Funny Christian Tiktok's to watch after a long day #20

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.ย. 2024
  • #christiancomedy #christian #christianhumor
    Tags: christian comedy, christian, christian humor, john crist, tiktok, bible humor, christiantiktok, funny tiktoks, funny, christianity, funny christian tiktok, payton frantz, comedy, funny tiktok, compilation, christian tiktok compilation, christian tik tokers, bestchristiantiktoks, funnychristiantiktoks, tiktok memes, christiantiktoks, funny christian content, christian tiktok videos, christian tiktok video, viral, christianboy, christian memes, british christian, christian tiktoks funny, christian tiktoks, tiktok christian

ความคิดเห็น • 41

  • @picolo4862
    @picolo4862 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    Jesus will return I'm ready ❤

  • @hailieh485
    @hailieh485 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    It's more than just knowing that God is real. To be saved from your sins you must choose to believe on God's only son Jesus Christ. He is the only way to eternal life and a life of peace here on earth.
    Our sins separate all of us from God and the only way to have our sins forgiven is through what Jesus did when he died on the cross and rose again. Admit your a sinner, be willing to turn from your sins (repent). and choose to believe on Jesus. He is the Son of the one true God, He died and rose again to pay for your sins. and aks him to forgive your sins and be your savior. He will.
    "For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" Romans 6:23
    " For by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast." Ephesians 2:8-9
    It's a free gift. Choose Jesus because NO ONE makes it to heaven on their own and he loves you.

    • @Rice_Wolf
      @Rice_Wolf 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +5


  • @jordanhardin3871
    @jordanhardin3871 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Jesus coming yall be ready I'm low key excited he is

  • @user-vo4kn1mr2m
    @user-vo4kn1mr2m 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +36

    Jesus is coming y’all!

  • @user-od6lw7im8w
    @user-od6lw7im8w 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    Jesus's will return

  • @heatherbowman9450
    @heatherbowman9450 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +4


  • @abbymok1970
    @abbymok1970 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I like the different version with Amanda

    @WEIRDCORE_OCs 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    2:10 JESUS WILL RETURN!!!!!!!

  • @Prime-Friend
    @Prime-Friend 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


  • @PleadDealreject
    @PleadDealreject 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    Remember not every believer in Christ will make to heaven.

  • @sapphirestar3978
    @sapphirestar3978 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Atheist: you must think you are perfect.
    Me: dude the whole point of christianity is im so imperfect i was heading to hell but God in his grace offered me a 2nd chance and all i had to do was accept it.

  • @abbymok1970
    @abbymok1970 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Jesus will return

  • @may-bw1fu
    @may-bw1fu 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Jesus is coming✝️

  • @GeorginaAmponsah-ll8ng
    @GeorginaAmponsah-ll8ng 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Jesus is returning soon

  • @user-gp5tw5vo8t
    @user-gp5tw5vo8t 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Jesus will come

  • @GermanHernandez-pt2nv
    @GermanHernandez-pt2nv 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Jesus will return!❤️✝️🙏

  • @CodyLarsson
    @CodyLarsson 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Jesus is coming

  • @arunosbasketball1760
    @arunosbasketball1760 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Jesus is coming back

  • @shannonhaltom8273
    @shannonhaltom8273 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Jesus is coming❤❤

  • @OliviaMiller-boswell
    @OliviaMiller-boswell 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


  • @nyesacartwright4099
    @nyesacartwright4099 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Jesus WILL RETURN!!! 😁

  • @noturaveragenissi9910
    @noturaveragenissi9910 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Jesus will return✝️💖🥹

  • @Stephanie-ti7vp
    @Stephanie-ti7vp 17 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Jesus will return ❤

  • @Batman_Drawz
    @Batman_Drawz 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Jesus will return!

