Howdy! My name is Marco. I contacted you on Instagram and I have a retinal detachment in both eyes. Left eye is laser surgery and the right eye is scleral buckle. I'm going to have my surgery in about two weeks. I'm hoping it goes well. :)
Hey I have an important question, recently I have had some vision improvement (Withing a span of 3 weeks) is this normal for my age? I'm turning 15 this thanksgiving!
I had a retinal detachment due to a bicycle accident long ago. The scariest part was that the first two doctors I saw thought I was making it up. They thought I was crazy. Especially when I told them about the flashing lights. Finally there was a wonderful doctor in Boston that helped me. I'm okay now. Thank you so much for your video.
What I fail to understand is why there is no procedure to prevent all these retinal detachments ? Why wait until an emergency and possible blindness ? Its far too risky. Surely there are some preventative measures such as minor laser surgery for example, for those who have had previous symptoms (suggesting a detachment in future) or a family history ?
I had a partial retinal detachment three years ago. The eye dr. at Walmart told me to go see a nother dr. immediately.This dr. did a laser surgery. Then I was on eye drops for a very long time. I was told that the eye drops had steroids in them which then gave me cataracts. After cataract surgery my eye developed some kind of a film like material over the back of the eye and I opted for another surgery. The dr. goes in and peels the film off the back of the eye. My surgeon told me my film was the biggest he had ever seen and it all came off in one piece. Initially was told this surgery was not always that helpful and my sight improvement would be limited. I had inserts placed in my eye prior to the peel surgery and now my eye sight is 20/15. I am very happy. Best wishes to you all!
This video explained my 2 retina surgeries better than my Doctors did. Praying I don’t need a 3rd. 40 year old super healthy man that experienced a gradual onset of shadows from a retinal tear. Education will make you feel better as a patient. If you’re reading this you got this. Stay positive you’re not alone. We’ve been through it too. Thanks for the info!
I have had a lifetime history of holes in my retinas--a congenital condition. Three years ago, after cataract surgery, I developed a retinal tear about 3 1/2 months after the cataract surgery. It started off slow, with me having a feeling that something was wrong in the periphery of my vision. I went the to the ophthalmologist the next day, and he sent me straight to the emergency room at Mass. Eye and Ear. A couple of days later I had a vitrectomy, the retina was repaired, and the surgeon did a 360 degree tack-down of all weak areas in the retina that might detach in the future. I had a two-month gas bubble inserted that actually lasted 10 weeks. I rented a victrectomy chair for the week where you have to be face down at all times (so the bubble floats up to the back of the eye to press the retina against it and keep it from detaching again while it is healing), which allowed me to read, do computer work, and actually watch TV too through a mirror that came with it that lets you see the TV image correctly. You can take a 5-minute break every hour. The worst part was sleeping face down. They give you donut pillow to put your face into, but it's uncomfortable. I have to say that the two days before the surgery was one of the most traumatic times of my life. Once fluid gets under the retina, it starts moving faster and faster. The night before the surgery I was seeing lightening flashes all night long as the retina separated from the back of the eye. Almost impossible to sleep. By the time they wheeled me into the operating room there was blood in my eye and the tear was nearing the macula, which would have been a disaster. I can't emphasize enough that if you start seeing flashes or a shadow in your periphery, time is of the essence--stop whatever you are doing and get yourself examined. It takes time to schedule the surgery and you may only have a few days left--don't waste any time! One thing to be aware of with the vitrectomy is that you can't fly while you have the bubble in your eye--the change in air pressure will cause the bubble to expand. I know someone who had a retinal detachment while visiting Nashville, and not only couldn't fly home, but couldn't even drive home for a while because it meant driving on highways over mountains. I have other complications with that eye, but the vitrectomy and retina re-attachment was successful, and so far so good. One benefit of the vitrectomy is no more floaters in that eye--they vacuum them all out. The surgery itself was painless, and you are technically awake for it all. I could see all the little instruments in my eye. There was a little scissors, and vacuum cleaner, and a laser. There were some great light shows produced by the laser. It was day-surgery, and when it was over, my wife drove me home. I'm pretty sure that a few decades ago this surgery would not have been possible. The machinery and instruments they have are miraculous. They put ports in the white of your eye to insert tiny instruments. There are machines that exchange fluids and gasses in your eye all while keeping it properly inflated. The surgeons work through microscopes. And when it's all done, you get up and go home. I thank God every day and the countless men and women who dedicate their lives and careers to eye health and have made this all possible. God bless you all!
Amazing story! Thank you for sharing! Your absolutely right about the gas and not being able to fly. There is a type of silicone oil that can be used if flying is necessary but it comes with other complications. Super happy things turned out well and I appreciate you.
Thank you !!!! I had a big red one last night and have been having the other symptoms you described but had either written off or believed them to be a big lightning flash etc. shit
@@cleft_3000 Get yourself checked by an ophthalmologist ASAP because if there's a problem and you catch it early enough they can fix it in the office with laser or cryo, and you will save yourself a world of inconvenience.
Many thanks Doc, This happen to my wife driving on highway, we are both nurses 32 years , came home and immediately looked up symptom's ,and your advice was spot on , next morning retinal repair was does and you saved my lady's sight , married 53 years vision in her right eye. . Thank you , we are forever in your debt. With a tear in my eye , Thanks
Hello Joseph. I’ve been waiting for you to cover this, and thankfully you’ve done a superb and detailed posting. Thank you so very much. Many years ago, I had no symptoms for detached retinas whatsoever, however during my routine eye exam (in the UK) my optician suspected a detached retina and sent me straight to Moorfields eye hospital in London. It transpires that both my retinas were about to detach and I had surgery the next day requiring a schleral buckle and cryo treatment to seal the tears. The procedure on each eye was done a month apart. Frankly, these procedures saved my eyesight. I simply urge everyone reading this to ensure that they attend their annual or biannual eye examinations, if it all humanly possible: if spotted early enough detachments can be rectified - your eyesight may possibly depend upon it.
Thank you! Glad you liked it and thanks again for sharing your story! I like to think if my video could help even 1 person than it is totally worth my time.
I just had my operation for retina detachment last week also at Moorfields in London! They were amazing! I had the buckle with cryo and all is well so far. Need to do the other eye as well as there are some tears .
Hello Sandra. They don’t like to incapacitate you by doing both eyes at once. Keep taking the eye drops - your eyes should heal and return to normal in time. You can see the whole procedure on TH-cam should you wish - if you’re not squeamish. Moorfields has a world class reputation - so you’re in very safe hands. Good luck!🙏👀☀️🇬🇧🌻🙏
I’ve just seen your comment Saqib. There is no cost for the procedure here in the UK. However, currently with very long waiting lists you can pay privately. The cost in Pakistan should be significantly less.🙏
Since I was a baby I have had so many tough times. I thought I was all alone but reading so many people similar to me makes me want to fight and pray . 🙏 .
I had retinal detachment almost 10 years ago. Its main causes was glaucoma. After long days of trying to know what i had and what to do the doctor decided to operate me and injected silicone with 2% of chance of success. Anyway after that my eye turned blue with white spots (my eyes were dark brown) and i no longer see well. Now i turned 26 and I'm so thankful for what i have in my life. I wish everybody good health 😊😁 hamdoullah
How long does it take your eses to adjust.I was looking at my cell and the txt went blurry with a blueish light that took 30 to g away.It cme back twice aftr looking at it again only for 30 seconds.Doc said go to eye doc monday.I am scared to loose a eye.Do they adjust.?
You have explained this very well. I just turned 39 and had 4 tears with 3 detachments. I had surgery in both eyes 6 years ago for cataracts at age 33 . Very scary at a young age to go through this. Never had any type of trauma nor found in family history. Just born with a few bad eye's. If any one going through any of this and feels scared please reach out and talk about it.
Hi, I'm currently on my second retinal detachment after getting surgery for the first one 3 weeks ago. Most likely getting surgery again either tomorrow or the day after. It all happened because around two months ago I got struck on that eye with a tennis ball. I would like to hear what your experience was and if you regained vision after getting surgery, because I didn't.
Yes, I had a detached retina on my 55th birthday. I experienced eye flashing and a dark “cloud”. I was out of town at the time - flew home to see my eye doctor the next day who referred me to a surgeon who performed a cryosurgery to repair the tear. It’s been a year - post surgery floaters are gone and I’m good as new. My brother also had a detachment in his 30’s.
I have had 3 detachments in my left eye in the last 2 years and I’m currently going threw my 4th….. it’s a very serious thing to go threw. And trust me having support from your family and your doctor makes it so much easier to go threw.
People I know who have been getting injections have been getting them, dad after his xxines, me after cortisone, and another after flu shot. What's going on .. Maybe cause they cross the blood brain barrier
I've had a detachment in the same eye twice! Very scary but after surgery & 3 yrs later I actually have most of my sight back & am very grateful to my eye Dr & surgeon🤓
@ jan rasmussen hey, I had the same process last Friday. Did you have a hole in the retina somewhere allowing liquid behind to detach the retina? How is the sight in the eye now?
I was a worst case scenario retinal detachment with best case scenario results. Like Dr. Eye Health said, listen to everything your doctor tells you. EVERYTHING. Don’t shortcut the face down, eye drops, or any part of the recovery instructions. Best of luck to everyone. ❤
Had a retinal detachment in my left eye at age 40. Treated with gas bubble and silicon belt and cryotherapy. All ok for a month then reoccurred. Same procedure carried out again. My prescription went from minus 11 to minus 14. A couple of months later I had preventive cryotherapy carried out on my right eye as a preventive measure. 31 years later I have had no reoccurrence of the problem. Five years ago had cataract surgery in both eyes and since then have had almost perfect vision, can almost read the bottom line on a snellen chart without spectacles. All in all a really good result which I hope to benefit from for a good few years yet. My thanks to the staff at the Edinburgh Eye Pavilion in Scotland UK.
@@DoctorEyeHealth I am being treated tomorrow. If I haven't watched your video it would've been too late for me because I was planning a holiday. Thanks again, this video made me contact my doctor immediately and discovered that my retina is busy detaching.
As someone who has had a Retinal Detachment, it's quite a life changing experience. Mine was pretty serious and unfortunately vision didn't really recover but the eye is stable at least. Detachments are something I don't wish on anyone as just seeing the changes for yourself happening before you really are scary. I was lucky to have some real good support from family and my Opthamologist.
I can definitely relate and agree it is life changing. My first detachment was pretty bad as well and my vision has suffered. Overall, I think my depth perception is off as well and I need to be careful because Ive fallen from over or under stepping 5 times in the last 12 months. The last time was down the steps. Im learning to move slower and concentrate more on steps especially!
Yeah, going through it this week, was supposed to have surgery yesterday after I decided this was serious and wasn't going to go away. The surgeons were very excited to look at my eye, and this is a top notch hospital. It's special and rare, and they look again in 4 weeks instead of getting surgery yesterday. I'm puzzled but do trust them. It sucks and I need good vision to keep my career, but others in life have it worse so I shouldn't complain.
I had a detached retina. I had no symptoms. The doctors questioned me a lot about it. It was discovered during a routine eye check. After the surgery the doctor took off my eye patch and said 'ok, tell me what you can see' I took this to mean there was a possibility that I might have been in a position to not be able to see anything. Now at the time I was like 12 or 13 years old. Him saying that, really concerned me. Needless to say I could see fine, well as fine as I could tell 30 years later I got cataract surgery and that was the best surgery ever. I could see so much better 20/25 and now only need 1.5 reading glasses after my cataract surgery. I don't know what my vision was before that, but I did have contact lens that were -9.5. Being born very premature sure was a drag, but I'm here ! And still seeing !!! I was told that my great grandfather had a detached retina, and he had to stay in bed for a month with out moving or moving his head. I don't know when this was 1900 - 1920? Perhaps. I had a vitrectomy - and had to lay with my head off to one side, that gas bubble was so whacky, really made for distorted vision. Oh, had a buckle - 30 + years later the doctor who did it, checked my eyes and said the buckle hadn't moved or changed. Yea for Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia !!!! They saved my eye sight more than once. They are my heroes.
Thanks, my first visit to Retinal Specialist and it was so worth it. I had one flash and some floater and he informed me everything was good. Well worth the checkup!
I’ve been looking up pro active treatment. So look at your diet. Add spinach and kale. Good information on google. I personally probably don’t drink enough water and most definitely making changes today!
I had this happen twice and it’s really scary stuff. First time was when I was born due to ROP and I’m blind in my right eye since forever. Second time was 7 years ago, all of a sudden I was having a retinal detachment on my left eye. I didn’t experience any of these symptoms tho, I just remember that light bothered me A LOT, to the point of having to wear sunglasses indoors. Fortunately we found a specialist and it was treated in time with a scleral buckle. I only have 20% of my vision left and I’m very light sensitive now. If I was visually impaired then, today I’m even more so (and yet here I am trying make a living through digital art haha). Doctor told me it could happen again in the future, so I’ll keep an eye out for these symptoms. Thank you so much for this video!! I’m definitely checking out the rest of your content! 💖
I'm a little more light sensitive after a few surgeries. I bought a pair of non-prescription sun glasses, that get progressively darker in the sunlight, but in doors are clear. It really helps me to wear them when I go outside.
@@kfl611 ohhh yeah! I think I know which ones you’re talking about. There was a brief period when I used them but I wasn’t a fan. They’ll get darker in cold rooms (like at school when they’d turned the AC on) and make it harder to see, so I didn’t last long with them. But that was years ago, maybe the technology behind them is better nowadays. Who knows! I could give them another try. Glad to hear they help you tho! 😊
@@yeyeliz Mine are like 12 years old, but like I said they are non-prescription so they are kind of thin, maybe that helps with how the darken and lighten. I really like them.
@@kfl611 ahh I see! I don’t know much about how those type of lenses work but might not hurt to try them whenever i get new glasses. thanks for rec tho!
Yes, I had this 10 years ago-retinal tear fixed by laser. No further problems, but now I have a cataract & very afraid to have it because of the retinal tear. Thank you.
