Here in Ireland we had no snakes so the salmon was used instead. Its regeneration by spawning possibly represented transmigration of the soul. Salmon also means 'life-force' in old Irish and replaced snakes with the salmon of knowleadge (eofhios) and Eel being used as a symbol of the snake. I personally think the snake (ram horned serpent) became the wingless 'worm' dragons of Irish myth.
Fascinating! I'm interested in this type of Irish knowledge. I know Ireland had no snakes,yet our wise people were referred to as snakes. Any reading literature you can recommend? Thank you🐍☘
@@bunnybrown809 In relation to the salmon/snake symbolism this can be found in Oxford Dictionary of Celtic Mythology under Salmon, as the force of life it is recorded in Ireland's Animals by Niall Mac Coitir who has a series of folklore books, his Tree Book (Hazel Tree section) looks into the Hazel/Snake connection outside Ireland (called the hazelworm). Old-Irish Bratan/Salmon (now Bradan) means 'pulse/life/spirit' and its meaning can be found online eDIL - Irish Language Dictionary. Birds of Ireland by Glynn Anderson is a great book and also The Encyclopedia of Celtic Wisdom by Caitlin and John Matthews - i have many more but Sacred Texts has many free folklore books you can read in the Celtic section than i can mention here. I hope this helps you, thanks for your interest :)
@@johnmcmahon9062 Thank you so much for the reply,very kind of you. I will check some of the info you gave me. I love folklore ,and I'm not real familiar with most Irish folklore. I'm curious to learn how our ancestors saw the world and how they viewed the soul. You've been very helpful.😊
@@bunnybrown809 Very little is known about the soul in Ireland, what i know is that it transmigrates (Irish: Tuirigen) from one form into another. We have many deities of the dead, Cliona and Donn being just two. When you die your soul can go to an Island of which there are many (Tir na nOg), some real and others 'mystical', some souls reside in the wombs of the earth (mounds) with the shidhe while some living people are stolen and taken to the mounds (leaving changelings). The spirit world is good and not a bad place. If you want an account of someone who recalls their Tuirgein read the story of Tuan Mac Carill who talks about them. There are also 12 Soul-Doors/Paths (Anam-Dorus) in the human body where the soul (symbolised by a salmon!) can escape if damaged (from the Judgements of Dian Cecht), also check Anam-Chara soul-friends. I hope these help you out also, :)
@@johnmcmahon9062 Sounds odd to some but this is exciting to me! Indeed this knowledge you share with me is very helpful. Nowhere have I found the deities you mentioned.The spirit world always has scared me,I've tried to see it as good and not scary. The Story of Tuan Mac Carill is one I can't wait to read! I've heard of the shidhe mounds. Some of us still believe in them;) You are very helpful sir,thank you again. Btw There were McMahons on my mother's side of the family. :)
So much better using historic art. The serpent represents the vitality of life, broadly, in most traditions - Campbell said that it was a sign of Christianity's rejection of life that the serpent was cast in the negative role in the creation myth.
From what I understand, the serpent in the Garden of Eden story is referred to as "Nachash", which in Hebrew has many meanings, of which snake is but one, but a more literal translation is often given as "Shining One". The tempter in the garden seems to be depicted as a shining spirit, only a "serpent" in the sense that the Hebrews seemed to have had the same imaginative connection between snakes and spirits that all the ancient world had. Throughout the rest of the biblical books, snakes carry the same, sometimes contradictory, concepts that other traditions have attached to them. Moses creating a staff tipped with a bronze serpent to heal his people from a plague of snakes is perhaps an example of life/death symbolism.
Serpent representing the regenerative and healing powers is still used today. The Rod of Asclepius is the logo of WHO(snake entwined rod) and a lot of other medical organisations. It is used like you said to portray the healing and rejuvenation power of the snake. Most people misrepresent it though with the staff of Hermes which has 2 snakes and has nothing to do with healing.
There is a pattern in symbolism relating to the serpent and the Reconquista. (Some have tried to extrapolate the evidence into having a broader Crusader esoteric significance, but there are several major reasons why I see this particular symbology as indigenously Iberian and more narrowly oriented towards the Iberian struggle against Moorish Al-Andalus than the broader Holy Roman struggle against Islamic imperialism, Saracens, etc.) The image of the serpent - often in an aggressive posture or a suspended state of active belligerence - is a relatively common image in Iberian heraldry, iconography, etc. [particularly those dating to the emergence of the various Christian kingdoms and principalities that were founded in the aftermath of the Ibero-Gothic triumph over the Moors in Covadonga and subsequent establishment of the Kingdom of Asturias.] I notice this iconography best preserved in Portuguese heraldry. A common image is that of a blackened-faced man stuck in the jaws of an angry serpent. There are, of course, older instances of the serpent in Iberian symbology - which may account for its subsequent significance to Reconquista symbolism. The flag of the Suebic Kingdom of Galicia, for instance, features a full winged dragon and lion counterposed to one another in much the way the Welsh flag has them. This is interesting because the Suebic kingdom actually gifted a piece of territory to Breton refugees - in much the same way Brittany, France functioned - that became known as Britonia. Unlike the Visigoths, the Suebic had preserved much of their pagan belief structure and appear to have had respect for the Celtiberian clans and allowed them to practice their rituals and govern their own affairs in a semi-autonomous (possibly even cooperative) capacity. I believe there is an entire history there that has gone relatively unexplored.
Thank you! This was very informative and something I'm very interested in since my father was German from Schwaben but we also had a Spanish side from Castilla, so I'm especially interested in both Celtiberian traditions and how the Suebi related to them. That the Suebi who went to Gallaecia seemed to be more receptive towards the native Celtiberians, could be an ancestral memory of a Celtic heritage since we Swabians (as well as the Bavarians) also carry the blood and traditions of the Hallstatt Celtic tribes, and the Germanic Suebi and Alemanni easily absorbed and merged with them. That and the occasional alliances with some Gaullic tribes against the Romans during the early days of the empire, and there was this identifying with the Celts at least as having some kind of kindred connection. You're definitely on to something also because if you look at Martin of Braga and other church leaders in Iberia, they consistently lamented how Gallicia and northern Portugal were the staunchest regions holding on to the old traditions and we see church synods going well into the 5th, 6th and 7th centuries condemning and seeking to squash these traditions. Clearly some remnants of Suebi, Celtiberian and perhaps a link of the two folk faiths....In fact, I have a theory that the Reconquista was about not only about expelling the Moors, but that many of the Christian elements were simultaneously using it to solidify the Christian hold over Iberia and spread more orthodoxy.
"Many other similar compositions are represented by small and scarcely intelligible fragments; such as the Myth of the serpent Hedammu, who loved the goddess Ishtar; the Epic of Gurparanzakhus, in which the River Aranzakh (the Tigris under its Hurrian name) plays a prominent part; the Epic of Kessis the hunter; and the Tale of Appus and his two sons named Good and Bad. All these stories show clear signs of their Hurrian origin, though ultimately it is possible that many motifs which appear in them go back to the mythology of the Sumerians. There are also a few fragments of Canaanite myths, such as that concerning the Goddess Ashetu and her husband El-kunirsa." [The Hittites, O.R. Gurney, 1966]
Can we have a video on the significance of the wheel in Celtic culture? I noticed spoked wheels on the pictured coinage - does this link to the sun/solar circle and the snake?
