From memory, I think the Fibonacci program was: ADD 0 1 // add two numbers ABF 2 // load the sum into register 2 CPY 1 0 // move the numbers around CPY 2 1 // I also flicked the lever next to the program counter to make the CPU go into 4-instructions-mode (to avoid running 3 additional NOP instructions) And you also need to write a 1 into either register 0 or register 1, because the program only includes the loop part, not the part where you kickstart the sequence.
title's underselling this, it's an entire computer in 16x16x16. a CPU would be just the processing bits and the memory, both ROM and RAM would be from external modules
@@d_00mpu8 is a computer, a cpu woukd more or less be a dataloop and cache while mpu8 has RAM and ROM built in, not being seperate external modules. Also an entire 4 bit computer in a chunk is crazy, ggs
Thanks! About floating-point, I'll have to look more into that. It seems very interesting to do, but also more complicated... I actually want to start a mini-series about CPUs, like, more advanced than Mattbatwings' logical redstone series, but I heard that he's making a CPU so I'll have to be quick... I might do a floating point series too, because that seems like something Matt wouldn't do for a long time, so I don't get to work hard only for my videos to be duplicated content of a far bigger channel. Thanks for the idea, and I understand why you're stuck!
@@d_00 yea floatting point is hard in Minecraft i prefer to do a test in Digital logic SIM or logisim. Then in Minecraft. Adding/subtracting floatting point is easy but multiplication division square root is hard. I can always help you if you want 😀.(With adding)
I thought about it for some time, and I don't really get why it's sooo bad? Like for multiplication, you just add the exponents together, XOR the sign bit, add 1 to the mantissa of both numbers, multiply the mantissa together and subtract 1? Or is there something I don't get? I don't bother about implementing negative/positive infinity, and subnormal numbers
Wow, great build! I love it being so small, it makes it easier to understand how different parts interact with each other. It's more fathomable than a 200x200 cube of redstone with so much fancy stuff!
Thank you! However, I don't fully agree with you, as the only way to tell things apart really is the color of the wool... A big and chunky boi is easier to understand I think, because there's much more air around everything and you can actually tell sections apart easily. The showcase only highlighted the main parts, and not the gazillion control lines in between, if you download the schematic you will see that it's really just a mess...
This is impressive, and I really liked the video! However, do you think this is your final design? Is it good enough to be built in survival? Is there a way to make it simpler and handle more instructions (like xor or and)? I'd collaborate but I don't think I have enough smarts to make it that small. Anyways, I'm so glad that other people are making new and improved CPU designs, since there is a deficit on youtube. Thank you for this build, I wish you the best.
- Is it my final design: I spent like 10-20 hours (idrk) on this project, and this is my 4th iteration. The previous ones were just me not having enough space, so I think I would consider this version kinda final, at least for now. - Good enough to be built in survival: well, in terms of block count, I think it's very affordable. But it depends on why you would need a CPU, if you need one maybe just make one that only does what you want it to do, so that it's cheaper. This is more of a multi-purpose cpu. - A way to make it simpler: I would love so, and there certainly is, but I can't really see how. Even using hex would I think make it strangely shaped and ultimately bigger. - Handle more instructions: I already use most of the available space, so go back to the previous point for more info And finally, thank you, really appreciate!
For anyone who didn't know, the songs in this video are: Jelly Castle (Evan King Retro Remix) By: MDK, Evan King Celeste B-Sides - 05 - 2 Mello - Mirror Temple (Mirror Magic Mix) By: Lena Raine, 2 Mello
ok i'm definitely subscribing to this channel. how do you only have 700 subs?! this makes me think what someone like you could achieve with 32x32x32 blocks of space?
Thanks! I think this would be an even tougher challenge, as having 8x the space would definitely make me want to add more things, even if I don't have the space, and I don't think I would be able to use all of the space very efficiently. Maybe a future project?
@@d_00 i would love to see that :3 from what I've seen on your channel, you're quite smart and know a lot. if you continue like this, you'll get your first playbutton in no time!
I think bigger CPUs are more readable, you can tell components apart better This is just an amalgam of redstone components at this point, you can tell I'm a bit of a door person myself too... Or just incredibly unorganized
@@DanielSilva-gc4xz making doors is great, when you finally manage to stick all the functionality into a small crammed space, the result looks very mechanical and satisfying. ... at least on java, we don't talk about bugrock around here
@@Mushroom38294 Thank you! I'll have to think about this, I still have to finish the dikc-8 2 first. I kind of burnt out from the project and I'm too scared to continue... At least I think I will have more time in the coming months.
Wow, this is small enough that I could build it in survival! Good job! Maybe I'll do that on a server someday and do some interesting math with it or something. I wonder if it works on forge...
Thanks! I'm not really surprised, as this is my 4th iteration and I ultimately ended up with less features than I would have liked (jumps, flags...). I don't think making a tutorial would make much sense, there is a high chance of you/me making a mistake in building and you could prob use a schematic...
Lovely build! It is a computer, but isn't a cpu, as cpus are required to be turing complete and this does not have branching. Either way good job! Sammyuri also already did a 16x16x16 which IS a cpu. Its called CHUNKUS, should be on ORE somewhere.
this is great! if you ever make a second version, maybe add some logical operations to the alu and also add branching. perhaps you could replace the rom, as that’s technically not part of the computer?
