Check out CyberGhost VPN at and you will get 84% off CyberGhost VPN. That's $2.03/month and 4 months free! It's risk-free with their 45-day money-back guarantee. Thanks to CyberGhostVPN for sponsoring the video! Also thanks a lot for your support on our videos 💛 Would you like to visit the Sphere? And do you think the high prices are worth it?
I have opened this website and find it very great, but its payment doesn't support WeChat Pay or Alipay, which is inconvenient for me as I am from China.
Great explanation of the Sphere technology. The sphere itself is an amazing technology that was ruined by a horrible movie "postcard from earth". The first half was amazing then it turned to, "This is an amazing earth, too bad humans have ruined it propaganda". They spend half of the film slamming on the excesses of the human experience while you are literally sitting in the epitome of excess. Google Reviews gives the movie and the experience only 2 stars. The lobby experience is underwhelming. The film starts an hour after your ticket time. So if your ticket is 7pm you show up say 30 minutes before and wait outside in line, then once you get in the lobby the actual movie doesn't start for another hour! They expect you to just wander around the lobby for an hour and after about 15 min you've seen everything. You also have to park and walk a long way from the Venetian as there is no parking onsite.
My wife and I just got back from Las Vegas a few days ago. One of the things we did was see Postcard from Earth at The Sphere. Two tickets were around $300. I have to say this was probably the best money we spent in Las Vegas. The visuals and sound were absolutely jaw dropping. I have never seen or experienced anything like it. You can watch all the videos you want about the sphere, but you will not understand how mind blowing this is until you experience yourself. Well worth the money.
I watched Postcard from Earth. Definitely worth checking out the Sphere. The thunderstorm scene was incredible. Amazing sound and visuals that engulfed field of vision and they sent in a cold, wet breeze with that fresh storm scent. For the several seconds of that scene, you were cold and felt like you could smell the storm coming in. It was really beautiful.
But I’ve been in real thunderstorms, 2 hurricanes even. So they sprayed some petrichor into the stadium. And they actually sprayed water on you? Dude I’ll spray you with a hose for way less than a sphere ticket. I’ll even tell you where and when you can go experience a REAL earth thunderstorm!
@@jimf6427Well you gotta actually go outside in the rain and get wet, otherwise you won’t have the full Sphere experience. I guess this will sound crazy but whatever - I don’t even like being outside in the rain, I would rather pay to experience a sunny day at 68°F (like 21 in outlander degrees) than a rainy one. I’d even pay $300 to turn a hurricane - the "ultimate storm" - into a sunny day! I must be nuts lol!
@@kaltkalt2083 You obviously aren't getting the point. The point was that an experience (a storm rolling in) was able to be convincingly transmitted to a seat. If that type of universal experience can be done justice, than many others beyond the access of ordinary people could also be portrayed in a way that is reflective of reality.
I just spent a weekend seeing 'Dead & Company' at the Sphere. Amazing! The sound, the all makes for an incredible experience. If there is a band you like that is playing there, you need to go see this!!! I've never experienced anything like it. Forget your laser light shows from the '70's and '80's, forget your IMAX, this theatre will blow you away!
💯 agree! We just went for 2 shows 7/5 & 7/6. Sat in 306 & 211. No shaking seats in 211! Still an amazing experience!! Highly recommend seeing this magic happen!!
I bet it was incredible. I saw Dead and Company with John Mayer at Citi Field in NYC and that was an incredible sound and light show. I'm old, I remember going to Dead shows with Gerry and back then, there were some colored lights shining down on stage. 🤣 You had to drop acid to make your own light show! 🤔 Hmmmm acid and the sphere...
If you are planning on going there, here are my tips: 1 Eat before your arrival, you dont have much time to experience all the things. 2 Bring ear plugs because it gets loud with the movie. 3 Try to get the middle seats, preferably higher then lower but not to high. 4 when walking to your seats dont look down until you sit down because it is steeper then you might expect
Thanks much for the tips. Going to see Eagles on 11/1. My buddy that went to U2 also told me middle seats 300 level and that's exactly where we are, 3rd row 300 section right center. I will get my wife to focus on not looking down as we go to our seats.
Saw U2 at the Sphere. Absolutely incredible. Game changer. This is something different. The visuals were incredible but the audio is what blew me away. It was like being in a listening room. There was no reverberation at all. Just pure, crisp sound. Well worth the price of admission. I’ll be back for more shows.
@@FOH3663 my recollection was that it was tight but not overpowering everything else. This makes sense because there is very little reverberation in the venue. It’s balanced. This is U2, though, so there isn’t what I would consider a crazy amount of bass in their songs. If you get the chance to check out a show there for a band you like you won’t be disappointed. Just stay out of the 100-110 sections, though, as the 200 section overhangs it so you lose all the height of the visualizations. Just google it.
I visited the Sphere back in February to see U2. Stunning venue, truly something else. The sound sounded strange but having been to a few "normal" concerts in "normal" auditoriums I understand it now. It is unbelievably clear, you can hear every note from every instrument. You don't get that with the usual concert speakers. The screen is just amazing, nearly too much. Glad I went, cost me a fortune coming from the EU but so happy we did it.
@@suzanne4991 I bought tickets for Dead & Company for lowest couple of rows in the top area dead center for $185. That's not crazy by modern big concert prices. Now, $100 to tour it and watch the movie? Nah, spend another $85 and see an incredible concert.
Saw the Eagles there a few weeks ago. Folks I tell you it is the best concert experience you will ever see. Down side is you will never enjoy a normal concert again.
I just saw the Eagles at the sphere last weekend and it was astounding. The best concert going experience I’ve ever had. The sound was perfect. Not too loud, and crystal clear. Plenty of power. But the visuals were so remarkable. I was in awe for so much of the concert. I can’t wait to go again. Can’t recommend this enough….IF you can afford it. Prices are extremely high. Would be amazing to see Queen in this venue. Or a great DJ.
Make sure you are sitting in a seat with haptics! It's not worth the money without that, IMHO. I've been 6 times, 5 with haptics. There is TH-cam video of U2 and Dead & Company on my channel. I can't risk posting the Eagles video. Not worth a copyright strike.
I've been at Dead and Co last 2 nights and upcoming tonight. It is a spectacular experience, so immersive. You move with the visuals! 1st night I was in 300 section and when the drums happened I felt it! Last night was on floor and I think that is where I felt most immersive experience... tonight in 100 section...can't wait!
It was such an amazing experience! And, yes, I’m the one chatting with Aura around the 7 minute mark. One of my friends was watching and sent me this link. Great way to remember a great vacation
If audio can be tailored to a specific seat, that’s some James Bond level stuff. I can picture a scene in an upcoming movie where an operative attends an event at the sphere, everyone else is listening to U2, whilst the operative is listening to classified information about an upcoming mission.
