The Relationship Trap I Fell Into (I thought I was unique lmao)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 พ.ค. 2024
  • lmao bro I thought I was different. Guess I'm wrong bruv 😂
    I started to get worse into the relationship, I got lazy, I got emotional and I got weaker.
    Hope you don't make the same mistake like I did bro. Tell me what you think 👊

ความคิดเห็น • 23

  • @_Lucary
    @_Lucary หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I think although your goals should always be important, eventually, when you are in a committed, long-term relationship your partner SHOULD be one of your top priorities if not your top priority.
    It's not a weakness or a distraction, it's what it means to be a life partner and what it means to have a family if/when you have one.
    The more "elements" you bring into your life the more you have to balance them, if you have a girlfriend or other type of commitment you won't have time to work quite as much as if you're single, but this other element of your life (should) brings something valuable that you shouldn't overlook.
    I think putting too much weight on "success" is a trap of its own in which many people fall, often due to their upbringing.
    Rather than looking at your life in terms of success, I think you will gain more when you look at your life in terms of happiness.
    What makes you FEEL the happiest? What generates the most joy in your life? Make that a priority, and when possible your top priority. It's more likely to be the people around you than some societal and likely superficial measure of success.
    If you're very young, I think your education should still come first because that impacts your future and overall life quality, but after that, as long as you have enough to live comfortably (according to YOUR own standards), there's nothing wrong with putting more of a focus on the things that actually make you happy. In fact, you're likely to have a much more enjoyable life that way.

    • @_Lucary
      @_Lucary หลายเดือนก่อน

      As for women and love in general, I think women value when a man loves them and can be vulnerable with them, aka when they're "invested".
      I think the version of you that they fall in love with is not only the one that is driven or focused on whatever you were doing before, but also the one that was pursuing her and being thoughtful of her. So apart from continuing to work on yourself and your confidence, it's also important to continue "pursuing" your partner, and showing affection regardless of how long you've been together.
      Sometimes relationships decline because one or both people get lazy or comfortable and stop putting in effort or because one or both people stop prioritizing or focusing on the relationship, so try to find a good balance!

    • @jclao
      @jclao  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Truly well said. This is all the things I totally agree with and would be beneficial for all of us.
      Congratualation bro, you have nailed and expanded on all of the things I think would help young men who will go through relationships in the future. I couldn't have said it better myself.
      This is valuable enough that I will pin this so other guys can learn from this. Thank you for your help 🙏
      For the guys still needing some clarity, read this man's valuable comment. I think it would you a lot.

  • @aidanmohrman9493
    @aidanmohrman9493 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    This is exaclty what happened to me and I lost her. Got comfortable and thought life was complete with her. Started becoming attached and was no where near who I once was.

  • @mob6469
    @mob6469 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    For me, Having a relationship in teenage life is such a waste of time. That's the lesson I have in my life. U can love but love yourself more than others. You're the more important + I love your content, keep it up and nice quality vd as well

    • @horuzz2009
      @horuzz2009 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      100%. Those teenage love, highschool love almost always like a test period. And if we get a heartbreak from those times, it's more pain than it is pleasure. "Learn to Love slow, but Love properly and wholeheartedly" is what I would say is a better mindset for us men.

    • @Cyhcg5uhgb
      @Cyhcg5uhgb หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I think it is very healthy. I only got into a relationship in my early twenties. It was also my partners first long relationship.
      The relationship dragged on for way longer than it should and was quite a bad relationship.
      I will never allow myself to be in a similar relationship.
      If I went through a relationship ealrier in life (high school) when my life was less stressfull, I would have learned the same lesson without the negative effect it had in my proffesional life.
      I would have probably also taken it less serieusly and broke it off earlier instead of trying to "fix" something that can't be fixed.

    • @mob6469
      @mob6469 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Cyhcg5uhgb It's like you have experienced a relationship in your teenage can bore u in the twenties, it is Bc U already knew what the relationship is and starting to take not seriously for that. Such a rare to find true love in this generation for teenagers

    • @mob6469
      @mob6469 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@horuzz2009 love the quoto

    • @LickeyTongue
      @LickeyTongue หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      You learn a lot about your outlook on life, and yourself. Everything is a learning curve. I agree the relationship its self prolly was a waste of time but learning what you don’t like at that time, Is better then figuring it out at 25-35 or older.

  • @jazzy010
    @jazzy010 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Krazy. Being in a relationship means being vulnerable and seeing each other for who they really are. It’s harder to achieve that if you’re always thinking that your partner for some reason is always looking for an upgrade and that they’re gonna be more attracted to more this and that. Sounds like a you problem. Also, why do you make it sound like men who are really into their girlfriends would fall into a trap as if being in a relationship with women is only at a man’s expense when it’s not. I think, instead of going on YT to rant about how they can’t measure up or something, actual men just do it.

    • @jclao
      @jclao  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yo bro, thank you for watching the vid and giving me your thoughts. First of all, that's not what I'm trying to convey at all. The mindset of never being vulnerable or never be emotionally attached is a wrong mindset. Because that's how love is supposed to be. Being anxious, worrying that if we are not our best self all the time is a wrong mindset to be in a relationship with someone. I totally agreed with you on that. I think there is a misunderstanding here or I wasn't clear enough with my message. But Yes, my mindset is to improve myself all the time, not out of fear that my woman will leave me for a better one, BUT out of my love her and wanting to give her the best I could, Because I Love Her.
      Thank you giving me your thoughts🙏

  • @jude2828
    @jude2828 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Fix on yourself first, boys. Take care of yourself and only then, you can take care of someone else.

  • @jessetwentenaer441
    @jessetwentenaer441 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Check attachment theory

  • @linaaveya90
    @linaaveya90 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    break up. if you're having doubts that means you aren't meant to be. a good partner will grow with you... duh.

  • @AONTrappy
    @AONTrappy หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Lowkey wanna get a girlfriend just to break up with her and get a motivational boost.

    • @jclao
      @jclao  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Bro I had the same thought as you wtf 💀

  • @UnflatteringRealities
    @UnflatteringRealities หลายเดือนก่อน

    Bro you just have a oneitis for this one chick....Yes she might be a good girlfriend, but there is no the one..if y'all break up, you'll probably meet someone else and feel the same way ABT them as you do for her now

    • @jclao
      @jclao  หลายเดือนก่อน

      I don't think so bro. You and me both know that there is a billion other guys and girls out there and no one person is "the one", so I get what you mean completely. BUT, if we don't allow ourselves to fully love our woman with all our heart as ingetting more attached emotionally, then how are we suppose to love them bro? I truly think there is not other way but to risk getting potentially hurt and betrayed, but at least we did with our hearts fully opened. So no matter what happens, we have no regrets.