It never works, it may sound wise, but in reality if one happens to lose after having taken such mental preparation, it will lead to nothing but frustration. I wonder how Zenyatta even managed to mentally cure Genji given his obvious lack of psychological skill.
This is your world, You the Creator. Believe that You can do it - coze you Can do. Relax, let it flow. You can go on and on and on... Have a good time) -- Bob Ross
the key is to realize the meaning. This could mean that even losing is victory because you learned something. Of course this is one interpretation but everyone can have their own. Somebody's words can easily have more meaning than they intended it to have or it could be totally planned.
I understand it in 2 ways, after hearing it a ton (I love Zen): 1. Just talking about visualisation. 2. Redefining what is a defeat, so you can't actually lose by that definition. If you only consider the victory/defeat screen, there are a lot of factors that don't depend on you, and that generates a lot of frustration.
Jeremy Zang this is actually why I play Winston tho. I can do most things well but my aim is below average, but Winston removes that factor, I just have to be careful about what I'm doing so I don't die instantly
Paul Petru Alexandru Cazacliu Winston actually takes more game sense than a lot of heroes lol. sry but just because he makes you rage when he wrecks you with aimbot doesn't mean the player has no skill. it's the other way around lol. You shouldn't die to Winston with proper comms
This is a good video, but as someone with a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology I have to heavily disagree with one of your points. 2:25 "If they hate to lose SR, the will love even more to gain SR." WRONG! Studies have shown that people perceive negative experiences twice as intense as positive experiences. This means that if you had a bad game that lost you 30 SR, you will statistically need two games that gain you 60 SR to make up for the negative mood the first game left you in. If you now start Competetive with visualizing a win, you make wins the default scenario in your brain. That means when you lose you will not only get the negative experience a loss gives you, you will also get a negative experience from the reality not matching your expectations. This visualisation gives you a good mood at the start, but it also prepares a huge pit for when you start to lose. If you only focus on your SR you will leave Comp with a negative mood most of the time, simply due to the way the human brain works. The only good way I see to avoid this is to not care as much about losses. The method that worked best for me is to make myself aware of how randomness works. If you ask people to write down a random chain of coin flips they will have a lot of alternating heads and tails. This is not how randomness works. Real randomness has a lot of 5-10 heads in a row (and similar things). Just try it: This helped me to accept that losing like 300SR in one day just happens, so when it does happen I can say "Yeah, not a big deal. This is part of climbing." I had it once that I went from 2.4k to 2.7k to 2.4k to 2.7k in two days. I just kinda laughed about it, and now I'm almost in Master. Also, the beginning of your video sounded a bit as if you wanted to talk about Ranked Anxiety. This is a very difficult topic, because playing with ranked anxiety can be just as stress inducing as having a tarantula sitting on your head when you have arachnophobia. If you experience ranked anxiety, foxdrop made a really good video about this. He is a League of Legends TH-camr, but for this topic the game doesn't really matter.
That is 100% me. It's rubbish, I miss out playing with friends all the time because I just hate losing rank. Losing is much much worse than winning is good. Is there any way to prevent this? Just the other day I was feeling like shit but on overbuff I went 8 wins - 2 losses on my games for the day, yet the overall feeling was bad.
Unfortunately, there is no easy way to "not care about SR anymore" because you can't really get rid of a goal without replacing it with a different goal. I think a good way is to reframe your goals. My initial goal when starting competetive was "I want to get into Diamond", and as the season progressed it became "I want to get good enough so I can easily get into Diamond". That means that I focused more on my skill and less on my SR, so lost games were technically also wins as long as I learned something. For example, I still struggle with target prioritization when playing Soldier or McCree, so as long as I think I did a good job with that and improved it I don't really care about losing SR for it. A good place to start this with is Skyline's "Top 4 Things To Learn From Watching The Pros". Let's say you play Ana and you want to get better at using your grenade. You could watch 2-3 games from Ryujehong, Chipshajen, GaleAdelade, Nevix or any other pro Ana, just focus on how they use the grenade, and then spend your next games solely focusing on emulating this usage. If you then feel like you are getting better at this ability this gives you a sense of accomplishment and might be able to replace the need to always win no matter what.
Tom Bristow I'm like you, but when I hate losing it's cos I'm tilted and I get angry. Your mindset needs to be positive. Sometimes you need to blame yourself more if you lose, that often takes the heat out of it more. There's always something more you can do in a game
A thing everyone should keep in mind: You just can't win every game. It doesn't matter if you are a pro player or not. Even the absolute pro players do lose games at their MMR. A 55% win rate means that you also lose 45% of your games. They can even occur in a row. I needed around 15 tries to get Platinum as I lost most of my games around 15 SR before it. Tilt is the next big problem. One day I got tilted after I dropped 100 SR because of 2 losses with -50 SR. After that I just dropped further just below 2300. I started to give my team mates the fault for playing bad myself and just didn't care about the game anymore. Just yesterday I reached my goal of Platinum and will try to hit Diamond till the end of the season. I'll keep a positive attitude towards my team and pick my most comfortable heroes while giving my team the heroes they're comfortable with. And even if I get only 2 SR for a win (which happenend yesterday), it's still a win and every game helps improving yourself.
Thank you Skyline. I was on tilt for days after a bad streak and finally tried comp again right after watching this video. As a Mercy main the visualization of flying around the map was particularly applicable and reminded me how much fun it can be. Just the pick me up that I needed. Stay positive!
what worked for me for going from silver to diamond was 100% my change in mindset. i stopped doing the tricks and stuff on how to get better aim or whatever, and just started thinking more positive. the main one for me was to think about how badly i wanted to get to master one day. i told myself i deserved to be there, so the only way to reach where i belonged was to keep playing and climbing. i stopped being so hard on myself(i even criticized the things i was doing well on) since it brung me down and made me think i would never get better. i stopped filling on heroes i knew i couldnt play(if the team comp calls for a rein i ask someone else because i might as well be throwing if im playing rein honestly) and NEVER blamed the team! i know this one makes people salty but if your team truly is doing bad, just accept it and focus on what you can do individually, whether thats play your best hero, shotcall, play around their terrible play style, whatever.
i had a hollywood game where the team was so uncoordinated and we happened to take point A by pure luck, but of course couldnt push through streets. the team decided to play bastion symm torb mercy, so i just played reinhardt and baby sat the bastion. it was probably lucky that the other, more coordinated team didnt wreck the bastion-rein combo but it was the best i could do and we won 1-0 lol. i was very tilted but it let me realize i cant just play my 3 main heroes(tracer zarya zen) every game and get mad at my team if something goes wrong. it prevents tilting to the point of throwing because whats the point right? but theres always something you can do to salvage the game
Great points skyline. Along with the law of attraction idea, in getting with people that are seeking to better themselves you also use mastermind principles, ie you become like who you hang out with. What is important is to check out what is the hold up for each person individually. There will be themes among people of 'don't want to go down', 'I only have fun when I win', etc, that result in different outcomes like anxiety or being angry or the like, but it will be unique to every person. Identifying those things will help and support the player in getting better by removing the blocks they have for improving. The more specific each player can get to what is holding them back without generalizing, the better they can actually address those blocks in themselves. Basically I believe that there is inner game and outer game. Outer game is all about your skill/play style. You can improve that view self review/coaching/etc. Inner game is how you interact with your outer game. So if you lose, how do you interact with that with yourself. Do you beat yourself up? Do you blame others? Do you wallow in self pity? Same with when you win. What I think players should do is seek to become lastingly netrally feeling about winning and losing. Yes celebrate your win, and ideally be thoughtful about your loss. The reason I say that is because a win has a shadow. when you when, people tend to stop improving. They can get into complacency. While when people lose they seem to seek how to get better. By seeing them both neutrally, and committing to improvement, even the highest rated player in the world can consistently get better. So how do they do that? Self questioning - Asking yourself and ideally journaling it down, What has me not playing competitive? X, why is that so bad? y, and continually gaining more awareness about those things. Also making decisions about is that how they want to interact with those things and in that way. Often with more awareness about what is making them emotional, allows for more choice around it. From that awareness they can make better decisions. Ideally you can do this in a socratic method style, which is answer the question, then ask how do I know that is true? Answer again, how do I know that is true? Etc.. The aim is to get to the TRUTH.... but often you find that you have a lot of assumptions and incorrect thinking. Visualizing is good as well. Imagining how you feel as you click the competitive queue, how you perform as you play, how the game ends, how you aim, how your team works together, how you interact with your team, how your rating goes up in as close detail as possible, will support your body and mind acting together to create that. Meditation - helps break down the emotions that you found out with the self questioning, and helps you to act with no mental interference. Aiming for the no-mind state of flow performance. Where you are in the zone. Exercise - Helps to just feel good in general and be at peak performance in life. Both emotionally and physically. Free Journaling - Very very similar to the self questioning but with the aim of being present with what comes up and allowing your subconscious to surface to release any ideas and emotions. Just sit down for 5 minutes, and write without stopping. If you want to aim it in a specific direction, write a question at the top of the page, then free write. Let what you write be weird and crazy... just don't stop for 5 minutes. You can do this for less than five minutes, although I think that makes a huge impact. There are plenty of other tools and these are just a few. The main idea is to become more aware, to feel through and release the emotions by being present with what is happening (so it doesn't burden and hold you back), and to then make decisions that support the player in playing better. I can expand on any of these if anyone is curious.. -------- In some ways how to be more confident in overwatch is the same question of how to be more confident in life. Largely I think that confidence is the lack of insecurities. That people naturally feel good if they remove all the ways they think poorly of themselves and let go of painful emotions. This topic could easily be volumes of books... and this is what I have found to be useful in finding peak performance for myself and in supporting others. This topic is one I study for fun and really enjoy. :)
I just wanted to thank you Sky Your Overwatch-videos are amazing and you can really lern something but your tips can also be used in everyday life - and that is just awesome! Big thanks to you Keep it up 👍🏻
Skyline, can I just say you're an awesome person? Not just a great youtuber or great overwatch player, but a great person. Your advice is spot-on and you're a really positive influence on the overwatch community. Keep it up! :)
FYI Skyline, I'm fairly certain your voice is a huge selling point for your channel. A lot of TH-camrs have grating or aggressive voices that are unpleasant to listen to. Yours is chill and relaxing, I'll sometimes toss one of your old streams on my phone to help me fall asleep at night. It definitely contributes to the vibe of your channel. I can honestly say you've helped me learn to not tilt at my teammates and to instead look at what I could have done better. Since I found your content I went from a guy who was always teetering between 2900-3000 SR to a guy who sits pretty comfortably at 3500.
