It makes me so sad that Cassie is suddenly considered C tier. She didn't get any nerfs; in fact, she got BUFFED, but for some reason, she went from a top 5 damage champion to C tier. I guess this is what you call power creep. Never thought I'd see the day.
@forpspeakingclass4444 I personally think she's A, but the community doesn't seem to think so. Idk how she fell off so hard when she has gotten nothing but buffs. It ain't like she got nerfed like Vii, so I really don't know why she's not doing well right now.
Nah i'll always be happy and appreciate a Damba in my team. As Fernando main, Damba in my team was a great companion during my 1300 games journey. Always a likeable guy.
My personal fixes for D teir champions. Willow: A slight dmg buff, other blasters are doing 800-1000 damage per shot while she's doing 500. It's sad and she gets farmed by flanks Imani: FIX HER BUGS. The amount of times frost bomb or inferno canon just doesn't do damage is ridiculous. Sometimes her primary weapon doesnt shoot either and her movement ability is clunky af. Also idk who's idea it was to give the dragon fall off, but they need to be fired. Vii: revert the damage nerfs to his weapons. No reason why he needs to get his range nerfed and also his damage nerfed. He does tickle damage if he isn't directly in your face, and at that point, why not just use caspian or sky or buck or vatu. Kasumi: I'm fine with her damage but she needs better survivability, she only has that one movement abilty. Maybe reduce its cooldown. Also two of her talents need reworks, the only viable talent she has is the bomb talent. Raum: Make it so that when he gets stunned during windup, the movement abilty doesnt go on cooldown. It's annoying that the entire ability will go on cooldown if a grover or jenos cripples you before you even start moving. Also similar to the Inara change, remove the slow when he shoots. Maldamba: Honestly, Maldamba doesn't need any buffs; the other supports just need to be toned down. He's still viable, and I think he deserves at least C tier, not the same tier as these guys.
a champion like vii doesn’t deserve the range and dps he had. He could attach to the skybox half across the map and still beam you from the sky. His dmg nerfs were necessary, idm reverting his card nerfs though.
@@bard3319 which is why I said the range nerf was fine, the dmg nerf was unnecessary because that made him do lower damage along with the range nerf which forces him to be closer. They never actually implemented the range nerfs before so when they properly did they should've leave it at that.
I still don't understand Kinessas balance changes. First making the mines absolutely broken, dealing 100000+ dmg while being afk. Then secondly nerving them to the ground, all the while nerving her charge up time at the same time too.
Crazy how ppl feel personally attacked when their main is placed low tier lmao. Glad Andrew understands you can't avoid it. Just gotta ignore them and let them cry in the background.
I watched this video through and through. Im not the biggest fan of long-form content, but for a game that I've been enjoying coming back to, this tier list was more than insightful. It was damn near perfect. The only criticism I might have is the background gameplay but it doesnt really matter too much. I play a LOT of the low tier champs (Tib, Term, Yago, Damba etc) for the reason BECAUSE theyre not the best, and I love those champs for it. I get to get better with (in my opinion) the most fun champs and rewarding (for performing well with a lower power champ) champs. And with this tier list, now I have more champs to defy Andrew's list with.😂 But anyways, thank you for this amazing video Andrew! You outdid yourself with this one!! Much love from South Africa
the game is best it’s been in the past year in my opinion, personally they gotta do something to bring old players back like the old maps - the reworks are horrible imo and idk something like third person mode because if i’m gonna buy a skin, i want to see the whole thing, not its hands and weapon.
Great list and appreciate the deep dive on each tier and champ. Hoping Willo can get some love because I enjoy playing her. Just a reminder, too, of some of the more meta champs I need to get back into playing, like I used to play Ying all the time, and finding IO stronger, too. Love that all the tanks are in a good place right now also. Betty is my go to for dps, and while Kinessa ranks lower for good reason, I have been playing her and getting decent at her. Keep up the great work!
