in Ptolemaic Alexandria. (Wikipedia) GOD Protects His Sacred Words: ▪︎ "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!" (Galatians 1:8-9). ▪︎ Jesus said, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away" (Matt 24:35). ▪︎ God protects His Word & Gospels and warns of antichrists. (1John2:22). ▪︎ Christ's Good News of Salvation, His Birth, Crucifixion and Resurrection hasn't changed for 2000 years. ▪︎ The Gospels are evidenced by internal and external historical, archeological & literary facts. ▪︎ The Gospels are reliable and transparent with any variations transparently referenced in the footnotes. ▪︎ The Gospels have 1000 times more manuscripts than the most documented ancient literature by Greco-Roman historian, Suetonius. ▪︎ Bible is the most comprehensive and reliable source re. 1st century Jerusalem history & used by archaeologists supporting research today.. Hallelujah......
60 AD for Mark's gospel is a conservative estimation.. Today there's many scholars claiming Mark could of been written within 15 years of Jesus. Also I think they found a manuscript a few years back that has many Christian scholars excited with encouraging signs this manuscript could of been written even earlier..
@@devanteswing4790 I do --- I have the _original_ Koran, written on Arabian toilet paper with Arabian ink made from a mixture of camel urine and Muhammad's 💩. He even autographed it to me, personally!! How? Well, he's a prophet, ain't he?! He knew that I would come into being almost 1385 years after his death by poisoning. He even dated the 1st page: "the year 18 BH - Before Hijra" 🤓
Oops. He sent it to me. But I had COVID-41 and was outta tp 🧻 Sorry. I wiped my ass with it. But lemme tell ya, I've never had softer, more luxuriant tp in my whole lives - all 187 of them (1 of which was as the companion Uthman's bff. Muhammad used to visit us and 😮 our 🍆 s.)
Sorry I can’t seem to answer directly the comment of @o00x Please stop degrading Jesus! Even your ‘book’ refers that Mother Mary ‘s son Jesus, did NOT have an earthy father!! Where is your respect???!!
Yes, but Jesus is a name. YHWH is a name. And AlLlah is a name. Though Muhammad IS a name _now,_ when Qathem took it upon himself, it was just a title.
He had me until the very end. Constantine did what? Altered the most profoundly impactful book ever written and you won't share your source publicly? If this were the case it would be the BIGGEST information ever in the history of the world! He doesn't think we should have that knowledge?
He doesn't have anything. It's the normal rhetoric. If he has, I bet you he will be on all major social media platforms tomorrow morning to share this proof.
I am not sure why Muslims keep saying the Injil was given to Jesus. Jesus did not need to be given anything! He is the Living Word of God. The embodiment of the word that created the universe! He can’t be given it because He is IT!
@@YamboEmmanuel glad to hear you still preserved the Injeel that was revealed to Jesus.. not those gospels written decades later according to Tom Dick Harry and whatsnot..
@@WhatHappenToMyComments the Quran was written down decades after Muhammeds passing as well, I know you know oral tradition is real because all Muslims state before it was written it was spoken. Stay consistent
😅 it's funny that the Muslim told Avery that he was going to give him some resources that " no one should have " but only someone like Brother Avery, that is hilarious, as if it's a secret 🤣
"Nobody should have that kind of knowledge." Why would you not share information that could potentially a world religion? This guy is just trying to bluff to look cool. He is ANYTHING but honest.
imagine they hate and felt disrespect when you show the teuth about their religion but on the other hand they misinterpreting and spreading false representation christianity . what a bbsht
Jesus was never ever given an Injeel, Muslims only say that because they believe that thier own Quran was given to Mohammed, So they think Christians believe a book was given to Jesus, but infact Jesus himself was the Revelation, and his followers wrote down those revelations in words into the Gospels,but Muslims on going to the previous scriptures see that the Quran does not align with the previous scripture, so they made up the story of the missing Injeel, as there is no way they could say that Allah sent them to currupt previous books to verify if the Quran was real😮
If we want to get nit-picky, we could say that the Book of Revelation is the only book given to Jesus and relayed to us via John. It would then make sense why the flags of Islamic countries carry the colours of the Four Horsemen. 🤔
@Mady-lo6qb no book was given to Jesus, Jesus himself was the Revelation, and those revelations were written down in words into the Gospels by his followers
@Mady-lo6qb Jesus doesn't receive revelations because he's all knowing. Nothing can be hidden from him, therfore nothing can be revealed to him. He reveals to us.
From a realistic historical perspective, Constantine's vision of the cross and his subsequent actions, including the organization of councils like Nicaea, can be understood as those of a pragmatic ruler who recognized the potential of religion as a unifying and stabilizing force for his empire. Constantine’s Vision of the Cross According to Christian tradition, Constantine saw a vision of the cross accompanied by the phrase "In hoc signo vinces" ("In this sign, you will conquer") before the Battle of the Milvian Bridge in 312 CE. Scholars debate whether this vision was genuinely religious or a political calculation. The vision could symbolize Constantine's recognition of Christianity’s growing influence within the Roman Empire, particularly among the military and urban populations. By aligning himself with Christianity, Constantine gained support from an emerging and increasingly organized religious community. Religion as a Political Tool Unifying a Diverse Empire: The Roman Empire was vast and religiously diverse, with competing pagan traditions and the growing presence of Christianity. Constantine likely saw Christianity as a way to unify these disparate groups under a single banner. Centralized Authority: The hierarchical structure of the Christian Church mirrored the Roman administrative system, making it a convenient partner for governance. By supporting Christianity, Constantine could exert influence over its leaders and doctrines. Cultural Integration: By blending Christian and pagan symbols (e.g., the cross and the Sol Invictus imagery), Constantine created a transitional space for pagans to adopt Christianity without completely abandoning their traditions. The Councils and Constantine’s Role Council of Nicaea (325 CE): Constantine called this council to address theological disputes, particularly the Arian controversy over the nature of Christ. His goal was not purely theological but aimed at achieving unity within the empire. The Nicene Creed established a standardized belief system, reducing doctrinal fragmentation that could lead to political instability. Constantine’s presence at the council as a mediator and authority figure demonstrated his use of religion as a means of governance rather than mere personal devotion. Legacy Constantine’s conversion and subsequent actions laid the groundwork for Christianity's transformation from a persecuted sect to the dominant religion of the Roman Empire. His approach to religion highlights the dual roles of faith as both a deeply personal conviction and a strategic tool for power consolidation. While Constantine may have had genuine religious beliefs, his use of Christianity to solidify imperial authority reveals a shrewd political mind at work. In summary, Constantine’s vision of the cross and the councils reflect a ruler who saw religion not only as a source of personal inspiration but also as a practical means to strengthen and unify his empire.
