Help David Diga Hernandez and Steven Moctezuma continue to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit through events and media. Make a one-time donation of any amount or become a monthly supporter. Click here to support:
Thanks David Diga Hernandez 4 I Say That Our Great Almighty God Will Provide 2 Yu Exceedingly and Abundantly Above All That We Ask 4 or Imagine As Written In Ephesians 3:20 & May Our Great Almighty God Always Lead Yu.🙏🙏🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️
Thank you!!! I know this is of good because this is exactly what I wanted! Again thank you!! ( ya'll are amazingly prophetic. Good is 100% in this ministry)
Brother David! On March 4th, I was imparted a few gifts by a wonderful woman of God. The Holy Spirit had told me probably about 1 month before "the gifts have always been there, you just never realized it". I had such a pull on the prophetic for a while and for 15 years on the gift of praying in tongues and since then I've been finally praying in tongues! Praise the Lord! There is such heavy spiritual warfare for souls and the Lord said "I see you on your knees in your quiet space and you need to pray in the spirit to strengthen you for what's coming". So many souls are at stake and the Lord is truly raising up a remnant, let's continue to press into the Lord's heart and focus our eyes on Jesus! Thank you for all your teachings brother David the Holy Spirit is using you to reach so many lost souls! God bless you and your entire ministry!
God is good and i believe you because me and my husband pray but i pray in tongues and prophesy and a couple of people told me that i was a evangelist and i said maybe but I'll pray about because i new something was always here inside of my spirit, I would always feel it. Right now we minister to people and help people and love to give ect. So I bless you and wish you greatness with your spritual gifts and journey. God Bless you!
Goodness LORD! You Are truly pointing out others with the last names ending in ez. Yes i know it's spanish, but WHY are YOU pointing out to me!? Shalom!
Hello Pastor David, I thought I should tell you my testimony. On February 17th, 2021, God delivered my mind from the enemy and He set me free from my sin. Now I can declare that I am free!! And I am so thankful for God’s grace!✝️♥️🙌🏼🕊Now I can have peace.
The same thing happened to me on sep1 2020, God is great! Stay consistent in Bible reading and praying. Satan loves to confuse young believers like us but let's pray! I'll pray for you too sister Kayla! :)
Hi David! I just took the assessment for all three categories, and here is what I got: Teaching, Administration, and Discernment. I definitely think my strongest gifts are with the gifts of service. I’ve always had a compassionate and giving heart, and I’m moved by the weak, vulnerable, suffering, and/or the less fortunate. Along with these gifts, I want to pray that God gives me the gift of Healing, so I can help others through prayer. I’m not in a church right now, because I recently moved and the pandemic has kept me inside for the most part, but I do want to be a part of a church to put my gifts to good use and glorify God through them. Thank you again for your teachings, may God continue to bless your ministry 🙏💜
Gifts can work together/ Gifts can be requested / Gifts can be imparted / Gifts can be stirred/ Gifts can be strengthen/ 1. DESIRED 2. RECOGNITION 3. FUNCTION.
I have taken the test and it has been eye opening to me. The strongest result was the gift of faith and I must say that I didn't pay attention to it before but my sister in faith has pointed it out to me. I guess I just took it for granted and didn't consider it as a meaningful gift.
Minister Steven and Minister Nic you touched the Spirit of God in me and caused me to just worship Him. Thank you for such a Spirit filled Worship. Pastor David The Holy Spirit is always speaking when you teach. Thank you for such a blessing and being true vessels. God bless you 🙏🏾
Hello 👋🏼 you wonderful people. What a MIGHTY two nights in Austin. Thank you for the opportunity to volunteer as an usher. I was blessed immensely. Love ❤️ your team and looking forward to helping again in the future. God bless you and your team 🙌🏼🙏🏼
Thank you Pastor David. I love and I know that listening and watching your preaching and teaching do empower me spiritually. Thank you for your faithfulness in God.