It's not that cutting edge really, such a system is called a phased array and works on the properties of waves to reinforce and cancel each other out through their interactions. You only need enough transmitters and some mathematical calculations to make it work. It just hasn't made financial sense to make a sound screen that big ever before. The tech has been there in radar and other sorts of antennae since the 80s at the very least
@SF7PAKISTAN is phased array the same as the beam-forming technology which I think is proprietary to Holoplot, the company responsible for the Sphere's audio?
@@carlgemlich1657 phased array is the instrument through which you "beam form" waves. Now these waves could be everything from sound waves, to radio waves and even waves in water. Saying beam forming, even by sound is proprietary to Holoplot is like saying you cannot mix the ingredients for gunpowder at home because someone else owns the patent. There might be some proprietary stuff in say the software side or some other manner but as such no one company can claim to own audible frequency beamforming technology
I was thinking about the same idea and 007. But I was thinking bond is attending an event all while Opps are walking around looking at every seat. But someone is talking to bond and informing him when and where to walk as his personal directed audio beam follows him throughout the sphere keeping him informed and alive...
I saw U2 at the Sphere last October and I’ll never be able to see a concert the same again. It is absolutely the future … but now. Words really can’t describe it though this video does a great job explaining how. They built “sensory overload” rooms to recover from acute vertigo so that you don’t have to be rushed off to the hospital. This venue is fantastic!
I live right across the Wynn Golf Course looking directly at the Sphere. Light pollution? No way. We love being able to look at the ecosphere productions which are continual and ever changing. This project has become a welcome addition to our neighborhood.
In 1959 at the Chicago Auto Show, Chevrolet built a miniature version of the interior of the sphere. All encompassing, a wrap around sphere, holding perhaps 50 viewers. They used film and a huge fisheye lens and projector. In no way comparable to the Sphere, but over 60 years ago! I remember the experience of "driving around" in a '59 Chevy, so I'm definitely making plans to see the Sphere.
As non-American. All I heard about the Sphere is how cool the screen outside the sphere is.. I've never heard someone talk about the actual tech inside or basically the inside area.. except for Aura.. I've watched few random shorts/vt showing Aura
Been in there once, watched a short planetarium-style show. The seating is so steep and cramped. It's a constant struggle not to fall to your death. Would not enjoy a concert there at all.
That little hand held led fan, was invented by a high school student at Whangarei High School, here in New Zealand. He had a working model using 6 leds..this was in 1990 at a school science fair.
I was lighting sound tech at Forum North Capt Bougainvillea Theatre at the time, the event was held at the exhibition hall. My date might be wrong could of been 91? @tobyricketts
I live in Vegas, been to the Sphere twice (just saw the Eagles there) and it’s like magic. Incredible and amazing. Highly recommend. Parking though, is another subject
@ the Uber line to get out is very, very long. Wouldn’t advise it. Part of the problem is the Ubers have to wait for pedestrians exiting the Sphere to cross and it back things up. Ended up prepaying for parking at Howard Hughes Center next door and walked.
We saw the Eagles' fifth concert at the Sphere. We sat on folding floor seats, so no haptics or eight-speakers per person . With both the screen and the music coming at us, then rising above and even behind us, it was by far the best concert experience ever. Dr. Bose would be proud. The Eagles were great, too.
I just saw the Eagles, and my mind was Blown! It was the most immersive audio / visual experience I've ever had. I've been to a lot of concerts and planetarium light shows, but The Sphere takes the prize. I was seated in section 207, and it was perfect. It was not too loud or too cold, and there was food, just not the healthiest. It's pricy but well worth the cost. The next day, there was a second show, but the scalpers / resellers pushed the tickets into the thousands-no thanks.
I was there opening night, and then again in February as well. Hands down the most intense visual and sonic concert experience I have ever had. I have experienced the future, and would recommend everyone else do so as well...
My Wife and I just saw the Eagles in the Sphere and it truly was the most amazing show we have ever experienced. The sound was sharp and clear, and the visuals were absolutely mind blowing. It was very expensive, but I left feeling that it was worth every penny to have seen it.
We saw U2 there late last year (2023). It was the experience of a lifetime. Amazing in every aspect. Just bought tickets to see the Eagles there this fall. HIGHLY recommended.
I was there a few days ago, I've been playing with LED and sound technology all my life. I've never experienced anything like it. You just answered my list of 1000 questions. Thank you. As for the UK, just leave the exosphere off if they're worried about light pollution.
Saw Phish all 4 nights, this video is accurate. It beyond exceeded my expectations, sound was 🤯 the best I’ve heard, visuals were insane, great venue !
This is incredible, I would love to see a behind the scenes tour to show some of the equipment and hardware that runs everything! I'm impressed with the insane quantities of everything such as the hundreds of thousands of lights, speakers and haptic seats that they manage to keep everything in sync and activating at the correct timings, the infrastructure would be an incredible feat to pull off
First Egypt with the pyramids, then Saudi Arabia with the "Cube" and The Line, now the USA with the sphere. I can't wait for Japan to build The Tesseract or The Hexeract
We saw the Eagles in October UNBELIEVABLE! We will never see another concert that will get anywhere close to the experience we had at the Sphere. Thank you for the inside build look and technology!
The Eagles concert has the best sound I've ever experienced. It's seriously like listening to headphones. The visuals are really remarkable. The best seat in the theater is the front row of the first balcony.
Seeing U2 in October '23 was absolutely mindblowing with the incredible graphics, sound and overall production. Beyond seeing the outside for free every day (night) for a week, from the Wynn, a chance to see U2 live in this venue was an unexpected opportunity. While on the floor only a few feet from Bono and the Edge was an experience in its own right, the lightshow was beyond words. I would highly recommend anyone visiting Vegas take in a show and marvel at the spectacle that is the Sphere ! Crank it up to 11 and feel the music in your soul.
I was there. The experience is other worldly. It’s amazing. The haptic seats and wind and smell were so cool. You absolutely felt that you were there when they did a world tour. Seriously. You felt like you were actually there.
I was there for Phish. I have never experienced anything like what the Sphere provided. There are things possible there that simply are not possible anywhere else in the world at the moment. As complicated as this technology is, it was amazing how seamless it appeared. Thanks for this great video!
It is crazy that we took a spherical room perfectly suited for an arena, or for 4-6 separate smaller events at the center, and turned it into an asymmetric fan seating arrangement.
I bought one of those laser speakers from an engineer almost 20 years ago. His instructions were to *never* stand directly in front of the beam and to generally limit overall exposure, even when the beams were bouncing off another surface. He invented it to market to vending machine companies so that when you walk in front of a soda machine, you hear the sound of the soda can or bottle opening.
We saw U2 at the Sphere in Feb 2024. Located behind The Venetian, it was a spectacular experience. We sat in Section 305 and that gave us a great view. It was the most amazing concert and visual show I’ve ever seen. I also think it’s currently one of the most incredible technological achievements on the planet. I highly recommend it.
