Where is this shame coming from? I never felt it. I didn’t think twice about formula as a form of food, an alternative, an option, a source of nutrients to meet my baby’s needs.
There’s shame both ways tbh. Yes probably more for formula but it’s not exclusive. I’ve had so much pressure put on me constantly to stop breastfeeding because my baby is dairy and soy allergic
I agree; shame isnt exclusive to formula only. Theres shame about how long to breastfeed too. I didnt have a choice. My child chose to clearly refuse several types of formula. @SebbyLouise
I had a mole.. saw my PCP and she said it was totally normal. I felt gross about it and went to dermatology. She immediately said it wasn’t normal, took it, and it was in fact the kind of mole that would turn to a cancerous one. I’m so thankful I stuck with it.
Stoppppp it, I haven’t watched in a few months cause I haven’t had much time but when I saw the thumbnail I couldn’t believe how big Alice is already! I’m pregnant with #2 and I’m due next month and I’m feeling very impatient for her arrival ! My first (boy) and Grace are also only a few months apart so seeing you going through the same things right before me has been very comforting !
Watching you live life with Grace and Alice as a mother of two absolutely melts my heart. My son is almost 20 months, and my husband and I are starting to try for our second. It’s exciting and scary, but watching your videos with your sweet babies makes me feel so inspired. Thank you for being your authentic self and sharing your motherhood journey. I know putting yourself out there in this way is vulnerable and opens you up to criticism. But you have helped so many of us. When I first found out I was pregnant, I rewatched your pregnancy playlist with Grace. I felt not so alone and felt like I got an honest look at what my experience could be like. Thanks for sharing! I’ll always appreciate it ❤
I had my second baby in July of this year and was very nervous about breastfeeding. I really struggled with my first baby and my worries about my supply and her latching correctly definitely messed with my mental health. With my second baby, breastfeeding has been much easier (which I am so happy about and grateful for) but I still supplement with formula when I feel like she could use a bit more food (or when I just dont want to nurse her at the moment) Being able to combo feed without any feelings of failure or shame has been so nice. I'm happy to hear you are able to keep feeding Alice without any unneccessary feelings of guilt.
The same exact thing is happening to me and this is my 3rd baby (he’s 4 months old) but I’m still so proud of myself and feel confident because I see how well my two oldest have turned out and they were on formula! And you see how perfect grace is! I hope you feel proud in how far you’ve come and how you were able to immediately put your daughters needs over societal pressure. I love nursing but I am also willing to fight anyone on how incredible formula is and how it saves lives (of babies AND moms!)
babybrezza formula bottle maker is so nice. It warms up the water for you and makes the bottle. I still will shake it up just a little bit afterwards but it is amazing.
Thank you so much for how honest and open you are about your breastfeeding journey (with Grace and Alice) you offer such a kind perspective, and have really helped me speak with friends struggling with similar things too - also referred your content to them and they reported game changer!! Just thank you for all you do here, making YT a kinder place over all.
This vidro came from heaven...I gave birth to my first daughter September 3rd and we came home today from the hospital. My breasts are bleeding profusely and the pain is so high that when I feed her from my left breast, I do it screaming and crying. My husband asked if we could mix breastfeeding and formula, ehile my breasts heal, but I felt like this would be failing as a mom....thank you for changing my mind!
Let them heal! You could always try a nipple shield. I breastfed all 3 of my babies but we also always ended up using a little formula. I used a shield for the first couple weeks with all of them because it’s always so painful in the beginning until you toughen the nips up. But letting them heal so you can go into nursing calm and not in pain will ultimately help your breastfeeding journey in the long run. Don’t feel bad for supplementing while you take care of yourself!
I had a lot of pain when breastfeeding also, I pumped one side and bottle fed to let them heal. Once we got through the first 6 weeks it got a lot better! Hang in there!
I am also combo feeding; my girl is 6 months old. Did some formula supplement for the first few weeks, then breastfed directly for a couple months. Noticed supply issues starting around 5 months so now I'm doing some pumping and formula supplementing again as of a few days ago. I have cried so many tears over this journey but now I've just decided to let it go. Some days I don't get a chance to pump and it's no big deal, we just use formula for one or two feedings. I told my husband I have no plan anymore, I'm just taking it day by day. My baby doesn't love a full bottle of formula but she will easily drink it with a bit of breastmilk mixed in.
Omg this is exactly what happened with my daughter. She’s my third, and I never had success nursing my older 2. We fought hard to keep her breastfed and we were winning, until about 4 months old. She started getting frustrated and wouldn’t nurse and I thought it was a strike but it never got better. She’s 7.5 months old and we are down to nursing at night and in the morning, and she has solids and bottles of either formula or pumped milk during the day. It’s been easier to accept when I see stories like this. Thank you for being so open about it! It’s hard to have that guilt but in the end, fed is best!