Brother David you bless me with the teaching blessed with tongues singing in spirit how I pray for the word of knowledge even though in Saudi Arabia where there's no freedom of worship
Thank you so much brother David for boldly showing us this Spiritual gifts God has deposited in us that we didn't even new it was in us the whole time. Also, thank you for the test set your partner in the ministry did. It was amazing and i was a little suprise to have the gift of faith in thw power gift and gift of giving in the service gift. It was fun and enjoying at the same time. Thank you brother David ❤️. Glory be to God 🔥😊
Desire, Recognition, Function .. Thank You Brother David. My Q: What if when you are just Born with Gifts : I have been given these gifts without training or without asking for them . I can play several music instruments, paint beautiful paintings, create art through crafts sewing etc discern and teach people wisdom through counselling- I also received Information in dreams that came true .( like warnings of disaster before it came ) I do love all of them and sometimes find trouble to choose which to practice for His Kingdom. I have been praying and fasting for the longest time for Him to show me Favour in the Specific Gift He wants me to Practice. How do I know for sure ? All three of these signs you gave are-present in all of them ! So I decided to Study Expressive Arts Therapies where all of these gifts will be useful to lead people to God and Serve them to heal .
Love you much Ps David and your ministry. I just took the test for service gifts. And the result was 100% correct. Amazing testing system that your team has built 🙂❤❤🙌
My husband and I fast and pray together regularly and fast every month, I the gift of speaking and singing in tongues. I prophesy and those things comes to past with prophetic dreams but my husband and i have have gifts as a evangelist. A couple of people have thought that i was an evangelist as we both serve people and helping others ect. And i minister to people we both pray for people and cast out demons.
Thank you so much pastor David ur such a great preacher I'm so encourage and I have spiritual gifts for your help and teaching I can discover this. God bless you and your team.
Brother David the different tests were super helpful in confirmation and knowing what leadership/ spiritual gift is the strongest in my life, thank you for all you do I'm super grateful! God bless you🙏
Hello David love you so much with my ❤️. How are you feeling . And I want to say very nice ministry going love you and also stay in god's presence if you want.
Thank you pastor David for that test website for identifying spiritual gifts. It was very helpful and your teachings always encourage desire for spiritual gifts to serve the Kingdom of God better.
Hello brother David, I am a believer who prays in tongues but each time, I feel light headed and slightly dizzy, also afew weeks ago whilst praying in tongues I closed my eyes and saw Jesus glowing white and the white dove flew from Him towards me. He flew so fast yet it seemed in slow motion I opened my eyes because I didn't expect to see what I saw! Although I have asked Jesus to send the Holy Spirit to cover all the Children of today (not quite those exact words but something like that) and that's what I saw. Can you help me with what I saw please!?
I don’t know truthfully but I know I’ve noticed strong discernment and healing but I don’t know whether it’s out of the norm of a normal believer and I feel bad even asking people about it because it makes me seem like I’m focused on me and not God and I want to sound and show that it’s for God glory.
Can u still discover ur gifts even though there's this specific sin u keep on repeating? u knew it to urself how hard u resist but there are times ure still ending to that sin. can someone enlighten me
David Diga Hernandez, please pray for me. I am born again, but I have struggled my whole life, even after I was saved. I am lazy David, and I need help! Thanks. ~Cory
To help you to be not layzy 1 keep praying 2 read bible 3 worship 4 ask the holy spirit to help u 5 ask jesus to help you overcome it 6 fast 7 learn to keep going remember progress not perfection keep trying and do not give up ! God bless who ever see this that jesus will give you strength
Remember only way to repent and be saved by Christ act 11:14-18, Luke 11:9-13 just follow only the original gospel tradition teaching not churches but Jesus will guide you personally to the end John 10:1-6, 11-16, Acts 4:12 and zeph 3:9!
I need to commute with God. I can't physically fast. I didn't money to give, or a car to go place. So I can't give anything. I want to be ready for Christ return. Discord server is not going well. So how I'm going to communicate God's word, his's love ?
