- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
"5 Steps to Doing What you Love Remotely as a Virtual Assistant"
Apakah kamu ingin meningkatkan penghasilan dan memiliki lebih banyak waktu untuk keluarga? Jika ya, video ini adalah jawabannya! Bergabunglah dengan kami saat dua Virtual Assistant berpengalaman, Ican dan Ardin, berbagi rahasia mereka dalam memulai karir jarak jauh dan mengubah hidup mereka.
Kami akan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan penting, seperti:
✅ Apa jenis layanan yang bisa kamu tawarkan kepada klien sebagai virtual assistant?
✅ Bagaimana cara menemukan klien pertama dalam waktu singkat, bahkan hanya dalam 2 minggu?
✅ Bagaimana menetapkan harga untuk layanan yang kamu tawarkan?
✅ Apa yang harus kamu lakukan sebelum menghubungi calon klien?
✅ Dan berapa banyak yang bisa kamu hasilkan sebagai virtual assistant?
Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk meraih sukses di dunia pekerjaan jarak jauh. Simak video ini dari awal hingga akhir, dan bersiaplah untuk mengubah hidupmu. Ayo mulai perjalananmu menuju karir sebagai virtual assistant yang sukses!
Instagram: / tanyagromenko
Facebook: / tanyandreyeva
Linkedin: / tatianagr. .
#podcast #ceritainspirasidanmotivasi #motivasi #sukses #taniagromenko #virtualassistant #entrepreneur #kursusonline #freelancer #remotejobs #workfromhome #selfimprovement #selfdevelopment #kerjaonline
Siapa yang tak menginginkan penghasilan lebih besar dan waktu lebih banyak untuk keluarga? Jika kamu setuju, video ini tepat untukmu! Tonton dengan seksama saat Ican dan Ardin, dua Virtual Assistant sukses, membagikan rahasia mereka. Lalu, ceritakan apa yang paling menginspirasi kamu dalam komentar di bawah! 🥰
Apakah bagi pria bisa juga mendapatkan kesempatan besar untuk diterima perusahaan sebagai virtual assistant?
Dengan latar belakang sy sebagai guru pernah mengajar privat dan d sekolah apa ada pekerjaan yg sesuai latar belakang sy
@@yunita2kl menurut sy basic kaka kan pengajar ya bs jd trainer sebuah perusahaan nanti, yg penting bhs inggrisnya baik
podcast yang bagus, bahasa mudah dicerna dan pemateri menyampaikannya dengan jujur sesuai dengan yang dialaminya. salut....semoga tambah sukses
Hi @cakalfa7924,
Thank you, dear. Yes, I hope you can find inspiration and achieve success as well.
What if i cant find a client after the course?
Hi @satyaajinusantara143,
You should change the mindset into positive that you can leverage your skill then you can secure your clients. Push yourself to get your success and don't limit your time.
Please join our free webinar "5 Steps to Doing What you Love Remotely as a Virtual Assistant" here bit.ly/sgb_yt to start learning on how to become a virtual assistant from scratch
@@taniagromenkobullshit white woman
Jokes pelanggan setia gojek nya lucu banget 😂😂
Hi @achmadabdularifin,
Ardin is such a funny girl, right hahaha. Ardin Makarim's name is almost pronounced the same as Nadiem Makarim, but their relationship is that she is loyal customers of Nadiem's Company.
Kerenn, mbak Ardin!
Thank you. Yes, Ardin is one of the best alumni.
Bekasi Utara nya mana ka? Aku juga di bekasi utara 😁
Hi @christydamanik3912,
I think I should ask Ican where's Bekasi he stays haha
I have a small stall of herb in traditional market ,I work until 3 p m
Hi @SitiFatimah-ve5ni,
I encourage you to join SGBVA free webinar with special topic "A STRONG PORTFOLIO:THE BEST WAY TO FIND CLIENTS" on Thursday, Feb 15 2024 at 19:30 Jakarta time. You can register here link.sgbva.com/tg
I am a tutor , work at my home teaching for kids aged 5-16 years for all their school subjects. Teaching or education is my passion. Is there job opportunity for me that related to my now job ?
Hi @speakinenglishhappily2595,
Absolutely! Your background as a tutor can be a valuable asset in the virtual assistant world. Many opportunities exist, such as virtual tutoring, educational content creation, or even managing administrative tasks for your tutoring business. The skills you gain from our course can enhance your current job or open doors to new opportunities. Please kindly join SGBVA free webinar here bit.ly/sgb_yt
Ok thank you very much
I will jpin
Apakah bisa kita diberikan dulu kerjaan2 kecil untuk latihan
Hi @mayaempong4868,
We have assignments after live material sessions so you could practice and make it as your portfolio, dear.
Kalau tidak bisa bahasa inggris bagaimana? Padahal mau banget jd VA😢
Hi @odeliamaniez3850,
English is such a key to unlock opportunity to get global client and get higher income. I encourage you to learn english while you are learning virtual assistance. So if you have basic english skill right now is okay, you can just start learn VA.
