My mom never drank and she would tell a story from when she was younger that she went to a party and a very drunk girl came up and looked in her cup and asked what she was drinking. She answered 7up. The girl looked at her shocked and said, "Straight?!" My mom laughed and said yeah. Then the girl said, "You act like this sober?!!" LOL
Rachel Childress I am everybody’s friend. Although I’ve only ever been full on drunk once and that was because I drank something that was way stronger than I knew. All the cousins were 21 and visiting so we went to a local bar and the one from the area ordered a pitcher of something called Voodoo. It didn’t taste like it had any alcohol in it and I was about halfway through my 3rd glass when all of the sudden the local cousin looked at me in horror and asked, “oh my God. How many of those have you had?!” I did not feel good the next day.
I once just completely missed my bar stool and fell flat on my butt. Then in my tipsy state, I told my friend I just wanted to stay down there until nobody was staring or laughing anymore. And she said, "Well then, not yet!!" Lol
A friend and I was at a club years back. The club had a bikini contest going on. The Bannister around the dance floor where the bikini contest was being held filled up fast. Ny buddy is a shorter guy. He could not view the contest. He climbs up on a bar stool on his knees. Well as anyone would expect he fell. But the funniest part was I turned around and was still in the floor having a conversation with someone. He was in no hurry to get up lol.
You have no reason whatever to ever apologize or explain why you don't drink or smoke! I have great respect for someone who is strong enough to resist the t peer pressure and temptation! Good on you!
I don't smoke or drink anything, and my friends and I still have plenty of fun with no hangovers. I have family and friends who drink and smoke, and family and friends who do neither. We all respect each other's choices, and have fun together, but it's amazing how many people think you can't have fun without alcohol. I have more fun in groups without any substances, and you're able to build real, lasting friendships (and sometimes more)
"Alcohol is a 'social lubricant'." (and a poison) Social situations can be extremely stressful and awkward, but if you require a "lubricant" to be social or even to have fun, what does that say about you? My friends and I have plenty of fun, sometimes to the point where others, including cops, thought we were "drunk in public" until we blew all zeros on our breathalyzers. So they quickly changed to we must be high" --which isn't actually a crime, only having substances is. They got very frustrated when we instantly snapped out of our extremely good mood, knew our rights, demanded a supervisor, and stood our ground of refusing to consent to a search -- too risky they'd try to plant something. Supervisor couldn't figure out why they thought we were drunk OR high because we were acting perfectly normal and justifiably upset -- which made us laugh after the cops were gone. Nope, we were just having a great time with friends! No substances, no laws broken. We even remember the whole night when we get together. We rarely sometimes do things we aren't proud of, but they don't come with legal consequences or sexual liasons with ??? that we immediately regret/ worry about.
Lol, that is hilarious. I have not drank tequila since I had the worst hangover of my life when I was 15. I will be 40 next week. All I remember was waking up butt naked covered up with a blanket on the kitchen floor with a black eye. Apparently I had puked all over myself so my friends stripped me to wash my clothes. While I was naked I decided to go running down the road yelling and hollering. I also fell and hit my face in the toilet hence the black eye.
As a recovering Alcoholic this song was one of those laugh at myself songs now I love it as a reminder not to drink. I have too many drunk stories and many more black out nights I don't remember.
Brad Paisley has it all man!! He's Gorgeous!! He can sing amazingly!! He kills it playing the guitar!! And when it comes to humor, Brad is Hilarious!! Do More of Him!!
At your age, I was a paramedic eastward of Houston. Too many times I came off duty and got home to a Bible in one hand and a bottle in the other, hoping one or the other would make sense of that shift .... Wild times.
my worst alcohol related memory is waking up butt naked in a field 246 miles from where the party started with no memory of the previous 12 hours bottom line, when people that you know can hold their liquor are telling you it packs a punch *TRUST THEM*
In all honesty this is one of my favorites of his, because it feels like his typical tongue in cheek joke but he had a serious message he was getting across with it
Im the same way Billy and I turn 50 this December. I enjoyed watching others and I still had just as much fun. Oh yeah I also remember everything I did.