@@kevinkingmd Not really but thank you. The previous commenter had a good point and I 2nded. You needn't worry about future readers as all comments are dated. 3hrs ago, 5 months ago, 2yrs ago, etc.
I saw Dead and Company on May 18th and was absolutely blown away. The graphics are mind boggling. The sound was a little bit tinny but not distorted. Of course, seeing the Dead is aways an experience.
@@AndrewVanDay I got cheap tickets for postcards from earth. The film was good, and while my seats weren’t bad I think I would have preferred a central seat. The seats that are lower and more central provide a better perspective (and are more expensive) if they were to shoot a space walk I would want to see that in the best possible perspective/condition thus justifying a $300 ticket There are no bad seats, some are just better than others
@@offshorebear They shot a bunch of the ground side of the Apollo 11 and other missions in an IMAX equivalent format, and then lost it in a vault for 50 years until it was rediscovered recently and turned into a documentary. They didn't send the 70mm cameras into space or to the moon though. As far as I know the highest quality footage ever taken on the moon was 16mm.
I’ve been to the Sphere 3 times - U2 in Feb 2024, Eagles in Nov 2024, and the U2 immersive film in Nov 2024. It is SO worth it - and the sound is unreal. Thanks for the video!
I have been to the Sphere. It is something i had never experienced before in my life and most probably wont experience anything like it in this lifetime. Unbelievable experience.
Saw the Dead & Company last Friday; by far the most impressive and mind-blowing concert I've ever seen. (And I first saw the Dead in '77 so I've been around a while.) It makes the IMAX experience like watching a video on a watch. And the drum set in tune to the vibrating seats was like nothing the best subwoofers can ever put out.
I saw the documentary, audience members were so affected and overwhelmed at times that they were laughing and they were crying. Unforgettable experience, over-priced but highly recommend.
Saw Eagles there last night. We flew out of Burbank and passed the scale sphere studio on the way to the airport. I never was really into the band but the ticket and flight was paid for and I wanted to see the venue. I was blown away. It really is a new realm of entertainment. Somebody really liked Winamp visualizers from back in the day and wanted to share it with 20,000 people at a time. Definitely a new benchmark. Also, this place redefines nosebleed seats. It was downright frightening getting to them the angle is STEEP and we were way up there. Eagles delivered as well. They were tight as a drum. Joe Walsh is morphing into Brak from Space Ghost.
Obviously that ship sailed a couple of decades ago, but if Aussie Floyd if Brit Floyd were to appear then who knows? Perhaps David Gilmour or Roger Waters can to something there, but they better do if soon, they aren't getting any younger.
@@n3bruce Having been to over a dozen Pink Floyd shows from The Wall to Pulse and I have gone to several Brit Floyd shows from small venues that are very limited in what the stage presence is, to one of the larger shows where they get to set up all (or most) of the lighting system. I'm having a hard time comprehending what a BF show in the Sphere would look/sound/feel like other than awsome.
Just seen the Eagles there on Oct 19th. Best concert ever because of the Sphere. Visual graphics were absolutely amazing. Can’t wait to see another concert here. We paid $2,600 for floor seats right in front of the stage.
I saw U2 at The Sphere for their last show and the experience was truly mind blowing. If you get a chance to check it out in person, you will be glad you did......
I saw U2 seven times at the Sphere. Gave me the opportunity to study the details. The targeted sound system is incredible, technically much like Dolby Atmos. One thing I noticed sitting in various locations whenever they showed all four guys on the screen the sound from each of their instruments comes from that section of the screen. They do a lot of stereo panning which is why most of the audio from the cell phone videos isn't always the best. U2 only used the haptic vibrating seat effect for two songs towards the end of the residency, Zoo station and Until the end of the world. Three bumps at the beginning of each song. Made you jump. Not sure why they didn't use it for the earlier shows. They should have used the fans too. Quite effective in "postcards". Best seats are in the middle. I prefer the 200 level. Beware of the overhang covering some of the seating in the 100 section. They should have never put seats there.
@@erikgriswold5273because they're the best live band around. Also, I have a terminal illness and probably won't be alive for the next tour. I have seen them 39 times. Each Sphere show was slightly different and they never looked or sounded better.
I was there last week and bought the most expensive tickets. It included early access to talk to the robots which made it worth it. The AI robots were mind blowing and to have exclusive access was a treat. Our ticket included a buffet and free tshirts which was nice. The show was Postcard From Earth. It was a cool show but it was really drawn out. It was a guys trip and we did Vegas things the night before so we all fell asleep at some point... hahaha! All in all, definitely worth it.
I saw the movie Postcard from Earth and I can say without a doubt it was one of the most impressive experiences I have ever had. I always loved special effects and technology but the Sphere is a whole different level. Worth every penny!!!
Great video thanks! I don't know who all remembers the Disneyland 360 attraction, it was just a round room theatre but as a kid it was a wow factor.The Sphere is that times 1000! I've been in the Architecture field for a long time and it's very Impressive Architecturally speaking.
my wife and I went to see U2 at the Sphere we left with 2 opinions about the experience, 1 the visuals of the screen and even the pre concert dome look from inside were absolutely stunning and beautiful. we had read reviews online that hinted to the best seats are actually in the upper sections and we had no idea why, but after seeing this video I understand, getting a bit more distance truly makes the screen super sharp and clear (don't believe it, just go and watch for the birds in the dome) the 2nd was that the audio was not as impressive, and after watching this I can see with a bit more clarity as to maybe why Bono didn't sound as great as he has in the past... lol yep hes old lol because the music was Steller... it was the vocals that simply suffered with age, not the sound system I understand that the Sphere maybe is not the best venue for certain events, however I am looking forward to seeing a Sphere film to truly get the best experience
@davethompson1702 LIVE BIRDS in the Sphere? Were they released by the producers for special FX? added to enhance the concert? Or did they fly in through an open door of their own accord?
@@RonWrightwrites one would think they are real doves or pigeons... However it's all part of the stunningly real appearance of the video technology Sphere has to offer... They are 100% not real or trapped birds but a projection I didn't believe it... And if you see them your mind will tell you it's live birds too
I understand what you're describing with the sound. I've noticed similar vocals from older popular artist's later work. If you have ever heard music on a high-end HiFi stereo system with Magnepan brand speakers. They are very revealing and transparent sounding, which can make bad recordings or vocals sound awful or cringe, but good recordings sound incredible.
One thing to note about the Sphere is it’s acoustically terrible, which is why it has that sound system in the first place. The sound system they use makes the audio unbelievably directional, resulting in really high levels of clarity that you wouldn’t otherwise get. As such, there’s no hiding vocal wear, or any imperfections, for that matter. It exposes every single flaw. Also, cutting out the room acoustics nearly entirely (which is happening here) is not ideal at all.
@@xHadesStamps I was thinking the same thing. Your last sentence. I hope people think about that! Btw, I think the Sphere is a breakthrough as an experience, it’s great. But the acoustics.