The Celts were the last charioteers of the region. So spiked wheel imagery being everywhere makes sense. Most other places gave up on chariots around 1200 BCE, but Celts were still using them over a thousand years later.
In fact the two snakes holding figurines were a constant in many European religion : all the chtonic (earthly not heavenly) deities from Greece were portrayed holding two snakes in the hands. If it was a goddess then she would have the breast exposed too.
A yellow serpent with red eyes and red spots on its back was featured on the red and blue striped South Carolina Naval Ensign, under the words “Don’t Tread On Me” on the 2nd red stripe from the top. The blue stripes represented Scotland.
Coming from the South, it never ceases to amaze me just how much in our region still shows Celtic/Gaelic imagery and heritage. Clearly the primary formative heritage of most settlers, including even in South Carolina with it's lowlands.
Indeed. Many southern states have symbolism which is either unintentionally or deliberately Celtic. Even the Blood Stained Banner of the CSA symbolized the Scottish and French heritage of the South. South Carolina in particular is a very Anglo-Scottish State. Other Celtic or Scots influenced states are Georgia(excluding Atlanta) Arkansas, Kentucky, North Carolina, and all the other southern states, along with many other western and Yankee states.
Vritra (Sanskrit: वृत्र, vṛtra, lit. "enveloper") is a Vedic serpent, dragon or demon in Hinduism, the personification of drought and adversary of Indra.[1] Vritra is identified as an asura. Vritra was also known in the Vedas as Ahi (Sanskrit: अहि ahi, lit. "snake"). He appears as a dragon blocking the course of the rivers and is heroically slain by Indra.[2]
Oh & ive studied swords my whole life & in that time period "the serpent(s) in the blade or steel" refer to the highly valued pattern welded blades & the serpent like lines & designs the welding of the two types of steel together creates.
I love Serpents because they represent a double Archetype. They are both Chaos and Order merged into a single entity. This is why they are the most common animal found in Esoteric and Mystical Art. The Serpent of Darkness, Apophis, and the Serpent of Light, Ra.
They were known for wisdom, rebirth, and crossing liminal space, as in underworld/the world/under water/heaven(draconis). Only Egyptian city cults were obsessed with chaos/order rituals and symbolism, which fed into Judaism. Jung had his own understanding, not the rest of the world's or a modern understanding of world mythology.
I've noticed that cranes are another animal that repeatedly appear in Celtic mythology and artefacts, so they must have had strong significance. I'm wondering what the symbol of three cranes on top of a cow/bull means since it's quite specific and I've seen it come up a few times.
Can do you a video on western celts? And their relationship with the amazigh. If that falls in with celts. Or maybe do a video about celts and carthage. If that also falls into celts as wells.
Perhaps as a unifying concept behind all these representations you have the basic principle that "serpent = power", and with that you have all the different ways in which power can exist - as a useful force to help you with your goals, as something which must exist but needs to be channeled properly so that it doesn't cause harm, and occasionally something that becomes corrupted and must be obliterated because it cannot be redeemed, etc
Serpents also have a 3rd eye that glows in the dark.Even after plucked out.The snake lives,and the stone can shine ambient light after recovered with a cool towel. Think about that as it pertains to everything !
Afaik, there's nothing concrete because there isn't anything reliably stating druidic(a Roman name) beliefs. It's been theorized and is nearly undeniable that there was Phonecian at least, if not other influence. There were Celts that settled in Macedonia, Scythia, and Ionia. It's definitely possible that there was trade of goods and ideas between the West and East through the eastern Mediterranean. Etruscans definitely traded into the Northwest, but idk if it's been shown that they traded with the isles.
well man hows it going ulster man here i was wondering if you cud tell me about the blue stones of tara and enki wud that be who that is with the snakes pleas
The symbol at 3:00, whether you consider it pagan or Christian or whatever, is the key to our problem. We have two gods visiting the Aquarian Sun besieged. A blue star who arrived in 2010 and a red star who arrived around 2015, one who would remain 14 years turning the world over and one who would remain seven years to rake us over the coals. Hell was not a place to the ancients -- it was a TIME!
Vritra (Sanskrit: वृत्र, vṛtra, lit. "enveloper") is a Vedic serpent, dragon or demon in Hinduism, the personification of drought and adversary of Indra.[1] Vritra is identified as an asura. Vritra was also known in the Vedas as Ahi (Sanskrit: अहि ahi, lit. "snake"). He appears as a dragon blocking the course of the rivers and is heroically slain by Indra.[2]
Vritra (Sanskrit: वृत्र, vṛtra, lit. "enveloper") is a Vedic serpent, dragon or demon in Hinduism, the personification of drought and adversary of Indra.[1] Vritra is identified as an asura. Vritra was also known in the Vedas as Ahi (Sanskrit: अहि ahi, lit. "snake"). He appears as a dragon blocking the course of the rivers and is heroically slain by Indra.[2]
Interesting thing about 5:30 in, concerning the mythos of the garden of Eden and how God intended the fruit to be eaten... that's also how Jews see it. Rabbi's teach that it was necessary for Adam and Eve to help bring the world to holiness, and the only way they could do that is by going down out of holiness. They have to eat to know, and they had to know to sanctify the world and help heal it.
The figure(s) of the man holding two serpents is much more likely Ophiuchus, the serpent wielder and harbinger of winter, who spent much of the Zodiac's history being the twilight hallmark of winter skies across the Northern Hemisphere. I don't know about you, but I'd wager winter was the only time where there was reliable enough downtime for one to do something more creative than practical. And what better thing to carve than the giant constellation of the man holding two snakes over the setting sun daily to remind you that the days are presently short, cold, and miserable?
9:20 if this peaked your interest, you'll enjoy the ThunderboltsProject channel's discussion of the topic. the channel is about plasma cosmology - that electromagnetism is the dominant force in the cosmos rather than gravity. the dragon was the human depiction of massive plasma discharges during a distant past cataclysm. fascinating. ppl forget that the ancients weren't stupid. we've had the same hardware for the past nearly 200k years. they were no dumber than we are. they just phrases things in different ways than modern times... descriptions of natural phenomena are a product of culture. different cultures will describe things in metaphors that are meaningful to them. 2 ppl saying the same thing with different words will often argue over who's right when in fact they both are 😋
Your video has taken much work and very interesting thanks for-sharing your love and knowledge with the world I enjoy videos like this ! And snakes are and have always been very interesting to me I once worked in a store as young and it had pythons I handled every day he was wild to others but i he trusted I wouldn’t hurt him snakes are smarter than most think I wanted to buy him my dad said no 😂he gave me money to buy something else so I got a wild raccoon he was a beautiful fur baby too I just love 💕😊
I don’t disagree with your symbolic interpretation, but one hundred serpents gleam along the edge may also refer literally to fine waving pattern of what we’d call Damascus steel, which I believe the Celts had, in tandem with a sharp polished edge which does cast something of a halo on a knife
Fortress of Lugh, thank you so much for share this fantastic video. I know the serpents were a sacred simbol for the ancients celtic people. So was a sacred simbol of the Goddess? Isn't it?