I don't drink but my hubby use to he was riding our horse with a full moon he fell off and our horse looked down at him as if to say hey what you doing down there lol
I’m the exact same. I’m 26 and never had a drop. Just a family doesn’t drink,I don’t drink. There’s a backstory there but I’ll spare you the details. I applaud you for not falling to peer pressure. I actually grew up listening to Brad Paisley so that’s how I came across your video 😎
I'm very closed off. I don't drink often, but my friends and gf love when I do, cuz it's the only time I open up. It loosens ambitions and I talk a lot more and open up. My feelings on alcohol is that it's a crutch. It brings out the best and worst of us. I'm lucky that it brings out the best in me, but I know many of friends, it brings out the worst.
When my husband and I first started dating we went out and about and I had one two many drinks. Well, as we were walking I kept saying I can't keep up. There's too many stairs. He said they're imaginary. 10 years later if I walk after drinking my husband always says watch out for those imaginary stairs! I'm a social drinker who isn't all that social.
Same here Billy. I've never drank alcohol or smoked anything or tried drugs or ever wanted to. My only addiction is sweet tea. I just never wanted to be out of control of myself. It just don't sound like fun to me not to mention the hangover part afterwards. No thank you!
I was born and raised in Milwaukee, when this song came out it was our anthem!! I am 36, in high school we use to drink. Thank god there wasn't facebook or phone with cameras. Because lord!! We did keg stands in pick-em-up trucks in the middle of corn fields. Yes, i am white lol. In my later 20's I didn't drink much and now I don't drink at all. It was fun.
Got so drunk at friends wedding that I didn’t realize we’d went to another venue for the reception (a lake house). Woke up in the middle of the night thinking I’d been kidnapped and literally ran away.
I bought myself a gallon of Jack Daniel's for my thirtieth birthday. Drank most of it with my brother and his family. We grilled out and did karaoke. Eventually though, I did pass out.
Not a proud moment because my kids were there too. I wish they'd never seen me drink. Haven't had alcohol for the past three years. My granddaughter will never see her Nana drink.
I've never been drunk. I've observed some people really drunk though. I've noticed alcohol brings out a different personality in each person who overly indulges. From a spectator's perspective, I don't like to put myself in any situation where I'm unable to control my own behavior.
I can't physically get drunk ... In college, I did one of those "Dangers of Drinking & Driving" presentations - where an officer has you (usually 4-5 people on the panel) sign your name, have 1 drink (a beer or a shot or anything equivalent to 1 drink) wait, then repeat until your signature is illegible or you are gone. Eventually, I was the ONLY one left. My signature had not changed at all. I should have been drunk, but I wasn't. He got his breathalyzer and had me blow into it. It didn't even measure that I had had cough medicine. He thought his breathalyzer wasn't working right, so he called a buddy to bring his. He told me that the demonstration was over and I could do whatever I wanted. Since we had an entire back room stocked up for the celebration we were having and I didn't have change for a soda from the vending machine, I kept drinking. His friend got there several drinks later. I was still not even testing at 0.01 (0.08 is legally drunk). They asked if I had ever been drunk before and said that I hadn't. Found out years later that one of my aunties was the same way.
I walk into the bar Ive gone to w/ the guys for yrs...a soon as the bartender sees me comin they make my drink... SWEET TEA! For 10+yrs and doesn't matter which bartender... 😆
I’ve had a handful of drinks but never got drunk to this point. Also made it easy when the doctor said I couldn’t have alcohol for health reasons. But this song cracks me up and makes me glad I don’t drink.
One of my best memories wasn't when I had alcohol but so ladies did. I had CQ duty during Mardi-Gras weekend in Biloxi, Mississippi. New Orleans was just over the state line and some Airmen came back very sloshed. I asked one female Airman how did she get so many Mardi Gras beads. She then showed me how she got them with her 36 E all naturals. It was almost midnight but I was now wide awake.
I didn't drink much but I did do the drunk phone call in high school, and according to those who heard it I proclaimed my undying love to the girl I called.
My worst alcohol memory... I can't remember. I've not drank like that since. I do enjoy the mixology of alcohol and I like to have the occasional drink, but I don't drink to the point of inebriation.
Same. 2 years ago I had a black out night and since then I haven't been drunk and only drink a glass of wine or a beer when I eat. I like to pair alcohols with foods now for all the unique tastes you can get
I can completely relate to you. I was the only AMMO troop in my unit that didn't drink or smoke. The other one was them trying to get me to cuss, cause I didn't do that either. It was ridiculous what they tried in order to get me to cuss or drink.