Newly discovered? The earliest mention of the GoB goes back to the early 1600s, and known publications of it were made in the 1700s. If that’s “new” then the currently most popular edition of the Quran is a newborn infant by comparison.
“Nobody should have access to this type of knowledge” because knowledge is power! Please let us know if he actually did do you with this exclusive information
We can also opine that Isam is doubly as pagan as Christianity. Greco-Roman and Egyptian religious beliefs undeniably influenced early Christianity, shaping its portrayal of Jesus as a supreme godhead and the Lord of all creation, surpassing previous deities, idols, and myths. This synthesis of earlier traditions is evident in Christian theology's adaptation of symbols, rituals, and hierarchical structures. Similarly, Islam, emerging within a context deeply rooted in Judeo-Christian traditions, appropriated and reinterpreted many elements from Christianity and Judaism to establish its theological foundation. Consequently, it can be argued that Islam, in its effort to assert itself as a continuation and culmination of previous Abrahamic faiths, reflects a double layer of incorporation of earlier religious ideas, making it as intertwined with 'pagan' influences as Christianity, if not more.
what did the angel say to Mary , God will give you his spirit and you will bor a child and call him Jesus , God did not give Adam his spirit, He below into his nostrils the breath of life, there is a big difference.
What a great debate with this honest , intellectual ,critical thinking and knowledgeable Muslim gentleman to debate that the Qram should go hand in hand with the previous scriptures However , Jesus in Islam will never be accepted as a begotten son of god which it completely disagrees with the intrinsic foundation of Christianity . At least there are a few interesting Muslims who to have an eloquent interesting debate with
1:48 so why does it say nobody will come to Allah except as a slave?? How could he have a son if he has no mate? And how could he be our father if we aren't his sons?
And people of colour don’t enter their jinna Females don’t ether jinna Only little boys and men that commit jihad so it’s a gay club and pedophilia Jinnah
@@WhatHappenToMyComments Top 10 cousin marriages are all in ? guess where? All in Muslim countries… you do realise the result to thinking comprehension according to medical science of an individual as a result inbreeding?
Muslims who are honest and want to find the truth, watch wes huff and he tells you all u need to know about councils and all that. NOTHING HAPPENED in the council of nicaea. Please stop using it
@ShireenMorris-wx7wf with the way your carrying on and the amount of comments you have posted on this video it sounds like your scared that Avery is exposing how false Islam is
If you are a Muslim we challenge you to read the entire Koran first without interpretation of men. For the truth of men is fallible. If you believe the book is from the most high, it is sufficient. In Jesus name I pray that this seed be sown for the edification of many and to show your Majesty and Glory Lord. 🙏🏽
8:36 ayo bruhman saying "new" because of the nation of where he lives and tech around him, the algorithm doesn't show him the same feed like over in the states...ever in the states. Texas, see different from Tennessee and Florida from Cali etc.
So when Jesus says Trully, Trully, I tell you before Abraham was born, I am John 8:58 And when Thomas calls him Lord and God in John 20:28 You think that jesus was a Muslim?? 😂😂
And there are no pagan beliefs and influences, such as the hajj and facing Makkah when in prayer, in Islam? Funny how Muslims so easily disparage Christianity and Jesus yet go into a rage when Islam and Muhammad are criticized!
I heard an Imam who said that that Quran 6:115 is not about the Quran. He explained that Allah has written decrees on various things. And it is these words and cannot be changed. Quran 6:59 With Him are the keys of the unseen-no one knows them except Him. And He knows what is in the land and sea. Not even a leaf falls without His knowledge, nor a grain in the darkness of the earth or anything-green or dry-but *is ˹written˺ in a perfect Record.* For example, if Allah decreed that certain people will go into war, then no one can change that decree. All these Decrees are in the book in heaven - the book referred to in 6:59. Isaiah 46:10 I declare from the beginning things to follow, and from ancient times things that have not yet been done; saying, 'My purpose will stand, and he will accomplish everything that I please.' The Bible contains some of those decrees written within it. Daniel 7.13 In my vision in the night I continued to watch, and I saw One like the Son of Man coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into His presence. 14 And He was given dominion, glory, and kingship, that the people of every nation and language should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and His kingdom is one that will never be destroyed. Isaiah 11:15 And the LORD will utterly destroy The tongue of the Sea of Egypt; And He will wave His hand over the Euphrates River With His scorching wind; And He will strike it into seven streams And make people walk over in dry sandals.