Vritra (Sanskrit: वृत्र, vṛtra, lit. "enveloper") is a Vedic serpent, dragon or demon in Hinduism, the personification of drought and adversary of Indra.[1] Vritra is identified as an asura. Vritra was also known in the Vedas as Ahi (Sanskrit: अहि ahi, lit. "snake"). He appears as a dragon blocking the course of the rivers and is heroically slain by Indra.[2]
*Define the symbol of Serpant in its earliest use, and Clarity emerges.* Earliest *known* tablets, Cuneiform Tablets is still Sumer/Sumerian, unless some have emerged in Gobecli Tepe. Serpant is a positive, human supporting, intelligence, i.e., *"Knowledge"* ...and St Patrick tuning the Snakes from Ireland is reference to "Those whom held the Serpant(s) and held the Symbol with corresponding value in its definitive meaning, on various levels., The Druids, others "?" *(Enki as opposed to Enlil)* From the earliest known content foundation that becomes, or is found, in the Bible. *A great analogy is the Swastika, it's original Symbol Meaning, and its now Modern identification interpretation.* *Note:* In ancient to recent history even, USA History included, the Swastika us found "World Wide, encircling the World", as is "the Flood story, and with a Noah" Great Flood proven by GeoPhysics Artic Core Samples studies. I did/do: College + and vast research ... Lots of looking, reading, and listening. Oddly there s a dip on the graph "of what's felt certain", before the line begins to go up again. Most humbling ...
Thanks , you wiser than many... Snake here! continue your questioning you will find amazing . snake couple can keep some in eternity...😉 🐉🌹🐍
These serpents have been at the hand of meisters and priests that immense amounts of who’s who and demonizing and glorifying has taken place through many priest wars and conflicts that it’s all become very confusing. 50/50 tbh, either the deceiver or the illuminater.
Arabic word for earth is nun pronounced noon is whale. Main body of land is the earth/whale circled by the ouroboros serpent anti-clockwise, the head of ouroboros serpent is Australia as seen on the Urbano Monte 1587 map. A serpent biting it's tail is a symbol of the land that circles the earth whale. The whale is on the most used map Alex Gleason 1892 map, but only the head of serpent Australia is visible, the body of ouroboros collapsed down becoming barrier reef. You should understand when you look at those two maps. Gleason map is in your face all the time on the WHO and UN maps. Heart of the whale heartfield is north pole. The rocks were alive, look up dragon rock off the Isle of Mann, petrified dragon.
Since mégot the French for butt cigarette, which is Celtic or Gaulish - and it means the water left after cheese-making, we can now see the connection - spit of the cosmic serpent
Sarff is used in Y Gododdin with the meaning warrior/here. It is in not a word used in modern Welsh apart from in a context of a two face/nasty person.
I know as child even churches handles poison rattlesnakes to test there Faith and tempt and had loud music and yelling and very loud screaming crying and many have been bitten so snakes have always been of magic and mystery throughout history and myth! A power that is forced ✨⚡️
I've had memorable snake moments throughout my life before the meta-physical experience I had that centered around a large black-cobra that breathed fire into my Mind's Eye. If youve ever lucid dreamed; your physical creation body is at rest and your consciousness is aware of itself and space, can move/travel, see, hear, communicate etc while in this space, with this other "body" (used to move/sense in the lucid state). I do understand most humans these days do not have such experiences and cannot relate, don't disregard the capability of consciousness though because of inexperience. This meta-physical experience with the cobra; my creation body was where my consciousness was, up until this energy manifested in my body. My eyes close, and now I'm in that lucid state body aware, and in my physical body aware. My physical body is seated, and without my conscious intent to do so, my hands were forming various mudras, that were mirroring the movements/mudras in my lucid/astral body state that I could see as well. Then my astral body arms opened my astral chest, and bursting out was golden-white light that nearly took up my entire astral vision. My astral hands reached inside my chest, and pulled out a dark purple/black colored polygonal object (the shape was a Dodecahedron+Icosahedron geometry combined) - and held it infront of my Mind's Eye. Then my physical eyes open again, and my hands are still in some Mudra position, and that energy is really intense coursing inside my physical body or astral I can't really tell. My physical eyes are then closed again (without my intent to do so) and I see dark,fiery background with a black-mass lumped in the foreground. As I look down at the mass, it moves. Uncoiling itself into this huge black cobra that I am now staring up at as if bending my head back. It looks so pissed off, and as I stare at it's face it opens it's mouth and like a flamethrower fire masks my entire astral vision. Then my physical open again, the astral body consciousness cuts out, im in physical body completely conscious with nothing but a seated position in my living room and the residual sensation of that energy flowing through the body. That feeling faded away residual over the next few days. Ever since I've been on the hunt trying to learn about the snakes/serpent/dragon symbology. This video was very helpful, thank you.
According to images on a search engine, Snowden is having issues. It's so obvious when that happens and so stupid. The moves come. Now we're going in opposites. Forward-and-reverse while vibing to the music. Aside from drinking diet coke or taking pills, I don't know how to stop that from happening. Time to go into slaughter mode. It's been annoying in my life. Dirt or hearse? "Tonight you'll realize she's the dragon. By their fruits, you shall know them." -- "Butterfly Wings" Machines of Loving Graces. Can we get competent people to take over and get these people in some special "positions?"
Interesting 2 learn prospectives of my "Celtic" roots! Esepcially in relation to historic lore crossed with biblical myths... 💚🍀Peace~L0v3&Grattitude~N~0neness!💯🍀🐍🍀X0🍀🐍🍀💚
That's what the dark void felt like, sensation of something large coiled around your body and falling... connections with an inner part of consciousness, something overpowering that you must overcome... what happens when successful? Twice I panicked and feared a heart failure. . .
When it comes to St Patrick the Orthodox understanding is that "the snakes" are representative of druidic pagans. Considering snakes arent native to the island it sounds plausible.
Becomes even more plausible when you find out that the welsh word for druid is naddred which means serpent priest. The tuatha de danann were know as the shining ones just like nachash can also mean snake or shining one. Same people, it's the druids.
You should also consider the head of Minerva with her hair of serpents worn on Athena's breast. Athena is the goddess of wisdom and the Ancient Greeks also associated snakes with wisdom, it would seem. Minerva was also troublesome but Athena kept her snakes.
I just realized that this is what is meant when they say that saint Patrick drove the snakes from Ireland. He took away our religion and our heritage. And now we celebrate him. This made me cry. Thank you for doing so much on your channel to preserve our culture Sincerely.
It meant something like a duality, which would bring you to balance. A spiritual balance. In eastern myths, It means immortality and fertility. If you go extremely skeptical and investigative you will find clearly the reasons. Back at a time a tricky and agile reptile could hurt you bad or leave you in peace. Dominating a snake could show people you have wisdom or power. They lived in a age of superstitions, How can a noodle-like thing could be so skillful. Imagine those nights around a bonfire, where the smartest man would tell you they were gods in a shape of animals.
That’s not really accurate…the druids slowly declined over time but mainly it was laws placed in Rome before Jesus came, that created a decline. No Roman citizen could be a Druid and before that they were wars against them. St. Patrick was born around 500 years after the last of the druids existed.