Saw the Eagles at the sphere on their opening weekend. Absolutely amazing venue!! I would say its the most "Las Vegas" building that Las Vegas ever built!! Cant wait to see another concert there .... maybe the Stones someday ? Metallica ?
Only thing missing from this video would be showing off the data center that all this stuff runs on. But I imagine that is pretty confidential and they wouldn't let any one film in it. Cool video non the less!
There’s only a handful of people that have access at this point. It’s a cool space, but looks basically the same as any data center with in-row cooling
look up "switch" data center. i have my own opinions on it. there was one recently put online in vegas, after the sphere went online (this was a a second hand account with my sister who lives in vegas and down the street from a switch center
Yes! Exactly. I had never been there before and previously had no desire to go, but I went to Vegas on two separate trips to see U2 there at the Sphere. LOVED it!!!!!
Went to the NHL draft there and are going to see the Eagles in January. If the concert is anything like what I saw at the draft, and I'm expecting it to be even greater, my brain will never be the same. Just outstanding from what I've seen so far. The sound is outstanding and the video is mindblowing.
MSG bought the Holoplot company from Germany. When you say that they put together the best from all over the world, it's an overstatement, thinking that Holoplot criteria of choosing the speaker drivers was 100% related to the smallest prices, for example, the HF drivers were Made in China by a company from Ningbo for a few bucks per pc. On the other hand they did a great job with the sound processing.
Having been to the sphere, the resolution of that screen is insane. It is like wearing VR. A few people in our group got motion sick with all the flying shots. Worth the $75 we paid? Eh. Maybe if it was something other than that postcard from earth movie. But the technology behind it was mind blowing
@14:14 - Imagine being that guy - sitting there with a backward ball cap - recording one of the largest, most complex optical screens known to technology - in a vertical video mode on his cell phone. We really have reached peak humanity already.
Was 100% worth the $95 i spent to visit and I recommend everyone see the move! Interesting to see how it actually works. Much more complicated than I thought especially with the sound, but it makes since now that I think about it.
Woww!!! Such an amazing video! 👍 I was at the opening concert last September and I was so blown away from the Sphere... but to watch this video and all the details behind it makes me stunning even muuuuuch more 🤯🤯🤯🤯
I just went to the sphere to see the Eagles. It was the most incredible experience. So hard to describe. Please do yourself a favor and go see this 9th wonder of the world.
Check out CyberGhost VPN at and you will get 84% off CyberGhost VPN. That's $2.03/month and 4 months free! It's risk-free with their 45-day money-back guarantee. Thanks to CyberGhostVPN for sponsoring the video!
Also thanks a lot for your support on our videos 💛 Would you like to visit the Sphere? And do you think the high prices are worth it?
I have opened this website and find it very great, but its payment doesn't support WeChat Pay or Alipay, which is inconvenient for me as I am from China.
ga kraken ;~)
Great explanation of the Sphere technology. The sphere itself is an amazing technology that was ruined by a horrible movie "postcard from earth". The first half was amazing then it turned to, "This is an amazing earth, too bad humans have ruined it propaganda". They spend half of the film slamming on the excesses of the human experience while you are literally sitting in the epitome of excess. Google Reviews gives the movie and the experience only 2 stars. The lobby experience is underwhelming. The film starts an hour after your ticket time. So if your ticket is 7pm you show up say 30 minutes before and wait outside in line, then once you get in the lobby the actual movie doesn't start for another hour! They expect you to just wander around the lobby for an hour and after about 15 min you've seen everything. You also have to park and walk a long way from the Venetian as there is no parking onsite.
no - the prices for the Sphere aren't worth it - not to me - but I did see it from the outside (I was told tickets started at $150)
Living in Las Vegas, I believe the Sphere is definitely worth a check. It's a fun piece of technology.
My wife and I just got back from Las Vegas a few days ago. One of the things we did was see Postcard from Earth at The Sphere. Two tickets were around $300. I have to say this was probably the best money we spent in Las Vegas. The visuals and sound were absolutely jaw dropping. I have never seen or experienced anything like it. You can watch all the videos you want about the sphere, but you will not understand how mind blowing this is until you experience yourself. Well worth the money.
Nice comment…
don't listen to these people. save money
@@aewapologist Wtf? I'm not gonna just ignore a Jumbo sphere 😂 I wanna check it out!
@@aewapologist broke
@@aewapologist No don't save money, make money.
I watched Postcard from Earth. Definitely worth checking out the Sphere. The thunderstorm scene was incredible. Amazing sound and visuals that engulfed field of vision and they sent in a cold, wet breeze with that fresh storm scent. For the several seconds of that scene, you were cold and felt like you could smell the storm coming in. It was really beautiful.
But I’ve been in real thunderstorms, 2 hurricanes even. So they sprayed some petrichor into the stadium. And they actually sprayed water on you? Dude I’ll spray you with a hose for way less than a sphere ticket. I’ll even tell you where and when you can go experience a REAL earth thunderstorm!
I live in the Chicago area and we are expecting Scattered Thunderstorms on Thursday. I'll let you know how the free ones were.
@@jimf6427Well you gotta actually go outside in the rain and get wet, otherwise you won’t have the full Sphere experience. I guess this will sound crazy but whatever - I don’t even like being outside in the rain, I would rather pay to experience a sunny day at 68°F (like 21 in outlander degrees) than a rainy one. I’d even pay $300 to turn a hurricane - the "ultimate storm" - into a sunny day! I must be nuts lol!
@@kaltkalt2083 You obviously aren't getting the point. The point was that an experience (a storm rolling in) was able to be convincingly transmitted to a seat. If that type of universal experience can be done justice, than many others beyond the access of ordinary people could also be portrayed in a way that is reflective of reality.
@@robertmares8337 I get it, it’s just stupid.
Great working with you guys on the video - well done😎
Really nice 3-D tho
your rendering is top notch
Your model is simply amazing
@@MegaBuildsYTi just agree 😂
I just spent a weekend seeing 'Dead & Company' at the Sphere. Amazing! The sound, the all makes for an incredible experience. If there is a band you like that is playing there, you need to go see this!!! I've never experienced anything like it. Forget your laser light shows from the '70's and '80's, forget your IMAX, this theatre will blow you away!
💯 agree! We just went for 2 shows 7/5 & 7/6. Sat in 306 & 211. No shaking seats in 211! Still an amazing experience!! Highly recommend seeing this magic happen!!
I bet it was incredible. I saw Dead and Company with John Mayer at Citi Field in NYC and that was an incredible sound and light show. I'm old, I remember going to Dead shows with Gerry and back then, there were some colored lights shining down on stage. 🤣 You had to drop acid to make your own light show! 🤔 Hmmmm acid and the sphere...
Saw 11_12_13th
My expression is still OMG WOW
Dead and Co. Was awesome amazing
Looking forward to returning for another show
Hopefully D&Co.
I agree. I was at the sphere on the 9th to see Dead and Company.