My doctor found lattice degeneration and I got laser treatment. It’s always in the back of my mind that it can thin again, especially now more than ever without insurance. I’m a graphic designer so I’m 1000% dependable on my sight. A fear of mine is waking up blind
I started having floaters and started seeing flashing light. I went to my eye doctor at Mt Sinai hospital in NY. After two visits, I was told I had "retinal tear" and the attending doctor said he could fix it by laser in the clinic on the same day. Without knowing what I had and without waiting for a 2nd opinion, I agreed. Later towards the end of the day, the doctor called me in, put some drops in my eyes and started flashing the laser in to my eyes in a circular manner and it lasted for about 10 - 15 minutes. I went home and had blurry vision for the rest of the day. Eventually the flashing lights were gone and floaters were either gone or it didn't bother me any more. In the follow ups, I was told that the laser treatment was good and my retinal tear is fixed. I am not sure the terms 'retinal tear' or 'retinal detachment ' are the same thing. What followed later was profuse watering of the eye, I was told I had dry eyes and using artificial tears, but this is not working well. I am 67 now, using reading glass only but can comfortably watch tv and others without glasses. The doctor also told me I had very large eye caps, and had initial stage of glaucoma. I will start the glaucoma treatment from july this year.
My mom and I have both had retinal detachment “scares“. Luckily neither of us had this condition. I had what is known as an ocular migraine, and the aura presented as the dark half circle shadowing part of my vision. I did go into my eye doctor and he confirmed that everything with my retinas were fine. And my mom had an episode of ocular neuritis, which included flashes of light. Her eye doctor was also amazing and did everything necessary to check her retinas and eyesight as well. Can I just say I have had two of the most awesome eye doctors for my mom and I!
@@zixiongwang9659 did u have a dark half circles as well? I’ve been having them for 6 months now and I’m only able to see it when white wall is next to my eye. Idk what it is though.
Rahul Dev yeah i don't know how long ive had them, they appear when i look to the edge of my vision. Hard to see them in daylight and in the dark though.
@@rahuldev2785 i haven't done the dilation exam, so no idea about my retina. But i doubt it's retina detachment, at least not that serious. I got to know some people with similar problems, they did multiple exams and didn't find anything. But we should definitely get ours checked as well just to get rid of the anxiety imo. btw do u have myopia?
My husband has had 3 retinal detachments; twice right eye and once left eye. All three surgeries were with scleral buckle, laser and gas fluid exchange. Thankfully I’m an ophthalmic technician for retinal surgeons so he’s been followed closely.
John B His vision is 20/20 OD but 20/50 OS. His left eye was mac off for the second surgery so his doctor had to do laser through his macula resulting in distorted line through the middle of his vision. But he’s been able to manage with his vision.
@@stephaniehegarty3291 i hope he is much better now. I had a macular off RD and had a vitrectomy in July 2021 and i'm just wondering visiom outcome will be if macular is involved
I had a severe abcess from my chin to my ear.. suffered for about a week finally went to ER. The pain was unbearable. That's when I started with the flashes and blurry vision. The antibiotics kicked in everything went away except I still can't see from top half of my eye. Went back to the hospital and they said it's a detached retina. My surgery is in office tomorrow if he can fix it... ugh prayers
I had a retinal detachment 20 years ago when I was just 17. It was spontaneous, not caused by trauma or any other physical event. I had surgery, but I have a permanent blind spot that covers roughly a third of the vision in the lower part of my left eye. I wish I could regain my full vision (even though I’m already short-sighted) but it’s simply something I have to live with.
I recently had two retinal tears and had the laser treatment for each tear one week apart. The second tear was discovered one week after the first treatment. It had been noted as an area of concern the week before. The doctor said the first tear had about a 50% chance of developing into a retinal detachment. He treated it with 203 laser shots. The second tear got 153 laser shots. My mom also had a retinal tear back in the late 70s with laser treatment.
THANK YOU. Having vitrectomy in December. I dread the face down time more than anything else. I have a macula hole. I'd never heard of this condition until I got it. I noticed my vision seemed to get worse over a period of weeks, so I made an appointment with the eye Dr. A few days before the appt, I was looking at the mini blinds on my kitchen window, and they were bending as I watched them. Called my eye Dr. Back and got an urgent appointment with an ophthalmologist, who told me what was happening. Got another urgent appt with retina surgeon two days later. We did a wait and see for a month but it never got better. Having surgery in December. It's so weird, like looking through a kaleidoscope or a whirlpool filter. My vision is now 20/200 I can't see anything on an eye chart. Unfortunately, this is my 'good eye', I have myopia much worse in the other eye.
Macular hole is an interesting condition, several stages. It sounds like you did the right thing in calling your eye doctor right away. I hope to have a video on the subject some day. I wish you the best!!!!
Rent a vitrectomy chair and assemble it before the surgery. They rent them by the week. They are great. You rest slightly forward on your chest/stomach, with your head face down in comfortable holder. There is a tray under your face here you can put things like your phone or laptop or a book or magazine. It comes with a special mirror that you can put on the tray and watch TV while face-down. It corrects the image so you properly read things on the TV. Find a good multi-season show to binge-watch. I watched "Justified." It was great! The chair will come with a cushion for you to sleep with, face-down in your bed. Not the most comfortable, but you'll get through it. You'll be fine.
How are you doing now? I just found out I have something similar. Going to a retina specialist very soon. Centre of my vision is very blurry and interferes with reading particularly. My eye specialist who found the problem said I will likely need surgery so I’m very nervous about it.
A few years ago I went in for a standard eye exam and randomly took a visual field test which showed I was missing part of my peripheral vision in the inner corner of my eye. The optometrist referred me to and ophthalmologist who then referred me to a retinal specialist who finally identified the retinal detachment and performed the scleral buckle surgery the next day. It’s just crazy to me that I had no noticeable symptoms and have no idea how long I was missing that portion of my peripheral vision!
My husband (47yo. when detachment occurred and currently 48yo)had a retinal detachment in October 2023. He had the Vitrectomy and gas bubble. He spent 9 days face down for 45 min. of every awake hour. Definitely a challenging few days for him. Tomorrow, he’s having cataract surgery on that eye. We’re very hopeful he’ll finally get his vision back.
Went through the surgery on the 14th of July, my right eye has been blind for 3 years and I had a detached retina from may, thankfully 3 weeks after my he operation my sight from the left eye is thriving everyday, my vision is far better than I was thus 5 years: please go straight to your doctor if you have any symptoms from the video, there is nothing to be afraid of folks, if I can do it anyone can. Trust me, I don’t as blind for two weeks but it was well worth it👍 my ey sight is back just in time for the premier league season 😎😎
I'm watching this because my mother was just diagnosed with retinal detachment earlier today. She's been noticing symptoms for a few days, and she finally got it checked out. Surgery is on tuesday. I hope it goes well 🙏🙏
I had a head injury that nearly knocked me unconscious ---for the next 5 months i would get flashes any time i moved my head quickly to the right or left ---i never went to the doctor (as a matter of principal, i stay away from doctors at all costs) ---but my wife and i were already changing our diet before this head injury occurred. ---we were learning about the health benefits of Keto and Intermittent fasting (also known as "Fed Fasting") My self diagnosed pre-diabetes was being reversed (thus reducing inflammatory effects of sugar and seed oils) ---then we began learning about the Carnivore diet, and the B1 vitamin called Benfotamine and the loss of feeling in my feet started coming back ---i don't know exactly when the flashes stopped occurring, but as i was listening to this video i remembered having had so many of my own private fireworks displays, everyday, every night and i realized that they have completely stopped. Haven't had any for many months now.
Having new floaters and blurred vision in one of my eyes, going in to the retina center in my town. This video was very helpful. Hopefully appointment goes well.
Went in and have had 5 laser surgeries and injections in my eyes. They alternate from eye to eye, one procedure left then may only go for injections. It sucks!
@@Vakira right now my eyes aren't blurry and the super extreme floaters are gone for the moment. With the treatments there hemorrhaging is less. I may have to continue to go for injections though for quite some time. I'm never asleep during the laser since I have to follow movement instructions as there dr does the laser treatment. They do the injections immediately after the laser in the opposite eye. Been having treatments since 1/27/21, while the injections are painless except for the burn after due to meds the laser is more uncomfortable. Luckily I'm able to take mini breaks during procedure if pain gets to be too much. All in all I'm glad I went and continue to go in.
@rohanmaghade I'm doing much better than I was. Sadly I'm still doing eye injections monthly, but it beats the alternative possibly losing my vision permanently. I'm hoping I can eventually either do this less often or altogether.
4:54 I am 45 and I had this surgery. Gas bubble and laying down face down for a week. I had this surgery about a month ago. So far everything is going well.
I had the full treatment, gas bubble, buckle, laser on opposite eye to stop it from detaching. Gas bubble is now about half deflated and I feel like a human level waking around with the fluid coming back. Dr. Martindale did a great job at IAB Callahan Eye in Birmingham, AL. I am confident that my eye will be better than ever!
I've had bilateral retinal detachments in my early and mid 20s in 2001 and again in 2005. I suffered ROP as a premature baby. My right retina detached first and I was hemorrging as well, once my specialist got in there it was more complicated than he anticipated, I threw his surgical day into a big old mess, so i was told the next day at post op. The thing that shocked him most was that i wasn't black and blue with bruising because of the extended time he was in my eye operating. When he did the lens implant a year later in the right eye, i looked like he punched my face, we tease and say it was the country music i made him listen to in the OR that made me bruise. He hates country music, but with every proceeding surgery i had with him, he allowed country music, at the time i was the only paitent he allowed country music for, in his OR. Then my left retina detached. My retinal specialist was very aggressive with both detachments. I am thankful for what sight he was able to save. I had the sceral buckle and vitrectomy surgeries, he had to induce cataracts as well. I am legally blind with sight.
I had a retinal detachment in my left eye in August of 2017. I had to go into emergency surgery the same day I very luckily got in to see a retina specialist. I found out I have something called lattice degeneration in both eyes at that time as well. So I had a vitrectomy, laser, gas bubble and scleral buckle for the left eye and laser for all of the tears in my right eye. I had to sit face down for two weeks. It was a very long recovery. I had to have cataract surgery in my left eye to remove a cataract caused by the gas bubble. Now I have a secondary cataract that will eventually be taken care of. I’m hoping I may be able to wear contacts again. I tried soft lenses recently but they hit scar tissue in my left eye, from my surgery and cause a lot of irritation. My ophthalmologist suggested maybe trying hard lenses since they’re smaller but I’m nervous about it. I’m also tired of wearing glasses all the time. 🤓
I had The last surgery you talked about? I had to keep my head down for 45 minutes out of an hour each day. Sleep on my side with my nose in the pillow. It has been a week. I still have the gas bubble behind my Eye. But my checkups have all turned out great so far. Definitely, anyone who has seen floaters. Go see your Eye doctor right away. My detachment happened without a reason and very rapidly.
I had the same situation seven weeks ago. I was face down or on my left side nose in my pillow for three weeks. All of my check ups have been good so there’s hope. That is definitely my public service announcement these days, if you suddenly have a dramatic increase in floaters or see a black spot in your vision, get yourself to the eye doctor to get it checked. Best of luck to you!
I was diagnosed with a partial retinal detachment on Friday July 10, 2020, I'm going into surgery on Tuesday. I'm very scared and nervous. I was told I'll be getting the buckle and then if needed the gas bubble. Both sound horrible. It didn't help that I watched youtube videos on the buckle surgery. I'm praying for a speedy recovery.
@@tatmustiyy Thank you for asking. Back in 2020 I had the buckle done and no bubbles. The buckle didn't completely do the job so then I had another surgery to add the gas bubbles in 2021. My vision got better but not the same. Then in 2022 I had cataract surgery and that really helped a lot. It gave me some peripheral vision back. As of 2024 my vision is still blurry and will probably never ever be back to normal. It is clear but distorted.
I had the fantastic experience of having bilateral retinal detachment at the ripe age of 25. I had scleral buckle, cryopexy, and SRF draining on both eyes at the same time. Left the operating room with eye patches on both eyes, very scary at the time. As a result I'm incredibly near sighted and unfortunately due to the detachment being asymptomatic for months I have lost upper peripheral vision permanently.
Hi i have my right eye lost its vision permannelty .Now my left eye is having a eye floaters hoping it will not blind my left eye too. How is other eye now? is it working well now ?
_Dr. Allen I'm 52yrs old and have had a Retinal Tear, 2 cataracts and a full retinal detachment from 2009-2015 all while still in my 40's . Yesterday morning and this morning I awoke to severe nose bleeds. I can't remember when I've ever had any nose bleed in the past. This morning after the bleeding stopped, I noticed 100's of tiny black dots floating around in my Right eye. Had a little bit of "Lightning" in my lower field of vision this afternoon. This evening I took a nap and woke up around 11:30pm. I have a definite shadow covering the lower 1/4 of my vision right now. I plan on calling Dr. Matthews in the morning and hopefully my retina won't get much worse before I see him._ _Dr Matthews has had to repair a small tear my left retina by laser, that was discovered during an eye exam in 2002. I've since had a full detachment back in 2015 in my Left Eye while at work and it's onset happened within an 8-hr span as the darkness started around the outside and closed in to a mis-shaped oval, very quickly. It was so quick that before I could pack up my tools and leave for the hospital, I had lost all vision in my Left Eye. I was literally blind both eyes because I was already waiting to get the cataract in Right Eye removed and was saving my money for the custom Corneal Implant that my BC&BS wouldn't pay the extra for. I had to get surgery at Duke Eye Center in Durham, NC. Because Dr Matthews was with his wife having Gall-Bladder surgery. My surgeon was Dr Hahn. Luckily my vision returned to 100%, except for a slight power differential that causes Binocular vision, if i'm tired or if my blood pressure is elevated._ _Wish me luck._
Last December while driving I saw a vessel in my eye become larger with each heart beat until it burst. I saw a giant blur and then because of the car lights at dusk my vision was a cloud with black specks everywhere. I drove home took my blood pressure 201/98. I went to the ER and they didn't see anything in my eye and they couldn't get a eye doctor to come to see me so they kept me and treated my blood pressure. Tuesday they released me and I went to a ophthalmologist. He sent me to a Retina doctor. The Retina doctor didn't see anything and told me to come back in two weeks. In a week I notice a curtain coming down from the top of my eye but I didn't know what to do so I waited until the appointment . The doctor saw me and sent straight to the hospital for surgery. He repaired my retina and put a gas bubble in it. After I backed off the eye drops my eye retina detached again this time the black curtain came from the bottom up. The second surgery he put silicone in the eye and told me I had a hole in my macular. He told me the hole has closed and 8 months later my retina is still attached. My cataract blurs my eye completely.