  • @Iloveelliptsmith
    @Iloveelliptsmith 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Hi yall I need some advice: so I’m bi but I don’t date women because will you really go to hell? I see so many people saying I won’t while other people say I will and I’m so confused. 🫶

    • @hey_brea
      @hey_brea 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      You will, God created Adam and eve, women for man and although dating a girl could seem so awsome its really not and it'd not real love but dating a man a biblical man is. Because he knows hoe to treat you with respect and love that the father showed him and God loves you he wants to make this clear to you ask him pra to him may God bless you all

    • @PhoenixFlowerEmma
      @PhoenixFlowerEmma 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Sin sends us to hell.
      We need to repent for our sins aka apologise & not do it again.
      Change our behaviour to its virtuous counterpart. Ex. lust to chastity.
      And just because you feeo or think something doesnt mean youre right or its true.
      So rely on our God to guide your behaviour.
      A man and woman created for eachother under the union of marriage.
      Speak to a priest ask for his help, pray to God.
      But ultimately stay away from your soddom and gommorah lust and never act on it.
      & while we should aim for heaven and avoid hell its more important to have a relationship with Jesus Chrit our Lord & Saviour because when our Father sets house rules and you Love Him naturally you wont want to hurt him by breaking them and you will fear disappointing him.
      When we sin its like were crucifying our Lord & Saviour like were the ones hammering in the spikes through his hand or piercing him with our sins.
      Now noone is free of sin NOONE thats why we need Jesus to sacrifice himself so we could be redeemed.
      I'm no expert but from little experience i've had it seems that many struggle with such issues today because the enemys mainsteim sin culture is everywhere and the spiritual warfare is really boss level and even more so to newer christians. That is can make you even doubt if giving yourself to God is the right choice if its so hard.
      But know this Jesus Chrit was hated first. He was persecuted first. We Christians to become more like Christ will suffer trials to strengthen us against the enemy.
      Being Christian isnt easy.
      I'm Catholic so i reccomend going that route since the Catholic Church was literally founded by Jesus Christ & the first Pope was an Apostle & the Bible is a Catholic Book.
      But theres so many great resources here on youtube and of coirse the Bible is the greatest resource but theres kids bible episodes on here and jordan peterson series and the chosen tv series for example is really great.
      God loves us but he doesnt love our sin.
      You cant serve 2 masters you choose the world aka the enemy or you choose God and eternal life.
      So what ive been able to discern - im straight so i havent looked into it properly - you should is that to have those sinful inclinations is natural especially at the beginning but to act on them is not. So as long as your fighting your sin God knows you he appreciates when we struggle against sin were not perfect we never will be but we have to try to not sin and put in effort to our relationship with Him like any other relationship.
      So struggling with sin any sin is okay ating on it is never okay and you can repent but you cant be abusive about it.
      You cant knowingly sin and then say sorry when you obviously arent and have no intention of stopping sinning and use God like a get out of jail free card.
      Its more you do your best and when you accidentally sin youll naturally feel bad for hurting your Loving Father in Heaven and apologise and rebuild that relationship and actively do better so the less and less youll sin in future.
      You cant abuse his love anymore than you could at like that in a relationship and think that person will still want to know you. When you keep hurting them and on purpose too.
      So yoire doing great just by seeking the kingdom of heaven first. But you need a relationship with Jesus Christ Our Lord & Saviour He is the Way the Truth and the Life. And only through Him will you have eternal life.
      So pray
      read the bible
      go to church each week
      Know and follow the ten commandments and seven deadly sins and their corresponding virtues as thats a good guideline and sureound yourself with other christians who can give you fellowship and support and keep you accountable and know this you are straight and that sinful attraction is just that the enemy manipulating you it is false and the wage of sin is death.
      Your flesh doesnt care about your eternity because its not coming with you.
      Go with God. Not the desires of your flesh. Pray that He remove all that isnt of Him from your life. And watch people and things drop like flies an disappear from you as if swept away.
      God be with you and God Bless you and keep you.