Billy.... never drank either 3 years active duty had to babysit my drunk buddies. I served myself without alcohol.... You would have been a great fella in the army... you just a good guy man..
Drinking a beer, watching Alcohol reaction, listening to a guy that doesn't drink 😂 Worst memory? Drank a bottle of goldschlager, fell out of my truck bare ass naked in someone else's back yard. Sick for Days 😝
Just having fun with friends at their house. Had one too many shots of vodka. Crawled up stairs to use restroom and slid downstairs to get back down. I didn’t drink a lot in high school but except for this instance and one other don’t feel the need to get that drunk. A drink now and then to relax yeah but bring 50 now being drink is not my idea of fun lol. I don’t need it to be crazy lol
I stopped drinking for the most part at your age... I had been out of active duty Marine Corps at twenty six. Great song, and I’ve embarrassed myself doing Karaoke overseas trying to impress a girl and failed badly. Awesome song, thank you for your service sir.
Hey man, much respect for never drinking and smoking... I wish I could say the same, I'm 26 and I can say I've had my fair share of both in the past, and from time to time still do. The last time I really drank I made a fool of myself, for some reason I decided an empty beer carton was a good hat, got in a fight, complete with screaming expletives, with the front door steps because I tripped going up and hit my forehead on the hand rail. As if those two weren't bad enough I later found out that I said things to some people there I would never have sober and the box on my head wound up on fire... See, we always built bon fires when we had a party and I tended to stick close to the fire. Apparently I attempted to light a cigarette and dropped it, and when I bent over to get it I was too close to the fire and yeah you get it... That was three or so years ago now to the best of my recollection, I no longer smoke and rarely drink and if I do its only a couple and done for me now. I can honestly say that I have as much fun not drinking as I did drinking, plus no hang over the next day so thats a big plus.
Once in college I blacked out and when I woke up I was dancing at this club in front of a full length mirror. Next morning went to breakfast with a roomie. We walk into this place and these two cute girls catch my eye, both greeted me with big smiles. As we are eating I hear them giggling and laughing, I look over and they are mimicking my dance moves from the night before...thanks alcohol.
I did not think I was ever a blackout drinker BUT on one night particular, I came too, cause drunk people don't wake up we just come to!!! But anyway I came too and looked over beside me to see the creature lying next to me and thought to myself " I know damn well I didn't." So I eased out of bed, made my way to the foot of the bed got dressed, tiptoed to the door, put my boots on then when I grabbed the door nob to get out I looked around and realized something!!!! I was at home!!! So I was gonna have to go back in there and wake her up and take her home!!!! NO SHIT
What he said was " the best times you'll never remember ". I smoke cigarettes and I'm a recovering alcoholic. The best time I don't remember, I have a constant reminder of, a daughter.
He said some of the best times you'll NEVER remember. I haven't drank since high school. My stopping point came when I went to a party... remember getting into the car to drive home and remember pulling into the driveway when i got there. Have no idea what happened on the actual drive (which was about a half an hour sober). That scared the shit out of me and I quit drinking after that.
You asked for comments on what alcohol does to people? I guess my worst alcohol experience was dancing on tables at my own wedding!! What did you say Brad??? Alcohol!!!🤣🤣🤣
The line is "the best time you'll NEVER REMEMBER" My worst menory is after New Years Eve. We went to a big dance with brekfast after. BYOB. I know (we live in Texas). My parents called the next morning to wish everyone a Happy New Year. My teenaged son said to my mom "No grandma, I don't think I should wake her she got drunk last night."
Saint Martin 1994, (first port visit when I was in the navy) I only remember an outdoor escalator on the French side of the island (I started on the Dutch side). I was told by my supervisor he never saw me with less than 4 beers on me. You're not drunk until you have forgotten a country, or mostly forgotten.