I am still pretty young, but do have a wish to become a mother in my future and all the ups and downs and struggles and joys of motherhood are so interesting to me! I love learning about it! So thank you for sharing!
I'm in training to be a dermatologist!! Thank you so much for sharing your journey- it's so important to raise awareness and encourage people to keep an eye on their skin!
We had latching issues when I had my little one. Started exclusively pumping and supplementing with formula for the first two months. Formula is what allowed me to get my supply up so she could have just breast milk for the last six months and even built up a small freezer stash. But now, at almost 9mpp, I am tired, I've started to cut back on my pumps and thinking of incorporating formula back into the mix.
Thanks for sharing your story. I fought like hell to breastfeed my first for 18 months and never imagined I’d be having supply issues with my second. Pumping around the clock on top of breastfeeding and supplementing is so so hard.
Totally know that post dermatologist relief when everything’s okay. I have a ton of moles and have had multiple “pre-cancerous” ones removed, so I go every 6 months. I feel so anxious going into every appointment but happy I’m being diligent!
Thank you so much for sharing your story ❤ I just had my first baby three months ago, and we ended up combo feeding, with her feeding solely from a bottle and me pumping because of how awful it was for me to breastfeed. It's nice to know so many of us are in similar boats and are making it through!
I had to start formula feeding a lot earlier. I wasn’t producing enough and I had the baby blues and it all felt so bad. I was so lucky to have an incredible support system where the only person making me feel bad about formula was myself lol. You’re so strong to talk about formula when there’s so much shame online
I am so happy you’re so open about nursing and using formula. My (now 2yr old) daughter didn’t nurse well and I struggled to produce for 3 months while supplementing with formula and she ate SO good with formula. I remember being confident in my decision to quit trying to breastfeed (it was killing my mental health) but I was still a little sad to officially be done. My son is now 6 months and I overproduced so much with him I got mastitis 3 times in 2 months and was feeding every 2-ish hours and getting 40 ounces on average each day through pumping. It was a completely different type of struggle but I was so proud I could feed him. Now I have a fairly normal supply lol but I’m back at work and pumping all day which I hate and I feel like my supply is slowly dropping. We had a family crisis once where I wasn’t with my kids and had to try formula but he refused and refused the bottle when my husband made it home and tried using our frozen stash too, he cried and was hungry for over 6 hours before I was able to get to him to nurse him. All that to say I am a little scared for my supply to dwindle and need to transition to formula. My tentative plan is to keep trying to pump and boost/maintain my supply but if it does plummet, as we get towards the end of the stash I want to try introducing formula similar to what you did. Ultimately fed is best, as long as they eat that’s what matters but I think it’s so important for moms to be open and honest with how they feel and the struggles and successes they have. We need to normalize not everything going perfectly the way we want it to. Anyone who bothered to read all this just know I’m sending all the love and support your way. You are a great mom! 🫶🏻
Thank you for this. Ive been struggling mentally about my supply dropping significantly. My baby will be 5 months tomorrow and the past week or so i i haven't pumped what she needs, however she seems satisfied when i nurse her. Im down to 4 bags of milk in the freezer. Ive been so upset and have cried but ultimately all that matters is that she eats. Its hard to not feel like a failure having to supplement but it is what it is! I love your attitude because so many videos just say no your supply is fine everything will be fine but if it takes me 6 pumps to make one full bottle, i just cant keep up with that. Thank you❤
My son has a hemangioma on his left side- rib area. He was 6 weeks early and it didn’t pop up until he got home a month later from the nicu and I thought for sure one of the nurses had given him a bruise, had an appointment with a doctor down in Portland, Oregon, the doctor was SO nice about it, every year we have it looked at, super cool to see the progression of it throughout the 3.5 yrs
AH Daisy Jones and the Six is my all time favorite book!!! It is INCREDIBLE! I am also a huge Taylor Jenkins Reid fan. I love Malibu Rising and the The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo as well!
01:53 Sierra please check out LabMuffin Beauty's video on spray sunscreen! Make sure you're rubbing it in really well, but ideally use a lotion sunscreen for full coverage. Especially after having a mole scare and living in sunny socal!
Thank you for continuing to be open about your breastfeeding and formula experience. Breastfeeding is hard work! My 5mo thankfully takes formula too. It’s a relief knowing if I can’t b’feed she can still get fed.