Thanks for the info. I am 62 in good health, I woke up one morning with the most floaters ever. When I close my eyes I see a bright shadow in one eye that resembles a silhouette of a spider, something you see when you have been exposed to a bright light. I will contact my Eye Doctor. Thanks once again.
Yes, I have had this. It happened when I was still in Montreal. I took some pills for something unrelated. Within an hour I had a metallic taste in my mouth. I figured that it was just an interesting side effect. Then the next morning I had a huge amount of new floaters in my left eye. I went to the clinic and got a referral to a eye specialist. She looked in my eye with lenses and discovered a hole in my eye in the upper part. She said she wanted me to go to the hospital for emergency surgery. Well, of course panic mode set in. I am terrified of needles. I went to the hospital the next Monday. Another doctor checked my eye and told me I needed to have the surgery. I figured they would book me an appointment but he said it had to be done right away. Panic mode again. A real panic attack. After referring to another doctor and an assistant he said he usually goes for the surgery but said I am borderline between needing surgery or using laser. He chose the laser because he saw how terrified I was. He gave me a pill to calm me down. It took an hour. He also told me the hole was a result of my-optic or myopic or Myoptic. Something like that. I don't quite remember. He said it's because my eyes are slightly oval and not round. Then I went in for the laser surgery. The doctor, a different one, explained what she was going to do. I felt so calm because I realized that there would be no needles involved. Just a lot of eye drops, gel, a magnifying lenses touching my eyeball and the laser. It was the most fascinating experience in my life. The laser was a pretty color. The original eye doctor asked me if I ever saw lightning in my eye and I told her no. But I told the second doctor that I saw a flash of white light and asked if that was what the first one meant. He said yes. Anyway, a week later I had a follow up. He found a second hole. A smaller one so he did the laser surgery again. They seemed to have held. I went back to him about a year later and asked him to check it and asked if it was ok to go on an airplane because of the pressure. He said it was fine. That was 2 years ago. This past few days that eye has been bothering me. The doctor said that I would always be able to feel the scarring from the surgery. Some days it's not noticeable but some days it's really bad and he told me to try not to rub the eye. I do rub it but very gently. The last few days the eye has been watering and the eye clouds over with the liquid and I get scared that the hole has reopened and liquid is coming out or there is a new hole. The problem is that I moved to Australia and he's in Montreal. My eye doesn't seem to be getting worse but I would like him to check it for me. We might be going to visit Montreal in Oct next year so I will try to get an appointment to see him.
@@lizcambre815 I had no pain at all. I felt discomfort because I couldn't blink my eye with the lens touching my eye holding the eyelid open. I had to warn him when I was about to blink the other eye because both eyes move when I blink. I didn't want him to accidentally laser the wrong spot. LOL
Thank you for replying! I’m so scared I’ll need this one day because I’m myopic as well. Still in the mild-moderate stage but I’m sure it will get worse over time.
@@lizcambre815 The laser surgery I had was nothing to worry about. All they did was use the laser to seal closed the hole. I was sitting in a chair in one of the rooms with the laser. No pain at all for me. They put drops in your eyes to widen the pupil and other drops to freeze the eye so you don't feel the little lens thing they put on your eye. I felt a little pressure from him holding the lens against my eye but that was it. If you have the same thing done that I had done then I'm sure you'll be fascinated by all the colors and reflections of your eye to even care what is going on. On one of the follow up appointments I had, he even let my fiancee look through the extra viewer to see inside my eye and see the little scar. It was like she was looking into my soul. She must have liked what she saw because she married me.
I got the news yesterday, my doctor said retinal thinning my stomach dropped. I feel like life just keeps kicking me down, I honestly don’t know why these things happen to me. But thank you for going into detail, my Optometrist said it’s most likely because of my prescription being strong and having a astigmatism.
Hi there I just wanted to say I absolutely understand what you feel about life constantly kicking you down. If it's any consolation you're not the only one out there experiencing this kind of thing. If I can offer you one thing is to remain optimistic as much as you can. I hope things turn around for the better for you and I hope you have received a successful treatment for your retinal issues :-)
Thankyou for the informative video. I've got PVD and a retinal detachment. Make the call people! the sooner you get it seen to the better! I've had it fixed now with laser, cryo treatment and been given the all clear from my consultant (2 Feb 2021). P.s. long live the NHS, in the UK.
I have had two detachments in my right eye, the first one corrected the detachment after a week of laying on my stomach (not fun)). Just when I thought everything was cool, the curtain started descending again. The second procedure was the easiest, They replaced the fluid in my right eye with oil after tacking it down, a week or two later the oil was removed and they put gas in my eye that slowly dissipated and was replaced by fluid. The drops I was using during all this form a cataract, my vision was milky finally it got so dense I couldn't see through the eye. I had cataract surgery to clear it up, and after that my eye was zapped with a laser to clean up after the surgery. At first I went to my optometrist and told him about the huge floater that appeared first, he blew it off as a floater and told me that it would go away. Then the curtain started coming down along with the floater, I went to another Dr. for a second opinion before I went I took a photo in to Photoshop and edited it to what I was seeing. He took one look at the example, and I was in surgery the next day. The right eye is at about 95% now but it beat the alternative.
Thanks for your info Dr. Allen. I have a detachment causing 1/3 loss in left eye. 67 yrs old. Near sighted. Seeing retina specialist in AM. Seeking best outcome. Thanks for stimulation about different treatments. Will update you when I can see better.
I underwent 3 complex laser surgery in the past 23 months. The very first surgery didn’t succeed at all, and the second surgery was succeeding for 365 days. Now! It has been 7 months since I had my third surgery and I am experiencing flash of light, floater again. This is something seriously dangerous I have gone through in such a young age. I am scared of surgery, on the other hand, I want to be able to see the beautiful world. I wish there is another treatment for retina detachment beside treating it with surgery.
@@reimara5845 no but since Vitrectomy is the resolution to keep my retina to detach, I would need surgery every once in a while to replace oil. Once oil are breaking, you cannot see clearly.
From what I understand , having a 'posterior vitreous separation' ( PVD ) is quite common in older people , I had no issues with retinal detachment , though I was checked , just in case . The gel just detaches and floats around the inside of the eye . One does see a lot of floaters after complete detachment , but your brain gets used to it and eventually you stop noticing it .
This seems to be what I am experiencing although I also see intermittent flashes. I was checked by an opthomologist but he said he did not see any tear or detachment. He told me that it can still happen but come back to see him in two weeks. Still experiencing symptoms after 4 days and am considering getting a second opinion.
Woke up one morning with almost no sight in my right eye. 6 operations later I have no sight in the eye. The retina literally came apart into pieces. As soon as one hole was fixed another one opened up. I was told by a technician that works with an eye surgeon that a high percent of retina reattachments either are partially successful (some vision) or fail completely (no or little vision).
I had successful cataract surgery but was never told that that can lead to a detached retina which I got latter in one eye. I was examined routinely for post cataract healing and care. During all that time none of the doctors at the medical facility checked my retina (a 3-5 minute) check. Emergency reattachment surgery was too late. You only have a window of 14-16 days to have corrected surgery. All I see in that eye is refracted light and images like you would see looking under water and trying to see objects at the furthest end of the pool. Floaters and vision issues were a routine part of my cataract surgery healing process, so the floaters and other symptoms of detached retina were not red flags for me. My whole life has changed. The quality of life is significantly impacted. This is a message to doctors: please check for detached retinas. and don't rely on the patient to pick up on vague symptoms to "watch for".
Sorra for qhat happened to u , im going through the same rn n im pondering if i should do the surgery n go through all that n dtill end up losing vision ,read reviews n tlked with ppl whoce done rhe R ssurgery ,not much good news .
I just had two procedures done on my right eye a week apart. Diagnosed with detached retina on March 1st. Sent to surgeon in larger city near me and first visit about 10 minutes in he had me laying back in the chair and was sticking a needle in my eye. I’m making a groaning sound as I have a phobia with needles and he is telling me to be quiet twice while he is still sticking needles in my eye. He stops for a minute and I tell them 3 times I’m getting sick and they get me upright with a trash can to throw up in. He is telling me I have to lay back because of the timing is what he said to finish the procedure. I stopped throwing up for a few seconds and he pushed me back in the chair and finished. I’m glad I did not throw up while on my back. I asked him before the procedure to have my wife come back to hear what he was vey quickly explaining to me what was going on with my eye. He said she could not come back because of hippa laws while he was walking out to his office. I explained that it is my wife but got no response from him. I was so mad when we were done that I called the next week to cancel my follow up at the surgery center to finish the repair. I decided to let him do the surgery because of his reputation as a surgeon. It’s a long story but the surgery seemed to go great and am doing good. I’m going to finish with him on this eye and will not go back. I had a follow up appointment a week after the surgery. The first thing his nurse did was put a drop in each eye. I asked he what kind of drops and she said to deaden my eyes. I told her I did not want anymore drops in my good eye. And she told me several times that she has to or she will get in trouble. I kept telling her she’s not putting anymore drops in my good eye and told her I will sign something or whatever but they are not touching my good eye. He had told me during the initial consultation that it was showing sign of detachment in my other eye. He was going to inject an air bubble in my good eye when I had very little vision in my repaired eye one week after surgery. He explained to me that once I leave there there is a 25 percent chance that I will need it repaired in the future so I said there’s a good chance that it will never happen. I turned 67 In December. It’s late and am typing with one eye. I will check in later for typos.
Thanks for the info. My Opthamologist told me today that I have a detached retina, as I suspected, and that I need surgery right away. I am seeing a retina surgeon in the morning and will be having the surgery tomorrow afternoon. It looks like our big Thanksgiving with family at our home may be a bit different this year. (Thanksgiving is day after tomorrow). But, me and all my family are glad that I’m having the surgery. Happy Thanksgiving blessings to everyone!
Wow! So sorry to hear that but I will be sending you many great thoughts and wishes. You have an amazing attitude towards it and I respect that. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
@@DoctorEyeHealth Just got home. Surgery went great! I was awake, alert and talking with the doctor and nurses the entire time. Still numb, so will see how I feel when the deadner wears off and the numbness goes away.
@@JT_70 hey how are u doing now? Are your eyes better? I also had a surgery on my left eye last week, my floaters and dirtlike fluids are gone but my vision is blurry for now
@@_j_8151 I had laser surgery last November then developed another tear and had surgery again in Feb. on the same eye. The Feb surgery required me to be face down for a week during recovery. My vision is excellent now. Sharp, no floaters, no problems. It’s important to take all the eye drop medications on schedule and follow all the doctor’s recovery instructions. I hope yours improves quickly. If not, be sure to let the doctor know and schedule a follow-up visit. I have my final follow-up next week.
@@JT_70 Good to know you're doing great now. I've also been instructed to be in face down position for two weeks 12 hrs a day. Thanks for replying makes me feel better knowing others are doing well now with the same problem.
Happen to me needed all 3 things this doc talks about though I was gonna lose my eye but got saved and I thank my doc all this in the beginning of the year
Thank you for a very interesting video. I had a detached retina in 2002 while at work, my boss got me to the eye hospital ( Which I have Attended since a child due to only having eyesight in one eye, due to being premature and having ROP ) as it looked like a black curtain going up from the bottom of my eye to just over half way up, the Dr I saw said it was a very badly detached retina and they were not sure if they could save my sight, I had surgery the next day as being 22.00 they could not get a team together to do the operation the same night. After the operation where they performed virectomy and gas bubble, I had to lay face down in a special jig in bed for a week not the most pleasant experience. I had LASIK laser surgery around one month after the operation which my consultant tried to do as an outpatient but because of astigmatism he couldn't do it. After being a day patient for the Lasik surgery, six monthes later I required cataract surgery as the silicon oil put in to replace the vitreous jelly had caused a cataract. I still attend the same hospital every nine months for check ups and if there are student doctors being trained they ask me if it is ok for the students to have a look at my eyes as i am a very rare case and photographs of my eyes are used in lectures, i don't mind as if can help them in the future. My parents were told I had very little chance of survival when i was born premature, im still around, wont say how old I am but the wrong side of 50. Hope you find this interesting PLEASE if you have anything you are not sure of go to your'e doctor as soon as possible, I had loads of floaters for months before the detached retina.
I suffer with a retinal detachment. I end up getting the scleral Buckle surgery. Everything that was mentioned in this video in terms of the scleral Buckle was facts. It has now been six months since my surgery. Eye has healed pretty well but the vision sucks.
I just went for my 2 month checkup yesterday for the same thing. Vision isn't very good. Doctor told me to come back in 4 months. He said it should get better. Now you got me worried. At times I feel the buckle and can see some impression behind the field of vision.
I'm sorry for that. I had RD with silicone oil. 3 months now... vision has improved since the macular was off and I was blind in the eye at is not as good as previously it's much blurred but my doc says if the iol and silicone is exchanged I'll have better vision
When I was a child, we were at a restaurant with my grandparents and my pap was telling my dad how he kept seeing flashes of light. My dad is a tech in ophthalmology and explained to him what it could be. He called the on call doctor and we swiftly left dinner and my pap was operated on that night.
@@dantedlane2 their attempt was successful because my pap didn’t have issues after that. I was pretty young, but I don’t remember any problems he had after that.