THE GOSPEL SIMPLY EXPLAINED by Mike Peralta (Permission is granted to copy and distribute this document to everyone you wish.) If you were to die today, would you be certain that you would go to Heaven? If you are not certain, then please read on. Many think that since they have lived a good life then they will probably go to Heaven. It's good to do good deeds and God wants that, but your good deeds cannot make up for your sins. It's like a bank robber that gets caught and tells the police that he gives to the poor and helps people. That does not make up for the fact that he robbed the bank. God wants everyone to go to Heaven and be with Him. That is why He sent Jesus to die on the cross for us. In John 3:16 it says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” The word perish here means the opposite of eternal life -- which is eternal death or Hell. God gives us His instructions in the bible to lead us to Him so that we can receive salvation. He does this because He loves us and wants everyone to be in Heaven with Him when they die. In Romans 3:23 it says, “For all have sinned; and fall short of God's glorious standard.” What this means is that all of us have sinned. We have all done wrong and do not deserve to be in God's glorious presence. None of us deserve to go to Heaven. I don't deserve to go, you don't deserve to go. None of us deserve to go to Heaven. We have all disobeyed God in our lives. In Romans 6:23 it says, “For the wages of sin is DEATH, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.” Here “the wages of sin” means the “consequence of sin” or what we earn by sinning. And the type of death being described here is spiritual death -- which is Hell -- as explained in the Bible in the book of Revelations where it states “The lake of fire is the second DEATH. If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” Revelation 20:14-15. So these last 3 scriptures are very serious because they are saying that: 1. We Have All Sinned, 2. The Consequence Of Sin Is Death, and 3. Death Is The Lake of Fire or Hell. What this means is that we are all destined to go to Hell -- unless we allow God to intervene in our life. But God does not want anyone to go to Hell. That is why He sent Jesus to die for all our sins on the cross. And it is only through Jesus that we can receive eternal life. In John 14:6 Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through Me.” We can only be saved through Jesus. There is no other way. The only payment that the Father accepts for our sins is the blood of Jesus. That is why He sent Jesus to die for our sins. He did it because He loves us. It is not because we deserve it -- because none of us deserve to go to Heaven. Now it is only the children of God that get to be with God when they die. In John 1:12 God the Father, shows us how to become His child. He tells us, “But to all who believed in Him, that is Jesus, and received Him, He gave the right to become children of God.” And believing in Christ not only means that you believe that He exists, it also means that you put your full trust and obedience in Him. That is what is meant by believing in Him as Lord. The word “Lord” means “King” or “Master” -- the One you trust and obey. In Romans 10:9 it says, “If you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” The word “confess” means “to agree with.” So to truly confess that Jesus is Lord means that He is your Lord- the One you surrender to and trust and obey. Now you receive Christ through faith and not by “earning it” with good deeds. It says in Ephesians 2:8-9 that, “For it is by grace (or undeserved favor) that you are saved, through faith -- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God -- not by works, so that no one can boast. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so, none of us can brag about it.” You don't earn salvation -- you receive it as a free gift from God. It is like receiving a Birthday gift. You don't pay for the Birthday gift. But you do decide whether you will receive it or not. The price of your salvation was paid for by Jesus on the cross. And the cost to Jesus was very terrible. It is way beyond what I can comprehend. Jesus suffered terribly for us so that we all could go to Heaven. The one thing left for you to do, is to receive the salvation Jesus paid for as a free gift from God. Although Jesus wants very much to give eternal life to everyone, He will not force anyone to receive Him as Lord. He gives everyone a free will choice. But He does invite everyone who wants to, to receive Him and receive eternal life. In Revelation 3:20 Jesus says, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will go in and eat with him, and he with Me.” So we all have a choice to make. We can live a self-directed life -- separate from God -- or a Christ directed life with God. In a self-directed life you go your own way without God. But the choice is forever. If you die