I had a mole on my belly that grew in size and got much much darker nearly black and a different cracked texture during pregnancy! They shaved mine off and tested it and it ended up being atypical but not cancer! My nurse also asked me if I wanted to see it haha. So happy for both of our outcomes!
loved this vlog and thank you for the IG reel tip! I struggle with cutting down my footage too when creating short form for my social media clients, you just saved me!
you mentioning the nurse asking if you wanted to see the mole reminded me of the dental hygienist i had for my one set of wisdom teeth asking if I wanted to keep them afterward lol. i didn't, even though i kinda regret that now with the major curve the one tooth had, but it's just kinda funny how they'll do that sometimes. kinda interesting to look at some of that stuff too, cause it's not necessarily something we ever really think about looking at
I’m seeing this video on the best day possible. I have a 4 month old who I have exclusively breastfed since birth but recently I noticed he was fussy so I bought some formula and decided to combo feed but I felt really guilty about it. I really needed to hear this. It’s crazy because I’ve always believed fed is best but then I read on the side of the can “breastfeeding is recommended, use with doctor advice” I legit cried at Walmart. Thank you for sharing your experience.
Do yourself a favour and google why this disclaimer is there. Long story short, formula companies conned poor countries into using their product many decades ago which led to mamas breast milk drying up and then they couldn't afford to buy the formula which led to babies starving.
So inspired by you!!! Completely agree that fed is best. Just one piece of wisdom that a lactation consultant gave me- after starting to work out again, supplementing with electrolytes can help ensure a steady milk supply.
I breastfed my son for nearly a year, but I introduced formula very early just in case something happened. It felt better to me to know he'd have something he wasn't allergic to and he'd be able to be fed if I wasn't available.
Thank you so much for sharing your breastfeeding journeys with us! Combo feeding has worked the best for our family and I’m happy to see you talk about it.😊
Thank you so much for sharing ❤ Up untill now I was exclusivly breastfeeding but had the same issue you did. Now we’re combo-feeding. I do feel like I’m failing somehow, even though I know I’m not…
I’m about to have my 3rd and I’m really considering formula because I also have a 2 and 3 year old and work full time. I pumped for a year with my 2nd and it was a lot of work (he was allergic to all formulas). I BF my 1st for 9 months before I dried up and she did great on formula.
I've been thinking I need to go to the dermatologist for months now. When I had my first son, my OB asked if I wanted a suspicious looking mole removed while I was still numbed from my epidural. Then I was referred to dermatology and she ended up removing like 14 spots that she wanted to check! None were cancer, but she said postpartum is basically the most important time for women to get their skin checked because all the hormone changes cause a lot of changes in skin and moles. It was not fun at the time, having a 3rd degree tear plus 14 small incisions healing, but I'm glad I did it. Now my 3rd son is 6 months old, so I really need to go again. I've started formula for our son too and it's crazy all the emotions attached to it! I'm so glad he's fed, but I so wish I made enough breast milk to feed him! It's so hard not to feel guilt that my body just isn't making enough for him to have the option that I want for him. I'm basically producing nothing now, but it's hard to give up pumping because I want to be breastfeeding. The price of formula doesn't do anything the cushion the blow either!
I'm a major undersupplier so my baby has been combofed since birth she's almost 3 months old. I really wanted to strictly breastfeed but it wasn't in the cards for us. Thank you for discussing your breastfeeding journies.
Your recent 2 weeks was my whole 2 months with my first kid. Breast is best people really ruined me. He was starving. Seriously traumatic. So proud of you for not caring!!
30 years ago I nursed our oldest during the campaign to go back to nursing. Everyone thought I was crazy for doing that. 10 years later with our second no one cared that I was nursing not even in public. Fast-forward another 10 years with our third that we adopted when I bottle fed the amount of turned up noses at me giving the baby 🍼 formula is insane. A healthy baby should just be the thing for parenting. It's scary enough to take care of people that are 5 years and under without the added pressure to be perfect.
i have twins that were born at 35 weeks (they are 3 months now) and i wanted to breast feed so so so bad but it just wasn’t in the cards for us with the stress of the NICU, my milk not coming in enough, them needing feeding tubes, them struggling to learn to eat and needing formula to gain weight and course being a first time mom and having 2 babies at once 😭 i still feel guilty like i gave up too soon and could’ve tried harder but i know it was the right decision for all of us in the end
Just remember: fed is best. As long as you're making sure you're girls have all the nutrients they need, that is literally all that matters. You're doing great, Mama!
I had an ovarian cyst removed, and I asked for pictures. I love them. I have pictures of my giant grapefruit sized cyst and after it was removed. It's weird, but i love them.
hiii red head covered in moles here👋 great job going to the derm!! Everyone should go yearly to get spots checked out! I’ve had soooo many moles removed and come back precancerous and I’m only 24. Truly nbd though!! if it’s basal cell cancer (runs in my family) if you had to get a cancer that would be the one you would want (melanoma is the only bad news i wouldn’t wanna hear, but it’s very uncommon). I love how prompt my derm is, she will just swipe multiple moles off me and get them tested all at once it’s the best! everyone go to your dermatologist!!