Thanks so much for making this! As a patient, it puts me at ease actually knowing what’s going on in there. Is it possible to still experience curtaining and flashes after treatment? I just recently had laser treatment and I’m fearful it may not have been effective.
I just had a buckle treatment done yesterday. I was a bit late and the retina had detached quite a bit. I'm seeing like a dark triangle sort of shape at the top of that eye. Did anyone else get anything like that. Great videos dude wish you were my eye doctor.
I just a surgery for rectna detachment 2 days ago, my symptoms started with floaters on my right eye, when I took it in ,I was told it was normal with aging. 2 weeks after that my right eye was almost blind. Now I'm waiting to see how the went.
I found out that I have tears in my retina recently! Always wondered why I saw so many floaters and my friends with perfect eyes though I was crazy when I was trying to explain to them what they were lol
My sister is actually going through the diagnosis process choosing which surgery to go with. It's been a nightmare for her definitely and for the entire family. Thank you for the informative video.
Can flushing your eyes or eye for a few minutes or all the time lead to sights of retinal detachment? Can flushing your eye all the time or for lead to rental detachment? Is light glowing a flashing light? That’s a sight of retinal detachment. Please respond to my questions. Please do.
VRA Fam here! Love the intro and animations in your video. I used to see a dot after looking at the eclipse as a kid. Havent seen the dot in over 20 years thank God. HD my eyes checked and apparetlyhave 20/21 vision. Thanks for the informative video!
Thanks for watching Tiff! Staring at the sun can result in solar retinopathy (burnt hole in the the retina). Usually doesn't recover but if it was super mild and you had it when you were young. Perhaps it did!
I reached out to my mom and she said I did t it to myself and made me cry 😢 my doc said no there is no way they gave u cortisone, they did and I had proof, finally after being gaslighted by everyone it's getting worse and I went to an eye docter and they listened and agreed 😢
Three questions: 1) Does the laser spot welding cause you to see dark spots in that spot weld area? 2) Why does one usually get cataracts after vitreous removal or macular pucker film removal 3) If one has a macular (epiretinal) pucker in one eye, with posterior vitreous detachment also, should one just remove the macular (epiretinal) film or should one do a full vitreous removal together with the epiretinal film removal?
It's the prednisone that raises the pressure in the eye and creates cataracts. My pressure started out at 12, went to 26, and now back down to 12 off prednisone. I thin I also had problems with preservatives or something in the prednisone that was not helpful to me in my case. I'm still going through getting healed 1 1/2 year later
I underwent surgery in 2018 for retinal detachment in my left eye. I don't remember having any symptoms or even how it happened. I only found out on 2014 when I was 3rd year high school, when our school offered a routine eye check-up for students who needed glasses. My right eye could see very clearly, so I didn't suspect any problem with my left eye until that moment. By the time I saw a doctor, they told me it was already late. The best they could do was fix the tear by putting a "belt" in my left eye and suggest another surgery to improve my vision. My mom asked if my vision could be restored 100% and the doctor mentioned that they couldn't, but I might be able to read letters about the size of a playing card. I was young and confused at the time, so I decided not to go through with that surgery. Right now, it’s almost as if I’m blind when looking straight ahead because the damage is directly at the back of the eye. However, I still have peripheral vision. Now, I'm considering having the surgery since I'm still young but I'm hoping that my vision after the surgery can still be improved. But can't quite decide yet.
Can you do a video on eye conditions caused by non-eye related illnesses? I am 44 years old now, but in 2018, I contracted Hand Foot and Mouth disease (Coxsackie Virus). One week later, I woke up and noticed a football shaped gray blind spot (for visual reference: large enough to cover my hand with my arm fully extended) nearly in the center of my vision of my right eye. I immediately made an appointment with an ophthalmologist who referred me to a retinologist. The results were that I had a Central Serous Retinopathy (CSR). In some rare situations, viral infections can cause CSR which is a blister on the retina. I used glaucoma drops for about 6 months and the CSR completely shrank and flattened. I regained vision, but with some dimness and slight distortion remaining. Also, my eye dominance switched to my left eye. I hardly notice it at all now unless I close my left eye. There is a cool study you can google specifically about Coxackie Virus causing CSR. My ophthalmologist does retinal scans of my eye at each exam just to keep an "eye" on my retinal condition.
So I have floaters and kinda experience some of the symptoms, I asked my eye doctor during a new eye test and he said floaters and some things I experience are common. this was my 3rd eye test after a year and my eye sight have been improving lately but these floaters irritates me.
try omega-3! i have horrible floaters, but i’m also vegetarian. omega-3 is amazing for eye health, and can only be found in fatty fish. so try taking fish oils and a multivitamin in the morning, it completely cleared my vision up! ❤️
Nagina Naeem you can either take multiple vitamin supplements for things you lack, such as VITAMIN A,B,C,D etc. or, some pharmacies or health shops have multi vitamin tablets which include all of these in one capsule. hope this helps! :)
My son called this evening from the ER, possibly retina detachment, he said had headache then a lot of floaters appeared, then eye got blurry. He just phoned me, sending him home & an eye doctor coming in from Indianapolis on a Sunday morning at 10am to exam him, I’ll drive him in just in case he’ll get emergency surgery. He’s 52. I sure don’t want him going blind.
This doctor’s communication is excellent! Wow! I had a vitrectomy, gas bubble, and laser 7 weeks ago. Still experiencing off/on shimmers of light throughout the day. Doctor doesn’t have an answer...hopefully it will go away. Also, now I have a cataract and macular pucker from the surgery. So, two more surgeries are in my future. It’s a long road.
Hi, You omitted saying one cause was the shape of the back of the eye. I wore glasses ranging from minus 8 to minus 11 for 40 years. I was warned by various opticians that because of the shape of the back of my eyes there was tension on the retinas. 1n 2017 I had a detachment in my right eye while on holidays in Israel. I had a bubble inserted (as soon as I got home) and spent the next week head down. The retina was saved and I have 20 20 vision One year later I had the lens in both eyes replaced (as a result of the retina surgery a cataract grew and to have both eyes function to together my surgeon prescribed lens replacement for both). 2 months after the lens replacement in my left eye I had a detachment in the left eye.....flashing lights like a new moon. Lots of fear but no pain! This detachment was at the top of the back of the eye so I had to keep my head looking forward to keep the bubble in the right position this time. Unfortunately when I fell asleep one night my head fell to the side and the bubble moved. The surgeon injected into my eye to remove some of the bubble and I still have 20 20 vision in both eyes. However the lens in my right eye is for long distances and the right eye short distances Glasses readjust This year there has been a growth of skin over the lens in the right eye that within 2 weeks reduced my sight so much that driving became impossible. However, yag laser treatment cleared that up and again 20 20 vision. Unfortunately, there seems to be some skin pressing on the left lens now and I probably will need yag laser treatment next year. Meanwhile the pressure in both eyes have fluctuated from the lowest of 15 to 24 everything the pressure is taken and I have been prescribed drops to help with that. I do not have diabetes but until July 24 eat alot of sugar.........sodas, sweets, sugary tea etc. Personally I think that is the cause of my fluctuating pressure (glaucoma) On my last 2 visits to my retinal surgeon and glaucoma consultant the pressure was 15 and 20 (Aug 24) In November 24 the pressure was 10 and 12 My retina consultant is putting it down to the drops but I have reduced my sugar intake by about 90%. I'm hoping that is the cause. At the end of the day. I won't be donating my eyes after my death, there're wore out, no one will want them!
My ophthalmologist diagnosed me with lattice degeneration, which puts me at higher risk for retinal detachment. My dad and uncle have both had detached retinas. Hopefully it skips a generation!!! I'd love to see a video about lattice degeneration, as approximately 8% of the population has this condition, so it's pretty common!
Yes, me too re the lattice degeneration - I have it in my other eye and my retinal surgeon wants to go in and “spot welding” with lasers to hopefully prevent retinal detachment in that eye.
I noticed floating things in my eyes that were flashing last week, so I researched about them and found them as floaters, but then I found out it was a common symptom of retinal detachment. I just experienced it again just now and came to this video, I was crying because I knew there was possibility of me having it. I don't wanna burden my family by telling them this but I also know that's not the right thing to do. Wish me good thanks.
Hey are you okay now? Actually I'm also sieng many floaters but only when I am outside like in day time..I was also sieng many flashes of lights but they are decreased you noticed any other symptom?
Man your videos are awesome. Let me share my badluck story here. When I was 2, I was operated for cataract in both eye. They did not put any lens so I was wearing bulky specs and I think with +11 number which kept on decreasing till age of 20 it was around +5. I went to see if I can get a laser to remove specs but doctor denied so I opted for permanent lens. I was opted but for my right eye PCIOL did not fit somehow so they used ACIOL lens which had some residue left and again same needs to be operated within next 3 days to remove did only use some eye drops while trying to remove in surgery and I was crying in pain during surgery. After that surgery my both eye were good and had 6/6 vision but after 3 years my right eye I did see some blind spot, I went to eye doctor, he could not elaborate the same and said everything is fine and after 2 days my retina got detached. I was operated with buckel and silicon gel was put. I delayed in removal of silicon gel due to my exams which developed squint. Than I got operted for squint, while surgery I think buckel did create some issue for doctor and now after 3 years my cornea is decompensated and doctors are saying that if even they do a cornea transplant, they are not sure if it will adjust for me, there might be chance that again it starts decompensating or my can become tiny. For now I am using contact lens to hide while in office as if I don't,confidence is really low. My left eye also developed many floaters, when I shared with doctor, left eye has a lasered lattice What is your opinion, should I go for transplant and can buckel create issue during transplant. Also can use of soft contact lens harm it further. I will be waiting for your revert here with kind of knowledge you have. Thanks if you do read this.
Doctor Eye health, I HAve been diagnosed with psedoxfoliation syndrome. If possible down the road If you could do a video on that it would be helpful. It is degenerative but I wonder if there is anything that can be done to help delay the damage caused. I am taking preservision eye vitamins and eating a lot of carrots and watching my cholesterol. Enjoy your videos which are always so helpful. Thank you.
I had 3 retina tears. Today I went to the hospital & they did Lazer treatment. The moment I realized I had a big floater & saw an arc of light on my peripheral vision I knew I better tell my Dr.
✅ Eye Health QOTD: Have you ever had a retinal detachment? Did you need surgery? How did it go?
Howdy! My name is Marco. I contacted you on Instagram and I have a retinal detachment in both eyes. Left eye is laser surgery and the right eye is scleral buckle. I'm going to have my surgery in about two weeks. I'm hoping it goes well. :)
Hey I have an important question, recently I have had some vision improvement (Withing a span of 3 weeks) is this normal for my age? I'm turning 15 this thanksgiving!
I had a retinal detachment due to a bicycle accident long ago. The scariest part was that the first two doctors I saw thought I was making it up. They thought I was crazy. Especially when I told them about the flashing lights. Finally there was a wonderful doctor in Boston that helped me. I'm okay now. Thank you so much for your video.
I'm wishing the best for you Marco!
@@99Jusco Best wishes Marco.
Going to have my eye surgery next week. Please help me through praying for successful operarion and fast recovery.
Sending healing thoughts your way!
So how did it go!!?
@@debbieschepers5849 Nextweek is my operation, will have a vlog about it before and after operation ❤️
@@reginacalong1811 how did it go?
@@itss_justkiana1621 it was postponed, because I have to take chemo tablets this month. So probably next month.
I really wish my optometrist was 1/10 as passionate about eye health as this guy
@@frenchrose3752 yes it could be the start..maybe they are holes on the retina..
See an opthalmologist.
@@julesthecat. did you have this condition too?
What I fail to understand is why there is no procedure to prevent all these retinal detachments ? Why wait until an emergency and possible blindness ? Its far too risky. Surely there are some preventative measures such as minor laser surgery for example, for those who have had previous symptoms (suggesting a detachment in future) or a family history ?
I had a partial retinal detachment three years ago. The eye dr. at Walmart told me to go see a nother dr. immediately.This dr. did a laser surgery. Then I was on eye drops for a very long time. I was told that the eye drops had steroids in them which then gave me cataracts. After cataract surgery my eye developed some kind of a film like material over the back of the eye and I opted for another surgery. The dr. goes in and peels the film off the back of the eye. My surgeon told me my film was the biggest he had ever seen and it all came off in one piece. Initially was told this surgery was not always that helpful and my sight improvement would be limited. I had inserts placed in my eye prior to the peel surgery and now my eye sight is 20/15. I am very happy. Best wishes to you all!
Thank you so much for sharing! So happy to hear your vision is doing so well!
Wow, your result is awesome :D
How painful was the laser surgery?
Wow that's a lot of surgery you're very lucky you have a lot of money🙏
if a person looses sight
due to detached retina
and surgeries don't help is there any way
sight can be restored?
This video explained my 2 retina surgeries better than my Doctors did. Praying I don’t need a 3rd. 40 year old super healthy man that experienced a gradual onset of shadows from a retinal tear. Education will make you feel better as a patient. If you’re reading this you got this. Stay positive you’re not alone. We’ve been through it too. Thanks for the info!
Take care and hope everything is good and normal for you. I have a tear in retina also.
My husband was 47 when he had a retinal detachment. He’s extremely healthy and fit as well. How is your vision now?
I have had a lifetime history of holes in my retinas--a congenital condition. Three years ago, after cataract surgery, I developed a retinal tear about 3 1/2 months after the cataract surgery. It started off slow, with me having a feeling that something was wrong in the periphery of my vision. I went the to the ophthalmologist the next day, and he sent me straight to the emergency room at Mass. Eye and Ear. A couple of days later I had a vitrectomy, the retina was repaired, and the surgeon did a 360 degree tack-down of all weak areas in the retina that might detach in the future. I had a two-month gas bubble inserted that actually lasted 10 weeks. I rented a victrectomy chair for the week where you have to be face down at all times (so the bubble floats up to the back of the eye to press the retina against it and keep it from detaching again while it is healing), which allowed me to read, do computer work, and actually watch TV too through a mirror that came with it that lets you see the TV image correctly. You can take a 5-minute break every hour. The worst part was sleeping face down. They give you donut pillow to put your face into, but it's uncomfortable.
