Ubi and Xbox needs to start cracking down on people using Xims and Chronis because it is a huge problem for console and now starting to be one for PC, Cuase Ximing and chronis are such a huge issue for the last couple of years
Thing is they haven’t and will never do anything about it. They don’t care anymore. Sadly the game is dying and so it’s the player count. Lack of content, collabs, maintenance and cheater control. You reach a point in r6 console that a mnk is mandatory for rank , there’s too many and now it’s join them or get destroyed by them.
@@tmac8623 Educate yourself. They aren't cheating devices bro. They are meant with the sole reasoning of making MNK possible on console with macros available. It's just Siege that want's to ban them from being allowed on their game for Xbox/PS, but Sony and Microsoft say NO they are allowed to be used you are not allowed to ban the player from the game for using a legal third party device. And if they don't follow through, they probably get sued and taken off xbox/ps. So they're only solution is to make it so it's not impossible to play, but much harder to. That's why they had mousetrap, and this. They still can play the game, but just have a disadvantage which does NOT go against the rules of Xbox/PS.
just not true the pc cheater base has actually shrank by a large amount due to the p2c businesses closing also making things worse is 99% of console cheaters are going to be lower ranked making this game pretty much impossible to pick up for a new player at least in ranked and crossplay cannot be turned off on pc
@Thomas_Angelo don't know where you get your info but I can promise 2 things cheaters are still just as prevelant as before in emerald and above and cheaters very rarely get banned.
Im a console player and I honestly couldn’t tell the difference playing with the pc lobby because how prevalent Xim and Cronus is on console. Honesty the thing that I think is worse is when you go against wallers, albeit never seeing it on console sometimes makes it comedic at times especially when they try to tap you through a hard wall or the floor lol, actually happened in a recent game of mine where it was blatant. I just see it as if they have to cheat against a stack of controller console players its pretty sad lol and unfortunately Ubi is slow on the banning always have been even with the blatant ones.
The thing is. If ubisoft actually maintained their games. IE banning cheaters. And fixing gamebreaking bugs such as the fps bug on xb1 or texture drone glitch taking over the entire map as a skin. Im sure people would come back and their ticker price would go up for once
I've been playing siege for like 3 years now and I have never seen a hacker. I played on PC pool for 1 day and every game I've had teammates or enemy team banned for cheating. The amount of Chester's on PC is insane
Now you see how bad console has it, we get them every match, I played 1 game yesterday and the whole lobby was xim, croning. UBI DOESNT CARE FOR ANYONE BESIDES CHEATERS
@jaltersimp9639 its alot easier to ban someone with walls esp and rage cheats. Mnk,xim,chronus,scripts etc never get banned and if they do, its a temp, and if its not. They can literally create a brand new account, for free and begin cheating all over again. IF they get banned. You rarely see a console player get banned. Yet just about every stream or video of PC R6 shows ubisoft doing literal walls of bans for cheating as they publicly promote it on the game. Meaning, they by % and ratio ban more cheaters on PC than console. Console version also has more gameplay bugs affecting the game play already. Making it a more unpleasant experience to play
@@jaltersimp9639 also, you in PC do not see cheaters every game. You may see them often but not every game. Unless your diamond or champion. Any level above silver and you will be running into atleast MnK cheater per game. And it only gets worse the higher you go.
Xim in the name, playing doc & twitch? Yeah I’ve seen enough. Maybe if PC players complain about it enough ubi will actually do something because it’s obvious they don’t care about console players.
Also XIM/Chronus don't 100% get rid of recoil. They do 99% while making you have a KBM with console recoil, so it's virtually R6 PC with the main difficulty of the game removed and your opponents being worse. But they intend there to still be a little recoil in order for them not to get easily caught.
kinda sucks even when you get suspended for using xim or chronus and you have to just go to pc lobbies only for an amount of time those ppl just dont care rank 2.0 at their worst with 90% of ppl that are console use xim to get to champion
If the guy had literally zero recoil, he might be using XIM. However, a lot of good players who have been playing controller for 4-5 years can also have a significant recoil control due to the experience we gained playing during those years. It’s too easy to accuse every diamond/champ players for using XIM when u guys should also understand that recoil control is significantly easier playing roller.