Dude, i put this video to watch later playlist when you released it and today i found it when i need it. You're an awesome guy and your video is the thing that i lacked of since the begining of this season. I wasn't that bad at this game, and i can reach back my top season/carreer on the ladder until the end of the season. Thank you so much Skyline and gl hf.
Great vid, Skyline! Your past vids have helped me a to achieve Master a bit. I started out at 2400 SR due to some really bad teams and some incredible good (smurfs..) players in my placement matches. Since then I slowly climbed to Diamond for the first time which was quite a grind and felt like ELO hell. Once I realised that the opponent players will make as many mistakes as my team and it is up to me to call them out in voice chat or punish them by killing them - it was up for a race to Master. I only needed like 20 hours of playing time to get to Master because I felt that in that SR region, my teammates were generally on the same page with my game sense which made it much less frustrating and much more enjoying to play. Keep up the good work! :)
I think you have a great pattern of speech and enunciation, I love listening to your videos and you're so calm and relaxed it makes the game a lot more accessible =) thanks so much for your efforts, and you do a great job!
This is exactly the thing I'm trying to fix right now. I used to just play lucio in comp but lately I've been getting pretty good with widow and Sombra, but when I go into comp I get nervous (because they are off meta) and choke. Then I tilt and start hero switching. I play a lot of heroes now, sometimes I don't know which to pick. Good video. I've definitely noticed that undercurrent in your videos and I think is an overlooked issue. People will blame their teammates and treat the meta like a science without realising they're the ones tilting
Hey just wanted to say THANK YOU! The last two days I've tried to stay positive and see games - whether they're losses or wins - as steps to learn from towards the goal of improving my skills and ranking up. Even if the game was going horribly wrong or we got completely destroyed, I tried to stay positive and not get frustrated by it as the next win would make up for it and it is a learning process after all. All of this helped me to reach gold today which I had been 'stuck' on since S3. Thank you Skyline, this has helped me a lot!
I just got into Overwatch and your videos are great, keep it up Skyline! Here are a few tips I can give: 1. Your game skills are reflected in each game you play, BUT you can only get a sense of your growth by assessing your improvement over long periods of time, so don't take each game's result too seriously. It's kinda like trying to judge an artist's art philosophy by looking at one of their specific works, without knowing their art journey. Your growth is dependent on your mentality ---- whether you're willing to get better by knowing what you can and can't do. This means that you shouldn't be too disheartened by each loss caused by teammates or luck etc since they're factors outside your influence. Speaking of knowing what you can and can't do, this brings me to my next tip: 2. If you're able to realise what you can't do, you're already a step ahead when it comes to getting better compared to people who think they're good. Know what you can't do yet, then you can start to look for things to get better at. eg. To get better at art one must realise that what one is doing isn't because of "art style" but because one hasn't been thinking about WHY certain things are being drawn that way. So when making decisions like a risky flank: Is it a conscious decision, or just a decision I've never forced myself to think through properly? Tips to get better that Skyline's probably talked about already :O but I think it's important enough for me to write about: 3. Stop worrying over medals, SR or stats like damage and eliminations. Some stats are game specific and don't reflect your game skill that much. Other stats like deaths and weapon accuracy are more directly linked to your skill, take note of those! There are other things you can learn, like how to manage ults, improving your positioning, using your ears, etc that don't always show in your stats, so noticing those things helps too. 4. Setting concrete goals for things you notice and want to improve at is great! Give yourself something to think about when you play; look at what you want to get good at and then plan out the steps to get there. eg. I want to get better at Zenyatta -> let's look at specifically my positioning -> in the next X games I want to die a maximum of X times / I want to not be caught out of position and punished more than X times this game etc. 5. Think about your decision making as much as you can. Referencing other people is great ---- It's another way for you to look at other people's decisions and figure out what they're doing right or wrong. that's why pro commentaries and VOD reviews are so helpful (thanks skyline ily). Try everything to get an idea of what works and what doesn't. I tend to draw parallels between whatever I do in Overwatch and my art journey (that's why I use so many art analogies oops). Basically know what to think about every game and you'll be happy when you get better, regardless of your SR or your wins. Don't chase results, chase excellence and results will follow. tl;dr: 1. Listen to Skyline he gives good advice 2. Play game with Skyline's guiding tips in mind 3. ??? 4. Profit
Hey Skyline! This video really helped me - I honestly do get quite scared at the thought of competitive matches, even after winning a few! But your ideas really help me knuckle down and I've even started doing callouts to my team (even though nobody talks back most of the time). Thanks! :D
Great video Sky! I love the consistent positive mindset and attitude you bring to your channel. For that reason you are my favorite Overwatch youtuber! :)
I really genuinely do love that the pursuit of a higher rank in Overwatch Competitive is bringing unknowing young adults into a video that covers positive thinking and self-confidence help that they probably needed help with in the first place. This is good content.
I like how many other areas in life these tips can apply to as well. Like you could call this "how to boost confidence in real life" and it would still work just as well. Great vid man
It is interesting that I started watching this thinking about overwatch (what's the video objective), but ended thinking about my art. Replace "aim" with "art" in the video and you got good advice for artists as well hahaha. "Confidence", "think about how good you can be", "I'm not platinum yet but I'll be" and "you're the best you can be right now, improve every day". This helped me a lot, because sometimes I stick to games when I'm frustrated with my art, after all it is easier and faster to get some satisfaction from a game than with hundreds of hours practicing art. Probably that was not your intention with the video, but helped me with art haha, thank you.
Great advice Sky, I really liked the confident vs. arrogance piece. I get way tooo arrogant. Most times after a win I get so HYPED and praise my team's performance thinking we're great. I thought it was a way to boost team morale but now I see that if you're on a losing streak don't get arrogant about your win because the next game you'll end up thinking you're perfect and just get crushed. I mean this is exactly what happens when teams win the first 2 matches in KOTH then lose. It's always because they get so confident and act life counters or positioning aren't a factor. This is legit why Plat is so hard to climb out because everyone even me is too arrogant thinking they deserve to be higher so they play worse.
Honestly, these are spot on. I ranked relatively low the last season and this season, and felt kind of bad about it. I spent a good amount of hours watching video's on how to improve, map awareness, character guides, etc, and came to realize that one of the most important tools to improvement is positivity. I used to get tilted and flame people, which would only make me play worse and worse and worse. When I changed my mentality from "finger pointing" to accepting the fact that maybe it was MY game play that was being bad, I saw improvement. I go into each game with a level head, positive thoughts, and more often than not will walk away with a win. Announcing when a teammate has done well, or COACHING when a teammate has made a mistake, is important. So far I've gone up 200+ SR points :) There's still room for growth, though!
i notice that u and mind fuzz have a 'calm and peaceful' my ear and brain can understand very well what are u talking, because english isnt my main language..the other overwatch channel that ive ever watch/subs always talk so fast that i need to replay the video 2-3rd times to clearly hear what they say nad what they mean
Iv'e been struggling with things for the past few days now (not gaming related) and I feel like I'm at an all time low, but after watching this video, you've helped me to get myself out of this slump. so thanks.