... sugg. :: meso-am warrior-twins ... many aspects poss bound up with mat/pat soc development ... the female aspect becoming, esp with the advent of christianity, increasingly negatively defined ...
"God Himself loosed the serpent on Adam & Eve, and everything depended on its not betraying Him. This venomous creature has stayed loyal to God even to this day." [The Human Province, Elias Canetti, 1973, English Edition, 1978, Sec. "1942“]
S Tone 14khz+ sign wave TwyLyght sun gazeng. Green geyedeng enner Lyght, then Terqoese, then magenTa.. while 7 cercleng sun n flasheng haste. Our 3rd eye s ebIos of all ancient beengs.. The 4 syded cross pattern is a vertoeL network connecTs Ions 4 the celebraT Ions of Lyfe.💋💚💙💜 Naturally.
Draconis is the lesser known 13th zodiac. It contains the heavens(Jormungandr?). From one view it has the appearance of a dragon. From another it has the appearance of a hanged bearded man in a helmet. I don't think it's a coincidence that the Celtic cross in iconography/illuminations has been portrayed as the zodiac with Christ in its center. I believe that this constellation pair is the "heavenly" source for Thor/Jormungandr, Marduke/Tiamat, Christ/Serpent, etc. Welsh Arthurian stories were messianic, and Uther Pendragon/Arthur were heavily dosed with snake and dragon motifs. Arthur's court and 12 knights at the round table, could be seen as an earthly(as above so below) symbol of the heavens. You have simultaneously a warrior enveloped by a dragon/serpent and a hung man(depending on view from N or S of equator) surrounding and at the center of the rest of the heavenly movements/dramas. There could've been intercontinental trade of wisdom, or people could've used nearly identical symbolism due to human psychology and the apparent images in the sky bearing commonalities across the globe.
I think you have the closest to the truth comment. To me it is obviously about comets and superbolides and their battle with the Sun and our atmosphere, the inner solar system and skies were there for the global community to witness the progenitor of the Taurid Stream. Comparative religion and mythology clearly show this to be true, and academia have been brainwashed and defend against its enlightenment. If you have any image of Draco as a hung man I would like to see it, email. Reminds me of a picture I have that if one looks at it for months and in the right mood Joan of Arc can be seen.
your breaking away from parents metaphor... I say we made God in our image. far too many parents want to emotionally hamstring their kids so they can't leave them. and wrathful when they try to have their own life...
Incidentally, ALL I really hear is the near incessant “hiss” from his lisp and shitty microphone &/or acoustics. Why don’t ya make it easy on yourself and everyone who hears you talk all day? Just get rid of it- it’s Not like you’re learning Hungarian or Dutch, dude! I had a lisp from my first word until I was 10. So, this sounds like a 10yr. old reading from a textbook in class..
The Australian rainbow serpent is a real Extra terrestrial serpent not a reptile .You gotta get your head around the fact that all the Sumerian pantheon are actually originally from another planet. If you go hiking in Australia you have a very good chance of running into the real rainbow serpent Enki Ea. And this is what happened to me when I was 7 years ..When I was 7 I had basically hiked into where Yahweh and his family were relaxing....It was really bizarre but the serpents are very friendly and easy to befriend. I befriended the Serpent in Australia and he taught me in person about extra terrestrial creation. I also was lucky enough to see with my own two eyes all the angels at the garden of Eden which is a real place in Australia and there is alot of archaeological evidence about temples tombs hieroglyphics and alot of Aboriginal knowledge about E.T.s turn into cave art. The real serpent is Enki Ea . Basically all the Sumerian pantheon are a big family of Extra terrestrials who see earth as a holiday home which they share with us..E.T.s are a fact of life on earth and they don't want to freak us out too much so they hide away from most people but I was lucky enough to have grown up in up house in very close proximity to the E.T. human creating gods and it was very surreal to see all the Bible bigwigs Annunaki. I hope I helped you get a better understanding about what the truth about SERPENTS. It's like reptile snakes on earth are a created critter done by very real extra terrestrial kings and queens when they are ruling on their home planet and and visiting earth. These E.T.s have very long lifespans and are very friendly believe it or not. You gotta think in the Annunaki history books they been on Earth for at least 500,000 years and the same individuals would have been quite old before they left Nibiru to visit earth again.
I know as child even churches handles poison rattlesnakes to test there Faith and tempt and had loud music and yelling and very loud screaming crying and many have been bitten so snakes have always been of magic and mystery throughout history and myth! A power that is forced ✨⚡️
Here in Ireland we had no snakes so the salmon was used instead. Its regeneration by spawning possibly represented transmigration of the soul. Salmon also means 'life-force' in old Irish and replaced snakes with the salmon of knowleadge (eofhios) and Eel being used as a symbol of the snake. I personally think the snake (ram horned serpent) became the wingless 'worm' dragons of Irish myth.
Fascinating! I'm interested in this type of Irish knowledge. I know Ireland had no snakes,yet our wise people were referred to as snakes. Any reading literature you can recommend? Thank you🐍☘
@@bunnybrown809 In relation to the salmon/snake symbolism this can be found in Oxford Dictionary of Celtic Mythology under Salmon, as the force of life it is recorded in Ireland's Animals by Niall Mac Coitir who has a series of folklore books, his Tree Book (Hazel Tree section) looks into the Hazel/Snake connection outside Ireland (called the hazelworm). Old-Irish Bratan/Salmon (now Bradan) means 'pulse/life/spirit' and its meaning can be found online eDIL - Irish Language Dictionary. Birds of Ireland by Glynn Anderson is a great book and also The Encyclopedia of Celtic Wisdom by Caitlin and John Matthews - i have many more but Sacred Texts has many free folklore books you can read in the Celtic section than i can mention here. I hope this helps you, thanks for your interest :)
@@johnmcmahon9062 Thank you so much for the reply,very kind of you. I will check some of the info you gave me. I love folklore ,and I'm not real familiar with most Irish folklore. I'm curious to learn how our ancestors saw the world and how they viewed the soul. You've been very helpful.😊
@@bunnybrown809 Very little is known about the soul in Ireland, what i know is that it transmigrates (Irish: Tuirigen) from one form into another. We have many deities of the dead, Cliona and Donn being just two. When you die your soul can go to an Island of which there are many (Tir na nOg), some real and others 'mystical', some souls reside in the wombs of the earth (mounds) with the shidhe while some living people are stolen and taken to the mounds (leaving changelings). The spirit world is good and not a bad place. If you want an account of someone who recalls their Tuirgein read the story of Tuan Mac Carill who talks about them. There are also 12 Soul-Doors/Paths (Anam-Dorus) in the human body where the soul (symbolised by a salmon!) can escape if damaged (from the Judgements of Dian Cecht), also check Anam-Chara soul-friends. I hope these help you out also, :)
@@johnmcmahon9062 Sounds odd to some but this is exciting to me! Indeed this knowledge you share with me is very helpful. Nowhere have I found the deities you mentioned.The spirit world always has scared me,I've tried to see it as good and not scary. The Story of Tuan Mac Carill is one I can't wait to read! I've heard of the shidhe mounds. Some of us still believe in them;) You are very helpful sir,thank you again. Btw There were McMahons on my mother's side of the family. :)
Its nice to hear someone talk about serpents as a positive representation
Excellent video. Sources for further reading is always appreciated.