You gotta remember console has way less recoil than pc but yes they could be chronis. Also recoil control is going to be a little obvious haven’t watched it yet.
Xim doesn’t control recoil, xim is an adapter for m and k if he really has zero recoil it’s more than likely a strike pack or Cronus. Those run scripts
You really have no idea what you're talking about lmao, there's a difference between a console player pulling down to control recoil and literally 0 recoil
BUT we should also remember how many people don’t think using xim and chronic is cheating. Need to shame those people out of existence as much as possible. You are right in saying experience helps with recoil tho!
I can honestly say as a console player it’s annoying when others cheat. Whether the cheater is on console or pc. Ubi should be doing something about it. I mean this game has been out for 10 years, and yet Ubi has not done anything about cheating or to find a better anti-cheat system. I mean I literally played ranked with my duo a couple of days ago. (By the way it’s console rank) we ran into a Xbox player whose name was HasCronous, and my friend stat checked him. His stats for this seasons rank was 24 wins 1 loss and his KD was 6.7. Ain’t no one that good at the game. This once again proves Ubi doesn’t care. The bad part was the cheater waited until we were about to 4-0 them to turn on his cheats. After that we lost. This game is literally dying or will die soon if Ubi doesn’t do something.
I actually dont think the first bloke had any recoil scripts, or atleast they werent strong ones like youd see on console, it wasnt a laser with 0 vertical and horizontal recoil like i normally play
Not sure how catching someone cheating then palming them off to another cohort of players to deal with is much of a punishment. We have come across a lot of console players with zero recoil. Should just be banning them not making them someone else’s problem. Ubisoft is so out of touch with their player base it’s crazy.
Imo, the recoil on console SHOULD match the recoil on pc. Some guns have so little recoil that anyone can control them even without attachments. On console controlling recoil is so much easier, so increasing the recoil would only change the skill gap, not make it impossible to play.
@santana0328 Aiming with thumbsticks is not that hard as long as you are used to the guns you are using. I can easily aim and control the recoil of most guns but any gun I do not use, I have a hard time. Aiming on keyboard will 100% always be easier, but recoil control is way harder. Thats why games like Marvel Rivals are easy af to play on pc. Even the new CoD is like that with how little recoil there is. They should increase the recoil on console to make it even acrossed the board and force players who use the lowest recoil guns out of high ranked lobbies. I see way to many lesion mains with bad aim in champ.
Cronus is a device that removes or gives you less recoil. You can make your own code or change it if you know how and make it do whatever you want. You can give it negative recoil, only recoil to the right. This has been a thing since 2018
That looks 100% legit for me.i play console cince skull rain. u can laser those guns on console its just horizontal. i doubt that he used xim. its sometimes even easyer to control without stock and with extended barrel on.
So with a Cronus, you either make or buy an anti-recoil script that controls the recoil for you. That is why you see Cronus users only use one gun and rarely switching to other guns. Some would treat the Smg12, with no recoil, as a primary, while using BossG for everything else. Now for only using F2 I have no idea, because that gun kinda of Cheeks.
It’s definitely possible he’s Cronus but controller recoil is so unbelievably easy. It’s like they have no hori recoil just vertical so it’s just straight down. F2 isn’t too crazy smg12 will take time to learn but is definitely easy once you learn it.
Zero with angled grip and extended is very easy to control even on roller. Honestly the one of the worst things to happen to siege was the pc's massive recoil rework
either way console recoil is super easy to learn and control even with no recoil attachments. only reason i knew he had a cronus or xim was bc of his pistol spam.
Console recoil is 900,000,000,000x easier than pc, the only problem is aim, not really recoil. But if you need a macro to control recoil on console, then you are beyond idiotic
@ I mainly play on pc, I have 3 hours on roller. I can say that recoil is significantly easier then on pc. However, Aiming on joysticks is the only problem as to recoil control. (To put it simply for you: Recoil is easy, aiming is hard)
Most guns on console arent that hard to have VERY low recoil on. Exceptions would be guns like f2, alibis gun, etc. Im a gold and my recoil control on guns like the ak 12, lesion smg, thermite AR all look sus
I don't know man, if they're scared of banning Ximmers on console because of the player count then why do they ban cheaters on PC ? Banning them also effects the player count on PC...