This is true monotheism: One God (who possesses both the attributes of Fundamentality and Divinity) sent only His Son (who possesses the attribute of Divinity) into the world to die for the sins of mankind. Three days later, the Spirit of God (who also possesses the attribute of Divinity) proceed to raise the Son of God back to life. * To be God, one must possess either one or both of the following attributes: (1) THE ATTRIBUTE OF FUNDAMENTALITY: This is the attribute of “firstness”. It means to have no ground, or cause, and or no reason for existing. God the Father, alone, possesses the “Attribute of Fundamentality”. He is the first Person of the Holy Trinity. He also possesses the “Attribute of Divinity”. (2) THE ATTRIBUTE OF DIVINITY: This is the attribute of “deity” - Supreme Being, Creator, Sustainer of all things - worthy of praise and worship. Both the Son of God and the Holy Spirit possess the “Attribute of Divinity”. Respectfully, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are the second Person and the third Person of the Holy Trinity. * In John 17:3, Jesus said, “The Father is the one true God.” The Father is the one true God in the sense of fundamentality (or firstness). Both the Son and the Holy Spirit are each God in the sense of Divinity - not in the sense of fundamentality (or firstness). * For over 2,000 years, true Christianity has always maintained: The Father is fundamental - He, the Father, is the principled Principal of the Holy Trinity. The Son is eternally begotten from the Father; and the Holy Spirit eternally proceeds from both the Father and the Son.
No my dear Avery logic our Holy Qur'an can never ever fall apart in your dreams ya our beautiful holy Quran is above all except Allah almighty God no one can beat or destroy our beautiful holy Quran not even you i mean not even you Avery logic
Lupe Mendoza, most of you people hate Sam because he figured out the fulness of the Christian truth. If behaviour was your issue, you would be calling out Christian prince who is much more rude to his callers.
Allah is just the Arabic word that means God Every language has its own word that means God, Even Arab Christians pray to Allah, but they are not praying the Muslims God, as Arab Christians worship Jesus Christ
The Codex Sinaiticus, the earliest known manuscript of the Christian Bible, was compiled in the 4th century ce. In 1844, 43 leaves of a 4th-century biblical codex (a collection of single pages bound together along one side) were discovered at St. Catherine's Monastery at the foot of Mount Sinai (hence the name Sinaiticus) The second most ancient, complete and accurate Codex of the Torah and Tanakh and the Psalms...is the Aleppo Codex... This codex was written in the city of Tiberias in the tenth century CE (circa 920) under the rule of the Abbasid Caliphate, and was endorsed for its accuracy by Maimonides. After that comes the Leningrad Codex... The Leningrad Codex is considered one of the best examples of the Masoretic text. The manuscript was written around the year 1010 C. E. It was probably written in Cairo, and later sold to someone living in Damascus. But REMEMBER The Dead Sea Scrolls are approximately two thousand years old, dating from the third century BCE to the first century CE. Most of the scrolls were written in Hebrew, with a smaller number in Aramaic or Greek.
Not knowing what something is disqualifies one from saying what it isn't.
Any day, anytime, anywhere this is true
Avery, you are so privileged that you got that deep deep information about Constantine that no one else should have. Remember that knowledge is power.😂😂😂😂😂😂e
Thats where he lost me and I'm glad he cut it off the dude started running wild and saying wild things
Good evening from a sister in Christ from the uk 🇬🇧✝️🙏
Added WHAT to the Bible??? What Teaching did he add that didn’t already exist among Christians before even his birth?
The Muslims don't hear themselves when they're talking 😂
Shhh! 🤫 it’s secret knowledge and that is power! Don’t tell anyone else and they go to hell and you don’t! Get the logic and the love in that? No? Well then congrats. You’re a Muslim.
To them, any teaching that contradicts the Quran of course. That's the depth of their "textual criticism".
I believe what he’s talking about is Catholicism,they didn’t add to the Bible they added to Christianity.
Nah, man, Constantine added Roman to Roman Catholic. The Bible is therefore corrupted my brother /s
He started off so well..😮💨
The ending is terrible though he goes on to state that Constantine changed it???? Ok that's fine go ahead completely change it where still gona read the original and not this edited one
😂Muslim😢bruh he’s Muslim, unless God calls them, Satan.. sorry alllah’s veil will still be across their faces, and that’s our prayer as follower of Christ
@@carloschavez344Satan bro, Satan or should I say allllah spoke to him through that dog😂😂
So glad I found you on IP’s show! MY NEW HOME!
Same came here from Sam. Sam recommended this brothers channel.
every mooooooozlim is a historian and can actually abrogate history itself
They have a good teacher, the master fabricator himself
Chainmail existed 1500 years before it actually did, Roman currency was used in Egypt at the time of Noah or whatever, crucifixion never happened, the moon is actually broken in half, great moral example is beating women and marrying 6 year olds, pregnancy is a blood clot, men’s seed comes from their rib cage. Etc etc
The miracle of Islam is that its believers can retcon not just history but every facet of existence itself as if they were all the creator, the greatest shirk
I have a leather page dated to 677 BC written by mohammed stating he was making everything up but his lust consumed him. I can't show it because it's to powerful and the people I've shown it to were sworn to secrecy. It's out there though. 😮
Wow! And does it also have Muhammad's signature on it? (Mine does. It's also signed by Joseph AND his Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, as well as all of Daniel's lions) 😅
I also used to have the Scroll of Laws and Poems by Solomon, (that's what he actually called it, duh) himself, written by his ants, in which he unequivocally states that Muhammad is the messenger of AlLlah. But alas, I sold it during COVID-19 for a can of beans and a six-pack of toilet paper 🧻 (and yeah G, I squoze it!) 😅
Poor Muslim at the end does the classic "Trust me bro, Sheikh Google will back me up"
His deception is worse than those that flat out deny. He draws listeners in with common sense and then plants seeds of deception with lines like, “I’ll dm you because not everyone should have this knowledge”. Truly a tactic of the great deceiver!
Are you talking about Avery, or the Muslim?
@@owenspence1904 who said the line...the muslim
The NT GOSPELS - Evidence of Author's & Dates Written
▪︎ Matthew - A tax collector who became Jesus' apostle and wrote about the life of Jesus as the Messiah for the Jewish community c. 60 AD.
▪︎ Mark - A Jew, and a companion of Peter and Paul, who wrote for both Jews and Gentiles about Christ's death and resurrection c. 60 AD.
