Juz 5 Surah Ma’idah (The table) • One of the final large surah revealed. • Non-abrogated surah. • Majority verses revealed around the farewell pilgrimage. • Before 2-3 months before the death of our prophet ﷺ. • One of the most misunderstood verse “Today I have completed my religion and I have perfected my favors upon you”. • Paganism have been eliminated during this time. • So, this surah is mainly focusing and Judaic and Christian fundamentals. • About two dozen verse speaks about various laws for Muslims. • Name “The Table” or “Banquet” is due to reference of the meal Isa AS asked Allah to send down to his disciples. Whether it is the last supper mentioned in the Christian folklore or not is questionable. • New Testament also mention this but nothing much similar except a banquet was given. • The overall theme is Muslims should be faithful to their contracts and live up to their commitments. • The biggest commitment is the commitment of “La ilaha illallah” with Allah. • V.1 fulfill your covenants. • Surah Nisa started with mentioning “oh mankind” while Ma’idah mention “oh you who believe”. • Verses about Hajj and its rituals, respecting the things which Allah made sacred. • V8.Do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. i.e. act justly towards everyone.(Now the Muslim are the leaders or the leading group or the group in power). • Allah says never be biased. • V.3-5. Allowances for marriage with the people of ahl kithab,food and its prohibitions.(verses regarding fiqh/jurisprudence) • A rabbi told Umar RA that if this particular verse found in your book (Quran) was found in ours (Torah) we would have taken the day of its revelation as a day of festivities. i.e. V.3 “Today I have completed my religion and I have perfected my favors upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion” • Tafsir mentions about the revelation that our prophet ﷺ was on a camel and it kneeled due to heaviness of the revelation. • V6. Verses about wudhu/ablution, gusul/bath, tayammum etc. • V12-to the end story of Musa AS, Isa AS, Cain and Abel mentioned in between. • Main motive of this surah is the advice to Jews and Christians. • Allah tells the ahl kithab that they are not even faithful towards their own commandments. • V13. They are distorting their book. • V.47, let the people of gospel judge by what Allah has revealed therein. • V.68. oh people of the scripture you are standing on nothing until you uphold the law of gospel, the Torah. • V.66. if they were truthful, then Allah would have blessed them. Among them are good but many of them - evil is that which they do. • V.15. the truthful messenger has come to you, with much which you conceal and the light and a clear book. • V.19. our messenger has come to you to make things clear after a period of suspension. (I.e. after Jesus). • V.48. a book in truth, which confirms that which preceded and eclipse over them. • V.59. do you resent us except for the fact that we believe in Allah and most of you are not living up to your own law. • V.50, 44, 45, 47, concept of judging by the laws of Allah. • Ethics and morality is from Allah and it could be only established by following the laws of Allah. • Taking the challenge of Christianity. • Jesus dint even preach the current Christian doctrine. • V, 17 who can prevent Allah if he willed to destroy Jesus and his mother and every one on this world. • V.75. Jesus was only was a messenger. Jesus used to eat, look how we make clear to them the signs. • V.73. Allah make reference to the trinity. • V.77. o people of scripture do not exceed in limits In your religion 41:00 time stamp for details of reality of current Christianity. • Bartehrman books for reference. How Jesus became god. • V74. Why don’t they ask forgiveness to Allah? • V.20-26 reason why children of Israel wandered for 40 years. • They disobeyed their prophet and Allah. • V.23. two men who said to trust in Allah and enter. • V.27-31 story of Cain and Abel, the first murder on the earth. • It was due to jealousy. • Allah sent a crow to show how bury. • V.32. whoever kill one person is as if he killed whole humanity. • V.33. penalties for mass crimes, the harshest punishments. • V.38. punishment for stealing, if only with all conditions met. • V.45. law of retribution. Eye for eye. Etc. • V.89. penalty for breaking ones oath. • V.90-91 the final prohibition of alcohol and gambling. • V.96. lawful to you is sea food. • V. 87. Do not prohibit the good things which Allah has made lawful to you and do not transgress or be excess. (Extremism v/s liberalism). • V.100. not equal are the evil and good, although the abundance of evil might impress you, so fear Allah. (Relevant verse to our current time). • V105. You are responsible for yourselves, those who have gone astray will not harm you when you have been guided. • Final passages, Story of Jesus and his disciples. • Quran praises the disciples. • With blessings come responsibilities, accountabilities. • V116. Allah ask Jesus on judgment day. • V119. Today is the day of truth and the truthful will benefit. • V.120. to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and whatever is within. And he is over all things competent. Pdf link for above notes :drive.google.com/open?id=1pKyZWuTkC8ztZ-JpHka07ffkRWam6m0j folder link with all previous notes :drive.google.com/open?id=1QFY0lU7lm6OLfVjKTbn6obX3s06pp9x7 *Feel free to edit,shrare,translate* I ask Allah to forgive all my mistakes and accept this from me. *Remeber me in your prayers* -*your brother in Islam*
The best part of this was when YQ drinks water at 35:35 and I had just begun my fast and was like nooooooo bro 🤣 then I realised he must have recorded this in the night. May Allah bless you with ease and strength to continue this series with His guidance and light, Ameen!