I have to say that the two days before the surgery was one of the most traumatic times of my life. Once fluid gets under the retina, it starts moving faster and faster. The night before the surgery I was seeing lightening flashes all night long as the retina separated from the back of the eye. Almost impossible to sleep. By the time they wheeled me into the operating room there was blood in my eye and the tear was nearing the macula, which would have been a disaster. I can't emphasize enough that if you start seeing flashes or a shadow in your periphery, time is of the essence--stop whatever you are doing and get yourself examined. It takes time to schedule the surgery and you may only have a few days left--don't waste any time!
One thing to be aware of with the vitrectomy is that you can't fly while you have the bubble in your eye--the change in air pressure will cause the bubble to expand. I know someone who had a retinal detachment while visiting Nashville, and not only couldn't fly home, but couldn't even drive home for a while because it meant driving on highways over mountains.
I have other complications with that eye, but the vitrectomy and retina re-attachment was successful, and so far so good. One benefit of the vitrectomy is no more floaters in that eye--they vacuum them all out. The surgery itself was painless, and you are technically awake for it all. I could see all the little instruments in my eye. There was a little scissors, and vacuum cleaner, and a laser. There were some great light shows produced by the laser. It was day-surgery, and when it was over, my wife drove me home.
I'm pretty sure that a few decades ago this surgery would not have been possible. The machinery and instruments they have are miraculous. They put ports in the white of your eye to insert tiny instruments. There are machines that exchange fluids and gasses in your eye all while keeping it properly inflated. The surgeons work through microscopes. And when it's all done, you get up and go home. I thank God every day and the countless men and women who dedicate their lives and careers to eye health and have made this all possible. God bless you all!
Amazing story! Thank you for sharing! Your absolutely right about the gas and not being able to fly. There is a type of silicone oil that can be used if flying is necessary but it comes with other complications. Super happy things turned out well and I appreciate you.
Thankful your surgery went well. I learned a lot about what can be done from your story.
@@crashoutfm Medical insurance covered it.
Thank you !!!! I had a big red one last night and have been having the other symptoms you described but had either written off or believed them to be a big lightning flash etc. shit
@@cleft_3000 Get yourself checked by an ophthalmologist ASAP because if there's a problem and you catch it early enough they can fix it in the office with laser or cryo, and you will save yourself a world of inconvenience.
Many thanks Doc, This happen to my wife driving on highway, we are both nurses 32 years , came home and immediately looked up symptom's ,and your advice was spot on , next morning retinal repair was does and you saved my lady's sight , married 53 years vision in her right eye. . Thank you , we are forever in your debt. With a tear in my eye , Thanks
Hello Joseph. I’ve been waiting for you to cover this, and thankfully you’ve done a superb and detailed posting. Thank you so very much. Many years ago, I had no symptoms for detached retinas whatsoever, however during my routine eye exam (in the UK) my optician suspected a detached retina and sent me straight to Moorfields eye hospital in London. It transpires that both my retinas were about to detach and I had surgery the next day requiring a schleral buckle and cryo treatment to seal the tears. The procedure on each eye was done a month apart. Frankly, these procedures saved my eyesight. I simply urge everyone reading this to ensure that they attend their annual or biannual eye examinations, if it all humanly possible: if spotted early enough detachments can be rectified - your eyesight may possibly depend upon it.
Thank you! Glad you liked it and thanks again for sharing your story! I like to think if my video could help even 1 person than it is totally worth my time.
Dear please tell me what is the cost of that surgery? My friend has a same issue in Pakistan
I just had my operation for retina detachment last week also at Moorfields in London! They were amazing! I had the buckle with cryo and all is well so far. Need to do the other eye as well as there are some tears .
Hello Sandra. They don’t like to incapacitate you by doing both eyes at once. Keep taking the eye drops - your eyes should heal and return to normal in time. You can see the whole procedure on TH-cam should you wish - if you’re not squeamish. Moorfields has a world class reputation - so you’re in very safe hands. Good luck!🙏👀☀️🇬🇧🌻🙏
I’ve just seen your comment Saqib. There is no cost for the procedure here in the UK. However, currently with very long waiting lists you can pay privately. The cost in Pakistan should be significantly less.🙏
Since I was a baby I have had so many tough times. I thought I was all alone but reading so many people similar to me makes me want to fight and pray . 🙏 .
I had retinal detachment almost 10 years ago. Its main causes was glaucoma. After long days of trying to know what i had and what to do the doctor decided to operate me and injected silicone with 2% of chance of success. Anyway after that my eye turned blue with white spots (my eyes were dark brown) and i no longer see well.
Now i turned 26 and I'm so thankful for what i have in my life. I wish everybody good health 😊😁 hamdoullah
So what’s your eye vision know ? 20/40 or 20/20
How long does it take your eses to adjust.I was looking at my cell and the txt went blurry with a blueish light that took 30 to g away.It cme back twice aftr looking at it again only for 30 seconds.Doc said go to eye doc monday.I am scared to loose a eye.Do they adjust.?
So how is ur vision now
Any update?
You have explained this very well. I just turned 39 and had 4 tears with 3 detachments. I had surgery in both eyes 6 years ago for cataracts at age 33 . Very scary at a young age to go through this. Never had any type of trauma nor found in family history. Just born with a few bad eye's. If any one going through any of this and feels scared please reach out and talk about it.
Hi, I'm currently on my second retinal detachment after getting surgery for the first one 3 weeks ago. Most likely getting surgery again either tomorrow or the day after. It all happened because around two months ago I got struck on that eye with a tennis ball. I would like to hear what your experience was and if you regained vision after getting surgery, because I didn't.
I’m 17 and I just got a retina detachment about 8 weeks ago, pretty scary for me since it was so sudden
@@axstin- What surgery did you get and how did it go?
Yes, I had a detached retina on my 55th birthday. I experienced eye flashing and a dark “cloud”. I was out of town at the time - flew home to see my eye doctor the next day who referred me to a surgeon who performed a cryosurgery to repair the tear. It’s been a year - post surgery floaters are gone and I’m good as new. My brother also had a detachment in his 30’s.
@@isabellind1292 Nice hospital mine told me to go sea eye doc on monday
Yes they told my Dad that I was shocked they did not have one on staff.
Had some Kryo tac welding done in the office. Egh!
@@isabellind1292 :''''D
I had that thanks to soccer ⚽️.
I have had 3 detachments in my left eye in the last 2 years and I’m currently going threw my 4th….. it’s a very serious thing to go threw. And trust me having support from your family and your doctor makes it so much easier to go threw.
People I know who have been getting injections have been getting them, dad after his xxines, me after cortisone, and another after flu shot. What's going on .. Maybe cause they cross the blood brain barrier
Whats leading to have 4 retina deattachment? I got my 2nd exactly after 1 month from the first one
I had one in 2020 got the vitrectomy and scared it'll happen again 😫
@@marmarsmandalashow much your glasses prescription changed after surgery?
The eye is so fragile and fickle. I hope serious regenerative medicine is available in the next 10 years.
Thank goodnedd we have a pair of eyes. ;)
@@imaboygenius Yes, but we only need to lose one to lose 3D space. lol. If we had three eyes I might not care as much.
@@UHFStation1 you don't lose 3d viewing you loose the side of your vision unless there is something I'm not hearing
I've had a detachment in the same eye twice! Very scary but after surgery & 3 yrs later I actually have most of my sight back & am very grateful to my eye Dr & surgeon🤓
jan rasmussen hey, I had the same process last Friday. Did you have a hole in the retina somewhere allowing liquid behind to detach the retina? How is the sight in the eye now?
They say no treatment for this problem so do you know any surgery can help?
I was a worst case scenario retinal detachment with best case scenario results. Like Dr. Eye Health said, listen to everything your doctor tells you. EVERYTHING. Don’t shortcut the face down, eye drops, or any part of the recovery instructions.
Best of luck to everyone. ❤
I was never face down. I couldnt sleep on my back that was it.
Had a retinal detachment in my left eye at age 40. Treated with gas bubble and silicon belt and cryotherapy.
All ok for a month then reoccurred. Same procedure carried out again. My prescription went from minus 11 to minus 14.
A couple of months later I had preventive cryotherapy carried out on my right eye as a preventive measure.
31 years later I have had no reoccurrence of the problem.
Five years ago had cataract surgery in both eyes and since then have had almost perfect vision, can almost read the bottom line on a snellen chart without spectacles.
All in all a really good result which I hope to benefit from for a good few years yet.
My thanks to the staff at the Edinburgh Eye Pavilion in Scotland UK.
That's a great story! Thank you for sharing.
Great post, good to know surgical procedures can make a huge long term difference.
Hey, do you happen to have any floater problems afterwards? It's amazing you went from -14 to 20/20!
Kudos! :)
Hey I'm so glad for you I hope I have the same chances
Dude literally just saved my eyesight. Awesome work, keep it up.
Thanks! But hope you are doing ok. Did you just get treated?
@@DoctorEyeHealth I am being treated tomorrow. If I haven't watched your video it would've been too late for me because I was planning a holiday. Thanks again, this video made me contact my doctor immediately and discovered that my retina is busy detaching.
As someone who has had a Retinal Detachment, it's quite a life changing experience. Mine was pretty serious and unfortunately vision didn't really recover but the eye is stable at least.
Detachments are something I don't wish on anyone as just seeing the changes for yourself happening before you really are scary. I was lucky to have some real good support from family and my Opthamologist.
I’m so sorry to hear about this. My son just has an RD surgery too. Wishing you the very best.
I can definitely relate and agree it is life changing. My first detachment was pretty bad as well and my vision has suffered. Overall, I think my depth perception is off as well and I need to be careful because Ive fallen from over or under stepping 5 times in the last 12 months. The last time was down the steps. Im learning to move slower and concentrate more on steps especially!
Yeah, going through it this week, was supposed to have surgery yesterday after I decided this was serious and wasn't going to go away. The surgeons were very excited to look at my eye, and this is a top notch hospital. It's special and rare, and they look again in 4 weeks instead of getting surgery yesterday. I'm puzzled but do trust them. It sucks and I need good vision to keep my career, but others in life have it worse so I shouldn't complain.
I had a detached retina. I had no symptoms. The doctors questioned me a lot about it. It was discovered during a routine eye check. After the surgery the doctor took off my eye patch and said 'ok, tell me what you can see' I took this to mean there was a possibility that I might have been in a position to not be able to see anything. Now at the time I was like 12 or 13 years old. Him saying that, really concerned me. Needless to say I could see fine, well as fine as I could tell 30 years later I got cataract surgery and that was the best surgery ever. I could see so much better 20/25 and now only need 1.5 reading glasses after my cataract surgery. I don't know what my vision was before that, but I did have contact lens that were -9.5. Being born very premature sure was a drag, but I'm here ! And still seeing !!! I was told that my great grandfather had a detached retina, and he had to stay in bed for a month with out moving or moving his head. I don't know when this was 1900 - 1920? Perhaps. I had a vitrectomy - and had to lay with my head off to one side, that gas bubble was so whacky, really made for distorted vision. Oh, had a buckle - 30 + years later the doctor who did it, checked my eyes and said the buckle hadn't moved or changed. Yea for Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia !!!! They saved my eye sight more than once. They are my heroes.
Thanks, my first visit to Retinal Specialist and it was so worth it. I had one flash and some floater and he informed me everything was good. Well worth the checkup!
How is it now?
I’ve been looking up pro active treatment. So look at your diet. Add spinach and kale. Good information on google. I personally probably don’t drink enough water and most definitely making changes today!
I had this happen twice and it’s really scary stuff. First time was when I was born due to ROP and I’m blind in my right eye since forever. Second time was 7 years ago, all of a sudden I was having a retinal detachment on my left eye. I didn’t experience any of these symptoms tho, I just remember that light bothered me A LOT, to the point of having to wear sunglasses indoors.
Fortunately we found a specialist and it was treated in time with a scleral buckle. I only have 20% of my vision left and I’m very light sensitive now. If I was visually impaired then, today I’m even more so (and yet here I am trying make a living through digital art haha).
Doctor told me it could happen again in the future, so I’ll keep an eye out for these symptoms. Thank you so much for this video!! I’m definitely checking out the rest of your content! 💖
I'm a little more light sensitive after a few surgeries. I bought a pair of non-prescription sun glasses, that get progressively darker in the sunlight, but in doors are clear. It really helps me to wear them when I go outside.
@@kfl611 ohhh yeah! I think I know which ones you’re talking about. There was a brief period when I used them but I wasn’t a fan. They’ll get darker in cold rooms (like at school when they’d turned the AC on) and make it harder to see, so I didn’t last long with them. But that was years ago, maybe the technology behind them is better nowadays. Who knows! I could give them another try.
Glad to hear they help you tho! 😊
@@yeyeliz Mine are like 12 years old, but like I said they are non-prescription so they are kind of thin, maybe that helps with how the darken and lighten. I really like them.
@@kfl611 ahh I see! I don’t know much about how those type of lenses work but might not hurt to try them whenever i get new glasses. thanks for rec tho!
Yes, I had this 10 years ago-retinal tear fixed by laser. No further problems, but now I have a cataract & very afraid to have it because of the retinal tear. Thank you.
I hope everything goes well. I am sure your surgeon will be extra careful.
My doctor found lattice degeneration and I got laser treatment. It’s always in the back of my mind that it can thin again, especially now more than ever without insurance. I’m a graphic designer so I’m 1000% dependable on my sight. A fear of mine is waking up blind
Same ! Btw How is it now?
How painful was the laser treatment?
I started having floaters and started seeing flashing light. I went to my eye doctor at Mt Sinai hospital in NY. After two visits, I was told I had "retinal tear" and the attending doctor said he could fix it by laser in the clinic on the same day. Without knowing what I had and without waiting for a 2nd opinion, I agreed.