I really would like to, but it would need significant improvements to use less space and do more stuff, since, as of now, most blocks are used... it will definitely need a lot more work.
@@d_00 you could maybe make this a series, like having cpus that progressively get bigger and bigger; 24x24 for example. no one has made videos like that to my knowledge. it would make you stand out from other redstoners
@@notreallykeven86 Hmmmmm, I don't really know, at first it seems like a good idea but wouldn't it start to be repetitive? Might have to see about this. Although, I think it would be better to instead try to make the CPU smaller and smaller, which might be more interesting in a redstone engineering point of view. I may do this, and share my thought process, but keep in mind I don't really know when this could come out as I don't really have much free time now... Thanks for the idea though!
@@d_00 I'm learning logical redstone for this goal as well. If I somehow managed to make a decently powerful and survival-friendly computer, it could be used to automate farms and stuff.
@@VoidPaul97 I see, however I don't think multipurpose CPUs are really useful in Minecraft for what you are describing, since the complexity of the game makes for way more powerful, compact and efficient single-purpose farms. If someone needs a CPU to automate farms in Minecraft, then I think they should instead make multiple, smaller, survival-friendly farms, then link them together.
Depends on what you want to do next. If you want to build computational redstone builds, I would say you can watch tutorials and try to figure out how things work, but that's the easy answer: the way I learned most things was through practice. You say you understand logic gates, but do you really know how and where to use them? Do you know them so intricately that you can create new designs on the fly, that best suit your needs? If not, then I guess you could follow a course but there's not really such thing (yet?) as a beginner to advanced redstone course. The other way is underwhelming, but very efficient: practice. The way I learned computational redstone fast is maybe because I was familiar with redstone in general, I built things and tried to make them very compact by using and refining my knowledge of the different blocks. When I tried computational redstone, the limited block palette made it just another challenge that I knew how to start. I would say the basics of computational redstone (logic gates...) is easy enough to learn, but to master it you need practice, you need to feel how to use all the features of every single block in the redstone tab. For this you need practice, something every tutorial in the world will not give you. Even in school you need to apply a lesson to really understand it and use it whenever you need it. Good luck!
I guess it would be something cool to make, but definitely horrible to build, as you would need to handle 4096x more space and still manage to all give the different parts a purpose and make them be linked to other parts of the cpu...
Yeah but having 8x the space is way harder to manage, and it looks more like a classical mc CPU, which means more work and planning, and I still have another CPU that I need to debug... Definitely something I will attempt in the future though.
i actually make hexadecimal based cpu's smallest one i made was 23x17x6 (kinda funky numbers lmao) also had 1 byte per instruction but didnt have any onboard rom like urs, exceptit divied it to be 4 bits for operand 4 for opcode so 15 instructions, including 1 internal unconditional and 2 external unconditionals. since yours was in binary prob more impressive lol edit because i made comment before finished watchin video, its easy to reset as well...
Yeah, I tried to pack everything in one big block, and I really wanted it to be 16x16, like, chunk size and all. I also really have to look into hexadecimal, it makes everything more compact and it's a tougher challenge, too. Although your CPU's very small, I'm not sure I'd be able to make it this small...
@@d_00 i got recommended this video again for some reason (wtf utube algorthim yk ive seen it alrdy), ive been working on my hex skills, my newest cpu is actually tiny, it can address up to 8 bytes of ram and 16 bytes of prom, and is extremely tiny, not including all the reset features being easy to access (which you didnt count either) and not including any timing components for loading things from and to ram, and finally not including the bottom layer of support blocksbecause u didnt either, makes the cpu a tiny 3x11x13. and dont think its one of those ones ppl post that havent even tested it, if implemented it into a system with the full amount of ram and rom it can address, and with a screen and it works perfectly. now it is kind of cheaty with the alu. it can only do subtractoin by making one registers value go into the side of another one for 2 rdstone ticks so it subtracts. but dont think that makes the computer incapable of doing anything else. i managed to program it to do addition, and it can do inversion by 15-n. anyways only saying this because my last CPU was litereally incapable of addressing to ram so i said this to not feel as bad to saying my other cpu was smaller and it not being as capable as yours. also i made it a while ago only saying now due to being recommeneded it again haha
mate how did you manage to build such a compact rom? it's incredible, since I would like to try to build a computer as compact as yours I was wondering if you can recommend me some video tutorials to make such a compact rom
ummmm to be honest I think most of my compactness skills come from making a lot of compact redstone doors... and there aren't a lot, if not any of them on youtube. As much as watching video tutorials for getting better at building bulky logic gates is great, from my experience the best way for you to learn how to then make these gates more compact is to (unfortunately) practice, to try to be more familiar with the niche features that make redstone such a versatile tool. It's a cliché answer but it couldn't be more true in this field. If you look at this computer, you can see what I mean, even if I used a limited set of components they are placed in very redstone-y ways...
This looks very cool. Can you make a tutorial on this if possible? I want to be able to build it myself so i can learn how things work and come together easier.