in that state you will forever be separated from God and perish (become damned) in Hell. In Luke 13:3 Jesus warns us that “unless you repent, you too will all perish.” God does not desire this for anyone but God will not force anyone to receive Him. In a Christ-directed life, you surrender completely to Christ and give your life to Him. God created us and He died on the cross for us. He loves us dearly. In reality, God gives us infinitely more than what we could ever give Him. If you do give your life to Jesus then Jesus promises you eternal life as He says in John 6:40, which says, “For My Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes, that is trusts, in Him shall have eternal life.” By receiving Jesus as Lord of your life you at the same time repent from going your own way -- which is always away from God. In fact, the word “repent” means to turn around. To make a U-turn. To change from going your own way, to going God's way by following Him. Repent also means to turn away from sin. By following Jesus you also turn away from sin. As you receive Jesus and give your life to Him, you also ask for His forgiveness and reject all pursuit of sin. If you have walked away from the Lord or have gone back to sinning and now want to repent of sin and come back to Jesus, you can also pray as shown below. The prayer is shown below. Do you want to pray this prayer to God? It is not to me, or to my church, or to my denomination. It is a prayer you are making to God. It is a decision you are making to God -- Who created you and loves you. Would you like to pray this prayer to commit your life to Jesus? Say each line to God as follows: Prayer to Receive Jesus As Lord (Sinner’s Prayer): “Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner and unable to save myself by my own deeds or my own way. But I do believe that You love me, and that You were sent to die on the cross for my sins. Right here and now, I repent of all sin and ask you to forgive all my sins and give me the gift of eternal life. I completely give my life to You, Jesus. Thank You, dear God, for hearing and answering my prayer, and for giving me eternal life as You promised You would. Amen.” When you prayed this did you mean it? If you did then by God's promise you now have eternal life. Because it says in 1 John 5:13, "I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life." If you were to die today you would go to Heaven to be with God. We know this because God always keeps His word. Get a bible and start reading it in the New Testament. Join a good bible-believing church.
Help David Diga Hernandez and Steven Moctezuma continue to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit through events and media. Make a one-time donation of any amount or become a monthly supporter. Click here to support:
Thanks David Diga Hernandez 4 I Say That Our Great Almighty God Will Provide 2 Yu Exceedingly and Abundantly Above All That We Ask 4 or Imagine As Written In Ephesians 3:20 & May Our Great Almighty God Always Lead Yu.🙏🙏🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️
Thank you!!! I know this is of good because this is exactly what I wanted! Again thank you!! ( ya'll are amazingly prophetic. Good is 100% in this ministry)
Amen ❤❤❤
Brother David! On March 4th, I was imparted a few gifts by a wonderful woman of God. The Holy Spirit had told me probably about 1 month before "the gifts have always been there, you just never realized it". I had such a pull on the prophetic for a while and for 15 years on the gift of praying in tongues and since then I've been finally praying in tongues! Praise the Lord! There is such heavy spiritual warfare for souls and the Lord said "I see you on your knees in your quiet space and you need to pray in the spirit to strengthen you for what's coming". So many souls are at stake and the Lord is truly raising up a remnant, let's continue to press into the Lord's heart and focus our eyes on Jesus! Thank you for all your teachings brother David the Holy Spirit is using you to reach so many lost souls! God bless you and your entire ministry!
God is good and i believe you because me and my husband pray but i pray in tongues and prophesy and a couple of people told me that i was a evangelist and i said maybe but I'll pray about because i new something was always here inside of my spirit, I would always feel it. Right now we minister to people and help people and love to give ect. So I bless you and wish you greatness with your spritual gifts and journey. God Bless you!
Goodness LORD! You Are truly pointing out others with the last names ending in ez. Yes i know it's spanish, but WHY are YOU pointing out to me!? Shalom!
Hello Pastor David, I thought I should tell you my testimony. On February 17th, 2021, God delivered my mind from the enemy and He set me free from my sin. Now I can declare that I am free!! And I am so thankful for God’s grace!✝️♥️🙌🏼🕊Now I can have peace.
