I don't believe in a pre-trib rapture. It's a 19th century invention from a minister out in Ireland that somehow found it's way into a lot of Protestant congregations. If I remember correctly the only other time the idea of such came about was in John Calvin's time in which he dismissed as too childish to even consider rebutting. It just doesn't have much a place in historical understanding of the Bible.
Right, but two resurrections Revelation 7 17 God wipes away the Saints tears Revelation 21 4 God wipes away the bride's tears Revelation 20 shows both resurrections
For those clinging to a pre-tribulation 'rapture', how do you reconcile Hebrews 9:27-28? 'And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement; So Christ was once offered...' It's one of those universal non-optional verses that reminds us that every human tastes death. Jesus is the first-fruit from the dead; if the Author of Life had to die, how do we possibly think that we can somehow avoid it? This video is a good exhortation to make sure our faith is deep enough to last.
Easy , Then we which are ALIVE (as in NOT dead) and remain she'll be caught up together with THEM ( those that have died) in the clouds , to meet the LORD in the air . 1 Thessalonians 4 v 17 .
@@nzbrotrev9028 Right idea, wrong timing. Paul is including himself in the thousand year reign with Christ, and referring to the catching up of the second life saints before the final battle at the end of this world's time. See Rev. 20:1-10. Paul was beheaded and thus qualifies to be in this special group. This is the point in history 1Thess 4:17 alludes to.
Most of the 'Christians' I study with fight me on this and I am one of the oddity who cannot buy into it. The simple answer as to 'why' is: The timing. Did all 4 Gospel writers make the same mistake? Matthew 24 goes from persecution and even murders to betrayals of friends and family members because of Jesus. Then there are numerous other trials, so intense that they are unprecedented and never to be done again in the future. After that, the sun and moon are darkened and the stars (satellites?) fall out of the sky and Earth's ability to make weather is disrupted (Mt. 24:29). The Gathering of saints happens upon Jesus' return when he raises the dead in him. (Verse 31). In essence then, they make God out to be a liar, saying He got the order all mixed up. Talk about hazardous?! Indeed!
(2Ti 2:15) Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (Mat 15:24) But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
I believe in what God tells me to believe, (HE SAYS) that He is unchanging. He says that I am the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. So throughout the biblical text I see a God who removes his chosen people for their faith before He passes judgment . And the end times in the Bible describe precisely that. And that's what the Bible teaches me to believe that my God is unchanging, faithful and just. For him to abandon his children of Faith at the moment of his wrath would be out of character from what He says that he is (unchanging) Based on that I believe the Rapture will be a true event.
Yes, this is one of the reasons for the "post-trib, pre-wrath" views of the rapture. However it doesn't take into account the fact that many of God's people suffered and died throughout history, even to the point of some, for instance in China, thinking they were actually living in the tribulation.
The Jews are unquestionably God's chosen people too. As was the prophet Jeremiah. They still suffered and died in the judgement that fell on Jerusalem. 'Whom the Lord loves, He chastens, even as a father disciplines his children, in whom he delights.' Jesus said we weren't to be afraid of those who might have power to kill us, but then have nothing else they could do to us. He warned us instead to be afraid of the One who had the power and right to kill us and throw us in hell. If we let the fear of death and judgement, (even Jesus' judgement of our every thought, word and action), motivate us to pursuing holy living, then death is just one more opportunity to become more like our Saviour. Seems to me to be a better way of preparing for the end times than building a hope on something that will surely turn out to be false.
The prophecy resources website provides an article that details 28 scriptural supports for a pre-tribulation rapture. I have yet to see any presentation refute it. Further, I wholeheartedly disagree with your propositions.
The point of the video is not that one cannot make a case of sorts for pre-trib rapture, but that there are other views which can make equally valid (and in my opinion stronger) cases. To exclusively teach pre-trib is a dangerous posture. Throw in some date-setting and people are being setup for a fall.
What is our faith? Where do we get our faith? The idea of a " rapture " is outside of our(scripture) faith. The word " rapture " explains a concept that is not teach in the scriptures. A lot of people sees it allover, but we go/obey Christ, not man, 1 Corinthians 2 : 5. No matter, what(evil) happens God Will protect us, Psalm 91. Remember Daniel's 3 friends in the burning furness, Daniel 3. Matthew 25 : 1 - 13. Us the final generation. What is the extra oil? The Words of Christ?
Thanks for your engagement on this important topic. How does 1 Thes 4.16-17 fit into things for you? Seems to be very parallel to the Matthew 24.29-31 passage.