Thank you for this! FTM and my baby just turned 2 months and I’ve gone from a big over supply to virtually nothing and just ordered formula to supplement
I had to top my baby up with formula from day 3 because of his weight loss so I didn’t have a chance to get too precious about formula. He ended up being allergic to dairy so couldn’t have regular formula and nursing got easy around 3/4 months that we ended up exclusively breastfeeding after that. Very grateful to have a very easy breastfeeding journey. Now pregnant with baby 2 and worried it wont be as easy!
I needed a distraction I just found out today that my baby that’s due in October has a small hole in his heart the doctor said it’s not terrible so hopefully he’ll be okay but I’m really shaken up and emotionally drained
I tried to BF my daughter who is now 4 months. It didn’t work out. She could not latch and had a tongue tie. So I resorted to pumping. Which made me have all these negative feelings, and it made me not the best mom I could be to my daughter and my son. So I quit pumping and started formula. For us it was the best decision. Although for some reason BF is still a HUGE want for me to accomplish, just don’t know if I’m able to ever.
Would love to hear your sport bra recommendations!! Especially the ones that you’re wearing during your runs. I have such a hard time finding really supportive ones. I’ve been losing weight and my boobs are becoming audible during my runs 😅
I have a hemangioma on my neck,it looks like a birthmark and it used to be so big when I was little I have the option to get it removed when I became a teen,but chose not to since it’s shrinking on its own,still big but not as big as when I was little
Ugh, the guilt we as women impose on ourselves and project onto others about breastfeeding…..there is so much pressure about how we feed our babies when there is nothing wrong with either choice. So happy that you addressed this, please don’t feel any regrets about your choices, Alice is fed and loved to the moon and back, she will be just fine❤
My baby is 5 months old as well and I’m going through the exact same breastfeeding journey! I am most likely going to have to give my baby a formula bottle tonight for the first time which I didn’t want to have to do yet due to my supply dipping. I feel so so seen and not alone! Thank you thank you thank you!!🤍🌸🫶🏻
I had a similar experience this 4th round with nursing and ended up getting silicone flanges and a frida lactation massager and it has helped me with the lack of response to pumping i was having.
Off topic but community or sierra... I am getting into reading and need suggestions. I don't know really what genre or what not. Just need good recommendations to start with for a new reader. Something that Will grab my attention and keep it.
If you’re running less than 15 miles a week, nutrition isn’t really a big factor. Once you get to long runs > 10mi (~30 mi+ per week) then you really want to start focusing on run nutrition. The book Advanced Running is so good and I highly recommend it for really in depth info!!
I appreciate how open you are about breastfeeding and formula. There is so much shame on moms who use formula.
Where is this shame coming from? I never felt it. I didn’t think twice about formula as a form of food, an alternative, an option, a source of nutrients to meet my baby’s needs.
@@Lillies585 for some people they don't think that way for some reason ugh... So many mom shamers out there
There’s shame both ways tbh. Yes probably more for formula but it’s not exclusive. I’ve had so much pressure put on me constantly to stop breastfeeding because my baby is dairy and soy allergic
I agree; shame isnt exclusive to formula only. Theres shame about how long to breastfeed too. I didnt have a choice. My child chose to clearly refuse several types of formula. @SebbyLouise
Formula saves lives! I combo fed my twins and it was the best thing for our family.
I’ve been combo feeding my daughter since she’s been born and she’s happy and healthy, and our family is great!
I can NOT get over how much Alice looks like Stephen 🥺
Came here for this comment
Yea I was like omg she's her dad's tiny twin lol
ikr!!! grace looked like sierra and alice looks like stephen. its so precious
I had a mole.. saw my PCP and she said it was totally normal. I felt gross about it and went to dermatology. She immediately said it wasn’t normal, took it, and it was in fact the kind of mole that would turn to a cancerous one. I’m so thankful I stuck with it.
Thats what my pcp said and i fought to get it removed, good thing i did as it was melanoma
A fed baby is best-no matter how!! You are doing the best for Alice!!
As someone who had melanoma at 25, I am such a huge advocate of getting skin checks! Good job!
Pumping while breastfeeding is SUCH a mental fuck sometimes. I’m so proud of you for your mindset. Very encouraging!
Stoppppp it, I haven’t watched in a few months cause I haven’t had much time but when I saw the thumbnail I couldn’t believe how big Alice is already! I’m pregnant with #2 and I’m due next month and I’m feeling very impatient for her arrival ! My first (boy) and Grace are also only a few months apart so seeing you going through the same things right before me has been very comforting !
8:12 when you do the costume try on can you try for the beginning of the month?! That way we have time to order them!!
that’s such a good point! 😅
Yeaah, good comment. Feels like all the inspiration is too late usually :P which of course is partly my lazy ass as well but still.
I love your attitude and how you deal with bumps in the road that come up. It’s so refreshing and comforting. Watching your content makes me so happy.
