Hey guys! Sorry about the runes/items being missing. We removed it from the video as it'll change soon and the rest of this guide will work for a very long time. Here are the Azir items/runes for now though: Recommended Runes: Conqueror, Presence of Mind, Alacity, Coup de Grace + Absolute Focus, Scorch Recommended Build Path: Luden's / Liandries with Sorceror's Shoes -> Nashor's Tooth -> Deathcap -> Zhonyas / Void Staff
Bro forgot the revenant shuffle, you should have at least mention it edit: oh , and try guinsoo on azir with lethal or HoB, it's godly vs some matchups :D
I really liked the "how to play like a (champion) main" and love to see it again These are the best guides on a champion i could fined that actually have everything about that champ in one video Also in the intro you said that you will go through the runes and items but the video doesn't include them and im not sure what runes are best with azir
Whenever I watch an Azir guide, it has always failed to mention about his control over an area. It ,honestly for me, had always been his strongest aspect. It ties in with him being a high range champion and the fact that he could place multiple soldiers. Imagine a situation where all players are in one lane and a clash seems really imminent. Now, both teams only have to have one of their players initiate so they could clash. Azir could seperately place soldiers until you cover the whole site, poking any enemy looking to initiate the fight. It becomes like a wall of thorns of sorts. This harass lowers their hp, their mana, their aggro, their confidence to even start a clash. Azir can literally stop a play by the enemy before it happens. Any champion can do the same but they cant cover as much ground as much as azir with his soldiers split up. This works even in jungle. This why riot has Azirs soldiers kind of split up after casting q. His whole kit is really designed to create as much space as possible, with his soldiers, his passives turret, and his ult. Azir is meant to dominate the certain space he is in. ALSO, his soldier aa pokes a bit outside its range whenever hitting something within its range. You can use this when the enemy likes to hide behind minions. Just position the soldier nicely and you maximize azirs range. I'm not really sure if this is true still, but its the best way to maximize his range. This guy has been my main since season 5. Still is the best champ for me. Glad that riot at least had let us choose how his rework will be done back then.
@TrodVods-jo2iy no player necessarily decided how the rework goes, but riot voiced out 2 options; whether to change his kit to one that wont allow him to do his shuffle combos anymore but keep his dmg and range or keep his current gameplay mechanics but nerf his range severely, i mean severely. It dont even feel the same anymore. I also think its a nerf that the current map feels larger.
@@lanzcruz4860 Oh wtf i didnt notice that change at all. I only noticed no more attack speed bonus from stacking soldiers. But, azir winrate is now higher right? It’s described like a pure nerf but im sure they gave buffs to balance
No matter how many times I tried, u cannot combine Attack Move with Target Champions Only... It doesn't work even when the cursor is lit red for target enemy champs only
There is one more combo not mentioned and it is Azir Insec. W -E (to enemy)- R towards origin and quickly before finishing the dash to your E- and as soon as you connect to your soldier, Q back to your origin point.
Skillcapped in their tierlist video: Azir is pretty much the worst midlaner in the entire game Skillcapped in their guide video: Azir is broken and a mistake from Riot
Well, in quite a few of their tier list videos they mention word for word that those tier list videos are made for average players and lower elos. Azirs.rlly.not meant for like...silver players lol
I always loved the idea of Azir as a champion and really wanted to play him but always felt intimidated by how hard he is. Seeing this video makes me want to play him more though.. Guess I'll have to, even if my teammates will hate me for it at first. You have to start somewhere!
You forgot the insec combo. Without the Autos, because the insec matters its: W E R Q-backwards.. use W E to dash to the enemy, R them towards your team/nexus and shuffle back mid-dash with Q. Simply put: Just like the Juke at 6:47 , just snug the R in mid-dash
as an Azir player I will tell u right now that combo is relevant 0.5% of the time, not worth going over. on top of the fact it's difficult to execute it is also buggy still. you have to mash r after q and lower ping helps. plus you can easily get bodyblocked/clipped during it and then you're truly fucked. it's cute for montages but it belongs in normals not ranked
With on-hit effect added. He can finally use Nashor tooth properly, which will give him more duel power. Some more fun items like kraken and lich bane are worth to take a look guys.