Later towards the end of the day, the doctor called me in, put some drops in my eyes and started flashing the laser in to my eyes in a circular manner and it lasted for about 10 - 15 minutes. I went home and had blurry vision for the rest of the day. Eventually the flashing lights were gone and floaters were either gone or it didn't bother me any more. In the follow ups, I was told that the laser treatment was good and my retinal tear is fixed.
I am not sure the terms 'retinal tear' or 'retinal detachment ' are the same thing.
What followed later was profuse watering of the eye, I was told I had dry eyes and using artificial tears, but this is not working well.
I am 67 now, using reading glass only but can comfortably watch tv and others without glasses.
The doctor also told me I had very large eye caps, and had initial stage of glaucoma. I will start the glaucoma treatment from july this year.
How long did it take for the flashes to go away?
My mom and I have both had retinal detachment “scares“. Luckily neither of us had this condition. I had what is known as an ocular migraine, and the aura presented as the dark half circle shadowing part of my vision. I did go into my eye doctor and he confirmed that everything with my retinas were fine. And my mom had an episode of ocular neuritis, which included flashes of light. Her eye doctor was also amazing and did everything necessary to check her retinas and eyesight as well. Can I just say I have had two of the most awesome eye doctors for my mom and I!
Hi, were the "dark half circles" to the sides of ur vision? Were they like half transparent but kinda dark in color?
@@zixiongwang9659 did u have a dark half circles as well? I’ve been having them for 6 months now and I’m only able to see it when white wall is next to my eye. Idk what it is though.
Rahul Dev yeah i don't know how long ive had them, they appear when i look to the edge of my vision. Hard to see them in daylight and in the dark though.
@@zixiongwang9659 Great to see I'm not alone. Do u think it could be some detachment? Did u get ur retina scanned?
@@rahuldev2785 i haven't done the dilation exam, so no idea about my retina. But i doubt it's retina detachment, at least not that serious. I got to know some people with similar problems, they did multiple exams and didn't find anything. But we should definitely get ours checked as well just to get rid of the anxiety imo. btw do u have myopia?
My husband has had 3 retinal detachments; twice right eye and once left eye. All three surgeries were with scleral buckle, laser and gas fluid exchange. Thankfully I’m an ophthalmic technician for retinal surgeons so he’s been followed closely.
How is his vision now?
John B His vision is 20/20 OD but 20/50 OS. His left eye was mac off for the second surgery so his doctor had to do laser through his macula resulting in distorted line through the middle of his vision. But he’s been able to manage with his vision.
Hope he is doing ok, eye issues are no joke and such a strain on your psyche.
@@stephaniehegarty3291 i hope he is much better now. I had a macular off RD and had a vitrectomy in July 2021 and i'm just wondering visiom outcome will be if macular is involved
Your husband is made of iron. He must be a strong man mentally.
I had a severe abcess from my chin to my ear.. suffered for about a week finally went to ER. The pain was unbearable. That's when I started with the flashes and blurry vision. The antibiotics kicked in everything went away except I still can't see from top half of my eye. Went back to the hospital and they said it's a detached retina. My surgery is in office tomorrow if he can fix it... ugh prayers
I had a retinal detachment 20 years ago when I was just 17. It was spontaneous, not caused by trauma or any other physical event.
I had surgery, but I have a permanent blind spot that covers roughly a third of the vision in the lower part of my left eye.
I wish I could regain my full vision (even though I’m already short-sighted) but it’s simply something I have to live with.
I’m sorry that happend to you
Hello Shark. I'd like to talk to you about RD. I suffer the same challenges
I recently had two retinal tears and had the laser treatment for each tear one week apart. The second tear was discovered one week after the first treatment. It had been noted as an area of concern the week before. The doctor said the first tear had about a 50% chance of developing into a retinal detachment. He treated it with 203 laser shots. The second tear got 153 laser shots. My mom also had a retinal tear back in the late 70s with laser treatment.
I wish my eye doctor knew what he was talking about.
Bluegill Phil get another doctor
Dont go to your regular eye doctor. make sure you get a retinal specialist
Stg all mine did was give me glasses for this smh
I am so happy I found your channel!
THANK YOU. Having vitrectomy in December. I dread the face down time more than anything else. I have a macula hole. I'd never heard of this condition until I got it. I noticed my vision seemed to get worse over a period of weeks, so I made an appointment with the eye Dr. A few days before the appt, I was looking at the mini blinds on my kitchen window, and they were bending as I watched them. Called my eye Dr. Back and got an urgent appointment with an ophthalmologist, who told me what was happening. Got another urgent appt with retina surgeon two days later. We did a wait and see for a month but it never got better. Having surgery in December. It's so weird, like looking through a kaleidoscope or a whirlpool filter. My vision is now 20/200 I can't see anything on an eye chart. Unfortunately, this is my 'good eye', I have myopia much worse in the other eye.
Macular hole is an interesting condition, several stages. It sounds like you did the right thing in calling your eye doctor right away. I hope to have a video on the subject some day. I wish you the best!!!!
Rent a vitrectomy chair and assemble it before the surgery. They rent them by the week. They are great. You rest slightly forward on your chest/stomach, with your head face down in comfortable holder. There is a tray under your face here you can put things like your phone or laptop or a book or magazine. It comes with a special mirror that you can put on the tray and watch TV while face-down. It corrects the image so you properly read things on the TV. Find a good multi-season show to binge-watch. I watched "Justified." It was great! The chair will come with a cushion for you to sleep with, face-down in your bed. Not the most comfortable, but you'll get through it. You'll be fine.
How are you doing now? I just found out I have something similar. Going to a retina specialist very soon. Centre of my vision is very blurry and interferes with reading particularly. My eye specialist who found the problem said I will likely need surgery so I’m very nervous about it.
Am an optometry student and your videos are so helpful in this my academic journey,thank u so much 🙏🙏
A few years ago I went in for a standard eye exam and randomly took a visual field test which showed I was missing part of my peripheral vision in the inner corner of my eye. The optometrist referred me to and ophthalmologist who then referred me to a retinal specialist who finally identified the retinal detachment and performed the scleral buckle surgery the next day. It’s just crazy to me that I had no noticeable symptoms and have no idea how long I was missing that portion of my peripheral vision!
My husband (47yo. when detachment occurred and currently 48yo)had a retinal detachment in October 2023. He had the Vitrectomy and gas bubble. He spent 9 days face down for 45 min. of every awake hour. Definitely a challenging few days for him. Tomorrow, he’s having cataract surgery on that eye. We’re very hopeful he’ll finally get his vision back.
How it go ?
I had a detached retina recently. Was not even aware of it until I went for a routine eye exam. Had the surgery and all is well.
Can pigment epithelial detachment heal with surgery?
Went through the surgery on the 14th of July, my right eye has been blind for 3 years and I had a detached retina from may, thankfully 3 weeks after my he operation my sight from the left eye is thriving everyday, my vision is far better than I was thus 5 years: please go straight to your doctor if you have any symptoms from the video, there is nothing to be afraid of folks, if I can do it anyone can. Trust me, I don’t as blind for two weeks but it was well worth it👍 my ey sight is back just in time for the premier league season 😎😎
I'm watching this because my mother was just diagnosed with retinal detachment earlier today. She's been noticing symptoms for a few days, and she finally got it checked out. Surgery is on tuesday. I hope it goes well 🙏🙏
I will send her good thoughts!
How is she?
I just knew that my dad has this problem. He will have a surgery next Wednesday. Please tell me more about your experience. Thanks
Please tell me, how is she?
What are the symptoms
I had a head injury that nearly knocked me unconscious
---for the next 5 months i would get flashes any time i moved my head quickly to the right or left
---i never went to the doctor (as a matter of principal, i stay away from doctors at all costs)
---but my wife and i were already changing our diet before this head injury occurred.
---we were learning about the health benefits of Keto and Intermittent fasting (also known as "Fed Fasting")
My self diagnosed pre-diabetes was being reversed (thus reducing inflammatory effects of sugar and seed oils)
---then we began learning about the Carnivore diet, and the B1 vitamin called Benfotamine and the loss of feeling in my feet started coming back
---i don't know exactly when the flashes stopped occurring, but as i was listening to this video i remembered having had so many of my own private fireworks displays, everyday, every night and i realized that they have completely stopped. Haven't had any for many months now.
Having new floaters and blurred vision in one of my eyes, going in to the retina center in my town. This video was very helpful. Hopefully appointment goes well.
Went in and have had 5 laser surgeries and injections in my eyes. They alternate from eye to eye, one procedure left then may only go for injections. It sucks!
@@Lesqueek How are you now? And do you have to be awake during it all?
@@Vakira right now my eyes aren't blurry and the super extreme floaters are gone for the moment. With the treatments there hemorrhaging is less. I may have to continue to go for injections though for quite some time. I'm never asleep during the laser since I have to follow movement instructions as there dr does the laser treatment. They do the injections immediately after the laser in the opposite eye. Been having treatments since 1/27/21, while the injections are painless except for the burn after due to meds the laser is more uncomfortable. Luckily I'm able to take mini breaks during procedure if pain gets to be too much. All in all I'm glad I went and continue to go in.
@@Lesqueek How are you now?
@rohanmaghade I'm doing much better than I was. Sadly I'm still doing eye injections monthly, but it beats the alternative possibly losing my vision permanently. I'm hoping I can eventually either do this less often or altogether.
4:54 I am 45 and I had this surgery. Gas bubble and laying down face down for a week. I had this surgery about a month ago. So far everything is going well.
I had the full treatment, gas bubble, buckle, laser on opposite eye to stop it from detaching. Gas bubble is now about half deflated and I feel like a human level waking around with the fluid coming back. Dr. Martindale did a great job at IAB Callahan Eye in Birmingham, AL. I am confident that my eye will be better than ever!
I was 19 when both of my retinas detached. Got a scleral buckle in one eye... and my other got cauterized
Do your eyes function well right now?
How are you now?
How old are you now? And how are you doing these days?
Please reply, how are your eyes doing today?
Are you okay??
I've had bilateral retinal detachments in my early and mid 20s in 2001 and again in 2005. I suffered ROP as a premature baby. My right retina detached first and I was hemorrging as well, once my specialist got in there it was more complicated than he anticipated, I threw his surgical day into a big old mess, so i was told the next day at post op. The thing that shocked him most was that i wasn't black and blue with bruising because of the extended time he was in my eye operating. When he did the lens implant a year later in the right eye, i looked like he punched my face, we tease and say it was the country music i made him listen to in the OR that made me bruise. He hates country music, but with every proceeding surgery i had with him, he allowed country music, at the time i was the only paitent he allowed country music for, in his OR. Then my left retina detached. My retinal specialist was very aggressive with both detachments. I am thankful for what sight he was able to save. I had the sceral buckle and vitrectomy surgeries, he had to induce cataracts as well. I am legally blind with sight.
I had a retinal detachment in my left eye in August of 2017. I had to go into emergency surgery the same day I very luckily got in to see a retina specialist. I found out I have something called lattice degeneration in both eyes at that time as well. So I had a vitrectomy, laser, gas bubble and scleral buckle for the left eye and laser for all of the tears in my right eye. I had to sit face down for two weeks. It was a very long recovery. I had to have cataract surgery in my left eye to remove a cataract caused by the gas bubble. Now I have a secondary cataract that will eventually be taken care of. I’m hoping I may be able to wear contacts again. I tried soft lenses recently but they hit scar tissue in my left eye, from my surgery and cause a lot of irritation. My ophthalmologist suggested maybe trying hard lenses since they’re smaller but I’m nervous about it. I’m also tired of wearing glasses all the time. 🤓
I had The last surgery you talked about? I had to keep my head down for 45 minutes out of an hour each day. Sleep on my side with my nose in the pillow. It has been a week. I still have the gas bubble behind my Eye. But my checkups have all turned out great so far. Definitely, anyone who has seen floaters. Go see your Eye doctor right away. My detachment happened without a reason and very rapidly.
I had the same situation seven weeks ago. I was face down or on my left side nose in my pillow for three weeks. All of my check ups have been good so there’s hope. That is definitely my public service announcement these days, if you suddenly have a dramatic increase in floaters or see a black spot in your vision, get yourself to the eye doctor to get it checked. Best of luck to you!
I have a detached retina and I now feel sick after listening to this.
welcome i have the same.. better is not to read at all
I was diagnosed with a partial retinal detachment on Friday July 10, 2020, I'm going into surgery on Tuesday. I'm very scared and nervous. I was told I'll be getting the buckle and then if needed the gas bubble. Both sound horrible. It didn't help that I watched youtube videos on the buckle surgery. I'm praying for a speedy recovery.
Anthony, I really hope things will go well with you!
How is your eye after operation?
@@tatmustiyy Thank you for asking. Back in 2020 I had the buckle done and no bubbles. The buckle didn't completely do the job so then I had another surgery to add the gas bubbles in 2021. My vision got better but not the same. Then in 2022 I had cataract surgery and that really helped a lot. It gave me some peripheral vision back. As of 2024 my vision is still blurry and will probably never ever be back to normal. It is clear but distorted.
@@tonyceeSorry my problem not same I think.I have pigment epithelial detachment.
Thank you so much! - Nursing student learning about eye traumas
I had the fantastic experience of having bilateral retinal detachment at the ripe age of 25. I had scleral buckle, cryopexy, and SRF draining on both eyes at the same time. Left the operating room with eye patches on both eyes, very scary at the time. As a result I'm incredibly near sighted and unfortunately due to the detachment being asymptomatic for months I have lost upper peripheral vision permanently.
Hi i have my right eye lost its vision permannelty .Now my left eye is having a eye floaters hoping it will not blind my left eye too. How is other eye now? is it working well now ?
