When something becomes a loan word, the original pronunciation and conjugation of the word in the donor language are no longer relevant. There can even be many ways to pronounce a word, and as long as the function of the language is met - to be understood by others - it shouldn't really matter what the pronunciation is. Case in point, machicolations... Seriously though, when there are dialect variations of words that have been part of the English vernacular for centuries, it doesn't seem productive to argue about the "correct" pronunciation on obscure words like "pavise"... Like English speakers can't agree on metre vs. meter, color vs. colour, or aluminum vs. aluminium. And deeper still in the language, there are things like cow vs. beef, pig vs. pork, sheep vs. mutton, calf vs. veal, and deer vs. venison...
@@HerraTohtori It's really not that deep. Obviously different words for the same thing exist, but language isn't a class dividing factor anymore. No more French speaking nobility etc.
@@takubear88 I agree for the most part but your last example is weird as humans generally like to differentiate the living from the dead especially if being consumed, cows become beef, pigs become pork and humans become Soylent Green, just kidding but we instantly describe dead humans as just bodies or corpses as apposed to people. This makes sense as there is a great difference in saying you are going to market to buy some mutton as opposed to going to market to buy some sheep.
@@nathanthom8176 absolutely agree. Also, the rule the other guy mentioned in his comment is wrong. When you use a loan word, you should use its original pronunciation unless your language adopted it in a different version. Tho if you use the original pronunciation, when you pronounce it in its plural form you must leave it in the singular form. It's still generally fairly common to either add the plural form of your language to the foreign word, or to adopt the plural form of its original language, but grammatical rules generally agree on leaving it in its singular form. Also, as an Italian, the correct written form for this shield would be "Pavese" and the plural would be "Pavesi". Both the letters "e" in the singular form would be pronounced as the the "e" in "leg", and it would apply the same way for the plural form for the first "e", while the final "i" would be pronounced like the "y" in "easy". Cheers! 🍻
@@davidwinters1394 I dont think its as much about paying attention as it is more about its just plain not a good idea to charge at an opponent like your a bull or something.
Never would I have thought I would spend 13 minutes watching a guy enthusiastically jab the air with a spiky plywood shield but here I am, and I'm enjoying every moment of it
If you're using this shield for "stabby" actions, you absolutely want that second strap or else when your spike meets something it doesn't puncture, that shield is going to fling itself away from you because where your hand grips the shield not serves as the fulcrum for the entire shield to pivot upon.
Perhaps having the second strap further down the forearm? The way he had it at first was almost at the elbow, where it definitely may have messed with his motion a bit.
Well maybe if you made it like a vertical boss grip (oriented vertically when the spike is at the bottom) and then sling your hand around it (if you know what I mean, you almost grip it like a sword hilt), you get both, the freedom and the stability. :) Just an idea.
The large version of Pavese, which was used to be a cover for crossbowmen when reloding the crossbow, was sometimes used to build a kind of weak fortification wall. In german language this is a ,Setzschild'. So you can also use this word ;-).
@@kylestanley7843 haha, Shad has killed a snake with a sword and in his last episode Shad covered how Wonder Woman... well, might not be a very good superhero 😬
@@DashBolt he's yet to smash faces with his shield, even though to me that was the most logical thing to do as soon as I began to read. "A shield is not a weapon, you say? Cowabunga it is then!" And thus the hero proceeded to slam his shield against his opponent's face with the flat, metallic surface. I mean. Naofumi's shield is even shaped with such properly pointy ends. But, well. I suppose hos confidence was demolished by the fools around him and his dubious status metrics.
@@SergioLeonardoCornejo imagine him bitch slapping Motoyasu with like his serpent shield and have them bite mid-slap Edit: Motoyasu sounds more accurate for the bitch slap
A friend of mine asked me to make him what he called a "rectangular buckler with a blade " . The sheet steel from the hood of an old chevy car worked great and a common high carbon lawn mower blade was sharpened , tempered and riveted to the shield . It worked so well , made one for myself and a few more . How an opponent could get past it without being killed is beyond me . Cool video and thanks .
Same in norwegian. Drage and drageskjold. ('a' pronounced like in 'Armory', 'g' like in 'Goat', 'e' like in 'Extra', 'skj' like in 'SHopping', 'ld' like in 'puLL')
There be dragons in the armory! What is it they’re after? The shields that we named after them. *Page runs into room* They’re using the shields to steal the princess! Let them keep the princess, just get back the shields!
Everybody gangsta until one guy with two giant shields encases himself into a wheel and rolls down the hill and snaps his spine because that doesn't work
I remember duel wielding shields is extremely rare in fantasy storytelling. I only know of one instance where it happened with a large man named kar vastor.
@@JediAcolyte94 I much prefer asymmetrical dual wielding as I don't see much of a point if you're not using the other to compensate for the shortcomings of your weapon of choice unless you're using it to exaggerate the strengths you already have. I don't see how dual wielding two round shields would effectively do that.
that's a very false rule... German super chad Joergen created the "automatic legolas" with medieval technology a few months back and that never existed
@@berndarndt9924 how do you know for sure ancient aliens didn't build the pyramids ? Are you a time traveler ? See ? we can go on with that stupid mentality to anywhere i want
First two pictures were Hunyadi János (John Hunyadi) one of the greatest Hungarian heros in the history, famous general, governor of Kingdom of Hungary in the middle 15th century. His son Mátyás (Matthias Rex) was one of the biggest kings of our country. Thanks Shad, you are great!
The "Tell me how the grass TASTES little man" is a power sentence and I will pee myself if anybody with a weapon were to tell me that. Just watched the full battle from where the clip came from and I have 3 things to say. 1- That guy is called "The Anvil" 2- "Cheer for the knight you love!" saying that after the crowd was told to cheer for the other guy is a extreme power move 3- HIS NAME IS THE FUCKING ANVIL
I mean, it looks brutal regardless, but it seems a bit staged. The whole run at him with shield off at an open angle, sword mirroring such an angle, leaving a bit bigger than the shield sized space between your arms and you go charging in screaming helmet first. . . . That bit looks a bit staged due to the amount of improv raw fighting earlier. BUT, I'm sure the hard reset of his clock was pretty legit, just probably more so than intended. That's just what I'm seeing from it though. That was a pretty nasty American Football worthy knock there though.
Great video Shad, I think what would have made it even better would be an additional person, so you could have them attacking you (with safety gear of course ) and you could show how you would use the shield in an offensive and defensive way.
Ever since Lion-O (Thundercat) used his Sheath as a gauntlet, a shield and a claw weapon I've been infatuated with Gauntlets/Shields that were offensive. Mad Martigan from Willow as well. Thanks to your channel I've seen the historical, lantern Shield and Indian Gauntlet sword. I think this is my favourite melee weapon concept now.
Fun fact: The Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn villain Rhitahtyn Sas Arvina dualwields these, though they end in 2 spikes at the bottom and are decorated with bull horns.
@@JediDrewsterT this is exactly what i was thinking; T'Challa even says "Get this man a shield" and then we see Cap with 2 of them. Dual wielding shields as offensive weaponry.
was going to mention this. the heater sheild sized one in the artwork looked very close to the wakanda sheild. I personally did not like that sheild for cap but can see how it could be great on a different character. I wanna see an actuall test of this sheild against maybe a ballistic gell dummy. pretty neat as its not seen often
While it isn't a pavise, due to not having that central cavity, Captain America's Wakandan shield from Infinity War is actually very close to this design. So I suppose this shield has made an appearance in a major movie, more or less.
@@socialjihad5724 If I am not mistaken, they go for something similar to a pavise in shape but lack the groove, instead folding more akin to a heater shield. They also have two spikes, and if there's one logic that every orc shares, regardless of universe, it's spikier makes better.