I don't think this type of build really could benefit a tutorial, since it being so compact and messy would make a poor or even discouraging introduction to the topic of Minecraft CPUs... These don't have to be so messy really, so maybe you could learn the basics of computational redstone first (Mattbatwings' "Logical Redstone" series? I recommend the original series, not the "reloaded" one, there's less content there in my opinion). A CPU being small doesn't mean it's easy to understand, is what I mean. Still, if you want to build the CPU by yourself, you can download a schematic of it and build it layer by layer. In terms of understanding it, I color-coded the different components, so you can maybe start from here.
@@d_00 thank you. There are only a few parts in your CPU that i want to learn about. Unfortunately i don’t use mods so i can’t really use the schematic. Just a quick suggestion, if possible, could you build a big version of your computer that will be better for a tutorial? I don’t mean to sound desperate, i just can’t find much info for what i’m looking for.
@@XanCraft21 Building an entire CPU is a LOT of work, I already have one nearly done (much much bigger indeed), with clearly defined parts, called DIKC-8 2, but I kind of burned out from the project since I still have a lot of debugging left to do. Obviously I want to finish this project before starting another CPU, otherwise I just know I won't finish either of them. So, as I said, unfortunately I won't be able to help you understand the basics of how to make a minecraft CPU right now. If you seek help, I advise you to hop on the ORE server, watch Mattbatwings' Logical Restone series, or to follow computer architecture courses. Building something as complex as a CPU is a hard task, so there are few vulgarization resources on the subject since it is very technical. Maybe look more into academic resources? Best of luck, sorry to not be of much help...
I think there's no other way, I copy-pasted the same camera path on multiple recordings, each showing a different component, then layered them all together.
I already answered this in other comments, but here's a summary: copy the replay mod camera path to multiple recordings, with different blocks broken, then layer them with transparency
Yep, in the first 3 versions I tried to add branching, and a lot of other stuff really, but I couldn't fit everything so I had to only keep the most important stuff (I renamed this to "computer" cuz of a comment, but idk really)
um, no, sorry. I don't really know how compatible worlds are, but maybe loading the schematic into java edition then opening the world in bedrock would work Anyway my advice is you use redstone in java, it's so much better
can we have the world files? Okay edit I found the github did actually have the computer, I didn't see it since I wasn't expecting a schematic folder. I don't have that redstone mod (I do want it though so I would appreciate being told what it's called and stuff) but in the mean time can you upload the world folder on google drive or something? also what version is this?
The version is 1.17 but it should work on later versions (except maybe the last snapshot because mojang skill issue). The mod is called litematica, I'm sure you'll find out how to install, you can find it con curseforge, and you need fabric to run it.
Ok, so i might be dumb, but where exactly do you program the computer? When you where listing the computer parts, i only saw memory for storing number for calculatons in the registers. What does the instruction decoder read? Does it read a buffer? OR WHAT?
It's very tedious but I think this is the only way: you record the replay mod path, then make lots of replays for each part of the cpu that you want to show. Then, copy the path in the zip file from the camera path replay to the other replays, and render them. You should now have all the parts filmed with the same camera path, which you can then render and edit together in a video editing software to get the transparency effect.
10 is 2 next to 2 in binary. I showed it in the list, I think: when entering data you often have to enter it "twice", hence the two 2s next to one another in binary. Hope that helps...
@@TrollDude3 ummm, then this one is a command, right? lemme check - it means SUB, so it subtracts two numbers. If you look at the instruction set (4:39) you will see that sometimes you need different value inputs. Of course, otherwise how would you add two different numbers?
You input data into the barrels as explained when I showed the instruction set. I added technical details in the bottom part of the spreadsheet when I show it on the screen
One more question very quick (two actually), could it possibly work on Mobile (MCPE) without any major modifications (other than observer and slab implants) aswell as could it work with a ternary memory circuit extension? Bc if so this is what I’ve been looking for, for YEARS for a project. By the way my friend this is actually EXTREMELY well done for opcodes and instructions being a electrical engineer of logic gates myself though I only theorize it. You really do need more subscribers I have not seen anything like this since a Tape reel made in minecraft able to store more than 3 states without any major redstone, though I couldn’t find the video again. I would love to see how it interacts (how each octant (octant being a eighth or half of a quadrant functions).
@@ZXD121 Thank you! About the mcpe version, I can't really tell as I have never played this version. Most likely a lot of things will break, but I'm not even sure about that, because I don't think I use locational or other java-only mchprs-components-things. If you find a way to convert the schematic to a mcpe compatible one, let me know!
@@ZXD121 ummmmmmmm hehe you can't this cpu is very limited... I guess you technically could do that, by using a custom clock and rom outside the 16x16x16 box, and then routing them to the rom output.
The rom data is stored in barrels, as signal strength, encoded with items placed in the barrels. Then, each instruction is composed of a column of two barrels, the one on top for the opcode and the other one for the operand, or the opposite, can't remember. But was is something else that you didn't understand?
no i understand about the signal strength and operand with opcode but i dont really know how to program the operand bc theres only 1 barrel for the operand and instructions has 2 operands
@@martinwit3283 oh right sorry I think I said in the video (4:40) that both operands are stored in the same barrel, you just use some of the bits to represent the first operand and the others for the other one. Look at the "Encoded value" formula for each instruction on the right
Not really, since you would need: - a bigger decoder, and if you look at the RAM decoder it's sooo messy because it has to fit in such a small space - more bits in the instruction to access all of these addresses, and it's physically not possible (you would need 3+3+3 bits, and that's 18 blocks in length)...