Rafiqul Islam India Muslims are being oppressed in the open, Rohingyans being burnt alive, Uyghurs in China in concentration camp, all the displaced refugees from war torn countries, the people of Yemen, people of Palistine, Muslims incarcerated in Guantanamo Bay, Muslims who are suffering from around the World are always always in my prayers specially those who are left Orphans because parents are no longer with them. It pains me so much and that too little I can do except to raise my hands and ask for Mercy and His loving Protection. May Allah grant us ease keep our Hearts steadfast in remembering in worship collectively reaches heavens Ameen.
I love this series so much 😭❤ I'm learning so many things and I feel so amazing. This is the perfect series to listen to before going to in depth tafseer of the Quran. Jazak Allahu Kahiran.
Salaam, i have your entire series on sound cloud. Which helps me learn more about islam while i am driving. May Allah accepts your efforts and reward you in abundance.
If you have time read this !!!! SubhanAllahi wa bi hamdihi subhan Allahil azim Subhan Allah Alhamdullilah Allah hu akbar La illaha illalah La illaha illa anta subnaka inni kunto minaz jawalimin La hawla wala quata illa billahil azim Bismillahhirrahmanirrahim
I have been a Muslim all my life, yet I feel like the Quran is new and fascinating to me every time I read especially in Ramadan سبحان الله This Ramadan is Unique, I more than ever feel closer to الله in this Ramadan. May الله accept our عبادة Aamiin 🤲
Come back to your own Scriptures- That Was what God guided me two years before arrive Islam. The religion that I found trough seeking and understanding to God inside the True past Scriptures and Jesus true words or teaching, lead to think the same - One God one teaching ,.when I read Quran,.I was surprised I didn't found discrepancy- I fall in love of Quran
We love this as a family. We haven't missed a single upload. Such wonderful summaries. Best style I've found which allows you to do both a video and your own Quran recitation in this very busy month. Thank you for all that you are doing.
Ohhhh Shayk Yasir!!! May immenseeee unfathomable blessings from THE MOST High Allah swt overwhelm you in this life and particularly in the akhira!! You are of those most beneficial to others in matters of spirituality and as Allah continues to use you and others for our guidance, May you know extensively His Abundance!! Thank you sooooo much for this series. We the Ummah are grateful to Allah and humbled by His gifting of you with knowledge.
Salaam sheikh please consider a series after Ramadan and the Day of Judgement series Quran Tafseer ayah by ayah. I know many people will agree with me and we are in much need of it and who better to do it than you. Please consider my humble request jazakallah khair
Brother Yasir Qadhi, you are doing a beautiful job. Allah will reward you for all your work. We need scholars like you to be born for our future generations.
You may recite the following supplications for a spouse anytime: رَبَّنَا هَبْ لَنَا مِنْ أَزْوَاجِنَا وَذُرِّيَّاتِنَا قُرَّةَ أَعْيُنٍ وَاجْعَلْنَا لِلْمُتَّقِينَ إِمَاماً “Our Lord! Grant unto us spouses and offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes, and give us (the grace) to lead the righteous.” (Sura al-Furqan 25:74) رَبِّ إِنِّي لِمَا أَنزَلْتَ إِلَيَّ مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَقِيرٌ “My lord, I am in absolute need of the good You send me.” (Sura al-Qasas 28:24)
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh brothers and sisters in Islam. Ramadan Mubarak to all! 43:33 Yes, Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi, I also watch Professor Bart Ehrman's videos, and Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar. I thank Allah for guiding me to Islam.
Assalamualaikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuh brothers jazakallahu khairan May Allah Almighty bless you and your family and grant you and your parents a place in Jannah ameen ameen yaa Allah 🤲🤲🤲
We are absolutely loving this initiative. This will make our knowledge of the Quran so much comprehensible. Jazak'Allah khairan for doing this. May Allah SWT reward you abundantly in the dunyah and akiryrah. Ameen
I make islamic lectures my bedtime stories, which most of the time prevented me to sleep early. Its YQ most of the time, NAK at times and i started my hobby from Mufti Menk. May Allah grant them all sincerity and accept every good from them all. Ameen.
Alhamdulillah I come across this channel and I thank to Allah ..May Allah bless you with more knowledge and help you to spread the knowledge so people like me can find the right way ,ameen.
Mashallh learning more than once ...what blessings ....doing these lectures with my kids shukran Dr y q...May Allah bless u tremendously lov from South Africa
Dear @EPIC MASJID please don't add the background which makes subtitles almost invisible. In this particular both verses as well as their translations, in the recitation, are difficult to read.
This is just so good. This whole series. May Allah reward you Abundantly. May Allah forgive all the believing men and women from the beginning of time till the end.
Wa Alayikum Salaam wa Rahamatullahi wa Barakaatuh. Indeed, Shaykh Yasir Qadhi, you are a gift to mankind. Your knowledge of the holy Qur'an, your eloquence and pedagogical skills are off the chart. Thank you for enlightening us in this blessed month of Ramadan. May ALLAH SWT continue to bless you and your family with all the rewards you rightfully deserve. Ameen Ya Rabb Al-Alameen.
Jazzakallahu khairan shaykh. May allah bless you with more knowledge. Your speech’s are very good and helpful 😍. It has made so easy to understand. May allah bless you for this.
Suban Allah Quran recitation is amazingly uplifting. I'm pleased to comprehend your lessons and refer to notes. May Allah reward you and all of us. Ameen. Jazakum Allahu Khairun.
Assalamualaikum...I've always been fascinated by Shaykh Dr.Yasir Qadhi voice by listening to certain of his lectures, without knowing him..& this Ramadan I get the opportunity seeing & listening to him..I feel soooo bless of this opportunity...I like the voice of the one reading, so calm, so devine Masha Allah..May Allah bless them both with long healthy happy life..Ameen
Assalamalaikum Shaikh. JazakAllah khair for such a beautiful and clear summary of the surahs. We are truly blessed to have you in our midst. I have tried reading the translation of the quran but end up confused and lost. Now I am beginning to understand the essence of the surahs you've covered so far and look forward to the next one eagerly. May Allah SWT reward you for this!
* 5:100 Good and bad can’t be equal. No matter if top courts make laws to make filth permissible - morality and decency standards can’t be changed by majority
Please add caption on system and add different languages too if possible. Thank you so much and appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. May Allah fulfill your every wish. Amin!
Assalam o alaikum, if the Ayah’s are displayed on a plain background with their meaning and the background does not move, it will be more beneficial. Looking at moving background is very uncomfortable and we cannot read the ayahs
Sheikh I think you should have done one juzz ahead. You're doing juzz 5 but ppl would be reciting juzz 6 today (tuesday 28th) because we started reciting juzz 1 on thursday night but ur juzz 1 series came out on friday.....
Juz 5
Surah Ma’idah (The table)
• One of the final large surah revealed.
• Non-abrogated surah.
• Majority verses revealed around the farewell pilgrimage.
• Before 2-3 months before the death of our prophet ﷺ.
• One of the most misunderstood verse “Today I have completed my religion and I have perfected my favors upon you”.
• Paganism have been eliminated during this time.
• So, this surah is mainly focusing and Judaic and Christian fundamentals.
• About two dozen verse speaks about various laws for Muslims.
• Name “The Table” or “Banquet” is due to reference of the meal Isa AS asked Allah to send down to his disciples. Whether it is the last supper mentioned in the Christian folklore or not is questionable.
• New Testament also mention this but nothing much similar except a banquet was given.