▪︎ Luke - A Gentile doctor, and a companion of Peter and Paul who wrote for the Gentiles about Christ the saviour for humankind. c. 60 AD
▪︎ Luke - also wrote the Acts of the Apostles c. 60 AD.
▪︎ John - The 'beloved' apostle of Jesus, wrote in his later years about the Word who took on Flesh (John 1:1,14) c. 80-90 AD.
▪︎ John - also wrote 3 Letters and The Book of Revelations c. 80-90 AD.
▪︎ James - wrote 1 letter c. 35 AD.
▪︎ Paul - wrote 13 letters c.49 - 65 AD.
▪︎ Jude - wrote 1 letter c. 65 AD.
▪︎ Peter - wrote 2 letters c. 67 AD.
▪︎ The author of The Letter to Hebrews is unknown c. 65 AD.
▪︎ Jesus Christ's' ministry occurred between 27-30 A.D.
▪︎ Christianity began after the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ when thousands of Jews became followers of 'The Way' (Jesus).
▪︎ The New Testament scholar, F.F. Bruce, gives strong historical evidence that the New Testament was completed by A.D. 100.
▪︎ Most writings of the New Testament were completed twenty to forty years before 100 AD. (Wikipedia).
▪︎ The apostles and their companions wrote the New Testament from their first-hand experiences with Jesus.
New Testament integrity is supported by historians, biblical and textual scholars, along with thousands of early codices, manuscripts and the Dead Sea Scrolls, proving the validity and preservation of the Gospels written between c. 35-90 A.D
(Eusebius, Church History 111. 39 .15; Irenaeus Against Heresies, 111.1)
INTERNAL Evidence:
▪︎ The internal evidence supports these early dates for several reasons. The first three Gospels prophesied the fall of the Jerusalem Temple which occurred in A.D. 70. However, the fulfillment is not mentioned. It is strange that these three Gospels predict this major event but do not record it happening. Why do they not mention such an important prophetic milestone? The most plausible explanation is that it had not yet occurred at the time Matthew, Mark, and Luke were written.
▪︎ In the book of Acts, the Temple plays a central role in the nation of Israel. Luke writes as if the Temple is an important part of Jewish life. He also ends Acts on a strange note: Paul living under house arrest.
It is strange that Luke does not record the death of his two chief characters, Peter and Paul. The most plausible reason for this is that Luke finished writing Acts before Peter and Paul's martyrdom in A.D. 64. A significant point to highlight is that the Gospel of Luke precedes Acts, further supporting the traditional dating of c. A.D. 60.
Most scholars agree Mark precedes Luke, making Mark's Gospel even earlier.
▪︎ Finally, the majority of New Testament scholars believe that Paul's epistles are written from A.D. 48-60. Paul's outline of the life of Jesus matches that of the Gospels.
1 Corinthians is one of the least disputed books regarding its dating and Pauline authorship.
In 1Corinthians chapter 15, Paul summarizes the gospel and reinforces the premise that this is the same gospel preached by the apostles.
Paul quotes from Luke's Gospel in 1 Timothy 5:18, showing us that Luke's Gospel was indeed completed in Paul's lifetime. This would move the time of the completion of Luke's Gospel along with Mark and Matthew.
This Internal Evidence presents a strong case for the early dating of the Gospels.
EXTERNAL Evidence - Gospel Dates:
▪︎ Were the Gospels written by eyewitnesses of the events, or were they not recorded until centuries later? As with the internal evidence, the external evidence also supports a first century date.
▪︎ Fortunately, New Testament scholars have an enormous amount of ancient manuscript evidence. The documentary evidence for the New Testament far surpasses any other work of its time, with over 5000 manuscripts, and many are dated within a few years of their authors' lives.
KEY documents:
▪︎ Chester Beatty Papyri contains most of the N.T. writings, and is dated around A.D. 250.
▪︎ The Bodmer Papyri contains most of John, and dates to A.D. 200.
▪︎ Rylands Papyri that was found in Egypt and contains large fragments of John, and dates to A.D. 130.
From this fragment we can conclude that John was completed well before A.D. 130 because, not only did the gospel have to be written, it had to be hand copied and make its way down from Greece to Egypt.
The majority of scholars agree that John is the last gospel written, so we can affirm its first century date along with the other three with greater assurance.
EARLY New Testament Papyrus Manuscripts:
▪︎ Dead Sea Scrolls, the Full Text of Isaiah 53 and a portion of every book, c. 250 BC.
▪︎ Old Testament Greek Septuagint c. 200 BC.
▪︎ P52 (John Rylands Fragment) - John 18:31-33; 37-38 c. 96 AD
▪︎ P90 (Oxyrhynchus) - John 18:36; 19:7 c. 96 AD
▪︎ P104 (Oxyrhynchus) - Matthew 21:34-37, 43, 45 c. 60-65 AD
▪︎ P46 (Chester Beatty Papyrus) - Romans 5:17-6; 5-14; 8:15-25; 27-35; 10:1-11, 22, 24-33, 35; 16:1-23; 25-27.
And Hebrews; 1 & 2; Corinthians; Ephesians; Galatians; Philippians; Colossians; 1 Thessalonians 1:1, 9-10; 2:1-3; 5:5-9, 23-28 c. 50’s-70’s AD
▪︎ P98 (IFAO) - Revelation 1:13; 2:1 c. 90 AD
▪︎ P66 (Bodmer Papyrus) - John 1:1-6,11; 6:35; 14:26; fragment of 14:29; 21:9 c. 70’s AD
▪︎ P67 Matthew 3:9, 15; 5:20-22; 25-28 c. 60-65 AD
▪︎ Evidence also comes from the Dead Sea Scrolls Cave 7.
