Great interview. I have no problem with anyone prepared to get off their butt and make it happen. I have a real problem with people stealing from my country using fake claims.
I worked underground mining and tunneling in Australia for 18yrs until recently and confirm this..most of mates were maori ..some in management.(Meaning up to $180000/yr) ...the general consensus amongst them were they were doing far better in Aussie..away from the radical victimhood and gangs in NZ
I can understand that. I lived in Perth for 11 years (Aussie for 21 yrs) then returned to live in NZ and I couldn't believe the amount of gang affiliated things going on here at home. Tried to move home many times but the gang stuff in a small country was like your own back door was not safe. I have Maori ancestry also but that was not my life when I was living here before moving to Aussie in 1977
Go getter Maori often choose Aussie, you have to make it work you can't park up at Nana's or Auntie's place, you have to get off your arse. I know some great hard working Maori who live in Aussie.
He is absolutely bang on in regards to the productivity deliema and what is needed to fix it. Mining is an example of this, the positives do outweigh the negatives.
Thanks for your well researched commentary Patrick . The lack of research evident in much of the MSM reporting on mining would not be apparent to their viewers. MSM preferring to popularise negative perceptions on mining to match their ideologies while ignoring the facts. Much of their protestations occur on technology that simply could not exist if it was not for extractive industries. MSMs emotive populist narrative in turn provides story fuel for self interest groups like TPM.
Just like space...once Peter beck was making money they came out the woodwork and wanted to be consulted because they have always have had an interest in the stars. Albeit through fables.
Maori are very good operators in Australia from processing to machinery obviously remunerated accordingly, responsible for equipment worth millions and trained over years within a high standard industry in Australia. I understand many who've done their quality time in Australia work back in NZ.. NZs small industry simply, just has to comply to retain. Going to uni doesn't mean bigger income how distorted is that this is the mining industry. However, Uni then the mines it makes a difference.
Whatever resources are under the ground were there for the hundreds of years that Maori occupied the country on their own. Any evidence or "oral history" that they did anything with these resources?? if not then they have no right to object now.
Before I was employed as a Site Administrator at Stockton I worked at a place called The Buller Community Development Company (BCDC) ran by a great man named Bruce Hamilton, may he rest in peace. At the BCDC my job was admin to support those training for 5 months to gain the tickets to drive 'up the hill', amidst other training courses. You mentioned the need for training ie...Engineering and while there are the specialist there, no one could work up there until training was complete for all employees. Suffice to say the majority trained to drive trucks or machinery of which they were qualified for via ITO. There's a lot of responsibility driving and working on a coal mining site as the site 'Rules & Regulations' are many and also need to be learned. General status was 12 hour shifts in crap weather most of the time. The money they earn is worth every bit of the job they're doing and what is to be endured to pull that coal out.
Having worked on a coal site as admin I can tell you the amount of Maori working there was about one in ten...1/10 and there were up to 600 people at any given time on the Stockton Mine site. The amount of Maori living in the area was also about 1/10 so that debunks your view.
drill baby drill, nz need the jobs, we all have to move forward, TPM are keeping maori under the beggars' thumb, tpm will never use the land for the wealth n health of maori,
Read he pua pua. They want all land to be maori land and they want you to pay for it. They want the minerals. They want no jails (for maori) they want the tribal boundaries to be established.
@@kiwiingrid I wouldn't be so sure. Government and iwi do whatever they want. They just do. Have a read of it and look at the steps and time frames and take a look at what Labour were up to.
@@kiwiingrid Your wrong. By 2040 co-governance will be. There is an unknown force that Is infiltrating our pillars of power. You name it. Our courts. Schools, parliament. Many, many others. There be a hidden hand at work and it ain't our friend.
Greenies did my head in up at Stockton even thought they were allowed a portion on site to inhabit of which Security had to constantly watch at the mines cost. It takes 5 stages before taking out any coal there and the whole process included regenerating and replacing the over-burden. The movements for such things are carefully monitored with preservation a priority. One company up there removed every inch of turf with Powellaphanta snails and or eggs then incubated them and replaced them back into their same environment. Greenies said they were becoming extinct but I'll tell you there were many snails and eggs but convincing them was not possible. Not to forget the amount of money having to be spent by Solid Energy at that time fighting these court cases.
Smart kiwi support mining when the business case is beneficial to NZ We want jobs and revenue...but we do NOT want all of the profits going to some invisible shareholder who pays little tax here and then leaves NZ with a massive cleanup bill after pushing us into building their infrastructure. Many of the richest countries in the world have held onto these assets and successfully kept much of the profit inhouse.