I was in a bad mood, not just because of OW, but even other things. Played with a toxic player and going through a rough time in life simultaneously, and your video calmed me and made me feel happy. Thank you Skyline.
Hey Skyline, started watching your videos about 2 months ago (and have backlogged a few from much longer ago) and never realised you had any trouble with your speech. You've obviously come a long way (or judged yourself too much) so just thought I'd say congrats!
Honestly, when I first started watching your content, your voice bugged me. It's honestly cool to hear you bring up that you were self-conscious about it, and you've definitely improved a lot! But, you should know, your voice is NOT your whole identity on this channel. It's the amazing advice and motivation you offer to all of your subscribers. You are seriously the best Overwatch channel on TH-cam.
Thank you so much for this. Having a really bad day in game and irl...but after this video I feel a bit better. I'll try to remember and practice what you've said here.
I switch to Zenyatta and listen to some of his voice lines to refocues and calm myself. my favorite is "I dreamt I was a butterfly" and then emote the applause with the fist bump at the end. boom instant better mood
+Skyline I used to experience ladder anxiety back in the days (5 years ago +-) when i played starcraft 2. I was so afraid to play next match that i stopped playing ranked at all. And it's not like i could drop down or something. I just didn't want to be rekt by better players. When overwatch comes into play, i used to tilt after matches and/or play harder every ranked game. I forced myself to play another one after dropping from 3000 to 2200. Now, when season 4 is out i think i reached my tranquility. I was placed 2182sr, and i'm slowly regaining it back. Its up for quite a while now, but not for that long. I managed to get 2500+ till now. My W/L ratio is about 58%. What is the key? I convinced myself that ladder anxiety is terrible and i'm here for fun. I know im not going to get top1 but treat the game totaly competetively. I'm giving my best, and want to climb. If i loose = no fun. No fun = stop play for today, don't get tilted. Come back next day. Win 3,4 another games. Loose 1,2 and stop again. Thats my key. I don't tilt at all right now. I'm ranking up. When it comes to just the anxiety of playing another match, dude... "You won't rank up if you don't play!". That's my season 4, my happiest season of all times (S2 - 3006 S3-30029 S4-2500 and growing) and lowest rank. I'm doing my best, achieving my best but with 100% pleasure of the game. That's my story :)
What helped me was to realise that SR isn't a ladder to climb, but a system to make sure you can play competatively (with a bit more seriousness than in QP) at your own skill level with other people of the same skill level. Climbing a ladder is a nice extra.
Love the video. Mindset is so important. Also would rly love to see a mercy guide video - I love guardian angel too but often die before I find someone to fly to
Hey Skyline! I love your videos! It's been a few since I watched and it looks like you got some new drawing equipment! It looks great, thanks for making these videos!
I saw this video, I was like "It's totally bullshit, to raise my SR i just have to play and git gud" I played 3 game, 3 loss, after that i tried your tips... +530 SR in 4 .... ok .... PS: your voice is nice and clear, you have one of the best youtuber voices for me, the proof is I am french and I understand every word :D
confidence tips. "oh I didn't do well that time, how do i improve?" the "AHA!" moment when I find out what I did wrong and how to improve is really great
I only play 10 games of competitive games per season, it gives me too much anxiety to play with the amount of toxicity in the air. Especially after reaching diamond rank on season 2 placements, I came across few super toxic players critiquing my playing and pretty much lowering my confidence and getting me out of my comfort zone. Quick play is fun just because of there is nothing to lose, so toxicity is nearly non existent. Also nice cord placement on that drawn mouse during 1:00 :D
Ihqnaattori ive been there you just gotta think if someone is the same rank as you they probably are around the same level of skill. so they are usually using you as a scapegoat to blame somebody, if you arent performing well on a certain hero or you arent playing dps well or something ask someone to switch with you then they cant blame you because you recognized your fault and are proactively trying to change it. maybe spend a while in quick play to get better at heroes you want to play and just stay posative and work with the team.
Chockadlad thats not the best idea. you wont be able to hear them but they can still blame you. working with your team in a posative manner is the best way to win games and tell people to relax and work together and dont tilt.
Seagull is good to watch for this. Every time he dies, and all throughout every match, he's constantly saying specific things he could have done that would be better, and doesn't get upset. Probably this is one of the best Overwatch skills he's got.
playing gta after a losing streak really helps for some reason. I went from 3825 to 3720. Then I went back in two days after playing gta and got to 3915
Legit tho, caring caused me to get tilted. Then I realized it was a version of overwatch where you work as a team. That was the season I went from silver to diamond
My strategy when I have to do a presentation of schoolwork. "K let's get this done." That's it. I worked hard preparing the presentation, now it's time to enjoy the rewards, which in this case is to sound like you know well what you are talkikg about in front of classmates since you have no big worries about it. You won't feel like you will goof it up as long as you keep it up. Cry during training, laugh on the battle.
True, but tell a person who's nervous "not to care" - not possible. These focus yourself into not thinking about ALL the things you need to do to win, and all the situtions involved in losing - which is usually the catalyst for tilting
@skyline your vids are very high quality and your voice and personality are very easy to watch. Keep up the good work. And obviously your content is always very good
Nice vid. I do have confidence issues when it comes to playing competitive. Thanks for the advice. Also, I saw you in quick play the other day, I thought about saying "Hey" but thought that'd be weird. Funnily enough, ran into KarQ in quick play a few hours earlier that same day. Both on Eichenwalde haha.
Wonderful video :) I'd like to add something that I hear a lot in the BJJ community that I think can really benefit people who want to get really good in Overwatch. When you first start BJJ you're training with people who are way better than you. There seems like there is no way you can "catch up" and many people who start believe this and ignore one of the most basic parts of training. *It's never about other people, it's always about yourself* I'm 99% sure this quote comes exactly from ChewJitsu here on youtube, but I could be wrong so forgive me if I am. "You should just work on being better than you were yesterday" (or something of the like) Even if you don't see it, you *are* improving. Even if you think you're making all these mistakes or you just can't keep up, you *are* improving. Don't focus on being better than everyone else, focus on being better *yourself* and the rank, SR, and hot women / men of your dreams will come. Don't ever think anything is out of reach. But at the same time, you don't become a blackbelt overnight. So don't expect to be Top 500 overnight. *Enjoy where you are now, and look at the climb not as an endless grind, but as a learning experience* There is so much you can learn from Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, Grandmaster... So much. Your climb up the SR ladder is one big training session. Another thing we do in BJJ is work different techniques or positions we absolutely suck at. In Overwatch, this is similar to playing Rein more if you're a DPS main, or DPS more if you're a healer main, or healer more if you're a Tank main. Play them in QP, go do PUGs, even train them a bit in comp if you feel comfortable enough. In the end, the number one thing to remember is, just like belts, your rank is not a direct representation of your skill. Rank is something we work towards, something we hold onto with pride and joy, but it doesn't actually represent our own growth and skill. Yes, they are important, Yes, you should still strive for them, Yes absolutely take pride in your rank, but remember what it really means. I could place in Bronze this season (all the way from ending in diamond in Season 4) and it would change absolutely nothing about my personal skill. I'm still someone who is capable of playing at the high plat / low diamond level. And I hope that I can continue to play at that level in order to further increase my skill and understanding of Overwatch. Overwatch is an awesome game (And BJJ is an awesome martial art, you should check it out *hint hint, nudge nudge*) and I really hope you guys can enjoy Competitive as I believe that's where the game's nature truly shines :D
Great vid sky. I've starting being positive playing games, trying to do the best I can. Not blaming my team ever, even if there is a mistake or 2 - we all do it. I'm playing mostly Zarya, and in like 2 days I went from 1930 to like 2560. Dropped again to like 2400 ish yesterday but that was definitely some negatives on my part, tiredness and not great play overall. Wasn't enjoying myself as much
I started thinking more and more about my gameplay the last couple seasons, I know what my major weaknesses are and I just try to be mindful of that in game. If I truly deserve to be a higher rank, then I will get there eventually despite a bad game here and there. People tend freak out and blame other people for losses, but I like to look at my own gameplay and figure out how I personally could have contributed more towards a win no matter how I did. If people start getting salty, try to either take it upon yourself to calm things down or if you're not feeling particularly confident, don't even give them the time of day.