for future videos it would be killer to have time stamps or at least a static photo of who you're talking about at what time because i just wanted to hear things for a couple gods i was curious about
Damn as a Damba main I'm pretty sad, but as a Ying & Corvus enjoyer I'm pretty content. I wish Damba will get some buffs too, he doesn't even need that many 😢
Vik is clearly S tier and saying otherwise makes this list invalid (I will not accept the slander) I wish they’d buff Ash, she feels so weak now. Maybe buff her dmg to 500 and give her cc immunity at the start of her ult (not when she plants her flag)
Last tier list he put Rei in C tier. All that’s happened since the last tier list, is Rei got full immunity to her Ult… Now all of a sudden, she’s A tier… Reasons why Rei isn’t A tier. She has the most counters out of any healer. Anyone with a gun, damage over time, crowd control, & a way to break her link is a major counter to her. You have to press about 10 times the buttons to get real value out of Rei. I have to work 5 times harder than every other healer and not die at all to even hit the healing numbers that other healers get. Rei takes the most intuition and brains to use out of every healer. Her cards and talents force her into very limited play styles. She has a 3 second speed boost as mobility with a marathon of a cool down for it. I could go on and on and I probably will. It’s so frustrating that when Rei gets a little love, everyone thinks she’s better than she is. I promise you, I am a Rei main, and every healer gets higher healing numbers much easier by just pressing one button. Rei has to do damage, take damage, & balance switching her link properly in order to heal more. Not to mention, her positioning is vital to how your chain heal even works. Oh and you need to know all the intricacies of how her chain heal works and when to cut yourself off from your own heals. I practically break my controller when I play Rei, but with every other healer, I can play more lax and only have to press one button the entire game to heal. I’ll go on again. Andrew is always bringing up “Utility” with Rei, as if this makes her really good. The truth about Rei’s utility is that it forces you to have certain builds, and forces you to give up something else in return. For example… if you want to give her Ultimate utility, then you have to give up some self sustain cards. If you want to give damage reduction to your team, then you have to either lower the amount of ultimate output or chain healing output. If you want to give out all her utility (cooldown reduction, ult charge, reload speed, & damage reduction) then it SERIOUSLY slows your heals down tremendously. Rei is also almost always guaranteed certain death if she’s completely alone. Rei also has some of the lowest healing output per second of all of the healers. Rei not to mention requires the utmost map knowledge and memorization because of her limited mobility and unique jump height. Knowing all her escape, attack, & aerial map positions requires precision and timing. You have to balance twirling your camera constantly to ensure you are outputting the most damage you can while also healing others and yourself. I wish more people would play Rei as a solo healer in pubs till she’s level 100, and I swear, people would feel as passionate about her as I do. Rei’s been bullied into this niche role, because she can be really annoying to play against. Rei shouldn’t be forced into this niche off support 2 healer situation. Why is it that she is the only one that shouldn’t be allowed to be a solo main healer just like all the other supports? Rei deserves to be a Solo Support.
wtf, Ying alone is a guarantee kill too, same with grover, jenos, seris... only lilith and Io are capable of 1v1 all alone. rei has ways to Deal with flanks by taking reduced dmg by link and 100% cauterize them so they cant be pocket and your teammates just kills them. Rei is not a great healer the best buffer, but she has enough utility to make it work.
@@linmayo790 Rei seems stronger because most of her counters got nerfed in 2023, but that does not mean she is A tier. Utility does NOT make her A tier, because she has to give up something in order to give away something. The reason you think she’s strong is literally because you are not good at fighting her, and if you aren’t good at fighting her, it’s because you aren’t good at playing her. Her link is easily countered with most flanks mobility abilities and RESILIENCE. People don’t know that resilience literally affects not only the crowd control of the link but the length of it. Some advice on fighting Rei. One, she is extremely vulnerable after using envelop and when she is alone. When she is alone she loses her most important ability, Chain heal. You have to separate Rei from her team and hit her fast and hard and make sure you keep applying anti healing. Be aware of her unique jump spots for every map. Look at her build so you know what she’s doing. Remember Rei always has to give something up in order to give something away. So if she’s damaging, she’s giving up healing and defense utility. If she’s charging, she’s giving up dmage capability, etc. and finally, HIT HER EARS. She has a tall hitbox like a tank. She jumps so high that aiming for her ears, means sometimes you hit her feet instead of her jumping over your attacks.
bro i litterally watched ur last tierlist yesterday and was wondering if u were gonna do a new one, i'm just getting back into the game so this helps alot! Thanks and keep it up!
This tier list in my opinion is pretty valid. I cant really discredit this since im a plat console player😅. With that being said, my boy Raum needs some buffs man if only just a little😢. Give him cc immunity on his wind up for the enforcer talent or something plz😭
Totally disagree with Cassie. She is balanced well enough. I agree that she isn't as flank as she used to do, Sha Lin took her that position, but she still burst a lot of dmg. If you play in the computer, still good damage as she always does. And Maldamba D Tier is unfair. He isn't Meta, but totally playable still. He didn't get any nerf or anything like that to be trashed. Nevertheless, it was really insightful this Tier List. I came back to the game for just a week, so it's nice to have the perspective of a vet. Good vid. \o/
Is the champions you menntioned in the movie, as aim assist champions, are they worth playing on PC at all? or they are worthy only if you are using a controller?
I played paladins around the release date on Xbox, played it consistently for half a year then moved onto other games. Right now I’ve decided to get back into the game with the new update and a decent pc, so I’m very curious to see where the characters I liked are, and what these new characters. I do hope bomb king and pip don’t suck
Why do people keep saying aim assist is stonger on higher fps? I've tried it with and without vsync and it literally makes no difference whether I'm at 60fps or 200.
Yeah, it made very little difference to me. Idk I might be missing something but it felt the same. In any case I just think it's unfair to complain about controller players playing on PC. Like I'm not about to buy an Xbox just to play on controller when my PC already runs the game just fine.
they need to revert dmg nerfs done to willow it the Tiberius patch, they nerfed her flutter, dmg, fall off dmg, and blast flower talent. They only did this because of the fall off range buff that indirectly buffed her blast flower talent to broken-ness.