The same thing happened to me on sep1 2020, God is great! Stay consistent in Bible reading and praying. Satan loves to confuse young believers like us but let's pray! I'll pray for you too sister Kayla! :)
Wow this is so great ....l wish that God will deliver my mind too
Blessed ❤
Steven did that song so beautifully. Strongly anointed.
great song!
I love Diga with the love of JESUS CHRIST. He's an amazing young man. Lord bless Diga and his entire family.
Amen 🙏 thank you Lord Jesus that you restore my spiritual gifts 🔥🙌
I love,l need you holy spirit
Hi David! I just took the assessment for all three categories, and here is what I got: Teaching, Administration, and Discernment. I definitely think my strongest gifts are with the gifts of service. I’ve always had a compassionate and giving heart, and I’m moved by the weak, vulnerable, suffering, and/or the less fortunate. Along with these gifts, I want to pray that God gives me the gift of Healing, so I can help others through prayer.
I’m not in a church right now, because I recently moved and the pandemic has kept me inside for the most part, but I do want to be a part of a church to put my gifts to good use and glorify God through them. Thank you again for your teachings, may God continue to bless your ministry 🙏💜
Gift of faith.
Sounds accurate. I'm currently a discipleship teacher at our local church. 🙌
Glory to God!
Yes Holy Spirit
Gifts can work together/ Gifts can be requested / Gifts can be imparted / Gifts can be stirred/ Gifts can be strengthen/ 1. DESIRED 2. RECOGNITION 3. FUNCTION.
I have taken the test and it has been eye opening to me. The strongest result was the gift of faith and I must say that I didn't pay attention to it before but my sister in faith has pointed it out to me. I guess I just took it for granted and didn't consider it as a meaningful gift.
Amen,God Bless you all,Thanks Holy Spirit For Everything and Sorry for Everything 🕊🥹
Mercy, giving, sheeprding. Sound right to me.
Your ministry is turning to another level... God bless you and the entire family brother Diga
that song at the worship part is making me cry and feelin a bit safe
JESUS love you sister..❤️
Bless God
Minister Steven and Minister Nic you touched the Spirit of God in me and caused me to just worship Him. Thank you for such a Spirit filled
Worship. Pastor David The Holy Spirit is always speaking when you teach. Thank you for such a blessing and being true vessels. God bless you 🙏🏾
Hello 👋🏼 you wonderful people. What a MIGHTY two nights in Austin. Thank you for the opportunity to volunteer as an usher. I was blessed immensely. Love ❤️ your team and looking forward to helping again in the future. God bless you and your team 🙌🏼🙏🏼
Use me Lord....
Gift of exhortation and prophecy 🙏🏼
That's so amazing! For me it is Evangelist, and the gifts of Mercy/exhortation and Faith/Healing 🙏
Mom would benefit from gife of healing.
To much responsibility for me to have.
I signed in montly. Seed. To. Appreciate all that u do
I'm joining spirit church today.
Praise God ❤️🕊️🇬🇭
Thank u. David. ..I really enjoy your. Teaching. ..I pray. My spirit will. Catch. Your. Teaching.
Amen, God reigns. Hallelujah
Hello Brother thank you for your beautiful worship and powerful sermon. Thank you keep me prayer thank you again sister Carmen
Thank you David Diga Hernandez
This teaching is so helpful,thanks alot
Thank you Pastor David. I love and I know that listening and watching your preaching and teaching do empower me spiritually. Thank you for your faithfulness in God.
Thank you David.
Your Ministry is a blessing!
Brother David you bless me with the teaching blessed with tongues singing in spirit how I pray for the word of knowledge even though in Saudi Arabia where there's no freedom of worship
Thank you so much brother David for boldly showing us this Spiritual gifts God has deposited in us that we didn't even new it was in us the whole time. Also, thank you for the test set your partner in the ministry did. It was amazing and i was a little suprise to have the gift of faith in thw power gift and gift of giving in the service gift. It was fun and enjoying at the same time. Thank you brother David ❤️. Glory be to God 🔥😊
Desire, Recognition, Function .. Thank You Brother David.