@12Church yes, i see/believe in Matthew 24 : 29 - 31, Christ taught us about the final event all believers Will take part in. In Thessalonians Paul talks about the same event( the resurrection 1 Corinthians 15 : 23, is my best link to tray explain it. But the highest is Christ's Words, John 17 : 15 and 20. Also the same sings in Matthew 24 : 29 as in Revelation 6 : 12( end of the tribulation) What is very important that a lot of people forget is Revelation is also about 7 seals, and 7 trumpets(the tribulation) and then in Revelation 14 : 7 and Revelation 15 the wrath of God. " the hour" Christ revere to in Revelation 3 : 10. i believe.
Matthew 25 the ten Virgins story is the church rapture Revelation 20 shows both resurrections Jesus put the wise Virgins at the end of the story every time
The Lord Jesus Himself TAUGHT the pretribulation Rapture.... and you call yourself a " follower" of Christ and dont even know that? ( And YES, it's written in the Bible ...do you know where? )
@@TheJeraleeMaynardso you believe you go up at the second coming , ok who is here when you get back , where do the people come from that you will rule and reign over , considering the wicked are removed first then that should leave the righteous to be caught up, pre trib has the answer
@@nzbrotrev9028 God made man to know Him and to be with Him. We know that a human being comes into existence at conception. We know that every human being must make their own choice for or against God. Where do all the untold millions of people who have died before they had reached the cognizant maturity to make their choice fit in? My best guess is this will be the people of the thousand year reign. They too will get to make their own free will choice and then the final loosing of the devil, the final battle and then the final judgement. Rev 20:1-10 Our present world is headed for judgement; it starts with the house of God. This age will come to and end at Jesus' return and the final age will begin. Hebrews 9:27 says everybody dies; thankfully Death will also die one day. Let's live today as those who know we overcome death, not in fear as those who hope they might avoid death.
I’ve noticed more post tribbers or anti-pre tribbers far worse off than what you accuse pre tribbers of behaving. Ask someone if you’ll see them in heaven in the future and many will respond that “they hope so” or they “don’t want it to happen anytime soon” But you don’t cover what a post tribbers errors are in your video do you? How about Jesus’ teaching on servants/ bad servants that beat others saying the master won’t be coming for a while or anytime soon. Most pre trib people are excited about Jesus coming and want to go and maybe are witnessing to people because they know the time is near. Some might need to do better but some are very active in witnessing as they are able. The rapture happens before Matthew 24:9 - global killing of Jewish people. Note 3000 percent increase the last year of college campus attacks on Jews, Netherlands attacks and France becoming unsafe for Jewish. It is getting worse The antichrist cannot be revealed while The Church is on earth. 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 Matthew 24:31 is not the rapture. God does it all in 1st Thessalonians 4 with the exception of one angel there with Him to shout. He does not use angels to bring hundreds of millions if not billions of the church simultaneously and instantaneously before Himself Revelation chapter 5 tells us again and again that The Church is bodily in heaven and 24 representatives are sitting around God’s throne worshipping and talking about their own redemption by His blood. Revelation 5:9-10 is one of those places where Codex Alexandrinus was substituted in modern Bible translations when all other 30ish known fragments of that verse all say what the KJV says. Codex Alexandrinus' scribal mistake has been covered by others like “John Niemela Revelation 5 and the 24 Elders.” Here is why this fact matters: One of the greatest scholars on the book of Revelation, who happens to be a Post Tribulationalist, he says in his book, "George Eldon Ladd Commentary on Revelation", that if in fact this scripture says "US" as it says in KJV, then the 24 elders are referring to their own redemption and must refer to the church. (Meaning the church is bodily in heaven/raptured before Rev chapter 5) The church is bodily in heaven before the tribulation seals are opened and representatives are around the throne of God. All the church goes up together If you want to put your faith in believing Codex Alexandrinus was the lone codex to get this right and all the other copies are wrong then you are deceived.
The bible preaches ressurection not rapture all the dead who believed in Christ from the prophets, apostles to the saints Jesus will ressurect them to rule on earth.
because I think the two witnesses could be the church but the main thing is is I don't think anybody knows what's going to happen just like no one knew how Jesus coming the first time was going to happen. There was a handful of people that knew more than the majority but other than that mostly everyone was clueless and wrong about how they thought Jesus was coming the first time.
You think 2 men could evangelize the whole world, when 31.1% of the world's population today who claim to be Christians cannot stop the hemorrhaging of believers leaving the faith?
I don't believe in a pre-trib rapture. It's a 19th century invention from a minister out in Ireland that somehow found it's way into a lot of Protestant congregations. If I remember correctly the only other time the idea of such came about was in John Calvin's time in which he dismissed as too childish to even consider rebutting. It just doesn't have much a place in historical understanding of the Bible.