Willow relies purely on snowballing, ALOT of people play her wrong. Even though her primary fire is weak AF, she is meant to push aggressively with an off tank and guarantee kills with her dead zone, and once one falls it's a domino effect with her cards
From the perspective of just someone who’s highest was Plat in the really early days, and currently working their way back into playing more and more, I’d only say Pip, Zhin, and Inara should move up at least one. In a lot of situations where Inara has a half decent healer, even with the nerfs she still takes a lot to kill, especially if they decide to run cards that heal her and reduce damage when earthen ward is up. Zhin has a lot of flexibility with how exactly you want to play him, although Yomi feels like his best talent either way the added damage, but having the ability to either delete someone’s health bar or have your movement ability become a heal is really good for his survival. Pip, bus aside as I main him, can truly be the difference between a match win or loss, and his ultimate is still up there, but there’s a big skill gap with him, and he still is lacking a bit and could use some love from the devs. He’d be the only one in A-, while I feel like Inara and Zhin could be argued to A+.
The one things i feel like you didn't mention about bk is that he has a really high skill ceiling, if you are good with bk he is nuts, if you are not he is butt. You really have to know how to aim his projectiles.
@@melonman1276 I honestly haven't touched the game in multiple years (I play Halo). The win percentage should speak for itself however I can try to explain what makes Ash so effective. She is an all around champion. Ash is versatile and can fill whatever gaps the team needs. She can contest the point. When I played her I had little issues bullying the majority of characters in a straight fight. Her ultimate can secure the objective and is effective in team fights. What most people miss is that when there are no gaps in your team that need to be filled, you are free as an Ash player to push up and create space for your team. Ash can be a severely disruptive off tank to the point of blending into a full out flank when the occasion arises. You don't 1v3 the enemy team from their back line in an attempt to get a solo triple kill. Ash has no damage as you said. You instead harass the other team from their back line to split their attention, disrupt their snipers and healers which makes the game extremely easy for your teammates to capitalize on the confusion. 90% of players exclusively think of themselves and how many kills they can aquire. Ash creates openings for your teammates to exploit. She fills any uncomfortable role that the team needs when they need it. She can use CC to displace enemies pushing her back line or she can use CC aggressively when bullying the enemy teams back line. Her versatility makes things easier on your team and difficult on your opponents if you can actively recognize what role you should be filling at any given time.
Hi man i just have a question how do you even play the game?! Every time i get into a match it kicks me out like nothing happened help me solve this issue❤
Ps. I know that Zhin can turn ethereal for couple of seconds to enhance his survivability and has a counter to boaster his combat and Grover heals by existing with high dps from his axe throws against sneaky flanks.
Instead of being mad and smashing that dislike button,: like this comment, then argue here. Let andrewboy alone, he's done some awesome work, once again :)
Kasumi tbh better than vii now. she is not even D tier. damba not that bad too he deserve c tier maybe. sati A tier not b tier not even close with coin talent. furia not that good maybe A-. ying is best sup now(anyone seeing this comment don't take it so serious just OPINION)
Ehhhhhh. I think the fact that you said nothing is wrong with Maldamba but that he's in D-tier is a little contradictory. I think he should go up to C-tier because Maldamba isn't like a throw pick or anything. I feel like he does need a very SLIGHT buff but nothing crazy.
Lastly and probably unpopularity font think Omen’s more, more, more card should be completely done away with. At least not in umbral lance’s current iteration. He still has very inconsistent damage when landing shots due to it still being grouped pellets. If they keep umbral lance as it is then more, more, more should be toned down to possibly 22-28% max. And his range/ fall off should be adjusted accordingly considering it is a shotgun at the end of the day. I would prefer umbral lance change his spread to be a slug shot instead of a tight pellet spread (potentially could play with the idea of this slug being a projectile with the same speed it has now and a fixed damage that doesn’t head shot and maybe increase the range to 90 units.) . Then you could remove more more, more, and his range could be adjusted to a medium something like fully effective up to like 65-80 units instead of having equal range to Lian. With either of these changes though his other talents should receive buffs or reworks to make them actually reasonable and viable choices instead of every omen ever just being umbral lance. NOTE: all of these are just spitball ideas and not meant to all be implemented in unison. Also I would hope these would be able to be tested before adding any changes in case it guts omen or keeps him too OP
Mal dumbar for me is a free win due to how I build him, I build him as a area deny character his pot is the main thing holding my build together I make the pot have a low cool-down along with his slither and make sure that my team mates get the most of being in the area of my pot, I’ve been thinking of having the pot have the life drain effect for my team
29:40 WTF... Now it's no surprise to me that Paladins is not completely popping off. Now I understand why some rounds seem so unfair. This needs to be fixed! I heard of it often but didn't know it's that op
Im such a Khan and torvald main. Here's the thing, I love being in people's faces, so they're perfect for that, especially Khan. Here's the thing. I always forget giving shield with Torbald also reduces cooldown with the card. I just use it to heal and speed teammates up lmao
dunno why they so dearly stick to the alt fire switching between 3 mode for VII.... just make fire mode to be burst fire... alt fire to be auto-fire mode and holding both down would be mag-dump... that would make it more simple... the cycling thing is stupid...