Would be interesting to see how many of the anti-mining brigade drive an electric car, considering the amount of damage that does to the land. Is it acceptable because it's Africa/ China?
No, neither of the two suggestions you made applied At the time when battery powered automobiles were thought to be one important and effective a way that would help to reduce holes made in the Ozone layer that protects all of humanity, not only on the African continent and the Indian Sub-Continant, but also everywhere else, on the planet that are also vulnerable including New Zealand. Human industrial activity, especially industry's burning Coal and Fuel Oil had caused holes to appear in the Earth's Ozone Layer that protected all of humanity from the Suns fierce heat and glare. What slowed down the use of Battery power in our Automobiles was when further studies were made, two aspects were revealed that questioned the viability of battery power only. One was that while battery cars were availabe in limited numbers there was not the charging infrastructure to keep them running for long trips, outside of cities still required petrol and diesel use between charging. Hybrid vehicles were needed, they were expensive to buy so the cost benefit ratio made them a questionable purchase The cost of the materials and the health risks manufacturing old style Lead Acid battery's and the pollution from their manufacturer. Then there were Aircraft, Passenger airliners and freighters Thousands of Ships of all sizes depending on fuel oil to go anywhere.all powered by refined fossil fuels. There are battery powered vehicles that have been around for a long time, Forklifts, wharf, and airport tugs hauling freight and passenger luggage. We are all very much still dependent on what gets pumped out if the ground to have our world ticking over mostly just how we like it.
Yes they are generally delusional about the world and themselves...most just enjoy looking down on other ppl and taking the high ground...100years ago they used to go to church
@ you just watch .Peter Becks rocket lab business will be the next want want want as to where it is placed up north on the peninsula. They will want to be compensated for the land and also the air that the rockets go through on their space journey.
does anyone know how much export income NZ earns from mining? By comparison Mining in Australia in 2023 earned 740 Billion Dollars in Exports for the Economy . The NZ total annual GDP in 2023 according to NZ Statistics was 378 Billion Dollars so Aussi earns twice the NZ GDP just from the Mining Industry.
2.6 billion to GDP.......around 1/4 of that goes as royaltys to the government.......its not huge but not minor considering the size of the NZ mining industry, one only has to think that one mining company in aussie has more people employed in mining that the entire NZ mining workforce, and due to the environment they are in they run bigger gear than can be used here in most cases and no matter how good an operator is on a 120 ton machine they are not going produce as much as someone on a 300 or 500 ton one
GDP , exports etc doesnt really mean much.....we need to establish where that export income much of it just goes to Shanghai? The Aussie banks are part of NZs GDP but they take tens of billions out of the economy through interest payments. The official profits alone are well over $5bn now and represent a dead loss to NZs cash flow. funfact: ANZ pays about 97% of its dividends offshore
The benign nature of the Hawera-Whanganui titanomagnetite sands is a case in point. There isn't even a waste stream. What irks is lack of profit share for Maori, and lack of 'control' therein of those resources.
Well Midnight Oil's 'Blue Sky Mine' or Alistair Hullet's song 'Blue Murder' does not exactly paint a rosy picture of recent Aussie mining - the only positive one I can think of is the Dwarves in Snow White singing 'hi ho hi ho it's off to work we go'. It could be great but really requires close oversight but, while Conservative Govts will turn a blind eye to malpractice/deliberately underfund the Inspectorate, that will not happen.
Being a mining analyst, I look at a lot of projects. The myth of destroying the environment is nonsense. The exceptions are rare, and for the most part stymied by govts dealing with (China's CCP) govts. I.e. PNG tailings incidents. Corruption. Some examples. Rio Tinto disregard for a original sacred site in WA. A cyanide tailings dam breach in Slovakia. Artisan miners using mercury are more the risk, or the disturbance of old tailings, releasing mercury left. Modern mining is nothing like the past.
All minerals in the earth of New Zealand belongs to all New Zealanders, and is held in trust by the Crown. Maori do not own anything under the topsoil. New Zealanders who are not Maori New Zealanders do not own anything either. It is a collective ownership. This is legal, has been legal since 1840, and will still be legal in 2840.
It is an argument to make and to be acknowledged, but it should also be noted that most Maori are socialists/collectivists, and that you're making a genetic statement about Maori, or perhaps superficially 'cultural identification', when it might be seen as 'parochial interests', or 'high minded values' like socialism and collectivism.