15 or so yrs ago. the pub. stat st madison. frat boy walks up next to me at the urinals on his flip phone twisted. i zip up chuckling to myself at his innebreation. he turns his head, says"whats so funny?" as his flippy falls out from between his ear and shoulder whilst hes doin his business. i almost died laughing as he looks down at it, but he he couldnt break he said oh s** could still hear the person on the other end! it was one of the funniest things ive ever experienced. still laughing!😂
I walked into a bar several times a week for 9yrs...every time I got to the bar the bartender was already sliding my drink over to me...large iced My friend always drank and I always watched. Lol
That is amazing! Love that you haven't done any of that! I am older than that and I can honestly say that I as well have never had any alcohol or smoked or done anything like that!
I admire you for that. I have never been into sports but like you I have never tried alcohol or tobacco products of any kind. Not many of us can say that. Good job
I have always thought it funny that most people can't stand up after a few shots. I can't seem to8 sit, lol. I always fall out of my chair.🤣 I found it to be much safer to stand. LoL. 🤪🤪🤪🤪
I can have fun either way just depends on who I’m around . I went out with friends and partied one night and I remember closing the bar down and us going home then the next thing I remember was waking up in another bars parking lots in my truck cold as hell from the ac being on. Idk how I got there or why I left home and to be honest it scared the shit out of me
I’m not a huge drinker, but I’ve had a few once in a while. The last funny story I have was at my dads wedding last year. My younger brother got drunk and as soon my dad left the party with my new step mom to change, my brother suddenly started dancing like Magic Mike.
By the way, Brad is also a shred master on the guitar. He is an incredible artist, all the way around. Keep up the good work, Billy; lover you channel, bud.
You are only missing out on pain, shame, regret and loved ones broken through DV, fatherless and motherless children. My mother was abusive and scary. She gave me to a man in his 30's when I was 13. He was physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive. I raised our 4 children on my own breaking the cycle. You are great the way you are!
Brad Paisley doesn't drink either. He wrote the song based off of friends stories and observations.
My mom never drank and she would tell a story from when she was younger that she went to a party and a very drunk girl came up and looked in her cup and asked what she was drinking. She answered 7up. The girl looked at her shocked and said, "Straight?!" My mom laughed and said yeah. Then the girl said, "You act like this sober?!!" LOL
Tequila makes her clothes fall off by joe Nichols. Awesome song
If you do this tho, PLEASE watch the vid cuz no one realizes what that song is actually about 😂
@@shelbysmith5445 seriously 😂 its like a secret society that actually knows
ThumbsUp media I know 😂 no one ever realizes lol
I was just about to post this suggestion! I see I'm in good company! Pay attention to the video!
Most embarrassing drunk story, knocked over a bar stool then spent the next 5 min apologizing profusely to it 🤣. I'm a polite drunk.
Rachel Childress I am everybody’s friend. Although I’ve only ever been full on drunk once and that was because I drank something that was way stronger than I knew. All the cousins were 21 and visiting so we went to a local bar and the one from the area ordered a pitcher of something called Voodoo. It didn’t taste like it had any alcohol in it and I was about halfway through my 3rd glass when all of the sudden the local cousin looked at me in horror and asked, “oh my God. How many of those have you had?!” I did not feel good the next day.
I once just completely missed my bar stool and fell flat on my butt. Then in my tipsy state, I told my friend I just wanted to stay down there until nobody was staring or laughing anymore. And she said, "Well then, not yet!!" Lol
A friend and I was at a club years back. The club had a bikini contest going on. The Bannister around the dance floor where the bikini contest was being held filled up fast. Ny buddy is a shorter guy. He could not view the contest. He climbs up on a bar stool on his knees. Well as anyone would expect he fell. But the funniest part was I turned around and was still in the floor having a conversation with someone. He was in no hurry to get up lol.
I’m everyone’s best friend and we’re going on an adventure 😂😂😂
OMG that is so funny, I laughed for 10 minutes! Bahahahaha
You have no reason whatever to ever apologize or explain why you don't drink or smoke! I have great respect for someone who is strong enough to resist the t peer pressure and temptation! Good on you!
Respect for not drinking or smoking.. I'm same way! 👍
I do both. By smoke I mean weed. 😬 I’m that dark horse type though.
Me to
Me three!