My main 2 problems when playing Azir: 1. Teammates feeding before 15 minutes and wanting to FF so I can't even buy 2 items 2. Teammates picking a full squishy team. Special mention to those top Vayne and AP Voli both useless AF
90% of time right now is Liandry's (some insane cases when they have 3 melee all in champs, you can do Crown, but it's kinda vegan), Nashors, Zhonyas/Dcap + whatever else you need. Conq or HoB (only use it into heavy poke big range stuff to help trading into champs like Ori Neeko Syndra etc.)
This looks awesome, I've been looking for a champion to play Mid and climb with. In low elo, though, he is one of the lowest win rate champions. What in this guide works differently from how people play him in Bronze and lose?
Honestly he might be one of the best champs to climb. You NEED to get better to play Azir at it's peak even tho it's not that bad to braindead at, but once i learned some of his techniques and understood how he plays, i easily got a 60-80% winrate with him, specially because most dont know how to fight such a versatile and all-time bully champion.
Same way people lose with most champs. They don't utilise the powerspikes, they can't farm, they misposition or they tilt because their jungler dies or something. Another champ that I find is pretty cool to play is TF. If you are comfortable in spacing, farming and Macro he's pretty good to ulti other lanes and get kills, the only problem is when everyone is ARAM or your team hard pushing and dying to ganks.
Idk why but sometimes when i do shurima shuffle it sometimes bug and it looks like i didnt cast q but i did and then it unfreeze and i die someone have fix?
"a jack of all trades is a master of none" is not the full saying. It is "a jack of all trades is a master of none is often times better then a master of one" and THAT fits azir to a T
90% of time right now is Liandry's (some insane cases when they have 3 melee all in champs, you can do Crown, but it's kinda vegan), Nashors, Zhonyas/Dcap + whatever else you need. Conq or HoB (only use it into heavy poke big range stuff to help trading into champs like Ori Neeko Syndra etc.)
you mention you're gonna talk about runes at the start of the video and never even covered them, runes are really important because there's so many you can go, conq, lethal tempo, summon aery, arcane comet, HoB and etc
Aery/Comet is kinda for fun rn, Hail of Blades into low CD. immobile heavy poke like Ori Syndra Neeko, but otherwise you pick Conq + mana flow transcendence (if you are into some early game burst, you can go for resolve tree secondary too, but mana will be an issue until Lost Chapter
hm alright, i see. what about LT against melee teams? like when vs yasuo in lane and the rest of the enemies are tanky/melee? the extra range is handy and it'll be easy to stack up against melee champions@@CokeFlakes
i play azir support in emerald and it is fun af and you dont need to be good player to reach it . i dont change ward, i dont know about wave management, i dont buy pinks, and since s6 i learned 1 thing my guts tell me when gank will happen on bot lane. in my games with friends i often say in random moments by my guts we are ganked and my friends 70% dont listen to me or overextend and die :> and i tell them told ya
it was a good guide, you lack to explain the more advanced combos, like revenant shuffle or the dash with second w (w e w q , if you time it correctly you can get to the end of the dash with 2 soldiers and still performing the shuffle.) also, hiting enemies from behind walls is mandatory, and, azir is not building lost chapter btw, even with the lost chapter the poke isn't as reliable as before, nashor teeth is a better first item because of the damage, i'll say that you can win like, if your laner is bad, all lines, but if is a good player, 50 are winable by skill issue, but 50 are not winable because of stat check. (before lvl 6) after that, you can win anything
Azir is by FAR the strongest. So many champs in this game have an insta-kill in 1 point and click ability or skillshot. Azir has decent extended damage through a fight, but still not the most or consistent.
OG facts here only veterans would know Some people may remember that Azir's attackspeed increases with cooldown reduction But did you know that with his release he can damage turret by directly casting W on it?
As an azir otp I say you yhey really did a great guide but the think about the tower being usefull is propaganda(also he is so fragile, the tower and he)
You know what this videou would have been even better is you use clips from iconic plays in the back. As someone who played azir since release there's still a bit more you can squeeze into this video to make it the absolute Azir Guide.