Lord Shad, could THIS type of shield have been practically dual wielded? After all that debate previously this is the first shield I have seen that could theoretically be used in pairs effectively.
I think if you would dual wield this type of shield you lose a lot of reach. With a sword you extend your reach quite far, but with two shields like this you dont have the range compared to a sword and shield combination. I don't know how detrimental the tradeoff is, because you still have two shields and therefore a good chance to parry or block.
@@Asmodi16 it would be a little bit difficult to strike with two of those shields, part of your movement would be blocked by one of them, but it definitely looks cool, and with these shields it's not a completely ridiculous thing to do.
Then the GM decided to actually utilize the rules for item destruction, and the character becomes a lot more susceptible because that shield wouldn't withstand more than two or three strikes...If I remember correctly, even the basic 3rd edition had rules that claimed that if your hit roll was determined a hit or miss depending on whether you add the shields bonus, then the shield is hit. And it absolutely had the rules for hardness and health of items.
@@haydenbsiegel According to the players guide, the biggest shield has 5 toughness and 20 HP when it's wood, while adamantium has 20 toughness and 4 times as much HP as wood. That means that the biggest shield would have 80HP if made exactly the same but with adamantium. A lvl1 dwarven defender will have (on average) minimum 44 health (35 from warrior *7, 6 from dwarven defender *1 and 3 from Toughness (or however that trait is in English) which is mandatory), plus constitution bonus. If you are a dwarf with max (standard) constitution, that's 20 constitution (+5 bonus), so a bonus 40 health. In other words, it's impossible for an average dwarven defender to have less HP than the shield if he has max constitution and the shield is not enchanted. But if it IS enchanted, then the defenders level is surely higher as well, thus making him have even more HP compared to it. Furthermore, a full adamantite shield would NEED to have less HP, since a 5cm tower shield would be too heavy to be worn in one hand. Any reasonable GM would give severe penalties for trying to use such a heavy thing. That'd cut it to at least half, for 40 HP. But I won't try to look for actual weight data here as I've already proven my point. Items in D&D are quite easy to destroy if you deal damage in big chunks, rather than in many smaller hits.Though admittedly, 20 toughness of adamantium does make it quite durable until later levels, or unless you use high-power spells.
@@kikixchannel @Krystian It was 3.5 not 5e. Dwarven Defender couldn't be taken below level 5, but the character got to level 20 plus 4 levels of epic. The shield was masterwork which I perosnally spent time smithing plus enchanted by our party's wizard. The closest I ever came to dying was at level 4 iirc. A necromancer dropped a stalagmite on me and proceeded to kill the party, but I had diehard so I dragged myself up behind them and killed them after the downed the rest of the party. Then I spent like months recovering in-between sessions as the party remained their characters as evils characters. They then tried to kill my character off after he'd healed but failed because I converted the gnome wizard (whom later enchanted my shield when I made it) to my side and then they rolled up new characters. Thus is the first chapter of the story of Undelhorn of the Longarm Clan and dwarven commando of the Underdark
@@haydenbsiegel I don't even know a single thing about 5th edition...I literally told you the stats of such a shield in 3.0 edition (cause that's the edition for which I have the books). And all of that is kind of besides the point. I just made a minor, amusing comment about how it would be quite a lot easier to kill the character if one would just use the right method to fight it while using the 'items receive damage' rules that most people in their games do not (aside from specifically attacking items, of course). You then argued that the shield is some super-powerful, nigh indestructible thing that has more life than the defender himself...and here we are. As I said, that shield could not have more than 80 base HP (and probably would have less). Adamantium items are always masterwork in 3.X, by the way, to my knowledge. Depending on source, +1 enhancement adds either 1 to hardness and HP or 2 to hardness and 10 to HP. Let's assume the latter. That's still a shield with 30 hardness and at most 130HP, assuming the GM permits that super-heavy shield (or your character just has ridiculous strength on top of constitution). This is just BARELY more HP than a lvl20 character with 20 constitution has when rolling all 1's on every level. Furthermore, if your constitution would be 'maxed' at that level, then it would be either 25 without Wish (+7 bonus) or 30 with Wish (+10 bonus). That's 140HP or 200HP just from constitution bonus. 130HP and 30 hardness amounts to needing 160 damage in a single hit to destroy. Even less if the hardness is ignored (like when using some acids). That seems like quite a significant chunk, but at level 20 that's possible. And if we go for two hits, then a spell with a D10 damage dice will deal on average 140 damage (2*100 minus two times the hardness), sufficient to destroy the shield. A hardness-ignoring spell could almost destroy the shield in two hits with just a D6 dice (120 damage from two hits). For example, a Rain of Meteorites (or Meteorites Rain, my books aren't in English) deals 24D6 plus up to 4*6D6 from explosion. Though the explosion will probably be negated by hardness, 24D6 will deal on average 72 damage. That's 42 damage to the shield, all the while the user will also receive the full 24D6 + up to 4*6D6 damage. Sorry, but in D&D dying is very easy. There is no way to become unkillable. One could disarm you off your shield if they had sufficiently high strength (even with that glove on, that's only +10 bonus, not a "impossible to disarm" effect), cast Mordenkainen's Disjunction and then destroy the now-weak shield (20 hardness and 80HP has a good chance to be destroyed with a single Meteorites Rain), or simply create burrow you underneath rubble and wait for you to suffocate (alternatively, basically immobilize you and make you unable to even use the shield). You won't have ALL of your saving throws at top-notch level, so the right spell will work sooner or later, like the instant-kills. Don't get me wrong. I can understand custom rules, I can understand GM's offering characters broken items. But so long as you go by the standard rules, a 20th level character, no matter how tough, is hardly unkillable, and may be killed outright with just a bit of bad luck (for example...critical hit on a Vorpal sword).
You know that really didn't occur to me at all when watching this, but you're right. Not sure how a low-carbon steel pavise would handle compared to a historical one but I definitely see the inspiration between this and the shields of the Uruk-Hai. People generally seem to agree that Saruman's armouries produce surprisingly practical and flexible gear in the movies, although in this particular case I'd say that putting two spikes on the bottom edge was a mistake. More material, more complexity, more time and effort in the manufacture and probably considerably *less* effective than a single bladed point.
Jeez, man! I can't believe how much more energetic and healthy you seem! I'm so glad that surgery worked out. It's night and day versus when I first started watching you.
When you hold a strapped shield parallel to your arm it becomes like a really big bracer doesn't it? This is like a combination of a massive bracer and some kind of forearm blade that you might see in fantasy. I love it! Now I see it, it seems like such a great pair of items to put together. I don't think you lose much of the utility of either of those things by combining them.
consider: dual wielded Spiked pavise, a dual wielded shield is absurd yes because blunt, but this is sharp, it's basically a spear shield, PUNCH YOUR ENEMIES TO DEATH
_"Here's a spiked pavis I made. It's rough, made with plywood and pvc piping."_ It's fantastic. I think that the essential thing is to exhibit the design, and that a good design should still be useful even with less than perfect materials used. The best way to make designs, I think, is to get a good design worked out with easy to use materials, and then, once a good design is found, use the harder to work materials to refine the design and solve any lingering issues, like the durability of the spike.
@@stevenscott2136 It's not like you can color pvc in brass/iron tones. I don't think anybody would like to carry a cast iron/brass shield when they cosplay/role play.
Thank you Shad. I finally know what kind of shield was the basis for Wing Gundam’s shield. It’s pretty much like a long version of what this pavise is, and it gets put through several mobile suits (and holds a beam saber!)