The only solution I can see is to add more instructions outside of the box, and I guess you could absolutely do that, you would just need to make the program counter come out a little to add more bits, and extend the decoder downwards. You would also need to cut the wire activating the 2nd pipeline stage and replace it with one with more delay, so that's totally possible.
I shared this on a video where someone made a minimalist vacuum tube computer with (4 bit instructions and a 1 bit bus) because I figure these underrated channels could learn about each other. So I'm sharing the vacuum tube computer here:
yep ig using binary makes the whole thing harder to compact / impossible to include many features. Honestly it was just a skill issue from me, not using hexadecimal. But on the other hand look at all the "compact" "cpus" on youtube, many are not even close to this design...
What do you mean? If I used hex I would have been able to store 16b in each register, but I used binary everywhere except for the ROM instructions which are 16b
Could you please rewrite the Fibonacci sequence into assembly (I want to program the cpu but I'm a bit confused and this would help).
From memory, I think the Fibonacci program was:
ADD 0 1 // add two numbers
ABF 2 // load the sum into register 2
CPY 1 0 // move the numbers around
CPY 2 1 //
I also flicked the lever next to the program counter to make the CPU go into 4-instructions-mode (to avoid running 3 additional NOP instructions)
And you also need to write a 1 into either register 0 or register 1, because the program only includes the loop part, not the part where you kickstart the sequence.
@@d_00 OMG, thank you so much
What does this computer do??
@@Captain_ken69 Basic operations with numbers
title's underselling this, it's an entire computer in 16x16x16. a CPU would be just the processing bits and the memory, both ROM and RAM would be from external modules
I guess so, but you know MPU-8 is a CPU, so I didn't want to oversell my build when compared to others
@@d_00mpu8 is a computer, a cpu woukd more or less be a dataloop and cache while mpu8 has RAM and ROM built in, not being seperate external modules. Also an entire 4 bit computer in a chunk is crazy, ggs
@@Greg032 Thanks! About the MPU series, I didn't question it and used the denomination Mod used
@@d_00 yeah dont worry, actually most "cpus" ppl build on ORE, or RF are actually computers but CPU just sounds nicer to say
It may be small but at least it’s smart and has a good personality too
Reminds me of you
@@davidrudpedersen5622 you’re not that guy hombre
Reminds me of myself
I think it is big enough 🤔
It's absolutely huge, why would anyone want a computer bigger than that?
Very cool!!! I always wanted to do this. Congrats
Yoo men that's so small❤ i cant wait.
Can you make video for floatting point ALU(FPU) in the future? i am stuck in multiplication and division.
About floating-point, I'll have to look more into that. It seems very interesting to do, but also more complicated... I actually want to start a mini-series about CPUs, like, more advanced than Mattbatwings' logical redstone series, but I heard that he's making a CPU so I'll have to be quick... I might do a floating point series too, because that seems like something Matt wouldn't do for a long time, so I don't get to work hard only for my videos to be duplicated content of a far bigger channel. Thanks for the idea, and I understand why you're stuck!
@@d_00 yea floatting point is hard in Minecraft i prefer to do a test in Digital logic SIM or logisim.
Then in Minecraft.
Adding/subtracting floatting point is easy but multiplication division square root is hard.
I can
always help you if you want 😀.(With adding)
I thought about it for some time, and I don't really get why it's sooo bad? Like for multiplication, you just add the exponents together, XOR the sign bit, add 1 to the mantissa of both numbers, multiply the mantissa together and subtract 1? Or is there something I don't get? I don't bother about implementing negative/positive infinity, and subnormal numbers
Wow, great build!
I love it being so small, it makes it easier to understand how different parts interact with each other. It's more fathomable than a 200x200 cube of redstone with so much fancy stuff!
Thank you!
However, I don't fully agree with you, as the only way to tell things apart really is the color of the wool... A big and chunky boi is easier to understand I think, because there's much more air around everything and you can actually tell sections apart easily. The showcase only highlighted the main parts, and not the gazillion control lines in between, if you download the schematic you will see that it's really just a mess...
@@d_00 I should have clarified - it's easier for a computational redstone noob like me to understand. Your presentation makes it look quite simple!
thats awesome man cant believe you have under a thousand subs
Thank you! Well all I can say is share and subscribe then 😂
@@d_00 you have it in you its just about when it will happen
This is impressive, and I really liked the video! However, do you think this is your final design? Is it good enough to be built in survival? Is there a way to make it simpler and handle more instructions (like xor or and)? I'd collaborate but I don't think I have enough smarts to make it that small. Anyways, I'm so glad that other people are making new and improved CPU designs, since there is a deficit on youtube. Thank you for this build, I wish you the best.
- Is it my final design: I spent like 10-20 hours (idrk) on this project, and this is my 4th iteration. The previous ones were just me not having enough space, so I think I would consider this version kinda final, at least for now.
- Good enough to be built in survival: well, in terms of block count, I think it's very affordable. But it depends on why you would need a CPU, if you need one maybe just make one that only does what you want it to do, so that it's cheaper. This is more of a multi-purpose cpu.
- A way to make it simpler: I would love so, and there certainly is, but I can't really see how. Even using hex would I think make it strangely shaped and ultimately bigger.
- Handle more instructions: I already use most of the available space, so go back to the previous point for more info
And finally, thank you, really appreciate!