My Q:
What if when you are just Born with Gifts :
I have been given these gifts without training or without asking for them .
I can play several music instruments, paint beautiful paintings, create art through crafts sewing etc discern and teach people wisdom through counselling- I also received Information in dreams that came true .( like warnings of disaster before it came )
I do love all of them and sometimes find trouble to choose which to practice for His Kingdom.
I have been praying and fasting for the longest time for Him to show me Favour in the Specific Gift He wants me to Practice.
How do I know for sure ?
All three of these signs you gave are-present in all of them !
So I decided to Study Expressive Arts Therapies where all of these gifts will be useful to lead people to God and Serve them to heal .
I took your test and it gave me gift of miracles. And I took your other test and gave me exhortation
Thank you so much for this series on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. God bless you abundantly!
God bless you Pastor David
Food for thought
I love the worship song. I need your prayer of deliverance inJesus name.
Very timely message david! Short but spirit filled word of God!
Beautiful message I’m going to search and pray for my spiritual gifts 🔥🙏
The spiritual gift test sounds awesome, like the personality tests. Fight the 9 point enneagram ! ⚔️
Blessed message 🙏
Thanks for sharing.
Watching from India
Love you much Ps David and your ministry. I just took the test for service gifts. And the result was 100% correct. Amazing testing system that your team has built 🙂❤❤🙌
Please can I get a link to the test for service gift. GOD BLESS YOU.
Thank you Pastor David Hernandez and Steven Moctezuma. I'm always blessed by your ministry
My husband and I fast and pray together regularly and fast every month, I the gift of speaking and singing in tongues. I prophesy and those things comes to past with prophetic dreams but my husband and i have have gifts as a evangelist. A couple of people have thought that i was an evangelist as we both serve people and helping others ect. And i minister to people we both pray for people and cast out demons.
Thank you so much pastor David ur such a great preacher I'm so encourage and I have spiritual gifts for your help and teaching I can discover this. God bless you and your team.
thank you teacher
One time donation
Thank you very much.God bless you man of God.
Brother David the different tests were super helpful in confirmation and knowing what leadership/ spiritual gift is the strongest in my life, thank you for all you do I'm super grateful! God bless you🙏
Matteo 6:20-21
My favorite verse
Amen I'm blessed 😇😇😇😇😇
Thank you for this message Ptr. Diga .Godbless
Hello David love you so much with my ❤️. How are you feeling . And I want to say very nice ministry going love you and also stay in god's presence if you want.
I’ve been looking forward to this message! Thank you 💜
thank you brother. I really enjoy this message. God bless you in The mighty name of YESHUA/JESUS CHRIST.
God bless you, brothers.
Thank you
Grace and peace! ✌😎✌
Thank you pastor David for that test website for identifying spiritual gifts. It was very helpful and your teachings always encourage desire for spiritual gifts to serve the Kingdom of God better.
David, pls pray for me. Thank u
Amen Amen 🌟💫😇
All Glory to God ...
Amen 💥
Please pray for me to identify my gifts
Thank u davie
I want to really learn my spiritual gift and walk in it..
I pledge by faith $35.
Teach us about anointing of teaching plz
.. this will helps me to find out what is my spiritual gift.
This was great keep up the good work brother
KING 👑 JESUS 👑 Is My FATHER And My GOD (Isaiah 9 : 6-7) ! Fig tree generation (ISRAEL 1948) !
Yahshua is our King
What if your able to feel what others are feeling? What gift would that be?
Loved this teaching. Does anyone know if the website has changed because it takes me to a different site. 🤔
Hello 👋
Hello brother David, I am a believer who prays in tongues but each time, I feel light headed and slightly dizzy, also afew weeks ago whilst praying in tongues I closed my eyes and saw Jesus glowing white and the white dove flew from Him towards me. He flew so fast yet it seemed in slow motion I opened my eyes because I didn't expect to see what I saw! Although I have asked Jesus to send the Holy Spirit to cover all the Children of today (not quite those exact words but something like that) and that's what I saw. Can you help me with what I saw please!?
