Demolition of the Ex-HMAS Success

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 2 ม.ค. 2025
  • The destruction, dismantling and recycling of the ex-HMAS Success was
    completed by McMahon Services in two stages at two different locations - Port Pirie and Whyalla, respectively.
    Stage 1 was conducted alongside Flinders Ports’ Wharf 5 at Port Pirie.
    These works included hazardous material removal and superstructure reduction to decrease the vessel displacement, allowing for the vessel to access the second stage at the Whyalla Slipway during a suitable high tide
    while managing the trim and stability.
    After a seven-month deconstructive planning process - stage 2 destruction
    was conducted at the former Whyalla Ship Yard Slipway which is located
    within the Whyalla Steelwork, operated by SIMEC Mining and Liberty Primary Steel. The hull of the vessel was pulled 165m up the re-profiled slipway by using two in-house, re-engineered 113t hydraulic winches.
    During the pull up the slipway, the vessel was supported by 28 air roller
    bags (17m and 10m long and 1.2m in diameter) to a point where the stern of
    the hull was above the high tide. At this point, the hull was lowered by deflating the airbags and securing the vessel on steel support beams.
    After the air roller bags were removed, the hull was cut into sections of
    approximately 20t each using oxypropane cutting torches and lowered to
    the ground by a 200t hydraulic crane and 250t crawler crane. Hydraulic shears mounted on two 85t excavators then cut the vessel into sizes appropriate for export sale.
    Recycled steel was used in the Whyalla Steelworks as well as transported
    back to Port Pirie, for shipping to international metal recycling companies. In total 5900t of ferrous and 430t of non-ferrous steel was recycled during the course of the works.

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