If someone on console uses xim but queues into PC matchpool he keeps the console recoil. Only those who are caught multiple times using it in console matchpool get the PC recoil as part of the punishment, at least thats what Ubi said. Along side that it's not unlikely that xim users, even tho they have console recoil, are running anti recoil scripts for their guns, depending which device they are using and if they made a script for it. Its such bs and really pathetic. They should be banned, but it's probably like you said, that if they ban them they lose paying customers
On console, The mp5 is one of the easiest guns to control. The f2 on console is definitely not easy to control even on console. likely kronos or strikepack from the f2 alone. The mp5 is definitely doable tho. I can do it though i do main the gun a bit.
I don’t mean to sound like an ass but honestly , using keyboard and mouse (but in a pc lobby) and have little to no recoil (in a pc lobby) is damn near the same as playing a good pc player. So if your playing champ elo majority of good players resemble the exact same thing. What difference does it really make? I’m not in any way backing the cheaters because they are still cheating, but running shield against them as if they spinbottjng or walling seems like putting a crutch on yourself. Just treat it as if you’re playing a normal player lol. Edit : plus again I am not backing cheaters but bro if a kb+m player gets stuck in a pc lobby while using kb and m on console, IF IT DOES ADD RECOIL due to switching to pc lobby while using, seriously what’s the huge difference?
9:27 A lot of very good legit player just put xim in their name for ego reason so thats not a good indicator because console ego is very much a thing. At around emerald, people have near zero recoil on console, and even the F2 and SMG 12 are very easy for people at the higher skill level to control. I'm not saying they aren't cheating, but its clear varsity and crew aren't familiar with console cheaters. Xim matrix/cronus users dont just have 0 vertical recoil they also have 0 horizontal, think klar anti recoil but slightly worse, it's very easy to tell and often times they will show off their crouch macros or even their mouse buy shaking their mouse to show they are because they want you to get tilted and give up.
It is cheating, but I think, like you said, ubi scared to lose money. Soon as you release something that actually scans for hardware cheats on console and successful you chasing away those players. With Ubi facing what they're facing: Yeah... No, they not gonna do anything about those cheaters besides move them. Rant: I think it's stupid to use hardware like that because accessiblity controllers are a bannable thing on console for majority of the shooters.
I know I probably will get some hate for this opinion but it was inevitable that console was going to gain the ability to cheat at some point. Also I don’t condone any form of cheating but at least console players can’t have illegal wall hacks as far as I know
Educate yourselves. They aren't cheating devices bro. They are meant with the sole reasoning of making MNK possible on console with macros available. It's just Siege that want's to ban them from being allowed on their game for Xbox/PS, but Sony and Microsoft say NO they are allowed to be used you are not allowed to ban the player from the game for using a legal third party device. And if they don't follow through, they probably get sued and taken off xbox/ps. So they're only solution is to make it so it's not impossible to play, but much harder to. That's why they had mousetrap, and this. They still can play the game, but just have a disadvantage which does NOT go against the rules of Xbox/PS.
He was defo using xim matrix so his macros are NOT the same as pc macros as the xims and cronus pretty much makes a game believe ur actually pulling down as of its tricking the console into think it's controller and not mnk so they can also copy controller movements and aim etc
Welcome to the world of siege console gameplay. You guys on pc who have superior controls even had trouble dealing with a xim/kronos user. Ubisoft has let all players on all platforms down.
Yeah mnk on console is cheating yeah, but the devs litterally stated as long as they are on pc servers they dont consider it cheating. So Goodluck getting them banned lol.
This is classic compared to how this guy is on cronus or whatever hes playin a pc lobby bear in mind you are on double fps but will have a problem with controller so unfai lobbies but its fine bear in mind i got in a game yesterday 4 coppers 1 top 50 champ on pc like what ??