Jose Callahan discovered a large fragment of the Gospel of Mark and dated it to have been written in A.D. 50. Also large fragments of Acts and other epistles and dated them to have been written slightly after A.D. 50.4
Another line of evidence is the writings of the church fathers.
▪︎ CLEMENT of Rome sent a letter to the Corinthian church in A.D. 95. in which he quoted from the Gospels and other portions of the N.T.
▪︎ IGNATIUS, Bishop of Antioch, wrote a letter before his martyrdom in Rome in A.D. 115, quoting all the Gospels and other N.T. letters.
▪︎ POLYCARP wrote to the Philippians in A.D. 120 and quoted from the Gospels and N.T. letters.
▪︎ JUSTIN MARTYR, A.D. 150 quotes John 3. Church fathers of the early second century were familiar with the apostle's writings and quoted them as inspired Scripture.
▪︎ Early dating is important for two reasons. The closer a historical record is to the date of the event, the more likely the record is accurate. Early dating allows for eyewitnesses to still be alive when the Gospels were circulating to attest to their accuracy.
The apostles often appeal to the witness of the hostile crowd, pointing to their knowledge of the facts as well (Acts 2:22, 26:26).
Also, the time is too short for legends to develop.
Historians agree it takes about two generations, or eighty years, for legendary accounts to establish themselves.
From the evidence, we can conclude the Gospels were indeed written by the authors they are attributed to.
THE First Fully Bound Bible Books/Codices
▪︎ Codex Vaticanus: Origin 1st century M/S - first Codex, 280 - 330 AD
▪︎ Codex Siniaticus: Origin 1st century M/S - first Codex, 300 - 350 AD
▪︎ Codex Alexandrius: Origin 1st century M/S - first Codex, 350 - 400 AD
▪︎ Codex Vulgate: Origin 1st century M/S - first Codex, 380 - 400 AD
JESUS and the Jews were multilingual
▪︎ "Pilate had a notice prepared and fastened to the cross.
Many of the Jews read this sign, for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and the sign was written in Hebrew, Latin and Greek" (John 19:19-20)
▪︎ The Gospels were written in Koine Greek being the World's language in the 1st century
The Hebrew Bible was translated into Greek (Septuagint) c.200 BC for the many Greek speaking Jews
It is well known that first-century Jerusalem was inhabited by Greek speaking Jews who were at least bilingual. And Jesus most likely was trilingual apart from the ability to read minds.
So the original Gospels were written in Koine Greek and sent throughout the World..
▪︎ Jewish culture was heavily influenced by Hellenistic culture, and Koine Greek was used not only for international communication but also as the first language of many Jews. This development was furthered by the fact that the largest Jewish community in the world lived in Ptolemaic Alexandria. (Wikipedia)
GOD Protects His Sacred Words:
▪︎ "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!
As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!" (Galatians 1:8-9).
▪︎ Jesus said, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away" (Matt 24:35).
▪︎ God protects His Word & Gospels and warns of antichrists. (1John2:22).
▪︎ Christ's Good News of Salvation, His Birth, Crucifixion and Resurrection hasn't changed for 2000 years.
▪︎ The Gospels are evidenced by internal and external historical, archeological & literary facts.
▪︎ The Gospels are reliable and transparent with any variations transparently referenced in the footnotes.
▪︎ The Gospels have 1000 times more manuscripts than the most documented ancient literature by Greco-Roman historian, Suetonius.
▪︎ Bible is the most comprehensive and reliable source re. 1st century Jerusalem history & used by archaeologists supporting research today..
@@louiesafi3116 my brother I shall read it all... More, food for brain
60 AD for Mark's gospel is a conservative estimation.. Today there's many scholars claiming Mark could of been written within 15 years of Jesus.
Also I think they found a manuscript a few years back that has many Christian scholars excited with encouraging signs this manuscript could of been written even earlier..
Succinctly Erudite 💯💯🏆🥇👍🤓
This is mastery
Isaiah was corrupted because of Constantine, when we have manuscripts that long predate Constantine? Smh
Shhhh that’s too much logical reasoning 😂
You have no idea what you are saying
@@devanteswing4790you don’t, or bring proof that it was corrupted
@@devanteswing4790glad you have an opinion, but opinions aren’t facts.
@@devanteswing4790 I do --- I have the _original_ Koran, written on Arabian toilet paper with Arabian ink made from a mixture of camel urine and Muhammad's 💩. He even autographed it to me, personally!! How? Well, he's a prophet, ain't he?! He knew that I would come into being almost 1385 years after his death by poisoning. He even dated the 1st page: "the year 18 BH - Before Hijra" 🤓
Can't wait.... God bless you 🙏 ✊
Muslim has right to reject weak Hathis . But they will not allow Christian to reject Gospel of Barnabas
The gospel of barnabas which was written in spanish was "just found" in 1634
Well that took a wierd turn at the end.
GL… Did he ever send you the “Secret” information that not everyone is supposed to have?
Oops. He sent it to me. But I had COVID-41 and was outta tp 🧻 Sorry. I wiped my ass with it. But lemme tell ya, I've never had softer, more luxuriant tp in my whole lives - all 187 of them (1 of which was as the companion Uthman's bff. Muhammad used to visit us and 😮 our 🍆 s.)
When you reject truth, it’s easy to believe a lie.
It’s sad how many people just won’t accept the love and grace of Jesus Christ.
May Allah guide you
@ He does daily when my trust and faith is in Jesus Christ! 🙌🏽
@@SpiritFilledDisciple I warned you, worshipping Prophet Jesus(PBUH) will land you in hellfire for eternity, worship his creator Allah.
Sorry I can’t seem to answer directly the comment of @o00x
Please stop degrading Jesus! Even your ‘book’ refers that Mother Mary ‘s son Jesus, did NOT have an earthy father!!
Where is your respect???!!
@@SpiritFilledDisciple Worshipping Prophet Jesus(PBUH) is the worst sin.
People still don’t get that God is a title, not a name.