The plural of "Pavese" is: "Pavesi" . And the final e is pronounced similarly to how a native English speaker would naturally pronounce the last e in "pavese" and the 2 e's are still pronounced like Shad did in the video.
If anyone was interested, pavese in Italian means that something (in this case the shield) is from Pavia, which is a city of great historical significance located south of Milan. The name Pavia comes from Latin Papia which probably comes from the gens Papilia, meaning: "land of the gens Papilia". It was first founded by the Gaullish tribes and then became a roman municipium and was called "Ticinum" for its proximity to the river Ticino. It has been the capital city of the lonbard Kingdom for a couple of centuries and then of the italic kingdom (part of the holy Roman kingdom) from the late 700's till the 11th century.
Just saying, I'm English and looking at that word, I wouldn't pronounce the e at all, I would pronounce that pav - eees, may not be the same for other englishman but that's how I see it
Extending the arm socket through the top would weaken the shield, especially after a few blows. The strength integrity would only be as good as the fastener strength. Continuity of the shield board is more important. The double strap probably prevents the shield from twisting on your arm if a blow hits near the top of the shield on the front or back edge. I would think the defensive function of the shield is a priority over the offensive capability. Just my thoughts.
I love the Kite shield when it's being held with that downward handle, so you can punch with the tip. It just looks like it's made for that, since it still shields a lot of the body, and the tip is a nice focus point for punching. It just looks natural.
Are shield bashers people who dislike shields (????) or people who smack people with shields? Because if the former exist, then I might be about to become the latter.
Tell them it rolls a 1d6 (bash) +1d3 (spike) +1/2 str. A 9 total damage with a strength penalty isnt OP. Its pretty balanced imo. Obv if he'll give you 1d6+1d4+STR go for that. 10 total damage + str makes it actually a good weapon but still not above the standard weapon table for damage. If he's really not buying it tell him the armor check penalty applies to attack rolls and needs the exotic weapon feat. If he cant agree to that he's just a jerk,
@@JarthenGreenmeadow It works for both attack and defense rolls, simultaneously even in one turn, therefore it needs to be sub-par at both. He can carry a not sub-par weapon in the other hand but it needs to be a one-hand weapon, and he will need the dual wield ability to use both properly in the same turn. Apologies if I got anything wrong, haven't actually played D&D yet.
As someone who plays D&D 5e, if you have the Monster Manual, look up the Lizardfolk - as a weapon, they have Spiked Shields - does 1d6 + Strength Mod piercing damage. Then there's the Scaleshields in Ghosts of Saltmarsh - since they are lizardfolk, they got the same shield. Then there's the Hoplites in Theroes - they have a Shield Bash that does 1d4 + Strength Mod bludgeoning damage. If nothing else, useful sources of inspiration to explain why you want to use your shield as an off-hand weapon. Could do it as a Bonus action - swing sword (axe, hammer, pick, whatever) as many times as you're allowed, and then an extra attack with that shield.
in older dnd you could use shields they had prestige classes build around it. dwarven defender is a good one . dual wield and get both armor bonuses. Add spikes to increase damage dealt. probably make a fighter class on dnd beyond that lets you have most of the old 3.5 features. like blade singers for elves dwarf could have dwarven defender and get to use 2 shields add both ac bonus and a slam attack with shield for balance the ac when you shield bash would only add 1 shield instead of both. at higher levels more damage with bash from d4+str mod to d6+str mod maybe add dwarven exotic armors prof. dwarven spiked armor is a thing in 5ed.
Wouldnt be suprised if "smart" soldiers bolted a crossbow bolt onto the bottom of their shield meant for poking into armor. Just small enough to not get stuck like a 2 or 3 inch spike.
"would see something like this in movies" something like this was used by the Uruk Hai in Lord of the Rings. Even used offensive by Lurtz to pin Aragorn to a Tree
@@jameswoodard4304 i think, it was the other way round. more like, hey, this shilds have a convenient head-sized gap, let's do this (or maybe i'm a little bit biased)
@@ColuFiredeath , I just meant it seems like one of those classic situations where the filmakers say, "Let's put the hero in "peril," but in reality use industrial-grade, ex machina, plot armor that keeps him alive by sheer "chance." It's like the way every stormtrooper or Indiana Jones villain just coincidentally happens to miss every single shot, even when firing en masse. Even if they were all horrible shots, with that many shots fired, someone should get lucky or have a happy accident. You get the percieved "peril" of seeing the hero surrounded by bullets or blaster bolts, but his plot armor makes it obvious to the audience that he might as well just be strolling through the set in his bathrobe sipping a cup of tea, because every single individual shooter just happens to have missed on every single individual shot. With Aragorn and Lurz, we get to see the peril and cool visual, but movie logic demands that Aragorn will "luck" into the shield having an absurdly helpful shape so he doesn't lose his head. The problem with this is that it A) actually reduces percieved peril over time, and B) vitiates against suspension of disbelief, especially when over-used. The challange is to have the hero survive a sufficiently cool and believable peril, but in a convincingly realistic way that doesn't take the audience out of the story. Nothing takes me out of the story more than these kind of "yeah right" moments that stretch suspension of disbelief way too thin. [Sorry for the essay, I just have quite a bit of time on my hands at the moment along with a bad case of cronic soapboxitis.]
@@JustAnotherPerson811 Is it possible. Yes. Is it exceptionally dangerous? Also yes. A shield has far more mass then 90% of larp weapons, even boffer style weapons. Combine that with often less strict safety requirements for shields, and the body mechanics for a shield strike compared to a sword (2 points of give rather then 3) and it becomes very dangerous. The only (non SCA) Larp I am aware of that allows shield strikes is Dagrohir and they have very strict rules as to how the shield can be used to strike.
@@hdnfbp I've used EVA, Wood, and full polyethelyne and I'd not want to take a "gentle" hit with any of them. Not to mention that lightest touch larps are definitely not a majority.
Hey Shad, I am actually making a tabletop RPG. I am returning to this project from a protracted hiatus. However, I wanted to let you know that your videos, as a whole, have been a massive aid to the project, as I aim to correct the glaring faults of current RPGs which only emphasize power in the form of magical characters past a certain level. A true martial devotee should be just as capable of felling the BBEG (big bad end game) as the wizard, in my books, because as a real life swordsman and martial artist, I can look at the actual potential for damage in a realistic light not bound to strictly fantasy portrayals. Particularly, your videos on shields and archery have been incredibly enlightening and have enabled me to make accurate representative requirements for characters to be able to effectively utilize such weapons (such as realistic poundage of medieval bows' draw, as an example). I appreciate what you are doing, and may even have to cite you come time for publish as one of my informational sources. In the event of this, would you be comfortable being cited, and would you happen to have any cited lists for some of your information that you present in your videos?
Ahhh so thats where the charge blade shield bash move kinda comes from. Theres a move in the combo of Monster Hunter's charge blade where you do a sword slash, shield bash with kinda of a blunt or spiked end depending on the weapon materials and then switches into Savage Axe Mode. Kinda cool that it can be used as a mount or defensively while reloading.
If Shad used two of the kite shields, he’d look like a penguin.
The level of iq you have is astounding
You are truly a visionary
this made me properly laugh, thank you
Like Empoleon!
Hahaha thanks for sticking that image in my head.
"Whichever way you pronounce it is fine" I can feel the Metatron glaring over
I was thinking the same lol. Im just waiting for a reply to come out.
When something becomes a loan word, the original pronunciation and conjugation of the word in the donor language are no longer relevant. There can even be many ways to pronounce a word, and as long as the function of the language is met - to be understood by others - it shouldn't really matter what the pronunciation is. Case in point, machicolations...