I don’t know truthfully but I know I’ve noticed strong discernment and healing but I don’t know whether it’s out of the norm of a normal believer and I feel bad even asking people about it because it makes me seem like I’m focused on me and not God and I want to sound and show that it’s for God glory.
Can u still discover ur gifts even though there's this specific sin u keep on repeating? u knew it to urself how hard u resist but there are times ure still ending to that sin. can someone enlighten me
Brother David, how can a Christian have an annointing without love or Character? How can he/she be entrusted by God about an annointing?
Hernandez tiene ministerio en Español???
David Diga Hernandez, please pray for me. I am born again, but I have struggled my whole life, even after I was saved. I am lazy David, and I need help! Thanks.
To help you to be not layzy
1 keep praying
2 read bible
3 worship
4 ask the holy spirit to help u
5 ask jesus to help you overcome it
6 fast
7 learn to keep going remember progress not perfection keep trying and do not give up ! God bless who ever see this that jesus will give you strength
Remember only way to repent and be saved by Christ act 11:14-18, Luke 11:9-13 just follow only the original gospel tradition teaching not churches but Jesus will guide you personally to the end John 10:1-6, 11-16, Acts 4:12 and zeph 3:9!
Hello. Do you have church here in the Philippines? Thank you.
I need to commute with God. I can't physically fast. I didn't money to give, or a car to go place. So I can't give anything. I want to be ready for Christ return.
Discord server is not going well.
So how I'm going to communicate God's word, his's love ?
How do you store up treasures in Heaven how does that work?
Did not get my results to the spiritual gifts test. There was no next page to go on for my results/
Hi Ptr David Diga. I hv filled in the spiritual gift form but i hv not had d chance to see it. Cud u send me pls. Tq
David I don't know if you know this but the word Lord is ba'al
Where can we follow David Hernaiz at?
questoion....9:42 hiddden or not yet obtained by 2nd baptisim?
I bet my coments will never be spoken on the next vid cus they ask questions to learn
by Mike Peralta (Permission is granted to copy and distribute this document to everyone you wish.)
If you were to die today, would you be certain that you would go to Heaven?
If you are not certain, then please read on.
Many think that since they have lived a good life then they will probably go to Heaven.
It's good to do good deeds and God wants that, but your good deeds cannot make up for your sins. It's like a bank robber that gets caught and tells the police that he gives to the poor and helps people. That does not make up for the fact that he robbed the bank.
God wants everyone to go to Heaven and be with Him. That is why He sent Jesus to die on the cross for us.
In John 3:16 it says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.”
The word perish here means the opposite of eternal life -- which is eternal death or Hell. God gives us His instructions in the bible to lead us to Him so that we can receive salvation. He does this because He loves us and wants everyone to be in Heaven with Him when they die.
In Romans 3:23 it says, “For all have sinned; and fall short of God's glorious standard.”
What this means is that all of us have sinned. We have all done wrong and do not deserve to be in God's glorious presence. None of us deserve to go to Heaven. I don't deserve to go, you don't deserve to go. None of us deserve to go to Heaven. We have all disobeyed God in our lives.
In Romans 6:23 it says, “For the wages of sin is DEATH, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Here “the wages of sin” means the “consequence of sin” or what we earn by sinning.
And the type of death being described here is spiritual death -- which is Hell -- as explained in the Bible in the book of Revelations where it states
“The lake of fire is the second DEATH. If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” Revelation 20:14-15.
So these last 3 scriptures are very serious because they are saying that:
1. We Have All Sinned,
2. The Consequence Of Sin Is Death, and
3. Death Is The Lake of Fire or Hell.
What this means is that we are all destined to go to Hell -- unless we allow God to intervene in our life.
But God does not want anyone to go to Hell. That is why He sent Jesus to die for all our sins on the cross.
And it is only through Jesus that we can receive eternal life. In John 14:6 Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through Me.”
