The film takes place in India, in Mc Leod Ganj in the state of Himachal Pradesh, north of Delhi. There is a huge Tibetan refugee population in India and this town is their "capital". It is the where the Dalai Lama lives and it is where the Tibetan Government in Exile is located. There are Tibetan communities all over India, as far east as Andhar Pradesh and as far south as Maharashtra.
why are there Indians over there?! Invasion much?!
The film takes place in India, in Mc Leod Ganj in the state of Himachal Pradesh, north of Delhi. There is a huge Tibetan refugee population in India and this town is their "capital". It is the where the Dalai Lama lives and it is where the Tibetan Government in Exile is located. There are Tibetan communities all over India, as far east as Andhar Pradesh and as far south as Maharashtra.