Watching you live life with Grace and Alice as a mother of two absolutely melts my heart. My son is almost 20 months, and my husband and I are starting to try for our second. It’s exciting and scary, but watching your videos with your sweet babies makes me feel so inspired. Thank you for being your authentic self and sharing your motherhood journey. I know putting yourself out there in this way is vulnerable and opens you up to criticism. But you have helped so many of us. When I first found out I was pregnant, I rewatched your pregnancy playlist with Grace. I felt not so alone and felt like I got an honest look at what my experience could be like. Thanks for sharing! I’ll always appreciate it ❤
love when videos are posted right when I sit down for lunch 🩷
I had my second baby in July of this year and was very nervous about breastfeeding. I really struggled with my first baby and my worries about my supply and her latching correctly definitely messed with my mental health. With my second baby, breastfeeding has been much easier (which I am so happy about and grateful for) but I still supplement with formula when I feel like she could use a bit more food (or when I just dont want to nurse her at the moment)
Being able to combo feed without any feelings of failure or shame has been so nice. I'm happy to hear you are able to keep feeding Alice without any unneccessary feelings of guilt.
The same exact thing is happening to me and this is my 3rd baby (he’s 4 months old) but I’m still so proud of myself and feel confident because I see how well my two oldest have turned out and they were on formula! And you see how perfect grace is! I hope you feel proud in how far you’ve come and how you were able to immediately put your daughters needs over societal pressure. I love nursing but I am also willing to fight anyone on how incredible formula is and how it saves lives (of babies AND moms!)
babybrezza formula bottle maker is so nice. It warms up the water for you and makes the bottle. I still will shake it up just a little bit afterwards but it is amazing.
Fed is best sweet mama! You’re doing amazing and there is NOTHING wrong with formula! It saves lives and I love your input with Alice❤.
Thank you so much for how honest and open you are about your breastfeeding journey (with Grace and Alice) you offer such a kind perspective, and have really helped me speak with friends struggling with similar things too - also referred your content to them and they reported game changer!! Just thank you for all you do here, making YT a kinder place over all.
This vidro came from heaven...I gave birth to my first daughter September 3rd and we came home today from the hospital. My breasts are bleeding profusely and the pain is so high that when I feed her from my left breast, I do it screaming and crying. My husband asked if we could mix breastfeeding and formula, ehile my breasts heal, but I felt like this would be failing as a mom....thank you for changing my mind!
You do what works for you mama, and don't feel guilty about ONE THING! ❤
If baby is getting a bad latch you should get them checked for tongue ties! Take care!
Let them heal! You could always try a nipple shield. I breastfed all 3 of my babies but we also always ended up using a little formula. I used a shield for the first couple weeks with all of them because it’s always so painful in the beginning until you toughen the nips up. But letting them heal so you can go into nursing calm and not in pain will ultimately help your breastfeeding journey in the long run. Don’t feel bad for supplementing while you take care of yourself!
I had a lot of pain when breastfeeding also, I pumped one side and bottle fed to let them heal. Once we got through the first 6 weeks it got a lot better! Hang in there!
I’m so happy that you seem so much less stressed about formula 💕
I am also combo feeding; my girl is 6 months old. Did some formula supplement for the first few weeks, then breastfed directly for a couple months. Noticed supply issues starting around 5 months so now I'm doing some pumping and formula supplementing again as of a few days ago. I have cried so many tears over this journey but now I've just decided to let it go. Some days I don't get a chance to pump and it's no big deal, we just use formula for one or two feedings. I told my husband I have no plan anymore, I'm just taking it day by day. My baby doesn't love a full bottle of formula but she will easily drink it with a bit of breastmilk mixed in.
Omg this is exactly what happened with my daughter. She’s my third, and I never had success nursing my older 2. We fought hard to keep her breastfed and we were winning, until about 4 months old. She started getting frustrated and wouldn’t nurse and I thought it was a strike but it never got better. She’s 7.5 months old and we are down to nursing at night and in the morning, and she has solids and bottles of either formula or pumped milk during the day. It’s been easier to accept when I see stories like this. Thank you for being so open about it! It’s hard to have that guilt but in the end, fed is best!
I am still pretty young, but do have a wish to become a mother in my future and all the ups and downs and struggles and joys of motherhood are so interesting to me! I love learning about it! So thank you for sharing!
I'm in training to be a dermatologist!! Thank you so much for sharing your journey- it's so important to raise awareness and encourage people to keep an eye on their skin!
We had latching issues when I had my little one. Started exclusively pumping and supplementing with formula for the first two months. Formula is what allowed me to get my supply up so she could have just breast milk for the last six months and even built up a small freezer stash. But now, at almost 9mpp, I am tired, I've started to cut back on my pumps and thinking of incorporating formula back into the mix.
Thanks for sharing your story. I fought like hell to breastfeed my first for 18 months and never imagined I’d be having supply issues with my second. Pumping around the clock on top of breastfeeding and supplementing is so so hard.