PC players crying over these “hacks” gives me a good laugh, on console you saw this almost every game. If anything I find it kind of weird that they even care about the person having Cronus, when they have had to deal with closet cheaters for so long, I would think someone using Cronus wouldn’t even matter to them
Rollers just have better control over recoil then pc espacialy expierienced players literaly console can run r4c acog extended barrel, horizontale and have no recoil on console because verticale easy horizontal is harder but compensatie exists literaly this is what ive been waiting for pc's causing console lol Unless its an strikepack/cronus user but for that just give us fucking natie m&k and this wouldnt be an problem
Console is very tdm because if you can aim better, then your enemy, you will win 90% of the time. So have fun because i had to deal with this shit for years 😂😂😂
The first complaint is a guy having no recoil on doc mp5 😂😂😂😂c’mon guys don’t make me click off the video edit: during replay somebody said ive never seen somebody control the mp5 recoil like that….. yea no shit console recoil control is different who new 😱😱 Edit 2: the f2 recoil with extended barrel is a bit unusual I will say but controllable with the right since bc the horizontal recoil on the f2 is barely noticeable Edit:3 now they tryna say he’s coming I opinion don’t really matter cuz I don’t play on high sense especially high ads sense but that look more high console sens instead of sim to me
Siege is one of those games that people are trying to play as unfair as they can
Honestly I have never played a game this toxic to be good on console we had ddosers to keep rank by reseting matches and xim to aim better.
It's the only game I play that feels like it actively encourages unfair advantages
Then you have never played GTA pvp.
Even most legit players will oftentimes use the most annoying and most toxic strategies imaginable.
They dont want to lose any potential payers by banning cheaters but they are losing potential payers by not dealing with the cheaters
you’re not wrong.. a very unfortunate lose-lose situation. i used to love this game sm, it’s a shame
Ubi and Xbox needs to start cracking down on people using Xims and Chronis because it is a huge problem for console and now starting to be one for PC, Cuase Ximing and chronis are such a huge issue for the last couple of years
They are even being sold in gamestop smh
Thing is they haven’t and will never do anything about it. They don’t care anymore. Sadly the game is dying and so it’s the player count. Lack of content, collabs, maintenance and cheater control. You reach a point in r6 console that a mnk is mandatory for rank , there’s too many and now it’s join them or get destroyed by them.
@@tmac8623 Educate yourself. They aren't cheating devices bro. They are meant with the sole reasoning of making MNK possible on console with macros available. It's just Siege that want's to ban them from being allowed on their game for Xbox/PS, but Sony and Microsoft say NO they are allowed to be used you are not allowed to ban the player from the game for using a legal third party device. And if they don't follow through, they probably get sued and taken off xbox/ps. So they're only solution is to make it so it's not impossible to play, but much harder to. That's why they had mousetrap, and this. They still can play the game, but just have a disadvantage which does NOT go against the rules of Xbox/PS.
@@4u2nvHock3y Chronus is cheating buddy
pc players were afraid of console cheats? the avg pc lobby has walls and aimbot lol
But those get banned but the console ones usually don't
just not true the pc cheater base has actually shrank by a large amount due to the p2c businesses closing also making things worse is 99% of console cheaters are going to be lower ranked making this game pretty much impossible to pick up for a new player at least in ranked and crossplay cannot be turned off on pc
Those get immediately banned. Console cheaters can't get banned when they play in pc lobbies
@Thomas_Angelo don't know where you get your info but I can promise 2 things cheaters are still just as prevelant as before in emerald and above and cheaters very rarely get banned.
Im a console player and I honestly couldn’t tell the difference playing with the pc lobby because how prevalent Xim and Cronus is on console.
Honesty the thing that I think is worse is when you go against wallers, albeit never seeing it on console sometimes makes it comedic at times especially when they try to tap you through a hard wall or the floor lol, actually happened in a recent game of mine where it was blatant.
I just see it as if they have to cheat against a stack of controller console players its pretty sad lol and unfortunately Ubi is slow on the banning always have been even with the blatant ones.