2 things. 1st I wouldn’t have put ash so high up, and to be fair you said you wouldn’t either. So to each their own. 2 the same argument you use to describe why tornado is so great is the same kind of reasoning I prefer the old system with cauterize as an item instead of getting it globally for free. Depending on the team comp makes you prioritize different items first and pick your items based on what character/position you’re playing as well. But hey everybody loves their free globally increasing cauterize item. Just figured I’d add that bit
Kasumi at bottom? I get pretty good damage and kills with her so thats unfortunate. I used to main vatu when flanking but my projectile sense with him have gotten absolutely horrendous As a ying main however im happy to see her in s tier
Awe man I actually was able to beat you with VII before the patch! He was very strong and it was a lot of fun to whip around and kill people before they could even think .. a deserved nerf I will still find a way to kill you with him!!
he sucks as a flank you are meant to kill things VII can no longer kill things he is literally just a mosquito annoying but easy to kill and does nothing
I swear she's the most undecided champ in the entire game, on either side of the spectrum where people say she's either the worst flanker in the game of the best, like what.
Kasumi also needs range. She cant hit most of what she sees. She also cant even shoot in the direction of an invisible champ. She needs another rework. Regardless of what they do how she is right now she isnt any good.
Bro youre wildin if you think maeve is balanced. She is THE ONLY character with an execute as an ABILITY!!! It is absolutely asinine how broken street justice is.
A lot of Maeve's don't even bother playing Street Justice because the extra damage from Cat Burglar is just too good. If I want to burn tanks I'd rather play Betty, Tyra, or Skye and not have to worry about a low HP threshold.
Andrew saying he's going to keep this tier list simple and gives us an hour long in depth analysis tier list 👌 this guy needs more subs
It makes me so sad that Cassie is suddenly considered C tier. She didn't get any nerfs; in fact, she got BUFFED, but for some reason, she went from a top 5 damage champion to C tier. I guess this is what you call power creep. Never thought I'd see the day.
She can never be c tier. She is too strong
I personally think she's A, but the community doesn't seem to think so. Idk how she fell off so hard when she has gotten nothing but buffs. It ain't like she got nerfed like Vii, so I really don't know why she's not doing well right now.
@@forpspeakingclass4444hey stupid we can’t let the devs know that, SHE IS C TIER😉
@@awoooga5857she's the best dmg for me it's just that ppl don't know how to play her properly
@@ALONE-pe4mf which is strange because they made her easier with the buffs.
Power creep truly is a thing seeing Maeve so low. I'll never not hate her
Nah i'll always be happy and appreciate a Damba in my team. As Fernando main, Damba in my team was a great companion during my 1300 games journey. Always a likeable guy.
My snake likes you.
My personal fixes for D teir champions.
Willow: A slight dmg buff, other blasters are doing 800-1000 damage per shot while she's doing 500. It's sad and she gets farmed by flanks
Imani: FIX HER BUGS. The amount of times frost bomb or inferno canon just doesn't do damage is ridiculous. Sometimes her primary weapon doesnt shoot either and her movement ability is clunky af. Also idk who's idea it was to give the dragon fall off, but they need to be fired.
Vii: revert the damage nerfs to his weapons. No reason why he needs to get his range nerfed and also his damage nerfed. He does tickle damage if he isn't directly in your face, and at that point, why not just use caspian or sky or buck or vatu.
Kasumi: I'm fine with her damage but she needs better survivability, she only has that one movement abilty. Maybe reduce its cooldown. Also two of her talents need reworks, the only viable talent she has is the bomb talent.
Raum: Make it so that when he gets stunned during windup, the movement abilty doesnt go on cooldown. It's annoying that the entire ability will go on cooldown if a grover or jenos cripples you before you even start moving. Also similar to the Inara change, remove the slow when he shoots.
Maldamba: Honestly, Maldamba doesn't need any buffs; the other supports just need to be toned down. He's still viable, and I think he deserves at least C tier, not the same tier as these guys.
Couldnt agree more. Good takes
Nah like all other sups right now. 2 supp isn't too viable that it's op and one round is much longer and more intense.
a champion like vii doesn’t deserve the range and dps he had. He could attach to the skybox half across the map and still beam you from the sky. His dmg nerfs were necessary, idm reverting his card nerfs though.
@@bard3319 which is why I said the range nerf was fine, the dmg nerf was unnecessary because that made him do lower damage along with the range nerf which forces him to be closer. They never actually implemented the range nerfs before so when they properly did they should've leave it at that.
Great takes, all of these are correct in my eyes, expect for VII( I just despise VII with a burning passion but still a great take )
I still don't understand Kinessas balance changes. First making the mines absolutely broken, dealing 100000+ dmg while being afk. Then secondly nerving them to the ground, all the while nerving her charge up time at the same time too.
100,000+ dmg? No kinessa was doing that off of the mines alone.
Crazy how ppl feel personally attacked when their main is placed low tier lmao. Glad Andrew understands you can't avoid it. Just gotta ignore them and let them cry in the background.