Totally know that post dermatologist relief when everything’s okay. I have a ton of moles and have had multiple “pre-cancerous” ones removed, so I go every 6 months. I feel so anxious going into every appointment but happy I’m being diligent!
My baby is almost 6 months and I am starting to struggle to keep up. It’s so stressful. I appreciate you talking about this.
Your vlogs are unexpectedly so enjoyable for me (bc most vlogs I find boring) because yours have this peaceful and real vibe
Thank you so much for sharing your story ❤ I just had my first baby three months ago, and we ended up combo feeding, with her feeding solely from a bottle and me pumping because of how awful it was for me to breastfeed. It's nice to know so many of us are in similar boats and are making it through!
So glad you're doing Daisy Jones and the Six on audio I listened to it and it was an amazing audiobook!!
I had to start formula feeding a lot earlier. I wasn’t producing enough and I had the baby blues and it all felt so bad. I was so lucky to have an incredible support system where the only person making me feel bad about formula was myself lol. You’re so strong to talk about formula when there’s so much shame online
So glad you went and got your mole checked out! Way to be proactive for you and your family ❤
I am so happy you’re so open about nursing and using formula. My (now 2yr old) daughter didn’t nurse well and I struggled to produce for 3 months while supplementing with formula and she ate SO good with formula. I remember being confident in my decision to quit trying to breastfeed (it was killing my mental health) but I was still a little sad to officially be done.
My son is now 6 months and I overproduced so much with him I got mastitis 3 times in 2 months and was feeding every 2-ish hours and getting 40 ounces on average each day through pumping. It was a completely different type of struggle but I was so proud I could feed him. Now I have a fairly normal supply lol but I’m back at work and pumping all day which I hate and I feel like my supply is slowly dropping. We had a family crisis once where I wasn’t with my kids and had to try formula but he refused and refused the bottle when my husband made it home and tried using our frozen stash too, he cried and was hungry for over 6 hours before I was able to get to him to nurse him. All that to say I am a little scared for my supply to dwindle and need to transition to formula. My tentative plan is to keep trying to pump and boost/maintain my supply but if it does plummet, as we get towards the end of the stash I want to try introducing formula similar to what you did. Ultimately fed is best, as long as they eat that’s what matters but I think it’s so important for moms to be open and honest with how they feel and the struggles and successes they have. We need to normalize not everything going perfectly the way we want it to.
Anyone who bothered to read all this just know I’m sending all the love and support your way. You are a great mom! 🫶🏻
Thank you for this. Ive been struggling mentally about my supply dropping significantly. My baby will be 5 months tomorrow and the past week or so i i haven't pumped what she needs, however she seems satisfied when i nurse her. Im down to 4 bags of milk in the freezer. Ive been so upset and have cried but ultimately all that matters is that she eats. Its hard to not feel like a failure having to supplement but it is what it is! I love your attitude because so many videos just say no your supply is fine everything will be fine but if it takes me 6 pumps to make one full bottle, i just cant keep up with that. Thank you❤
Fed is best!! It shouldn’t matter, I’m glad you’re doing what’s right for you and your family!!
My son has a hemangioma on his left side- rib area. He was 6 weeks early and it didn’t pop up until he got home a month later from the nicu and I thought for sure one of the nurses had given him a bruise, had an appointment with a doctor down in Portland, Oregon, the doctor was SO nice about it, every year we have it looked at, super cool to see the progression of it throughout the 3.5 yrs
AH Daisy Jones and the Six is my all time favorite book!!! It is INCREDIBLE! I am also a huge Taylor Jenkins Reid fan. I love Malibu Rising and the The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo as well!
I really enjoyed Daisy Jones and the Six too. It was so good it made them sound like a real band!
01:53 Sierra please check out LabMuffin Beauty's video on spray sunscreen! Make sure you're rubbing it in really well, but ideally use a lotion sunscreen for full coverage. Especially after having a mole scare and living in sunny socal!
Thank you for continuing to be open about your breastfeeding and formula experience. Breastfeeding is hard work! My 5mo thankfully takes formula too. It’s a relief knowing if I can’t b’feed she can still get fed.
Your doing great sierra. I had to do the same with both of my boys around the 6 month mark.
I just finished Daisy Jones and the Six and oh my gosh it was incredible I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
I had a mole on my belly that grew in size and got much much darker nearly black and a different cracked texture during pregnancy! They shaved mine off and tested it and it ended up being atypical but not cancer! My nurse also asked me if I wanted to see it haha. So happy for both of our outcomes!
loved this vlog and thank you for the IG reel tip! I struggle with cutting down my footage too when creating short form for my social media clients, you just saved me!
you mentioning the nurse asking if you wanted to see the mole reminded me of the dental hygienist i had for my one set of wisdom teeth asking if I wanted to keep them afterward lol.
i didn't, even though i kinda regret that now with the major curve the one tooth had, but it's just kinda funny how they'll do that sometimes. kinda interesting to look at some of that stuff too, cause it's not necessarily something we ever really think about looking at
I’m seeing this video on the best day possible. I have a 4 month old who I have exclusively breastfed since birth but recently I noticed he was fussy so I bought some formula and decided to combo feed but I felt really guilty about it. I really needed to hear this. It’s crazy because I’ve always believed fed is best but then I read on the side of the can “breastfeeding is recommended, use with doctor advice” I legit cried at Walmart. Thank you for sharing your experience.