Now that the PC player base has to deal with them maybe they’ll complain enough and they’ll finally ban them
Doubt it, Ubisoft hates its players, some more than others
What you posted is literally what I just told my lady!! But then again, like varsity said, ubi is so scared to lost ppl that they won't ban them
Im assuming yall haven't seen pc players complaining about hackers for years with nothing being done about that so don't get your hopes up
The thing is. If ubisoft actually maintained their games. IE banning cheaters. And fixing gamebreaking bugs such as the fps bug on xb1 or texture drone glitch taking over the entire map as a skin. Im sure people would come back and their ticker price would go up for once
I've been playing siege for like 3 years now and I have never seen a hacker. I played on PC pool for 1 day and every game I've had teammates or enemy team banned for cheating. The amount of Chester's on PC is insane
Now you see how bad console has it, we get them every match, I played 1 game yesterday and the whole lobby was xim, croning. UBI DOESNT CARE FOR ANYONE BESIDES CHEATERS
I played 8 games across 2 accounts. 1 being a brand new acc, every single one had a minimum of two cheaters.... mostly mnk but a like 1or 2 chronus
i'd rather deal wiht Ximing then a guy bum rushing in with wall hacks and aim bot. Its alot easier to deal with someone using M&K then literal hacks.
@jaltersimp9639 its alot easier to ban someone with walls esp and rage cheats.
Mnk,xim,chronus,scripts etc never get banned and if they do, its a temp, and if its not. They can literally create a brand new account, for free and begin cheating all over again. IF they get banned.
You rarely see a console player get banned. Yet just about every stream or video of PC R6 shows ubisoft doing literal walls of bans for cheating as they publicly promote it on the game.
Meaning, they by % and ratio ban more cheaters on PC than console. Console version also has more gameplay bugs affecting the game play already. Making it a more unpleasant experience to play
@@jaltersimp9639 also, you in PC do not see cheaters every game. You may see them often but not every game. Unless your diamond or champion.
Any level above silver and you will be running into atleast MnK cheater per game. And it only gets worse the higher you go.
Xim in the name, playing doc & twitch? Yeah I’ve seen enough. Maybe if PC players complain about it enough ubi will actually do something because it’s obvious they don’t care about console players.
what does the operator have to do with it?
@@mateolong416good guns
The ending to this pure gold.
Prop hunt on R6 would slap
Hey varsity hope you have a wonderful day
Its mental seeing the Bonnie Blue situation being heard over in the US, she went to my school and was in the year below me
6:50 it’s okay varsity. I call Amaru Aruni literally everytime she shows up
12:15 was absolutely amazing
Once again, rest in peace mama varsity
Even on console the f2 with acog and extended barrel is hard to control. Usually youll see acog+comp/flash or 1x+ ext
Also XIM/Chronus don't 100% get rid of recoil. They do 99% while making you have a KBM with console recoil, so it's virtually R6 PC with the main difficulty of the game removed and your opponents being worse. But they intend there to still be a little recoil in order for them not to get easily caught.
oh varsitygaming where do i even begin.... ooo i don't even know you are just to glorious for the human eyes to comprehend
I remember the last kanal clip from stream a long time ago 😂😂😂😭
Now you know how much fraustrating playing against those xim mfs everyday for the past 8years
kinda sucks even when you get suspended for using xim or chronus and you have to just go to pc lobbies only for an amount of time those ppl just dont care rank 2.0 at their worst with 90% of ppl that are console use xim to get to champion
If the guy had literally zero recoil, he might be using XIM. However, a lot of good players who have been playing controller for 4-5 years can also have a significant recoil control due to the experience we gained playing during those years. It’s too easy to accuse every diamond/champ players for using XIM when u guys should also understand that recoil control is significantly easier playing roller.
You gotta remember console has way less recoil than pc but yes they could be chronis. Also recoil control is going to be a little obvious haven’t watched it yet.
He was using kbm but it could be the game still thinks he must be on controller, giving him the reduced recoil.
Xim doesn’t control recoil, xim is an adapter for m and k if he really has zero recoil it’s more than likely a strike pack or Cronus. Those run scripts
You really have no idea what you're talking about lmao, there's a difference between a console player pulling down to control recoil and literally 0 recoil
BUT we should also remember how many people don’t think using xim and chronic is cheating. Need to shame those people out of existence as much as possible.
You are right in saying experience helps with recoil tho!