Nasty, nasty peoples...must keep eyes on, cant/dont trust dem, day sneeky dark peoples...must protect your backs, day want monees, no allow, mountain mistake, Nastee moldee Mowdees.....yuckee
What you mention is not correct, you need to be a owner of sorts to claim such a thing. You can't just roll up to a business and make a claim, you have to prove it. There were no maori interests when I worked in mining here in NZ
We ALL have Treaties with the Crown which specifically enshrine Equal Rights, Advantages and Privileges for ALL subjects. The Crown was a "Treaty Partner" (to utilise woke terminology) with many other "Treaty Parties" well before Maori were added as English subjects in the Maori version of the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi. These Treaties include the 1215 Magna Carta, the 1267 Treaty of Montgomery (Wales), the 1706 Treaty of Union (Scotland) and the 1800 Treaty of Union (Ireland), and their respective enactments. In 1840 the "Crown" was already a "Partnership" with several "First Nations Partners" - ie. the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.The Union Flag was specifically created by Article 1 of the 1706 Treaty of Union to represent the Union of "Treaty Parties". The 1840 Treaty of Waitangi was specifically signed over the Union Flag to represent this. This is like a going concern which has several existing partners, taking on another partner and absorbing their concern into a greater whole - with each partner being on an exactly equal footing. Article 1 of the 1707 Act of Union (Scotland) states;"That the two Kingdoms of Scotland and England, shall, upon the first Day of May next ensuing the Date hereof, and for ever after, be united into one Kingdom by the Name of Great-Britain, and that the Ensigns Armorial of the said united Kingdom, be such as her Majesty shall appoint; and the Crosses of St. Andrew and St. George be conjoined in such a manner as her Majesty shall think fit, and used in all Flags, Banners, Standards, and Ensigns, both at Sea and Land." Several Articles of these Treaties require that all citizens have equal rights, advantages and privileges and that no new party added should be given exclusive ones. For example, Article 4 of the 1707 Act of Union (Scotland) states;"That all the Subjects of the united Kingdom of Great-Britain shall, from and after the Union, have full Freedom and Intercourse of Trade and Navigation, to and from any Port or Place within the said united Kingdom, and the Dominions and Plantations thereunto belonging; and that there be a Communication of all other Rights, Privileges, and Advantages, which do or may belong to the Subjects of either Kingdom, except where it is otherwise expressly agreed in these Articles." Also for Example, Article 6 of the 1801 Act of Union (Ireland) states;"That it be the sixth article of union, that his Majesty’s subjects of Great Britain and Ireland shall, from and after the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and one, be entitled to the same privileges, and be on the same footing as to encouragements and bounties on the like articles, being the growth, produce, or manufacture of either country respectively, and generally in respect of trade and navigation in all ports and places in the united kingdom and its dependencies; and that in all treaties made by his Majesty, his heirs, and successors, with any foreign power, his Majesty’s subjects of Ireland shall have the same privileges, and be on the same footing as his Majesty’s subjects of Great Britain." As above, these Treaties bound, and continue to bind, the Crown and all of its successors, such as the "Crown of New Zealand". Several legal precedents have been made dating back to at least the Union of the Crowns of England and Scotland in 1603 confirming that subjects under the Crown must be treated equally. This includes Calvin's Case (1608), 77 ER 377, (1608) Co Rep 1a, also known as the Case of the Postnati. The Crown cannot even begin to envision unequally restricting, or granting more, Rights, Advantages and Privileges of one or more "Treaty Parties" without being in breach of these Treaties. However, the Crown has increasingly been acting in breach of these Treaties and needs to immediately honour them. For example, Article 25 of the 1707 Act of Union (Scotland) states;"That all Laws and Statutes in either Kingdom, so far as they are contrary to, or inconsistent with the Terms of these Articles, or any of them, shall, from and after the Union, cease, and become void, and shall be so declared to be, by the respective Parliaments of the said Kingdoms." The pre and post 1840 "Treaty Parties" who have equal Rights, Advantages and Privileges within the Crown of New Zealand include English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, Australian, Dutch, French, Moriori, Maori, and subjects of the Realm of New Zealand. The Crown has no doubt learnt its lesson when historically trying to breach the rights of some of these subjects. Rather than the "Treaty" situation being like two halves of an apple (ie the Crown and Maori), the real situation is like an orange, wherein each of the segments represent the numerous equal "Treaty Partners" and the protective and encapsulating skin represents the Crown. The only question is how much power the "Crown" has (ie. how thick is the skin of the orange) but each "First Nation" "Treaty Partner" segment is identical. This does not in any way reduce the "Treaty Rights" of any one "Treaty Partner". It simply extends them to all. The Crown is the only one who can lose rights, or conversely have more rights granted to it by the people - as long as those affect all equally. New "communities" can be envisioned as the new growth segments between the original segments (as in an orange) but always within the protective skin of the "Crown" and its powers. In fact, the segments near the centre of the orange have become fused together as populations merge and therefore subjects usually have more than one treaty in their lineage. In fact it is these earlier Treaties, for example Article 2 of the 1706 Treaty of Union (Scotland) which specifically defines the "Crown" and who exactly reigns and succeedes as the sovereign. If these earlier treaties are breached by the "Crown", tried to be ignored by "Treaty Deniers", or an attempt made to try and undermine or demote their relative importance by "Treaty Bigots", then the legitimacy of the current monarchs themselves would be jepordised (and the Monarch over the Water - ie the Stuart dynasty, would therefore need to be re-established). There can be no apartheid under these Treaties and the time has come to honour them equally.