So much better using historic art. The serpent represents the vitality of life, broadly, in most traditions - Campbell said that it was a sign of Christianity's rejection of life that the serpent was cast in the negative role in the creation myth.
@@RKrk-jj2li Campbell wasn't that bad.
From what I understand, the serpent in the Garden of Eden story is referred to as "Nachash", which in Hebrew has many meanings, of which snake is but one, but a more literal translation is often given as "Shining One".
The tempter in the garden seems to be depicted as a shining spirit, only a "serpent" in the sense that the Hebrews seemed to have had the same imaginative connection between snakes and spirits that all the ancient world had.
Throughout the rest of the biblical books, snakes carry the same, sometimes contradictory, concepts that other traditions have attached to them. Moses creating a staff tipped with a bronze serpent to heal his people from a plague of snakes is perhaps an example of life/death symbolism.
Takshak was king snake clan ,hindus consider it
Celtic ppl has its root in india
Serpent representing the regenerative and healing powers is still used today. The Rod of Asclepius is the logo of WHO(snake entwined rod) and a lot of other medical organisations. It is used like you said to portray the healing and rejuvenation power of the snake. Most people misrepresent it though with the staff of Hermes which has 2 snakes and has nothing to do with healing.
Too understand relationship between snake and serpent watch bollywood movie nagina,celtic ppl has its root in india
@@nitinbull8720 India has its root in Zulu culture.
Your explanations make so much sense. I see serpents as pure energy of all forms.
There is a pattern in symbolism relating to the serpent and the Reconquista. (Some have tried to extrapolate the evidence into having a broader Crusader esoteric significance, but there are several major reasons why I see this particular symbology as indigenously Iberian and more narrowly oriented towards the Iberian struggle against Moorish Al-Andalus than the broader Holy Roman struggle against Islamic imperialism, Saracens, etc.)
The image of the serpent - often in an aggressive posture or a suspended state of active belligerence - is a relatively common image in Iberian heraldry, iconography, etc. [particularly those dating to the emergence of the various Christian kingdoms and principalities that were founded in the aftermath of the Ibero-Gothic triumph over the Moors in Covadonga and subsequent establishment of the Kingdom of Asturias.] I notice this iconography best preserved in Portuguese heraldry. A common image is that of a blackened-faced man stuck in the jaws of an angry serpent.
There are, of course, older instances of the serpent in Iberian symbology - which may account for its subsequent significance to Reconquista symbolism. The flag of the Suebic Kingdom of Galicia, for instance, features a full winged dragon and lion counterposed to one another in much the way the Welsh flag has them.
This is interesting because the Suebic kingdom actually gifted a piece of territory to Breton refugees - in much the same way Brittany, France functioned - that became known as Britonia. Unlike the Visigoths, the Suebic had preserved much of their pagan belief structure and appear to have had respect for the Celtiberian clans and allowed them to practice their rituals and govern their own affairs in a semi-autonomous (possibly even cooperative) capacity. I believe there is an entire history there that has gone relatively unexplored.
Thank you! This was very informative and something I'm very interested in since my father was German from Schwaben but we also had a Spanish side from Castilla, so I'm especially interested in both Celtiberian traditions and how the Suebi related to them.
That the Suebi who went to Gallaecia seemed to be more receptive towards the native Celtiberians, could be an ancestral memory of a Celtic heritage since we Swabians (as well as the Bavarians) also carry the blood and traditions of the Hallstatt Celtic tribes, and the Germanic Suebi and Alemanni easily absorbed and merged with them. That and the occasional alliances with some Gaullic tribes against the Romans during the early days of the empire, and there was this identifying with the Celts at least as having some kind of kindred connection.
You're definitely on to something also because if you look at Martin of Braga and other church leaders in Iberia, they consistently lamented how Gallicia and northern Portugal were the staunchest regions holding on to the old traditions and we see church synods going well into the 5th, 6th and 7th centuries condemning and seeking to squash these traditions. Clearly some remnants of Suebi, Celtiberian and perhaps a link of the two folk faiths....In fact, I have a theory that the Reconquista was about not only about expelling the Moors, but that many of the Christian elements were simultaneously using it to solidify the Christian hold over Iberia and spread more orthodoxy.
Theres also a legend that says that lisbon (ophiusa) was a serpent city
"Many other similar compositions are represented by small and scarcely intelligible fragments; such as the Myth of the serpent Hedammu, who loved the goddess Ishtar; the Epic of Gurparanzakhus, in which the River Aranzakh (the Tigris under its Hurrian name) plays a prominent part; the Epic of Kessis the hunter; and the Tale of Appus and his two sons named Good and Bad. All these stories show clear signs of their Hurrian origin, though ultimately it is possible that many motifs which appear in them go back to the mythology of the Sumerians. There are also a few fragments of Canaanite myths, such as that concerning the Goddess Ashetu and her husband El-kunirsa."
[The Hittites, O.R. Gurney, 1966]
Can we have a video on the significance of the wheel in Celtic culture? I noticed spoked wheels on the pictured coinage - does this link to the sun/solar circle and the snake?
Its often Taranis the Gallic storm god and votive spoked or solar wheels you mention ?
The Celts were the last charioteers of the region. So spiked wheel imagery being everywhere makes sense. Most other places gave up on chariots around 1200 BCE, but Celts were still using them over a thousand years later.
Cymru am byth ✌️❤️🏴
Yma o Hyd, gweithio pawb a popeth!!!
“We are still here, despite everyone and everything”
*That story of the Christ iconography holding two serpents reminds me of images of Hercules, son of Zues, killing serpents as a child with his hands.*
In fact the two snakes holding figurines were a constant in many European religion : all the chtonic (earthly not heavenly) deities from Greece were portrayed holding two snakes in the hands. If it was a goddess then she would have the breast exposed too.
A yellow serpent with red eyes and red spots on its back was featured on the red and blue striped South Carolina Naval Ensign, under the words “Don’t Tread On Me” on the 2nd red stripe from the top. The blue stripes represented Scotland.
isn't that the libertarian flag?
No. You’re thinking about the Gadsden Flag. That one doesn’t have red and blue stripes, but rather a plain yellow field.
Coming from the South, it never ceases to amaze me just how much in our region still shows Celtic/Gaelic imagery and heritage. Clearly the primary formative heritage of most settlers, including even in South Carolina with it's lowlands.
Indeed. Many southern states have symbolism which is either unintentionally or deliberately Celtic. Even the Blood Stained Banner of the CSA symbolized the Scottish and French heritage of the South. South Carolina in particular is a very Anglo-Scottish State. Other Celtic or Scots influenced states are Georgia(excluding Atlanta) Arkansas, Kentucky, North Carolina, and all the other southern states, along with many other western and Yankee states.
@@lowlandnobleman6746 what can you say about Arkansas?
Vritra (Sanskrit: वृत्र, vṛtra, lit. "enveloper") is a Vedic serpent, dragon or demon in Hinduism, the personification of drought and adversary of Indra.[1] Vritra is identified as an asura. Vritra was also known in the Vedas as Ahi (Sanskrit: अहि ahi, lit. "snake"). He appears as a dragon blocking the course of the rivers and is heroically slain by Indra.[2]
Oh & ive studied swords my whole life & in that time period "the serpent(s) in the blade or steel" refer to the highly valued pattern welded blades & the serpent like lines & designs the welding of the two types of steel together creates.