Seriously though, when there are dialect variations of words that have been part of the English vernacular for centuries, it doesn't seem productive to argue about the "correct" pronunciation on obscure words like "pavise"... Like English speakers can't agree on metre vs. meter, color vs. colour, or aluminum vs. aluminium. And deeper still in the language, there are things like cow vs. beef, pig vs. pork, sheep vs. mutton, calf vs. veal, and deer vs. venison...
@@HerraTohtori It's really not that deep. Obviously different words for the same thing exist, but language isn't a class dividing factor anymore. No more French speaking nobility etc.
@@takubear88 I agree for the most part but your last example is weird as humans generally like to differentiate the living from the dead especially if being consumed, cows become beef, pigs become pork and humans become Soylent Green, just kidding but we instantly describe dead humans as just bodies or corpses as apposed to people. This makes sense as there is a great difference in saying you are going to market to buy some mutton as opposed to going to market to buy some sheep.
@@nathanthom8176 absolutely agree.
Also, the rule the other guy mentioned in his comment is wrong. When you use a loan word, you should use its original pronunciation unless your language adopted it in a different version. Tho if you use the original pronunciation, when you pronounce it in its plural form you must leave it in the singular form. It's still generally fairly common to either add the plural form of your language to the foreign word, or to adopt the plural form of its original language, but grammatical rules generally agree on leaving it in its singular form.
Also, as an Italian, the correct written form for this shield would be "Pavese" and the plural would be "Pavesi". Both the letters "e" in the singular form would be pronounced as the the "e" in "leg", and it would apply the same way for the plural form for the first "e", while the final "i" would be pronounced like the "y" in "easy".
Cheers! 🍻
“Tell me how the grass tastes little man.”
**murdilates him with a shield**. Truly a righteous knight.
@@dragonlord1935 1:35 a moment that will teach one to pay attention
@@davidwinters1394 I dont think its as much about paying attention as it is more about its just plain not a good idea to charge at an opponent like your a bull or something.
@@georgebarton1582 jolly good, then
It was pretty funny
Shad: *displays shield with both comfort and offensive ability*
Adventurers: *"I'll take your entire stock!"*
Okay just because of you, I want to see an isekai trash manga where Shad is a shop owner.
Every weapon comes with an instruction manual or a tutorial on how to use it effectively
@@canskntsfalan5430I'd totally watch the anime adaptation of that
they protecc
they attacc
they always had our ancestor's bacc
You got a point
They protect
They attac
And into your face they go smacc
They protecc
They attacc
But they reliable as hecc
(I think and that didn’t even rhyme)
Never would I have thought I would spend 13 minutes watching a guy enthusiastically jab the air with a spiky plywood shield but here I am, and I'm enjoying every moment of it
Yea I know
Closed captions in the first few seconds:
“I’m Chad as you can tell”
Yes sir. Yes you are
The captions know what's up lol
The girls know what's down.
CC never lies
"The shield slap, or shove, or push..."
Every gamer in the audience "BASH! SAY BASH! AAAAAAAGH"
You read me like a book
The whole time.
In my games it was called a shield pummel
Spellbreaker OP
I would have accepted "shield slam" as well. I can say for certain that my paladin does not use his shield simply to slap enemies.
If you're using this shield for "stabby" actions, you absolutely want that second strap or else when your spike meets something it doesn't puncture, that shield is going to fling itself away from you because where your hand grips the shield not serves as the fulcrum for the entire shield to pivot upon.
I reaaaaaaaaaaally thought that was OBVIOUS !!! but clearly is not. god damn ppl can be veeery stupid.
Perhaps having the second strap further down the forearm? The way he had it at first was almost at the elbow, where it definitely may have messed with his motion a bit.
maybe a neck strap instead of the arm strap
Well maybe if you made it like a vertical boss grip (oriented vertically when the spike is at the bottom) and then sling your hand around it (if you know what I mean, you almost grip it like a sword hilt), you get both, the freedom and the stability. :) Just an idea.
Shad: chose how to pronounce "pavise"
Also Shad: constantly says it different, get confused and distracted.
Don't let this distract you from the fact that I get bullied because my classmates think my videos are the worst. Please don't agree, dear nero
69th like
@@AxxLAfriku Go away
@@AxxLAfriku Your videos ARE the worst.
The large version of Pavese, which was used to be a cover for crossbowmen when reloding the crossbow, was sometimes used to build a kind of weak fortification wall. In german language this is a ,Setzschild'. So you can also use this word ;-).
Is it a weapon? Is it a shield? No it's shadiversity! Slayer of snakes and rapey superheroes.
Stop! You're both right!
I feel like I need some context here lol
@@kylestanley7843 haha, Shad has killed a snake with a sword and in his last episode Shad covered how Wonder Woman... well, might not be a very good superhero 😬
Super villains
@@castlesandcuriosities dang
I love having VR and "practically" using these medieval weapons. This channel helps me figure out how to play the game better.
Blade and sorcery? That’s how I found out about this shield
@@itsjestjay I love the mods on blade and sorcery even for the quest. They have a lot of good weapon mods.
GameTheory: Shields are ineffective weapons
Shad: Hold my sword
Iwatani Naofumi: I should have watched these videos before getting sent to a new world.
@@SergioLeonardoCornejo Raphtalia: Naofumi-sama, you have the Curse Shield, do you not?
@@DashBolt he's yet to smash faces with his shield, even though to me that was the most logical thing to do as soon as I began to read.
"A shield is not a weapon, you say? Cowabunga it is then!" And thus the hero proceeded to slam his shield against his opponent's face with the flat, metallic surface.
I mean. Naofumi's shield is even shaped with such properly pointy ends. But, well. I suppose hos confidence was demolished by the fools around him and his dubious status metrics.
@@SergioLeonardoCornejo imagine him bitch slapping Motoyasu with like his serpent shield and have them bite mid-slap
Edit: Motoyasu sounds more accurate for the bitch slap
I think you mean hold my spiked pavise.
*Using this shield for a Character will send design soon*
What’s characters concept
@@spacetacos7574 An idea of a character(s) that you/we create.
@@Blade501_ as in what was claud14’s character
I know what the concept of a character is
@@spacetacos7574 not trying to be a dick but put the word 'the' in there to clear confusion. like so -> "what's the characters concept"
@@spacetacos7574 but im also curios about the character concept might give me some ideas for my own characters lol
This makes me appreciate Gundam even more since there shields can have beam or heat blades, heat whips or beam cannons in place of the spike.
"Tell me how the grass tastes , little man"
Pure flex
That guy was out like a light 😂
@@jacksonstivers1111 like a light,like a light,like a light....
If you're curious, thisnis their group.
Best video ive ever seen
"Summer here is hot!" wearing a long sleeved shirt, a padded vest and gloves.
Like a true Australian madlad
Shad’s hydration is too strong
Акежан Толеухан hydration is important!
Kinda like alaskans saying winter here is cold and go outside in shorts in below freezing.
A friend of mine asked me to make him what he called a "rectangular buckler with a blade " . The sheet steel from the hood of an old chevy car worked great and a common high carbon lawn mower blade was sharpened , tempered and riveted to the shield . It worked so well , made one for myself and a few more . How an opponent could get past it without being killed is beyond me . Cool video and thanks .
“Tell me how the grass tastes, little man!” THUMP!!! Oooffff!
"Huh, tastes like chicken. And blood."
1:30 if you want to see it again
That dude got *BODIED*
I can’t stop watching it over and over
I need a link to that video
Funfact: In the german language we use the same word for kite and dragon, so we litarelly call the kite shield, dragon shiel (Drachenschild).
Who is this drachen and why should we care about his son?
@@JosephFlores-yn4yi This comment is a god among literature
Same in norwegian. Drage and drageskjold.