Hi Mba❤ Welcome nyemplung.. From Batch 14 here..
Hi Murni, Thank you for being part of the SGBVA community.
Bagaimana kak sudah dapat berapa klien? Adakah kendala?
I really want to join but I can't pay the fee ,and my english isn't good enough ,I have herbs business and I am a translator in a rattan small factory from cirebon
Hi @SitiFatimah-ve5ni,
SGBVA provides installment payment method so you can afford it. I also understand that english is challenging but I encourage you to practice more while you are learning VA. BTW, have you contacted by SGBVA moderator team?
I'm as woman enterpreneur with f&b business, can I join as VA?
Hi @lenifamilyjourney,
Sure, SGBVA Course is opened for all backgrounds. You can kindly join SGBVA free webinar here bit.ly/sgb_yt with the topic "5 Steps to Doing What you Love Remotely as a Virtual Assistant"
Saya tipe mbti INFP, tertarik jd AV dibidang content creator atau pekerjaan yg berhubungan dg seni, ambil paket course SGBVA yg mana ya baiknya?
Hi @whiteedelweiss7814,
you kind kindly DM our community manager @nurulnurmala via telegram so she can connect you with our student advisor that can discuss with you about the course package.
Kebayang kerjaannya, ok nanti malem coba join webinarnya.....makasih mas n mba
Hello @mariaartanti2701,
Yes, remote job is such a dream for many people because you can get work-life balance so you can have much time with your family.
Saya mau belajar ,, Bagaimana jika belumemiliki laptop atau komputer..apakah menjadi kendala ? Bagaimana tugas menjadi VA ?
Hi @supriantodelequ3070,
Great that you want to learn! Don't let not having a laptop or computer stop you to learn. While being a virtual assistant typically requires tools like a laptop or computer, you can start your VA journey using just your smartphone. Many VA tasks, such as content creation and social media management, can be done with a phone. So, stay enthusiastic and determined in your learning journey!
sebenarnya ini kerjanya apa ya ? apa merekrut orang utk ikutan seminar/ member ? atau bgmn ?
Hi @user-pe4nk3mf3g,
SGBVA Course is an online course for learning how to be a virtual assistant. A Virtual assistant is remote professional who offers a variety of tasks and services to businesses or individuals, assisting with administrative, creative, technical, and other needs. They work from their own location and use technology to communicate and collaborate with clients. Their tasks range from scheduling to research, helping clients focus on their core activities. To learn more about it, you can kindly join SGBVA free webinar here bit.ly/sgb_yt
wow, podcast content! nice innovation Tania !
Thanks for the kind words. I'm excited to start bringing you valuable content in a podcast format. Stay tuned for more inspiring discussions and insights from other successful virtual assistants.
Mau dong gmn caranya daftar
Hi @rani4341,
Thank you for watching. You can start by joining SGBVA free webinar "5 Steps to Doing What you Love Remotely as a Virtual Assistant" here bit.ly/sgb_yt to learn more about virtual assistance.
Kursus dan biaya berapa ya?
Hi @evinuraviyah,
You can get more detail about SGBVA course by joining free webinar with the topic "5 Steps to Doing What you Love Remotely as a Virtual Assistant" register here bit.ly/sgb_yt or kindly contact SGBVA Community Manager Nurul Nurmala in telegram @nurulnurmala
Seriusan Ka, sehari approach potential client 20? 😭 Yaa ampun, gimana aku mau dapet client ya portfolio belum diberesin lagi 😅😂 cus ah berbenah dulu 🚀🚀🚀
@@helmayufebi115 yu Ka semangat 🚀
Haha, I totally understand, Approaching potential clients can be a little challenging, especially when you're just starting out. But don't worry, you can handle it! The key is to take action and keep improving your skills. Keep hustling!
saya seorang akuntan, dan ingin bekerja sebagai remote accountant. Apakah di SGB bisa?
SGB offers courses on how to become a virtual assistant. For accountants, you can provide virtual bookkeeping services to start your journey as a Virtual Assistant
Tp hrs byr brp ya
Hi @SitiFatimah-ve5ni
Pleas kindly join SGBVA free webinar ya bit.ly/sgb_yt
Lumayan biayanya kak
ini kerja kaya gmn si sebenernya ? muncul di iklan trs
@@RidoTarigan91 ikut free webinar aja bang biar nanti ada gambaran...kemaren sempat ikut sekali tapi pas tau biaya selanjutnya wah belum sanggup aku
berapa kak?@@vilemarc
Biaya ikut kursus nya brp ya?
Hi @dwiagustinp4218 you can reach our team @chris_virtual_assistant via his Instagram to get more detail information about our course.
Berapa investasinya.. apakah terjangkau?
The investment required to start a virtual assistant business can vary depending on your approach and the services you offer. However, many people find that it is a relatively affordable business to start, with most of the investment going into self-education and software/tools. Do some research to find what works best for you and your budget.
outstanding...very interesting... @Tania Gromenko
Hi @ardimusalta7712,
Thank you so much hopefully inspiring