If you are planning on going there, here are my tips: 1 Eat before your arrival, you dont have much time to experience all the things. 2 Bring ear plugs because it gets loud with the movie. 3 Try to get the middle seats, preferably higher then lower but not to high. 4 when walking to your seats dont look down until you sit down because it is steeper then you might expect
Thank you!
...and take some hallucinogens
Appreciate the help and advice. The world needs more helpful people
Thanks much for the tips. Going to see Eagles on 11/1. My buddy that went to U2 also told me middle seats 300 level and that's exactly where we are, 3rd row 300 section right center. I will get my wife to focus on not looking down as we go to our seats.
Saw U2 at the Sphere. Absolutely incredible. Game changer. This is something different. The visuals were incredible but the audio is what blew me away. It was like being in a listening room. There was no reverberation at all. Just pure, crisp sound. Well worth the price of admission. I’ll be back for more shows.
Sounds great :)
... how was the bottom end? I get the clarity, etc, just curious about the bass, impactful? Tight? Extended?
Much appreciated!
@@FOH3663 my recollection was that it was tight but not overpowering everything else. This makes sense because there is very little reverberation in the venue. It’s balanced. This is U2, though, so there isn’t what I would consider a crazy amount of bass in their songs. If you get the chance to check out a show there for a band you like you won’t be disappointed. Just stay out of the 100-110 sections, though, as the 200 section overhangs it so you lose all the height of the visualizations. Just google it.
glad you have the $$$$$ to spend - the price is ridiculous. I'll just go to a regular concert
@@suzanne4991 choices, we all make choices how we spend our money.
I visited the Sphere back in February to see U2. Stunning venue, truly something else. The sound sounded strange but having been to a few "normal" concerts in "normal" auditoriums I understand it now. It is unbelievably clear, you can hear every note from every instrument. You don't get that with the usual concert speakers.
The screen is just amazing, nearly too much.
Glad I went, cost me a fortune coming from the EU but so happy we did it.
it's too expensive
@@suzanne4991 Totally worth the cost... its like nothing youve ever seen.
@@suzanne4991 It's not according to @michaelscott2789. What are you basing your comment on? Have you been there?
@@suzanne4991 I bought tickets for Dead & Company for lowest couple of rows in the top area dead center for $185. That's not crazy by modern big concert prices. Now, $100 to tour it and watch the movie? Nah, spend another $85 and see an incredible concert.
@@suzanne4991 Every new technology is always a little more expensive.
Saw the Eagles there a few weeks ago. Folks I tell you it is the best concert experience you will ever see. Down side is you will never enjoy a normal concert again.
I just saw the Eagles at the sphere last weekend and it was astounding. The best concert going experience I’ve ever had. The sound was perfect. Not too loud, and crystal clear. Plenty of power. But the visuals were so remarkable. I was in awe for so much of the concert. I can’t wait to go again. Can’t recommend this enough….IF you can afford it. Prices are extremely high. Would be amazing to see Queen in this venue. Or a great DJ.
Make sure you are sitting in a seat with haptics! It's not worth the money without that, IMHO. I've been 6 times, 5 with haptics. There is TH-cam video of U2 and Dead & Company on my channel. I can't risk posting the Eagles video. Not worth a copyright strike.
We were there Dec 7. It was more than just the best concerts I've ever seen, it's in my top five life experiences. Mind officially blown.
@ totally agree!!
It is a 100% worth it. We watched 'the postcard from earth' and it was mind boggling. This should be considered as another reason to visit Vegas.
I've been at Dead and Co last 2 nights and upcoming tonight. It is a spectacular experience, so immersive. You move with the visuals! 1st night I was in 300 section and when the drums happened I felt it! Last night was on floor and I think that is where I felt most immersive experience... tonight in 100 section...can't wait!
It was such an amazing experience! And, yes, I’m the one chatting with Aura around the 7 minute mark. One of my friends was watching and sent me this link. Great way to remember a great vacation
How cool …you are a celebrity!
If audio can be tailored to a specific seat, that’s some James Bond level stuff. I can picture a scene in an upcoming movie where an operative attends an event at the sphere, everyone else is listening to U2, whilst the operative is listening to classified information about an upcoming mission.
It's not that cutting edge really, such a system is called a phased array and works on the properties of waves to reinforce and cancel each other out through their interactions. You only need enough transmitters and some mathematical calculations to make it work. It just hasn't made financial sense to make a sound screen that big ever before. The tech has been there in radar and other sorts of antennae since the 80s at the very least
@SF7PAKISTAN is phased array the same as the beam-forming technology which I think is proprietary to Holoplot, the company responsible for the Sphere's audio?
@@carlgemlich1657 phased array is the instrument through which you "beam form" waves. Now these waves could be everything from sound waves, to radio waves and even waves in water. Saying beam forming, even by sound is proprietary to Holoplot is like saying you cannot mix the ingredients for gunpowder at home because someone else owns the patent. There might be some proprietary stuff in say the software side or some other manner but as such no one company can claim to own audible frequency beamforming technology
@@SF7PAKISTAN interesting. Thanks for the explanation.
I was thinking about the same idea and 007. But I was thinking bond is attending an event all while Opps are walking around looking at every seat. But someone is talking to bond and informing him when and where to walk as his personal directed audio beam follows him throughout the sphere keeping him informed and alive...
I saw U2 at the Sphere last October and I’ll never be able to see a concert the same again. It is absolutely the future … but now. Words really can’t describe it though this video does a great job explaining how. They built “sensory overload” rooms to recover from acute vertigo so that you don’t have to be rushed off to the hospital. This venue is fantastic!
I live right across the Wynn Golf Course looking directly at the Sphere. Light pollution? No way. We love being able to look at the ecosphere productions which are continual and ever changing. This project has become a welcome addition to our neighborhood.
That's too cool. I'd love to see it.
The argument _Light pollution_ has nothing to do with the question whether you like the huge screen or not.
@@mariokrings I would love it. A lot of people just got a very large increase in property value because of it.
@@yeeebayeeba4268 nothing of that has anything to do with _light pollution._ Is it somehow possible for you, to stay with the topic?
@@mariokrings It's Vegas, the difference in light pollution wouldn't even be noticeable with the rest of the city.
In 1959 at the Chicago Auto Show, Chevrolet built a miniature version of the interior of the sphere. All encompassing, a wrap around sphere, holding perhaps 50 viewers. They used film and a huge fisheye lens and projector. In no way comparable to the Sphere, but over 60 years ago! I remember the experience of "driving around" in a '59 Chevy, so I'm definitely making plans to see the Sphere.
What a fantastic story! Thank you for sharing it.
Like the Cine2000 we had in the 80's. Wicksteed Park, UK. I loved that.
As non-American. All I heard about the Sphere is how cool the screen outside the sphere is.. I've never heard someone talk about the actual tech inside or basically the inside area.. except for Aura.. I've watched few random shorts/vt showing Aura
Pretty weird that nobody cares about what's inside, I mean its what's on the inside that matters 😢
It's because no one can afford to go inside!
