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Bayer Leverkusen ● Road to UNBEATEN Champions - 2024
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
- In the 2023/24 season Bayer 04 Leverkusen won their first ever Bundesliga title in their entire history while also being unbeaten in their entire season. An unreal achievement by head coach Xabi Alonso. In this video I will guide you through their entire Bundesliga season. Let me know your thoughts on this video.
Second Channel: / vanemashd
Third Channel: / vanemasfifa
Vanemas Shorts: / vanemascopyrightfreemusic
Contact: Vanemascontact@gmail.com
Music is From EpidemicSound
Footage provided by WSC Sports - tinyurl.com/va...