For anyone who didn't know, the songs in this video are:
Jelly Castle (Evan King Retro Remix)
By: MDK, Evan King
Celeste B-Sides - 05 - 2 Mello - Mirror Temple (Mirror Magic Mix)
By: Lena Raine, 2 Mello
nize nize! this looks pretty fine and i can feel such pain in ass to build it in really small place TwT
the intro song in this video sounds like a good geometry dash level
It was made by MDK, same guy who made multiple songs used in GD
dam quality build and quality editing, good job!
ok i'm definitely subscribing to this channel. how do you only have 700 subs?!
this makes me think what someone like you could achieve with 32x32x32 blocks of space?
I think this would be an even tougher challenge, as having 8x the space would definitely make me want to add more things, even if I don't have the space, and I don't think I would be able to use all of the space very efficiently. Maybe a future project?
@@d_00 i would love to see that :3
from what I've seen on your channel, you're quite smart and know a lot. if you continue like this, you'll get your first playbutton in no time!
This one is still pretty readable. Imagine if door people touched this. I wanna see that.
I think bigger CPUs are more readable, you can tell components apart better
This is just an amalgam of redstone components at this point, you can tell I'm a bit of a door person myself too... Or just incredibly unorganized
What is door people?
@@DanielSilva-gc4xz ppl who make doors 👀
@d_00 OH, LMAO now I understand. Some people really do have some fetish for doors in the redstone community.
@@DanielSilva-gc4xz making doors is great, when you finally manage to stick all the functionality into a small crammed space, the result looks very mechanical and satisfying.
... at least on java, we don't talk about bugrock around here
subscribed for celeste's music, a man that has such good tastes can only be a good content creator
(he also needs to post more often)
The disclaimer wasn't lying, this *is* mind-blowing. Great work
I wonder if you could make a 32x32x32 CPU with 16 bit instructions and larger numbers
@@Mushroom38294 Thank you! I'll have to think about this, I still have to finish the dikc-8 2 first. I kind of burnt out from the project and I'm too scared to continue... At least I think I will have more time in the coming months.
Wow, this is small enough that I could build it in survival! Good job! Maybe I'll do that on a server someday and do some interesting math with it or something. I wonder if it works on forge...
That seems like a great idea! I considered building it in survival too. I don't know about Forge, haven't tested it, but probably.
thats so cool! im honestly supprised its so small! tutorial?
Thanks! I'm not really surprised, as this is my 4th iteration and I ultimately ended up with less features than I would have liked (jumps, flags...).
I don't think making a tutorial would make much sense, there is a high chance of you/me making a mistake in building and you could prob use a schematic...
Lovely build! It is a computer, but isn't a cpu, as cpus are required to be turing complete and this does not have branching. Either way good job!
Sammyuri also already did a 16x16x16 which IS a cpu. Its called CHUNKUS, should be on ORE somewhere.
Thanks! didn't know about sammy's 16x16x16. I know he talked about it a while ago, but I don't check ORE that often.
@@d_00 fair ^^
I really need to try to do stuff like this, its so cool!
another step closer towards a computer in every home
this is great! if you ever make a second version, maybe add some logical operations to the alu and also add branching. perhaps you could replace the rom, as that’s technically not part of the computer?
I really would like to, but it would need significant improvements to use less space and do more stuff, since, as of now, most blocks are used... it will definitely need a lot more work.
@@d_00 you could maybe make this a series, like having cpus that progressively get bigger and bigger; 24x24 for example. no one has made videos like that to my knowledge. it would make you stand out from other redstoners
@@notreallykeven86 Hmmmmm, I don't really know, at first it seems like a good idea but wouldn't it start to be repetitive? Might have to see about this. Although, I think it would be better to instead try to make the CPU smaller and smaller, which might be more interesting in a redstone engineering point of view. I may do this, and share my thought process, but keep in mind I don't really know when this could come out as I don't really have much free time now... Thanks for the idea though!
love the resemablence to the chungus 2 video
bro built a CPU smaller but my 1 bit CPU cannot even fit
lmaooo thank you
I think you should probably blame the frames, my upload schedule, or my accent
What frames?
Btw I subbed
@@PyhL-tsbg in this ivdeo it's not so bad, but my recording framerate is really bad
These Thing Are Very Cool! I still couldnt get those instruction thingies and how they work
You're in luck, I added them in a clearer way on my github very recently:
Wow, that's small! Does it use hexadecimal? And yes, I look forward to it indeed!
@@kairozei_mizuti it's ok. Thanks, but your editing is great! Also the computer, too, it's very compact!
Great work!
HOW!!?? This is actually amazing
16x16x16 CPU with 7 instructions. Realy god job
ive made a 8 bit cpu before but i suck at minecraft redstone so i made it in logic sim evolotion.
nice, I've also tried to make one in DLSim by sebastian lague
dude, even mattbatwings's 4 bit computer is around 10000x1000 blocks but you able to fit it in a 16x16x16 space
matt was going for a different goal, namely teaching redstone, I was going for speed and compactness
@@d_00 I'm learning logical redstone for this goal as well. If I somehow managed to make a decently powerful and survival-friendly computer, it could be used to automate farms and stuff.
