Glad to hear you speak on this, too many churches do not. Every single adult knows the third wheel feeling and being shunned from family and church events.
I personally liked the sermon. He teaches it in a way that makes you laugh and he's very enthusiastic. I do think the sermon was for singles, but I can see how someone would get lost also. When I connected the stories and concepts he's basically saying married people should encourage singles and use their freedom to impact the world and build the kingdom and by doing this they receive the same blessings . To paint a good picture for both married couples and singles he talks about both and includes some random pieces of advice along the way. I do get not wanting to be around couples though cause they can make you feel weird even if their not trying to
Pastor Mark, I was listing to the band Gungor and found a link to some of your preaching.....u rock! Today I read scripture on being single and you made it more clear to me on how beeing single can be an advantage! Thank_you haha
Married people can do more than they think. They're just often using being married as an excuse. I was married once. And I became a single mom. It was far easier to be involved with extra things as a married person, than as a single mom. Of course I wanted a break! But I had to bring home enough income to raise my kids! Married families usually have two incomes. A single parent has an incredible burden in the area of finances.
@Michael Jackson Do you really think most single mothers choose to be in that situation? I married for life. But my husband of 17 years walked out on me, leaving me with 2 kids to raise. Single mothers usually are that way because MEN refuse to do the right thing! Let me tell you from experience: single mothers are the most judged, and the most heartbroken people out there.
@Michael Jackson So, you admit you won't commit to as much as a dog. And you think the reasons women are single mothers is their own fault. Typical self-centered modern male behavior. Single moms exist because of men like you.
There is a spiritual connection that occurs during sex that people aren't aware of. Once a man and a woman are sexually joined, that union in never supposed to be broken, sex acts as the adhesive in a relationship. As you know you don't add superglue to two things you want to pull apart in the morning or you plan to pull apart at some point. You cannot pull two things apart that have been super-glued together easily and when you do you cause damage, this is the feeling of heartbreak and why they say you never get over your first love. You drag the memories and spiritual attachment which has not be severed into your next relationship, with time you may be able to get over it, but coming into contact with that person would awake those feelings again and you'd be right back at square one again, this bond is not easily broken and only God can sever it. Marriage is a sacred bond and the only environment that sex should take place in. Engaging in fornication is like stapling two papers together, you cannot pull them apart again without doing damage to both papers or people, this is heartbreak. If you keep engaging in fornication that is another staple going through you spiritually, you pull it out and you have another hole, eventually you don't even feel the staples going in and thus don't feel heartbreak, this isn't a good thing as it means you are so weak spiritually that your ability to spiritually bond with another human is so weak you don't even feel a true emotional connection to another being. Such a person now operates on only carnal instincts and would have no problem cheating, it is best to avoid them when dating or courting. Only God can break the chains and restore their ability to form strong emotional or spiritual connections. Another analogy for engaging in fornication is that it is like sticking a post-it note to a paper, the first time the bond between the paper and post-it note or 2 people is strong, if you then remove it and stick it on another paper, a bit of the adhesive is left behind on the paper, the memories, love they shared, which can never be forgotten unless God steps in, that paper or person is now scared. The post-it note goes from paper to paper doing the same thing but each time it's ability to attach to the paper is weakened as it's adhesive or love is spread out. Eventually it can no longer attach to the paper, no longer resists being removed (heartbreak or true love) and if it tries to attach to another paper can no longer do so. Likewise a person who engages in fornication eventually loses the ability to form spiritual and emotional attachments and only feels no heartbreak due to being broken inside, they would find it easy to cheat. That person can only be helped by God. These are the dangers of promiscuity and fornication. Sex is like nuclear energy and powerful force that generates a strong bond within a relationship but like nuclear energy in an unsafe, unstable environment it is potentially deadly and can end up destroying and ruining rather than strengthening and powering up a relationship. Once you have sex you will always carry the radiation from that relationship into other relationships, it is the waste product which will bring them down. I hope you can now see why fornication and promiscuity shouldn't be practiced. The principles of 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart' 'Do to others as you'd have them do you' and 'Love thy neighbour as thyself' also apply here. If you love the Lord you will obey his statutes and commandments, if you love your neighbour as thyself you will not go stealing other people's wives and girlfriends. If you do to others as you'd have them do you, as you wouldn't want someone having sex with your future wife and cheapening the bond you'll share or jeopardizing it you will not do the same to others. Remember it is never too late to repent from sin, turn from your wicked ways and ask God to make you whole, you may have to live with the consequences (medical care for STDs, child etc), but you will halt the damage and have a much more fulfilling life in the long run. As well as this there is always the risk of STDs and babies being brought into unstable relationships unable to hold them. As well as this cohabitation, which is basically living like a married couple without the agreement to stay together for life. There are tough times as a married couple so of course if you're not bound to a relationship if the going gets tough logic says you leave. Also when looking for a woman look past the looks (pun intended) and find yourself a good woman, who loves people, fears God and loves you rather than what you do for her, make sure she wants to have kids if you do, make sure she shares your values, her beliefs don't clash wish yours, there will be much less risk of divorce then. Do not rush into things and ask God's opinion and for His help, then you will not go wrong, a good woman is worth more than rubies. I pray this blesses someone in Jesus' name, Amen.
As a single mom that works a food share not affiliated with my church I can tell you the church doesn’t get it! My 15 who now does volunteer work with me finds it such a joy! The church again, doesn’t get it!!!
Divorce rates are skyrocketing. Marriage rates are plummeting. Close to half of all children don't share their 18th birthday with a father still living at home. Our legal system, cultural attitudes, and churches that look the other way are incentivizing women to divorce without Biblical justification. Today, nearly 80% of divorces occur when the woman files for a no-fault divorce. The vast majority of divorces have no Biblical justification. The woman will steal his children, his house, most of his belongings, half his current assets, and half his future income and then banish him from his family. She will damage their children by separating them from their father. She will turn her husband into an indentured servant for decades or longer. In addition, she might receive government subsidies that are provided by the labor of every taxpayer. It is appalling how rarely and how few churches confront women who divorce without Biblical justification. These same churches will then offer spiritual and material support for the home-wrecking woman. A very tiny minority of divorces are Biblically justified. In some cases, both the man and the woman violated the sanctity of marriage. In other cases, only one spouse was in violation. It is only in these latter cases that the church and the congregation should provide spiritual and material support to the victimized spouse. But we should avoid rewarding the spouse who violated the sanctity of marriage. Most single mothers do not meet these standards. We should not reward their sinful divorces. What is needed most is to restore the institution of marriage. We should invest our time, energy, and money to advocate for... 1. Elimination of No-Fault divorce 2. Elimination of the court's default position of rewarding women who file a No-Fault divorce with custody, property, and cash prizes. The spouse who files a No-Fault divorce should leave the marriage with nothing. My sympathies and charity go to those banished fathers who never violated the sanctity of marriage. I also support political advocacy groups that fight for the restoration of marriage. Churches should be careful not to encourage unjustified support of single mothers.