Right, but two resurrections
Revelation 7 17 God wipes away the Saints tears
Revelation 21 4 God wipes away the bride's tears
Revelation 20 shows both resurrections
For those clinging to a pre-tribulation 'rapture', how do you reconcile Hebrews 9:27-28? 'And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement; So Christ was once offered...' It's one of those universal non-optional verses that reminds us that every human tastes death. Jesus is the first-fruit from the dead; if the Author of Life had to die, how do we possibly think that we can somehow avoid it?
This video is a good exhortation to make sure our faith is deep enough to last.
Easy , Then we which are ALIVE (as in NOT dead) and remain she'll be caught up together with THEM ( those that have died) in the clouds , to meet the LORD in the air .
1 Thessalonians 4 v 17 .
@@nzbrotrev9028 Right idea, wrong timing. Paul is including himself in the thousand year reign with Christ, and referring to the catching up of the second life saints before the final battle at the end of this world's time. See Rev. 20:1-10. Paul was beheaded and thus qualifies to be in this special group. This is the point in history 1Thess 4:17 alludes to.
Most of the 'Christians' I study with fight me on this and I am one of the oddity who cannot buy into it. The simple answer as to 'why' is: The timing. Did all 4 Gospel writers make the same mistake? Matthew 24 goes from persecution and even murders to betrayals of friends and family members because of Jesus.
Then there are numerous other trials, so intense that they are unprecedented and never to be done again in the future. After that, the sun and moon are darkened and the stars (satellites?) fall out of the sky and Earth's ability to make weather is disrupted (Mt. 24:29). The Gathering of saints happens upon Jesus' return when he raises the dead in him. (Verse 31).
In essence then, they make God out to be a liar, saying He got the order all mixed up. Talk about hazardous?! Indeed!
(2Ti 2:15) Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
(Mat 15:24) But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
I believe in what God tells me to believe, (HE SAYS) that He is unchanging. He says that I am the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. So throughout the biblical text I see a God who removes his chosen people for their faith before He passes judgment . And the end times in the Bible describe precisely that. And that's what the Bible teaches me to believe that my God is unchanging, faithful and just. For him to abandon his children of Faith at the moment of his wrath would be out of character from what He says that he is (unchanging) Based on that I believe the Rapture will be a true event.
Yes, this is one of the reasons for the "post-trib, pre-wrath" views of the rapture. However it doesn't take into account the fact that many of God's people suffered and died throughout history, even to the point of some, for instance in China, thinking they were actually living in the tribulation.
I think that it will be like Egypt and Goshen and how those that lived in Goshen were protected
The Jews are unquestionably God's chosen people too. As was the prophet Jeremiah. They still suffered and died in the judgement that fell on Jerusalem. 'Whom the Lord loves, He chastens, even as a father disciplines his children, in whom he delights.' Jesus said we weren't to be afraid of those who might have power to kill us, but then have nothing else they could do to us. He warned us instead to be afraid of the One who had the power and right to kill us and throw us in hell. If we let the fear of death and judgement, (even Jesus' judgement of our every thought, word and action), motivate us to pursuing holy living, then death is just one more opportunity to become more like our Saviour. Seems to me to be a better way of preparing for the end times than building a hope on something that will surely turn out to be false.
No pre-trib rapture.
Read what it says in
(2 Peter 3:10)
The pre tribulation rapture has been removed from the modern translations , read the King James.
It was never IN the Bible, how could it be removed?
The prophecy resources website provides an article that details 28 scriptural supports for a pre-tribulation rapture. I have yet to see any presentation refute it. Further, I wholeheartedly disagree with your propositions.
The point of the video is not that one cannot make a case of sorts for pre-trib rapture, but that there are other views which can make equally valid (and in my opinion stronger) cases. To exclusively teach pre-trib is a dangerous posture. Throw in some date-setting and people are being setup for a fall.
What is our faith?
Where do we get our faith?
The idea of a " rapture " is outside of our(scripture) faith.
The word " rapture " explains a concept that is not teach in the scriptures. A lot of people sees it allover, but we go/obey Christ, not man, 1 Corinthians 2 : 5. No matter, what(evil) happens God Will protect us, Psalm 91. Remember Daniel's 3 friends in the burning furness, Daniel 3.
Matthew 25 : 1 - 13. Us the final generation. What is the extra oil? The Words of Christ?
John 17 : 15 and 20, no rapture please. Matthew 24 : 29 - 31.
Thanks for your engagement on this important topic. How does 1 Thes 4.16-17 fit into things for you? Seems to be very parallel to the Matthew 24.29-31 passage.
@12Church yes, i see/believe in Matthew 24 : 29 - 31, Christ taught us about the final event all believers Will take part in. In Thessalonians Paul talks about the same event( the resurrection 1 Corinthians 15 : 23, is my best link to tray explain it. But the highest is Christ's Words, John 17 : 15 and 20.