_Dr. Allen I'm 52yrs old and have had a Retinal Tear, 2 cataracts and a full retinal detachment from 2009-2015 all while still in my 40's . Yesterday morning and this morning I awoke to severe nose bleeds. I can't remember when I've ever had any nose bleed in the past. This morning after the bleeding stopped, I noticed 100's of tiny black dots floating around in my Right eye. Had a little bit of "Lightning" in my lower field of vision this afternoon. This evening I took a nap and woke up around 11:30pm. I have a definite shadow covering the lower 1/4 of my vision right now. I plan on calling Dr. Matthews in the morning and hopefully my retina won't get much worse before I see him._
_Dr Matthews has had to repair a small tear my left retina by laser, that was discovered during an eye exam in 2002. I've since had a full detachment back in 2015 in my Left Eye while at work and it's onset happened within an 8-hr span as the darkness started around the outside and closed in to a mis-shaped oval, very quickly. It was so quick that before I could pack up my tools and leave for the hospital, I had lost all vision in my Left Eye. I was literally blind both eyes because I was already waiting to get the cataract in Right Eye removed and was saving my money for the custom Corneal Implant that my BC&BS wouldn't pay the extra for. I had to get surgery at Duke Eye Center in Durham, NC. Because Dr Matthews was with his wife having Gall-Bladder surgery. My surgeon was Dr Hahn. Luckily my vision returned to 100%, except for a slight power differential that causes Binocular vision, if i'm tired or if my blood pressure is elevated._
_Wish me luck._
Recovering from retina detachment surgery as I type. Day two of recovery. Thanks for the info.
Last December while driving I saw a vessel in my eye become larger with each heart beat until it burst. I saw a giant blur and then because of the car lights at dusk my vision was a cloud with black specks everywhere. I drove home took my blood pressure 201/98. I went to the ER and they didn't see anything in my eye and they couldn't get a eye doctor to come to see me so they kept me and treated my blood pressure. Tuesday they released me and I went to a ophthalmologist. He sent me to a Retina doctor. The Retina doctor didn't see anything and told me to come back in two weeks. In a week I notice a curtain coming down from the top of my eye but I didn't know what to do so I waited until the appointment . The doctor saw me and sent straight to the hospital for surgery. He repaired my retina and put a gas bubble in it. After I backed off the eye drops my eye retina detached again this time the black curtain came from the bottom up. The second surgery he put silicone in the eye and told me I had a hole in my macular. He told me the hole has closed and 8 months later my retina is still attached. My cataract blurs my eye completely.
That is a lot of surgeries. Have they discussed having the cataracts removed?
Thanks for the info. I am 62 in good health, I woke up one morning with the most floaters ever. When I close my eyes I see a bright shadow in one eye that resembles a silhouette of a spider, something you see when you have been exposed to a bright light. I will contact my Eye Doctor. Thanks once again.
Thanks for making this video!
A question!
Does heavy lifting cause retinal detachment in severe myopia?
Yes, I have had this. It happened when I was still in Montreal. I took some pills for something unrelated. Within an hour I had a metallic taste in my mouth. I figured that it was just an interesting side effect. Then the next morning I had a huge amount of new floaters in my left eye. I went to the clinic and got a referral to a eye specialist. She looked in my eye with lenses and discovered a hole in my eye in the upper part. She said she wanted me to go to the hospital for emergency surgery. Well, of course panic mode set in. I am terrified of needles.
I went to the hospital the next Monday. Another doctor checked my eye and told me I needed to have the surgery. I figured they would book me an appointment but he said it had to be done right away. Panic mode again. A real panic attack. After referring to another doctor and an assistant he said he usually goes for the surgery but said I am borderline between needing surgery or using laser. He chose the laser because he saw how terrified I was. He gave me a pill to calm me down. It took an hour. He also told me the hole was a result of my-optic or myopic or Myoptic. Something like that. I don't quite remember. He said it's because my eyes are slightly oval and not round.
Then I went in for the laser surgery. The doctor, a different one, explained what she was going to do. I felt so calm because I realized that there would be no needles involved. Just a lot of eye drops, gel, a magnifying lenses touching my eyeball and the laser. It was the most fascinating experience in my life. The laser was a pretty color.
The original eye doctor asked me if I ever saw lightning in my eye and I told her no. But I told the second doctor that I saw a flash of white light and asked if that was what the first one meant. He said yes.
Anyway, a week later I had a follow up. He found a second hole. A smaller one so he did the laser surgery again. They seemed to have held. I went back to him about a year later and asked him to check it and asked if it was ok to go on an airplane because of the pressure. He said it was fine. That was 2 years ago.
This past few days that eye has been bothering me. The doctor said that I would always be able to feel the scarring from the surgery. Some days it's not noticeable but some days it's really bad and he told me to try not to rub the eye. I do rub it but very gently. The last few days the eye has been watering and the eye clouds over with the liquid and I get scared that the hole has reopened and liquid is coming out or there is a new hole.
The problem is that I moved to Australia and he's in Montreal. My eye doesn't seem to be getting worse but I would like him to check it for me. We might be going to visit Montreal in Oct next year so I will try to get an appointment to see him.
How was the pain during the laser procedure?
@@lizcambre815 I had no pain at all. I felt discomfort because I couldn't blink my eye with the lens touching my eye holding the eyelid open. I had to warn him when I was about to blink the other eye because both eyes move when I blink. I didn't want him to accidentally laser the wrong spot. LOL
Thank you for replying! I’m so scared I’ll need this one day because I’m myopic as well. Still in the mild-moderate stage but I’m sure it will get worse over time.
@@lizcambre815 The laser surgery I had was nothing to worry about. All they did was use the laser to seal closed the hole. I was sitting in a chair in one of the rooms with the laser. No pain at all for me. They put drops in your eyes to widen the pupil and other drops to freeze the eye so you don't feel the little lens thing they put on your eye. I felt a little pressure from him holding the lens against my eye but that was it. If you have the same thing done that I had done then I'm sure you'll be fascinated by all the colors and reflections of your eye to even care what is going on. On one of the follow up appointments I had, he even let my fiancee look through the extra viewer to see inside my eye and see the little scar. It was like she was looking into my soul. She must have liked what she saw because she married me.
@@azurazdandaridae9158 so great to hear!! Thank you, lol.
I got the news yesterday, my doctor said retinal thinning my stomach dropped. I feel like life just keeps kicking me down, I honestly don’t know why these things happen to me. But thank you for going into detail, my Optometrist said it’s most likely because of my prescription being strong and having a astigmatism.
Hi there I just wanted to say I absolutely understand what you feel about life constantly kicking you down. If it's any consolation you're not the only one out there experiencing this kind of thing. If I can offer you one thing is to remain optimistic as much as you can. I hope things turn around for the better for you and I hope you have received a successful treatment for your retinal issues :-)
Thankyou for the informative video.
I've got PVD and a retinal detachment.
Make the call people! the sooner you get it seen to the better!
I've had it fixed now with laser, cryo treatment and been given the all clear from my consultant (2 Feb 2021).
P.s. long live the NHS, in the UK.
Thank you for your comment!
How was the surgery?
I have had two detachments in my right eye, the first one corrected the detachment after a week of laying on my stomach (not fun)). Just when I thought everything was cool, the curtain started descending again. The second procedure was the easiest, They replaced the fluid in my right eye with oil after tacking it down, a week or two later the oil was removed and they put gas in my eye that slowly dissipated and was replaced by fluid. The drops I was using during all this form a cataract, my vision was milky finally it got so dense I couldn't see through the eye. I had cataract surgery to clear it up, and after that my eye was zapped with a laser to clean up after the surgery.
At first I went to my optometrist and told him about the huge floater that appeared first, he blew it off as a floater and told me that it would go away. Then the curtain started coming down along with the floater, I went to another Dr. for a second opinion before I went I took a photo in to Photoshop and edited it to what I was seeing. He took one look at the example, and I was in surgery the next day. The right eye is at about 95% now but it beat the alternative.
Thanks for your info Dr. Allen. I have a detachment causing 1/3 loss in left eye. 67 yrs old. Near sighted. Seeing retina specialist in AM. Seeking best outcome. Thanks for stimulation about different treatments. Will update you when I can see better.
How are your eyes doing ?
Please reply
I underwent 3 complex laser surgery in the past 23 months. The very first surgery didn’t succeed at all, and the second surgery was succeeding for 365 days. Now! It has been 7 months since I had my third surgery and I am experiencing flash of light, floater again. This is something seriously dangerous I have gone through in such a young age. I am scared of surgery, on the other hand, I want to be able to see the beautiful world. I wish there is another treatment for retina detachment beside treating it with surgery.
Hello, did your retina detach again?
@@reimara5845 no but since Vitrectomy is the resolution to keep my retina to detach, I would need surgery every once in a while to replace oil. Once oil are breaking, you cannot see clearly.
From what I understand , having a 'posterior vitreous separation' ( PVD ) is quite common in older people , I had no issues with retinal detachment , though I was checked , just in case . The gel just detaches and floats around the inside of the eye . One does see a lot of floaters after complete detachment , but your brain gets used to it and eventually you stop noticing it .
This seems to be what I am experiencing although I also see intermittent flashes. I was checked by an opthomologist but he said he did not see any tear or detachment. He told me that it can still happen but come back to see him in two weeks. Still experiencing symptoms after 4 days and am considering getting a second opinion.
Woke up one morning with almost no sight in my right eye. 6 operations later I have no sight in the eye. The retina literally came
apart into pieces. As soon as one hole was fixed another one opened up. I was told by a technician that works with an eye surgeon that a high percent of retina reattachments either are partially successful (some vision) or fail completely (no or little vision).
That's really tough to hear. So sorry. How is your functioning eye?
Wow this has brought me here with a recent trip to optometrist. Changing my diet and adding more spinach. Great video and helpful
Glad it was helpful!
I had successful cataract surgery but was never told that that can lead to a detached retina which I got latter in one eye.
I was examined routinely for post cataract healing and care.
During all that time none of the doctors at the medical facility checked my retina (a 3-5 minute) check. Emergency reattachment surgery was too late. You only have a window of 14-16 days to have corrected surgery. All I see in that eye is refracted light and images like you would see looking under water and trying to see objects at the furthest end of the pool. Floaters and vision issues were a routine part of my cataract surgery healing process, so the floaters and other symptoms of detached retina were not red flags for me. My whole life has changed. The quality of life is significantly impacted. This is a message to doctors: please check for detached retinas. and don't rely on the patient to pick up on vague symptoms to "watch for".
Sorra for qhat happened to u , im going through the same rn n im pondering if i should do the surgery n go through all that n dtill end up losing vision ,read reviews n tlked with ppl whoce done rhe R ssurgery ,not much good news .
had the lights for over two weeks now....
I just had two procedures done on my right eye a week apart. Diagnosed with detached retina on March 1st. Sent to surgeon in larger city near me and first visit about 10 minutes in he had me laying back in the chair and was sticking a needle in my eye. I’m making a groaning sound as I have a phobia with needles and he is telling me to be quiet twice while he is still sticking needles in my eye. He stops for a minute and I tell them 3 times I’m getting sick and they get me upright with a trash can to throw up in. He is telling me I have to lay back because of the timing is what he said to finish the procedure. I stopped throwing up for a few seconds and he pushed me back in the chair and finished. I’m glad I did not throw up while on my back. I asked him before the procedure to have my wife come back to hear what he was vey quickly explaining to me what was going on with my eye. He said she could not come back because of hippa laws while he was walking out to his office. I explained that it is my wife but got no response from him. I was so mad when we were done that I called the next week to cancel my follow up at the surgery center to finish the repair. I decided to let him do the surgery because of his reputation as a surgeon. It’s a long story but the surgery seemed to go great and am doing good. I’m going to finish with him on this eye and will not go back. I had a follow up appointment a week after the surgery. The first thing his nurse did was put a drop in each eye. I asked he what kind of drops and she said to deaden my eyes. I told her I did not want anymore drops in my good eye. And she told me several times that she has to or she will get in trouble. I kept telling her she’s not putting anymore drops in my good eye and told her I will sign something or whatever but they are not touching my good eye. He had told me during the initial consultation that it was showing sign of detachment in my other eye. He was going to inject an air bubble in my good eye when I had very little vision in my repaired eye one week after surgery. He explained to me that once I leave there there is a 25 percent chance that I will need it repaired in the future so I said there’s a good chance that it will never happen. I turned 67 In December. It’s late and am typing with one eye. I will check in later for typos.
Check in how you now ?
Thanks for the info. My Opthamologist told me today that I have a detached retina, as I suspected, and that I need surgery right away. I am seeing a retina surgeon in the morning and will be having the surgery tomorrow afternoon. It looks like our big Thanksgiving with family at our home may be a bit different this year. (Thanksgiving is day after tomorrow). But, me and all my family are glad that I’m having the surgery. Happy Thanksgiving blessings to everyone!
Wow! So sorry to hear that but I will be sending you many great thoughts and wishes. You have an amazing attitude towards it and I respect that. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
@@DoctorEyeHealth Just got home. Surgery went great! I was awake, alert and talking with the doctor and nurses the entire time. Still numb, so will see how I feel when the deadner wears off and the numbness goes away.
@@JT_70 hey how are u doing now? Are your eyes better? I also had a surgery on my left eye last week, my floaters and dirtlike fluids are gone but my vision is blurry for now
@@_j_8151 I had laser surgery last November then developed another tear and had surgery again in Feb. on the same eye. The Feb surgery required me to be face down for a week during recovery. My vision is excellent now. Sharp, no floaters, no problems. It’s important to take all the eye drop medications on schedule and follow all the doctor’s recovery instructions. I hope yours improves quickly. If not, be sure to let the doctor know and schedule a follow-up visit. I have my final follow-up next week.
@@JT_70 Good to know you're doing great now. I've also been instructed to be in face down position for two weeks 12 hrs a day. Thanks for replying makes me feel better knowing others are doing well now with the same problem.
Happen to me needed all 3 things this doc talks about though I was gonna lose my eye but got saved and I thank my doc all this in the beginning of the year
Thank you for a very interesting video.
I had a detached retina in 2002 while at work, my boss got me to the eye hospital ( Which I have Attended since a child due to only having eyesight in one eye, due to being premature and having ROP ) as it looked like a black curtain going up from the bottom of my eye to just over half way up, the Dr I saw said it was a very badly detached retina and they were not sure if they could save my sight, I had surgery the next day as being 22.00 they could not get a team together to do the operation the same night.