I know it's been 5 months, i just wanted to address the 'I didn't see how this was a message "for" singles...'. I followed this sermon very easily and it wasn't aimed for singles, but at the for members of the church to celebrate those who are single in the church. The sermon was, as the title said, In Celebration of Being Single - finding reasons to celebrate those who are single in the church, and those who are single find reasons to celebrate about being single within the church.
I'm single and have been a single Christian all my 35 years. Normally I value and enjoy Marks teachings and thoroughly enjoy the "Laugh your way ti a better marriage" (which by the way, is good for singles to listen to). However this sermon is offensive. Firstly, how dare you assume inviting singles to a meal would mean there is temptation for affairs. Get over yourself! And calling singles "these people" as if we are a specific group. Without intention he has referred to us as people who are weak. Being single isn't a disability. Plus I often minister to my married friends and I know (through the spirit), I bring wisdom to many married problems and even give sound advice. I am a successful career Christian woman. I'm busy, but I find my calling in the church ministries. We aren't donkeys meaning married people should step back. The amount of parents who don't help in childrens work is shameful. It's your kids! Anyway, mini rant over.
I know this preacher meant well with this message, even though the title of 'In celebration of being single' was not accurate to the message. I like the fact that he encouraged married couples to support singles (particularly single parents). I think that without realising it he actually confirmed some of the marginalisation that goes on in the body of Christ by calling singles 'these people', implying that singles do not have lives and referring to us as 'assets'. One day the body of Christ will begin to treat our singles like the precious children of God that they are...
Of course being single isn't a disability. The second half of my comment addresses the marginalisation aspect of the issue but as for the couples spending time with singles, I took this to be general. Everyone should be reaching out and supportive to one another, only married couples get more support than singles. There are plenty of singles who need support from the body of Christ. If you aren't one of them Bravo!!
Then we should just say : Support those who are in need. That way no one would be marginalised. And true enough, single people get less support than married ones. For married people there is couple therapy, marriage counselling, mediator, etc. Never heard of 'singles' therapy' to help them coop with singleness crisis.;) Maybe because there isn't such thing?
I don't think their struggle counts more than others' struggle. That's all. I'm single by the way, so I have a clue. But married people have enough on their plate to deal with before start feeling sorry for singles I think. Haven't seen many happy married people in my life so far. In fact they freak me out and I'm sure they are partially responsible that I didn't get married so far and struggle and suffer as they do. They pitying me from their ditch is the last thing that would help me in any way. But I'm sure, as you said, he meant well. Just couldn't help pointing it out.
David Murrow: If Jesus had intended women and children to be the primary focus of the church, He would have set up a women's circle and Sunday School Captain Sensible writes: In anticipation of the David Murrow talks, I began flicking through his book, "Why men hate going to church" again. So much good stuff in there, but he hits the nail squarely on the head with regard to the primary focus of the contemporary church being women and children. I have had enough of churches behaving badly: Lazy church leaders, programme after programme of children's ministries (overseen usually by an overly-influential Pastor's wife) and cosy women's meetings to share their feelings (except of course if any of the women are single, in which case the married mothers come down very hard and scold them for discontentment). How has the Christian faith come down to this? It's become a "living room" and "playroom" faith. Here are a few extracts from Murrow's book: "The great majority of ministry in Protestant churches is focused on children, next on women, and then, if there are any resources left, on men." "It's important to reach young people with the good news, but today's kids-first church is a radical departure from Christianity's historical mission. Keep in mind that neither Sunday school nor youth ministry even existed two centuries ago. In those days, kids were loved, but they weren't the focus of church. Today they are." "The McDonald's approach feels right to women because it lavishes ministry resources on her top priority: her children and grandchildren...Many studies have shown a sharp drop-off in church attendance as soon as kids leave the nest." "What's wrong with the women-and-children-first focus of today's church? After all, men aren't very interested. Why should Christians knock themselves out to minister to men? Simple. Because Jesus did. Jesus did not focus His ministry on children, or women for that matter. Jesus' approach was men first...His example is clear: if we want to change the world, we must focus on men...Jesus knew that men play an indispensable role in His body. When men are absent or anemic, the body withers." A withered body. Isn't that what this focus on women's and children's minstry has created? Isn't it time it stopped? POSTED BY CAPTAIN SENSIBLE AT 12:10 AM 9 COMMENTS TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2008 What Pastors won't tell single Christian women... "Single men from ages 18 - 35 are the demographic group least likely to attend church." ("Why men hate going to church" David Murrow) POSTED BY CAPTAIN SENSIBLE AT 11:11 PM 0 COMMENTS Can you have a "Creation Mandate" without a "Marriage Mandate"? Captain Sensible writes: If the creation mandate is "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it", then does that not include both a "marriage mandate" and "work mandate" (assuming you are fit and able and not any form of eunuch)? Surely God requires mankind to marry, raise Godly families and partake in some form of work to manage His creation? Once again, I am happy to be a marriage mandator (and a work mandator - but that part doesn't seem to attract any argument! Maybe because Paul warns us about a time when -- through the teachings of demons -- marriage is forbidden. But he doesn't warn us about a time when work is forbidden!). POSTED BY CAPTAIN SENSIBLE AT 9:17 PM 0 COMMENTS MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 2008 "Ross Kemp in Afghanistan" Captain Sensible writes: I have just been watching the remarkable TV documentary, Ross Kemp in Afghanistan. We are rightly very proud of our armed forces in Britain, and watching this programme made me realise just how very brave, strong and courageous our soldiers really are. (And Ross Kemp too, come to that.) In light of the forthcoming David Murrow talks, it again highlights how desperately the Body of Christ also needs an army of men. POSTED BY CAPTAIN SENSIBLE AT 2:03 PM 0 COMMENTS David Murrow, author of "Why men hate going to church" in the UK! If you are in the UK, don't miss this opportunity to hear David Murrow, author of "Why men hate going to church". For more info, visit: Christian Events POSTED BY CAPTAIN SENSIBLE AT 12:39 PM 0 COMMENTS SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 2008 "Not good" for man to be alone... Captain Sensible writes: I think I may have written on this study before, but it doesn't hurt to provide a reminder
I'm a single mother and I agree with the Pastor. I have been divorced and plan to stay single as the Bible says I should after being divorced. That makes it somewhat more difficult for me and my daughter to socialize. Other singles (when in social gatherings) usually expect each other to be open to dating/actively dating. I would welcome some time spent with families that clearly have no intention of trying to date me or pressure me into dating and that my daughter can see what a solid family looks like.