partially government funded mine or oil rig would print money and make profts in no time at all. Would create jobs amd boost economy because of nice good wages in nz. We cannot afford to so "green" and hope that $8 latte's that tourists will pay for will keep the country afloat.
Top wages is why i work in the mining game......and as an evil evil coal miner the salty tears of the green hate brigade raging out about my job while they are on the welfare that my taxes pay for are just a sweet sweet bonus......
The waitaha hydro scheme isn't needed! The amethyst hydro scheme just down the road runs about 1/3 it's output.. waitaha hydro scheme is just a bid to control a waterway.. the expansion of the kanerie power scheme was let lapse! That is next to the dairy factory the largest power consumer on the west coast! The Maori get about 15% of all the gold mined on there land here on the west coast. That's a lot of gold!
Te Pati Maori does not speak for me. I have no evidence to say they do. I would hope i am able to go thru the process of a mining licence on my own land? It is iwi land.
So has roading, you don't own rights to the roads . You don't own mining rights either. You people didn't know what mining was. Yes, you contribute now, but so does everyone else and always have. After all, it's a European invention to make steal and alloys. We have invited you into these jobs. Are Maori grateful for their invertations into our world of jobs, prosperity, and security. Most certainly are, a small fraction don't want to integrate at all, in fact, they are separatist by nature.
But the Maori all downed tools an celebrated our Christmas traditions and New Year's...oh yes...all embraced those colonist traditions. Can't figure this race out 😂
They made good money at Huntly. They should have resources to move to where the jobs are. Hamilton isn't far away. Theres no excuse to be on the dole in Huntly.
@@Mostlypeaceful896no, the labour party zeroed these jobs in premature beleave that we could sustain ourselves on fumes It appears those fumes are fuckin important. Fuck off greenies, we'll ask for help if we ever need it.
Not the workers fault, no, but the ''corporate kaumatua'' are wholly responsible. They have stopped every viable and beneficial use of the old plant because of greed. All the Maori in Huntley must be very rich from all the treaty rort payouts and the ever ongoing grift.
Great interview. I have no problem with anyone prepared to get off their butt and make it happen. I have a real problem with people stealing from my country using fake claims.
I worked underground mining and tunneling in Australia for 18yrs until recently and confirm this..most of mates were maori ..some in management.(Meaning up to $180000/yr) ...the general consensus amongst them were they were doing far better in Aussie..away from the radical victimhood and gangs in NZ
I can understand that. I lived in Perth for 11 years (Aussie for 21 yrs) then returned to live in NZ and I couldn't believe the amount of gang affiliated things going on here at home. Tried to move home many times but the gang stuff in a small country was like your own back door was not safe. I have Maori ancestry also but that was not my life when I was living here before moving to Aussie in 1977
Go getter Maori often choose Aussie, you have to make it work you can't park up at Nana's or Auntie's place, you have to get off your arse. I know some great hard working Maori who live in Aussie.
@@jenniferreihana5155 501,s
LOL it ain't just Maori choosing Australia it's every creed lol what a dumb comment and as for gangs every where lol bullshit
He is absolutely bang on in regards to the productivity deliema and what is needed to fix it. Mining is an example of this, the positives do outweigh the negatives.
TPM nead to be removed they do nothing but fill their own pockets and hold the country back with their factless claims ..
Thanks very much for this good sense.
Well presented, thank you!
Patrick speaks well..
Thanks for your well researched commentary Patrick . The lack of research evident in much of the MSM reporting on mining would not be apparent to their viewers. MSM preferring to popularise negative perceptions on mining to match their ideologies while ignoring the facts. Much of their protestations occur on technology that simply could not exist if it was not for extractive industries. MSMs emotive populist narrative in turn provides story fuel for self interest groups like TPM.
money money is all they are after the easier the better
Cant allow dat to be...nasty moldee Mowdee
You made a fact free statement without context, congrats.