I would describe myself as extremely aware and self taught relatively to the general subject you've covered. You've raised very valid points, but as someone who went to extreme extents to train myself, I can without a doubt say that you've sugar coated your speech in particular in regards to confidence. There is a massive difference between someone who's worked extremely hard to integrate all the facets of overwatch (or any serious team based activity) through training, self questioning, observation and analysis, and someone who one day decides to wishfully think that they are now "officially confident" about themselves. Confidence has to be rooted in actual work, training and demonstration of ability before it can actually have any real weight. In order for it to be real, it needs to be felt, and in order for it to be felt, it must first be cultivated through work. In order for someone to be willing to put in the energy to accomplish that work, there needs to exist a genuine interest and curiosity for the particular activity in question, which in this case is Overwatch. I think that the fact that you've kind of omitted this crucial detail is a massive flaw in regards to the overall idea that you appear to want to convey, which is by the way a very noble gesture of you regardless. The reality is that most people who play Overwatch have very poor focus, awareness, and overall understanding of the intricacies of what is happening in real time in the game. You can't just flip a switch and read the game like an open book, you have to be present, observant, focused and serious about your whole approach if you truly want to excel at this game. You need to question things and think for yourself. This is something that can be "induced" through example and guidance, but overall these skills remain something that is extremely hard to teach to the vast majority of people because all their lives, they have not cultivated these kinds of skills, because as a society we live in a world of appearances and superficiality where people can barely hold their attention for more than 5 minutes (hence by the way the emergence of the "TLDR" bullshit) rather than a world based on substance where people focus on cultivating themselves from the inside.
Bro I loved the comparison of confidence and arrogance. I've never thought of it like that but it's so true. One thing I try to do in my games is overly compliment teammates, even for things they SHOULD be doing. For example if my road hog hooks someone, even if they were standing right in front of him, I'd say, "good hook roadhog, let's go boy" and aim for the hype to build over time
I don't even own Overwatch; I have played it literally one time, but I watch these videos when I need self-affirmation. Thank you, Sky, for your Miyagi wisdom which can transcend gaming :D
yknow I love this. my rank degraded from GM to the minimum after I didnt play for a long time, and every match i've had since has been auful and I convinced myself that i've become terrible at the game, or even that i might have never deserved my high rank to begin with. I guess my attitude is whats holding me back.
I'm overall just very happy-go-lucky and it helps a lot, just keeping a positive outlook on the game. The game is never lost until it's lost, and have fun with it.
As a sports coach, I find that Overwatch is hugely mental. I try to put myself in a consistent mental state before I cue up. If I loose a game, I'll take a 5 minute break. Eat some food, pet my dog, do something to take my mind off my loss and mentally reset. I'm in bronze right now but am consistently climbing. I think this is because of my mental state. Stay positive, and keep trying! Don't give up!
i have used law of attraction, my dream and goal was to get top 500 and i finally did it on Eu servers on season 4 now 4339 sr. And 1 another tip what i have used to get away from fear to fail, i just needed let my self fail ultimates and test new positions etc. i was plat/dia season 2 and my biggest problem was i just couldn,t be able to play because i just was so scared to fail/lose
I try to enter a zen state of mind before entering a competitive game, taking deep breaths and reminding myself it's just a game and to not get upset if things don't go my way.
just started playing OW. just found your channel. good stuff. my btag is SaltyAF and it couldnt be more fitting. i dont think it will change much, but your positive attitude is nice :) wanted to add a little something... before Qing into ranked any game, stand up from your computer or console and take a super hero position (stand like superman would) for 5 min. do this before any chore or job or competitive anything and youll feel better about it. i read it in some psychology magazine at the dentist.
A nice tip that helped me with ranked anxiety: Absolutely don't care about the result of the first comp game. I took it from Ster who sometimes says "you can't win the first game of the day" whenever he loses. Of course there are days where you will win the first game and get a boost in confidence from it. Don't say "uggh today is just not my day" after you lost the first game. Because so you get discouraged more and more every day (I went down to silver once because I lost everday one game for over a week). Just keep going a bit longer! You can do it!
06:21 - Mind Fuzz makes a cameo appearance. Loving your channel, Skyline. The fact that you recently made a collaboration video with KarQ and now Mind Fuzz inadvertently (or not?) dropping by is like a cherry on top - it makes me confident that I'm watching the right content to get better at the game. Ever since I've discovered your channel, I've unsubscribed from all the mainstream, clickbaity, lots-of-words-but-no-substance channels (you know which ones) and I'm really glad I've found someone that, along with Mind Fuzz, Force from Faulty Lid Gaming and KarQ (I'm sure there are more, but these are the ones I'm so far aware of) doesn't measure their audience in the amounts of clicks they can get out of them but treats them with respect. One nitpick about this video though - imagining a win and then losing can damage your confidence more than winning in that scenario would boost it by. It's, in my opinion, safer to stick to imagining the joy of playing a character or other aspects of OW that make you happy that aren't as affected by so many random factors like winning is. I'm sure you've said it yourself on this channel already: if your primary focus is gaining SR, you're off to a bad start.
what is fun eh?..... It's not about winning, it's about fun! What's that? Fun is when''s kinda...sorta like a... What is fun?? HERE...Let me spell it for you! F is for Friends who do stuff together. U is for You and me. N is for Anywhere and anytime at all. Down here in the deep blue sea! F is for Fire that burns down the whole town. U is for URANIUM...BOMBS! N is for No survivors when you're- Plankton! Those things aren't what fun is all about! Now, do it like this, F is for Friends who do stuff to- Plankton: Never! That's completely idiotic! Here, Let me help you... F is for friends who do stuff together. U is for You and me, TRY IT! N is for Anywhere and anytime at all. Down here in the deep blue sea! Wait...I don't understand ...I feel all tingly inside... Should we stop? No! That's how you're supposed to feel! Well I like it! Lets do it again! Okay!
The tip I always give to new players is to use a mic and to always compliment your team. If someone gets a pick before a fight I say "Nice pick! Let's go get 'em guys!" I don't say that for every kill, but I do it often. If there is a mercy hiding or running around the middle of the fight and I say "Watch the Mercy" and someone takes her out I say "Thanks man that worried me, nice play." Stuff like that. It helps tremendously and makes the game more enjoyable.
I have no problem going into comp but I have massive confidence issues when it comes to using voice chat and also I dont really know what to say in there other than hello. im not much of a talker anyway so that only makes it worse
Dliess Mgg My go to on mics is to always share information. Call out enemy flanks, enemies on higher ground, if the push route isn't working, if the team is too split up, etc. You don't have to lead just observe and report. Don't say anything too obvi, but information is king. Short and sweet
Nice, saying hello is the first step. My strategy is imagine you're talking to a friend, you'll likely never see these people again in your life, talk about the forecast (they're likely nearby your location, like if you live in California you could be with someone in Nevada), or whatever you want.
"Consider only victory. Make defeat an impossibility in your mind." - Zenyatta
It never works, it may sound wise, but in reality if one happens to lose after having taken such mental preparation, it will lead to nothing but frustration. I wonder how Zenyatta even managed to mentally cure Genji given his obvious lack of psychological skill.
This is your world, You the Creator. Believe that You can do it - coze you Can do. Relax, let it flow. You can go on and on and on... Have a good time) -- Bob Ross
the key is to realize the meaning. This could mean that even losing is victory because you learned something. Of course this is one interpretation but everyone can have their own. Somebody's words can easily have more meaning than they intended it to have or it could be totally planned.
I understand it in 2 ways, after hearing it a ton (I love Zen):
1. Just talking about visualisation.
2. Redefining what is a defeat, so you can't actually lose by that definition. If you only consider the victory/defeat screen, there are a lot of factors that don't depend on you, and that generates a lot of frustration.
"Just like training. Visualize, then execute."
Me: Holy shit it's 6 AM I'm a piece of garbage.
Skyline: Top 3 Confidence-Boosting Tips
Ayy, same! Just hit 7am here, and I've gotta be up at 11!
It's 6:30am here
3 am here lol
At our house, the garbage is allowed to stay out all night.
CuriousMoth po želji i
You can't have terrible aim if you play Winston :)
Jeremy Zang this is actually why I play Winston tho. I can do most things well but my aim is below average, but Winston removes that factor, I just have to be careful about what I'm doing so I don't die instantly
Aimbot winstons are literally the worst /s
:) Yes, but you are terrible at this game if you are playing only Winston. D
true, mostly because winston isn't good in every comp, and certainly not *against* every comp.
Paul Petru Alexandru Cazacliu Winston actually takes more game sense than a lot of heroes lol. sry but just because he makes you rage when he wrecks you with aimbot doesn't mean the player has no skill. it's the other way around lol. You shouldn't die to Winston with proper comms
This is a good video, but as someone with a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology I have to heavily disagree with one of your points.
2:25 "If they hate to lose SR, the will love even more to gain SR." WRONG! Studies have shown that people perceive negative experiences twice as intense as positive experiences. This means that if you had a bad game that lost you 30 SR, you will statistically need two games that gain you 60 SR to make up for the negative mood the first game left you in.
If you now start Competetive with visualizing a win, you make wins the default scenario in your brain. That means when you lose you will not only get the negative experience a loss gives you, you will also get a negative experience from the reality not matching your expectations. This visualisation gives you a good mood at the start, but it also prepares a huge pit for when you start to lose.