('a' pronounced like in 'Armory',
'g' like in 'Goat',
'e' like in 'Extra',
'skj' like in 'SHopping',
'ld' like in 'puLL')
There be dragons in the armory!
What is it they’re after?
The shields that we named after them.
*Page runs into room*
They’re using the shields to steal the princess!
Let them keep the princess, just get back the shields!
"Show me how the grass tastes little man." that got me, haha.
That man is truly living life. Such a perfect moment.
Everybody gangsta until one guy with two giant shields encases himself into a wheel and rolls down the hill and snaps his spine because that doesn't work
Bonewheel Skeleton
Skeleton ahead, therefore be wary of rolling!
@@zergray6851 Thank you Gaping Dragon, very cool
just skate on one and stab with the other
they had us in the first half, not gonna lie
Finally my love for offensive shields has some historical backing
I feel like Shad loves the shields that the Hunters in Halo have
people: if you are using shield and a sword, you are dual wielding
me, dual wielding 2 shields
people: no
Serrated Surface Tower Shield + Spiked Boss Buckler
I remember duel wielding shields is extremely rare in fantasy storytelling. I only know of one instance where it happened with a large man named kar vastor.
@@JediAcolyte94 I much prefer asymmetrical dual wielding as I don't see much of a point if you're not using the other to compensate for the shortcomings of your weapon of choice unless you're using it to exaggerate the strengths you already have. I don't see how dual wielding two round shields would effectively do that.
super combo
Like Captain America in Infinity war
Rule 34 of History:
If you can imagine it, they already tried it out. And maybe made artwork of it.
And probably painted it lewdly on the walls of some grotto.
Corralary: you can also find it made out of foam rubber somewhere on the interwebz.
that's a very false rule... German super chad Joergen created the "automatic legolas" with medieval technology a few months back and that never existed
@@Dan_Kanerva how do you know for sure it never existed? Are you a time traveler?
After all we still discover new species every so often.
@@berndarndt9924 how do you know for sure ancient aliens didn't build the pyramids ? Are you a time traveler ? See ? we can go on with that stupid mentality to anywhere i want
First two pictures were Hunyadi János (John Hunyadi) one of the greatest Hungarian heros in the history, famous general, governor of Kingdom of Hungary in the middle 15th century. His son Mátyás (Matthias Rex) was one of the biggest kings of our country. Thanks Shad, you are great!
when Shad flurries two swords he can fly like a helicopter.
When Shad the Chad dual wields shields he is invincible.
@Shad Facts
He has become a warframe
Throughout this whole video all I could think was “I’ve seen you kill a man with a shield, you’ll be unstoppable with an axe.”
ah the black water that episode was awesome
Ah, good times when game of thrones was actually good. Let's hope no other series shares the same fate.
@@darkleome5409 *cough cough* RWBY *cough*
@@dr.stronk9857 wait how did it end
@@dr.stronk9857 was it as bad as the ending to game of thrones
"Now it's Reyn Time!"
Legitimately the first thing I thought when I saw the thumbnail.
finally see a reyn post. was getting worried
Don’t mess with us xenoblade fan
we’ve been doing the same jokes for 11 years
When I was younger, I though the point on the kite shield was to punch people with. Glad to see that other people agreed with me back in the day.
1:37 The entire collective audience: "Oof"
That was glorious
Flawless victory!!
the dude was just like,
but you can't punch with a shield, it splits the force on the surface !
“Tell me how the grass tastes little man!”
Good meme
Me, last night: "I wonder if anyone ever used a katar with a shield, if that'd be effective..."
Shad: "How about a shield that's also a katar?"
The original shit is called Maduvu... Google it.
A Shatar rather
@@heszedjim9699 A Shitar
@@nategolie2208 nah that's the instrument
@@rishi7629 india seems to have all the good ideas ahead of us, don't they?
The "Tell me how the grass TASTES little man" is a power sentence and I will pee myself if anybody with a weapon were to tell me that.
Just watched the full battle from where the clip came from and I have 3 things to say.
1- That guy is called "The Anvil"
2- "Cheer for the knight you love!" saying that after the crowd was told to cheer for the other guy is a extreme power move
Can I get the link for the clip? It's one for the ages
What's the video?
th-cam.com/video/agUaHwxcXHY/w-d-xo.html this video
th-cam.com/video/DoJjXa2C4fY/w-d-xo.html at a different angle
I mean, it looks brutal regardless, but it seems a bit staged. The whole run at him with shield off at an open angle, sword mirroring such an angle, leaving a bit bigger than the shield sized space between your arms and you go charging in screaming helmet first. . . . That bit looks a bit staged due to the amount of improv raw fighting earlier. BUT, I'm sure the hard reset of his clock was pretty legit, just probably more so than intended. That's just what I'm seeing from it though. That was a pretty nasty American Football worthy knock there though.
Great video Shad, I think what would have made it even better would be an additional person, so you could have them attacking you (with safety gear of course ) and you could show how you would use the shield in an offensive and defensive way.
Dual wielding spike pavises, it's like boxing but 90% more pointy
Heh heh, you made me laugh.
That just sounds like punch daggers with extra steps
so like, really big punch daggers that offer way more defense.
Though, at what point do offensive shields, become defensive punch daggers?
@@EntropicEcho When it becomes more user-friendly than cumbersome.
Seeing a kite shield be used like that has expanded my mind.
play melty blood
riesbyfe stridberg
some weapons you just look at and you fall in love immediately
Shad looked rather disappointed that he couldn't explain why kite Shields are the best again.
yea that pretty much seems fair... i mean u cant beat a death spike shield.
@@Ash_Fritsch but can you beat the spike shield to death?
@@Ash_Fritsch look up a lantern shield.
hahaha sooo true
I'm hoping for this too. lol
Bannerlord already made pavises so OP, what if they did bleed damage
They already have it, it's a skin on some shield. Can't remember which though, maybe the heater?
Wow. Isn't that game dead yet ? I played it like 6-9 months ago and there was serious playerbase problem.
Ever since Lion-O (Thundercat) used his Sheath as a gauntlet, a shield and a claw weapon I've been infatuated with Gauntlets/Shields that were offensive. Mad Martigan from Willow as well. Thanks to your channel I've seen the historical, lantern Shield and Indian Gauntlet sword. I think this is my favourite melee weapon concept now.
Mad Martigan!! So good you almost foget he's Val Kilmer.
Shad - "it's Australian summer over here and it's hot!"
Me living in Melbourne - "It's raining outside and I have the heater on..."
But a day later it's hot and humid!
Not trying to stalk him but do people know which state he is in?
I though Victoria but now I'm confused.
Same bro
That's what you get for living in a giant country :)
@@mattkennedy9308 think Queensland
Ancient Artist: "I just thought it looked cool..."
I think that quite often when artwork is brought up as evidence.
Yeah the “shadiversity” needs to employ an art historian to explain how medieval art works.
@@peterdavies6660 what do you mean? he cited several references
Some archaeologist thousands of years later is going to dig up our 21sr century manga/graphic novels and think we had some mad armour and technology.
@@edwardhanna86 They are gonna think that we were into incest too.
Now I want to see a fantasy warrior duel-wielding Spiked Pavises. How awesome would that be!
Somewhere in Wakanda: "give this man a Pavise"
Answer me honestly, did you read that in it's Italian pronunciation or it's English one? I heard Shad's voice saying it in Italian 😂
@@matthewparsons4597 absolutelio
Tchalla: .
Still hoping for the Underappreciated Historical Armours series this new year...
Still? The year just started lol
@@Sokrates9500 since last year.
Or siege machines
Oh my god, yes! That would be awesome.