Yes, but Jesus is a name. YHWH is a name. And AlLlah is a name.
Though Muhammad IS a name _now,_ when Qathem took it upon himself, it was just a title.
He had me until the very end. Constantine did what? Altered the most profoundly impactful book ever written and you won't share your source publicly? If this were the case it would be the BIGGEST information ever in the history of the world! He doesn't think we should have that knowledge?
He doesn't have anything. It's the normal rhetoric. If he has, I bet you he will be on all major social media platforms tomorrow morning to share this proof.
As he said "knowledge is power" i guess he just doesn't want to share the power y'know 🤭
@@tyr1217 😂😂😂
I am not sure why Muslims keep saying the Injil was given to Jesus. Jesus did not need to be given anything! He is the Living Word of God. The embodiment of the word that created the universe! He can’t be given it because He is IT!
Like, it is so stressful that they think this way and so confidently too
Some Muslims think the Injeel is an ancient artifact waiting to be found.
That is a sad fact!!! May they realise the gospel is the Injeel!!!!
glad to hear you still preserved the Injeel that was revealed to Jesus.. not those gospels written decades later according to Tom Dick Harry and whatsnot..
@@WhatHappenToMyComments the Quran was written down decades after Muhammeds passing as well, I know you know oral tradition is real because all Muslims state before it was written it was spoken. Stay consistent
He’s a messianic muslim
The.injeel isnt lost,
Its next to my bed,next to my lamp😂PraiseJesus✝️
According to Quran, Allah is father to no one, so his lying
According to the bible the Quran is a lie. Sooo yea 😂 he we are.
@@513gposey So that means the quran and allah are lying by your logic.
My guy went off the absolute deep end at the conclusion of that talk sheesh.
😅 it's funny that the Muslim told Avery that he was going to give him some resources that " no one should have " but only someone like Brother Avery, that is hilarious, as if it's a secret 🤣
What I don't understand is there religion can't forgive sins ,our Jesus does and they still fight against him ,Jesus said the world will hate me
"Nobody should have that kind of knowledge." Why would you not share information that could potentially a world religion? This guy is just trying to bluff to look cool. He is ANYTHING but honest.
Assuming is easy; proving it is another matter, muslims.
Don't use your methods to interpret your messy scriptures on our scriptures.
22:20 bro said everybody shouldnt have this information
imagine they hate and felt disrespect when you show the teuth about their religion but on the other hand they misinterpreting and spreading false representation christianity . what a bbsht
this dude is all over the place
This man did a complete 180😮
The Bible's lost yet they try using verses from the Bible yet when it contradicts them it's lost. Oh my brothers I pray for us all
where is the chant? where's the Injel?
Jesus was never ever given an Injeel, Muslims only say that because they believe that thier own Quran was given to Mohammed, So they think Christians believe a book was given to Jesus, but infact Jesus himself was the Revelation, and his followers wrote down those revelations in words into the Gospels,but Muslims on going to the previous scriptures see that the Quran does not align with the previous scripture, so they made up the story of the missing Injeel, as there is no way they could say that Allah sent them to currupt previous books to verify if the Quran was real😮
If we want to get nit-picky, we could say that the Book of Revelation is the only book given to Jesus and relayed to us via John. It would then make sense why the flags of Islamic countries carry the colours of the Four Horsemen. 🤔
@Mady-lo6qb no book was given to Jesus, Jesus himself was the Revelation, and those revelations were written down in words into the Gospels by his followers
@Mady-lo6qb Jesus doesn't receive revelations because he's all knowing. Nothing can be hidden from him, therfore nothing can be revealed to him. He reveals to us.
From a realistic historical perspective, Constantine's vision of the cross and his subsequent actions, including the organization of councils like Nicaea, can be understood as those of a pragmatic ruler who recognized the potential of religion as a unifying and stabilizing force for his empire.
Constantine’s Vision of the Cross
According to Christian tradition, Constantine saw a vision of the cross accompanied by the phrase "In hoc signo vinces" ("In this sign, you will conquer") before the Battle of the Milvian Bridge in 312 CE.
Scholars debate whether this vision was genuinely religious or a political calculation. The vision could symbolize Constantine's recognition of Christianity’s growing influence within the Roman Empire, particularly among the military and urban populations.
By aligning himself with Christianity, Constantine gained support from an emerging and increasingly organized religious community.
Religion as a Political Tool
Unifying a Diverse Empire: The Roman Empire was vast and religiously diverse, with competing pagan traditions and the growing presence of Christianity. Constantine likely saw Christianity as a way to unify these disparate groups under a single banner.
Centralized Authority: The hierarchical structure of the Christian Church mirrored the Roman administrative system, making it a convenient partner for governance. By supporting Christianity, Constantine could exert influence over its leaders and doctrines.
Cultural Integration: By blending Christian and pagan symbols (e.g., the cross and the Sol Invictus imagery), Constantine created a transitional space for pagans to adopt Christianity without completely abandoning their traditions.
The Councils and Constantine’s Role
Council of Nicaea (325 CE): Constantine called this council to address theological disputes, particularly the Arian controversy over the nature of Christ. His goal was not purely theological but aimed at achieving unity within the empire.
The Nicene Creed established a standardized belief system, reducing doctrinal fragmentation that could lead to political instability.
Constantine’s presence at the council as a mediator and authority figure demonstrated his use of religion as a means of governance rather than mere personal devotion.
Constantine’s conversion and subsequent actions laid the groundwork for Christianity's transformation from a persecuted sect to the dominant religion of the Roman Empire.
His approach to religion highlights the dual roles of faith as both a deeply personal conviction and a strategic tool for power consolidation.
While Constantine may have had genuine religious beliefs, his use of Christianity to solidify imperial authority reveals a shrewd political mind at work.
In summary, Constantine’s vision of the cross and the councils reflect a ruler who saw religion not only as a source of personal inspiration but also as a practical means to strengthen and unify his empire.
