Put On The Garments Of Praise
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.พ. 2025
- Put On The Garments Of Praise @songsfromthelord888
By God's grace, we are continuing to help a needy family to flee for their lives from persecution in a hostile country.
They now have their passports and visas and are trying to raise money for tickets and traveling money. That is the most expensive part.
Great news! They have recently received money for two tickets!
They still need money for more tickets and traveling expenses
Please keep them in your prayers!
Many thanks for your help!
If you would like to help, please donate at the gofund.me link below.
Copy and paste the gofund.me link below into the search bar on your web browser.
To those who have prayed and helped: THANK YOU!!! 🙂
Put On The Garments Of Praise
Put on the garments of praise,
For the spirit of heaviness,
Lift up your voice to God!
Pray in the Spirit,
And with the understanding;
O magnify the LORD!
It's only by Your Spirit LORD,
That I am led to You!
It's only by Your Spirit LORD,
My eyes are made to see!
It's NOT by might, It's NOT by power,
But in reality;
It's only by Your Spirit LORD,
That I am led to You!
O Magnify The LORD
O magnify the LORD! Hallelujah!
For He is greatly to be praised!
Hey! Hey! Hey!
O magnify the LORD, Hallelujah!
For He is greatly to be praised!
Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hosanna! Blessed be the Rock!
Blessed be the Rock of my salvation!
Hosanna! Blessed be the Rock!
And let the God of
My salvation be exalted!
Come O Fount Of Every Blessing
Verse 1
Come, O Fount of every blessing;
Tune my heart to sing Your grace;
Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
Call for songs of loudest praise.
Teach me some song of melody
Sung by angel choirs above;
Praise the mountain! I’m fixed upon it,
Mountain of God’s changeless love!
Verse 2
Here I raise my Ebenezer;
Here by Your great help I've come;
And I know, by Your good pleasure,
Safely I'll arrive at home.
Jesus sought me when a stranger,
Wandering from the fold of God;
He, to rescue me from danger,
Intervened with His precious blood.
Verse 3
To Your grace how great a debtor
Daily I’m compelled to be!
Let Your goodness, like a great chain,
Bind my wandering heart to You.
I'm prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
I'm prone to leave the God I love;
Here’s my heart; O take and seal it;
Seal it for Your courts in love.
Have Your Own Way, LORD
Have Your own way, LORD!
Have Your own way!
You are the potter,
I am the clay.
Mold me and make me
After Your will,
While I am waiting,
Yielded and still.
Verse 2
Have Your own way, LORD!
Have Your own way!
Search me and try me,
Saviour today!
Wash me just now, LORD,
Wash me just now,
As in thy presence
Humbly I bow.
Verse 3
Have Your own way, LORD!
Have Your own way!
Wounded and weary,
Help me I pray!
Power, all power,
Surely is Yours!
Touch me and heal me,
Saviour divine!
Verse 4
Have Your own way, LORD!
Have Your own way!
Hold over my being
Absolute sway.
Fill with Your Spirit
Until all shall see
Christ only, Always,
Living in me!
I Am Yours O LORD
Drinking At The Fountain That Never Runs Dry
I Want To Drink At The
Fountain Of God's Love
Oh! Glory! Glory! Glory!
Oh! Glory to the Lamb!
Hallelujah! I am saved!
And I'm so glad I am!
Oh! Glory! Glory! Glory!
Oh! Glory to the Lamb!
Hallelujah! I am saved!
And I'm bound for the promised land!
Born again! There's really been
A change in me!
Born again! And all
because of Calvary!
I'm glad, so glad!
That I've been born again!