Wealth always trickles up never down in New Zealand.
Just like space...once Peter beck was making money they came out the woodwork and wanted to be consulted because they have always have had an interest in the stars. Albeit through fables.
How fvcking mental, fairy tales have no place in a science class. 🤦
Maori are very good operators in Australia from processing to machinery obviously remunerated accordingly, responsible for equipment worth millions and trained over years within a high standard industry in Australia. I understand many who've done their quality time in Australia work back in NZ.. NZs small industry simply, just has to comply to retain. Going to uni doesn't mean bigger income how distorted is that this is the mining industry. However, Uni then the mines it makes a difference.
Whatever resources are under the ground were there for the hundreds of years that Maori occupied the country on their own. Any evidence or "oral history" that they did anything with these resources?? if not then they have no right to object now.
Greenstone?? they actively hunted for it.
There was no metallurgy. There was no chemistry. There was no industry.
efn sooks😂
Dam Maori.....ou day dink day are?.....dam natives, be off wiff yee, back to da forest wit yee mutts.
According to the treaty of waiting Maori do have a right to object
Before I was employed as a Site Administrator at Stockton I worked at a place called The Buller Community Development Company (BCDC) ran by a great man named Bruce Hamilton, may he rest in peace. At the BCDC my job was admin to support those training for 5 months to gain the tickets to drive 'up the hill', amidst other training courses. You mentioned the need for training ie...Engineering and while there are the specialist there, no one could work up there until training was complete for all employees. Suffice to say the majority trained to drive trucks or machinery of which they were qualified for via ITO. There's a lot of responsibility driving and working on a coal mining site as the site 'Rules & Regulations' are many and also need to be learned. General status was 12 hour shifts in crap weather most of the time. The money they earn is worth every bit of the job they're doing and what is to be endured to pull that coal out.
Any time there is a dollar sign, Maori seem to turn up making claims.
Yea....nasty Maori, ow dare dem dam natives.
TPM putting the mouth where the money is
Same with pakeha,so what's your point. Only pakeha should benefit.
@ European tend to contribute Maori just take.
Having worked on a coal site as admin I can tell you the amount of Maori working there was about one in ten...1/10 and there were up to 600 people at any given time on the Stockton Mine site. The amount of Maori living in the area was also about 1/10 so that debunks your view.
drill baby drill, nz need the jobs, we all have to move forward, TPM are keeping maori under the beggars' thumb, tpm will never use the land for the wealth n health of maori,
Read he pua pua. They want all land to be maori land and they want you to pay for it. They want the minerals. They want no jails (for maori) they want the tribal boundaries to be established.
Yea...sneakee moldee Mowdees....need to keep eyes on or day rob you, nasty peeps, need to keep dem down were day belon.
🙄 I think you should read it cause its clear you haven't
Sorry but that will never happen.
@@kiwiingrid I wouldn't be so sure. Government and iwi do whatever they want. They just do. Have a read of it and look at the steps and time frames and take a look at what Labour were up to.
@@kiwiingrid Your wrong. By 2040 co-governance will be. There is an unknown force that Is infiltrating our pillars of power. You name it. Our courts. Schools, parliament. Many, many others. There be a hidden hand at work and it ain't our friend.
Greenies did my head in up at Stockton even thought they were allowed a portion on site to inhabit of which Security had to constantly watch at the mines cost. It takes 5 stages before taking out any coal there and the whole process included regenerating and replacing the over-burden. The movements for such things are carefully monitored with preservation a priority. One company up there removed every inch of turf with Powellaphanta snails and or eggs then incubated them and replaced them back into their same environment. Greenies said they were becoming extinct but I'll tell you there were many snails and eggs but convincing them was not possible. Not to forget the amount of money having to be spent by Solid Energy at that time fighting these court cases.
Smart kiwi support mining when the business case is beneficial to NZ
We want jobs and revenue...but we do NOT want all of the profits going to some invisible shareholder who pays little tax here and then leaves NZ with a massive cleanup bill after pushing us into building their infrastructure.
Many of the richest countries in the world have held onto these assets and successfully kept much of the profit inhouse.
The whole he pau pau ting is just about MONEY
Power and control.
Would be interesting to see how many of the anti-mining brigade drive an electric car, considering the amount of damage that does to the land. Is it acceptable because it's Africa/ China?