Newly discovered? The earliest mention of the GoB goes back to the early 1600s, and known publications of it were made in the 1700s.
If that’s “new” then the currently most popular edition of the Quran is a newborn infant by comparison.
I ❤ this Muslim dude
Constantine: "What he say f me for?"
Constantine out here catching strays for no reason 💀
“Nobody should have access to this type of knowledge” because knowledge is power! Please let us know if he actually did do you with this exclusive information
We can also opine that Isam is doubly as pagan as Christianity.
Greco-Roman and Egyptian religious beliefs undeniably influenced early Christianity, shaping its portrayal of Jesus as a supreme godhead and the Lord of all creation, surpassing previous deities, idols, and myths. This synthesis of earlier traditions is evident in Christian theology's adaptation of symbols, rituals, and hierarchical structures. Similarly, Islam, emerging within a context deeply rooted in Judeo-Christian traditions, appropriated and reinterpreted many elements from Christianity and Judaism to establish its theological foundation. Consequently, it can be argued that Islam, in its effort to assert itself as a continuation and culmination of previous Abrahamic faiths, reflects a double layer of incorporation of earlier religious ideas, making it as intertwined with 'pagan' influences as Christianity, if not more.
what did the angel say to Mary , God will give you his spirit and you will bor a child and call him Jesus , God did not give Adam his spirit, He below into his nostrils the breath of life, there is a big difference.
May Allah almighty God have mercy Allah Hu Akbar 🙂✌️🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲
What a great debate with this honest , intellectual ,critical thinking and knowledgeable Muslim gentleman to debate that the Qram should go hand in hand with the previous scriptures However , Jesus in Islam will never be accepted as a begotten son of god which it completely disagrees with the intrinsic foundation of Christianity . At least there are a few interesting Muslims who to have an eloquent interesting debate with
Oooooo, a secret book. Lmao.
Not everyone should have this Avery. Lol
My guy got so stuck from 15:08 and just switched up immediately
so we have what was written before constantine , but constantine wrote it and put it in the Bible?🤣
7:15 Billy Carson enters the super chat with “the Sinai Bible is evidence the Quran is true” !🤣✝️
@@sutters7251 🤣😂🤣😂 not realizing they are still talking about the Torah.
1:48 so why does it say nobody will come to Allah except as a slave?? How could he have a son if he has no mate? And how could he be our father if we aren't his sons?
And people of colour don’t enter their jinna
Females don’t ether jinna
Only little boys and men that commit jihad so it’s a gay club and pedophilia Jinnah
Everybody knows that Constantine completely changed re-wrote the whole Bible when he created the king James version
This guy is making claims based on a lack of knowledge (which he himself admits).
bro got his unique perspective re3duced down to the common sheikh templates
I've never seen so many brainwashed people it's crazy 🤪
Checkout the blk hebrew israelites... they are totally boonkers😂
yea.. its crazy.. so many brainwashed people.. they can't even count.. 1+1+1= ?
its the result of cousin marriages and having someone think for them. 😢
yea.. Abraham's wife Sarah was also his half sister..
@@WhatHappenToMyComments Top 10 cousin marriages are all in ? guess where? All in Muslim countries… you do realise the result to thinking comprehension according to medical science of an individual as a result inbreeding?
Be careful Avery, 2corinthians11:14-15.
Wow, he's information is TOP SECRET and CONFIDENTIAL.
What a clown.
2024 : Jesus was muslim
2025 : Allah is the father
2026 : ???
The ever evolving dawah script 😂
Mohammad was a pedophile
@@freddurstedgebono6029Maybe I wasn't clear, edited
Don’t forget Allah is a mother too 💀
😂😂😂😂 STOP IT!!!!
the Jews are very proud.. one of their rain**w boys made it to the very top..
Muslims who are honest and want to find the truth, watch wes huff and he tells you all u need to know about councils and all that. NOTHING HAPPENED in the council of nicaea. Please stop using it
Not even worth the comment.
No prophet say Jesus is the son of God
@@ShireenMorris-wx7wf Isaiah 9 vs 6
@ShireenMorris-wx7wf with the way your carrying on and the amount of comments you have posted on this video it sounds like your scared that Avery is exposing how false Islam is
If you are a Muslim we challenge you to read the entire Koran first without interpretation of men. For the truth of men is fallible. If you believe the book is from the most high, it is sufficient.
In Jesus name I pray that this seed be sown for the edification of many and to show your Majesty and Glory Lord. 🙏🏽
8:36 ayo bruhman saying "new" because of the nation of where he lives and tech around him, the algorithm doesn't show him the same feed like over in the states...ever in the states. Texas, see different from Tennessee and Florida from Cali etc.
Avery logic the holy Quran is the final testement
Avery logic everyone before Mohammad peace be upon him must believe in one god that is Allah almighty
22:17 22:17 22:18 22:19 22:20 22:20
Avery logic Jesus peace be upon him preach the word of Allah almighty God no one else
Jesus didn't simply preach the word of God, He is the Word of God. Consider what that means.
So when Jesus says
Trully, Trully, I tell you before Abraham was born, I am
John 8:58
And when Thomas calls him
Lord and God in John 20:28
You think that jesus was a Muslim?? 😂😂
And there are no pagan beliefs and influences, such as the hajj and facing Makkah when in prayer, in Islam? Funny how Muslims so easily disparage Christianity and Jesus yet go into a rage when Islam and Muhammad are criticized!
Avery logic please please please please debate brother Mohamed hijad
I hear your inner tears of disappointment and let down slapping the ground harshly bro. 😂
Avery logic no one can change the holy Quran
I heard an Imam who said that that Quran 6:115 is not about the Quran. He explained that Allah has written decrees on various things. And it is these words and cannot be changed.