I can honestly say as a console player it’s annoying when others cheat. Whether the cheater is on console or pc. Ubi should be doing something about it. I mean this game has been out for 10 years, and yet Ubi has not done anything about cheating or to find a better anti-cheat system. I mean I literally played ranked with my duo a couple of days ago. (By the way it’s console rank) we ran into a Xbox player whose name was HasCronous, and my friend stat checked him. His stats for this seasons rank was 24 wins 1 loss and his KD was 6.7. Ain’t no one that good at the game. This once again proves Ubi doesn’t care. The bad part was the cheater waited until we were about to 4-0 them to turn on his cheats. After that we lost. This game is literally dying or will die soon if Ubi doesn’t do something.
7:13 Devious😂
it really does get at least one person a session 😭🙏🏽(i’m an alibi main)
1:19 idk why but the way he worded this pissed me off so much
9:57 pc recoil is activated if they get detected 3 times by mousetrap
Xim matrix has scripts so it won’t matter anyway
8:56 the mp5 is so easy to control he cant be serious
I actually dont think the first bloke had any recoil scripts, or atleast they werent strong ones like youd see on console, it wasnt a laser with 0 vertical and horizontal recoil like i normally play
13:36 made me drop two eggs
So if Ubisoft goes does that mean no more siege? I may not be the best at the game but I enjoy it very much after work
Love the content!
his foot moved at the top of the screen in the replay
This is what i have to deal with everytime i boot this game.
Even with a basic sense of recoil, I can get my fuse lmg to no recoil
Not sure how catching someone cheating then palming them off to another cohort of players to deal with is much of a punishment. We have come across a lot of console players with zero recoil. Should just be banning them not making them someone else’s problem. Ubisoft is so out of touch with their player base it’s crazy.
7:12 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
헷갈려서 못 쏘는거 개웃김 10:45
Imo, the recoil on console SHOULD match the recoil on pc. Some guns have so little recoil that anyone can control them even without attachments. On console controlling recoil is so much easier, so increasing the recoil would only change the skill gap, not make it impossible to play.
Aiming with your wrist vs thumbs
@santana0328 Aiming with thumbsticks is not that hard as long as you are used to the guns you are using. I can easily aim and control the recoil of most guns but any gun I do not use, I have a hard time. Aiming on keyboard will 100% always be easier, but recoil control is way harder. Thats why games like Marvel Rivals are easy af to play on pc. Even the new CoD is like that with how little recoil there is. They should increase the recoil on console to make it even acrossed the board and force players who use the lowest recoil guns out of high ranked lobbies. I see way to many lesion mains with bad aim in champ.
@@TeamKilled01 so buddy im not reading all of that and once again wrist vs thumbs simple procedure
@@TeamKilled01 you said it yourself aiming on keyboard will always be easier hence them having more recoil
@santana0328 I wasn't even being rude. Idk what your deal is. I am just saying its way too easy on console.
the thing is, cronus won't give you 100% perfect recoil because there's still some randomness in the recoil patterns
Siege servers have started going down for unknow reasons can you pls tell me it not just EU side down
just a tipp for console players turn everything on advanced controller settings to 0 i reached champ with that one tipp alone
Cronus is a device that removes or gives you less recoil. You can make your own code or change it if you know how and make it do whatever you want. You can give it negative recoil, only recoil to the right. This has been a thing since 2018
I still miss Twitch's f2 having a grip so you can actually use it. why wont they bring it back so i can play twitch again :c
That looks 100% legit for me.i play console cince skull rain. u can laser those guns on console its just horizontal. i doubt that he used xim. its sometimes even easyer to control without stock and with extended barrel on.
So with a Cronus, you either make or buy an anti-recoil script that controls the recoil for you. That is why you see Cronus users only use one gun and rarely switching to other guns. Some would treat the Smg12, with no recoil, as a primary, while using BossG for everything else. Now for only using F2 I have no idea, because that gun kinda of Cheeks.
It’s definitely possible he’s Cronus but controller recoil is so unbelievably easy. It’s like they have no hori recoil just vertical so it’s just straight down. F2 isn’t too crazy smg12 will take time to learn but is definitely easy once you learn it.
On console twitch f2 is the easiest recoil in the game due to no horizontal recoil
Zero with angled grip and extended is very easy to control even on roller. Honestly the one of the worst things to happen to siege was the pc's massive recoil rework
Idk y people complain for us console players having no recoil cause Ubi made it where we get different recoil patterns
either way console recoil is super easy to learn and control even with no recoil attachments. only reason i knew he had a cronus or xim was bc of his pistol spam.