Been in there once, watched a short planetarium-style show. The seating is so steep and cramped. It's a constant struggle not to fall to your death. Would not enjoy a concert there at all.
You should check out the dozens of clips from the recent Phish shows
@@SirKenchalotexcept for the 40 sold-out U2 concerts, or 720,000 people at $300/ticket.
Yes, it's absolutely worth it. That place will blow your mind!
dude, a spacewalk video on Sphere would be AMAZING.
Dead and company show starts at 710 ashbury and goes into space so it has already been done
@@Kingmongoose that was all CGI obviously. REAL space footage would be incredible to witness
That little hand held led fan, was invented by a high school student at Whangarei High School, here in New Zealand. He had a working model using 6 leds..this was in 1990 at a school science fair.
I live near Whangerei and had no idea of this!
My eldest bro was at Whangarei Boys HS in 1990, not sure he knows about this but I'll be sure to ask. Also a big shout out to my home town, Whangarei!
good on ya New Zealand
I was lighting sound tech at Forum North Capt Bougainvillea Theatre at the time, the event was held at the exhibition hall. My date might be wrong could of been 91? @tobyricketts
He called it Perpetual Images.@@tobyricketts
Some of the Dead & Co. visuals had me gripping my seat. This place is next level you really need to see it in person to wrap your head around it
Or does the audio and screen wrap around you
@@cryptoOFkingz both lol
I saw two Dead & Company shows last week! Simply phenomenal in every aspect! Can't wait to go back for more.!
I live in Vegas, been to the Sphere twice (just saw the Eagles there) and it’s like magic. Incredible and amazing. Highly recommend. Parking though, is another subject
Locals should walk !
Or take a Uber
@ the Uber line to get out is very, very long. Wouldn’t advise it. Part of the problem is the Ubers have to wait for pedestrians exiting the Sphere to cross and it back things up. Ended up prepaying for parking at Howard Hughes Center next door and walked.
We saw the Eagles' fifth concert at the Sphere. We sat on folding floor seats, so no haptics or eight-speakers per person . With both the screen and the music coming at us, then rising above and even behind us, it was by far the best concert experience ever. Dr. Bose would be proud. The Eagles were great, too.
I just saw the Eagles, and my mind was Blown! It was the most immersive audio / visual experience I've ever had. I've been to a lot of concerts and planetarium light shows, but The Sphere takes the prize. I was seated in section 207, and it was perfect. It was not too loud or too cold, and there was food, just not the healthiest. It's pricy but well worth the cost. The next day, there was a second show, but the scalpers / resellers pushed the tickets into the thousands-no thanks.
I was there opening night, and then again in February as well. Hands down the most intense visual and sonic concert experience I have ever had. I have experienced the future, and would recommend everyone else do so as well...
How much for shows?
@@marthastephens2179 I got my tickets for face value. Opening night was about $250 apiece all in, and the show in February was roughly the same
My Wife and I just saw the Eagles in the Sphere and it truly was the most amazing show we have ever experienced. The sound was sharp and clear, and the visuals were absolutely mind blowing. It was very expensive, but I left feeling that it was worth every penny to have seen it.
We saw U2 there late last year (2023). It was the experience of a lifetime. Amazing in every aspect. Just bought tickets to see the Eagles there this fall. HIGHLY recommended.
I was there a few days ago, I've been playing with LED and sound technology all my life. I've never experienced anything like it. You just answered my list of 1000 questions. Thank you. As for the UK, just leave the exosphere off if they're worried about light pollution.
No exosphere is no fun! Just like London!
I saw Phish there 2 nights. It was the best concert experience Ive had by a long shot! Great video
Saw Phish all 4 nights, this video is accurate. It beyond exceeded my expectations, sound was 🤯 the best I’ve heard, visuals were insane, great venue !
Yeah .... but you still had to listen to phish. Yuk.
Were most people standing and grooving, or was this a seated thing for *most*?
Oh yuck. Phish? The video mentioned about adding smells to the viewing experience. Gross!!
This is incredible, I would love to see a behind the scenes tour to show some of the equipment and hardware that runs everything! I'm impressed with the insane quantities of everything such as the hundreds of thousands of lights, speakers and haptic seats that they manage to keep everything in sync and activating at the correct timings, the infrastructure would be an incredible feat to pull off
First Egypt with the pyramids, then Saudi Arabia with the "Cube" and The Line, now the USA with the sphere. I can't wait for Japan to build The Tesseract or The Hexeract
You compare this sphere with the pyramids in Egypt?😂
@@degeneralist3.088 What's wrong with that?
@@degeneralist3.088right. The sphere is much harder to build.
@@telcy do you think that they can build another sphere?
And.. do you think that they can build the same, new pyramids in these days?
@@degeneralist3.088 wow you really think we can't build a new pyramid? We don't because there is no know better build something useful....
We saw the Eagles in October UNBELIEVABLE! We will never see another concert that will get anywhere close to the experience we had at the Sphere. Thank you for the inside build look and technology!
I came, I saw, I Sphered. Full peak totality does not describe it. Mix in friends and laughter beyond belief, it can’t be beat. Shoenice.
The Eagles concert has the best sound I've ever experienced. It's seriously like listening to headphones. The visuals are really remarkable. The best seat in the theater is the front row of the first balcony.
Seeing U2 in October '23 was absolutely mindblowing with the incredible graphics, sound and overall production. Beyond seeing the outside for free every day (night) for a week, from the Wynn, a chance to see U2 live in this venue was an unexpected opportunity. While on the floor only a few feet from Bono and the Edge was an experience in its own right, the lightshow was beyond words. I would highly recommend anyone visiting Vegas take in a show and marvel at the spectacle that is the Sphere ! Crank it up to 11 and feel the music in your soul.
I was there. The experience is other worldly. It’s amazing. The haptic seats and wind and smell were so cool. You absolutely felt that you were there when they did a world tour. Seriously. You felt like you were actually there.
I was there for Phish. I have never experienced anything like what the Sphere provided. There are things possible there that simply are not possible anywhere else in the world at the moment. As complicated as this technology is, it was amazing how seamless it appeared. Thanks for this great video!
I saw 4 Phish shows at Sphere and it was mind-blowing. best band in the world at best, most advanced performance space in the world.
It is crazy that we took a spherical room perfectly suited for an arena, or for 4-6 separate smaller events at the center, and turned it into an asymmetric fan seating arrangement.
I bought one of those laser speakers from an engineer almost 20 years ago. His instructions were to *never* stand directly in front of the beam and to generally limit overall exposure, even when the beams were bouncing off another surface. He invented it to market to vending machine companies so that when you walk in front of a soda machine, you hear the sound of the soda can or bottle opening.
I went to see U2 at Sphere 12 times. I fell in love with this venue. Everyone needs to experience this wonder!!