I don't smoke or drink anything, and my friends and I still have plenty of fun with no hangovers. I have family and friends who drink and smoke, and family and friends who do neither. We all respect each other's choices, and have fun together, but it's amazing how many people think you can't have fun without alcohol. I have more fun in groups without any substances, and you're able to build real, lasting friendships (and sometimes more)
"Alcohol is a 'social lubricant'." (and a poison) Social situations can be extremely stressful and awkward, but if you require a "lubricant" to be social or even to have fun, what does that say about you? My friends and I have plenty of fun, sometimes to the point where others, including cops, thought we were "drunk in public" until we blew all zeros on our breathalyzers. So they quickly changed to we must be high" --which isn't actually a crime, only having substances is. They got very frustrated when we instantly snapped out of our extremely good mood, knew our rights, demanded a supervisor, and stood our ground of refusing to consent to a search -- too risky they'd try to plant something. Supervisor couldn't figure out why they thought we were drunk OR high because we were acting perfectly normal and justifiably upset -- which made us laugh after the cops were gone. Nope, we were just having a great time with friends! No substances, no laws broken. We even remember the whole night when we get together. We rarely sometimes do things we aren't proud of, but they don't come with legal consequences or sexual liasons with ??? that we immediately regret/ worry about.
Tequila made me run through the KFC drive through naked yelling "I am the other white meat!!"
Bubba Duck fucking legend!
😂😂🤣🤣 💀 dead 💀
Lol, that is hilarious. I have not drank tequila since I had the worst hangover of my life when I was 15. I will be 40 next week. All I remember was waking up butt naked covered up with a blanket on the kitchen floor with a black eye. Apparently I had puked all over myself so my friends stripped me to wash my clothes. While I was naked I decided to go running down the road yelling and hollering. I also fell and hit my face in the toilet hence the black eye.
As a recovering Alcoholic this song was one of those laugh at myself songs now I love it as a reminder not to drink. I have too many drunk stories and many more black out nights I don't remember.
Brad Paisley TICKS is a great funny song.
Brad Paisley "I'm Gonna Miss Her"
Brad Paisley has it all man!! He's Gorgeous!! He can sing amazingly!! He kills it playing the guitar!! And when it comes to humor, Brad is Hilarious!! Do More of Him!!
And he was born in West Virginia lol. He a mountaineer.
At your age, I was a paramedic eastward of Houston. Too many times I came off duty and got home to a Bible in one hand and a bottle in the other, hoping one or the other would make sense of that shift .... Wild times.
Three Wooden Crosses by Randy Travis. Such a moving story
Yeah, if you want to cry.
Love this song!
I would like to hear him react to T.Graham Brown's song wine into water
Wanna be moved? Just finished reading his memoir "Forever and Ever, Amen".
my worst alcohol related memory is waking up butt naked in a field 246 miles from where the party started with no memory of the previous 12 hours
bottom line, when people that you know can hold their liquor are telling you it packs a punch *TRUST THEM*
In all honesty this is one of my favorites of his, because it feels like his typical tongue in cheek joke but he had a serious message he was getting across with it
Im the same way Billy and I turn 50 this December. I enjoyed watching others and I still had just as much fun. Oh yeah I also remember everything I did.
I don't drink but my hubby use to he was riding our horse with a full moon he fell off and our horse looked down at him as if to say hey what you doing down there lol
I’m the exact same. I’m 26 and never had a drop. Just a family doesn’t drink,I don’t drink. There’s a backstory there but I’ll spare you the details. I applaud you for not falling to peer pressure. I actually grew up listening to Brad Paisley so that’s how I came across your video 😎
I'm very closed off. I don't drink often, but my friends and gf love when I do, cuz it's the only time I open up. It loosens ambitions and I talk a lot more and open up. My feelings on alcohol is that it's a crutch. It brings out the best and worst of us. I'm lucky that it brings out the best in me, but I know many of friends, it brings out the worst.
You are a good roll model billy.keep up the positivity sir.
When my husband and I first started dating we went out and about and I had one two many drinks. Well, as we were walking I kept saying I can't keep up. There's too many stairs. He said they're imaginary. 10 years later if I walk after drinking my husband always says watch out for those imaginary stairs! I'm a social drinker who isn't all that social.
Now you need to hear Red Solo Cup...
Same here Billy. I've never drank alcohol or smoked anything or tried drugs or ever wanted to. My only addiction is sweet tea. I just never wanted to be out of control of myself. It just don't sound like fun to me not to mention the hangover part afterwards. No thank you!