Fun fact: The Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn villain Rhitahtyn Sas Arvina dualwields these, though they end in 2 spikes at the bottom and are decorated with bull horns.
Somebody left the sword gauntlet and a tower shield alone with a barrel of ale. This glorious thing was born.
Everyone: *that's Captain America's sheild from Infinity War*
Urukhai shield from LOTR: "Am I a joke to you?"
@@lanasmith4795 angry Lurtz noises
Captain America's "shield" I think you mean. He does virtually everything *but* shield himself with it.
@@TheReaverOfDarkness yup. Dude basically went ballistic with a couple of vibranium shovel heads. 'Murica.
"maybe we'll see something like this in movies"
Captain America in Infinity War: Am I a joke to you?
Shields can be used as an offensive weapon.
*Captain America main theme playing in background*
The Wakandan shields are even spiked pavesi.
@@JediDrewsterT this is exactly what i was thinking; T'Challa even says "Get this man a shield" and then we see Cap with 2 of them. Dual wielding shields as offensive weaponry.
Didn’t Captain America in Infinity War basically wield two small spiked pavae? The little punchey shields he got from Wakanda?
They seemed really small but yes
yeah i got the same feeling looking at this
was going to mention this. the heater sheild sized one in the artwork looked very close to the wakanda sheild. I personally did not like that sheild for cap but can see how it could be great on a different character. I wanna see an actuall test of this sheild against maybe a ballistic gell dummy. pretty neat as its not seen often
Just about to say this
"Kite Shields have a point."
Me: "you do have a point."
While it isn't a pavise, due to not having that central cavity, Captain America's Wakandan shield from Infinity War is actually very close to this design. So I suppose this shield has made an appearance in a major movie, more or less.
Exactly what I was thinking
The shields isengard's uruk-hai use in LOTR are not too dissimilar either
Was looking for this comment. Thank you
@@socialjihad5724 If I am not mistaken, they go for something similar to a pavise in shape but lack the groove, instead folding more akin to a heater shield. They also have two spikes, and if there's one logic that every orc shares, regardless of universe, it's spikier makes better.
The Ground Type Gundam shields are also similar in shape and role.
Shad Fact: Shad recently came first in a tournament of earth's best champions! While the Calibur of all their Souls was excellent, Shad prevailed!
...................................I see what you did there^^
i always loved these kind of shields from the uruk hai in lord of the rings
Don't theirs have two spikes though
Lord Shad, could THIS type of shield have been practically dual wielded? After all that debate previously this is the first shield I have seen that could theoretically be used in pairs effectively.
Captain America seemed to do alright with a pair of them.
My Half orc barbarian seems to think so.
I think if you would dual wield this type of shield you lose a lot of reach. With a sword you extend your reach quite far, but with two shields like this you dont have the range compared to a sword and shield combination. I don't know how detrimental the tradeoff is, because you still have two shields and therefore a good chance to parry or block.
@@Asmodi16 yea just think of shredder from tmnt ... only not Japanese and more bulky looking
@@Asmodi16 it would be a little bit difficult to strike with two of those shields, part of your movement would be blocked by one of them, but it definitely looks cool, and with these shields it's not a completely ridiculous thing to do.
Shad: I'm just gonna say 'Pah-viz'
Mettatron: _How dare you_
I was just going to say that he should have Metatron pronounce it and then cut and paste it in each time.
@@gantoniopatriarca9520 that would've been golden
I mentally corrected it every time.
How *dare* you how dare me, sir!
A long time ago I had a DnD character that was a Dwarven Defender and used a Pavise for his shield. He was literally impossible to kill.
Then the GM decided to actually utilize the rules for item destruction, and the character becomes a lot more susceptible because that shield wouldn't withstand more than two or three strikes...If I remember correctly, even the basic 3rd edition had rules that claimed that if your hit roll was determined a hit or miss depending on whether you add the shields bonus, then the shield is hit. And it absolutely had the rules for hardness and health of items.
@@kikixchannel Adamantium shield. Good luck sundering through more HP than my diehards dwarf with max con :D
@@haydenbsiegel According to the players guide, the biggest shield has 5 toughness and 20 HP when it's wood, while adamantium has 20 toughness and 4 times as much HP as wood. That means that the biggest shield would have 80HP if made exactly the same but with adamantium.
A lvl1 dwarven defender will have (on average) minimum 44 health (35 from warrior *7, 6 from dwarven defender *1 and 3 from Toughness (or however that trait is in English) which is mandatory), plus constitution bonus. If you are a dwarf with max (standard) constitution, that's 20 constitution (+5 bonus), so a bonus 40 health.
In other words, it's impossible for an average dwarven defender to have less HP than the shield if he has max constitution and the shield is not enchanted. But if it IS enchanted, then the defenders level is surely higher as well, thus making him have even more HP compared to it.
Furthermore, a full adamantite shield would NEED to have less HP, since a 5cm tower shield would be too heavy to be worn in one hand. Any reasonable GM would give severe penalties for trying to use such a heavy thing. That'd cut it to at least half, for 40 HP. But I won't try to look for actual weight data here as I've already proven my point. Items in D&D are quite easy to destroy if you deal damage in big chunks, rather than in many smaller hits.Though admittedly, 20 toughness of adamantium does make it quite durable until later levels, or unless you use high-power spells.
@@kikixchannel @Krystian It was 3.5 not 5e. Dwarven Defender couldn't be taken below level 5, but the character got to level 20 plus 4 levels of epic. The shield was masterwork which I perosnally spent time smithing plus enchanted by our party's wizard.
The closest I ever came to dying was at level 4 iirc. A necromancer dropped a stalagmite on me and proceeded to kill the party, but I had diehard so I dragged myself up behind them and killed them after the downed the rest of the party.
Then I spent like months recovering in-between sessions as the party remained their characters as evils characters. They then tried to kill my character off after he'd healed but failed because I converted the gnome wizard (whom later enchanted my shield when I made it) to my side and then they rolled up new characters. Thus is the first chapter of the story of Undelhorn of the Longarm Clan and dwarven commando of the Underdark
@@haydenbsiegel I don't even know a single thing about 5th edition...I literally told you the stats of such a shield in 3.0 edition (cause that's the edition for which I have the books). And all of that is kind of besides the point.
I just made a minor, amusing comment about how it would be quite a lot easier to kill the character if one would just use the right method to fight it while using the 'items receive damage' rules that most people in their games do not (aside from specifically attacking items, of course). You then argued that the shield is some super-powerful, nigh indestructible thing that has more life than the defender himself...and here we are.
As I said, that shield could not have more than 80 base HP (and probably would have less). Adamantium items are always masterwork in 3.X, by the way, to my knowledge.
Depending on source, +1 enhancement adds either 1 to hardness and HP or 2 to hardness and 10 to HP. Let's assume the latter. That's still a shield with 30 hardness and at most 130HP, assuming the GM permits that super-heavy shield (or your character just has ridiculous strength on top of constitution).
This is just BARELY more HP than a lvl20 character with 20 constitution has when rolling all 1's on every level. Furthermore, if your constitution would be 'maxed' at that level, then it would be either 25 without Wish (+7 bonus) or 30 with Wish (+10 bonus). That's 140HP or 200HP just from constitution bonus.
130HP and 30 hardness amounts to needing 160 damage in a single hit to destroy. Even less if the hardness is ignored (like when using some acids). That seems like quite a significant chunk, but at level 20 that's possible. And if we go for two hits, then a spell with a D10 damage dice will deal on average 140 damage (2*100 minus two times the hardness), sufficient to destroy the shield. A hardness-ignoring spell could almost destroy the shield in two hits with just a D6 dice (120 damage from two hits).