• The overall theme is Muslims should be faithful to their contracts and live up to their commitments.
• The biggest commitment is the commitment of “La ilaha illallah” with Allah.
• V.1 fulfill your covenants.
• Surah Nisa started with mentioning “oh mankind” while Ma’idah mention “oh you who believe”.
• Verses about Hajj and its rituals, respecting the things which Allah made sacred.
• V8.Do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. i.e. act justly towards everyone.(Now the Muslim are the leaders or the leading group or the group in power).
• Allah says never be biased.
• V.3-5. Allowances for marriage with the people of ahl kithab,food and its prohibitions.(verses regarding fiqh/jurisprudence)
• A rabbi told Umar RA that if this particular verse found in your book (Quran) was found in ours (Torah) we would have taken the day of its revelation as a day of festivities. i.e. V.3 “Today I have completed my religion and I have perfected my favors upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion”
• Tafsir mentions about the revelation that our prophet ﷺ was on a camel and it kneeled due to heaviness of the revelation.
• V6. Verses about wudhu/ablution, gusul/bath, tayammum etc.
• V12-to the end story of Musa AS, Isa AS, Cain and Abel mentioned in between.
• Main motive of this surah is the advice to Jews and Christians.
• Allah tells the ahl kithab that they are not even faithful towards their own commandments.
• V13. They are distorting their book.
• V.47, let the people of gospel judge by what Allah has revealed therein.
• V.68. oh people of the scripture you are standing on nothing until you uphold the law of gospel, the Torah.
• V.66. if they were truthful, then Allah would have blessed them. Among them are good but many of them - evil is that which they do.
• V.15. the truthful messenger has come to you, with much which you conceal and the light and a clear book.
• V.19. our messenger has come to you to make things clear after a period of suspension. (I.e. after Jesus).
• V.48. a book in truth, which confirms that which preceded and eclipse over them.
• V.59. do you resent us except for the fact that we believe in Allah and most of you are not living up to your own law.
• V.50, 44, 45, 47, concept of judging by the laws of Allah.
• Ethics and morality is from Allah and it could be only established by following the laws of Allah.
• Taking the challenge of Christianity.
• Jesus dint even preach the current Christian doctrine.
• V, 17 who can prevent Allah if he willed to destroy Jesus and his mother and every one on this world.
• V.75. Jesus was only was a messenger. Jesus used to eat, look how we make clear to them the signs.
• V.73. Allah make reference to the trinity.
• V.77. o people of scripture do not exceed in limits In your religion
41:00 time stamp for details of reality of current Christianity.
• Bartehrman books for reference. How Jesus became god.
• V74. Why don’t they ask forgiveness to Allah?
• V.20-26 reason why children of Israel wandered for 40 years.
• They disobeyed their prophet and Allah.
• V.23. two men who said to trust in Allah and enter.
• V.27-31 story of Cain and Abel, the first murder on the earth.
• It was due to jealousy.
• Allah sent a crow to show how bury.
• V.32. whoever kill one person is as if he killed whole humanity.
• V.33. penalties for mass crimes, the harshest punishments.
• V.38. punishment for stealing, if only with all conditions met.
• V.45. law of retribution. Eye for eye. Etc.
• V.89. penalty for breaking ones oath.
• V.90-91 the final prohibition of alcohol and gambling.
• V.96. lawful to you is sea food.
• V. 87. Do not prohibit the good things which Allah has made lawful to you and do not transgress or be excess. (Extremism v/s liberalism).
• V.100. not equal are the evil and good, although the abundance of evil might impress you, so fear Allah. (Relevant verse to our current time).
• V105. You are responsible for yourselves, those who have gone astray will not harm you when you have been guided.
• Final passages, Story of Jesus and his disciples.
• Quran praises the disciples.
• With blessings come responsibilities, accountabilities.
• V116. Allah ask Jesus on judgment day.
• V119. Today is the day of truth and the truthful will benefit.
• V.120. to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and whatever is within. And he is over all things competent.
Pdf link for above notes :drive.google.com/open?id=1pKyZWuTkC8ztZ-JpHka07ffkRWam6m0j
folder link with all previous notes :drive.google.com/open?id=1QFY0lU7lm6OLfVjKTbn6obX3s06pp9x7
*Feel free to edit,shrare,translate*
I ask Allah to forgive all my mistakes and accept this from me.
*Remeber me in your prayers*
-*your brother in Islam*
Love from India .
Ma shaa Allah 💖💖
Allah reward you InshaAllah
May Allah bless u wid jannah
copied and shared! May Allah reward you
Oh Allah please bring my mother and siblings to the. Beautiful religion of Islam Ameen
Ameen Ya rabi 😭
The best part of this was when YQ drinks water at 35:35 and I had just begun my fast and was like nooooooo bro 🤣 then I realised he must have recorded this in the night. May Allah bless you with ease and strength to continue this series with His guidance and light, Ameen!
Can every1 please make dua for the muslims in india as they are enetring a time of severe oppression that will turn into war
Rafiqul Islam India Muslims are being oppressed in the open, Rohingyans being burnt alive, Uyghurs in China in concentration camp, all the displaced refugees from war torn countries, the people of Yemen, people of Palistine, Muslims incarcerated in Guantanamo Bay, Muslims who are suffering from around the World are always always in my prayers specially those who are left Orphans because parents are no longer with them. It pains me so much and that too little I can do except to raise my hands and ask for Mercy and His loving Protection. May Allah grant us ease keep our Hearts steadfast in remembering in worship collectively reaches heavens Ameen.
May Allah make it easy upon the muslims of India. O Allah please protect the muslims in India from the oppressors🤲🏾
Rafiqul Islam Allah’s help will come for them Insha allah. It’s a test and it will pass Insha allah 🤲
Me and my teenage daughters are watching this series. It’s a blessing to hear and learn from them.
I love this series so much 😭❤ I'm learning so many things and I feel so amazing. This is the perfect series to listen to before going to in depth tafseer of the Quran. Jazak Allahu Kahiran.
Salaam, i have your entire series on sound cloud. Which helps me learn more about islam while i am driving. May Allah accepts your efforts and reward you in abundance.
If you have time read this !!!!
SubhanAllahi wa bi hamdihi subhan
Allahil azim
Subhan Allah
Allah hu akbar
La illaha illalah
La illaha illa anta subnaka inni kunto minaz jawalimin
La hawla wala quata illa billahil azim
What a powerful lecture by Dr Qadhi. I had tears in my eyes and heart was full of happiness -Alhumdulilah to be Muslim.
Allah ❤
I have been a Muslim all my life, yet I feel like the Quran is new and fascinating to me every time I read especially in Ramadan سبحان الله
This Ramadan is Unique, I more than ever feel closer to الله in this Ramadan. May الله accept our عبادة Aamiin 🤲
Come back to your own Scriptures- That Was what God guided me two years before arrive Islam. The religion that I found trough seeking and understanding to God inside the True past Scriptures and Jesus true words or teaching, lead to think the same - One God one teaching ,.when I read Quran,.I was surprised I didn't found discrepancy- I fall in love of Quran
May Allah reward him (yq)the highest rank of jannah .Ameen
We love this as a family. We haven't missed a single upload. Such wonderful summaries. Best style I've found which allows you to do both a video and your own Quran recitation in this very busy month. Thank you for all that you are doing.
Masha Allah. Wishing the same for my family. Ameen.
Ohhhh Shayk Yasir!!! May immenseeee unfathomable blessings from THE MOST High Allah swt overwhelm you in this life and particularly in the akhira!! You are of those most beneficial to others in matters of spirituality and as Allah continues to use you and others for our guidance, May you know extensively His Abundance!! Thank you sooooo much for this series. We the Ummah are grateful to Allah and humbled by His gifting of you with knowledge.
I am very appreciative of these lessons . It has been so interesting that I have been able to shut off television this Ramadan.
so wonder ful
JazakAllahu Khairan!
The body has many needs. But the soul has only one, to be with Allah..
Sister your comment remind me some powerful reminder .
MashaAllah. May Allah reward Shayk Yasir Q, increase him in knowledge and make us beneficiaries
Ameen Ya Rabb Al-Alameen. Indeed, Shaykh Yasir Qadhi is a blessing to mankind. Alhamdulillah
Salaam sheikh please consider a series after Ramadan and the Day of Judgement series Quran Tafseer ayah by ayah. I know many people will agree with me and we are in much need of it and who better to do it than you. Please consider my humble request jazakallah khair
Absolutely. But Sheikh Abdulnasir Jangda is doing this already
cvhashim can you please send the link?
@@sumairaasif2448 Checkout out Qalam podcasts and their website
Assalam alaykum
Translations of this series in french, spanish, italian etc is essential.
These lectures are so good !!
Allah Is always In control
May Allah SWT grant Sh. Yasir Qadhi and everyone listening to these lectures Jannah-Tul-Firdous.
Hamzah Yahya
Brother Yasir Qadhi, you are doing a beautiful job. Allah will reward you for all your work. We need scholars like you to be born for our future generations.
You may recite the following supplications for a spouse anytime:
رَبَّنَا هَبْ لَنَا مِنْ أَزْوَاجِنَا وَذُرِّيَّاتِنَا قُرَّةَ أَعْيُنٍ وَاجْعَلْنَا لِلْمُتَّقِينَ إِمَاماً
“Our Lord! Grant unto us spouses and offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes, and give us (the grace) to lead the righteous.” (Sura al-Furqan 25:74)
رَبِّ إِنِّي لِمَا أَنزَلْتَ إِلَيَّ مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَقِيرٌ
“My lord, I am in absolute need of the good You send me.” (Sura al-Qasas 28:24)
Amazing explanation, mind blowing, may Allah bless YQ with eman more knowledge ,beautiful combo of YQ and the recitor.
Lovely qirat by Mr. Gul. And fantastic biyan by Mr. Yasir 👍
Assalamu alaikkum Jazakallah khair Sheikh
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh brothers and sisters in Islam. Ramadan Mubarak to all!
43:33 Yes, Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi, I also watch Professor Bart Ehrman's videos, and Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar. I thank Allah for guiding me to Islam.
Assalamualaikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuh brothers jazakallahu khairan
May Allah Almighty bless you and your family and grant you and your parents a place in Jannah ameen ameen yaa Allah 🤲🤲🤲
We are absolutely loving this initiative. This will make our knowledge of the Quran so much comprehensible. Jazak'Allah khairan for doing this. May Allah SWT reward you abundantly in the dunyah and akiryrah. Ameen
May Allah swt protect and bless you Ya shakh. May Allah swt grant you long life and good health. Ameen Yaa Rabbi
I make islamic lectures my bedtime stories, which most of the time prevented me to sleep early. Its YQ most of the time, NAK at times and i started my hobby from Mufti Menk. May Allah grant them all sincerity and accept every good from them all. Ameen.
so much helpful of this series. it helps me a lot in reading quran first time. Alhamdulillah. May Allah reward for you have done.
Subhanallah... I wish I could serve for Islam like u....
MashAllah the recitation, such a blessing to have a voice like that
Alhamdulillah I come across this channel and I thank to Allah ..May Allah bless you with more knowledge and help you to spread the knowledge so people like me can find the right way ,ameen.
Mashallh learning more than once ...what blessings ....doing these lectures with my kids shukran Dr y q...May Allah bless u tremendously lov from South Africa
Dear @EPIC MASJID please don't add the background which makes subtitles almost invisible. In this particular both verses as well as their translations, in the recitation, are difficult to read.
Same to me and my children
previous lectures were visible , but here no
Yes thanks brother for raising this
Agreed, not a good contrast for the text
This is just so good. This whole series. May Allah reward you Abundantly. May Allah forgive all the believing men and women from the beginning of time till the end.
MashaAllah beautiful lecture..may Allah reward you abundantly
Wa Alayikum Salaam wa Rahamatullahi wa Barakaatuh. Indeed, Shaykh Yasir Qadhi, you are a gift to mankind. Your knowledge of the holy Qur'an, your eloquence and pedagogical skills are off the chart. Thank you for enlightening us in this blessed month of Ramadan. May ALLAH SWT continue to bless you and your family with all the rewards you rightfully deserve. Ameen Ya Rabb Al-Alameen.
Assalamualaikum, Ramadan Mubarak everyone, may Allah ta ala give Hidayat to everybody especially to the leaders of the nations
Jazzakallahu khairan shaykh.
May allah bless you with more knowledge.
Your speech’s are very good and helpful 😍. It has made so easy to understand. May allah bless you for this.