After the operation where they performed virectomy and gas bubble, I had to lay face down in a special jig in bed for a week not the most pleasant experience.
I had LASIK laser surgery around one month after the operation which my consultant tried to do as an outpatient but because of astigmatism he couldn't do it.
After being a day patient for the Lasik surgery, six monthes later I required cataract surgery as the silicon oil put in to replace the vitreous jelly had caused a cataract.
I still attend the same hospital every nine months for check ups and if there are student doctors being trained they ask me if it is ok for the students to have a look at my eyes as i am a very rare case and photographs of my eyes are used in lectures, i don't mind as if can help them in the future. My parents were told I had very little chance of survival when i was born premature, im still around, wont say how old I am but the wrong side of 50.
Hope you find this interesting PLEASE if you have anything you are not sure of go to your'e doctor as soon as possible, I had loads of floaters for months before the detached retina.
Been having issues with my left eye and went to eye doctor so now I on waiting list for retina specialist two hours away from my hometown
Hope things go ok!
I suffer with a retinal detachment. I end up getting the scleral Buckle surgery. Everything that was mentioned in this video in terms of the scleral Buckle was facts. It has now been six months since my surgery. Eye has healed pretty well but the vision sucks.
Sorry to hear that Jay. I hope things correct well for you. Do you feel the buckle at all?
@@DoctorEyeHealth thanks Doc! I don't feel it like I used to but sometimes laying certain ways I can actually see a glimpse of it and feel it.
I just went for my 2 month checkup yesterday for the same thing. Vision isn't very good. Doctor told me to come back in 4 months. He said it should get better. Now you got me worried. At times I feel the buckle and can see some impression behind the field of vision.
I'm sorry for that. I had RD with silicone oil. 3 months now... vision has improved since the macular was off and I was blind in the eye at is not as good as previously it's much blurred but my doc says if the iol and silicone is exchanged I'll have better vision
When I was a child, we were at a restaurant with my grandparents and my pap was telling my dad how he kept seeing flashes of light. My dad is a tech in ophthalmology and explained to him what it could be. He called the on call doctor and we swiftly left dinner and my pap was operated on that night.
How'd it go
@@dantedlane2 their attempt was successful because my pap didn’t have issues after that. I was pretty young, but I don’t remember any problems he had after that.
Your videos have very good production quality and the camera you use is really impressive! The video is so clear!
This is my favourite eye channel!
Thanks so much for making this! As a patient, it puts me at ease actually knowing what’s going on in there. Is it possible to still experience curtaining and flashes after treatment? I just recently had laser treatment and I’m fearful it may not have been effective.
Curtain flashes disappear after operation
I just had a buckle treatment done yesterday. I was a bit late and the retina had detached quite a bit. I'm seeing like a dark triangle sort of shape at the top of that eye. Did anyone else get anything like that. Great videos dude wish you were my eye doctor.
thanks, you encouraged me to go have my eyes checked out
same i’ve been scared for a few weeks now i have an eye doctor appointment soon and i can’t wait to fix my issues
@@CarsonsTrap how is everything now?
I just a surgery for rectna detachment 2 days ago, my symptoms started with floaters on my right eye, when I took it in ,I was told it was normal with aging. 2 weeks after that my right eye was almost blind. Now I'm waiting to see how the went.
I found out that I have tears in my retina recently! Always wondered why I saw so many floaters and my friends with perfect eyes though I was crazy when I was trying to explain to them what they were lol
How u cure plss tell me?
how r u now?
@@wonpilspinksweater_standay6211 how are u now?
Doctor looks soooo young thank you for sharing ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thanks for the real photo no one else does that
My sister is actually going through the diagnosis process choosing which surgery to go with. It's been a nightmare for her definitely and for the entire family. Thank you for the informative video.
Can flushing your eyes or eye for a few minutes or all the time lead to sights of retinal detachment? Can flushing your eye all the time or for lead to rental detachment? Is light glowing a flashing light? That’s a sight of retinal detachment. Please respond to my questions. Please do.
VRA Fam here! Love the intro and animations in your video. I used to see a dot after looking at the eclipse as a kid. Havent seen the dot in over 20 years thank God. HD my eyes checked and apparetlyhave 20/21 vision. Thanks for the informative video!
Thanks for watching Tiff! Staring at the sun can result in solar retinopathy (burnt hole in the the retina). Usually doesn't recover but if it was super mild and you had it when you were young. Perhaps it did!
@@DoctorEyeHealth 👀oh my! I havent had any issues in years... hopefully it was minor and healed on its own.
I reached out to my mom and she said I did t it to myself and made me cry 😢 my doc said no there is no way they gave u cortisone, they did and I had proof, finally after being gaslighted by everyone it's getting worse and I went to an eye docter and they listened and agreed 😢
Three questions:
1) Does the laser spot welding cause you to see dark spots in that spot weld area?
2) Why does one usually get cataracts after vitreous removal or macular pucker film removal
3) If one has a macular (epiretinal) pucker in one eye, with posterior vitreous detachment also, should one just remove the macular (epiretinal) film or should one do a full vitreous removal together with the epiretinal film removal?
It's the prednisone that raises the pressure in the eye and creates cataracts. My pressure started out at 12, went to 26, and now back down to 12 off prednisone. I thin I also had problems with preservatives or something in the prednisone that was not helpful to me in my case. I'm still going through getting healed 1 1/2 year later
I underwent surgery in 2018 for retinal detachment in my left eye. I don't remember having any symptoms or even how it happened. I only found out on 2014 when I was 3rd year high school, when our school offered a routine eye check-up for students who needed glasses. My right eye could see very clearly, so I didn't suspect any problem with my left eye until that moment. By the time I saw a doctor, they told me it was already late. The best they could do was fix the tear by putting a "belt" in my left eye and suggest another surgery to improve my vision. My mom asked if my vision could be restored 100% and the doctor mentioned that they couldn't, but I might be able to read letters about the size of a playing card. I was young and confused at the time, so I decided not to go through with that surgery.
Right now, it’s almost as if I’m blind when looking straight ahead because the damage is directly at the back of the eye. However, I still have peripheral vision.
Now, I'm considering having the surgery since I'm still young but I'm hoping that my vision after the surgery can still be improved. But can't quite decide yet.
Any help with being born with nerve damage in left eye? Greatly appreciated😅
Can you do a video on eye conditions caused by non-eye related illnesses? I am 44 years old now, but in 2018, I contracted Hand Foot and Mouth disease (Coxsackie Virus). One week later, I woke up and noticed a football shaped gray blind spot (for visual reference: large enough to cover my hand with my arm fully extended) nearly in the center of my vision of my right eye. I immediately made an appointment with an ophthalmologist who referred me to a retinologist. The results were that I had a Central Serous Retinopathy (CSR). In some rare situations, viral infections can cause CSR which is a blister on the retina. I used glaucoma drops for about 6 months and the CSR completely shrank and flattened. I regained vision, but with some dimness and slight distortion remaining. Also, my eye dominance switched to my left eye. I hardly notice it at all now unless I close my left eye. There is a cool study you can google specifically about Coxackie Virus causing CSR. My ophthalmologist does retinal scans of my eye at each exam just to keep an "eye" on my retinal condition.
So I have floaters and kinda experience some of the symptoms, I asked my eye doctor during a new eye test and he said floaters and some things I experience are common. this was my 3rd eye test after a year and my eye sight have been improving lately but these floaters irritates me.
Same thing with me as well they said avoid it but it's very annoying😫
try omega-3! i have horrible floaters, but i’m also vegetarian. omega-3 is amazing for eye health, and can only be found in fatty fish. so try taking fish oils and a multivitamin in the morning, it completely cleared my vision up! ❤️
@@saffronkelton9516 how multivitamin ?
Nagina Naeem you can either take multiple vitamin supplements for things you lack, such as VITAMIN A,B,C,D etc. or, some pharmacies or health shops have multi vitamin tablets which include all of these in one capsule. hope this helps! :)
@@saffronkelton9516 thanks for reply.... What do for eye flashes ????
My son called this evening from the ER, possibly retina detachment, he said had headache then a lot of floaters appeared, then eye got blurry. He just phoned me, sending him home & an eye doctor coming in from Indianapolis on a Sunday morning at 10am to exam him, I’ll drive him in just in case he’ll get emergency surgery. He’s 52. I sure don’t want him going blind.
What happpend
i thought i had that shadowy symptom you described in the beginning. then i realised that its just my eyebrows
cosmo 😂👍anxiety be hitting like that
Thanks for this video! It's very informational.
This doctor’s communication is excellent! Wow! I had a vitrectomy, gas bubble, and laser 7 weeks ago. Still experiencing off/on shimmers of light throughout the day. Doctor doesn’t have an answer...hopefully it will go away. Also, now I have a cataract and macular pucker from the surgery. So, two more surgeries are in my future. It’s a long road.
Yea i can feel.your pain
Hi, You omitted saying one cause was the shape of the back of the eye. I wore glasses ranging from minus 8 to minus 11 for 40 years. I was warned by various opticians that because of the shape of the back of my eyes there was tension on the retinas. 1n 2017 I had a detachment in my right eye while on holidays in Israel. I had a bubble inserted (as soon as I got home) and spent the next week head down. The retina was saved and I have 20 20 vision One year later I had the lens in both eyes replaced (as a result of the retina surgery a cataract grew and to have both eyes function to together my surgeon prescribed lens replacement for both).
2 months after the lens replacement in my left eye I had a detachment in the left eye.....flashing lights like a new moon. Lots of fear but no pain! This detachment was at the top of the back of the eye so I had to keep my head looking forward to keep the bubble in the right position this time. Unfortunately when I fell asleep one night my head fell to the side and the bubble moved. The surgeon injected into my eye to remove some of the bubble and I still have 20 20 vision in both eyes. However the lens in my right eye is for long distances and the right eye short distances Glasses readjust This year there has been a growth of skin over the lens in the right eye that within 2 weeks reduced my sight so much that driving became impossible. However, yag laser treatment cleared that up and again 20 20 vision. Unfortunately, there seems to be some skin pressing on the left lens now and I probably will need yag laser treatment next year. Meanwhile the pressure in both eyes have fluctuated from the lowest of 15 to 24 everything the pressure is taken and I have been prescribed drops to help with that. I do not have diabetes but until July 24 eat alot of sugar.........sodas, sweets, sugary tea etc. Personally I think that is the cause of my fluctuating pressure (glaucoma) On my last 2 visits to my retinal surgeon and glaucoma consultant the pressure was 15 and 20 (Aug 24) In November 24 the pressure was 10 and 12 My retina consultant is putting it down to the drops but I have reduced my sugar intake by about 90%. I'm hoping that is the cause.
At the end of the day. I won't be donating my eyes after my death, there're wore out, no one will want them!
My ophthalmologist diagnosed me with lattice degeneration, which puts me at higher risk for retinal detachment. My dad and uncle have both had detached retinas. Hopefully it skips a generation!!!
I'd love to see a video about lattice degeneration, as approximately 8% of the population has this condition, so it's pretty common!
Yes, me too re the lattice degeneration - I have it in my other eye and my retinal surgeon wants to go in and “spot welding” with lasers to hopefully prevent retinal detachment in that eye.
@@ringnc did you have the procedure done? How did it go?
@@user-up4zi1do6p yes I did, and so far I’ve had no further issues 👍🏼😃
@@ringnc thank you.
I noticed floating things in my eyes that were flashing last week, so I researched about them and found them as floaters, but then I found out it was a common symptom of retinal detachment. I just experienced it again just now and came to this video, I was crying because I knew there was possibility of me having it. I don't wanna burden my family by telling them this but I also know that's not the right thing to do. Wish me good thanks.
Hey are you okay now? Actually I'm also sieng many floaters but only when I am outside like in day time..I was also sieng many flashes of lights but they are decreased you noticed any other symptom?
@@kiddokrow I'm Ok now, thanks for asking. I got glasses 2 weeks ago and stopped seeing them altogether.
@@ignultimate9162 oh..nice to hear that you stopped seeing them..
@@kiddokrow Thank you, hope you be well too.
@@ignultimate9162 ty 🥰
Man your videos are awesome.
Let me share my badluck story here. When I was 2, I was operated for cataract in both eye. They did not put any lens so I was wearing bulky specs and I think with +11 number which kept on decreasing till age of 20 it was around +5. I went to see if I can get a laser to remove specs but doctor denied so I opted for permanent lens. I was opted but for my right eye PCIOL did not fit somehow so they used ACIOL lens which had some residue left and again same needs to be operated within next 3 days to remove did only use some eye drops while trying to remove in surgery and I was crying in pain during surgery.
After that surgery my both eye were good and had 6/6 vision but after 3 years my right eye I did see some blind spot, I went to eye doctor, he could not elaborate the same and said everything is fine and after 2 days my retina got detached.
I was operated with buckel and silicon gel was put. I delayed in removal of silicon gel due to my exams which developed squint.
Than I got operted for squint, while surgery I think buckel did create some issue for doctor and now after 3 years my cornea is decompensated and doctors are saying that if even they do a cornea transplant, they are not sure if it will adjust for me, there might be chance that again it starts decompensating or my can become tiny.
For now I am using contact lens to hide while in office as if I don't,confidence is really low.
My left eye also developed many floaters, when I shared with doctor, left eye has a lasered lattice
What is your opinion, should I go for transplant and can buckel create issue during transplant. Also can use of soft contact lens harm it further.
I will be waiting for your revert here with kind of knowledge you have. Thanks if you do read this.
Doctor Eye health, I HAve been diagnosed with psedoxfoliation syndrome. If possible down the road If you could do a video on that it would be helpful. It is degenerative but I wonder if there is anything that can be done to help delay the damage caused. I am taking preservision eye vitamins and eating a lot of carrots and watching my cholesterol. Enjoy your videos which are always so helpful. Thank you.
I had 3 retina tears. Today I went to the hospital & they did Lazer treatment. The moment I realized I had a big floater & saw an arc of light on my peripheral vision I knew I better tell my Dr.
Finally got rid of my pink eye 🥳🥳