Quran 6:59 With Him are the keys of the unseen-no one knows them except Him. And He knows what is in the land and sea. Not even a leaf falls without His knowledge, nor a grain in the darkness of the earth or anything-green or dry-but *is ˹written˺ in a perfect Record.*
For example, if Allah decreed that certain people will go into war, then no one can change that decree. All these Decrees are in the book in heaven - the book referred to in 6:59.
Isaiah 46:10 I declare from the beginning things to follow, and from ancient times things that have not yet been done; saying, 'My purpose will stand, and he will accomplish everything that I please.'
The Bible contains some of those decrees written within it.
Daniel 7.13 In my vision in the night I continued to watch, and I saw One like the Son of Man coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into His presence. 14 And He was given dominion, glory, and kingship, that the people of every nation and language should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and His kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.
Isaiah 11:15 And the LORD will utterly destroy The tongue of the Sea of Egypt; And He will wave His hand over the Euphrates River With His scorching wind; And He will strike it into seven streams And make people walk over in dry sandals.
This is true monotheism: One God (who possesses both the attributes of Fundamentality and Divinity) sent only His Son (who possesses the attribute of Divinity) into the world to die for the sins of mankind. Three days later, the Spirit of God (who also possesses the attribute of Divinity) proceed to raise the Son of God back to life.
To be God, one must possess either one or both of the following attributes:
(1) THE ATTRIBUTE OF FUNDAMENTALITY: This is the attribute of “firstness”. It means to have no ground, or cause, and or no reason for existing. God the Father, alone, possesses the “Attribute of Fundamentality”. He is the first Person of the Holy Trinity. He also possesses the “Attribute of Divinity”.
(2) THE ATTRIBUTE OF DIVINITY: This is the attribute of “deity” - Supreme Being, Creator, Sustainer of all things - worthy of praise and worship. Both the Son of God and the Holy Spirit possess the “Attribute of Divinity”. Respectfully, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are the second Person and the third Person of the Holy Trinity.
In John 17:3, Jesus said, “The Father is the one true God.” The Father is the one true God in the sense of fundamentality (or firstness). Both the Son and the Holy Spirit are each God in the sense of Divinity - not in the sense of fundamentality (or firstness).
For over 2,000 years, true Christianity has always maintained: The Father is fundamental - He, the Father, is the principled Principal of the Holy Trinity. The Son is eternally begotten from the Father; and the Holy Spirit eternally proceeds from both the Father and the Son.
That's right the Karan falls down 👎
Avery logic dream dream dream on our beautiful holy Quran can never fall apart bete luck nxt time
Avery logic Allah almighty God is the highest no one is above him
Allha is Satan
Avery logic no ifs or buts our beautiful religion is true an our beautiful holy Quran is true true true true true 👎👎👎👎🥱🥱🥱🥱🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫
No my dear Avery logic our Holy Qur'an can never ever fall apart in your dreams ya our beautiful holy Quran is above all except Allah almighty God no one can beat or destroy our beautiful holy Quran not even you i mean not even you Avery logic
Avery what's the secret ingredient
Avery logic Jesus peace be upon him was a miracle baby
Jesus doesnt need peace upon him, he is already peace. The prince of peace
@@dilla5020Yes he does as he is a prophet and blessing of Allah upon him.
Like like like 👍👍👍
I guess his info is G4 Classified 😉
He missed the part where to be a Muslim you need to believe in Muhammed as the last messenger... Jesus didnt and doesn't believe that.
Lupe Mendoza, most of you people hate Sam because he figured out the fulness of the Christian truth. If behaviour was your issue, you would be calling out Christian prince who is much more rude to his callers.
Avery logic Adam was the first human been
And who was before human civilization who roamed the earth ?
Avery logic our Holy Qur'an never lies get it true your head
People tempert change the Bible no one can change the holy Quran
Avery logic Jesus was following Allah almighty command cause he believes in Allah almighty
Haha! The Sinai bible is evidence the Quran is true , lol I laughed out loud!
Here is wisdom
- “dassa fac!” And
“day not lie-cuss” -Billy Carson
How does God have a son Avery?
Be a humble chef
a new bible for christmas?
Amwaaabarikatuuu 😂
Allah is just the Arabic word that means God Every language has its own word that means God, Even Arab Christians pray to Allah, but they are not praying the Muslims God, as Arab Christians worship Jesus Christ
If you worship prophet Jesus(PBUH) you will be in hellfire for eternity, worship his creator Allah.
what the ... 😂😂😂
Avery logic dnt don't dnt dare mock Mohammad peace be upon him
Why would a dead person need peace to be upon him? That is not even logical…
Eff muhammad
@@ronnie-lynnit’s because he’s in hell with his father and mother 💀
The Codex Sinaiticus, the earliest known manuscript of the Christian Bible, was compiled in the 4th century ce. In 1844, 43 leaves of a 4th-century biblical codex (a collection of single pages bound together along one side) were discovered at St. Catherine's Monastery at the foot of Mount Sinai (hence the name Sinaiticus)
The second most ancient, complete and accurate Codex of the Torah and Tanakh and the Psalms...is the Aleppo Codex... This codex was written in the city of Tiberias in the tenth century CE (circa 920) under the rule of the Abbasid Caliphate, and was endorsed for its accuracy by Maimonides.
After that comes the Leningrad Codex... The Leningrad Codex is considered one of the best examples of the Masoretic text. The manuscript was written around the year 1010 C. E. It was probably written in Cairo, and later sold to someone living in Damascus.
But REMEMBER The Dead Sea Scrolls are approximately two thousand years old, dating from the third century BCE to the first century CE. Most of the scrolls were written in Hebrew, with a smaller number in Aramaic or Greek.
BCE? CE? What are those, mane?
Rob Avery logic is just embarrassing himself he can never beat or destroy our beautiful religion islam
😂😄 what is the injeel
where you can get houris injel and torah hahah