I watched this video through and through. Im not the biggest fan of long-form content, but for a game that I've been enjoying coming back to, this tier list was more than insightful. It was damn near perfect. The only criticism I might have is the background gameplay but it doesnt really matter too much.
I play a LOT of the low tier champs (Tib, Term, Yago, Damba etc) for the reason BECAUSE theyre not the best, and I love those champs for it. I get to get better with (in my opinion) the most fun champs and rewarding (for performing well with a lower power champ) champs. And with this tier list, now I have more champs to defy Andrew's list with.😂
But anyways, thank you for this amazing video Andrew! You outdid yourself with this one!! Much love from South Africa
I agree with your opinion on underpowered characters.
Wow, I really watched this whole video without skipping
Even though I haven't played this game in over 6-18 months, I'm pretty happy to see Sha Lin very high up, even if the tier list is opinionated.
the game is best it’s been in the past year in my opinion, personally they gotta do something to bring old players back like the old maps - the reworks are horrible imo and idk something like third person mode because if i’m gonna buy a skin, i want to see the whole thing, not its hands and weapon.
Technically Dredge also has movement abilities that cannot be crippled. The jump after the teleport and also the Broadside jump.
NOOOO not Raum 😭
I knew he was feeling worse recently I just wanted to pretend he was still good, but yeah he def needs help, I'm not sure how tho
I think he only needs cc immunity during f
@@melonman1276Indeed, especially for his dash he’ll be unstoppable against cripples, crowd control effects, and Tyra.
Andrew smiling talking about 7 in the D tier
Great list and appreciate the deep dive on each tier and champ. Hoping Willo can get some love because I enjoy playing her. Just a reminder, too, of some of the more meta champs I need to get back into playing, like I used to play Ying all the time, and finding IO stronger, too. Love that all the tanks are in a good place right now also. Betty is my go to for dps, and while Kinessa ranks lower for good reason, I have been playing her and getting decent at her. Keep up the great work!
Oh my god! I'm the Lillith in the first game! Thank you and Terminus for the carry that game and making me a point princess 🤣
Oh snap you famous!
Thank you so much for this vid I really love your tierlists and daily updates even though you are on a vacation
im a Yagorath main and she highly need team mates to make work but if you have at least good dps or flank she can be amazing
I wish I could pick your brain and learn the mindset of a Yagorath player. My FPS skills don't directly translate to Yagorath.
Finally,i've been waiting for so long this video
48:53 that tree did fly sheesh
49:06 rave party
49:30 oooo fire
for future videos it would be killer to have time stamps or at least a static photo of who you're talking about at what time because i just wanted to hear things for a couple gods i was curious about
Seeing Vivian in A- is also a very strange thing to see but good for her 👍
Cause she’s so easy and fun, you just shoot with the shield, pop your ult and you get 100s of thousands damage
Damn as a Damba main I'm pretty sad, but as a Ying & Corvus enjoyer I'm pretty content. I wish Damba will get some buffs too, he doesn't even need that many 😢
Thank you for this very insightful knowledge, and now I will go and continue to play Evie without thought
Vik is clearly S tier and saying otherwise makes this list invalid (I will not accept the slander)
I wish they’d buff Ash, she feels so weak now. Maybe buff her dmg to 500 and give her cc immunity at the start of her ult (not when she plants her flag)
i think ash needs a little buff to her weapon and maybe if her movement ability had a tiny buff to it too
Or rework shoulder bash to make it harder to counter than simply standing in front of her
Last tier list he put Rei in C tier. All that’s happened since the last tier list, is Rei got full immunity to her Ult… Now all of a sudden, she’s A tier…
Reasons why Rei isn’t A tier. She has the most counters out of any healer. Anyone with a gun, damage over time, crowd control, & a way to break her link is a major counter to her. You have to press about 10 times the buttons to get real value out of Rei. I have to work 5 times harder than every other healer and not die at all to even hit the healing numbers that other healers get. Rei takes the most intuition and brains to use out of every healer. Her cards and talents force her into very limited play styles. She has a 3 second speed boost as mobility with a marathon of a cool down for it.
I could go on and on and I probably will.
It’s so frustrating that when Rei gets a little love, everyone thinks she’s better than she is. I promise you, I am a Rei main, and every healer gets higher healing numbers much easier by just pressing one button. Rei has to do damage, take damage, & balance switching her link properly in order to heal more. Not to mention, her positioning is vital to how your chain heal even works. Oh and you need to know all the intricacies of how her chain heal works and when to cut yourself off from your own heals.
I practically break my controller when I play Rei, but with every other healer, I can play more lax and only have to press one button the entire game to heal.
I’ll go on again. Andrew is always bringing up “Utility” with Rei, as if this makes her really good. The truth about Rei’s utility is that it forces you to have certain builds, and forces you to give up something else in return. For example… if you want to give her Ultimate utility, then you have to give up some self sustain cards. If you want to give damage reduction to your team, then you have to either lower the amount of ultimate output or chain healing output. If you want to give out all her utility (cooldown reduction, ult charge, reload speed, & damage reduction) then it SERIOUSLY slows your heals down tremendously.
Rei is also almost always guaranteed certain death if she’s completely alone. Rei also has some of the lowest healing output per second of all of the healers.
Rei not to mention requires the utmost map knowledge and memorization because of her limited mobility and unique jump height. Knowing all her escape, attack, & aerial map positions requires precision and timing. You have to balance twirling your camera constantly to ensure you are outputting the most damage you can while also healing others and yourself.
I wish more people would play Rei as a solo healer in pubs till she’s level 100, and I swear, people would feel as passionate about her as I do. Rei’s been bullied into this niche role, because she can be really annoying to play against. Rei shouldn’t be forced into this niche off support 2 healer situation. Why is it that she is the only one that shouldn’t be allowed to be a solo main healer just like all the other supports?
Rei deserves to be a Solo Support.
wtf, Ying alone is a guarantee kill too, same with grover, jenos, seris... only lilith and Io are capable of 1v1 all alone.
rei has ways to Deal with flanks by taking reduced dmg by link and 100% cauterize them so they cant be pocket and your teammates just kills them.
Rei is not a great healer the best buffer, but she has enough utility to make it work.
@@linmayo790 Rei seems stronger because most of her counters got nerfed in 2023, but that does not mean she is A tier. Utility does NOT make her A tier, because she has to give up something in order to give away something. The reason you think she’s strong is literally because you are not good at fighting her, and if you aren’t good at fighting her, it’s because you aren’t good at playing her. Her link is easily countered with most flanks mobility abilities and RESILIENCE. People don’t know that resilience literally affects not only the crowd control of the link but the length of it.
Some advice on fighting Rei. One, she is extremely vulnerable after using envelop and when she is alone. When she is alone she loses her most important ability, Chain heal. You have to separate Rei from her team and hit her fast and hard and make sure you keep applying anti healing. Be aware of her unique jump spots for every map. Look at her build so you know what she’s doing. Remember Rei always has to give something up in order to give something away. So if she’s damaging, she’s giving up healing and defense utility. If she’s charging, she’s giving up dmage capability, etc. and finally, HIT HER EARS. She has a tall hitbox like a tank. She jumps so high that aiming for her ears, means sometimes you hit her feet instead of her jumping over your attacks.
bro i litterally watched ur last tierlist yesterday and was wondering if u were gonna do a new one, i'm just getting back into the game so this helps alot! Thanks and keep it up!
watch zarini tier list too
This tier list in my opinion is pretty valid. I cant really discredit this since im a plat console player😅. With that being said, my boy Raum needs some buffs man if only just a little😢. Give him cc immunity on his wind up for the enforcer talent or something plz😭
Totally disagree with Cassie. She is balanced well enough. I agree that she isn't as flank as she used to do, Sha Lin took her that position, but she still burst a lot of dmg. If you play in the computer, still good damage as she always does. And Maldamba D Tier is unfair. He isn't Meta, but totally playable still. He didn't get any nerf or anything like that to be trashed. Nevertheless, it was really insightful this Tier List. I came back to the game for just a week, so it's nice to have the perspective of a vet. Good vid. \o/
Andrew literally made the longest video on his channel (apart from his streams) and thought we wouldnt notice it
I've talked to Kryptek. they aren't changing moremoremore. They're focusing on making lance less of a laser.
What does that mean? They will make umbral lence even more spread and will not make it a single bullet?
Im literally getting food as i write this and comment but i was thinking to myself what video am i gonna watch and boom yt sends me the notification
Is the champions you menntioned in the movie, as aim assist champions, are they worth playing on PC at all? or they are worthy only if you are using a controller?
Absolute respect for not hating the stream snipers.
I played paladins around the release date on Xbox, played it consistently for half a year then moved onto other games. Right now I’ve decided to get back into the game with the new update and a decent pc, so I’m very curious to see where the characters I liked are, and what these new characters. I do hope bomb king and pip don’t suck
IM FINALLY IN A VIDEO (the barik in the background gameplay)
Why do people keep saying aim assist is stonger on higher fps? I've tried it with and without vsync and it literally makes no difference whether I'm at 60fps or 200.
I think it has to do with how it 'feels' stronger because it is more responsive with less input lag.
Ever played paladins on ps4?
Yeah, it made very little difference to me. Idk I might be missing something but it felt the same. In any case I just think it's unfair to complain about controller players playing on PC. Like I'm not about to buy an Xbox just to play on controller when my PC already runs the game just fine.
they need to revert dmg nerfs done to willow it the Tiberius patch, they nerfed her flutter, dmg, fall off dmg, and blast flower talent. They only did this because of the fall off range buff that indirectly buffed her blast flower talent to broken-ness.
Willow relies purely on snowballing, ALOT of people play her wrong. Even though her primary fire is weak AF, she is meant to push aggressively with an off tank and guarantee kills with her dead zone, and once one falls it's a domino effect with her cards
Would be interesting to know, what changes in the tier list, if it is for Platin minus instead of Diamond plus.
I second that!
Skye mains before nerf: This is too easy and boring lemme throw.
After nerf: Oh, a challenge? *Cracks knuckles, prays to the Rank Deity* Lemme cook
Play Paladins 3 years ago. My boy BK carried me to Diamond
Come back to Paladins 3 years ago. My boy BK still on top of the meta 🔥🔥🔥🔥
From the perspective of just someone who’s highest was Plat in the really early days, and currently working their way back into playing more and more, I’d only say Pip, Zhin, and Inara should move up at least one.
In a lot of situations where Inara has a half decent healer, even with the nerfs she still takes a lot to kill, especially if they decide to run cards that heal her and reduce damage when earthen ward is up.
Zhin has a lot of flexibility with how exactly you want to play him, although Yomi feels like his best talent either way the added damage, but having the ability to either delete someone’s health bar or have your movement ability become a heal is really good for his survival.
Pip, bus aside as I main him, can truly be the difference between a match win or loss, and his ultimate is still up there, but there’s a big skill gap with him, and he still is lacking a bit and could use some love from the devs. He’d be the only one in A-, while I feel like Inara and Zhin could be argued to A+.
The one things i feel like you didn't mention about bk is that he has a really high skill ceiling, if you are good with bk he is nuts, if you are not he is butt. You really have to know how to aim his projectiles.
Hey Andrew, banger tier list! Idk how often you read comments but I wanted to ask if you have any advise on playing controller BK?
Ash is a champion picked by winners who play to win. Damage players wouldn't get it. Great tier list Chicken. 👍
How tf is ash good....has no dmg no dr easy to cc.
@@melonman1276 I honestly haven't touched the game in multiple years (I play Halo). The win percentage should speak for itself however I can try to explain what makes Ash so effective. She is an all around champion. Ash is versatile and can fill whatever gaps the team needs. She can contest the point. When I played her I had little issues bullying the majority of characters in a straight fight. Her ultimate can secure the objective and is effective in team fights. What most people miss is that when there are no gaps in your team that need to be filled, you are free as an Ash player to push up and create space for your team. Ash can be a severely disruptive off tank to the point of blending into a full out flank when the occasion arises. You don't 1v3 the enemy team from their back line in an attempt to get a solo triple kill. Ash has no damage as you said. You instead harass the other team from their back line to split their attention, disrupt their snipers and healers which makes the game extremely easy for your teammates to capitalize on the confusion. 90% of players exclusively think of themselves and how many kills they can aquire. Ash creates openings for your teammates to exploit. She fills any uncomfortable role that the team needs when they need it. She can use CC to displace enemies pushing her back line or she can use CC aggressively when bullying the enemy teams back line. Her versatility makes things easier on your team and difficult on your opponents if you can actively recognize what role you should be filling at any given time.
It's only getting better.
Haven't had as much fun in ranked in months!
Hi man i just have a question how do you even play the game?!
Every time i get into a match it kicks me out like nothing happened help me solve this issue❤
Have you tried reinstalling?
Repair easyanticheat maybe
Who has better sustain Zhin or Grover? I’m using this as reference.
Ps. I know that Zhin can turn ethereal for couple of seconds to enhance his survivability and has a counter to boaster his combat and Grover heals by existing with high dps from his axe throws against sneaky flanks.
Instead of being mad and smashing that dislike button,: like this comment, then argue here. Let andrewboy alone, he's done some awesome work, once again :)
Kasumi tbh better than vii now. she is not even D tier. damba not that bad too he deserve c tier maybe. sati A tier not b tier not even close with coin talent. furia not that good maybe A-. ying is best sup now(anyone seeing this comment don't take it so serious just OPINION)
"Skye" is A+ tier. Okay. Trolling detected.
the evie bias is crazy
What's your take on where she should be in the tier list?
She shouldn’t exist@@tacticaltactability
@@tacticaltactability above vatu bro he is not as good as Andrew says
Evie is insanely broken
@@segulis agreed. The devs must really be out of touch to give her base hp and hp cards a buff
Can you do a video with the best cards and talents to every champion?
Bro screw the tier list. That BK gameplay was chef's kiss 🥵
After this ima try Caspian and Bomb King, though it may be tough since i play on controller
Caspian is the best flank for controller (talus too)
@@alperhan_cr i’ll keep that noted :3
Ehhhhhh. I think the fact that you said nothing is wrong with Maldamba but that he's in D-tier is a little contradictory. I think he should go up to C-tier because Maldamba isn't like a throw pick or anything. I feel like he does need a very SLIGHT buff but nothing crazy.
I know Caspian is buffed. But I got so used to old Caspian that Im struggling with him after the buff.
Thanks for the confirmation about aim assist. I had thought people were talking about consoles this whole time and was like 🤨
Caspian D tier in the thumbnail 💀💀
Lastly and probably unpopularity font think Omen’s more, more, more card should be completely done away with. At least not in umbral lance’s current iteration. He still has very inconsistent damage when landing shots due to it still being grouped pellets. If they keep umbral lance as it is then more, more, more should be toned down to possibly 22-28% max. And his range/ fall off should be adjusted accordingly considering it is a shotgun at the end of the day. I would prefer umbral lance change his spread to be a slug shot instead of a tight pellet spread (potentially could play with the idea of this slug being a projectile with the same speed it has now and a fixed damage that doesn’t head shot and maybe increase the range to 90 units.) . Then you could remove more more, more, and his range could be adjusted to a medium something like fully effective up to like 65-80 units instead of having equal range to Lian. With either of these changes though his other talents should receive buffs or reworks to make them actually reasonable and viable choices instead of every omen ever just being umbral lance.
NOTE: all of these are just spitball ideas and not meant to all be implemented in unison. Also I would hope these would be able to be tested before adding any changes in case it guts omen or keeps him too OP
Mal dumbar for me is a free win due to how I build him, I build him as a area deny character his pot is the main thing holding my build together I make the pot have a low cool-down along with his slither and make sure that my team mates get the most of being in the area of my pot, I’ve been thinking of having the pot have the life drain effect for my team
I also have it build on when I heal my team I get healed as well so my survivability is high
Where i can use this stat bot?
Meave main here 👋 love her!
29:40 WTF... Now it's no surprise to me that Paladins is not completely popping off. Now I understand why some rounds seem so unfair. This needs to be fixed! I heard of it often but didn't know it's that op
Oh i just installed this game on pc and we got beamed by a viktor. I thought it was an obvious aimbot but apparently its a game feature?
rescue my boy VII :(
I swear for the longest time Imani has been the most bug filled champ in the entire game.
zarini and you made a list on the same day xD
Im such a Khan and torvald main.
Here's the thing, I love being in people's faces, so they're perfect for that, especially Khan.
Here's the thing. I always forget giving shield with Torbald also reduces cooldown with the card. I just use it to heal and speed teammates up lmao
48:10 - 49:28 Did someone was paying attention to Andrew and not to the gameplay?
I may be new to this game but Saatis where it’s at 🔥
what do you mean with aim assist, isnt it only for console?
He didn’t talk about Saati
I'm bad with sniper, but we rlly do need a new marksman champ.
VII is finally bad so Andrew is finally happy.
dunno why they so dearly stick to the alt fire switching between 3 mode for VII....
just make fire mode to be burst fire... alt fire to be auto-fire mode and holding both down would be mag-dump...
that would make it more simple... the cycling thing is stupid...
2 things.
1st I wouldn’t have put ash so high up, and to be fair you said you wouldn’t either. So to each their own.
2 the same argument you use to describe why tornado is so great is the same kind of reasoning I prefer the old system with cauterize as an item instead of getting it globally for free. Depending on the team comp makes you prioritize different items first and pick your items based on what character/position you’re playing as well. But hey everybody loves their free globally increasing cauterize item. Just figured I’d add that bit
wait moji and yago isnt D tier?? might come back..
Hey man thats like your opinion
Cassie on C and kasumi on D.....i feel like andrew is no longer a good diamond player
Jenos is ok in casual, I can imagine in ranked his healing would not save anyone however
Jenos is definitely higher than C tier in certain situations. Certain maps hes definitely S tier.
Kasumi at bottom? I get pretty good damage and kills with her so thats unfortunate. I used to main vatu when flanking but my projectile sense with him have gotten absolutely horrendous
As a ying main however im happy to see her in s tier
bro's got a thing for sha lin
Would say Vora is a B, Think Vivian should be B, Bk A, Omen B, Caspian B.
im main koga and cant believe that andro lower than koga lol, high skill of andro can ez kill koga
You need to highlight the character ur talking about. It's hard to figure out who ur talking about.
Makes me sad that my favorite support to play is considered D teir
I put zhin on a+ with meave and skye goes to b withbuck
55:58 Omen - oh man... 😂
There's aim assist on pc? How? When?
when you connect a controller to the pc bro
Awe man I actually was able to beat you with VII before the patch! He was very strong and it was a lot of fun to whip around and kill people before they could even think .. a deserved nerf I will still find a way to kill you with him!!
The grover plot armor is getting so annoying, as much as i like playing him.
i don’t think vii sucks i just think he feels horrible to play now
he sucks
as a flank you are meant to kill things
VII can no longer kill things
he is literally just a mosquito
annoying but easy to kill and does nothing
My poor damba 😭😭
Bout time people put some respect on skyes name
I swear she's the most undecided champ in the entire game, on either side of the spectrum where people say she's either the worst flanker in the game of the best, like what.
Maeve A+, Andro C, Zhin A-, Kinessa D, Lian B
Caspian S++
Kasumi also needs range. She cant hit most of what she sees. She also cant even shoot in the direction of an invisible champ. She needs another rework. Regardless of what they do how she is right now she isnt any good.
Andro 💪🏽
1 hr yapping session ( i watched it all)
aww i love damba
andrew stressed coz topik of video so he start glitching at the upper left corner
Bro youre wildin if you think maeve is balanced. She is THE ONLY character with an execute as an ABILITY!!! It is absolutely asinine how broken street justice is.
A lot of Maeve's don't even bother playing Street Justice because the extra damage from Cat Burglar is just too good. If I want to burn tanks I'd rather play Betty, Tyra, or Skye and not have to worry about a low HP threshold.