If you only focus on your SR you will leave Comp with a negative mood most of the time, simply due to the way the human brain works. The only good way I see to avoid this is to not care as much about losses. The method that worked best for me is to make myself aware of how randomness works. If you ask people to write down a random chain of coin flips they will have a lot of alternating heads and tails. This is not how randomness works. Real randomness has a lot of 5-10 heads in a row (and similar things).
Just try it:
This helped me to accept that losing like 300SR in one day just happens, so when it does happen I can say "Yeah, not a big deal. This is part of climbing." I had it once that I went from 2.4k to 2.7k to 2.4k to 2.7k in two days. I just kinda laughed about it, and now I'm almost in Master.
Also, the beginning of your video sounded a bit as if you wanted to talk about Ranked Anxiety. This is a very difficult topic, because playing with ranked anxiety can be just as stress inducing as having a tarantula sitting on your head when you have arachnophobia. If you experience ranked anxiety, foxdrop made a really good video about this. He is a League of Legends TH-camr, but for this topic the game doesn't really matter.
Real LPT is always in the comments
That is 100% me. It's rubbish, I miss out playing with friends all the time because I just hate losing rank. Losing is much much worse than winning is good.
Is there any way to prevent this? Just the other day I was feeling like shit but on overbuff I went 8 wins - 2 losses on my games for the day, yet the overall feeling was bad.
That was a very intense 'wrong' there lmao.
Unfortunately, there is no easy way to "not care about SR anymore" because you can't really get rid of a goal without replacing it with a different goal. I think a good way is to reframe your goals. My initial goal when starting competetive was "I want to get into Diamond", and as the season progressed it became "I want to get good enough so I can easily get into Diamond". That means that I focused more on my skill and less on my SR, so lost games were technically also wins as long as I learned something. For example, I still struggle with target prioritization when playing Soldier or McCree, so as long as I think I did a good job with that and improved it I don't really care about losing SR for it.
A good place to start this with is Skyline's "Top 4 Things To Learn From Watching The Pros". Let's say you play Ana and you want to get better at using your grenade. You could watch 2-3 games from Ryujehong, Chipshajen, GaleAdelade, Nevix or any other pro Ana, just focus on how they use the grenade, and then spend your next games solely focusing on emulating this usage. If you then feel like you are getting better at this ability this gives you a sense of accomplishment and might be able to replace the need to always win no matter what.
Tom Bristow I'm like you, but when I hate losing it's cos I'm tilted and I get angry. Your mindset needs to be positive. Sometimes you need to blame yourself more if you lose, that often takes the heat out of it more. There's always something more you can do in a game
wow what a timing on the video! I just lost 600 rating yesterday and now I am trying to fix my broken confidence. Keep it up, proud of ya
papa bless
Vincent a bad losing streak. Friend of mine lost 12 in a row
I started watching the channel because of overwatch tips. Now i'm still here because of really awesome and nice videos about life too!
John .Carmack Same
1:56 brutal improvement in drawing skills
from zero to picasso in 1 sec
A thing everyone should keep in mind: You just can't win every game. It doesn't matter if you are a pro player or not. Even the absolute pro players do lose games at their MMR. A 55% win rate means that you also lose 45% of your games. They can even occur in a row. I needed around 15 tries to get Platinum as I lost most of my games around 15 SR before it.
Tilt is the next big problem. One day I got tilted after I dropped 100 SR because of 2 losses with -50 SR. After that I just dropped further just below 2300. I started to give my team mates the fault for playing bad myself and just didn't care about the game anymore.
Just yesterday I reached my goal of Platinum and will try to hit Diamond till the end of the season. I'll keep a positive attitude towards my team and pick my most comfortable heroes while giving my team the heroes they're comfortable with. And even if I get only 2 SR for a win (which happenend yesterday), it's still a win and every game helps improving yourself.
This I believe is your best video yet Sky.
Confidence Boost: Imagine the enemy noobs calling you a hacker after you've won and just telling them they are just plain bad.
You are doing it wrong, you need to say: "I were playing better than them" :D
Thank you Skyline. I was on tilt for days after a bad streak and finally tried comp again right after watching this video. As a Mercy main the visualization of flying around the map was particularly applicable and reminded me how much fun it can be. Just the pick me up that I needed. Stay positive!
what worked for me for going from silver to diamond was 100% my change in mindset. i stopped doing the tricks and stuff on how to get better aim or whatever, and just started thinking more positive. the main one for me was to think about how badly i wanted to get to master one day. i told myself i deserved to be there, so the only way to reach where i belonged was to keep playing and climbing. i stopped being so hard on myself(i even criticized the things i was doing well on) since it brung me down and made me think i would never get better. i stopped filling on heroes i knew i couldnt play(if the team comp calls for a rein i ask someone else because i might as well be throwing if im playing rein honestly) and NEVER blamed the team! i know this one makes people salty but if your team truly is doing bad, just accept it and focus on what you can do individually, whether thats play your best hero, shotcall, play around their terrible play style, whatever.
i had a hollywood game where the team was so uncoordinated and we happened to take point A by pure luck, but of course couldnt push through streets. the team decided to play bastion symm torb mercy, so i just played reinhardt and baby sat the bastion. it was probably lucky that the other, more coordinated team didnt wreck the bastion-rein combo but it was the best i could do and we won 1-0 lol. i was very tilted but it let me realize i cant just play my 3 main heroes(tracer zarya zen) every game and get mad at my team if something goes wrong. it prevents tilting to the point of throwing because whats the point right? but theres always something you can do to salvage the game
Just listen to Zarya's quote. "Just like in training. Visualize, then execute."
Great points skyline.
Along with the law of attraction idea, in getting with people that are seeking to better themselves you also use mastermind principles, ie you become like who you hang out with.
What is important is to check out what is the hold up for each person individually. There will be themes among people of 'don't want to go down', 'I only have fun when I win', etc, that result in different outcomes like anxiety or being angry or the like, but it will be unique to every person. Identifying those things will help and support the player in getting better by removing the blocks they have for improving. The more specific each player can get to what is holding them back without generalizing, the better they can actually address those blocks in themselves.
Basically I believe that there is inner game and outer game. Outer game is all about your skill/play style. You can improve that view self review/coaching/etc.
Inner game is how you interact with your outer game. So if you lose, how do you interact with that with yourself. Do you beat yourself up? Do you blame others? Do you wallow in self pity? Same with when you win.
What I think players should do is seek to become lastingly netrally feeling about winning and losing. Yes celebrate your win, and ideally be thoughtful about your loss. The reason I say that is because a win has a shadow. when you when, people tend to stop improving. They can get into complacency. While when people lose they seem to seek how to get better.
By seeing them both neutrally, and committing to improvement, even the highest rated player in the world can consistently get better.
So how do they do that?
Self questioning - Asking yourself and ideally journaling it down, What has me not playing competitive? X, why is that so bad? y, and continually gaining more awareness about those things. Also making decisions about is that how they want to interact with those things and in that way. Often with more awareness about what is making them emotional, allows for more choice around it. From that awareness they can make better decisions. Ideally you can do this in a socratic method style, which is answer the question, then ask how do I know that is true? Answer again, how do I know that is true? Etc.. The aim is to get to the TRUTH.... but often you find that you have a lot of assumptions and incorrect thinking.
Visualizing is good as well. Imagining how you feel as you click the competitive queue, how you perform as you play, how the game ends, how you aim, how your team works together, how you interact with your team, how your rating goes up in as close detail as possible, will support your body and mind acting together to create that.
Meditation - helps break down the emotions that you found out with the self questioning, and helps you to act with no mental interference. Aiming for the no-mind state of flow performance. Where you are in the zone.
Exercise - Helps to just feel good in general and be at peak performance in life. Both emotionally and physically.
Free Journaling - Very very similar to the self questioning but with the aim of being present with what comes up and allowing your subconscious to surface to release any ideas and emotions. Just sit down for 5 minutes, and write without stopping. If you want to aim it in a specific direction, write a question at the top of the page, then free write. Let what you write be weird and crazy... just don't stop for 5 minutes. You can do this for less than five minutes, although I think that makes a huge impact.
There are plenty of other tools and these are just a few. The main idea is to become more aware, to feel through and release the emotions by being present with what is happening (so it doesn't burden and hold you back), and to then make decisions that support the player in playing better.
I can expand on any of these if anyone is curious..
In some ways how to be more confident in overwatch is the same question of how to be more confident in life. Largely I think that confidence is the lack of insecurities. That people naturally feel good if they remove all the ways they think poorly of themselves and let go of painful emotions.
This topic could easily be volumes of books... and this is what I have found to be useful in finding peak performance for myself and in supporting others. This topic is one I study for fun and really enjoy.
I just wanted to thank you Sky
Your Overwatch-videos are amazing and you can really lern something but your tips can also be used in everyday life - and that is just awesome!