No one wants to hear that a unique and interesting champion they want to play is like the easiest in the game, I wanted to play him because of his difficulty, now Idek if I will
Learning Champions that don't synergize with me is really hard, like Aang Learning Earth Bending!!! I tried to play Pyke as support main and I struggle with his in and out playstyle... I would love to be as good as this player on screen as support Zir looks Amazingly possible...
no it's not...what you need with Azir is lvls over people and 10k gold...neither of those are achievable enough as support most of the games tbh the maintenance is too high to be useful
Hiya, I'm an emerald 4 player that found a strat on Twitch, which got me to diamond 2 with about a 75% win rate and I am not slowing down yet. If we'd ignore the losses where people went afk, the win rate shoots up to 90%. This might sound copium, but I have the stats to back it up. It requires next to no skill. If I'm not using the specific strat, even on Twitch, I still perform at a low emerald level. Hit me up if you want to know the secret sauce. I think you guys like the "improve your rank easily" type of strategies. Especially towards the end of the season. The strat might not even work again next season, so this is THE time to abuse it. It's not reliant on your ally picks Edit: I have shown the strat to a couple of my irl buddies, and they all shot up at least a full tier using the strat.
I think everyone knows hes overtuned. Why does a pigeon god have to do so much damage? Because, yes. He's really dependent on teammates for protection (like you saw him using that poor little kaisa) and we all know the lack of coordination that soloQ is. So soloQ azir, most often than not, is just grief. Now watch out for NORMS azir....its all practice squads in there.
“we will be going over basics combos laning play style runes and items” ok buddy you showed a couple of those things but didn’t mention runes once and barely spoke about items “buy mana item if you run out of mana” gee why didn’t i think of that what a half assed video replaying the same clips over and over, the combos section was helpful but other then that you kinda just straight up lied lol BUT HEY BUY OUR COURSE!!!!!
I've just finished my first Azir game :D ... it was a 4v5 for us, the enemy Evelynn disconnected at level 1. It was 42 minutes game X.X I played Azir at botlane, with a Janna Support 5/11/7 my ama at the end, almost every other lane inflicted 50k+ damage, including the enemy with all 4 dealing 50k+ Janna? 17k :D me? 15k :D Azir is weak ;-; Azir is hard ;-;
cause he is hard, dealing damage is easy, engaching is easy, splitpushing is easy, what is hard is the SPACING because of your range you have to space 3 enemies at the same time to be a good azir, is a glass cannon and only deals damage if you manage to survive, in soloq if your team is trash you need to splitpush, but you can only splitpush if you are skilled enough to not waste your flash and R just for a kill (like he does in the video) and you save them to protect yourself while splitpushing and also you need to win the duel by "skill", is not a statcheck, perfect kiting or you are dead, so, bronces dont know how to space, they die, azir winrate lows, masters know how to space, azir winrate +50%, master azir mains know how to space and kite and play as a mage and as an adc and as a splitpusher, duelist, asasin, and how to make peel and value WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANTE AND THE RIGHT COURSE OF ACTION in every escenario, and thats a godlike azir, its broken because of the versatility but most players dont execute the azir playlist at it's most, the just look por 1 thing in every tf but dont to do 3 at the same time.
because soloQ players are selfish fucks who don't pick for teamcomps, don't play around win conditions and never make setups for a good Azir ult...same with Ryze, TF or even Yasuo or Jayce...nothing new, but doesn't mean that the champ is bad
Hey guys! Sorry about the runes/items being missing. We removed it from the video as it'll change soon and the rest of this guide will work for a very long time. Here are the Azir items/runes for now though:
Recommended Runes: Conqueror, Presence of Mind, Alacity, Coup de Grace + Absolute Focus, Scorch
Recommended Build Path: Luden's / Liandries with Sorceror's Shoes -> Nashor's Tooth -> Deathcap -> Zhonyas / Void Staff
No HoB Azir recommendation? That rune changes the way Azir's trade patterns work and also changes the way he approaches the game.
@@a-kun2726Guides are mostly focus on fundementals and straightforward tips so it's easy to understand why the HoB build didn't make it into the vid
Bro forgot the revenant shuffle, you should have at least mention it
edit: oh , and try guinsoo on azir with lethal or HoB, it's godly vs some matchups :D
There’s almost nothing this champ can’t do.
Azir after using 2 Qs before 8 minutes: I HAVE NO MANA
He can't not run out mana. Meaning, technically, there's still nothing he can't do.
After all these years, we finally got the guide we deserve for Shurima!
I really liked the "how to play like a (champion) main" and love to see it again
These are the best guides on a champion i could fined that actually have everything about that champ in one video
Also in the intro you said that you will go through the runes and items but the video doesn't include them and im not sure what runes are best with azir
azir is flexible with runes. I like lethal tempo and conqueror personally, lethal tempo is better early and conqueror is better late imo.
Coach curtis is way better. These are nice for a cute intro guide though.
HoB, Conq, LT. Would not recommend any other Keystone anymore since his mini rework because they perform significantly worse.
Not saying I’m a professional or anything but this guide is probably one of the best out there
Whenever I watch an Azir guide, it has always failed to mention about his control over an area. It ,honestly for me, had always been his strongest aspect. It ties in with him being a high range champion and the fact that he could place multiple soldiers.
Imagine a situation where all players are in one lane and a clash seems really imminent. Now, both teams only have to have one of their players initiate so they could clash. Azir could seperately place soldiers until you cover the whole site, poking any enemy looking to initiate the fight. It becomes like a wall of thorns of sorts. This harass lowers their hp, their mana, their aggro, their confidence to even start a clash.
Azir can literally stop a play by the enemy before it happens. Any champion can do the same but they cant cover as much ground as much as azir with his soldiers split up. This works even in jungle. This why riot has Azirs soldiers kind of split up after casting q. His whole kit is really designed to create as much space as possible, with his soldiers, his passives turret, and his ult. Azir is meant to dominate the certain space he is in.
ALSO, his soldier aa pokes a bit outside its range whenever hitting something within its range. You can use this when the enemy likes to hide behind minions. Just position the soldier nicely and you maximize azirs range. I'm not really sure if this is true still, but its the best way to maximize his range.
This guy has been my main since season 5. Still is the best champ for me. Glad that riot at least had let us choose how his rework will be done back then.
Agreed Azir's W is one of the best zoning tools of the game
Howd you guys decide the rework to be?
@TrodVods-jo2iy no player necessarily decided how the rework goes, but riot voiced out 2 options; whether to change his kit to one that wont allow him to do his shuffle combos anymore but keep his dmg and range or keep his current gameplay mechanics but nerf his range severely, i mean severely. It dont even feel the same anymore. I also think its a nerf that the current map feels larger.
Ofcourse, the community and even pros wished for the latter.
Oh wtf i didnt notice that change at all. I only noticed no more attack speed bonus from stacking soldiers. But, azir winrate is now higher right? It’s described like a pure nerf but im sure they gave buffs to balance
No matter how many times I tried, u cannot combine Attack Move with Target Champions Only... It doesn't work even when the cursor is lit red for target enemy champs only
There is one more combo not mentioned and it is Azir Insec.
W -E (to enemy)- R towards origin and quickly before finishing the dash to your E- and as soon as you connect to your soldier, Q back to your origin point.
very situational as it puts you in the middle of the shuffled team
Skillcapped in their tierlist video: Azir is pretty much the worst midlaner in the entire game
Skillcapped in their guide video: Azir is broken and a mistake from Riot
Well, in quite a few of their tier list videos they mention word for word that those tier list videos are made for average players and lower elos. Azirs.rlly.not meant for like...silver players lol
I always loved the idea of Azir as a champion and really wanted to play him but always felt intimidated by how hard he is. Seeing this video makes me want to play him more though.. Guess I'll have to, even if my teammates will hate me for it at first. You have to start somewhere!
You forgot the insec combo.
Without the Autos, because the insec matters its: W E R Q-backwards.. use W E to dash to the enemy, R them towards your team/nexus and shuffle back mid-dash with Q.
Simply put: Just like the Juke at 6:47 , just snug the R in mid-dash
as an Azir player I will tell u right now that combo is relevant 0.5% of the time, not worth going over. on top of the fact it's difficult to execute it is also buggy still. you have to mash r after q and lower ping helps. plus you can easily get bodyblocked/clipped during it and then you're truly fucked.
it's cute for montages but it belongs in normals not ranked
thx so much, this will realy help me :D
This is making me wanna play azir frfr
With on-hit effect added. He can finally use Nashor tooth properly, which will give him more duel power. Some more fun items like kraken and lich bane are worth to take a look guys.
What a mad lad
Nashor , Ludens, lichbane maybe
For me, Nashor -> Deathcap -> Rageblade is the way to go
Nashor- lichbane- shadow flame/liandry’s- death cap
First game on this guy I went 1/10 and every death was by a ultimate
Just imagine how broken release date Azir would be in todays meta.
Ah just in time for the on-hit change on him xD
Thats what I thought lol
Wow good to know I was doing something right in solo queue instead of getting tagged as KDA player.
The Final Combo: W E auto (predict flash) R
"by far" and "maby potential" in the same sentence made my brain bleed xD And its only been 2.5 seconds into the vid :O
Great Guide but i wished you included things like items and runes as well
I'll definitely try m out after this video
Prepare to lose 100 lp
My main 2 problems when playing Azir:
1. Teammates feeding before 15 minutes and wanting to FF so I can't even buy 2 items
2. Teammates picking a full squishy team. Special mention to those top Vayne and AP Voli both useless AF
as an Azir main.. i feel ya.. no peel but yourself
Am I crazy or did they forget about the runes and items?
Would really love to hear about that topic.
One thing yall forgot was his runes and itemizations - what runes does he go? What items in what circumstances?
You can go qonk and lithal but pta work really well in hard lanes or against early game champs
pta is trash, go either conq or HoB
Well I am just trying it out but useally there is only one threat and for a beginer the laning fase can be a bit tricky so I suggested that
90% of time right now is Liandry's (some insane cases when they have 3 melee all in champs, you can do Crown, but it's kinda vegan), Nashors, Zhonyas/Dcap + whatever else you need. Conq or HoB (only use it into heavy poke big range stuff to help trading into champs like Ori Neeko Syndra etc.)
No item discussion?
do this series for Akshan next
So how do you play azir from behind in a teamfight scenario?
Oh god. Azir buffs. We've been here before.
This looks awesome, I've been looking for a champion to play Mid and climb with. In low elo, though, he is one of the lowest win rate champions. What in this guide works differently from how people play him in Bronze and lose?
Honestly he might be one of the best champs to climb. You NEED to get better to play Azir at it's peak even tho it's not that bad to braindead at, but once i learned some of his techniques and understood how he plays, i easily got a 60-80% winrate with him, specially because most dont know how to fight such a versatile and all-time bully champion.
Same way people lose with most champs. They don't utilise the powerspikes, they can't farm, they misposition or they tilt because their jungler dies or something. Another champ that I find is pretty cool to play is TF. If you are comfortable in spacing, farming and Macro he's pretty good to ulti other lanes and get kills, the only problem is when everyone is ARAM or your team hard pushing and dying to ganks.
Man i love this hero but you have to keep in mind so much xD but he is giga interessting 2 play
Idk why but sometimes when i do shurima shuffle it sometimes bug and it looks like i didnt cast q but i did and then it unfreeze and i die someone have fix?
"a jack of all trades is a master of none" is not the full saying. It is "a jack of all trades is a master of none is often times better then a master of one" and THAT fits azir to a T
Did you forget the runes and items?
W > Q (to have max range) > E > Q (go back) > RR, shuffle them to our team
You didnt let us know the runes and items. How am i supposed to 1 v 9 without them D:
Great guide though, very thorough
+1 like
90% of time right now is Liandry's (some insane cases when they have 3 melee all in champs, you can do Crown, but it's kinda vegan), Nashors, Zhonyas/Dcap + whatever else you need. Conq or HoB (only use it into heavy poke big range stuff to help trading into champs like Ori Neeko Syndra etc.)
Gotcha much appreciated @@CokeFlakes
You never went over runes and items?
you mention you're gonna talk about runes at the start of the video and never even covered them, runes are really important because there's so many you can go, conq, lethal tempo, summon aery, arcane comet, HoB and etc
Aery/Comet is kinda for fun rn, Hail of Blades into low CD. immobile heavy poke like Ori Syndra Neeko, but otherwise you pick Conq + mana flow transcendence (if you are into some early game burst, you can go for resolve tree secondary too, but mana will be an issue until Lost Chapter
hm alright, i see. what about LT against melee teams? like when vs yasuo in lane and the rest of the enemies are tanky/melee? the extra range is handy and it'll be easy to stack up against melee champions@@CokeFlakes
Most fun champ i've ever played.
How exactly do i combine attack move click and target Champions only ? Or do you just mean toggle it on and then use attack move click?
He meant toggle it on and off when you need to. Attack move click just stays on all the time.
You can’t have target champs only and attack move at the same time. When you turn in target champs only, you’ll have to manually aim your mouse.
i play azir support in emerald and it is fun af and you dont need to be good player to reach it .
i dont change ward, i dont know about wave management, i dont buy pinks, and since s6 i learned 1 thing my guts tell me when gank will happen on bot lane. in my games with friends i often say in random moments by my guts we are ganked and my friends 70% dont listen to me or overextend and die :> and i tell them told ya
Target champion only doesn’t work with attack move klick
As someone who plays azir from time to time this video explains alot really well, however the buggyness of his ult is really understated
why do skill capped put azir at the bottom of the tier list?
it was a good guide, you lack to explain the more advanced combos, like revenant shuffle or the dash with second w (w e w q , if you time it correctly you can get to the end of the dash with 2 soldiers and still performing the shuffle.) also, hiting enemies from behind walls is mandatory, and, azir is not building lost chapter btw, even with the lost chapter the poke isn't as reliable as before, nashor teeth is a better first item because of the damage, i'll say that you can win like, if your laner is bad, all lines, but if is a good player, 50 are winable by skill issue, but 50 are not winable because of stat check. (before lvl 6) after that, you can win anything
Azir is by FAR the strongest. So many champs in this game have an insta-kill in 1 point and click ability or skillshot. Azir has decent extended damage through a fight, but still not the most or consistent.
qiyana next plssss
after watching this video i just played like azir main lolxd
This is just like the Pantheon situation
... your Emperor has returned.
where is my revenant shuffle combo!!!
ummm forgot the Revenant combo :P
Missed out runes and items..
Vlad is the highest carry potential mid in the game and dont u forget it
OG facts here only veterans would know
Some people may remember that Azir's attackspeed increases with cooldown reduction
But did you know that with his release he can damage turret by directly casting W on it?
Yea you also have a perma dash block and spawn turrets whenever and wherever you please
Where runes and items ? 😅
stop it you're helping me kill my fellow silvers tryna fight a fizz at level 3
great tutorial now i am destroying opponents on iron 🤓
Now people wanna play my champ
Where items and runnes ?
No runes options
Fun fact: Azir's AA doesn't get blocked by Yasuo's wall, because it's not a projectile
Damn his username is "NinjaAqua". What a man of culture.
As an azir otp I say you yhey really did a great guide but the think about the tower being usefull is propaganda(also he is so fragile, the tower and he)
where da builds tho
Feels like a point and click champ? So like every adc except hes way harder than them lol
You know what this videou would have been even better is you use clips from iconic plays in the back. As someone who played azir since release there's still a bit more you can squeeze into this video to make it the absolute Azir Guide.
I'm feeling a bit faker today
No one wants to hear that a unique and interesting champion they want to play is like the easiest in the game, I wanted to play him because of his difficulty, now Idek if I will
It's not the easiest in the game. Quite the opposite ;)
After watching this guide i think i'm better than faker
Learning Champions that don't synergize with me is really hard, like Aang Learning Earth Bending!!!
I tried to play Pyke as support main and I struggle with his in and out playstyle... I would love to be as good as this player on screen as support Zir looks Amazingly possible...
no it's not...what you need with Azir is lvls over people and 10k gold...neither of those are achievable enough as support most of the games tbh the maintenance is too high to be useful
I feel like yorik and azir are very similar. In split pushing, minions and making things 6 v 5
Hiya, I'm an emerald 4 player that found a strat on Twitch, which got me to diamond 2 with about a 75% win rate and I am not slowing down yet.
If we'd ignore the losses where people went afk, the win rate shoots up to 90%.
This might sound copium, but I have the stats to back it up.
It requires next to no skill. If I'm not using the specific strat, even on Twitch, I still perform at a low emerald level.
Hit me up if you want to know the secret sauce.
I think you guys like the "improve your rank easily" type of strategies.
Especially towards the end of the season.
The strat might not even work again next season, so this is THE time to abuse it.
It's not reliant on your ally picks
Edit: I have shown the strat to a couple of my irl buddies, and they all shot up at least a full tier using the strat.
Highlights with 15-20 kills? Eek
Will this magically increase Azir's.winrate even by half a percent? Maybe
I think everyone knows hes overtuned. Why does a pigeon god have to do so much damage? Because, yes.
He's really dependent on teammates for protection (like you saw him using that poor little kaisa) and we all know the lack of coordination that soloQ is. So soloQ azir, most often than not, is just grief. Now watch out for NORMS azir....its all practice squads in there.
“we will be going over basics combos laning play style runes and items” ok buddy you showed a couple of those things but didn’t mention runes once and barely spoke about items “buy mana item if you run out of mana” gee why didn’t i think of that what a half assed video replaying the same clips over and over, the combos section was helpful but other then that you kinda just straight up lied lol BUT HEY BUY OUR COURSE!!!!!
Play like a azir main❎
Play like a faker✅🐐😎
I've just finished my first Azir game :D
... it was a 4v5 for us, the enemy Evelynn disconnected at level 1.
It was 42 minutes game X.X
I played Azir at botlane, with a Janna Support
5/11/7 my ama at the end, almost every other lane inflicted 50k+ damage, including the enemy with all 4 dealing 50k+
Janna? 17k :D
me? 15k :D
Azir is weak ;-;
Azir is hard ;-;
I thought people didn't play him because he's super buggy
Where is the runes and items? Ahahahah
New items are coming anyway so they probably thought to leave it out
How come azir is so strong when his winrate is trash ?
cause he is hard, dealing damage is easy, engaching is easy, splitpushing is easy, what is hard is the SPACING because of your range you have to space 3 enemies at the same time to be a good azir, is a glass cannon and only deals damage if you manage to survive, in soloq if your team is trash you need to splitpush, but you can only splitpush if you are skilled enough to not waste your flash and R just for a kill (like he does in the video) and you save them to protect yourself while splitpushing and also you need to win the duel by "skill", is not a statcheck, perfect kiting or you are dead, so, bronces dont know how to space, they die, azir winrate lows, masters know how to space, azir winrate +50%, master azir mains know how to space and kite and play as a mage and as an adc and as a splitpusher, duelist, asasin, and how to make peel and value WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANTE AND THE RIGHT COURSE OF ACTION in every escenario, and thats a godlike azir, its broken because of the versatility but most players dont execute the azir playlist at it's most, the just look por 1 thing in every tf but dont to do 3 at the same time.
yes i was wondering when we get to runes and items
but i got tnx for watching
Tell me why then azir has the worst win ratio of all champ On mid
because soloQ players are selfish fucks who don't pick for teamcomps, don't play around win conditions and never make setups for a good Azir ult...same with Ryze, TF or even Yasuo or Jayce...nothing new, but doesn't mean that the champ is bad
One of the hardest champions to use in this game and the chaos of solo que
45% winrate as "one of the best carries", "one of the best teamfighters" etc.
blame the player not the champ in this case tbh
First game, azir 0/11 🥲
"How to play like an Azir main"
Know not to play him in SoloQ if you're below high elo because of a lack of team coordination.
nah you can solocarry in low elo because nobody knows how to play against azir thanks to his very low pickrate
bwahahah very high demand for azir guides after faker ruined azirs winrate in worlds :')
scamer want to make me lose lp