    • @ramsfanyt8227
      @ramsfanyt8227 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ok so this is one of the divisive things amongst Christian circles (there seems to be so many right now) and I cannot speak for anyone else's viewpoints or interpretations and only my own. Firstly I consider myself an Open Evangelical basically somebody who believes in the Bible but has to understand what the intended purpose of the books were for. So for me the overriding thing is that Jesus loves you and wants you to be happy but he also wants you to follow him in all his ways and teachings. Now Jesus did not mention once about having sexual relations with the same gender as you however, other books in the Bible mentioned that same sex sleeping together is forbidden under certain circumstances (this is something that tends to be overlooked on both sides) for example the passage in Romans that states you cannot be homosexual was written in a passage referencing pagan practices and worshipping idols so for me its about not idolising sex (that's lust a sin) and about not worshipping anyone other than the Lord the fact it is homosexual for me is by the by it was what was happening in these certain locations. For the Corinthians passage this was referring to the rite of passage in becoming a man occurring within Greece at the time whereby boys (aged around about 10) must have sex with an elder to become a man this is obviously perverted and sinful and is why some translations state homosexual perverts instead of just homosexuality. The final main passage I've heard cited is in Leviticus this one is the most baffling because I doubt those who often use this argument have read the book at all because the vast majority of this book has been discredited by Jesus such as animal sacrifices, the owning of slaves, how much tithes you should pay to the temple, how you should have your hair cut, what materials are in your clothes etc. basically most of these laws were made for the Jews living in their particular contexts and was a way for God to have a relationship with these people by making sure they made sacrifices (both literal and metaphoric) before having that relationship one such sacrifice was in regards to homosexual relationships however, Jesus by dying on the cross did away with all that by creating a way to have one sacrifice and therefore a relationship with God for eternity. So while your identity should be in Christ and homosexuality and lust shouldn't put yourself in a compromising position with God for me it is allowable as long as it's done consensually and without deliberately sinning such as having sexual relations out of marriage (although that is a whole another debate). And no I don't think you will go to hell just in the same way you won't go to hell for deliberately lying as long as you ask for forgiveness from God regularly (we are all sinful remember) and that you are prioritising a relationship with him over anybody else. This is my opinion other people will be entitled to there's and I hope it provided a little help for your situation but above all pray about it and God will show you the correct decision.

    • @korkonspork
      @korkonspork 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      I’d say that the attraction to the same sex is the temptation in itself. As long as you choose not to indulge in it (not just by being in a relationship, fantasies and simping count, I believe) and prioritize a relationship with God, you should be fine. The temptation will gradually fade as you lose interest in it. Take this with a grain of salt though, as I am still in the learning process and am nowhere near as educated as many other Christians are.

    • @bunny_0288
      @bunny_0288 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Instead of relying on what people say, let's go to God's word and see what it says.
      For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. -Romans 1:26-28
      Homosexual acts are clearly lumped in with other sexually immoral behaviors like lust,. fornication, adultery, etc.
      Now on the question of hell, the Bible teaches that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. So all of us are condemned to hell because we have all sinned. The wages of sin is death. BUT God sent His Son, Jesus to Earth. Jesus lived a perfect life and died on the cross for our sins. He paid the penalty that all of us owe. And 3 days later He rose from the dead defeating death for all of us. So now through faith in Jesus we can have eternal life.
      But does that mean as long as we have faith that we can just go on sinning because we have grace? Well the Bible says NO! Of course we shouldn't purposefully sin.
      Because through true faith and repentance from our sins, we should be trying to flee from sexual immorality. If you are truly saved and sealed with the Holy Spirit, you should feel convicted by this.
      By drawing closer to the Lord, He promises to give us a new heart. And new desires.
      There are a lot of false teachers out there who want to ignore what the Lord says in His Word and instead look to what the world says. The Bible warns us about false teachers who will teach things people WANT to hear (itching ears) instead of the truth of God's word.
      And I also want to challenge you perception of identity. You see Satan loves for us to claim our sins and temptations as an integral part of who we are. But the Bible teaches us that our true identity is found in Christ.
      So while you may struggle with same-sex attraction, that is not who you are! If you are in Christ, you are a daughter of the King. And if that is the case, I encourage you to flee from all forms of sexual immorality. Repent of your sins and wholeheartedly give your life to the Lord. 💕 Let Him help you fight against these desires. And He will. There are so many things I used to desire and used to be so hard for me to avoid. And now I have no desire to partake in any of it. That is the power of the Holy Spirit.
      Please feel free to ask me any questions. And there are other verses in the Bible condemning homosexual acts. I urge you to read those. To read the truth of God's word for yourself.

  • @tricxsyfn3215
    @tricxsyfn3215 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Jesus will return

  • @AbigailJnbaptiste
    @AbigailJnbaptiste 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


  • @kaylanicole3155
    @kaylanicole3155 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Jesus will return!

  • @Jesus_Is_Lord_127
    @Jesus_Is_Lord_127 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Jesus will return!