For example, a Rain of Meteorites (or Meteorites Rain, my books aren't in English) deals 24D6 plus up to 4*6D6 from explosion. Though the explosion will probably be negated by hardness, 24D6 will deal on average 72 damage. That's 42 damage to the shield, all the while the user will also receive the full 24D6 + up to 4*6D6 damage.
Sorry, but in D&D dying is very easy. There is no way to become unkillable. One could disarm you off your shield if they had sufficiently high strength (even with that glove on, that's only +10 bonus, not a "impossible to disarm" effect), cast Mordenkainen's Disjunction and then destroy the now-weak shield (20 hardness and 80HP has a good chance to be destroyed with a single Meteorites Rain), or simply create burrow you underneath rubble and wait for you to suffocate (alternatively, basically immobilize you and make you unable to even use the shield). You won't have ALL of your saving throws at top-notch level, so the right spell will work sooner or later, like the instant-kills.
Don't get me wrong. I can understand custom rules, I can understand GM's offering characters broken items. But so long as you go by the standard rules, a 20th level character, no matter how tough, is hardly unkillable, and may be killed outright with just a bit of bad luck (for example...critical hit on a Vorpal sword).
It reminds me of the shields that the uruk-hai use in lord of the rings
Also Captain Americas Shields he used in Infinity War
You know that really didn't occur to me at all when watching this, but you're right. Not sure how a low-carbon steel pavise would handle compared to a historical one but I definitely see the inspiration between this and the shields of the Uruk-Hai.
People generally seem to agree that Saruman's armouries produce surprisingly practical and flexible gear in the movies, although in this particular case I'd say that putting two spikes on the bottom edge was a mistake. More material, more complexity, more time and effort in the manufacture and probably considerably *less* effective than a single bladed point.
@@MrMortull yeah I agree. I guess it's incase they wanted to cook two marshmallows at once over a fire? Idk man 😂 nah I get what you're saying
I was gonna say this. I noticed the moment I saw the thumbnail
@@MrMortull I think the design makes them seem more brutal and orcish.
_>Makes notes to add Pavise to Shield Hero fics._
Glad to see Shad back.
Would you be so kind as to share the link with us good sir?
@@Greideren Aaah, sorry, still a WIP, angling to get some chapters done before I start posting, because I have a bad habit with fic writing.
If it were bigger and looked more like a full body shield, you could totally have a row soldiers slam them into the ground to make a wall.
To quote Cobra Kai: "The best defence is more offence."
Thanks for the advice, my brother stood no chance
@@medicgaming9117 wait what?
I mean skylanders said that too, tis a popular saying.
Jeez, man! I can't believe how much more energetic and healthy you seem! I'm so glad that surgery worked out. It's night and day versus when I first started watching you.
Has he mentioned anywhere an update recently? I saw the 1month post-operation video, but nothing since
@@potato-yo1dv well, there is no reason for him to post that kind of stuff on youtube or on the internet at all. Maybe look on twitter & stuff.
He's had surgery? For what?
@@arthursimsa9005 ligma
@@nreggs LIGMA BALLS
When you hold a strapped shield parallel to your arm it becomes like a really big bracer doesn't it?
This is like a combination of a massive bracer and some kind of forearm blade that you might see in fantasy. I love it! Now I see it, it seems like such a great pair of items to put together. I don't think you lose much of the utility of either of those things by combining them.
consider: dual wielded Spiked pavise, a dual wielded shield is absurd yes because blunt, but this is sharp, it's basically a spear shield, PUNCH YOUR ENEMIES TO DEATH
Combine with gauntlet sword for a more balanced punching play style
Sooo literally Captain Murica with wakanda shields...it's been done in movies and likely history
Runic the Protogen is that a xenoblade reference I see there.
i legit had a party member in dnd who only used shields because "weapons are a cowards weapon"
_"Here's a spiked pavis I made. It's rough, made with plywood and pvc piping."_
It's fantastic. I think that the essential thing is to exhibit the design, and that a good design should still be useful even with less than perfect materials used. The best way to make designs, I think, is to get a good design worked out with easy to use materials, and then, once a good design is found, use the harder to work materials to refine the design and solve any lingering issues, like the durability of the spike.
PVC isn't very steampunk -- it didn't even exist when steam was big. Cast iron with fancy brass fittings is more like it.
@@stevenscott2136 It's not like you can color pvc in brass/iron tones. I don't think anybody would like to carry a cast iron/brass shield when they cosplay/role play.
Thank you Shad. I finally know what kind of shield was the basis for Wing Gundam’s shield. It’s pretty much like a long version of what this pavise is, and it gets put through several mobile suits (and holds a beam saber!)
Shad : Demonstrates a Spiked Pavise
Shield Hero : ....
I see you're a man of culture as well.
Yeah boiii! A shield hero fan. Y'all exited for season 2?
It’s funny that I’m watching it again and YES
@@derpfluidvariant0916 I am!
Yeah. Can't come soon enough!
Shad: made a video about Pavese shield
Me, a simple girl from Pavia: scREAM
I'm happy to see you're one of the older TH-camrs I've followed who still uploads videos constantly and to date :)
Shad is a beast of a Man. You can tell the honor and power of a man by the size of their *Shield*
The plural of "Pavese" is: "Pavesi" . And the final e is pronounced similarly to how a native English speaker would naturally pronounce the last e in "pavese" and the 2 e's are still pronounced like Shad did in the video.
If anyone was interested, pavese in Italian means that something (in this case the shield) is from Pavia, which is a city of great historical significance located south of Milan. The name Pavia comes from Latin Papia which probably comes from the gens Papilia, meaning: "land of the gens Papilia". It was first founded by the Gaullish tribes and then became a roman municipium and was called "Ticinum" for its proximity to the river Ticino.
It has been the capital city of the lonbard Kingdom for a couple of centuries and then of the italic kingdom (part of the holy Roman kingdom) from the late 700's till the 11th century.
@@andrearomano1911 yes! I also made a comment about the pavese's pronunciation, I'm happy he saw yours
@@lorenzomanzoni1010 Italian gang to the rescue of pronunciation
@@andrearomano1911 hell yeah! We fight for our language which has almost consistent pronunciation
Just saying, I'm English and looking at that word, I wouldn't pronounce the e at all, I would pronounce that pav - eees, may not be the same for other englishman but that's how I see it
Extending the arm socket through the top would weaken the shield, especially after a few blows. The strength integrity would only be as good as the fastener strength. Continuity of the shield board is more important. The double strap probably prevents the shield from twisting on your arm if a blow hits near the top of the shield on the front or back edge. I would think the defensive function of the shield is a priority over the offensive capability. Just my thoughts.
Has that
"Call the ambulance"
Stabs using that
"But not for me!"
"I feel fine, Officer!"
Every episode you look a little more like an actual medieval night that someone went back in time and swiped straight out of a war.
I know right? is he working out too?
@@haleybackus310 Sure looks like it if you watch some of his older videos.
I love the Kite shield when it's being held with that downward handle, so you can punch with the tip. It just looks like it's made for that, since it still shields a lot of the body, and the tip is a nice focus point for punching. It just looks natural.
Shield bashers: *heavy breathing*
Are shield bashers people who dislike shields (????) or people who smack people with shields? Because if the former exist, then I might be about to become the latter.
@@Ithirahad people who LOVE to bash other in the faces with their shields
El Catrin C door shield invaders in ds3
Shield in face is my favourite move.
@@sophiearcher6153 and the most effective
Definitely going to show my D&D Dm this “weapon” and see if they’ll let me use it
If they dont tell them they're lame and do it anyway.
Tell them it rolls a 1d6 (bash) +1d3 (spike) +1/2 str. A 9 total damage with a strength penalty isnt OP.