We can only be saved through Jesus. There is no other way. The only payment that the Father accepts for our sins is the blood of Jesus. That is why He sent Jesus to die for our sins. He did it because He loves us. It is not because we deserve it -- because none of us deserve to go to Heaven.
Now it is only the children of God that get to be with God when they die. In John 1:12 God the Father, shows us how to become His child. He tells us,
“But to all who believed in Him, that is Jesus, and received Him, He gave the right to become children of God.”
And believing in Christ not only means that you believe that He exists, it also means that you put your full trust and obedience in Him. That is what is meant by believing in Him as Lord.
The word “Lord” means “King” or “Master” -- the One you trust and obey. In Romans 10:9 it says, “If you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”
The word “confess” means “to agree with.” So to truly confess that Jesus is Lord means that He is your Lord- the One you surrender to and trust and obey.
Now you receive Christ through faith and not by “earning it” with good deeds. It says in Ephesians 2:8-9 that, “For it is by grace (or undeserved favor) that you are saved, through faith -- and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God -- not by works, so that no one can boast. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so, none of us can brag about it.”
You don't earn salvation -- you receive it as a free gift from God. It is like receiving a Birthday gift. You don't pay for the Birthday gift. But you do decide whether you will receive it or not.
The price of your salvation was paid for by Jesus on the cross. And the cost to Jesus was very terrible. It is way beyond what I can comprehend. Jesus suffered terribly for us so that we all could go to Heaven. The one thing left for you to do, is to receive the salvation Jesus paid for as a free gift from God.
Although Jesus wants very much to give eternal life to everyone, He will not force anyone to receive Him as Lord. He gives everyone a free will choice. But He does invite everyone who wants to, to receive Him and receive eternal life.
In Revelation 3:20 Jesus says, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will go in and eat with him, and he with Me.”
So we all have a choice to make. We can live a self-directed life -- separate from God -- or a Christ directed life with God.
In a self-directed life you go your own way without God. But the choice is forever. If you die in that state you will forever be separated from God and perish (become damned) in Hell. In Luke 13:3 Jesus warns us that “unless you repent, you too will all perish.” God does not desire this for anyone but God will not force anyone to receive Him.
In a Christ-directed life, you surrender completely to Christ and give your life to Him. God created us and He died on the cross for us. He loves us dearly. In reality, God gives us infinitely more than what we could ever give Him.
If you do give your life to Jesus then Jesus promises you eternal life as He says in John 6:40, which says, “For My Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes, that is trusts, in Him shall have eternal life.”
By receiving Jesus as Lord of your life you at the same time repent from going your own way -- which is always away from God.
In fact, the word “repent” means to turn around. To make a U-turn. To change from going your own way, to going God's way by following Him. Repent also means to turn away from sin. By following Jesus you also turn away from sin.
As you receive Jesus and give your life to Him, you also ask for His forgiveness and reject all pursuit of sin.
If you have walked away from the Lord or have gone back to sinning and now want to repent of sin and come back to Jesus, you can also pray as shown below.
The prayer is shown below. Do you want to pray this prayer to God? It is not to me, or to my church, or to my denomination. It is a prayer you are making to God. It is a decision you are making to God -- Who created you and loves you.
Would you like to pray this prayer to commit your life to Jesus? Say each line to God as follows:
Prayer to Receive Jesus As Lord (Sinner’s Prayer):
“Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner and unable to save myself by my own deeds or my own way. But I do believe that You love me, and that You were sent to die on the cross for my sins. Right here and now, I repent of all sin and ask you to forgive all my sins and give me the gift of eternal life. I completely give my life to You, Jesus. Thank You, dear God, for hearing and answering my prayer, and for giving me eternal life as You promised You would. Amen.”
When you prayed this did you mean it? If you did then by God's promise you now have eternal life. Because it says in 1 John 5:13, "I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life." If you were to die today you would go to Heaven to be with God. We know this because God always keeps His word.
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Wow almost 5 min in a 20 min vid asking money makes me careful to test the spirits.
Why pay ?
Why most man of God need money to teach about the kingdom of God ?you received freely, give freely too..