Cronus doesn't give you zero recoil there is still some, and they all look different because you have to set up custom configs (configuration)
As a long time console player I can easily control all recoil even F2 and Zophia’s Lmg with suppressers
Console recoil is 900,000,000,000x easier than pc, the only problem is aim, not really recoil. But if you need a macro to control recoil on console, then you are beyond idiotic
Aiming on controller is significantly harder than a mouse lmao. Have you ever even played console?
@ did I say RECOIL or AIMING was harder???
@ I mainly play on pc, I have 3 hours on roller.
I can say that recoil is significantly easier then on pc.
Aiming on joysticks is the only problem as to recoil control. (To put it simply for you: Recoil is easy, aiming is hard)
Most guns on console arent that hard to have VERY low recoil on. Exceptions would be guns like f2, alibis gun, etc. Im a gold and my recoil control on guns like the ak 12, lesion smg, thermite AR all look sus
f2 isnt hard to control recoil
Probably xim matrix. Xim in his name and literal 0 recoil
And for the record on console docs mp5 is so freaking easy to control.
Even though the f2 has a lot of recoil if you have enough practice and time put on the gun it's easy to control
I don't know man, if they're scared of banning Ximmers on console because of the player count then why do they ban cheaters on PC ? Banning them also effects the player count on PC...
Console has far lower recoil than PC, I rock extended on almost every weapon you can on controller. But I can’t run anything other than flash on PC
If someone on console uses xim but queues into PC matchpool he keeps the console recoil.
Only those who are caught multiple times using it in console matchpool get the PC recoil as part of the punishment, at least thats what Ubi said.
Along side that it's not unlikely that xim users, even tho they have console recoil, are running anti recoil scripts for their guns, depending which device they are using and if they made a script for it.
Its such bs and really pathetic. They should be banned, but it's probably like you said, that if they ban them they lose paying customers
On console, The mp5 is one of the easiest guns to control. The f2 on console is definitely not easy to control even on console. likely kronos or strikepack from the f2 alone. The mp5 is definitely doable tho. I can do it though i do main the gun a bit.
I don’t mean to sound like an ass but honestly , using keyboard and mouse (but in a pc lobby) and have little to no recoil (in a pc lobby) is damn near the same as playing a good pc player. So if your playing champ elo majority of good players resemble the exact same thing. What difference does it really make? I’m not in any way backing the cheaters because they are still cheating, but running shield against them as if they spinbottjng or walling seems like putting a crutch on yourself. Just treat it as if you’re playing a normal player lol.
Edit : plus again I am not backing cheaters but bro if a kb+m player gets stuck in a pc lobby while using kb and m on console, IF IT DOES ADD RECOIL due to switching to pc lobby while using, seriously what’s the huge difference?
the "console" player you guys are accusing is a pc player you can tell by the dot in his username
I might be tripping but it seems sometimes during this video siege was way to bright
btw varsity hes not console u cant put dots or periods in ur name as console lol
9:27 A lot of very good legit player just put xim in their name for ego reason so thats not a good indicator because console ego is very much a thing. At around emerald, people have near zero recoil on console, and even the F2 and SMG 12 are very easy for people at the higher skill level to control. I'm not saying they aren't cheating, but its clear varsity and crew aren't familiar with console cheaters. Xim matrix/cronus users dont just have 0 vertical recoil they also have 0 horizontal, think klar anti recoil but slightly worse, it's very easy to tell and often times they will show off their crouch macros or even their mouse buy shaking their mouse to show they are because they want you to get tilted and give up.
Console recoil is different then pc it’s a lot easier to control on Xbox
It’s a standard it doesn’t matter Aldo controller recoil is easy
It is cheating, but I think, like you said, ubi scared to lose money. Soon as you release something that actually scans for hardware cheats on console and successful you chasing away those players. With Ubi facing what they're facing: Yeah... No, they not gonna do anything about those cheaters besides move them.
Rant: I think it's stupid to use hardware like that because accessiblity controllers are a bannable thing on console for majority of the shooters.