Big thanks to you
Keep it up 👍🏻
Skyline, can I just say you're an awesome person? Not just a great youtuber or great overwatch player, but a great person. Your advice is spot-on and you're a really positive influence on the overwatch community.
Keep it up! :)
It's so refreshing to hear a voice that's honest and chill. Thank you for making content :)
FYI Skyline, I'm fairly certain your voice is a huge selling point for your channel. A lot of TH-camrs have grating or aggressive voices that are unpleasant to listen to. Yours is chill and relaxing, I'll sometimes toss one of your old streams on my phone to help me fall asleep at night. It definitely contributes to the vibe of your channel. I can honestly say you've helped me learn to not tilt at my teammates and to instead look at what I could have done better. Since I found your content I went from a guy who was always teetering between 2900-3000 SR to a guy who sits pretty comfortably at 3500.
Dude, i put this video to watch later playlist when you released it and today i found it when i need it. You're an awesome guy and your video is the thing that i lacked of since the begining of this season. I wasn't that bad at this game, and i can reach back my top season/carreer on the ladder until the end of the season.
Thank you so much Skyline and gl hf.
Great vid, Skyline! Your past vids have helped me a to achieve Master a bit.
I started out at 2400 SR due to some really bad teams and some incredible good (smurfs..) players in my placement matches. Since then I slowly climbed to Diamond for the first time which was quite a grind and felt like ELO hell. Once I realised that the opponent players will make as many mistakes as my team and it is up to me to call them out in voice chat or punish them by killing them - it was up for a race to Master. I only needed like 20 hours of playing time to get to Master because I felt that in that SR region, my teammates were generally on the same page with my game sense which made it much less frustrating and much more enjoying to play. Keep up the good work! :)
I think you have a great pattern of speech and enunciation, I love listening to your videos and you're so calm and relaxed it makes the game a lot more accessible =) thanks so much for your efforts, and you do a great job!
This is exactly the thing I'm trying to fix right now. I used to just play lucio in comp but lately I've been getting pretty good with widow and Sombra, but when I go into comp I get nervous (because they are off meta) and choke. Then I tilt and start hero switching. I play a lot of heroes now, sometimes I don't know which to pick.
Good video. I've definitely noticed that undercurrent in your videos and I think is an overlooked issue. People will blame their teammates and treat the meta like a science without realising they're the ones tilting
One of the best improvement oriented videos I've seen for Overwatch, thank you for these words of truth my friend :)
You're the best Overwatch youtuber hands down. I'm so glad I found your channel. Thanks for all you do for the community.
Hey just wanted to say THANK YOU! The last two days I've tried to stay positive and see games - whether they're losses or wins - as steps to learn from towards the goal of improving my skills and ranking up. Even if the game was going horribly wrong or we got completely destroyed, I tried to stay positive and not get frustrated by it as the next win would make up for it and it is a learning process after all. All of this helped me to reach gold today which I had been 'stuck' on since S3. Thank you Skyline, this has helped me a lot!
I just got into Overwatch and your videos are great, keep it up Skyline! Here are a few tips I can give:
1. Your game skills are reflected in each game you play, BUT you can only get a sense of your growth by assessing your improvement over long periods of time, so don't take each game's result too seriously. It's kinda like trying to judge an artist's art philosophy by looking at one of their specific works, without knowing their art journey. Your growth is dependent on your mentality ---- whether you're willing to get better by knowing what you can and can't do. This means that you shouldn't be too disheartened by each loss caused by teammates or luck etc since they're factors outside your influence.
Speaking of knowing what you can and can't do, this brings me to my next tip:
2. If you're able to realise what you can't do, you're already a step ahead when it comes to getting better compared to people who think they're good. Know what you can't do yet, then you can start to look for things to get better at. eg. To get better at art one must realise that what one is doing isn't because of "art style" but because one hasn't been thinking about WHY certain things are being drawn that way. So when making decisions like a risky flank: Is it a conscious decision, or just a decision I've never forced myself to think through properly?
Tips to get better that Skyline's probably talked about already :O but I think it's important enough for me to write about:
3. Stop worrying over medals, SR or stats like damage and eliminations. Some stats are game specific and don't reflect your game skill that much. Other stats like deaths and weapon accuracy are more directly linked to your skill, take note of those! There are other things you can learn, like how to manage ults, improving your positioning, using your ears, etc that don't always show in your stats, so noticing those things helps too.
4. Setting concrete goals for things you notice and want to improve at is great! Give yourself something to think about when you play; look at what you want to get good at and then plan out the steps to get there.
eg. I want to get better at Zenyatta -> let's look at specifically my positioning -> in the next X games I want to die a maximum of X times / I want to not be caught out of position and punished more than X times this game etc.
5. Think about your decision making as much as you can. Referencing other people is great ---- It's another way for you to look at other people's decisions and figure out what they're doing right or wrong. that's why pro commentaries and VOD reviews are so helpful (thanks skyline ily). Try everything to get an idea of what works and what doesn't.
I tend to draw parallels between whatever I do in Overwatch and my art journey (that's why I use so many art analogies oops). Basically know what to think about every game and you'll be happy when you get better, regardless of your SR or your wins. Don't chase results, chase excellence and results will follow.
1. Listen to Skyline he gives good advice
2. Play game with Skyline's guiding tips in mind
3. ???
4. Profit
Hey Skyline!
This video really helped me - I honestly do get quite scared at the thought of competitive matches, even after winning a few! But your ideas really help me knuckle down and I've even started doing callouts to my team (even though nobody talks back most of the time).
Thanks! :D
Great video Sky! I love the consistent positive mindset and attitude you bring to your channel. For that reason you are my favorite Overwatch youtuber! :)
I loved the background music you chose for this. Thank you as always. Keep it up!
I really genuinely do love that the pursuit of a higher rank in Overwatch Competitive is bringing unknowing young adults into a video that covers positive thinking and self-confidence help that they probably needed help with in the first place. This is good content.
What are you talking about, Sky, your voice is awesome...
Kriss90 its awsome
Kriss90 It's awesome
No, seriously. His voice is very soothing, which works perfectly for the message he tries to come across
I like how many other areas in life these tips can apply to as well. Like you could call this "how to boost confidence in real life" and it would still work just as well. Great vid man
It is interesting that I started watching this thinking about overwatch (what's the video objective), but ended thinking about my art. Replace "aim" with "art" in the video and you got good advice for artists as well hahaha. "Confidence", "think about how good you can be", "I'm not platinum yet but I'll be" and "you're the best you can be right now, improve every day".
This helped me a lot, because sometimes I stick to games when I'm frustrated with my art, after all it is easier and faster to get some satisfaction from a game than with hundreds of hours practicing art. Probably that was not your intention with the video, but helped me with art haha, thank you.
I've never seen such an inspirational video that's related to gaming. Thanks Skyline, I think I needed these tips
Great advice Sky, I really liked the confident vs. arrogance piece. I get way tooo arrogant. Most times after a win I get so HYPED and praise my team's performance thinking we're great. I thought it was a way to boost team morale but now I see that if you're on a losing streak don't get arrogant about your win because the next game you'll end up thinking you're perfect and just get crushed. I mean this is exactly what happens when teams win the first 2 matches in KOTH then lose. It's always because they get so confident and act life counters or positioning aren't a factor. This is legit why Plat is so hard to climb out because everyone even me is too arrogant thinking they deserve to be higher so they play worse.
Great tips! Thank you so much, I'll use them!
Honestly, these are spot on. I ranked relatively low the last season and this season, and felt kind of bad about it. I spent a good amount of hours watching video's on how to improve, map awareness, character guides, etc, and came to realize that one of the most important tools to improvement is positivity. I used to get tilted and flame people, which would only make me play worse and worse and worse. When I changed my mentality from "finger pointing" to accepting the fact that maybe it was MY game play that was being bad, I saw improvement. I go into each game with a level head, positive thoughts, and more often than not will walk away with a win. Announcing when a teammate has done well, or COACHING when a teammate has made a mistake, is important. So far I've gone up 200+ SR points :) There's still room for growth, though!
i notice that u and mind fuzz have a 'calm and peaceful' my ear and brain can understand very well what are u talking, because english isnt my main language..the other overwatch channel that ive ever watch/subs always talk so fast that i need to replay the video 2-3rd times to clearly hear what they say nad what they mean
Just like in training, visualize and then execute.
- Zarya
One of your best videos Skyline, this will really help me and everyone!
This channel really is A*. So nice to hear positivity on ze Intervebs. Keep it up. Improving the community one person at a time.
Iv'e been struggling with things for the past few days now (not gaming related) and I feel like I'm at an all time low, but after watching this video, you've helped me to get myself out of this slump. so thanks.
Beautiful tips for someone that has anxiety problems, ty sky :)
This video totally describes some problems I had in seasons 1 and 2.
I was in a bad mood, not just because of OW, but even other things. Played with a toxic player and going through a rough time in life simultaneously, and your video calmed me and made me feel happy. Thank you Skyline.