@@VoidPaul97 I see, however I don't think multipurpose CPUs are really useful in Minecraft for what you are describing, since the complexity of the game makes for way more powerful, compact and efficient single-purpose farms. If someone needs a CPU to automate farms in Minecraft, then I think they should instead make multiple, smaller, survival-friendly farms, then link them together.
mattbatwing's computer was 16bit srry
hey! is there a good start for redstone? I think ive got the logic gates, and the basics. What should i practice next??
Depends on what you want to do next. If you want to build computational redstone builds, I would say you can watch tutorials and try to figure out how things work, but that's the easy answer: the way I learned most things was through practice. You say you understand logic gates, but do you really know how and where to use them? Do you know them so intricately that you can create new designs on the fly, that best suit your needs? If not, then I guess you could follow a course but there's not really such thing (yet?) as a beginner to advanced redstone course. The other way is underwhelming, but very efficient: practice.
The way I learned computational redstone fast is maybe because I was familiar with redstone in general, I built things and tried to make them very compact by using and refining my knowledge of the different blocks. When I tried computational redstone, the limited block palette made it just another challenge that I knew how to start.
I would say the basics of computational redstone (logic gates...) is easy enough to learn, but to master it you need practice, you need to feel how to use all the features of every single block in the redstone tab. For this you need practice, something every tutorial in the world will not give you. Even in school you need to apply a lesson to really understand it and use it whenever you need it. Good luck!
@@d_00aight thanks
now make a small minecraft computer that can be programmed to run games like snake!
lol I'm on it (but taking really big breaks)
Bro became AE and made dlc for the cpu
If a 16x16x16 cpu can do this what can a 256x256x256 cpu do? How many functions would it have :o
I guess it would be something cool to make, but definitely horrible to build, as you would need to handle 4096x more space and still manage to all give the different parts a purpose and make them be linked to other parts of the cpu...
How about a 32x32x32 it surely will get way better and easier to operate(aka reset)
Yeah but having 8x the space is way harder to manage, and it looks more like a classical mc CPU, which means more work and planning, and I still have another CPU that I need to debug... Definitely something I will attempt in the future though.
i actually make hexadecimal based cpu's smallest one i made was 23x17x6 (kinda funky numbers lmao) also had 1 byte per instruction but didnt have any onboard rom like urs, exceptit divied it to be 4 bits for operand 4 for opcode so 15 instructions, including 1 internal unconditional and 2 external unconditionals. since yours was in binary prob more impressive lol
edit because i made comment before finished watchin video, its easy to reset as well...
Yeah, I tried to pack everything in one big block, and I really wanted it to be 16x16, like, chunk size and all. I also really have to look into hexadecimal, it makes everything more compact and it's a tougher challenge, too. Although your CPU's very small, I'm not sure I'd be able to make it this small...
@@d_00 yeah lol hex is tiny
@@d_00 i got recommended this video again for some reason (wtf utube algorthim yk ive seen it alrdy), ive been working on my hex skills, my newest cpu is actually tiny, it can address up to 8 bytes of ram and 16 bytes of prom, and is extremely tiny, not including all the reset features being easy to access (which you didnt count either) and not including any timing components for loading things from and to ram, and finally not including the bottom layer of support blocksbecause u didnt either, makes the cpu a tiny 3x11x13. and dont think its one of those ones ppl post that havent even tested it, if implemented it into a system with the full amount of ram and rom it can address, and with a screen and it works perfectly. now it is kind of cheaty with the alu. it can only do subtractoin by making one registers value go into the side of another one for 2 rdstone ticks so it subtracts. but dont think that makes the computer incapable of doing anything else. i managed to program it to do addition, and it can do inversion by 15-n. anyways only saying this because my last CPU was litereally incapable of addressing to ram so i said this to not feel as bad to saying my other cpu was smaller and it not being as capable as yours. also i made it a while ago only saying now due to being recommeneded it again haha
mate how did you manage to build such a compact rom? it's incredible, since I would like to try to build a computer as compact as yours I was wondering if you can recommend me some video tutorials to make such a compact rom
ummmm to be honest I think most of my compactness skills come from making a lot of compact redstone doors... and there aren't a lot, if not any of them on youtube.
As much as watching video tutorials for getting better at building bulky logic gates is great, from my experience the best way for you to learn how to then make these gates more compact is to (unfortunately) practice, to try to be more familiar with the niche features that make redstone such a versatile tool. It's a cliché answer but it couldn't be more true in this field. If you look at this computer, you can see what I mean, even if I used a limited set of components they are placed in very redstone-y ways...
Thank you so much for the respond
0:34 floating redstone is kinda strange but saves space ig
yeah, I know it's cheaty but this way the actual "redstone" fits in the footprint?
Cool, you can try making a 32×32 8bit minecraft cpu
maybe some day, the challenge is definitely interesting, you don't know what you can really fit in a medium-sized space...
This looks very cool. Can you make a tutorial on this if possible? I want to be able to build it myself so i can learn how things work and come together easier.
I don't think this type of build really could benefit a tutorial, since it being so compact and messy would make a poor or even discouraging introduction to the topic of Minecraft CPUs... These don't have to be so messy really, so maybe you could learn the basics of computational redstone first (Mattbatwings' "Logical Redstone" series? I recommend the original series, not the "reloaded" one, there's less content there in my opinion). A CPU being small doesn't mean it's easy to understand, is what I mean. Still, if you want to build the CPU by yourself, you can download a schematic of it and build it layer by layer. In terms of understanding it, I color-coded the different components, so you can maybe start from here.
