I thought I had commented earlier, but I don't see it now. I have been scouting a bachelor group out back trying to track down a pattern for the hunt we have next month. I have it figured already and want to investigate it a little further and see where they are entering our property, but its really about being enamored with whitetails and just loving to watch them.
We scout off roads with spotlights all summer around our house because our neighbors woods is like walking through a park around October. They have no cover. So October and November they are in our foodplots and thick timber. Neighbors are finally starting 2 notice it and asking me why. I don't tell them anything. They should be hearing the chainsaws making the timber getting winter brouse. To me that timber brouse is as important if not more then foodplots. Bucks in velvet hate our woods because its thick. We have travel routes but they perfer the clearer woods in the summer. They did start foodplots now but 1 is using only winter rye broudcasted in there picked corn or beans. The other neighbor has a small brassica plot that gets eaten out. We have fenced off beans that in the open spots gets brassica threw in them the end of July and winter rye broadcasted through the rest in mid August. Also clover around all our ag fields and 2 top off the list 3 pure brassica plots. Works amazing but allot of work but going out all winter long seeing big bucks is all worth it. When we started all this my son was 14 helping dig 150 gallon waterholes with plastic water tubes and hinging and cutting down all them trees complaining the whole time. Every year doing more. He's 16 now and glad we did it. Wonders y his friends shoot such small bucks. I did this all because back then he was watching growing deer tv with grant and i told him we have good woods and hunting. He said once we can put one on the wall every year we don't have good hunting and not doing stuff right. We finally did it but the work never stops. U taught me allot. Im not a fan og growing deer tv.
I thought I had commented earlier, but I don't see it now. I have been scouting a bachelor group out back trying to track down a pattern for the hunt we have next month. I have it figured already and want to investigate it a little further and see where they are entering our property, but its really about being enamored with whitetails and just loving to watch them.
For sure always fun to watch.
We scout off roads with spotlights all summer around our house because our neighbors woods is like walking through a park around October. They have no cover. So October and November they are in our foodplots and thick timber. Neighbors are finally starting 2 notice it and asking me why. I don't tell them anything. They should be hearing the chainsaws making the timber getting winter brouse. To me that timber brouse is as important if not more then foodplots. Bucks in velvet hate our woods because its thick. We have travel routes but they perfer the clearer woods in the summer. They did start foodplots now but 1 is using only winter rye broudcasted in there picked corn or beans. The other neighbor has a small brassica plot that gets eaten out. We have fenced off beans that in the open spots gets brassica threw in them the end of July and winter rye broadcasted through the rest in mid August. Also clover around all our ag fields and 2 top off the list 3 pure brassica plots. Works amazing but allot of work but going out all winter long seeing big bucks is all worth it. When we started all this my son was 14 helping dig 150 gallon waterholes with plastic water tubes and hinging and cutting down all them trees complaining the whole time. Every year doing more. He's 16 now and glad we did it. Wonders y his friends shoot such small bucks. I did this all because back then he was watching growing deer tv with grant and i told him we have good woods and hunting. He said once we can put one on the wall every year we don't have good hunting and not doing stuff right. We finally did it but the work never stops. U taught me allot. Im not a fan og growing deer tv.
Awesome glad it’s all working out