Skyline, you're a wonderful person and watching your videos always lifts my spirits
Hey Skyline, started watching your videos about 2 months ago (and have backlogged a few from much longer ago) and never realised you had any trouble with your speech. You've obviously come a long way (or judged yourself too much) so just thought I'd say congrats!
Honestly, when I first started watching your content, your voice bugged me. It's honestly cool to hear you bring up that you were self-conscious about it, and you've definitely improved a lot!
But, you should know, your voice is NOT your whole identity on this channel. It's the amazing advice and motivation you offer to all of your subscribers. You are seriously the best Overwatch channel on TH-cam.
Your channel is the best, Sky. I watch your videos even when I don't feel like playing Overwatch haha.
Thank you so much for this. Having a really bad day in game and irl...but after this video I feel a bit better. I'll try to remember and practice what you've said here.
i really like you point of view in your videos and what kind of perspective you put in your thoughts
keep it up man
I switch to Zenyatta and listen to some of his voice lines to refocues and calm myself. my favorite is "I dreamt I was a butterfly" and then emote the applause with the fist bump at the end. boom instant better mood
+Skyline I used to experience ladder anxiety back in the days (5 years ago +-) when i played starcraft 2. I was so afraid to play next match that i stopped playing ranked at all. And it's not like i could drop down or something. I just didn't want to be rekt by better players. When overwatch comes into play, i used to tilt after matches and/or play harder every ranked game. I forced myself to play another one after dropping from 3000 to 2200. Now, when season 4 is out i think i reached my tranquility. I was placed 2182sr, and i'm slowly regaining it back. Its up for quite a while now, but not for that long. I managed to get 2500+ till now. My W/L ratio is about 58%. What is the key? I convinced myself that ladder anxiety is terrible and i'm here for fun. I know im not going to get top1 but treat the game totaly competetively. I'm giving my best, and want to climb. If i loose = no fun. No fun = stop play for today, don't get tilted. Come back next day. Win 3,4 another games. Loose 1,2 and stop again. Thats my key. I don't tilt at all right now. I'm ranking up. When it comes to just the anxiety of playing another match, dude... "You won't rank up if you don't play!". That's my season 4, my happiest season of all times (S2 - 3006 S3-30029 S4-2500 and growing) and lowest rank. I'm doing my best, achieving my best but with 100% pleasure of the game. That's my story :)
What helped me was to realise that SR isn't a ladder to climb, but a system to make sure you can play competatively (with a bit more seriousness than in QP) at your own skill level with other people of the same skill level. Climbing a ladder is a nice extra.
thanks so much. this video really helped me not just with competitive (currently gold) but also in real life. you earned a sub! :D
Love the video. Mindset is so important. Also would rly love to see a mercy guide video - I love guardian angel too but often die before I find someone to fly to
Hey Skyline! I love your videos! It's been a few since I watched and it looks like you got some new drawing equipment! It looks great, thanks for making these videos!
You just pointed out my problem with that game (& IRL).
I love your videos, keep up the good work !
the right mindset if ur in bronze is that u only can go up in rank ;)
Hi hahahahaha
I saw this video, I was like "It's totally bullshit, to raise my SR i just have to play and git gud"
I played 3 game, 3 loss, after that i tried your tips... +530 SR in 4 .... ok ....
PS: your voice is nice and clear, you have one of the best youtuber voices for me, the proof is I am french and I understand every word :D
confidence tips. "oh I didn't do well that time, how do i improve?" the "AHA!" moment when I find out what I did wrong and how to improve is really great
Nice video man.
Sadly I just can't force myself to play comp anymore, it's just too stressful :(
also your voice is pure asmr!
vannero :)
If it is too stressful just don't, that is my mindset.
Love your content as always! Keep doing what you're doing!
visualisation sounds like a good idea, but sometimes i just can't have fun no matter what on certain maps like volskaya or king's row
Volskaya is pretty fun map to play on, with all the flanking routes and heights.
i seriously love all of your videos ... thank you for beeing such a great youtuber i hope i improved a bit because of your videos :)
I only play 10 games of competitive games per season, it gives me too much anxiety to play with the amount of toxicity in the air. Especially after reaching diamond rank on season 2 placements, I came across few super toxic players critiquing my playing and pretty much lowering my confidence and getting me out of my comfort zone. Quick play is fun just because of there is nothing to lose, so toxicity is nearly non existent.
Also nice cord placement on that drawn mouse during 1:00 :D
Chockadlad or not because its a team game everyone should be trying to work together at all times.
Ihqnaattori ive been there you just gotta think if someone is the same rank as you they probably are around the same level of skill. so they are usually using you as a scapegoat to blame somebody, if you arent performing well on a certain hero or you arent playing dps well or something ask someone to switch with you then they cant blame you because you recognized your fault and are proactively trying to change it. maybe spend a while in quick play to get better at heroes you want to play and just stay posative and work with the team.
Ihqnaattori :)
Chockadlad thats not the best idea. you wont be able to hear them but they can still blame you. working with your team in a posative manner is the best way to win games and tell people to relax and work together and dont tilt.
Ihqnaattori "so much toxicity" lmao are you 10 y/o
I haven't been playing lately because of my confidence, and smash bros (the other game I practice) Thanks Skyline, I needed this!!
The people who need this video the most are not watching it.
The first tip seems like it will be really helpful to me! Thanks Sky :)
Seagull is good to watch for this. Every time he dies, and all throughout every match, he's constantly saying specific things he could have done that would be better, and doesn't get upset. Probably this is one of the best Overwatch skills he's got.
My confidence strategy is perfect. I just don't care. At all.
playing gta after a losing streak really helps for some reason. I went from 3825 to 3720. Then I went back in two days after playing gta and got to 3915
Not caring carried me all the way to diamond
Legit tho, caring caused me to get tilted. Then I realized it was a version of overwatch where you work as a team. That was the season I went from silver to diamond
My strategy when I have to do a presentation of schoolwork. "K let's get this done." That's it. I worked hard preparing the presentation, now it's time to enjoy the rewards, which in this case is to sound like you know well what you are talkikg about in front of classmates since you have no big worries about it. You won't feel like you will goof it up as long as you keep it up. Cry during training, laugh on the battle.
True, but tell a person who's nervous "not to care" - not possible. These focus yourself into not thinking about ALL the things you need to do to win, and all the situtions involved in losing - which is usually the catalyst for tilting
@skyline your vids are very high quality and your voice and personality are very easy to watch. Keep up the good work. And obviously your content is always very good
Nice vid. I do have confidence issues when it comes to playing competitive. Thanks for the advice.
Also, I saw you in quick play the other day, I thought about saying "Hey" but thought that'd be weird. Funnily enough, ran into KarQ in quick play a few hours earlier that same day. Both on Eichenwalde haha.
Wonderful video :)
I'd like to add something that I hear a lot in the BJJ community that I think can really benefit people who want to get really good in Overwatch.
When you first start BJJ you're training with people who are way better than you. There seems like there is no way you can "catch up" and many people who start believe this and ignore one of the most basic parts of training.
*It's never about other people, it's always about yourself*
I'm 99% sure this quote comes exactly from ChewJitsu here on youtube, but I could be wrong so forgive me if I am.
"You should just work on being better than you were yesterday" (or something of the like)
Even if you don't see it, you *are* improving. Even if you think you're making all these mistakes or you just can't keep up, you *are* improving.
Don't focus on being better than everyone else, focus on being better *yourself* and the rank, SR, and hot women / men of your dreams will come.
Don't ever think anything is out of reach. But at the same time, you don't become a blackbelt overnight. So don't expect to be Top 500 overnight.
*Enjoy where you are now, and look at the climb not as an endless grind, but as a learning experience*
There is so much you can learn from Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, Grandmaster... So much. Your climb up the SR ladder is one big training session.
Another thing we do in BJJ is work different techniques or positions we absolutely suck at. In Overwatch, this is similar to playing Rein more if you're a DPS main, or DPS more if you're a healer main, or healer more if you're a Tank main. Play them in QP, go do PUGs, even train them a bit in comp if you feel comfortable enough.
In the end, the number one thing to remember is, just like belts, your rank is not a direct representation of your skill. Rank is something we work towards, something we hold onto with pride and joy, but it doesn't actually represent our own growth and skill. Yes, they are important, Yes, you should still strive for them, Yes absolutely take pride in your rank, but remember what it really means. I could place in Bronze this season (all the way from ending in diamond in Season 4) and it would change absolutely nothing about my personal skill. I'm still someone who is capable of playing at the high plat / low diamond level. And I hope that I can continue to play at that level in order to further increase my skill and understanding of Overwatch.