@@d_00 thank you. There are only a few parts in your CPU that i want to learn about. Unfortunately i don’t use mods so i can’t really use the schematic. Just a quick suggestion, if possible, could you build a big version of your computer that will be better for a tutorial? I don’t mean to sound desperate, i just can’t find much info for what i’m looking for.
@@XanCraft21 Building an entire CPU is a LOT of work, I already have one nearly done (much much bigger indeed), with clearly defined parts, called DIKC-8 2, but I kind of burned out from the project since I still have a lot of debugging left to do. Obviously I want to finish this project before starting another CPU, otherwise I just know I won't finish either of them. So, as I said, unfortunately I won't be able to help you understand the basics of how to make a minecraft CPU right now. If you seek help, I advise you to hop on the ORE server, watch Mattbatwings' Logical Restone series, or to follow computer architecture courses. Building something as complex as a CPU is a hard task, so there are few vulgarization resources on the subject since it is very technical. Maybe look more into academic resources? Best of luck, sorry to not be of much help...
I’m wondering how do you make the effect of slinky hiding each component from the others?
I think there's no other way, I copy-pasted the same camera path on multiple recordings, each showing a different component, then layered them all together.
very cool
Sammiuri type ah (nice cpu! just kinda feels like a copied editing style) Still nice work!
yep the editing is inspired by him, such a goat
What could he do with *2* chunks 😟
0:59 pls tell me how to make such am edit plssss
I already answered this in other comments, but here's a summary: copy the replay mod camera path to multiple recordings, with different blocks broken, then layer them with transparency
This is really impressive
Where can I find the blueprint for this?
You can find it in the dikc-8 GitHub:
More french redstoner !
@@d_00 J'aurais pas dit mieux !
I can see it being used to make farms smarter
this is awesome
Super impressive, but unfortunately I wouldn't count this as a computer since it's not Turing-complete. No branching :(
Yep, in the first 3 versions I tried to add branching, and a lot of other stuff really, but I couldn't fit everything so I had to only keep the most important stuff
(I renamed this to "computer" cuz of a comment, but idk really)
@@d_00 it's still very cool, but I think you should try to make a 32x32 one with branching and more memory
@@vastabyss6496 might look into that, but it would be way more complex
do you have world download for bedrock ?
um, no, sorry. I don't really know how compatible worlds are, but maybe loading the schematic into java edition then opening the world in bedrock would work
Anyway my advice is you use redstone in java, it's so much better
Ok, can you run Doom with it ?
What if you linked 512 of these together?
You would get more lag
try logic arrows
can we have the world files? Okay edit I found the github did actually have the computer, I didn't see it since I wasn't expecting a schematic folder. I don't have that redstone mod (I do want it though so I would appreciate being told what it's called and stuff) but in the mean time can you upload the world folder on google drive or something? also what version is this?
The version is 1.17 but it should work on later versions (except maybe the last snapshot because mojang skill issue). The mod is called litematica, I'm sure you'll find out how to install, you can find it con curseforge, and you need fabric to run it.
@@d_00 thanks man, and great video
Ok, so i might be dumb, but where exactly do you program the computer? When you where listing the computer parts, i only saw memory for storing number for calculatons in the registers. What does the instruction decoder read? Does it read a buffer? OR WHAT?
Ok, so i realized that you program it using the rom below the computer. I really am dumb.
@@boldituzvillam2318 It's really not your fault, this cpu is such a mess
Hwo did you make the translarency cinematic?
It's very tedious but I think this is the only way: you record the replay mod path, then make lots of replays for each part of the cpu that you want to show. Then, copy the path in the zip file from the camera path replay to the other replays, and render them. You should now have all the parts filmed with the same camera path, which you can then render and edit together in a video editing software to get the transparency effect.
Nice video!!
I downloaded the computer, and some of the barrels have signal strength 10 which isn't in the mnemonic list. What does it do?
10 is 2 next to 2 in binary. I showed it in the list, I think: when entering data you often have to enter it "twice", hence the two 2s next to one another in binary. Hope that helps...
@@d_00 Makes sense, but what does 6 mean in the operand? 0110 are 2 different inputs.
@@TrollDude3 ummm, then this one is a command, right? lemme check -
it means SUB, so it subtracts two numbers. If you look at the instruction set (4:39) you will see that sometimes you need different value inputs. Of course, otherwise how would you add two different numbers?
C'est un banger monumental
What is the name of the song at 1:51
It's still Jelly castle, right? I see what you mean, but the sudden change is a feature in the song
DIKC-4 is not small, it's average at least
Nice jop but how you can program it?
You input data into the barrels as explained when I showed the instruction set. I added technical details in the bottom part of the spreadsheet when I show it on the screen
what song is this?
There is
Jelly Castle (Evan King Retro Remix)
and then
Celeste B-Sides - Mirror Temple (Mirror Magic Mix)
@@d_00 amazing; Thanks !!! :)
chungus 2 moment
make a bigger version like a 8-bit cpu.
I also built the dikc-8, if that's what you want
Could you provide a world download?
You can find it in the github, also in the description.