I was born and raised in Milwaukee, when this song came out it was our anthem!! I am 36, in high school we use to drink. Thank god there wasn't facebook or phone with cameras. Because lord!! We did keg stands in pick-em-up trucks in the middle of corn fields. Yes, i am white lol. In my later 20's I didn't drink much and now I don't drink at all. It was fun.
Got so drunk at friends wedding that I didn’t realize we’d went to another venue for the reception (a lake house). Woke up in the middle of the night thinking I’d been kidnapped and literally ran away.
"Some of the best times you'll never remember with me"... My 1990's.
The Good Stuff by Kenny Chesney is a really good one. Would love to see you react to it!
Shelby Smith I love this one!
I bought myself a gallon of Jack Daniel's for my thirtieth birthday. Drank most of it with my brother and his family. We grilled out and did karaoke. Eventually though, I did pass out.
Not a proud moment because my kids were there too. I wish they'd never seen me drink. Haven't had alcohol for the past three years. My granddaughter will never see her Nana drink.
I've never been drunk. I've observed some people really drunk though. I've noticed alcohol brings out a different personality in each person who overly indulges. From a spectator's perspective, I don't like to put myself in any situation where I'm unable to control my own behavior.
I didn't know your history of drinking and such but good for you Billy!!! You're definitely a role model!
I don't drink, so my drinking stories always involve me carrying my drunk friend to the car after they puked for 20 min.
I can't physically get drunk ... In college, I did one of those "Dangers of Drinking & Driving" presentations - where an officer has you (usually 4-5 people on the panel) sign your name, have 1 drink (a beer or a shot or anything equivalent to 1 drink) wait, then repeat until your signature is illegible or you are gone. Eventually, I was the ONLY one left. My signature had not changed at all. I should have been drunk, but I wasn't. He got his breathalyzer and had me blow into it. It didn't even measure that I had had cough medicine. He thought his breathalyzer wasn't working right, so he called a buddy to bring his.
He told me that the demonstration was over and I could do whatever I wanted. Since we had an entire back room stocked up for the celebration we were having and I didn't have change for a soda from the vending machine, I kept drinking. His friend got there several drinks later. I was still not even testing at 0.01 (0.08 is legally drunk). They asked if I had ever been drunk before and said that I hadn't.
Found out years later that one of my aunties was the same way.
I forgot how funny this song was!
You’re the same age as my boys! Mad props to you and your choices! Refreshing to see someone your age with such a amazing attitude!
Good for you Billy! Stay true to your convictions
I walk into the bar Ive gone to w/ the guys for yrs...a soon as the bartender sees me comin they make my drink... SWEET TEA! For 10+yrs and doesn't matter which bartender... 😆
"Helping white people dance." I'm dead. I absolutely need alcohol to dance.
I’ve had a handful of drinks but never got drunk to this point. Also made it easy when the doctor said I couldn’t have alcohol for health reasons. But this song cracks me up and makes me glad I don’t drink.
One of my favorite Brad Paisley songs. Maybe because I can relate to most of it.
One of my best memories wasn't when I had alcohol but so ladies did. I had CQ duty during Mardi-Gras weekend in Biloxi, Mississippi. New Orleans was just over the state line and some Airmen came back very sloshed. I asked one female Airman how did she get so many Mardi Gras beads. She then showed me how she got them with her 36 E all naturals. It was almost midnight but I was now wide awake.
I’d forgotten how much I like Brad Paisley!!!
I did my service time as well alcohol free... thank you billy for your service time
Brad writes the best songs.
A lot of clever lines, twists & turns.
hell yes its some of the best times of your life. I miss those days. it did get you in trouble in high school, and college was a ball.
You are awesome
I didn't drink much but I did do the drunk phone call in high school, and according to those who heard it I proclaimed my undying love to the girl I called.
Toby Keith Red Solo Cup is a song you should react to
I’ve done that video but it got blocked in some countries lol
My worst alcohol memory... I can't remember. I've not drank like that since. I do enjoy the mixology of alcohol and I like to have the occasional drink, but I don't drink to the point of inebriation.
Same. 2 years ago I had a black out night and since then I haven't been drunk and only drink a glass of wine or a beer when I eat. I like to pair alcohols with foods now for all the unique tastes you can get
I can completely relate to you. I was the only AMMO troop in my unit that didn't drink or smoke. The other one was them trying to get me to cuss, cause I didn't do that either. It was ridiculous what they tried in order to get me to cuss or drink.
Billy.... never drank either 3 years active duty had to babysit my drunk buddies. I served myself without alcohol.... You would have been a great fella in the army... you just a good guy man..
Drinking a beer, watching Alcohol reaction, listening to a guy that doesn't drink 😂
Worst memory? Drank a bottle of goldschlager, fell out of my truck bare ass naked in someone else's back yard. Sick for Days 😝
Lol, I drank a bottle of Goldschlager and tried to throw the bottle out of the truck window. Too bad it wasn't rolled down😂😂😂
@@amyhodge7977 😂
Also sung by a guy that doesn't drink.
This probably sounds horrible but your worst memory could be someone else's best. 🙂
Just having fun with friends at their house. Had one too many shots of vodka. Crawled up stairs to use restroom and slid downstairs to get back down. I didn’t drink a lot in high school but except for this instance and one other don’t feel the need to get that drunk. A drink now and then to relax yeah but bring 50 now being drink is not my idea of fun lol. I don’t need it to be crazy lol
I stopped drinking for the most part at your age... I had been out of active duty Marine Corps at twenty six. Great song, and I’ve embarrassed myself doing Karaoke overseas trying to impress a girl and failed badly. Awesome song, thank you for your service sir.
Gone Fishin' is my favorite Paisley song.
Hey man, much respect for never drinking and smoking... I wish I could say the same, I'm 26 and I can say I've had my fair share of both in the past, and from time to time still do. The last time I really drank I made a fool of myself, for some reason I decided an empty beer carton was a good hat, got in a fight, complete with screaming expletives, with the front door steps because I tripped going up and hit my forehead on the hand rail. As if those two weren't bad enough I later found out that I said things to some people there I would never have sober and the box on my head wound up on fire... See, we always built bon fires when we had a party and I tended to stick close to the fire. Apparently I attempted to light a cigarette and dropped it, and when I bent over to get it I was too close to the fire and yeah you get it... That was three or so years ago now to the best of my recollection, I no longer smoke and rarely drink and if I do its only a couple and done for me now. I can honestly say that I have as much fun not drinking as I did drinking, plus no hang over the next day so thats a big plus.
"some of the best times
you'll never, remember with me"
continue on that way..Billyyousocrazy, very admirable
Once in college I blacked out and when I woke up I was dancing at this club in front of a full length mirror.
Next morning went to breakfast with a roomie. We walk into this place and these two cute girls catch my eye, both greeted me with big smiles. As we are eating I hear them giggling and laughing, I look over and they are mimicking my dance moves from the night before...thanks alcohol.
Ohh damn 😂
I did not think I was ever a blackout drinker BUT on one night particular, I came too, cause drunk people don't wake up we just come to!!! But anyway I came too and looked over beside me to see the creature lying next to me and thought to myself " I know damn well I didn't." So I eased out of bed, made my way to the foot of the bed got dressed, tiptoed to the door, put my boots on then when I grabbed the door nob to get out I looked around and realized something!!!! I was at home!!! So I was gonna have to go back in there and wake her up and take her home!!!! NO SHIT
Yes some of the best times( alcohol ) and yes it helped me to dance 🍻🍻🍻😁
What he said was " the best times you'll never remember ". I smoke cigarettes and I'm a recovering alcoholic. The best time I don't remember, I have a constant reminder of, a daughter.
Dancing on stage with a local band.... every time we went to see em... every weekend .... I’m glad I don’t drink much anymore lol
" Some of the best times you'll never recall " .
I needed it to dance lol well to have the courage to get out there and dance without caring about what people think lol
Love the lil Jimmy sighting in the video. Rip Jimmy Dickens
Non drinker here and I’m happy to say I remember all the good times I’ve had with no hangover 💕
He said some of the best times you'll NEVER remember. I haven't drank since high school. My stopping point came when I went to a party... remember getting into the car to drive home and remember pulling into the driveway when i got there. Have no idea what happened on the actual drive (which was about a half an hour sober). That scared the shit out of me and I quit drinking after that.
Much respect for not drinking, ever!
Letter to Me by Brad Paisley please Billy.
You're good in your understanding of this song. Brad is an amazing lyricist.
You asked for comments on what alcohol does to people? I guess my worst alcohol experience was dancing on tables at my own wedding!! What did you say Brad??? Alcohol!!!🤣🤣🤣
The line is "the best time you'll NEVER REMEMBER" My worst menory is after New Years Eve. We went to a big dance with brekfast after. BYOB. I know (we live in Texas). My parents called the next morning to wish everyone a Happy New Year. My teenaged son said to my mom "No grandma, I don't think I should wake her she got drunk last night."
Saint Martin 1994, (first port visit when I was in the navy) I only remember an outdoor escalator on the French side of the island (I started on the Dutch side). I was told by my supervisor he never saw me with less than 4 beers on me. You're not drunk until you have forgotten a country, or mostly forgotten.
I can't remember my favorite memory with Alcohol!! LMAO!! Thanks Tequila!!!
15 or so yrs ago. the pub. stat st madison. frat boy walks up next to me at the urinals on his flip phone twisted. i zip up chuckling to myself at his innebreation. he turns his head, says"whats so funny?" as his flippy falls out from between his ear and shoulder whilst hes doin his business. i almost died laughing as he looks down at it, but he he couldnt break he said oh s** could still hear the person on the other end! it was one of the funniest things ive ever experienced. still laughing!😂
I walked into a bar several times a week for 9yrs...every time I got to the bar the bartender was already sliding my drink over to me...large iced My friend always drank and I always watched. Lol
My cousin in the woods got drunk with buddies stuck his head in a dead tree and tried to find his ex... love being the designated driver
I need it to dance. 🤷🏻♀️😂
"30something people in there" uh, there was at LEAST 200 people in the crowd
That is amazing! Love that you haven't done any of that! I am older than that and I can honestly say that I as well have never had any alcohol or smoked or done anything like that!
I admire you for that. I have never been into sports but like you I have never tried alcohol or tobacco products of any kind. Not many of us can say that. Good job
I've had great times with and without drinking....Ive also had some similar moments like in this video...some of them I hadn't even been drinking lol
I only drink on days that end in Y
I only drink twice a year. When it's my birthday and when it's not.
Good for you!! On not drinking or smoking!! Keep it up!!
Good for you, Billy!
I have always thought it funny that most people can't stand up after a few shots. I can't seem to8 sit, lol. I always fall out of my chair.🤣 I found it to be much safer to stand. LoL. 🤪🤪🤪🤪
I'm with you on that not drinking or smoking but I don't mind listening to drinking songs. And there's a lot of humor to the truth in this song.
I don’t drink any more.. but at 5’6” and 100 pounds, tequila made me 6’ tall and bulletproof!!! 🤣🤣🤣
according to travis tritt it's 10 feet tall and bulletproof
I can have fun either way just depends on who I’m around . I went out with friends and partied one night and I remember closing the bar down and us going home then the next thing I remember was waking up in another bars parking lots in my truck cold as hell from the ac being on. Idk how I got there or why I left home and to be honest it scared the shit out of me
REspect for not drinking.
He said some of the best times you’ll never remember
I’m not a huge drinker, but I’ve had a few once in a while. The last funny story I have was at my dads wedding last year. My younger brother got drunk and as soon my dad left the party with my new step mom to change, my brother suddenly started dancing like Magic Mike.
LMAO ----- Well Billy........ I'd tell ya but I don't remember!!! I have heard stories but at this point, it's just hear-say! So, deny deny deny!!!
Just the kinda positivity I need today! Sending love your way from Atl! Xo
67 here, and I've never touched a drop of alcohol or smoked anything. Enjoy your channel!!
By the way, Brad is also a shred master on the guitar. He is an incredible artist, all the way around. Keep up the good work, Billy; lover you channel, bud.
It don’t help us dance it just makes us not care what people think anymore so you get out there and cut a rug 😂😂
My funniest alcohol memory is me fighting a chair last year, when I was 21 lmaoo
You are only missing out on pain, shame, regret and loved ones broken through DV, fatherless and motherless children.
My mother was abusive and scary. She gave me to a man in his 30's when I was 13. He was physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive. I raised our 4 children on my own breaking the cycle. You are great the way you are!