Do yourself a favour and google why this disclaimer is there.
Long story short, formula companies conned poor countries into using their product many decades ago which led to mamas breast milk drying up and then they couldn't afford to buy the formula which led to babies starving.
I would love to see some fall styles on the collection as well. Struggling for fall looks.
Thanks for showing the importance of mole checks!
So inspired by you!!! Completely agree that fed is best. Just one piece of wisdom that a lactation consultant gave me- after starting to work out again, supplementing with electrolytes can help ensure a steady milk supply.
I breastfed my son for nearly a year, but I introduced formula very early just in case something happened. It felt better to me to know he'd have something he wasn't allergic to and he'd be able to be fed if I wasn't available.
Thank you so much for sharing your breastfeeding journeys with us! Combo feeding has worked the best for our family and I’m happy to see you talk about it.😊
You have to watch the Daisy jones tv show also!! It’s sooooo good!!!
I'm so relieved about your appointment.
Just curious! Did Grace get a new room??
Thank you so much for sharing ❤ Up untill now I was exclusivly breastfeeding but had the same issue you did. Now we’re combo-feeding. I do feel like I’m failing somehow, even though I know I’m not…
I’m about to have my 3rd and I’m really considering formula because I also have a 2 and 3 year old and work full time. I pumped for a year with my 2nd and it was a lot of work (he was allergic to all formulas). I BF my 1st for 9 months before I dried up and she did great on formula.
I've been thinking I need to go to the dermatologist for months now. When I had my first son, my OB asked if I wanted a suspicious looking mole removed while I was still numbed from my epidural. Then I was referred to dermatology and she ended up removing like 14 spots that she wanted to check! None were cancer, but she said postpartum is basically the most important time for women to get their skin checked because all the hormone changes cause a lot of changes in skin and moles. It was not fun at the time, having a 3rd degree tear plus 14 small incisions healing, but I'm glad I did it. Now my 3rd son is 6 months old, so I really need to go again.
I've started formula for our son too and it's crazy all the emotions attached to it! I'm so glad he's fed, but I so wish I made enough breast milk to feed him! It's so hard not to feel guilt that my body just isn't making enough for him to have the option that I want for him. I'm basically producing nothing now, but it's hard to give up pumping because I want to be breastfeeding. The price of formula doesn't do anything the cushion the blow either!
I'm a major undersupplier so my baby has been combofed since birth she's almost 3 months old. I really wanted to strictly breastfeed but it wasn't in the cards for us. Thank you for discussing your breastfeeding journies.
Good to hear the mole isn’t a worry!!
Not sure if youve read it but carrie soto is back is my favorite TJR book BY FAR! And that saying something cos i loooved daisy jones and 7 husbands
Y’all make the cutest babies ❤❤
Your recent 2 weeks was my whole 2 months with my first kid. Breast is best people really ruined me. He was starving. Seriously traumatic. So proud of you for not caring!!
30 years ago I nursed our oldest during the campaign to go back to nursing. Everyone thought I was crazy for doing that. 10 years later with our second no one cared that I was nursing not even in public. Fast-forward another 10 years with our third that we adopted when I bottle fed the amount of turned up noses at me giving the baby 🍼 formula is insane. A healthy baby should just be the thing for parenting. It's scary enough to take care of people that are 5 years and under without the added pressure to be perfect.
I love your vlogs!! You’re my favorite ☀️
5 weeks of couch to 5k was the hard point for me. I had to do that program for 3 weeks before I could move on
i have twins that were born at 35 weeks (they are 3 months now) and i wanted to breast feed so so so bad but it just wasn’t in the cards for us with the stress of the NICU, my milk not coming in enough, them needing feeding tubes, them struggling to learn to eat and needing formula to gain weight and course being a first time mom and having 2 babies at once 😭 i still feel guilty like i gave up too soon and could’ve tried harder but i know it was the right decision for all of us in the end
I combo feed too and it really has been so great (I use the same formula!!)
Just remember: fed is best. As long as you're making sure you're girls have all the nutrients they need, that is literally all that matters. You're doing great, Mama!
That book was fabulous!!!! Made me laugh and made me cry!!!!!