As a former single mom I would have loved to be able to get out of the house a bit more. And I longed for the opportunity to serve God again for a long time...
I may be chased and never caught for if I am caught it will crush my soul.....45 & still single....why? Because GOD is keeping me from the grief HE knows I was not built for!
I agree with many of the comments, this is not a message for singles. And I take great offense to being called "these people". I would prefer that well meaning Christian couples do not invite me over for a movie and keep their guard up the entire time to ward off any inappropriate feelings I have been single for 18 years and raised 2 amazing boys which I could not have done without God and the help of a few people in my church who stepped up to the plate and adopted us as family not charity.
There is nothing about single people who are in their 40s , 50s or even 70s.. We are many times divorced or widowed.... And are forgotten... No place to serve... Because we are divorced.... Married people do not invite us to your home's for a meal..... Much less anyone has a group to be a part of....
If you don't want to wake up with her,then don't go to bed with should only have someone in your life at night that you would be with during the day,,love is funny that way
Why on earth would a single person be happy for being invited to dinner or watching tv or anything else, out of charity?! Especially by couples?!! Single people don't need charity for being single. It's not a disability. If you really cherish them then don't humiliate them by showing pity for them and try to make them feel second class. Help people in need! The sick, the poor and who asks for your help! Helping someone who doesn't need it, is always out of self satisfaction. Don't do it!! It's very ugly, mean and hurtful for those you trying to 'help'!
He takes a very very long time to get to the point.. it is very difficult to follow his sermon and I didn't see how this was a message "for" singles....
I'm single and I hate being around couples. Naturally, they become incredibly self important amongst each other and it being around that basically sucks . Even if you enjoy it, there's the inevitable "he enjoys being around you too much" bullshit that comes up. Couples should simply not invite single friends ever. Doesn't mean you hate them, or they should hate you, it's just that it's never ideal for all 3 people. ever.
Agree!! Couples never invite singles over to make them feel welcome. It's always about themselves; to show that they are a happy couple and they just hope that the single person leaves very depressed. They want to be envied. They need constant reassurance that their life is enviable and they use others for that. But that usually makes me think how happy that couple can be if they need this ugly game.
See it like this....the angels, archangels, cherubim, seraphim, etc, etc, they ALL live the presence of God and none of them is married ;-) Next time someone asks you why you're not married, tell them that you value peace and quiet.
Um...Mark Gungor if I recall correctly (in response to getting the truth from the man's heart) you said "you date the act, you marry the re-act" ! Does that not apply when he's mad at you?
And yet, Paul seems to change his mind about marriage a little bit, toward the end of his life. I Corinthians was written while he was relatively young, and early in his ministry. But toward the end of his ministry, he tells Timothy that the younger widows ought to remarry... which is directly opposite from what he says in 1 Cor 7! Also, in 1 Cor 7, Paul says you can serve the Lord better if you're unmarried. But in 1 Timothy 3, he says the opposite, recommending that bishops and deacons be married!
Paul was a manifestation of the fullness of Yahweh , he made himself a Enuch for the gospel if all Christians were to follow that Pastor Mark would not be here preaching population would be at a slower rate being single and marring can both be beneficial , in today,s world people who are so call single are only single in words not because they dont have some one in their life most of them are fornicating now on that grounds its best to get marry .
@@CJ-xg4wl That makes no sense at all. 1st off, Paul was not physically a eunuch. He chose to live single so he could give his life completely to the ministry. But he clearly said for some it *_is_* better to marry. 2nd, The biggest reason people are committing fornication these days is because they are NOT getting married! They want to avoid the commitment of marriage, but enjoy the pleasures of sex. (Which are not sinful within marriage.) God himself said it was not good that man should be alone, and designed a help fitted for him. Marriage and having children is a very important God-ordained function of the human race. Cruz God himself said it's not good for a human to be alone. (that's what the original Hebrew says.) ... so He created marriage. Paul was convinced it was better to be unmarried if you could manage your sex drive without marriage. But that was while he was rather young... Later on in his ministry, he no longer advised it. Instead, he advised that ALL young widows should get married... which means, unless you allow polygamy... you're going to have the young men getting married, too!
I've find Mark's sermons on marriage great, but once again, when you get married people talking about being single they miss the whole point. The churches have three commands for single people. 1: Wait until you are married. This is for 16-18 year olds. 2. God has a special purpose for you. You are unencumbered so you can complete his mission. This is for the 18 - 24 (ish) year olds, who are still single. 3. Please find another church - you are embarrassing us. This is for those that are still single by the time they are 28. Especially men.
Those timelines never work the way people intend them to. I’ve been single my entire life and in the church, people are starting to choose women out of thin air to get me hitched. I’ve not gone to church for a long time because I know it’s not for single men. Either you get married by 28 like you said or get out of the church because everyone thinks you’re a pedophile or a creeper trying to hit on women there. So I did the easiest thing, get out of church and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. No more people looking down upon me and butchering me like I’m a disease no one wants.
Mark; you talk about inviting singles over. When have you taken a single flying. I'm a single Christian without a plane. You can pick me up at CYFD. Ha ha. We could punch some holes in the sky. What do you have for a plane?
Church or clubs,married people tend to click with each other & being single can seem to be a problem for some with nasty comments like they think one is trouble & or should be sent off to some far off land & not liked at all for one's own self as a person & if one does not or never had children ,regarded as some one who has not earned their lot in life,neighbours are the same,they have this sense of entitlement in life.It is a cross to bear & a damn pain in the neck generally.
This has everything to do with being can one say it's not...he get's right to the point almost immediately....not sure what one of you is talking about...sorry I can't respond directly for some reason....
Interesting message but single people do not want other people’s husbands and wives. As a single in Church I do find it very difficult and often don’t feel fully included.