No, neither of the two suggestions you made applied At the time when battery powered automobiles were thought to be one important and effective a way that would help to reduce holes made in the Ozone layer that protects all of humanity, not only on the African continent and the Indian Sub-Continant, but also everywhere else, on the planet that are also vulnerable including New Zealand. Human industrial activity, especially industry's burning Coal and Fuel Oil had caused holes to appear in the Earth's Ozone Layer that protected all of humanity from the Suns fierce heat and glare. What slowed down the use of Battery power in our Automobiles was when further studies were made, two aspects were revealed that questioned the viability of battery power only. One was that while battery cars were availabe in limited numbers there was not the charging infrastructure to keep them running for long trips, outside of cities still required petrol and diesel use between charging. Hybrid vehicles were needed, they were expensive to buy so the cost benefit ratio made them a questionable purchase The cost of the materials and the health risks manufacturing old style Lead Acid battery's and the pollution from their manufacturer. Then there were Aircraft, Passenger airliners and freighters Thousands of Ships of all sizes depending on fuel oil to go anywhere.all powered by refined fossil fuels. There are battery powered vehicles that have been around for a long time, Forklifts, wharf, and airport tugs hauling freight and passenger luggage. We are all very much still dependent on what gets pumped out if the ground to have our world ticking over mostly just how we like it.
@@brucegibbins3792 Huh? Put down the pipe bro and read what I said again.
Yes they are generally delusional about the world and themselves...most just enjoy looking down on other ppl and taking the high ground...100years ago they used to go to church
Great interview. Hahaha I'll scrap that idea😂
Snow whites seven dwarfs - they were good guys
No worries bro. Shovels are on special at Bunnings. Sooner you buy the sooner you can dig. Go for it bro. Mowdy mining eh. See how you go.
Too much hard work cuz.
@@Onan-u3b Why work ,when you can just take take take .
@ Take, take, take and toke, toke, toke.😆
@ you just watch .Peter Becks rocket lab business will be the next want want want
as to where it is placed up north on the peninsula.
They will want to be compensated for the land and also the air that the rockets go through on their space journey.
Peter beck has not owned rocket labs for over ten years now. It is listed in the UK as an American owned DEFENSE firm!
Shit i didn't think we even knew what coal could be used for 😂 just a bit of jade/stone
does anyone know how much export income NZ earns from mining? By comparison Mining in Australia in 2023 earned 740 Billion Dollars in Exports for the Economy . The NZ total annual GDP in 2023 according to NZ Statistics was 378 Billion Dollars so Aussi earns twice the NZ GDP just from the Mining Industry.
2.6 billion to GDP.......around 1/4 of that goes as royaltys to the government.......its not huge but not minor considering the size of the NZ mining industry, one only has to think that one mining company in aussie has more people employed in mining that the entire NZ mining workforce, and due to the environment they are in they run bigger gear than can be used here in most cases and no matter how good an operator is on a 120 ton machine they are not going produce as much as someone on a 300 or 500 ton one
GDP , exports etc doesnt really mean much.....we need to establish where that export income much of it just goes to Shanghai?
The Aussie banks are part of NZs GDP but they take tens of billions out of the economy through interest payments. The official profits alone are well over $5bn now and represent a dead loss to NZs cash flow.
funfact: ANZ pays about 97% of its dividends offshore
The benign nature of the Hawera-Whanganui titanomagnetite sands is a case in point. There isn't even a waste stream. What irks is lack of profit share for Maori, and lack of 'control' therein of those resources.
Well Midnight Oil's 'Blue Sky Mine' or Alistair Hullet's song 'Blue Murder' does not exactly paint a rosy picture of recent Aussie mining - the only positive one I can think of is the Dwarves in Snow White singing 'hi ho hi ho it's off to work we go'. It could be great but really requires close oversight but, while Conservative Govts will turn a blind eye to malpractice/deliberately underfund the Inspectorate, that will not happen.
Being a mining analyst, I look at a lot of projects. The myth of destroying the environment is nonsense. The exceptions are rare, and for the most part stymied by govts dealing with (China's CCP) govts. I.e. PNG tailings incidents. Corruption. Some examples. Rio Tinto disregard for a original sacred site in WA. A cyanide tailings dam breach in Slovakia. Artisan miners using mercury are more the risk, or the disturbance of old tailings, releasing mercury left. Modern mining is nothing like the past.
I'm in Mt Isa. They had school leaver entry level jobs underground paying 90k. It was shit work but they couldn't fill the jobs
All minerals in the earth of New Zealand belongs to all New Zealanders, and is held in trust by the Crown.
Maori do not own anything under the topsoil.
New Zealanders who are not Maori New Zealanders do not own anything either.
It is a collective ownership.
This is legal, has been legal since 1840, and will still be legal in 2840.