I had one of those hemangiomas on my nose! Also noticed it during pregnancy. Crazy
I had an ovarian cyst removed, and I asked for pictures. I love them. I have pictures of my giant grapefruit sized cyst and after it was removed. It's weird, but i love them.
hiii red head covered in moles here👋 great job going to the derm!! Everyone should go yearly to get spots checked out! I’ve had soooo many moles removed and come back precancerous and I’m only 24. Truly nbd though!! if it’s basal cell cancer (runs in my family) if you had to get a cancer that would be the one you would want (melanoma is the only bad news i wouldn’t wanna hear, but it’s very uncommon). I love how prompt my derm is, she will just swipe multiple moles off me and get them tested all at once it’s the best! everyone go to your dermatologist!!
So crazy, my OB noticed a mole & told me he was going to take it off after birth. He did take it off & biopsy & was fine! I still have scars :(
Fantastic vlog Sierra ❤️
Thank you for this! FTM and my baby just turned 2 months and I’ve gone from a big over supply to virtually nothing and just ordered formula to supplement
I got a bunch of cherry angiomas while pregnant and after. So weird but glad they are nothing to really
Worry about.
I had to top my baby up with formula from day 3 because of his weight loss so I didn’t have a chance to get too precious about formula. He ended up being allergic to dairy so couldn’t have regular formula and nursing got easy around 3/4 months that we ended up exclusively breastfeeding after that. Very grateful to have a very easy breastfeeding journey. Now pregnant with baby 2 and worried it wont be as easy!
I needed a distraction I just found out today that my baby that’s due in October has a small hole in his heart the doctor said it’s not terrible so hopefully he’ll be okay but I’m really shaken up and emotionally drained
I will pray for your baby
I said a prayer for you. Blessings!
@@lexyleigh1830 thank you I have an appointment Friday and they’ll let me know when they want me to go to the hospital and give birth
I tried to BF my daughter who is now 4 months. It didn’t work out. She could not latch and had a tongue tie. So I resorted to pumping. Which made me have all these negative feelings, and it made me not the best mom I could be to my daughter and my son. So I quit pumping and started formula. For us it was the best decision. Although for some reason BF is still a HUGE want for me to accomplish, just don’t know if I’m able to ever.
Would love to hear your sport bra recommendations!! Especially the ones that you’re wearing during your runs. I have such a hard time finding really supportive ones. I’ve been losing weight and my boobs are becoming audible during my runs 😅
Thanks for normalizing fed is best!!
I have a hemangioma on my forearm. I got it during puberty, looks like a strawberry freckle!
If you like the daisy jones and the six book, you NEED to watch the show!
Did Grace move to her own room? Does she like it?
i absolutely loved daisy jones! Taylor jenkins reid is incredible.
I have a hemangioma on my neck,it looks like a birthmark and it used to be so big when I was little I have the option to get it removed when I became a teen,but chose not to since it’s shrinking on its own,still big but not as big as when I was little
My instagram reels recently changed to 3 minutes! It’s soooo much easier now!
The reel thing has been around for like a year! haha nooooo, but I don't think you can add music over 90 seconds
PSA for the comments section - Do not wait to have moles looked at. Mine was caught early, and it made a WORLD of difference.
Ugh, the guilt we as women impose on ourselves and project onto others about breastfeeding…..there is so much pressure about how we feed our babies when there is nothing wrong with either choice. So happy that you addressed this, please don’t feel any regrets about your choices, Alice is fed and loved to the moon and back, she will be just fine❤
My baby is 5 months old as well and I’m going through the exact same breastfeeding journey! I am most likely going to have to give my baby a formula bottle tonight for the first time which I didn’t want to have to do yet due to my supply dipping. I feel so so seen and not alone! Thank you thank you thank you!!🤍🌸🫶🏻
I had a similar experience this 4th round with nursing and ended up getting silicone flanges and a frida lactation massager and it has helped me with the lack of response to pumping i was having.
Off topic but community or sierra... I am getting into reading and need suggestions. I don't know really what genre or what not. Just need good recommendations to start with for a new reader. Something that Will grab my attention and keep it.
Are Alice and grace in the same room now? I had the hardest time getting my kids to share when we moved baby out of our room.
I asked to see my moles 😂😂😂 scientific curiosity always gets the best of me lmao
You should read some of Kate Quinn books
What kinds of food do you eat to fuel your running? I’d love to run like this but i know food can help or break your running!
If you’re running less than 15 miles a week, nutrition isn’t really a big factor. Once you get to long runs > 10mi (~30 mi+ per week) then you really want to start focusing on run nutrition. The book Advanced Running is so good and I highly recommend it for really in depth info!!
@@tedddybear thanks!!!
I had the same thing happen during pregnancy. However, mine did grow back when they said it wouldn’t but it’s fine. Don’t panic if it does like I did😂
Where is Grace’s bedroom now that Alice is in the nursery?! ❤
My daughter both were born with hemangioma on their arms and they grow a lot at first but now their almost gone