I love Serpents because they represent a double Archetype. They are both Chaos and Order merged into a single entity. This is why they are the most common animal found in Esoteric and Mystical Art.
The Serpent of Darkness, Apophis, and the Serpent of Light, Ra.
You’re just recapitulating Jordan Peterson’s conjectures.
Regurgitating? Sorry. Had to be a grammar Nazi at least once.
They were known for wisdom, rebirth, and crossing liminal space, as in underworld/the world/under water/heaven(draconis). Only Egyptian city cults were obsessed with chaos/order rituals and symbolism, which fed into Judaism. Jung had his own understanding, not the rest of the world's or a modern understanding of world mythology.
@@Brokentwobutton where are you getting the association between heaven and draconis from? Just curious.
Where does the green man like, bearded relief, photo, come from towards the end of the video? 100 points..
I could see the Gallo-Romans being instrumental in bridging the Celtic and Greco-Roman mythology surrounding the enigmatic symbology of the serpent.
Incredibly fascinating.
The serpent is very similar in Native American societies as well. Over coming obstacles, healing, hero myths, etc.
Bock saga has an... interesting take of what the snake symbolizes
Thunderbolts Project supports the lightning interpretation.
More likely comets tbh
I've noticed that cranes are another animal that repeatedly appear in Celtic mythology and artefacts, so they must have had strong significance. I'm wondering what the symbol of three cranes on top of a cow/bull means since it's quite specific and I've seen it come up a few times.
Is that the music from Oblivion? So nice
Hey Kevin! Just wondering where did you study Celtic history & mythology? If at an institute, where do you recommend?
Can do you a video on western celts? And their relationship with the amazigh. If that falls in with celts. Or maybe do a video about celts and carthage. If that also falls into celts as wells.
АЛЕКСАНДР ФИЛИПС the goedelic or Brythonic?
@@TheAwillz I honestly dont know the difference or anything about them.
Yes! I second this!
Celtic ppl belongs to india
Fantastic job buddy 👏
Perhaps as a unifying concept behind all these representations you have the basic principle that "serpent = power", and with that you have all the different ways in which power can exist - as a useful force to help you with your goals, as something which must exist but needs to be channeled properly so that it doesn't cause harm, and occasionally something that becomes corrupted and must be obliterated because it cannot be redeemed, etc
Serpents also have a 3rd eye that glows in the dark.Even after plucked out.The snake lives,and the stone can shine ambient light after recovered with a cool towel. Think about that as it pertains to everything !
Could anyone point me to some sources (books/literature) examining the possible influence of mediterranean cultures on Celtic artforms?
Afaik, there's nothing concrete because there isn't anything reliably stating druidic(a Roman name) beliefs. It's been theorized and is nearly undeniable that there was Phonecian at least, if not other influence. There were Celts that settled in Macedonia, Scythia, and Ionia. It's definitely possible that there was trade of goods and ideas between the West and East through the eastern Mediterranean. Etruscans definitely traded into the Northwest, but idk if it's been shown that they traded with the isles.
Celtic ppl are indian ,migrated long b4 from India ,to understand celtic ppl read hindu scripture
well man hows it going ulster man here i was wondering if you cud tell me about the blue stones of tara and enki wud that be who that is with the snakes pleas
The symbol at 3:00, whether you consider it pagan or Christian or whatever, is the key to our problem. We have two gods visiting the Aquarian Sun besieged. A blue star who arrived in 2010 and a red star who arrived around 2015, one who would remain 14 years turning the world over and one who would remain seven years to rake us over the coals. Hell was not a place to the ancients -- it was a TIME!
What was the music thru the first few minutes?
where can I read about the Pelagianism regarding the serpent? I wasn't able to find it :(
I'm also on board with the idea of the twin serpent forms being the symbol that your mind uses to describe the DNA helix when in visionary states.
Even just the duality of the forces of life itself
Vritra (Sanskrit: वृत्र, vṛtra, lit. "enveloper") is a Vedic serpent, dragon or demon in Hinduism, the personification of drought and adversary of Indra.[1] Vritra is identified as an asura. Vritra was also known in the Vedas as Ahi (Sanskrit: अहि ahi, lit. "snake"). He appears as a dragon blocking the course of the rivers and is heroically slain by Indra.[2]
Women with snake May be wife of vrihtra
The image in the end, this face with snakes in his beard- what/who is it, please?
There is also always the link with initiation and rebirth in regards of the snake...
You're Amazing🌹 Thank you
The myth where the guy wears the serpent like a belt. How is that name spelled?
Yay!!! Thank you :) love it ❤❤❤
"The Obstructor, the one who must be overcome" to me, implies the Battle of Good & Evil 🐍
Vritra (Sanskrit: वृत्र, vṛtra, lit. "enveloper") is a Vedic serpent, dragon or demon in Hinduism, the personification of drought and adversary of Indra.[1] Vritra is identified as an asura. Vritra was also known in the Vedas as Ahi (Sanskrit: अहि ahi, lit. "snake"). He appears as a dragon blocking the course of the rivers and is heroically slain by Indra.[2]
We have very small native snakes in the UK by the way, I didn’t know this until recently and I live here! Haha
The adder, in Ireland we only have a very small lizard species.
Interesting thing about 5:30 in, concerning the mythos of the garden of Eden and how God intended the fruit to be eaten... that's also how Jews see it. Rabbi's teach that it was necessary for Adam and Eve to help bring the world to holiness, and the only way they could do that is by going down out of holiness. They have to eat to know, and they had to know to sanctify the world and help heal it.
Is that oblivion music in the background?
@@FortressofLugh perfect :') loving the videos!
The figure(s) of the man holding two serpents is much more likely Ophiuchus, the serpent wielder and harbinger of winter, who spent much of the Zodiac's history being the twilight hallmark of winter skies across the Northern Hemisphere. I don't know about you, but I'd wager winter was the only time where there was reliable enough downtime for one to do something more creative than practical. And what better thing to carve than the giant constellation of the man holding two snakes over the setting sun daily to remind you that the days are presently short, cold, and miserable?
9:20 if this peaked your interest, you'll enjoy the ThunderboltsProject channel's discussion of the topic.
the channel is about plasma cosmology - that electromagnetism is the dominant force in the cosmos rather than gravity. the dragon was the human depiction of massive plasma discharges during a distant past cataclysm.
fascinating. ppl forget that the ancients weren't stupid. we've had the same hardware for the past nearly 200k years. they were no dumber than we are. they just phrases things in different ways than modern times... descriptions of natural phenomena are a product of culture. different cultures will describe things in metaphors that are meaningful to them. 2 ppl saying the same thing with different words will often argue over who's right when in fact they both are 😋
Your video has taken much work and very interesting thanks for-sharing your love and knowledge with the world I enjoy videos like this ! And snakes are and have always been very interesting to me I once worked in a store as young and it had pythons I handled every day he was wild to others but i he trusted I wouldn’t hurt him snakes are smarter than most think I wanted to buy him my dad said no 😂he gave me money to buy something else so I got a wild raccoon he was a beautiful fur baby too I just love 💕😊
I don’t disagree with your symbolic interpretation, but one hundred serpents gleam along the edge may also refer literally to fine waving pattern of what we’d call Damascus steel, which I believe the Celts had, in tandem with a sharp polished edge which does cast something of a halo on a knife
A beautiful way of looking at life.
Dragon = draoi goch: red power?
Fortress of Lugh, thank you so much for share this fantastic video. I know the serpents were a sacred simbol for the ancients celtic people. So was a sacred simbol of the Goddess? Isn't it?
Not strictly. Kindof like a symbol of the light and dark sides of life and nature or the force in Star Wars
Hey I saw lingam in documentary its depicts lord shiva
Vritra (Sanskrit: वृत्र, vṛtra, lit. "enveloper") is a Vedic serpent, dragon or demon in Hinduism, the personification of drought and adversary of Indra.[1] Vritra is identified as an asura. Vritra was also known in the Vedas as Ahi (Sanskrit: अहि ahi, lit. "snake"). He appears as a dragon blocking the course of the rivers and is heroically slain by Indra.[2]
*Define the symbol of Serpant in its earliest use, and Clarity emerges.*
Earliest *known* tablets, Cuneiform Tablets is still Sumer/Sumerian, unless some have emerged in Gobecli Tepe.
Serpant is a positive, human supporting, intelligence, i.e., *"Knowledge"*
...and St Patrick tuning the Snakes from Ireland is reference to "Those whom held the Serpant(s) and held the Symbol with corresponding value in its definitive meaning, on various levels., The Druids, others "?"
*(Enki as opposed to Enlil)*
From the earliest known content foundation that becomes, or is found, in the Bible.
*A great analogy is the Swastika, it's original Symbol Meaning, and its now Modern identification interpretation.*
*Note:* In ancient to recent history even, USA History included, the Swastika us found "World Wide, encircling the World", as is "the Flood story, and with a Noah"
Great Flood proven by GeoPhysics Artic Core Samples studies.
I did/do: College + and vast research ...
Lots of looking, reading, and listening.
Oddly there s a dip on the graph "of what's felt certain", before the line begins to go up again.
Most humbling ...
Celtic ppl has its root in India ,to know abt snake clan read hindu scripture ,celtic are vaidik ppl who migrated from India
Thanks , you wiser than many...
Snake here! continue your questioning you will find amazing . snake couple can keep some in eternity...😉
These serpents have been at the hand of meisters and priests that immense amounts of who’s who and demonizing and glorifying has taken place through many priest wars and conflicts that it’s all become very confusing. 50/50 tbh, either the deceiver or the illuminater.
Arabic word for earth is nun pronounced noon is whale. Main body of land is the earth/whale circled by the ouroboros serpent anti-clockwise, the head of ouroboros serpent is Australia as seen on the Urbano Monte 1587 map. A serpent biting it's tail is a symbol of the land that circles the earth whale. The whale is on the most used map Alex Gleason 1892 map, but only the head of serpent Australia is visible, the body of ouroboros collapsed down becoming barrier reef. You should understand when you look at those two maps. Gleason map is in your face all the time on the WHO and UN maps. Heart of the whale heartfield is north pole. The rocks were alive, look up dragon rock off the Isle of Mann, petrified dragon.
Since mégot the French for butt cigarette, which is Celtic or Gaulish - and it means the water left after cheese-making, we can now see the connection - spit of the cosmic serpent
Basically it's about the Phallus. Without a hard one there's nothing.
Sarff is used in Y Gododdin with the meaning warrior/here. It is in not a word used in modern Welsh apart from in a context of a two face/nasty person.
The symbol of the serpent and the egg at 7:55 is the same one as the serpent mound in Ohio. It's not eating the egg. It's giving birth to humanity.
I know as child even churches handles poison rattlesnakes to test there Faith and tempt and had loud music and yelling and very loud screaming crying and many have been bitten so snakes have always been of magic and mystery throughout history and myth! A power that is forced ✨⚡️
yes, you mentioned the goddess.
What about Hercules strangling the snakes as a baby?
I've had memorable snake moments throughout my life before the meta-physical experience I had that centered around a large black-cobra that breathed fire into my Mind's Eye.
If youve ever lucid dreamed; your physical creation body is at rest and your consciousness is aware of itself and space, can move/travel, see, hear, communicate etc while in this space, with this other "body" (used to move/sense in the lucid state). I do understand most humans these days do not have such experiences and cannot relate, don't disregard the capability of consciousness though because of inexperience.
This meta-physical experience with the cobra; my creation body was where my consciousness was, up until this energy manifested in my body. My eyes close, and now I'm in that lucid state body aware, and in my physical body aware. My physical body is seated, and without my conscious intent to do so, my hands were forming various mudras, that were mirroring the movements/mudras in my lucid/astral body state that I could see as well.
Then my astral body arms opened my astral chest, and bursting out was golden-white light that nearly took up my entire astral vision. My astral hands reached inside my chest, and pulled out a dark purple/black colored polygonal object (the shape was a Dodecahedron+Icosahedron geometry combined) - and held it infront of my Mind's Eye.
Then my physical eyes open again, and my hands are still in some Mudra position, and that energy is really intense coursing inside my physical body or astral I can't really tell.
My physical eyes are then closed again (without my intent to do so) and I see dark,fiery background with a black-mass lumped in the foreground. As I look down at the mass, it moves. Uncoiling itself into this huge black cobra that I am now staring up at as if bending my head back. It looks so pissed off, and as I stare at it's face it opens it's mouth and like a flamethrower fire masks my entire astral vision.
Then my physical open again, the astral body consciousness cuts out, im in physical body completely conscious with nothing but a seated position in my living room and the residual sensation of that energy flowing through the body. That feeling faded away residual over the next few days.
Ever since I've been on the hunt trying to learn about the snakes/serpent/dragon symbology. This video was very helpful, thank you.
Thank you
According to images on a search engine, Snowden is having issues. It's so obvious when that happens and so stupid. The moves come. Now we're going in opposites. Forward-and-reverse while vibing to the music. Aside from drinking diet coke or taking pills, I don't know how to stop that from happening. Time to go into slaughter mode. It's been annoying in my life. Dirt or hearse? "Tonight you'll realize she's the dragon. By their fruits, you shall know them." -- "Butterfly Wings" Machines of Loving Graces. Can we get competent people to take over and get these people in some special "positions?"
The Light Serpent Dragon ⚡🐉❤
The flying serpent... ❤️🔥☝️👑🪽
Interesting 2 learn prospectives of my "Celtic" roots! Esepcially in relation to historic lore crossed with biblical myths...
That's what the dark void felt like, sensation of something large coiled around your body and falling... connections with an inner part of consciousness, something overpowering that you must overcome... what happens when successful? Twice I panicked and feared a heart failure. . .
When it comes to St Patrick the Orthodox understanding is that "the snakes" are representative of druidic pagans. Considering snakes arent native to the island it sounds plausible.
Becomes even more plausible when you find out that the welsh word for druid is naddred which means serpent priest. The tuatha de danann were know as the shining ones just like nachash can also mean snake or shining one. Same people, it's the druids.
You should also consider the head of Minerva with her hair of serpents worn on Athena's breast. Athena is the goddess of wisdom and the Ancient Greeks also associated snakes with wisdom, it would seem.
Minerva was also troublesome but Athena kept her snakes.
Isn't the serpent something which represents the inner turmoil of the person ?
kundalini baby
Very interesting about the Tully Lough Cross, but how can you be sure the figure is Christ?
I just realized that this is what is meant when they say that saint Patrick drove the snakes from Ireland. He took away our religion and our heritage. And now we celebrate him. This made me cry. Thank you for doing so much on your channel to preserve our culture
Be as wise as a serpent , and as gentle as a dove 🕊
Look at electric universe theory for plasma science evidence on the serpent making myths historical events
Serpent is associated with nun race from water.
@@linnymaemullins3319 annunaki. Sumerian mythology.
@@przemyslawpodbielski1620 thank you👍😍
It meant something like a duality, which would bring you to balance. A spiritual balance. In eastern myths, It means immortality and fertility. If you go extremely skeptical and investigative you will find clearly the reasons. Back at a time a tricky and agile reptile could hurt you bad or leave you in peace. Dominating a snake could show people you have wisdom or power. They lived in a age of superstitions, How can a noodle-like thing could be so skillful. Imagine those nights around a bonfire, where the smartest man would tell you they were gods in a shape of animals.
The primordial ooze 6th
The tribe of Dan shall judge the isrelights .
If you haven't seen it already this is a good perspective of the snake symbolically
Jesus came from the Middle East. Us whites came from the Middle East.
There were snakes in Ireland they were called druids that's who Patrick drove out, as you well know I'm sure.
That’s not really accurate…the druids slowly declined over time but mainly it was laws placed in Rome before Jesus came, that created a decline. No Roman citizen could be a Druid and before that they were wars against them. St. Patrick was born around 500 years after the last of the druids existed.
... sugg. :: meso-am warrior-twins ... many aspects poss bound up with mat/pat soc development ... the female aspect becoming, esp with the advent of christianity, increasingly negatively defined ...
"God Himself loosed the serpent on Adam & Eve, and everything depended on its not betraying Him. This venomous creature has stayed loyal to God even to this day."
[The Human Province, Elias Canetti, 1973, English Edition, 1978, Sec. "1942“]
"A 'certain point of view'...?!"
Lord shiva
S Tone 14khz+ sign wave TwyLyght sun gazeng. Green geyedeng enner Lyght, then Terqoese, then magenTa.. while 7 cercleng sun n flasheng haste. Our 3rd eye s ebIos of all ancient beengs.. The 4 syded cross pattern is a vertoeL network connecTs Ions 4 the celebraT Ions of Lyfe.💋💚💙💜
Serpent 🐍 seiman
Draconis is the lesser known 13th zodiac. It contains the heavens(Jormungandr?). From one view it has the appearance of a dragon. From another it has the appearance of a hanged bearded man in a helmet. I don't think it's a coincidence that the Celtic cross in iconography/illuminations has been portrayed as the zodiac with Christ in its center. I believe that this constellation pair is the "heavenly" source for Thor/Jormungandr, Marduke/Tiamat, Christ/Serpent, etc. Welsh Arthurian stories were messianic, and Uther Pendragon/Arthur were heavily dosed with snake and dragon motifs. Arthur's court and 12 knights at the round table, could be seen as an earthly(as above so below) symbol of the heavens. You have simultaneously a warrior enveloped by a dragon/serpent and a hung man(depending on view from N or S of equator) surrounding and at the center of the rest of the heavenly movements/dramas. There could've been intercontinental trade of wisdom, or people could've used nearly identical symbolism due to human psychology and the apparent images in the sky bearing commonalities across the globe.
I think you have the closest to the truth comment. To me it is obviously about comets and superbolides and their battle with the Sun and our atmosphere, the inner solar system and skies were there for the global community to witness the progenitor of the Taurid Stream. Comparative religion and mythology clearly show this to be true, and academia have been brainwashed and defend against its enlightenment. If you have any image of Draco as a hung man I would like to see it, email. Reminds me of a picture I have that if one looks at it for months and in the right mood Joan of Arc can be seen.
Gentle as doves wise as a serpent, Christians aren't supposed to be stupid. We are to be peaceful.. Canny is connected to serpents.
"wise as serpents" is from the Bible
Not only Indo European, also in Peru Maya Mexico China, and the Turkic people in Indo Europa, we call this animal Ejderha, the dragon.
your breaking away from parents metaphor... I say we made God in our image. far too many parents want to emotionally hamstring their kids so they can't leave them. and wrathful when they try to have their own life...
Modern phenomenon.
Incidentally, ALL I really hear is the near incessant “hiss” from his lisp and shitty microphone &/or acoustics. Why don’t ya make it easy on yourself and everyone who hears you talk all day? Just get rid of it- it’s Not like you’re learning Hungarian or Dutch, dude!
I had a lisp from my first word until I was 10.
So, this sounds like a 10yr. old reading from a textbook in class..
Sometimes, it isn't about metaphysics and western religion. ;)
Think: family/tribal crests/motifs, instead.
"Snake" =
Ser=Bird,,,Pe=Shell...Ent=EinT=Fish people land...
Bird-Shell-Fish people-Land...
=KimChi God's Fish land...👌👌👌
Your a mason saying the light bearer is good a Arthur was a faint and Merlin stag/fon! Jesus is the only way!
The Australian rainbow serpent is a real Extra terrestrial serpent not a reptile .You gotta get your head around the fact that all the Sumerian pantheon are actually originally from another planet. If you go hiking in Australia you have a very good chance of running into the real rainbow serpent Enki Ea. And this is what happened to me when I was 7 years ..When I was 7 I had basically hiked into where Yahweh and his family were relaxing....It was really bizarre but the serpents are very friendly and easy to befriend. I befriended the Serpent in Australia and he taught me in person about extra terrestrial creation. I also was lucky enough to see with my own two eyes all the angels at the garden of Eden which is a real place in Australia and there is alot of archaeological evidence about temples tombs hieroglyphics and alot of Aboriginal knowledge about E.T.s turn into cave art. The real serpent is Enki Ea . Basically all the Sumerian pantheon are a big family of Extra terrestrials who see earth as a holiday home which they share with us..E.T.s are a fact of life on earth and they don't want to freak us out too much so they hide away from most people but I was lucky enough to have grown up in up house in very close proximity to the E.T. human creating gods and it was very surreal to see all the Bible bigwigs Annunaki. I hope I helped you get a better understanding about what the truth about SERPENTS. It's like reptile snakes on earth are a created critter done by very real extra terrestrial kings and queens when they are ruling on their home planet and and visiting earth. These E.T.s have very long lifespans and are very friendly believe it or not. You gotta think in the Annunaki history books they been on Earth for at least 500,000 years and the same individuals would have been quite old before they left Nibiru to visit earth again.
Alien gods created all life forms at some point on the fossil record....
I know as child even churches handles poison rattlesnakes to test there Faith and tempt and had loud music and yelling and very loud screaming crying and many have been bitten so snakes have always been of magic and mystery throughout history and myth! A power that is forced ✨⚡️