We saw U2 at the Sphere in Feb 2024. Located behind The Venetian, it was a spectacular experience. We sat in Section 305 and that gave us a great view. It was the most amazing concert and visual show I’ve ever seen. I also think it’s currently one of the most incredible technological achievements on the planet. I highly recommend it.
I saw U2 in the Sphere in 2024. The visuals were amazing. I am still amazed. It was a transcendent experience.
It's currently 2024... A more appropriate and easier way would have been "this year"
Only 4 months so far in 2024 too. Why not "I saw U2 in the Sphere just recently"
@@A-Milkdromeda-Laniakea-Hominid 'cause I don't know if my reply will be read in a few years? Tired?
@@kevinkingmd Not really but thank you. The previous commenter had a good point and I 2nded.
You needn't worry about future readers as all comments are dated. 3hrs ago, 5 months ago, 2yrs ago, etc.
Hi. I'm a time traveller from the future. When I came across this video next year, I found the date very helpful - thanks.
I saw Dead and Company on May 18th and was absolutely blown away. The graphics are mind boggling. The sound was a little bit tinny but not distorted. Of course, seeing the Dead is aways an experience.
That's just Bobby's trebly tone😘
I've been there, and if they shoot a space walk, a $300 ticket will be absolutely worth it.
If they film on the moon, a lot of people would pay big bucks to see that.
They did that 30 some years ago in IMAX.
The phrasing of this comment would infer that what you saw was not worth what you paid, or was it?
@@AndrewVanDay I got cheap tickets for postcards from earth. The film was good, and while my seats weren’t bad I think I would have preferred a central seat.
The seats that are lower and more central provide a better perspective (and are more expensive) if they were to shoot a space walk I would want to see that in the best possible perspective/condition thus justifying a $300 ticket
There are no bad seats, some are just better than others
@@offshorebear They shot a bunch of the ground side of the Apollo 11 and other missions in an IMAX equivalent format, and then lost it in a vault for 50 years until it was rediscovered recently and turned into a documentary. They didn't send the 70mm cameras into space or to the moon though. As far as I know the highest quality footage ever taken on the moon was 16mm.
I’ve been to the Sphere 3 times - U2 in Feb 2024, Eagles in Nov 2024, and the U2 immersive film in Nov 2024. It is SO worth it - and the sound is unreal. Thanks for the video!
It’s unbelievable. Was there for the U2 concert. Worth every penny!
I have been to the Sphere. It is something i had never experienced before in my life and most probably wont experience anything like it in this lifetime. Unbelievable experience.
Everything about the sphere is worth the price tag. The immersive experience was the best part!
Saw the Dead & Company last Friday; by far the most impressive and mind-blowing concert I've ever seen. (And I first saw the Dead in '77 so I've been around a while.) It makes the IMAX experience like watching a video on a watch. And the drum set in tune to the vibrating seats was like nothing the best subwoofers can ever put out.
I saw the documentary, audience members were so affected and overwhelmed at times that they were laughing and they were crying. Unforgettable experience, over-priced but highly recommend.
Saw Eagles there last night. We flew out of Burbank and passed the scale sphere studio on the way to the airport.
I never was really into the band but the ticket and flight was paid for and I wanted to see the venue.
I was blown away. It really is a new realm of entertainment. Somebody really liked Winamp visualizers from back in the day and wanted to share it with 20,000 people at a time. Definitely a new benchmark.
Also, this place redefines nosebleed seats. It was downright frightening getting to them the angle is STEEP and we were way up there.
Eagles delivered as well. They were tight as a drum. Joe Walsh is morphing into Brak from Space Ghost.
Best 🍄 trip in Vegas! 😂 Watch out the stairs are really steep
True!! I saw U2 at the end of January. Leaving the theater was a climb.
Bro I'm definitely hitting the Dispo for some edibles or Hitting those 🍄😂
thank you for the super informative and high quality production. was stoked to see my footage at 15:23!!
I'm building a scale model of this for my pet hamster on a budget using a kitchen strainer and a flashlight.
Lol! Thats funny!
Worth it 100 percent was one of the absolute coolest things I have ever done!! I call for more spheres worldwide.
Cool. Imagine Pink Floyd there, sound quality would be amazing.
Obviously that ship sailed a couple of decades ago, but if Aussie Floyd if Brit Floyd were to appear then who knows? Perhaps David Gilmour or Roger Waters can to something there, but they better do if soon, they aren't getting any younger.
That would be a dream come true!
@@n3bruce Having been to over a dozen Pink Floyd shows from The Wall to Pulse and I have gone to several Brit Floyd shows from small venues that are very limited in what the stage presence is, to one of the larger shows where they get to set up all (or most) of the lighting system. I'm having a hard time comprehending what a BF show in the Sphere would look/sound/feel like other than awsome.
Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless.
Just seen the Eagles there on Oct 19th. Best concert ever because of the Sphere. Visual graphics were absolutely amazing. Can’t wait to see another concert here. We paid $2,600 for floor seats right in front of the stage.
I saw U2 at The Sphere for their last show and the experience was truly mind blowing. If you get a chance to check it out in person, you will be glad you did......
Put it was U2..😢
Saw dead and company a couple weeks ago and my mind was BLOWN - hands down, if you have the means, DO IT. The best concert experience of my life
I saw U2 seven times at the Sphere. Gave me the opportunity to study the details. The targeted sound system is incredible, technically much like Dolby Atmos. One thing I noticed sitting in various locations whenever they showed all four guys on the screen the sound from each of their instruments comes from that section of the screen.
They do a lot of stereo panning which is why most of the audio from the cell phone videos isn't always the best. U2 only used the haptic vibrating seat effect for two songs towards the end of the residency, Zoo station and Until the end of the world. Three bumps at the beginning of each song. Made you jump. Not sure why they didn't use it for the earlier shows. They should have used the fans too. Quite effective in "postcards".
Best seats are in the middle. I prefer the 200 level. Beware of the overhang covering some of the seating in the 100 section. They should have never put seats there.
How could anyone want to see U2 seven separate times?
@@erikgriswold5273because they're the best live band around. Also, I have a terminal illness and probably won't be alive for the next tour. I have seen them 39 times. Each Sphere show was slightly different and they never looked or sounded better.
I was there last week and bought the most expensive tickets. It included early access to talk to the robots which made it worth it. The AI robots were mind blowing and to have exclusive access was a treat. Our ticket included a buffet and free tshirts which was nice. The show was Postcard From Earth. It was a cool show but it was really drawn out. It was a guys trip and we did Vegas things the night before so we all fell asleep at some point... hahaha! All in all, definitely worth it.
The Sphere looks amazing!
I saw the movie Postcard from Earth and I can say without a doubt it was one of the most impressive experiences I have ever had. I always loved special effects and technology but the Sphere is a whole different level. Worth every penny!!!