Thank you so much Yasir sir mashallah
Mashallah such a great And informative lectures
Very nice recitation
As salaam walakum brother
We as a family are really enjoying listening to this.
jazakallah..a very sensitive area in the entire quran explained beautifully..
Suban Allah Quran recitation is amazingly uplifting. I'm pleased to comprehend your lessons and refer to notes. May Allah reward you and all of us. Ameen. Jazakum Allahu Khairun.
Assalamualaikum...I've always been fascinated by Shaykh Dr.Yasir Qadhi voice by listening to certain of his lectures, without knowing him..& this Ramadan I get the opportunity seeing & listening to him..I feel soooo bless of this opportunity...I like the voice of the one reading, so calm, so devine Masha Allah..May Allah bless them both with long healthy happy life..Ameen
Assalamalaikum Shaikh. JazakAllah khair for such a beautiful and clear summary of the surahs. We are truly blessed to have you in our midst. I have tried reading the translation of the quran but end up confused and lost. Now I am beginning to understand the essence of the surahs you've covered so far and look forward to the next one eagerly. May Allah SWT reward you for this!
What a wonderful lecture ! Just loved it !!!
Thanks for the Lovely lecture and we will be happy if its extends beyond Ramadan period. Well appreciated.
Subhanallah, this surah is very powerful.
Thank you sheikh may Allah reward you abundantly Ameen
Jazakallah, it was very beneficial
Thank you very much Dr.Am increasing my Islamic knowledge through these lectures.Best wishes✌🏿🌹
Assalamualikum,Thank you Dr, Yasir, listening to the summary of the surahs really helping me to understand the Quran as never before. Loving it....
Jzkl so much. May Almighty reward you and your family in abundance Ameen.
Alhamdulillah! Nice Tilwath!
Mind boggling series.. Jajak allah Sheikh
Mashaallah. May Allah reward you for doing such a great work
Still listening to this in 2022 Ramdan
JZK Sheikh
I can’t wait for the next juz to come
Clear as day light ❤️
Assalam Aleikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. Jazakallah kheir, many are benefiting, May Allah reward you in dunya n Akhera
May Allah bless us.
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
Thank you Dr super 🕋🕋🕋
Simply the best
Really educative. Masha Allah
May Allah Bless you for this good work. Is there any chance can you pls reduce in video commercials kindly. Thank you.
Jazak Allahu Kahiran.
Ma'shAllah Shaikh may Allah Bless you I follow your lectures always, just make Dua for me.
* 5:100 Good and bad can’t be equal. No matter if top courts make laws to make filth permissible - morality and decency standards can’t be changed by majority
Masha Allah
300K Subscribers! Alhamdulillah.
Ma sha Allah
Lol seafood not I see food🤣 How come no one appreciates this genius move from our sheikh😂 at 53:40
Mashallah beta Yasir aap KAY liay LIAY duaen . JazakAllah khair
I love this one and I have a very good relationship
Thank you for the elaboration
Please add caption on system and add different languages too if possible. Thank you so much and appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. May Allah fulfill your every wish. Amin!
20:31 the famous verse 5:3
Im fasting
Don't forget your reward is with Allah and not people. Make the intention to please your lord only.
Congratulations Keith. Are you a new revert to Islam or not muslim yet? May Allah make your fasting fruitful and a reward for you, Ameen.
I'm fasting
@@mksiddiki no brother I'm just a Muslim we're 6 from
MashaAllah Keith may Allah make it easy for you!
7:23 to get straight to Yasir Qadhi
Jazak Allah
9/5/24. Thanks
Can anyone tell me the name of the Qaari reciting quran? And where can I find his recitations? Beautiful recitation
It's written in beginning of video
Sheikh: Can you Imagine what would be on a table coming from heaven.
Me listening while fasting: 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
Today's background made it very hard to read. A neutral background with not too much movement will be appreciated.
Enjoying the series a lot.
Assalam o alaikum, if the Ayah’s are displayed on a plain background with their meaning and the background does not move, it will be more beneficial. Looking at moving background is very uncomfortable and we cannot read the ayahs
More because of the ayah's were in white with a light background
Sheikh I think you should have done one juzz ahead. You're doing juzz 5 but ppl would be reciting juzz 6 today (tuesday 28th) because we started reciting juzz 1 on thursday night but ur juzz 1 series came out on friday.....