His name is XIM so yea
I know I probably will get some hate for this opinion but it was inevitable that console was going to gain the ability to cheat at some point. Also I don’t condone any form of cheating but at least console players can’t have illegal wall hacks as far as I know
people can complain abt no recoil from console but people on pc script all the time and they actually have wall hacks
Educate yourselves. They aren't cheating devices bro. They are meant with the sole reasoning of making MNK possible on console with macros available. It's just Siege that want's to ban them from being allowed on their game for Xbox/PS, but Sony and Microsoft say NO they are allowed to be used you are not allowed to ban the player from the game for using a legal third party device. And if they don't follow through, they probably get sued and taken off xbox/ps. So they're only solution is to make it so it's not impossible to play, but much harder to. That's why they had mousetrap, and this. They still can play the game, but just have a disadvantage which does NOT go against the rules of Xbox/PS.
i know the ximed guy he used to be my duo :)
He was defo using xim matrix so his macros are NOT the same as pc macros as the xims and cronus pretty much makes a game believe ur actually pulling down as of its tricking the console into think it's controller and not mnk so they can also copy controller movements and aim etc
Welcome to the world of siege console gameplay. You guys on pc who have superior controls even had trouble dealing with a xim/kronos user. Ubisoft has let all players on all platforms down.
most console players in my pc lobbies are xim or cronus
silver 1, first season of seige, with a 1.2 kd and even I can control the f2 😂
they allow xim on pc lobbies
Yeah mnk on console is cheating yeah, but the devs litterally stated as long as they are on pc servers they dont consider it cheating. So Goodluck getting them banned lol.
Isn’t xim just m&k? And he’s in pc lobbies? I’m confused on how this is cheating…
Exactly 😭
99% of PsPlayers have 0 recoil in high rank
With xbox players is different they use same shit but is one player in a group of 10, is curious
Yeah you’re absolutely delusional. Anything past gold you are guaranteed to get a Xbox ximmer in each lobby.
This is classic compared to how this guy is on cronus or whatever hes playin a pc lobby bear in mind you are on double fps but will have a problem with controller so unfai lobbies but its fine bear in mind i got in a game yesterday 4 coppers 1 top 50 champ on pc like what ??
Ngl though, Cronus users aren't hard to beat.
PC players crying over these “hacks” gives me a good laugh, on console you saw this almost every game. If anything I find it kind of weird that they even care about the person having Cronus, when they have had to deal with closet cheaters for so long, I would think someone using Cronus wouldn’t even matter to them
Most of the cheaters are ubis biggest pay pigs
He is 100 percent cheating my mate has a Cronus and it’s the same.
didnt look like cheating, mp5 is insanely easy and they were being weird abt that?
Most cheaters are in PC VG come on now
Rollers just have better control over recoil then pc espacialy expierienced players literaly console can run r4c acog extended barrel, horizontale and have no recoil on console because verticale easy horizontal is harder but compensatie exists literaly this is what ive been waiting for pc's causing console lol
Unless its an strikepack/cronus user but for that just give us fucking natie m&k and this wouldnt be an problem
Day 163 of asking you to oil yourself up
Console is very tdm because if you can aim better, then your enemy, you will win 90% of the time. So have fun because i had to deal with this shit for years 😂😂😂
No offense to anyone but PC players complaining about console players cheating in their lobbies is kinda wild.
As a console player he's not cheating MP5 is just really easy to control
Nah the pc players are complaining awesome
Pc players are complaining about console “cheaters” while beating dem wild asf
PC players complaining about console is peak comedy 😂
wE jUsT dOnT wAnNa dEaL WiTh iT
The first complaint is a guy having no recoil on doc mp5 😂😂😂😂c’mon guys don’t make me click off the video edit: during replay somebody said ive never seen somebody control the mp5 recoil like that….. yea no shit console recoil control is different who new 😱😱
Edit 2: the f2 recoil with extended barrel is a bit unusual I will say but controllable with the right since bc the horizontal recoil on the f2 is barely noticeable
Edit:3 now they tryna say he’s coming I opinion don’t really matter cuz I don’t play on high sense especially high ads sense but that look more high console sens instead of sim to me
bro how much do u cry holy shit just play the game !