You're not less than the others. See it like this....the angels, archangel, cherubim, seraphim, they ALL live in the presence of God and none of them is married ;-)
Try being born into the Mormon Church, being single for over 40 years! The women of the church were almost all married at a young age and have families. I had little in common with them and found them boring and haughty. I've been told I was too sinful to have a man bless my life. That Jesus didn't know me because he hadn't blessed me with a husband and ooodles of children. That I was not worthy of a husband and children. All these women really messed me up! Made me feel like a red headed stepchild. Not welcome, not worthy to interact with the other women, less than. I left the church and with a projected, rejected, demeanor, I became a victim of society. It wasn't until I really met Jesus that I understood just who and what I was in his eyes. I studied and researched for 30+ years and the Holy Spirit taught me of my Lord and of my race and of my God. I chose not to marry because it would have interfered with my studies. I love being single and who I have become in Christ. I go to no church, belong to no one but Jesus and although there are times I experience loneliness, I can't see me being anything, but single. I walk and I live my life devoted to Jesus and I hate no one or thing albeit sin. I try to walk obedient in the eyes of God and I am empowered. The world beat me up and broke my heart, but Jesus healed me with his love, compassion, forgiveness and favor. I am in the world, not of it and I am happy. Praise God, His Son and the Holy Spirit! I have little family, estranged. However, I belong to the family of God. Thank you Jesus! Amen
+Donna Keeley thank you for sharing Donna that was very comforting to hear that you are fully whole and embracing life as a single women. I was sorry to hear of your earlier years but this is a wonderful example of how God can change circumstances around. May God continue to bless you. Thank you for giving me an alternative prospective. xxx
@@donnakeeley7924 it's fantastic how you've given your life to God. But I would recommend that you DO go to a church. Become a member, because we are commanded to be in communion with those that share our beliefs, for praise, for fellowship, for teaching. The church, as in the people, ARE the body of Christ and you cannot be a part of that body on your own all alone. God bless!
My eyes have been opened--open to the fact you can know ALOT about God and marriage and still watch desecrating youtube vids of women shaking their butts and say extremely dirty things. 'Christian' one second, heathen the next. As Mark Gungor said "Christianity is not just a 'casual belief system' it's a lifestyle." Chose you this day whom ye will serve.
As usual, these married preachers start talking about how supposedly great it is to be single and all, then they end up just giving advise about being married, or to expect to get married. Yeah, I'm going to jump at going over to a married couple's home to hang out, and see how much of a loser I am for being single.
Why so triggered? As a former single mother I enjoyed his preaching. He is basically asking couples to acknowledge single persons and their resourcefulness more...
May God have mercy on Muhammed - peace be upon him - who said that marriage was a part of his tradition; and whoever refrains from getting married (while able to) does not belong to him.
I sometimes wonder why Jesus used the word "eunuchs" in Matthew 19:12? Eunuchs are men who have been castrated so they can attend to groups of women in harems without any temptations to have sex. He says some were born that way, some were made that way by men, and some have chosen to be eunuchs for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven! Well obviously no man is born castrated that I know of. I suppose there may be some people born without sex organs or having some disabilities that prohibit sex. Some are made that way by men. That could be literal castrated male eunuchs, but I would also think it refers to men who lost their sex organs in war, accidental injuries, or some types of illnesses. But the ones who choose to refrain from marriage for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven have functioning sex organs but choose to refrain from ever using them! I have a friend who is 63 and never had a dating relationship or marriage. He has never had sex nor does he miss it. But what about singles who are single not by choice but because of some inadequate emotional problems or inability to bond relationally with members of the opposite sex. They have a more difficult journey. They do have a desire for sexual intimacy, but must give it up for their entire life. They cannot have sex. They must not have sex! But is that really so terrible? They must learn, as those who choose to refrain from marriage, to serve the Lord with undivided devotion. I know it's possible to live this way. God will bear you up but you must let him do so!
Perhaps his use of eunuch was both literal and figurative. After all, castration causes a man's sexual urges to evaporate. Therefore, it may be possible for people to be born without sexual urges. Of course, it seems less likely in today's climate since sex/nudity is everywhere. As for those WITH strong sexual urges, I believe it was Paul who wrote that they should take up a spouse because he understood the realities of the strength of physical desire. It's not wrong to be married, it's not wrong to be single. Everyone has their own path that they must find through God. God bless!
Young SINGLE PEOPLE are very ill. These days. Autoimmune disorders. Food allergies. Migrains. Depression from Traumatic wounding MISTREATMENT ABUSIVE treatment a home. In schools. Beatings. Rapes by perverts of authorities. Chronic Fatigue syndrome.Fibromyalgia. ADHD. BI POLAR. DISORDERS. WIDOWS SUFFER. BACK INJURIES. LEG INJURIES. THEY ARE UNSTABLE bodies. Unable to KEEP UP the spiritual PACE. WHO WILL TAKE CARE OF The WEAK & injuried older children. How.?????
It is off on this you don't bring a single person into a marriage. Nope. a woman can be a woman friend when her hub is not around. It is off. Also you cannot be as close to god without a spouse. because you are not fulfilling Adam and Eves example and commanded to marry and replenish the earth. No pastor is perfect . He is way off on that part
I think, just as the pastor said, you can be much closer to God if you are single, for the very reason that you don't have a spouse to rely on and talk you talk to and rely on God more. Anyway, God bless you 🙏
I was married to an alcoholic for almost 30 years, and raised the children thru it all. It's so much easier to walk with the Lord, as a single person, and my devotion doesn't waver, and I surely don't expect to have another spouse!. . . altho I've had uninvited opportunities. Yes, there are many good husbands, but my joy my peace, my contentment, my LIFE IS my Lord & Savior Christ Jesus. My ministry is busy and active.. I look forward to Home !
This is so awesome! I am singles leader at my church and its an up hill battle. We need more recognition of singles and their value.
Glad to hear you speak on this, too many churches do not. Every single adult knows the third wheel feeling and being shunned from family and church events.
I don't care how old they are, I love your speeches and sermons. Thank you.
Same!! The truth is timeless! :-)
I like listening to the Sermon, it´s interesting and very nice, in which way God, uses him, his personality to preach :)
Amazing concept of how to most impactful advance for the kingdom of God. It's a body - get all members involved and working together.
I love this man!!
I personally liked the sermon. He teaches it in a way that makes you laugh and he's very enthusiastic. I do think the sermon was for singles, but I can see how someone would get lost also. When I connected the stories and concepts he's basically saying married people should encourage singles and use their freedom to impact the world and build the kingdom and by doing this they receive the same blessings . To paint a good picture for both married couples and singles he talks about both and includes some random pieces of advice along the way. I do get not wanting to be around couples though cause they can make you feel weird even if their not trying to
Deebie19 Better if we had NO jesus around to mess things up
+Leticia Gormley the devil messed things up not jesus
Pastor Mark, I was listing to the band Gungor and found a link to some of your preaching.....u rock! Today I read scripture on being single and you made it more clear to me on how beeing single can be an advantage! Thank_you haha
Lindi Willis one has great theology and one does not (talking about the band).
So.. wait... Mark Gungor is a pilot? - Awesome.
Thank You sooo much dearest 💐
You’re such an inspiration 🥰
Be Blissful Eternally 🙏🏼😇
omg his sense of humour is amazing.