Great video thanks! I don't know who all remembers the Disneyland 360 attraction, it was just a round room theatre but as a kid it was a wow factor.The Sphere is that times 1000! I've been in the Architecture field for a long time and it's very Impressive Architecturally speaking.
my wife and I went to see U2 at the Sphere
we left with 2 opinions about the experience, 1 the visuals of the screen and even the pre concert dome look from inside were absolutely stunning and beautiful. we had read reviews online that hinted to the best seats are actually in the upper sections and we had no idea why, but after seeing this video I understand, getting a bit more distance truly makes the screen super sharp and clear (don't believe it, just go and watch for the birds in the dome)
the 2nd was that the audio was not as impressive, and after watching this I can see with a bit more clarity as to maybe why Bono didn't sound as great as he has in the past... lol yep hes old lol because the music was Steller... it was the vocals that simply suffered with age, not the sound system
I understand that the Sphere maybe is not the best venue for certain events, however I am looking forward to seeing a Sphere film to truly get the best experience
@davethompson1702 LIVE BIRDS in the Sphere? Were they released by the producers for special FX? added to enhance the concert? Or did they fly in through an open door of their own accord?
@@RonWrightwrites one would think they are real doves or pigeons... However it's all part of the stunningly real appearance of the video technology Sphere has to offer... They are 100% not real or trapped birds but a projection
I didn't believe it... And if you see them your mind will tell you it's live birds too
I understand what you're describing with the sound. I've noticed similar vocals from older popular artist's later work. If you have ever heard music on a high-end HiFi stereo system with Magnepan brand speakers. They are very revealing and transparent sounding, which can make bad recordings or vocals sound awful or cringe, but good recordings sound incredible.
One thing to note about the Sphere is it’s acoustically terrible, which is why it has that sound system in the first place. The sound system they use makes the audio unbelievably directional, resulting in really high levels of clarity that you wouldn’t otherwise get. As such, there’s no hiding vocal wear, or any imperfections, for that matter. It exposes every single flaw.
Also, cutting out the room acoustics nearly entirely (which is happening here) is not ideal at all.
@@xHadesStamps I was thinking the same thing. Your last sentence. I hope people think about that! Btw, I think the Sphere is a breakthrough as an experience, it’s great. But the acoustics.
I was there for all 4 nights of Phish. Mind bending and life changing. 400’s were my favorites but all seats are pretty amazing .
Saw Phish there last week. Embarrassed to say how much I paid for a ticket, but I will say it was worth every penny! Unbelievable experience
Saw the Eagles at the sphere on their opening weekend. Absolutely amazing venue!! I would say its the most "Las Vegas" building that Las Vegas ever built!! Cant wait to see another concert there .... maybe the Stones someday ? Metallica ?
Going to see the Eagles in September. Not sure if I’m more excited to see the band again or the Sphere!
Saw Dead & Company with John Mayer. Absolutely amazing experience. Definitely worth it.
The sound system is the most impressive thing if it actually works.
I'd read about the sound technology in other venues but this was a totally great presentation and totally awesome; like IMAX to the next level.
Only thing missing from this video would be showing off the data center that all this stuff runs on. But I imagine that is pretty confidential and they wouldn't let any one film in it. Cool video non the less!
There’s only a handful of people that have access at this point. It’s a cool space, but looks basically the same as any data center with in-row cooling
look up "switch" data center. i have my own opinions on it. there was one recently put online in vegas, after the sphere went online (this was a a second hand account with my sister who lives in vegas and down the street from a switch center
I'd love to see that data center!
@@accumapmodels Me too.
Absolutely worth seeing a concert there. Mind blowing.
If I ever decide to go to Vegas... this will be the only reason!
Yes! Exactly. I had never been there before and previously had no desire to go, but I went to Vegas on two separate trips to see U2 there at the Sphere. LOVED it!!!!!
Iam joining in 😅😅😅😅
Went to the NHL draft there and are going to see the Eagles in January. If the concert is anything like what I saw at the draft, and I'm expecting it to be even greater, my brain will never be the same. Just outstanding from what I've seen so far. The sound is outstanding and the video is mindblowing.
Anyone from Massachusetts knows we’ve had a mini version of the sphere at the museum of science for 30 plus years
MSG bought the Holoplot company from Germany. When you say that they put together the best from all over the world, it's an overstatement, thinking that Holoplot criteria of choosing the speaker drivers was 100% related to the smallest prices, for example, the HF drivers were Made in China by a company from Ningbo for a few bucks per pc. On the other hand they did a great job with the sound processing.
Added to bucket list.
Having been to the sphere, the resolution of that screen is insane. It is like wearing VR. A few people in our group got motion sick with all the flying shots. Worth the $75 we paid? Eh. Maybe if it was something other than that postcard from earth movie. But the technology behind it was mind blowing
I could not click on this FAST ENOUGH. What a cool concept, I need to know!
hope you enjoy it :D
I am a Tour Guide in Las Vegas and I love your content in this video!!! Great Job!!!
@14:14 - Imagine being that guy - sitting there with a backward ball cap - recording one of the largest, most complex optical screens known to technology - in a vertical video mode on his cell phone. We really have reached peak humanity already.
Like bing on a date with Sydney Sweeney and asking her to join you on a Skype call to your buddy who's a big fan of her... personality.
Was 100% worth the $95 i spent to visit and I recommend everyone see the move! Interesting to see how it actually works. Much more complicated than I thought especially with the sound, but it makes since now that I think about it.
Saw Postcards from Earth. The audio, wind, and of course the video were well worth it. Would love to see something like Star Wars in the theater.
The audio system addressed in this video is Amazing. Good to know how it works. thanks !!
Those speakers could be very useful for the UN or events like the Olympics or the World Cup
It might only be able to work with certain spherical geometry’s
Woww!!! Such an amazing video! 👍
I was at the opening concert last September and I was so blown away from the Sphere... but to watch this video and all the details behind it makes me stunning even muuuuuch more 🤯🤯🤯🤯
Going to the Sphere in November to see the final series of concerts of my all time favorite bands....The Eagles. Can't wait for the experience!
Saw U2 and also Dead Forever shows. The venue is fantastic, too. 👍🏻
In december last year, I actually went to Vegas and stayed in a hotel relatively close to the sphere, it was an experience I've never seen before.
you should hera what Drew Carey has to say about the Phish concert..
it was on CBS but i wouldnt air it if it were my butt on the line..🤣🤣
It was exelkent promo !!! I dont know drew or phish .. but I got to see the sphere!!!
I just went to the sphere to see the Eagles. It was the most incredible experience. So hard to describe. Please do yourself a favor and go see this 9th wonder of the world.
Can't wait for UFC 306
Who are you rooting for?
@@RodneybrainGeorge Saint Pierre le meilleur combatant du monde et du Québec
That's what brought me here, I wondered what all the hype was about so thought I'd check it out and be disappointed....but... wow is all I can say lol
That's what brought me here. Trying to imagine how they'll setup a UFC event for this. Should be interesting!
Same here
Teacher: The project is easy to do
The project: