How Much Data Does Netflix and Youtube Use? illumin8 Solution

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 30 พ.ย. 2014
  • How much data does Netflix and TH-cam Use?
    You may be asking how data does Netflix and TH-cam actually use?
    To answer that question lets look at the bigger picture.
    Netflix and TH-cam take up over 51% of all Internet traffic in North America.
    Netflix is responsible for 32% of Internet traffic while TH-cam accounts for 19%.
    Wow that’s a lot of data.
    It’s no wonder why Smart Video viewing has become so popular these days. As smart phones screens have gotten bigger and become better quality were watching more and more video.
    Cell phone carriers have taken notice though… and are now setting data plan limits.
    Even cable providers like Comcast have restructured to tiered data plans, which was the result of the Net Neutrality debate.
    It’s truly no shock this is happening when we realize how much streaming video consumers are using today.
    The shift to tiered plans and data plan limits is because of the burden on Internet providers from sending all the large video files over the Internet; which is clogging the pipes with all the bandwidth were using.
    Companies like Netflix are being greatly impacted since they have outgrown their allotted bandwidth. Internet Service Providers are now throttling Netflix Internet traffic.
    So, lets look at scenarios of actual data usage for TH-cam and Netflix
    TH-cam data usage depends on several factors such as quality and length so it’s only possible to provide a rough estimate
    A 720p HD video would be 15MB/minute. On average a 5 min 720p video can consume about 75 MB of data.
    If you are watching a 1080p HD movie, that's about 34MB/minute so a 5 min 1080HD video can consume about 170MB or more of data.
    Think about it this way on a mobile phone 3hrs of TH-cam 720p watching would eat up an entire 3GB monthly data plan.
    According to Netflix here is the amount of data you will use per hour:
    • 0.7 GB per hour for SD (Standard Definition)
    • 3 GB per hour for HD (High Definition)
    • 7 GB per hour for UHD (Ultra High Definition also known as 4K)
    So, if you upgrade to a 4K TV and attempt to use Netflix to stream a 4K movie or TV show you will definitely hit a data cap extremely fast.
    Currently the only option to save data has been to adjust the quality setting we watch our videos at or cut down the amount of video we stream.
    But…not for long our company mindaptiv is about to release revolutionary software called illumin8, that when adopted by companies like Netflix and others will be able to save them from sending so much data.
    The illumin8 app will do this by sending smaller files while still providing the highest quality user experience your viewing device can handle without compressing the video.
    The illumin8 app will also be available for download to help you save on your data plan when sharing, uploading, or downloading pictures and video over social networks and media messaging.
    This technology could be the greatest invention of technology that could impact our lives similar to the inventions of the Light Bulb, Radio, Telephone, TV or the Computer.
    Visit our website to learn more about illumin8 technology:

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