Married people can do more than they think. They're just often using being married as an excuse. I was married once. And I became a single mom. It was far easier to be involved with extra things as a married person, than as a single mom. Of course I wanted a break! But I had to bring home enough income to raise my kids! Married families usually have two incomes. A single parent has an incredible burden in the area of finances.
But that's one of the reasons why he asks people to support single parents.
@@Donnah1979 I doubt that he meant more than moral support. Actual financial support for single parents would be a miracle.
@Michael Jackson Do you really think most single mothers choose to be in that situation?
I married for life. But my husband of 17 years walked out on me, leaving me with 2 kids to raise.
Single mothers usually are that way because MEN refuse to do the right thing!
Let me tell you from experience: single mothers are the most judged, and the most heartbroken people out there.
@Michael Jackson So, you admit you won't commit to as much as a dog.
And you think the reasons women are single mothers is their own fault.
Typical self-centered modern male behavior.
Single moms exist because of men like you.
There is a spiritual connection that occurs during sex that people aren't aware of. Once a man and a woman are sexually joined, that union in never supposed to be broken, sex acts as the adhesive in a relationship. As you know you don't add superglue to two things you want to pull apart in the morning or you plan to pull apart at some point. You cannot pull two things apart that have been super-glued together easily and when you do you cause damage, this is the feeling of heartbreak and why they say you never get over your first love. You drag the memories and spiritual attachment which has not be severed into your next relationship, with time you may be able to get over it, but coming into contact with that person would awake those feelings again and you'd be right back at square one again, this bond is not easily broken and only God can sever it. Marriage is a sacred bond and the only environment that sex should take place in.
Engaging in fornication is like stapling two papers together, you cannot pull them apart again without doing damage to both papers or people, this is heartbreak. If you keep engaging in fornication that is another staple going through you spiritually, you pull it out and you have another hole, eventually you don't even feel the staples going in and thus don't feel heartbreak, this isn't a good thing as it means you are so weak spiritually that your ability to spiritually bond with another human is so weak you don't even feel a true emotional connection to another being. Such a person now operates on only carnal instincts and would have no problem cheating, it is best to avoid them when dating or courting. Only God can break the chains and restore their ability to form strong emotional or spiritual connections.
Another analogy for engaging in fornication is that it is like sticking a post-it note to a paper, the first time the bond between the paper and post-it note or 2 people is strong, if you then remove it and stick it on another paper, a bit of the adhesive is left behind on the paper, the memories, love they shared, which can never be forgotten unless God steps in, that paper or person is now scared. The post-it note goes from paper to paper doing the same thing but each time it's ability to attach to the paper is weakened as it's adhesive or love is spread out. Eventually it can no longer attach to the paper, no longer resists being removed (heartbreak or true love) and if it tries to attach to another paper can no longer do so. Likewise a person who engages in fornication eventually loses the ability to form spiritual and emotional attachments and only feels no heartbreak due to being broken inside, they would find it easy to cheat. That person can only be helped by God. These are the dangers of promiscuity and fornication.
Sex is like nuclear energy and powerful force that generates a strong bond within a relationship but like nuclear energy in an unsafe, unstable environment it is potentially deadly and can end up destroying and ruining rather than strengthening and powering up a relationship. Once you have sex you will always carry the radiation from that relationship into other relationships, it is the waste product which will bring them down. I hope you can now see why fornication and promiscuity shouldn't be practiced.
The principles of 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart' 'Do to others as you'd have them do you' and 'Love thy neighbour as thyself' also apply here. If you love the Lord you will obey his statutes and commandments, if you love your neighbour as thyself you will not go stealing other people's wives and girlfriends. If you do to others as you'd have them do you, as you wouldn't want someone having sex with your future wife and cheapening the bond you'll share or jeopardizing it you will not do the same to others. Remember it is never too late to repent from sin, turn from your wicked ways and ask God to make you whole, you may have to live with the consequences (medical care for STDs, child etc), but you will halt the damage and have a much more fulfilling life in the long run.
As well as this there is always the risk of STDs and babies being brought into unstable relationships unable to hold them. As well as this cohabitation, which is basically living like a married couple without the agreement to stay together for life. There are tough times as a married couple so of course if you're not bound to a relationship if the going gets tough logic says you leave. Also when looking for a woman look past the looks (pun intended) and find yourself a good woman, who loves people, fears God and loves you rather than what you do for her, make sure she wants to have kids if you do, make sure she shares your values, her beliefs don't clash wish yours, there will be much less risk of divorce then. Do not rush into things and ask God's opinion and for His help, then you will not go wrong, a good woman is worth more than rubies.
I pray this blesses someone in Jesus' name, Amen.
Eric Lang That's was a wonderful comment. I love your love for God. God bless you Eric Lang.
This is a great message :D
You my friend are so awesome!! You are speaking such important truth and I love you for it! 😄
Thank you!!!!!!😁💞😁💗😁
Single and happy 😊
Thank you!
As a single mom that works a food share not affiliated with my church I can tell you the church doesn’t get it! My 15 who now does volunteer work with me finds it such a joy! The church again, doesn’t get it!!!
Thank You 😊
Divorce rates are skyrocketing. Marriage rates are plummeting. Close to half of all children don't share their 18th birthday with a father still living at home. Our legal system, cultural attitudes, and churches that look the other way are incentivizing women to divorce without Biblical justification. Today, nearly 80% of divorces occur when the woman files for a no-fault divorce. The vast majority of divorces have no Biblical justification. The woman will steal his children, his house, most of his belongings, half his current assets, and half his future income and then banish him from his family. She will damage their children by separating them from their father. She will turn her husband into an indentured servant for decades or longer. In addition, she might receive government subsidies that are provided by the labor of every taxpayer.
It is appalling how rarely and how few churches confront women who divorce without Biblical justification. These same churches will then offer spiritual and material support for the home-wrecking woman.
A very tiny minority of divorces are Biblically justified. In some cases, both the man and the woman violated the sanctity of marriage. In other cases, only one spouse was in violation. It is only in these latter cases that the church and the congregation should provide spiritual and material support to the victimized spouse. But we should avoid rewarding the spouse who violated the sanctity of marriage. Most single mothers do not meet these standards. We should not reward their sinful divorces.
What is needed most is to restore the institution of marriage. We should invest our time, energy, and money to advocate for...
1. Elimination of No-Fault divorce
2. Elimination of the court's default position of rewarding women who file a No-Fault divorce with custody, property, and cash prizes. The spouse who files a No-Fault divorce should leave the marriage with nothing.
My sympathies and charity go to those banished fathers who never violated the sanctity of marriage. I also support political advocacy groups that fight for the restoration of marriage.
Churches should be careful not to encourage unjustified support of single mothers.
I know it's been 5 months, i just wanted to address the 'I didn't see how this was a message "for" singles...'. I followed this sermon very easily and it wasn't aimed for singles, but at the for members of the church to celebrate those who are single in the church. The sermon was, as the title said, In Celebration of Being Single - finding reasons to celebrate those who are single in the church, and those who are single find reasons to celebrate about being single within the church.
I'm single and have been a single Christian all my 35 years. Normally I value and enjoy Marks teachings and thoroughly enjoy the "Laugh your way ti a better marriage" (which by the way, is good for singles to listen to). However this sermon is offensive. Firstly, how dare you assume inviting singles to a meal would mean there is temptation for affairs. Get over yourself! And calling singles "these people" as if we are a specific group. Without intention he has referred to us as people who are weak. Being single isn't a disability. Plus I often minister to my married friends and I know (through the spirit), I bring wisdom to many married problems and even give sound advice. I am a successful career Christian woman. I'm busy, but I find my calling in the church ministries. We aren't donkeys meaning married people should step back. The amount of parents who don't help in childrens work is shameful. It's your kids! Anyway, mini rant over.
This is a sermon about how couples should perceive and interact with single people. It isn't really meant for single people themselves.
I know this preacher meant well with this message, even though the title of 'In celebration of being single' was not accurate to the message. I like the fact that he encouraged married couples to support singles (particularly single parents).
I think that without realising it he actually confirmed some of the marginalisation that goes on in the body of Christ by calling singles 'these people', implying that singles do not have lives and referring to us as 'assets'. One day the body of Christ will begin to treat our singles like the precious children of God that they are...
Single people don't need support from married couples. (..if anything it's usually the other way round). Singleness is not a disability.
Of course being single isn't a disability. The second half of my comment addresses the marginalisation aspect of the issue but as for the couples spending time with singles, I took this to be general. Everyone should be reaching out and supportive to one another, only married couples get more support than singles.
There are plenty of singles who need support from the body of Christ. If you aren't one of them Bravo!!
Then we should just say : Support those who are in need. That way no one would be marginalised. And true enough, single people get less support than married ones. For married people there is couple therapy, marriage counselling, mediator, etc. Never heard of 'singles' therapy' to help them coop with singleness crisis.;) Maybe because there isn't such thing?
Shaara1 It sounds like you don't know the struggles that many singles go through. Glory be to God! I'm really pleased for you!
I don't think their struggle counts more than others' struggle. That's all. I'm single by the way, so I have a clue. But married people have enough on their plate to deal with before start feeling sorry for singles I think. Haven't seen many happy married people in my life so far. In fact they freak me out and I'm sure they are partially responsible that I didn't get married so far and struggle and suffer as they do. They pitying me from their ditch is the last thing that would help me in any way. But I'm sure, as you said, he meant well. Just couldn't help pointing it out.
David Murrow: If Jesus had intended women and children to be the primary focus of the church, He would have set up a women's circle and Sunday School
Captain Sensible writes: In anticipation of the David Murrow talks, I began flicking through his book, "Why men hate going to church" again.
So much good stuff in there, but he hits the nail squarely on the head with regard to the primary focus of the contemporary church being women and children.
I have had enough of churches behaving badly: Lazy church leaders, programme after programme of children's ministries (overseen usually by an overly-influential Pastor's wife) and cosy women's meetings to share their feelings (except of course if any of the women are single, in which case the married mothers come down very hard and scold them for discontentment).
How has the Christian faith come down to this? It's become a "living room" and "playroom" faith.
Here are a few extracts from Murrow's book:
"The great majority of ministry in Protestant churches is focused on children, next on women, and then, if there are any resources left, on men."
"It's important to reach young people with the good news, but today's kids-first church is a radical departure from Christianity's historical mission. Keep in mind that neither Sunday school nor youth ministry even existed two centuries ago. In those days, kids were loved, but they weren't the focus of church. Today they are."
"The McDonald's approach feels right to women because it lavishes ministry resources on her top priority: her children and grandchildren...Many studies have shown a sharp drop-off in church attendance as soon as kids leave the nest."
"What's wrong with the women-and-children-first focus of today's church? After all, men aren't very interested. Why should Christians knock themselves out to minister to men? Simple. Because Jesus did. Jesus did not focus His ministry on children, or women for that matter. Jesus' approach was men first...His example is clear: if we want to change the world, we must focus on men...Jesus knew that men play an indispensable role in His body. When men are absent or anemic, the body withers."
A withered body. Isn't that what this focus on women's and children's minstry has created? Isn't it time it stopped?
What Pastors won't tell single Christian women...
"Single men from ages 18 - 35 are the demographic group least likely to attend church."
("Why men hate going to church" David Murrow)
Can you have a "Creation Mandate" without a "Marriage Mandate"?
Captain Sensible writes: If the creation mandate is "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it", then does that not include both a "marriage mandate" and "work mandate" (assuming you are fit and able and not any form of eunuch)?
Surely God requires mankind to marry, raise Godly families and partake in some form of work to manage His creation?
Once again, I am happy to be a marriage mandator (and a work mandator - but that part doesn't seem to attract any argument! Maybe because Paul warns us about a time when -- through the teachings of demons -- marriage is forbidden. But he doesn't warn us about a time when work is forbidden!).
"Ross Kemp in Afghanistan"
Captain Sensible writes: I have just been watching the remarkable TV documentary, Ross Kemp in Afghanistan.
We are rightly very proud of our armed forces in Britain, and watching this programme made me realise just how very brave, strong and courageous our soldiers really are. (And Ross Kemp too, come to that.)
In light of the forthcoming David Murrow talks, it again highlights how desperately the Body of Christ also needs an army of men.
David Murrow, author of "Why men hate going to church" in the UK!
If you are in the UK, don't miss this opportunity to hear David Murrow, author of "Why men hate going to church".
For more info, visit: Christian Events
"Not good" for man to be alone...
Captain Sensible writes: I think I may have written on this study before, but it doesn't hurt to provide a reminder
No single mom wants to be with someone else's family, they want their own.
***** no way, girl, I want free time to grab what I can
I'm a single mother and I agree with the Pastor. I have been divorced and plan to stay single as the Bible says I should after being divorced. That makes it somewhat more difficult for me and my daughter to socialize. Other singles (when in social gatherings) usually expect each other to be open to dating/actively dating. I would welcome some time spent with families that clearly have no intention of trying to date me or pressure me into dating and that my daughter can see what a solid family looks like.
As a former single mom I would have loved to be able to get out of the house a bit more.
And I longed for the opportunity to serve God again for a long time...
I may be chased and never caught for if I am caught it will crush my soul.....45 & still single....why? Because GOD is keeping me from the grief HE knows I was not built for!
I agree with many of the comments, this is not a message for singles. And I take great offense to being called "these people". I would prefer that well meaning Christian couples do not invite me over for a movie and keep their guard up the entire time to ward off any inappropriate feelings I have been single for 18 years and raised 2 amazing boys which I could not have done without God and the help of a few people in my church who stepped up to the plate and adopted us as family not charity.
I was expecting another approach. as a single mother I don't want to be appreciated just for the job I can do for the church.
But it can also be very frustrating for a single parent, who longs to minister, but cannot see how to be able to do it.
Being a single guy is such a blessing. Every married guy I know is miserable.
Some people are happily married, some are miserable.
That's because they are doing it wrong. Tell them to watch Pastor Gungor's lessons on marriage. It's eye-opening.
There is nothing about single people who are in their 40s , 50s or even 70s.. We are many times divorced or widowed.... And are forgotten... No place to serve... Because we are divorced.... Married people do not invite us to your home's for a meal..... Much less anyone has a group to be a part of....
Ohh..the pilot thing is so impressive..
If you don't want to wake up with her,then don't go to bed with should only have someone in your life at night that you would be with during the day,,love is funny that way
Why on earth would a single person be happy for being invited to dinner or watching tv or anything else, out of charity?! Especially by couples?!! Single people don't need charity for being single. It's not a disability. If you really cherish them then don't humiliate them by showing pity for them and try to make them feel second class. Help people in need! The sick, the poor and who asks for your help! Helping someone who doesn't need it, is always out of self satisfaction. Don't do it!! It's very ugly, mean and hurtful for those you trying to 'help'!
Asking people over for dinner once in a while isn't charity. It's called socialising.
David was a little guy. Look at the time when he was anointed. They didn't think that he looked like a king...
He takes a very very long time to get to the point.. it is very difficult to follow his sermon and I didn't see how this was a message "for" singles....
I'm single and I hate being around couples. Naturally, they become incredibly self important amongst each other and it being around that basically sucks . Even if you enjoy it, there's the inevitable "he enjoys being around you too much" bullshit that comes up. Couples should simply not invite single friends ever. Doesn't mean you hate them, or they should hate you, it's just that it's never ideal for all 3 people. ever.
Agree!! Couples never invite singles over to make them feel welcome. It's always about themselves; to show that they are a happy couple and they just hope that the single person leaves very depressed. They want to be envied. They need constant reassurance that their life is enviable and they use others for that. But that usually makes me think how happy that couple can be if they need this ugly game.
See it like this....the angels, archangels, cherubim, seraphim, etc, etc, they ALL live the presence of God and none of them is married ;-)
Next time someone asks you why you're not married, tell them that you value peace and quiet.
So invite two couples over?
Or other singles, or a mix, in a small group.
Social life is a very important thing for most people.
Um...Mark Gungor if I recall correctly (in response to getting the truth from the man's heart) you said "you date the act, you marry the re-act" ! Does that not apply when he's mad at you?
And yet, Paul seems to change his mind about marriage a little bit, toward the end of his life.
I Corinthians was written while he was relatively young, and early in his ministry.
But toward the end of his ministry, he tells Timothy that the younger widows ought to remarry... which is directly opposite from what he says in 1 Cor 7!
Also, in 1 Cor 7, Paul says you can serve the Lord better if you're unmarried.
But in 1 Timothy 3, he says the opposite, recommending that bishops and deacons be married!
Paul was a manifestation of the fullness of Yahweh , he made himself a Enuch for the gospel if all Christians were to follow that Pastor Mark would not be here preaching
population would be at a slower rate being single and marring can both be beneficial , in today,s world people who are so call single are only single in words not because they dont have some one in their life most of them are fornicating now on that grounds its best to get marry .
@@CJ-xg4wl That makes no sense at all.
1st off, Paul was not physically a eunuch. He chose to live single so he could give his life completely to the ministry. But he clearly said for some it *_is_* better to marry.
2nd, The biggest reason people are committing fornication these days is because they are NOT getting married! They want to avoid the commitment of marriage, but enjoy the pleasures of sex. (Which are not sinful within marriage.)
God himself said it was not good that man should be alone, and designed a help fitted for him. Marriage and having children is a very important God-ordained function of the human race. Cruz
God himself said it's not good for a human to be alone. (that's what the original Hebrew says.) ... so He created marriage.
Paul was convinced it was better to be unmarried if you could manage your sex drive without marriage. But that was while he was rather young... Later on in his ministry, he no longer advised it. Instead, he advised that ALL young widows should get married... which means, unless you allow polygamy... you're going to have the young men getting married, too!
I've find Mark's sermons on marriage great, but once again, when you get married people talking about being single they miss the whole point. The churches have three commands for single people. 1: Wait until you are married. This is for 16-18 year olds. 2. God has a special purpose for you. You are unencumbered so you can complete his mission. This is for the 18 - 24 (ish) year olds, who are still single. 3. Please find another church - you are embarrassing us. This is for those that are still single by the time they are 28. Especially men.
Those timelines never work the way people intend them to. I’ve been single my entire life and in the church, people are starting to choose women out of thin air to get me hitched. I’ve not gone to church for a long time because I know it’s not for single men. Either you get married by 28 like you said or get out of the church because everyone thinks you’re a pedophile or a creeper trying to hit on women there. So I did the easiest thing, get out of church and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. No more people looking down upon me and butchering me like I’m a disease no one wants.
thank you for the spoiler...
lol... awesome word.
Pls! Pls!! i need spanish subtitles!!
omg his sense of humour is amazing. im also sure david's men over exaggerated how many they killed.they'd be too tired to fight 800 men at once and
Nice humor Pastor
I know exactly what you mean, even if they are just dating its annoying, there is only one couple I know of that doesn't make me feel like that...
Mark; you talk about inviting singles over. When have you taken a single flying. I'm a single Christian without a plane. You can pick me up at CYFD. Ha ha. We could punch some holes in the sky. What do you have for a plane?
Church or clubs,married people tend to click with each other & being single can seem to be a problem for some with nasty comments like they think one is trouble & or should be sent off to some far off land & not liked at all for one's own self as a person & if one does not or never had children ,regarded as some one who has not earned their lot in life,neighbours are the same,they have this sense of entitlement in life.It is a cross to bear & a damn pain in the neck generally.
This has everything to do with being can one say it's not...he get's right to the point almost immediately....not sure what one of you is talking about...sorry I can't respond directly for some reason....
whwere is Mark Gungor from? the web wouldn´t say!
Interesting message but single people do not want other people’s husbands and wives. As a single in Church I do find it very difficult and often don’t feel fully included.
You're not less than the others.
See it like this....the angels, archangel, cherubim, seraphim, they ALL live in the presence of God and none of them is married ;-)
Try being born into the Mormon Church, being single for over 40 years!
The women of the church were almost all married at a young age and have families. I had little in common with them and found them boring and haughty.
I've been told I was too sinful to have a man bless my life. That Jesus didn't know me because he hadn't blessed me with a husband and ooodles of children. That I was not worthy of a husband and children.
All these women really messed me up! Made me feel like a red headed stepchild. Not welcome, not worthy to interact with the other women, less than. I left the church and with a projected, rejected, demeanor, I became a victim of society.
It wasn't until I really met Jesus that I understood just who and what I was in his eyes. I studied and researched for 30+ years and the Holy Spirit taught me of my Lord and of my race and of my God.
I chose not to marry because it would have interfered with my studies. I love being single and who I have become in Christ. I go to no church, belong to no one but Jesus and although there are times I experience loneliness, I can't see me being anything, but single.
I walk and I live my life devoted to Jesus and I hate no one or thing albeit sin. I try to walk obedient in the eyes of God and I am empowered.
The world beat me up and broke my heart, but Jesus healed me with his love, compassion, forgiveness and favor. I am in the world, not of it and I am happy.
Praise God, His Son and the Holy Spirit! I have little family, estranged. However, I belong to the family of God. Thank you Jesus! Amen
+Donna Keeley thank you for sharing Donna that was very comforting to hear that you are fully whole and embracing life as a single women. I was sorry to hear of your earlier years but this is a wonderful example of how God can change circumstances around. May God continue to bless you. Thank you for giving me an alternative prospective. xxx
@@donnakeeley7924 it's fantastic how you've given your life to God. But I would recommend that you DO go to a church. Become a member, because we are commanded to be in communion with those that share our beliefs, for praise, for fellowship, for teaching. The church, as in the people, ARE the body of Christ and you cannot be a part of that body on your own all alone.
God bless!
What is his email?
Have you tried following the link under the video?
the URGE to MERGE 🤣🤣🤣
My eyes have been opened--open to the fact you can know ALOT about God and marriage and still watch desecrating youtube vids of women shaking their butts and say extremely dirty things. 'Christian' one second, heathen the next. As Mark Gungor said "Christianity is not just a 'casual belief system' it's a lifestyle."
Chose you this day whom ye will serve.
As usual, these married preachers start talking about how supposedly great it is to be single and all, then they end up just giving advise about being married, or to expect to get married. Yeah, I'm going to jump at going over to a married couple's home to hang out, and see how much of a loser I am for being single.
Yea this message is crap
Why so triggered?
As a former single mother I enjoyed his preaching. He is basically asking couples to acknowledge single persons and their resourcefulness more...
May God have mercy on Muhammed - peace be upon him - who said that marriage was a part of his tradition; and whoever refrains from getting married (while able to) does not belong to him.
So single people are poor?
I sometimes wonder why Jesus used the word "eunuchs" in Matthew 19:12? Eunuchs are men who have been castrated so they can attend to groups of women in harems without any temptations to have sex. He says some were born that way, some were made that way by men, and some have chosen to be eunuchs for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven! Well obviously no man is born castrated that I know of. I suppose there may be some people born without sex organs or having some disabilities that prohibit sex. Some are made that way by men. That could be literal castrated male eunuchs, but I would also think it refers to men who lost their sex organs in war, accidental injuries, or some types of illnesses. But the ones who choose to refrain from marriage for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven have functioning sex organs but choose to refrain from ever using them! I have a friend who is 63 and never had a dating relationship or marriage. He has never had sex nor does he miss it. But what about singles who are single not by choice but because of some inadequate emotional problems or inability to bond relationally with members of the opposite sex. They have a more difficult journey. They do have a desire for sexual intimacy, but must give it up for their entire life. They cannot have sex. They must not have sex! But is that really so terrible? They must learn, as those who choose to refrain from marriage, to serve the Lord with undivided devotion. I know it's possible to live this way. God will bear you up but you must let him do so!
Perhaps his use of eunuch was both literal and figurative. After all, castration causes a man's sexual urges to evaporate. Therefore, it may be possible for people to be born without sexual urges. Of course, it seems less likely in today's climate since sex/nudity is everywhere.
As for those WITH strong sexual urges, I believe it was Paul who wrote that they should take up a spouse because he understood the realities of the strength of physical desire.
It's not wrong to be married, it's not wrong to be single. Everyone has their own path that they must find through God.
God bless!
Young SINGLE PEOPLE are very ill. These days. Autoimmune disorders. Food allergies. Migrains. Depression from Traumatic wounding MISTREATMENT ABUSIVE treatment a home. In schools. Beatings. Rapes by perverts of authorities. Chronic Fatigue syndrome.Fibromyalgia. ADHD. BI POLAR. DISORDERS. WIDOWS SUFFER. BACK INJURIES. LEG INJURIES. THEY ARE UNSTABLE bodies. Unable to KEEP UP the spiritual PACE. WHO WILL TAKE CARE OF The WEAK & injuried older children. How.?????
...and why Paul dont talk about women not getting married? Why is it all about men, men, men,even in Bible??? ey???
+Venum Ames He does read between the lines. but if you still dont get it ask God and be intentional to study and listen. He Will show you.
I take it you don't believe the bible to be inspired by God, in which case it would be inerrant..
It is off on this you don't bring a single person into a marriage. Nope. a woman can be a woman friend when her hub is not around. It is off. Also you cannot be as close to god without a spouse. because you are not fulfilling Adam and Eves example and commanded to marry and replenish the earth. No pastor is perfect . He is way off on that part
Bobby C. Well... too bad for Paul then. He ain't going to heaven for that. That poor single man died not fulfilling God's command ...
And for Jesus too.
I think, just as the pastor said, you can be much closer to God if you are single, for the very reason that you don't have a spouse to rely on and talk you talk to and rely on God more. Anyway, God bless you 🙏
I was married to an alcoholic for almost 30 years, and raised the
children thru it all. It's so much easier to walk with the Lord, as
a single person, and my devotion doesn't waver, and I surely don't expect to have another spouse!. . . altho I've had uninvited
opportunities. Yes, there are many good husbands, but my joy
my peace, my contentment, my LIFE IS my Lord & Savior Christ
Jesus. My ministry is busy and active.. I look forward to Home !
Grace Amazing that's amazing, may I have your first name? I'd like to pray for your continued success in the Lord!
Thank you!