Overwatch is an awesome game (And BJJ is an awesome martial art, you should check it out *hint hint, nudge nudge*) and I really hope you guys can enjoy Competitive as I believe that's where the game's nature truly shines :D
Great vid sky. I've starting being positive playing games, trying to do the best I can. Not blaming my team ever, even if there is a mistake or 2 - we all do it. I'm playing mostly Zarya, and in like 2 days I went from 1930 to like 2560. Dropped again to like 2400 ish yesterday but that was definitely some negatives on my part, tiredness and not great play overall. Wasn't enjoying myself as much
I started thinking more and more about my gameplay the last couple seasons, I know what my major weaknesses are and I just try to be mindful of that in game. If I truly deserve to be a higher rank, then I will get there eventually despite a bad game here and there. People tend freak out and blame other people for losses, but I like to look at my own gameplay and figure out how I personally could have contributed more towards a win no matter how I did. If people start getting salty, try to either take it upon yourself to calm things down or if you're not feeling particularly confident, don't even give them the time of day.
I would describe myself as extremely aware and self taught relatively to the general subject you've covered. You've raised very valid points, but as someone who went to extreme extents to train myself, I can without a doubt say that you've sugar coated your speech in particular in regards to confidence. There is a massive difference between someone who's worked extremely hard to integrate all the facets of overwatch (or any serious team based activity) through training, self questioning, observation and analysis, and someone who one day decides to wishfully think that they are now "officially confident" about themselves. Confidence has to be rooted in actual work, training and demonstration of ability before it can actually have any real weight. In order for it to be real, it needs to be felt, and in order for it to be felt, it must first be cultivated through work. In order for someone to be willing to put in the energy to accomplish that work, there needs to exist a genuine interest and curiosity for the particular activity in question, which in this case is Overwatch. I think that the fact that you've kind of omitted this crucial detail is a massive flaw in regards to the overall idea that you appear to want to convey, which is by the way a very noble gesture of you regardless. The reality is that most people who play Overwatch have very poor focus, awareness, and overall understanding of the intricacies of what is happening in real time in the game. You can't just flip a switch and read the game like an open book, you have to be present, observant, focused and serious about your whole approach if you truly want to excel at this game. You need to question things and think for yourself. This is something that can be "induced" through example and guidance, but overall these skills remain something that is extremely hard to teach to the vast majority of people because all their lives, they have not cultivated these kinds of skills, because as a society we live in a world of appearances and superficiality where people can barely hold their attention for more than 5 minutes (hence by the way the emergence of the "TLDR" bullshit) rather than a world based on substance where people focus on cultivating themselves from the inside.
Bro I loved the comparison of confidence and arrogance. I've never thought of it like that but it's so true. One thing I try to do in my games is overly compliment teammates, even for things they SHOULD be doing. For example if my road hog hooks someone, even if they were standing right in front of him, I'd say, "good hook roadhog, let's go boy" and aim for the hype to build over time
So good, so different from other OW channels. I like your personality and content, when in other channels I like only content
I don't even own Overwatch; I have played it literally one time, but I watch these videos when I need self-affirmation. Thank you, Sky, for your Miyagi wisdom which can transcend gaming :D
thank you for making this video, i really needed it rn
Awesome vid! I'm not high enough level to do competitive in Overcrotch yet (late to the party), but I did experience this for Starcraft 2.
yknow I love this.
my rank degraded from GM to the minimum after I didnt play for a long time, and every match i've had since has been auful and I convinced myself that i've become terrible at the game, or even that i might have never deserved my high rank to begin with.
I guess my attitude is whats holding me back.
Really helpfull as alwaus Sky ! Thanks for your content and keep up the good work !
"Don't watch streamers who tilt and blame their teammates" - this is why I stopped watching Your Overwatch.
I love you skyline, you are so positive. keep it up. :)
great content! i'm loving the positivity
I needed this video, badly. Thank you!
I'm overall just very happy-go-lucky and it helps a lot, just keeping a positive outlook on the game. The game is never lost until it's lost, and have fun with it.
As a sports coach, I find that Overwatch is hugely mental. I try to put myself in a consistent mental state before I cue up. If I loose a game, I'll take a 5 minute break. Eat some food, pet my dog, do something to take my mind off my loss and mentally reset. I'm in bronze right now but am consistently climbing. I think this is because of my mental state. Stay positive, and keep trying! Don't give up!
i have used law of attraction,
my dream and goal was to get top 500 and i finally did it on Eu servers on season 4 now 4339 sr.
And 1 another tip what i have used to get away from fear to fail, i just needed let my self fail ultimates and test new positions etc.
i was plat/dia season 2 and my biggest problem was i just couldn,t be able to play because i just was so scared to fail/lose
I try to enter a zen state of mind before entering a competitive game, taking deep breaths and reminding myself it's just a game and to not get upset if things don't go my way.
just started playing OW. just found your channel. good stuff. my btag is SaltyAF and it couldnt be more fitting. i dont think it will change much, but your positive attitude is nice :) wanted to add a little something... before Qing into ranked any game, stand up from your computer or console and take a super hero position (stand like superman would) for 5 min. do this before any chore or job or competitive anything and youll feel better about it. i read it in some psychology magazine at the dentist.
A nice tip that helped me with ranked anxiety: Absolutely don't care about the result of the first comp game.
I took it from Ster who sometimes says "you can't win the first game of the day" whenever he loses. Of course there are days where you will win the first game and get a boost in confidence from it.
Don't say "uggh today is just not my day" after you lost the first game. Because so you get discouraged more and more every day (I went down to silver once because I lost everday one game for over a week).
Just keep going a bit longer! You can do it!
I love how you I can apply your videos to real life situations!
06:21 - Mind Fuzz makes a cameo appearance.
Loving your channel, Skyline. The fact that you recently made a collaboration video with KarQ and now Mind Fuzz inadvertently (or not?) dropping by is like a cherry on top - it makes me confident that I'm watching the right content to get better at the game. Ever since I've discovered your channel, I've unsubscribed from all the mainstream, clickbaity, lots-of-words-but-no-substance channels (you know which ones) and I'm really glad I've found someone that, along with Mind Fuzz, Force from Faulty Lid Gaming and KarQ (I'm sure there are more, but these are the ones I'm so far aware of) doesn't measure their audience in the amounts of clicks they can get out of them but treats them with respect.
One nitpick about this video though - imagining a win and then losing can damage your confidence more than winning in that scenario would boost it by. It's, in my opinion, safer to stick to imagining the joy of playing a character or other aspects of OW that make you happy that aren't as affected by so many random factors like winning is. I'm sure you've said it yourself on this channel already: if your primary focus is gaining SR, you're off to a bad start.
what is fun eh?.....
It's not about winning, it's about fun!
What's that?
Fun is when''s kinda...sorta like a...
What is fun?? HERE...Let me spell it for you!
F is for Friends who do stuff together.
U is for You and me.
N is for Anywhere and anytime at all.
Down here in the deep blue sea!
F is for Fire that burns down the whole town.
N is for No survivors when you're-
Plankton! Those things aren't what fun is all about!
Now, do it like this,
F is for Friends who do stuff to-
Never! That's completely idiotic!
Here, Let me help you...
F is for friends who do stuff together.
U is for You and me, TRY IT!
N is for Anywhere and anytime at all.
Down here in the deep blue sea!
Wait...I don't understand ...I feel all tingly inside...
Should we stop?
No! That's how you're supposed to feel!
Well I like it! Lets do it again!
In real life you'll get muted after the first letter U.
Tejas S Nicely done, this is the best comment i've seen all week
Medal | LOL
F is for frolic, through all the flowers!
U is for ukulele!
N is for nose picking, sharing gum and sand licking,
Here with my best buddy!
The tip I always give to new players is to use a mic and to always compliment your team. If someone gets a pick before a fight I say "Nice pick! Let's go get 'em guys!" I don't say that for every kill, but I do it often. If there is a mercy hiding or running around the middle of the fight and I say "Watch the Mercy" and someone takes her out I say "Thanks man that worried me, nice play." Stuff like that. It helps tremendously and makes the game more enjoyable.
3:23 I lolled at beatiful, sounds like you are about to punch someone haha!
POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE. Thank you pewds and stanky for reminding me that when I get tilted!
keep up the awesome vids skyline
I have no problem going into comp but I have massive confidence issues when it comes to using voice chat and also I dont really know what to say in there other than hello. im not much of a talker anyway so that only makes it worse
Dliess Mgg My go to on mics is to always share information. Call out enemy flanks, enemies on higher ground, if the push route isn't working, if the team is too split up, etc. You don't have to lead just observe and report. Don't say anything too obvi, but information is king. Short and sweet
You don't have to talk to be useful. Listen to others and use the information they give you.
All i'm saying is if you SEE something your team does not, make it known.
Nice, saying hello is the first step. My strategy is imagine you're talking to a friend, you'll likely never see these people again in your life, talk about the forecast (they're likely nearby your location, like if you live in California you could be with someone in Nevada), or whatever you want.