It is an argument to make and to be acknowledged, but it should also be noted that most Maori are socialists/collectivists, and that you're making a genetic statement about Maori, or perhaps superficially 'cultural identification', when it might be seen as 'parochial interests', or 'high minded values' like socialism and collectivism.
Bet if they got a bigger taste of the profits they would be all over it
Nasty, nasty peoples...must keep eyes on, cant/dont trust dem, day sneeky dark peoples...must protect your backs, day want monees, no allow, mountain mistake, Nastee moldee Mowdees.....yuckee
What you mention is not correct, you need to be a owner of sorts to claim such a thing. You can't just roll up to a business and make a claim, you have to prove it. There were no maori interests when I worked in mining here in NZ
@@jenniferreihana5155 Not yet. But the elite Maori make up claims and our courts are their friends.
We ALL have Treaties with the Crown which specifically enshrine Equal Rights, Advantages and Privileges for ALL subjects.
The Crown was a "Treaty Partner" (to utilise woke terminology) with many other "Treaty Parties" well before Maori were added as English subjects in the Maori version of the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi.
These Treaties include the 1215 Magna Carta, the 1267 Treaty of Montgomery (Wales), the 1706 Treaty of Union (Scotland) and the 1800 Treaty of Union (Ireland), and their respective enactments.
In 1840 the "Crown" was already a "Partnership" with several "First Nations Partners" - ie. the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.The Union Flag was specifically created by Article 1 of the 1706 Treaty of Union to represent the Union of "Treaty Parties". The 1840 Treaty of Waitangi was specifically signed over the Union Flag to represent this.
This is like a going concern which has several existing partners, taking on another partner and absorbing their concern into a greater whole - with each partner being on an exactly equal footing.
Article 1 of the 1707 Act of Union (Scotland) states;"That the two Kingdoms of Scotland and England, shall, upon the first Day of May next ensuing the Date hereof, and for ever after, be united into one Kingdom by the Name of Great-Britain, and that the Ensigns Armorial of the said united Kingdom, be such as her Majesty shall appoint; and the Crosses of St. Andrew and St. George be conjoined in such a manner as her Majesty shall think fit, and used in all Flags, Banners, Standards, and Ensigns, both at Sea and Land."
Several Articles of these Treaties require that all citizens have equal rights, advantages and privileges and that no new party added should be given exclusive ones. For example, Article 4 of the 1707 Act of Union (Scotland) states;"That all the Subjects of the united Kingdom of Great-Britain shall, from and after the Union, have full Freedom and Intercourse of Trade and Navigation, to and from any Port or Place within the said united Kingdom, and the Dominions and Plantations thereunto belonging; and that there be a Communication of all other Rights, Privileges, and Advantages, which do or may belong to the Subjects of either Kingdom, except where it is otherwise expressly agreed in these Articles."
Also for Example, Article 6 of the 1801 Act of Union (Ireland) states;"That it be the sixth article of union, that his Majesty’s subjects of Great Britain and Ireland shall, from and after the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and one, be entitled to the same privileges, and be on the same footing as to encouragements and bounties on the like articles, being the growth, produce, or manufacture of either country respectively, and generally in respect of trade and navigation in all ports and places in the united kingdom and its dependencies; and that in all treaties made by his Majesty, his heirs, and successors, with any foreign power, his Majesty’s subjects of Ireland shall have the same privileges, and be on the same footing as his Majesty’s subjects of Great Britain."
As above, these Treaties bound, and continue to bind, the Crown and all of its successors, such as the "Crown of New Zealand". Several legal precedents have been made dating back to at least the Union of the Crowns of England and Scotland in 1603 confirming that subjects under the Crown must be treated equally. This includes Calvin's Case (1608), 77 ER 377, (1608) Co Rep 1a, also known as the Case of the Postnati.
The Crown cannot even begin to envision unequally restricting, or granting more, Rights, Advantages and Privileges of one or more "Treaty Parties" without being in breach of these Treaties. However, the Crown has increasingly been acting in breach of these Treaties and needs to immediately honour them.
For example, Article 25 of the 1707 Act of Union (Scotland) states;"That all Laws and Statutes in either Kingdom, so far as they are contrary to, or inconsistent with the Terms of these Articles, or any of them, shall, from and after the Union, cease, and become void, and shall be so declared to be, by the respective Parliaments of the said Kingdoms."
The pre and post 1840 "Treaty Parties" who have equal Rights, Advantages and Privileges within the Crown of New Zealand include English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, Australian, Dutch, French, Moriori, Maori, and subjects of the Realm of New Zealand. The Crown has no doubt learnt its lesson when historically trying to breach the rights of some of these subjects.
Rather than the "Treaty" situation being like two halves of an apple (ie the Crown and Maori), the real situation is like an orange, wherein each of the segments represent the numerous equal "Treaty Partners" and the protective and encapsulating skin represents the Crown. The only question is how much power the "Crown" has (ie. how thick is the skin of the orange) but each "First Nation" "Treaty Partner" segment is identical.
This does not in any way reduce the "Treaty Rights" of any one "Treaty Partner". It simply extends them to all. The Crown is the only one who can lose rights, or conversely have more rights granted to it by the people - as long as those affect all equally.
New "communities" can be envisioned as the new growth segments between the original segments (as in an orange) but always within the protective skin of the "Crown" and its powers. In fact, the segments near the centre of the orange have become fused together as populations merge and therefore subjects usually have more than one treaty in their lineage.
In fact it is these earlier Treaties, for example Article 2 of the 1706 Treaty of Union (Scotland) which specifically defines the "Crown" and who exactly reigns and succeedes as the sovereign. If these earlier treaties are breached by the "Crown", tried to be ignored by "Treaty Deniers", or an attempt made to try and undermine or demote their relative importance by "Treaty Bigots", then the legitimacy of the current monarchs themselves would be jepordised (and the Monarch over the Water - ie the Stuart dynasty, would therefore need to be re-established).
There can be no apartheid under these Treaties and the time has come to honour them equally.
Apartheid mines.
That comment you made is efin ridiculous. You have no idea what apartheid is.
And how many locals get the local mining jobs??
And the extraction of pounamu greenstone or obsidian isn’t “mining”?
Stop using big words Patrick tpm activist eyes will glaze over.
Do people have their blinders on when it comes to what "Maori" are "entitled to?
Like what?
Pretty sad you cant make a realistic comment about these human eating Polynesians.
Yeah and you need to go in the pot for your sht comment. Unbelievably ridiculous comment.
partially government funded mine or oil rig would print money and make profts in no time at all. Would create jobs amd boost economy because of nice good wages in nz. We cannot afford to so "green" and hope that $8 latte's that tourists will pay for will keep the country afloat.
Hairy hairy lol
Top wages is why i work in the mining game......and as an evil evil coal miner the salty tears of the green hate brigade raging out about my job while they are on the welfare that my taxes pay for are just a sweet sweet bonus......
The waitaha hydro scheme isn't needed! The amethyst hydro scheme just down the road runs about 1/3 it's output.. waitaha hydro scheme is just a bid to control a waterway.. the expansion of the kanerie power scheme was let lapse! That is next to the dairy factory the largest power consumer on the west coast! The Maori get about 15% of all the gold mined on there land here on the west coast. That's a lot of gold!
Bullshit..... iwi don't own any mining.... your talking about kiwis going to work in Australia..... bein doing it for 50 year. Your all bull
Te Pati Maori does not speak for me. I have no evidence to say they do. I would hope i am able to go thru the process of a mining licence on my own land? It is iwi land.
Everybody but maori are so keen to send all profits overseas, everbody feels so cool when there Maori bashing,
@ewencameron-ff1kq spot the racist in here mate. Yup let's let the government mine the place look at the history of how they make money they don't
So has roading, you don't own rights to the roads . You don't own mining rights either. You people didn't know what mining was. Yes, you contribute now, but so does everyone else and always have. After all, it's a European invention to make steal and alloys.
We have invited you into these jobs. Are Maori grateful for their invertations into our world of jobs, prosperity, and security. Most certainly are, a small fraction don't want to integrate at all, in fact, they are separatist by nature.
But the Maori all downed tools an celebrated our Christmas traditions and New Year's...oh yes...all embraced those colonist traditions. Can't figure this race out 😂
Without the land none of that would exist or matter so really who should be grateful
MAORI were a large part of the Huntly coal mines work force , NOW THEY ARE ALL ON THE DOLE and its not their fault.
They made good money at Huntly. They should have resources to move to where the jobs are. Hamilton isn't far away. Theres no excuse to be on the dole in Huntly.
@@Mostlypeaceful896no, the labour party zeroed these jobs in premature beleave that we could sustain ourselves on fumes
It appears those fumes are fuckin important.
Fuck off greenies, we'll ask for help if we ever need it.
Not the workers fault, no, but the ''corporate kaumatua'' are wholly responsible.
They have stopped every viable and beneficial use of the old plant because of greed. All the Maori in Huntley must be very rich from all the treaty rort payouts and the ever ongoing grift.
no foreigners mining in nz
Yes there are. I worked with them
Jealousy gets you nowhere😂😂