Hi, the title ofsong is "Klaniame sa tebe, Bože" and the melody was written by Mikuláš Schneider-Trnavský (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikul%C3%A1%C5%A1_Schneider-Trnavsk%C3%BD). If you would like to get the sheet music of this song, please feel free to write me an email (frantisekbeer@gmail.com).
Vđaka našmu panovi ježišovi za jeho milostivu lasku božju Amen
Gott sei Dank! Nádhera Františku! Díkes.
Rado sa stalo :)
Krása! :)
Vďaka za komentár, každej pochvale sa poteším :)
What’s the name of this hymn
Hi, the title ofsong is "Klaniame sa tebe, Bože" and the melody was written by Mikuláš Schneider-Trnavský (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikul%C3%A1%C5%A1_Schneider-Trnavsk%C3%BD).
If you would like to get the sheet music of this song, please feel free to write me an email (frantisekbeer@gmail.com).