It's not a bad idea, to take out RRSPs in a low tax bracket year. That RRSP room doesn't recycle, though, and we don't know if there's any TFSA room. TFSA has such small limits, unfortunately, that you could max it out quickly without getting all that much out of the RRSP. You're right, though, the compounding would continue in the TFSA. The best would be to max out both.
You can let the tax-deferred #compounding start now, and use the #tax #benefit later
#tfsa is an option as well
#RRSPs are best in a #high #tax #bracket
I applaud the person asking for still wanting to do the right thing and keep investing despite a bad year
Best strategy is to TAKE OUT as much as you can without increasing marginal rate and invest that $ in a TFSA
It's not a bad idea, to take out RRSPs in a low tax bracket year. That RRSP room doesn't recycle, though, and we don't know if there's any TFSA room. TFSA has such small limits, unfortunately, that you could max it out quickly without getting all that much out of the RRSP. You're right, though, the compounding would continue in the TFSA. The best would be to max out both.