One more question very quick (two actually), could it possibly work on Mobile (MCPE) without any major modifications (other than observer and slab implants) aswell as could it work with a ternary memory circuit extension? Bc if so this is what I’ve been looking for, for YEARS for a project. By the way my friend this is actually EXTREMELY well done for opcodes and instructions being a electrical engineer of logic gates myself though I only theorize it. You really do need more subscribers I have not seen anything like this since a Tape reel made in minecraft able to store more than 3 states without any major redstone, though I couldn’t find the video again. I would love to see how it interacts (how each octant (octant being a eighth or half of a quadrant functions).
However what I don’t understand is how to extend the memory properly.
@@ZXD121 Thank you! About the mcpe version, I can't really tell as I have never played this version. Most likely a lot of things will break, but I'm not even sure about that, because I don't think I use locational or other java-only mchprs-components-things. If you find a way to convert the schematic to a mcpe compatible one, let me know!
@@ZXD121 ummmmmmmm hehe you can't
this cpu is very limited...
I guess you technically could do that, by using a custom clock and rom outside the 16x16x16 box, and then routing them to the rom output.
C validé 🍿
i don't really understand how u can code on the ROM can u help me with that?
The rom data is stored in barrels, as signal strength, encoded with items placed in the barrels. Then, each instruction is composed of a column of two barrels, the one on top for the opcode and the other one for the operand, or the opposite, can't remember. But was is something else that you didn't understand?
no i understand about the signal strength and operand with opcode but i dont really know how to program the operand bc theres only 1 barrel for the operand and instructions has 2 operands
@@martinwit3283 oh right sorry
I think I said in the video (4:40) that both operands are stored in the same barrel, you just use some of the bits to represent the first operand and the others for the other one. Look at the "Encoded value" formula for each instruction on the right
thanks d_00 btw i didnt even know what "Encoded value" was even used for LOL
sometimes i dont really understand things
Is the Sound Copyright?
I don't think so, I checked: jelly castle is copyright-free music, as well as the Celeste soundtrack
@ thank You
But can it run Doom?
No doom is 16 bit and this is 7 bit (edited**)
Well you can run a program on it to convert 16 to 7 in real slow time and then doom in paralel no?
so the ram is actually cache, am i right?
I think so, gotta admit I wasn't 100% sure when I named every component
next up 1 bit cpu
do you have the world download
there's a schematic here:
make a x86_64 cpu and run doom on it
no u
@@d_00 i use linux i couldn't even play minecraft with 30+ fps
@@mzakyr342 watch my earlier videos lmao me too
So your saying it can run doom?
Wath name of the textur pack
It's based on the Matt pack, based on plastic I think
how to put program into minecraft
more tetra league when
idk really, I need to play more to get somewhat close to my old skill level... always hard to start playing again
@@d_00 👍
chungus 2 Micro mini extreme edition
Can it be set up to work with external RAM?
Not really, since you would need:
- a bigger decoder, and if you look at the RAM decoder it's sooo messy because it has to fit in such a small space
- more bits in the instruction to access all of these addresses, and it's physically not possible (you would need 3+3+3 bits, and that's 18 blocks in length)...
Well this computer could be better with 16 lines of code
It could be better with 16 more blocks available in size XD
@@d_00 true
T'es français ? J'entends un certain accent !
lol oui je me demande comment c'est possible...
@@d_00 l’accent est très subtile.
T’as un Discord ou un endroit qui rassemble une communauté francophone autour du sujet des ordinateurs en redstone ?
@@BricBracASMR merci pour l'accent, et non pas vraiment, je sais pas si ca existe
Is the rom able to be upgraded?
The only solution I can see is to add more instructions outside of the box, and I guess you could absolutely do that, you would just need to make the program counter come out a little to add more bits, and extend the decoder downwards. You would also need to cut the wire activating the 2nd pipeline stage and replace it with one with more delay, so that's totally possible.
I shared this on a video where someone made a minimalist vacuum tube computer with (4 bit instructions and a 1 bit bus) because I figure these underrated channels could learn about each other. So I'm sharing the vacuum tube computer here:
Ooo, thank you!
Create a tutorial to create
no u lol
@@d_00 F
no conditional jump+no self modifying code=not a cpu.
ig using binary makes the whole thing harder to compact / impossible to include many features.
Honestly it was just a skill issue from me, not using hexadecimal.
But on the other hand look at all the "compact" "cpus" on youtube, many are not even close to this design...
@@d_00 also ram and rom is not part of cpu
@@lotsoflambdas i don't really know what to call this thing really, but cpu/computer is more relatable, and can reach a larger audience
@@d_00 its a "calculator". :D
thats so cool!
is this 4 bits no way?
yep, although I could have used hexadecimal
Doesn’t hex use base 16 or base 15 in MC which means it is a 30 bit computer?
What do you mean?
If I used hex I would have been able to store 16b in each register, but I used binary everywhere except for the ROM instructions which are 16b
hex uses base 16. Its hexadecimal.
Why this cpu is toooooo big?
lol yes why
It’s binary so it will naturally be bigger
with your accent youre french ?
oui oui
@ o putain apprend moi comment créer des ordis en redstone
@@d_00 apprend moi les ordis en redstone
@@joleviking lolll faut que je m'y remette g pas le temps en ce moment ;-;