Also the same sings in Matthew 24 : 29 as in Revelation 6 : 12( end of the tribulation)
What is very important that a lot of people forget is Revelation is also about 7 seals, and 7 trumpets(the tribulation) and then in Revelation 14 : 7 and Revelation 15 the wrath of God. " the hour" Christ revere to in Revelation 3 : 10. i believe.
Matthew 25 the ten Virgins story is the church rapture
Revelation 20 shows both resurrections
Jesus put the wise Virgins at the end of the story every time
The Lord Jesus Himself TAUGHT the pretribulation Rapture.... and you call yourself a " follower" of Christ and dont even know that? ( And YES, it's written in the Bible ...do you know where? )
Where? I believe in the rapture just not the pretrib rapture
@@TheJeraleeMaynardso you believe you go up at the second coming , ok who is here when you get back , where do the people come from that you will rule and reign over , considering the wicked are removed first then that should leave the righteous to be caught up, pre trib has the answer
@@nzbrotrev9028 God made man to know Him and to be with Him. We know that a human being comes into existence at conception. We know that every human being must make their own choice for or against God. Where do all the untold millions of people who have died before they had reached the cognizant maturity to make their choice fit in? My best guess is this will be the people of the thousand year reign. They too will get to make their own free will choice and then the final loosing of the devil, the final battle and then the final judgement. Rev 20:1-10
Our present world is headed for judgement; it starts with the house of God. This age will come to and end at Jesus' return and the final age will begin. Hebrews 9:27 says everybody dies; thankfully Death will also die one day. Let's live today as those who know we overcome death, not in fear as those who hope they might avoid death.
Chapter and verse?
I’ve noticed more post tribbers or anti-pre tribbers far worse off than what you accuse pre tribbers of behaving. Ask someone if you’ll see them in heaven in the future and many will respond that “they hope so” or they “don’t want it to happen anytime soon”
But you don’t cover what a post tribbers errors are in your video do you?
How about Jesus’ teaching on servants/ bad servants that beat others saying the master won’t be coming for a while or anytime soon. Most pre trib people are excited about Jesus coming and want to go and maybe are witnessing to people because they know the time is near. Some might need to do better but some are very active in witnessing as they are able.
The rapture happens before Matthew 24:9 - global killing of Jewish people. Note 3000 percent increase the last year of college campus attacks on Jews, Netherlands attacks and France becoming unsafe for Jewish. It is getting worse
The antichrist cannot be revealed while The Church is on earth. 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2
Matthew 24:31 is not the rapture. God does it all in 1st Thessalonians 4 with the exception of one angel there with Him to shout. He does not use angels to bring hundreds of millions if not billions of the church simultaneously and instantaneously before Himself
Revelation chapter 5 tells us again and again that The Church is bodily in heaven and 24 representatives are sitting around God’s throne worshipping and talking about their own redemption by His blood.
Revelation 5:9-10 is one of those places where Codex Alexandrinus was substituted in modern Bible translations when all other 30ish known fragments of that verse all say what the KJV says. Codex Alexandrinus' scribal mistake has been covered by others like “John Niemela Revelation 5 and the 24 Elders.”
Here is why this fact matters: One of the greatest scholars on the book of Revelation, who happens to be a Post Tribulationalist, he says in his book, "George Eldon Ladd
Commentary on Revelation", that if in fact this scripture says "US" as it says in KJV, then the 24 elders are referring to their own redemption and must refer to the church. (Meaning the church is bodily in heaven/raptured before Rev chapter 5)
The church is bodily in heaven before the tribulation seals are opened and representatives are around the throne of God. All the church goes up together
If you want to put your faith in believing Codex Alexandrinus was the lone codex to get this right and all the other copies are wrong then you are deceived.
So all the persecuted christians don't get pre tribulation rapture??? Only special american evangelicals??? .
The bible preaches ressurection not rapture all the dead who believed in Christ from the prophets, apostles to the saints Jesus will ressurect them to rule on earth.
because I think the two witnesses could be the church but the main thing is is I don't think anybody knows what's going to happen just like no one knew how Jesus coming the first time was going to happen. There was a handful of people that knew more than the majority but other than that mostly everyone was clueless and wrong about how they thought Jesus was coming the first time.
WHO said the church is still here
Matthew 24 9 martyrs for Jesus of ALL NATIONS before the mark of the beast
Jesus just told us
@@TheJeraleeMaynard WRONG ... Malachi 4:5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD
@@TheJeraleeMaynard WRONG ... Matthew 24:33 Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door.
You think 2 men could evangelize the whole world, when 31.1% of the world's population today who claim to be Christians cannot stop the hemorrhaging of believers leaving the faith?