Its pretty balanced imo. Obv if he'll give you 1d6+1d4+STR go for that. 10 total damage + str makes it actually a good weapon but still not above the standard weapon table for damage.
If he's really not buying it tell him the armor check penalty applies to attack rolls and needs the exotic weapon feat. If he cant agree to that he's just a jerk,
@@JarthenGreenmeadow It works for both attack and defense rolls, simultaneously even in one turn, therefore it needs to be sub-par at both. He can carry a not sub-par weapon in the other hand but it needs to be a one-hand weapon, and he will need the dual wield ability to use both properly in the same turn.
Apologies if I got anything wrong, haven't actually played D&D yet.
As someone who plays D&D 5e, if you have the Monster Manual, look up the Lizardfolk - as a weapon, they have Spiked Shields - does 1d6 + Strength Mod piercing damage. Then there's the Scaleshields in Ghosts of Saltmarsh - since they are lizardfolk, they got the same shield.
Then there's the Hoplites in Theroes - they have a Shield Bash that does 1d4 + Strength Mod bludgeoning damage.
If nothing else, useful sources of inspiration to explain why you want to use your shield as an off-hand weapon. Could do it as a Bonus action - swing sword (axe, hammer, pick, whatever) as many times as you're allowed, and then an extra attack with that shield.
in older dnd you could use shields they had prestige classes build around it. dwarven defender is a good one . dual wield and get both armor bonuses. Add spikes to increase damage dealt. probably make a fighter class on dnd beyond that lets you have most of the old 3.5 features. like blade singers for elves dwarf could have dwarven defender and get to use 2 shields add both ac bonus and a slam attack with shield for balance the ac when you shield bash would only add 1 shield instead of both. at higher levels more damage with bash from d4+str mod to d6+str mod maybe add dwarven exotic armors prof. dwarven spiked armor is a thing in 5ed.
Wouldnt be suprised if "smart" soldiers bolted a crossbow bolt onto the bottom of their shield meant for poking into armor. Just small enough to not get stuck like a 2 or 3 inch spike.
"would see something like this in movies"
something like this was used by the Uruk Hai in Lord of the Rings. Even used offensive by Lurtz to pin Aragorn to a Tree
Ooooh that's right! I knew I had seen that somewhere. Of course Lurz's had a convenient head-sized gap between the pointy bits, because...movie logic.
@@jameswoodard4304 i think, it was the other way round. more like, hey, this shilds have a convenient head-sized gap, let's do this (or maybe i'm a little bit biased)
@@ColuFiredeath ,
I just meant it seems like one of those classic situations where the filmakers say, "Let's put the hero in "peril," but in reality use industrial-grade, ex machina, plot armor that keeps him alive by sheer "chance."
It's like the way every stormtrooper or Indiana Jones villain just coincidentally happens to miss every single shot, even when firing en masse. Even if they were all horrible shots, with that many shots fired, someone should get lucky or have a happy accident. You get the percieved "peril" of seeing the hero surrounded by bullets or blaster bolts, but his plot armor makes it obvious to the audience that he might as well just be strolling through the set in his bathrobe sipping a cup of tea, because every single individual shooter just happens to have missed on every single individual shot.
With Aragorn and Lurz, we get to see the peril and cool visual, but movie logic demands that Aragorn will "luck" into the shield having an absurdly helpful shape so he doesn't lose his head.
The problem with this is that it A) actually reduces percieved peril over time, and B) vitiates against suspension of disbelief, especially when over-used.
The challange is to have the hero survive a sufficiently cool and believable peril, but in a convincingly realistic way that doesn't take the audience out of the story. Nothing takes me out of the story more than these kind of "yeah right" moments that stretch suspension of disbelief way too thin.
[Sorry for the essay, I just have quite a bit of time on my hands at the moment along with a bad case of cronic soapboxitis.]
came to the comments section to say this, but you beat me to it. More internet points to you!
Seems like a good design. Two points is much better chance to pin or trap than one, but more force per point than three.
Most annoying thing about LARPing was when they didn't let us use our shields offensively.
Too op, so it got nerfed
Honestly. If it’s possible, it should be allowed.
@@JustAnotherPerson811 Is it possible. Yes. Is it exceptionally dangerous? Also yes. A shield has far more mass then 90% of larp weapons, even boffer style weapons. Combine that with often less strict safety requirements for shields, and the body mechanics for a shield strike compared to a sword (2 points of give rather then 3) and it becomes very dangerous. The only (non SCA) Larp I am aware of that allows shield strikes is Dagrohir and they have very strict rules as to how the shield can be used to strike.
@@MossTheGnome here we use EVA shield, with the "gentle" hits people generally do with swords, i doubt the shield would be more dangerous
@@hdnfbp I've used EVA, Wood, and full polyethelyne and I'd not want to take a "gentle" hit with any of them. Not to mention that lightest touch larps are definitely not a majority.
I love that you covered this Shad. I will take this information as I feel inspired and this could be something to add in my book
Naofumi be like: Write this down! Write this down!
He should have relied on shield bashing a bit more often.
@@SergioLeonardoCornejo I thinks more that like since it's game logic, most of his shields literally have zero or very low attack
@@SergioLeonardoCornejo yeah I wanted him to break someone's nose with the shield a couple of times.
to be fair, in the duel against motoyasu he did hit him with his shield
doesn't he say "tell me"?
@@charliedulol bro i dont know
@@vocalvortexstudios2058 it would make more sense at least
Hey Shad, I am actually making a tabletop RPG. I am returning to this project from a protracted hiatus. However, I wanted to let you know that your videos, as a whole, have been a massive aid to the project, as I aim to correct the glaring faults of current RPGs which only emphasize power in the form of magical characters past a certain level. A true martial devotee should be just as capable of felling the BBEG (big bad end game) as the wizard, in my books, because as a real life swordsman and martial artist, I can look at the actual potential for damage in a realistic light not bound to strictly fantasy portrayals. Particularly, your videos on shields and archery have been incredibly enlightening and have enabled me to make accurate representative requirements for characters to be able to effectively utilize such weapons (such as realistic poundage of medieval bows' draw, as an example). I appreciate what you are doing, and may even have to cite you come time for publish as one of my informational sources. In the event of this, would you be comfortable being cited, and would you happen to have any cited lists for some of your information that you present in your videos?
bbeg is big bad evil guy, no?
I'm getting flashbacks to matpat's video saying that a shield renders your offense to zero. Try taking this to the face.
I love how happy Shad gets whenever he attacks with a weapon.
the constant pacing back and forth, speaking with hands, always eager to get to the next point while enjoying the presant. i smell passion.
Now that should be the most practical shield to dual wield.
Im actually incorporating weapons and items like this into the book im working on.
In the complete warrior for 3.5 D&D, there is a gnomish, turtle blade which is a spiked buckler with a similar design.
1:32 Shad's neighbours finally decide to confront him on his side of the lawn circa 2021
I love when you get excited and find details like this, from your early castle videos to these weapon specific breakdowns keep up the excitement :D
Ahhh so thats where the charge blade shield bash move kinda comes from. Theres a move in the combo of Monster Hunter's charge blade where you do a sword slash, shield bash with kinda of a blunt or spiked end depending on the weapon materials and then switches into Savage Axe Mode. Kinda cool that it can be used as a mount or defensively while reloading.
Neighbor: Moira! He’s at it again!
Moira: I’ll bring the popcorn.
"Forget the shields, give this man spiked pavises!"
Fun fact: Thorin Oakenshield is known in czech version as Thorin Pavéza (pavéza is czech for pavise)
I don't know how I got here, but I learned a lot and enjoyed my stay.
I shall peruse the historic archives of his page.